OFFICIAL INQUIRY FILES and DOCUMENTS External Inquiry Municipal Aerodrome Portimao |
This information belongs to the Ministério Público in
Portimão, Portugal. It was released to the public on
4 August 2008 in accordance with Portuguese Law |
521 to 533 External
diligence re municipal
aerodrome of Portimao
534 to 538 Analysis of CCTV
images from Albufeira marina |
08-02-Aircraft: Outro Apensos vol 2 Apenso VIII 521 to 538 |
Pages 521 to 533
External Inquiry
Place: Municipal
Aerodrome Portimao
Date: 2007.06.13
Requested by: G. Amaral
Executing Officers: Inspectors Ramos and Dordonnat
Description and Result of Inquiry
On this date we went to the Municipal Aerodrome in Portimao with
the aim of collecting information
related to the air traffic in that space between the days 25 ?
04- 2007 and 05-05-2007 as well as locating and collecting
flight plans between the dates 0321000MAI07 and 042100MAI 07.
Together with the operators and consulting the lists relating to
the period in question there is only one register of plane not
familiar to the employees, which has the registration number D ?
This plane landed in Portimao on 28 ? 04 ? 2007 at approximately
16.53 coming from LFBL (code corresponding to Limoges, in
France) and left on 06-05-2007 at about 09.47 headed for the
place of provenance.
Its is recorded that the pilot is A**** S***** and a passenger
who was not identified by the security office at the aerodrome.
Information was gathered showing that the individual in
question, although not a frequent visitor, would sometimes
travel to Portimao, in the company of his wife, as he has a
holiday home
in this area, it is not known exactly where.
It is stated that the Lagos aerodrome is functioning but given
that it is not certified there is no register of planes or
passengers, a similar situations in other of these installations
and it was established that the only registers kept are those at
the Portimao and Tires aerodromes.
With regard to radar location, in the case of not having
transponder links with the craft, this is not detected, however
in the case of international flights
where the crossing of air space involves more than one country,
in principle this situation is not checked,
as the planes are detected by radar and the location is
transmitted to the central coordinator located in Faro.
A list of users from 03 and 04 May 2007 is attached. The runway
is not authorised for use from 20.00 onwards and there is no
register of any abnormal situation, there is 24 hour vigilance
of air space.
Annexes: |
Outros Apensos vol 2 Apenso VIII pages 522-523. |
02_volume_II_o_apenso_VIII_521 |
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OK, I have interpreted the diligence of 13 June re: the air
traffic information. The following is my personal opinion.
On the face of it, and based solely on the reading of that one
report, it would appear that any holes one might have perceived
from the notes on the maritime work are magnified multiple times
over when it comes to air traffic - BUT - there are three points
of context that one must bear in mind:
1 - this diligence was only in respect of civilian,
non-international-carrier traffic.
2 - all flights over Europe have to register a flight plan and
have to fly with identification instruments active.
3 - non-civilian monitoring of the European airspace far exceeds
anything done by civilians.
In 1 and 3 above, we have no information in the DVD documents
about work done with international carriers and non-civilian
agencies. This applies to all types of flight: passenger,
freight and other.
In 2 above, this diligence (and here I am reading between the
lines) appeared to be a meeting of representatives from the
larger civilian operators along the south coast of Portugal in
an attempt to confirm what, if any, additional information they
might have had for non-international-carrier flights to and from
their airstrips.
Essentially, any aerodrome, e.g. Lagos - which is named in the
report - that is not 'certified' as being a part of the
international network of airports (e.g. viz:
) is not legally required to maintain any supplementary records
or logs of either aircraft or passenger manifests.
In this meeting only Portimao and Tires were found to have
maintained any supplementary records. It was also noted that no
flights were permitted from the Portimao runway after 20H00 and
no extraneous flights were detected on 3 and 4 May.
A final comment re: point 2 above, not only are there various
legal penalties for failing to use instruments correctly,
including fines, impounding of craft and freight, loss of
licence, etc., any craft failing to file, or deviating from a
filed flightplan, and found to be attempting to fly 'invisibly'
in European airspace, runs the risk of being 'met' by a
non-civilian agency. An unsatisfactory response to such a
meeting could, in a worst-case scenario, result in a newspaper
report about there having been an accident due to 'pilot error'. |
Page 524 is a list of flights that do not need
translating |
02_volume_II_o_apenso_VIII_524 |
Pages 525-526 missing |
02_volume_II_o_apenso_VIII_525 |
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Page 527
you may find this report interesting:
As for the flight plan page, not everything fits the AFPEx
guide-screens exactly, nor CAP694, but that is probably because
it is a post-filing acknowledgement report as opposed to an
actual on-line filing.
(Priority=FF=standard; Address=Faro)
(file-day-time=DDHHMM; originator=Bretigny-sur-Onge)
(Acknowledgement of flight plan; filed on day-time: DDHHMM;
origin date-time: YYMMDDHHMM)
(I think this means there is only one plan)
-IFPLID BB73451562
(flightplan ID)
(MessageText: type=flightplan - planeid=FHJCM - flight type=G
(plane type=BE9L/wake turbulence=L (light)
(-COM/NAV/APP equipt=SY i.e. Std VHF RTF,ADF,VOR,ILS+mandatory
radio w/8.33kHz spacing
(/SSR=S Transponder ModeS+pressure altitude)
(departfrom=LPPM (Portimao);time=1700)
(cruise speed=0220knots;cruise level=VFR; Over SOTEX waypoint:
cruise speed=0220knots;altitude=F160;
(route: change to IFR [mandatory in EU airspace]; ATS route W7
(Destination=LPCO (Coimbra); EET=0100 (expected flight time one
hour); Alternate=LPPR (Porto))
(expected to cross SOTEX waypoint after 15 minutes;
Operator/Private; Date of flight/2007-04-28; Origin/Faro)
The plan was addressed to Faro by an operator in France about a
flight due to leave Portimao 2 hours later on 28 April.
Faro acknowledged the plan in which the plane would fly to a
waypoint called SOTEX, follow a pre-defined route known as W7
over a waypoint called MAGUM, then on to a waypoint called FTM
after which it will exit the flight channel to land in Coimbra.
According to this document ( http://www.ivaopt.org/realops/traffic
) the SOTEX/FTM is a southbound flight channel; I would have
thought that he should have gone up via Troia/MTL.
ATS routes:
The only waypoint on W7 is MAGUM
Some airport data
How it got from Coimbra to Braga would be the subject of one or
more other flight plans not on the DVD, and irrelevant to the
case. We only know about this plane because it flew to Portimao
on 3 or 4 May - and that is really the only 'fact' that we know
about it. The above plan was filed but that doesn't mean that
the flight actually happened. |
02_volume_II_o_apenso_VIII_527 |
Pages 528 to 533 are additional flight schedules that do not
need translation |
02_volume_II_o_apenso_VIII_528 |
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02_volume_II_o_apenso_VIII_531 |
02_volume_II_o_apenso_VIII_532 |
02_volume_II_o_apenso_VIII_533 |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol II Pages 534 to 538 |
Pages 534, 535
Closing off the volume are pages which talk about
video material from the port of Albufeira being on two
video disks. |
Policia Judiciaria
Report on
Visualisation and Analysis of Audiovisual Material
On this date I state for the process files that video
images from security cameras were visualised and
analysed from the Albufeira Marina, stored in electronic
format on hard disks identified as Disk 1 and Disk 2,
referring to the following periods of time:
- Disk 1: period of time between 03.19 on 3rd May 2007
and 23.59 on the 9th May 2007.
- Disk 2: period of time between 23.59 on 9th May 2007
and 23.59 on 12th May 2007.
Nothing of interest to the investigation was found from
the visualisation and analysis of these video images.
Page 535
Ministry of National Marine Defence
National Maritime Authority
Portimão Local Maritime Police Command
Date: 24th May 2007
Disappearance of Girl.
Collection of
Security Camera Images Albufeira Marina
To. Portimão PJ DIC
Within the scope of the investigations related to the
case mentioned above a copy of the information and
notification made by the Portimão Maritime Police is
The Commander
Pages 536 and 537 missing |
Page 538
Albufeira Marina Video
Starts: Vpd Intellex MM 2007 - 05-10-06-59-00
Ends: Vpd Intellex MM 2007-05-13-06-46-34
Albufeira Marina Video
Starts: Vpd Intellex MM 2007-05-06-03-20-10
Ends Vpd Intellex MM 2007-05-10-06-47-47 |
02_volume_II_o_apenso_VIII_538 |