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Maria Julia Serafim da Silva
Date/Time: 2007/05/07 16H45
Concerning the issue of the process said:
Maria Julia S. da Silva.
Upon being asked, she states that she is a cleaner and has been
working as such for around 13 years with the company 'THE OCEAN
CLUB'. Her two daughters, FM and DI work with her in the same
Regarding her job, she points out that she is the person who is
responsible for cleaning Block 5, more specifically apartments
A, B, C, D, H, I, K, L, M and P, and also states that when the
child disappeared only apartments A, B, D, G, H and K were
occupied. She declares that she is the only employee who cleans
these apartments, and has help when new customers arrive or
leave. When preparing apartment A, where the Mc Cann family were
to be installed, she says that she carried out the preparations
with the help of her colleague DNA, on Saturday the 28th. She
remembers that when preparing this apartment, she had just been
notified that the apartment was to be occupied by 5 (five)
people; she was unaware of children in the group. However, at
the exact moment when she and her colleague DTNA were preparing
the room, personnel from the company MARK WARNER entered the
apartment and proceeded to place two children's beds. It was at
this moment that they learned that children would be sleeping in
the apartment.
When questioned, she declares that the fact a third company
placed the children's beds inside the apartment is common. Also,
she says that when the reservation of the apartments is in the
hands of the MARK WARNER travel agency, it is this company that
is responsible for placing the beds. On the other hand, when
other travel agencies are involved, placing the children's beds
is carried out by 'THE OCEAN CLUB' company itself.
With respect to her activities performed directly in the
apartment, she declares that the last time she entered the
apartment was on the Wednesday prior to the events, specifically
on the 2nd of May, when she cleaned the apartment. When
questioned, she declares that as opposed to what is established,
on Thursday the 3rd and due to other chores, she did not have
time to collect the garbage bags.
She remembers that when she entered Apartment A on the
Wednesday, the parents were inside. After being duly authorized,
she entered and carried out her work, because they were already
on their way out. While she was in the apartment, there were no
children there, and she supposed that they were in the creche.
While performing her work, she remembers having noticed that the
couple was sleeping in the room located opposite the entrance,
where she confirmed the presence of a child's bed (crib). The
room gives onto an outdoor garden by means of a terrace, as it
is on the ground floor,. In the room next to the entrance to the
apartment there was a bed placed next to the wall (where she
supposed the missing child slept), and also the second child's
bed (crib). All these beds were untidy at the time, meaning that
they had been used. She also declares that in the room next to
the entrance was another bed that had not been used.
On the following Friday, the day after the child disappeared,
she states that due to police formalities, she did not clean
apartment A.
When questioned, she declares that on the days prior to the
events, she did not notice any strange element/object in the
apartments she entered to clean that could have caught her
attention and that could have been directly related to the
Likewise, she declares that she did not notice any
element/person behaving in a strange manner.
Finally, she declares that her work schedule begins at 1000
hours and ends at 1800 hours, after which time she returns to
Lagos where she lives.
She has nothing further to say. After reading the document and
finding it to be satisfactory, she signs it.
Cleaner 5a....
Maria Julia S da Silva
. This document is read, reviewed and found in conformity, and
will be duly signed by me, Tony Almedia, an Inspector with this
Policia Judiciaria.