Tennis Coach |
694 to 696 Witness statement
of Daniel James Stuk
2007.05.08 |
03 page 694 to 696 |
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examination of witnesses
Date diligence: 2007/05/08
Time: 18:30 Location: Praia da Luz
Official Witness Questioning
Date of activity: 2007/05/08 Hour:
18H30 Locale: Praia da Luz
Executing Official: Maria Jos?
Ratnos, Inspectora
Birthplace: Grimsby - N.E
Lincolnshire Country : UK
Nationality: British Date of birth:
Residence: Praia da Luz
Post Code: Telephone:
Marital status: Profession: Tennis
Work location: Mark Warner The Ocean
Club Praia da Luz
Telephone: Fax:
Identity document: verbal
identification Issued on by
in these case documents as a
Due to
the witness being British and not
having mastered the Portuguese
language, the present declarations
are taken in the presence of RJQE
Murat, a translator named in the
official record.
He is a
functionary of [employed by] the
tourist operator Mark Warner,
working as a tennis instructor in
the precinct of the Ocean Club
he relates that he usually works
from 09:00 to 19:30 and has his
day-off on Saturday.
the deponent relates that the only
tennis instructors of Mark Warner
are himself and his colleague called
deponent started to work in
Portugal, in the indicated functions
and place, on 23 March last, having
concluded a contract with Mark
Warner in England with those
Questioned, he relates that he knew
the McCann family as part of his
work, since he gave them tennis
lessons, as a couple, parents of the
missing Madeleine, as well as the
other couples who accompanied them.
reports that the group iniciated
contact with the tennis instructors
on the 29 April, the day immediately
after their arrival at the Ocean
colleague Georgina has the calendar
of classes given by her and by him
to the McCann couple.
relates that a first lesson of
instruction was done in the morning
of 29 April, it being that, on that
day, they had no more lessons.
On the
following days the parents of
Madeleine, whom the deponent
identified as Gerry and Kate McCann,
scheduled 16 tennis classes,
together and/or separately, at
different times of the morning or
afternoon, classes that were
conducted by either him or by
Georgina depending on their booking
Questioned about the class times of
G&K McCann on last Thursday, 3 May,
he related that the mother of MBM
had a group class at 09-10h00
conducted by Georgina; the father
had a group class at 10-11h00
conducted by him.
at 15-15h45, the couple had a
private class, together, conducted
by him - and finally, GM
participated in the men's social
tennis event at 18-19h00.
Questioned about whether, yesterday,
he had conducted tennis lessons for
an individual called Jeremy Wilkins,
who was commonly known as Jez, the
deponent relates that that
individual booked, and attended,
some tennis lessons and that all of
those had been given by him.
relates that, as they had group
lessons together GM and Jez had had
some conversations, but he thinks
that it is only because they shared
some classes and that those
[conversations] will not have given
rise to a firm friendship, but
rather to a simple acquaintanceship
due to which they would have
conversed when they met each other.
Questioned about the couple and
their behaviour, both between the
family and with the other group
members, the deponent relates that
he never noted any issue between
them, and that the behaviour of
everyone was like any other group of
tourists that take their holidays in
the resort every day.
never appeared any problem between
them and other people. It being
asked of him, the deponent relates
that the McCann couple and the
remaining group members had often
been together, not always all of
them, but the majority of the people
were sociable with each other.
relates that they spent most of the
day within the OC resort, in the
pool, also they went to the beach
but they did not use any of the OC
activities there, and they centred
their attention on the developed
activities of the resort, it being
that the couple preferred,
unquestionably, tennis.
four couples had children who were,
for part of the day, under the care
of the child care workers of the
Ocean Club.
Questioned, he relates that he does
not know where the group took their
meals or under what circumstances.
if at some time he was aware of the
presence of some individual who had
watched the group, whether the
adults or the children, he relates
that no, he never had the perception
of any situation that aroused his
curiosity and that everyone acted
normally just like any group of
friends on holiday.
it was asked of him, he relates that
he knew about the disappearance of
little MBM that same night, about
22h20, because he was contacted by a
resort worker having attended and
participated in the searches.
Prompted, he affirms that he has no
further useful information that
might help in locating MBM or that
may have led to the disappearance. |
737 to 738 External
diligence carried out in
Ocean Club with tennis
instructors 2007.05.08 |
03-Processo 3 Pages 737 to 738 |
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Activity Report
Date: 2007/05/08 Locale: Lagos and
Praia da Luz
Executing official: Maria Jose
Rainos e Pedro Varanda, Inspectors
Activity description and result:
According to what was reported in
the preceding I.S. (Service
Information docket), there were
tennis coaches who gave tennis
lessons at the Ocean Club resort,
those being Luis Machado -
contactable by mobile phone at
934***329 and Vasco Portas.
Contacted Sr. Luis Machado, the same
made himself available to appear
before the M.P. of Lagos in order to
be questioned.
Also Sr. Vasco Portas, identified as
VASCO SALES PORTAS, was notified to
appear before this DIC, it having
resulted in his questioning, as per
the following official document
[witness statement].
----- A
team went to the abovementioned M.P.
of Lagos, where there proceeded the
formal questioning of the witness
Luis Machado, identified as LUIS
From those questions we succeeded to
determine that both Luis Machado,
and Vasco Portas, had no contact
with the McCann family or with any
member of the group of which they
were a part.
It is clear from Luis Machado that
the resort, named The Ocean Club,
receives customers of two different
tourist operators: JONATHAN MARKSON
As for the tennis coaches, in
reality the above witnesses, both
Luis Machado and Vasco Portas,
clarify that they work directly for
JONATHAN MARKSON, while the McCann
family, and their respective group,
were customers of MARK WARNER.
The witness Luis Machado relates
that he knows the tennis instructors
of MARK WARNER by the names of
GEORGINA and DANIEL, commonly known
as DAN, but he has no contact
details for them, suggesting that
the Ocean Club reception might be
bale to provide that information.
Concluding the questioning, and in
possession of the information
collected, we went to the Ocean Club
resort where we succeeded in
contacting the abovementioned
GEORGINA e DAN, since both were in
the resort area.
They were identified as GEORGINA
and were formally questioned, as per
the official dockets that follow
[succeed] this OAR [outside activity
Both had contacted the McCann fam?y
within the ambit [scope] of their
functions, namely, as their tennis
instructors, affirming that the
McCann couple was particularly
enthusiastic about the sport, such
that they had lessons each day and
several times a day.
Little Madeleine participated, as
well, in a group children's lesson.
Both the tennis instructors affirmed
that they had not observed any
situation that was strange,
different or relevant to record in
these case file documents, it being
that the whole holiday group [T9]
retained a normal comportment
[behaved normally] and in the same
manner as any other group of friends
on holiday.
----- I
post [submit] this, given the
conclusion [end of] the present
activity. |