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To: The
Family Court, Comarca, Portimao
Judge Dos Santos FrÃas
From PT Comunications
Case: 201-07.0 GALGS
Your communication of 2007-10-17
Date: 2007-10-22
Subject: Request in Reference
Esteemed Judge,
In response to the letter mentioned above, to which we have our
best attention, we inform you that we are enclosing the detailed
listing for the period in question.
Telephone: 282762809
Account: 1088858178
Beginning on: 2006-01-09
GNR- Brigade number 3
Av Dr Barahona
7000510 Evora
Telephone: 282771000
Account: 1082862307
Beginning on : 2004-01-28
Ending on: 2007-04-15
Luz Ocean II - Exploracao turistica Lda
R Direita 44
Telephone: 282771000
Account: 1002072647
Beginning on: 2007-04-16
R. Direita 44
The search for the detail of this number was done on the main
telephone number, which is a DDI with 100 extensions and
therefore only the communications made via operator appear as
number 282771000, all the others are on the main number 2827710.
As regards the missing information, the register of calls
received, this will be sent as soon as it is made available by
our technical services, from whom we have requested this with
maximum urgency.
With best compliments
M. Pereira
Legal Office
PT Communications |