1-2-Certification |
cr1_1 |
cr1_2 |
3 to 6-Service information
re anonymous call from
Eindhoven to McCann's |
cr1_3 |
cr1_4 |
cr1_5 |
cr1_6 |
7 to 17-Anonymous email to
Gerry McCann |
cr1_7 |
cr1_8 |
cr1_9 |
cr1_10 |
cr1_11 |
cr1_12 |
cr1_13 |
cr1_14 |
cr1_15 |
cr1_16 |
cr1_17 |
18 to 26-Tribunal
documentation re anonymous
email |
cr1_18 |
cr1_19 |
cr1_20 |
cr1_21 |
cr1_22 |
cr1_23 |
cr1_24 |
cr1_25 |
cr1_26 |
27-Rogatory letter to
Eindhoven 2007.06.21 |
cr1_27 |
28-Tribunal documentation |
cr1_28 |
29 to 31-Information re
Dutch translation of rogatory letter |
cr1_29 |
cr1_30 |
cr1_31 |
32- Cover letter re rogatory
document |
cr1_32 |
33 to 37-Rogatory letter to
Eindhoven |
cr1_33 |
cr1_34 |
cr1_35 |
cr1_36 |
cr1_37 |
38 to 43-Pages 33 to 37
translated into Dutch |
cr1_38 |
cr1_39 |
cr1_40 |
cr1_41 |
cr1_42 |
cr1_43 |
44 to 45-Interpreter
invoices |
cr1_44 |
cr1_45 |
46 to 52-Copy of pages 38 to
43 |
cr1_46 |
cr1_47 |
cr1_48 |
cr1_49 |
cr1_50 |
cr1_51 |
cr1_52 |
53 to 57-Faxes |
cr1_53 |
cr1_54 |
cr1_55 |
cr1_56 |
cr1_57 |
58-Email regarding Swiss
abduction by Urs Hans Von
Aesch |
cr1_58 |
59 to 60-Interpol
documentation re Urs Hans
Von Aesch |
cr1_59 |
cr1_60 |
61-69 Interpol letter and
documents notifying of
Hans Von Aesch's suicide |
cr1_61 |
cr1_62 |
cr1_63 |
cr1_64 |
cr1_65 |
cr1_66 |
cr1_67 |
cr1_68 |
cr1_69 |