145 to 147 Service
information regarding
Derek Flack sighting |
01-Processos Vol I Pages 145 - 146 |
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Service Information
To: Dr Goncalo Amaral, Criminal Investigation
From: Joao Carvalho, Inspector
Subject: Suspicion about the disappearance of
Madeleine Beth McCann
I hereby inform you that today at about 16.40 at the
OC block 6 apartment 6 (the operations base for this
police force in the investigation of the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann, an individual who
identified himself as Derek Flack, phone no *****
appeared before me.
He is an English citizen on holiday in Praia da Luz,
near to the tourist resort, from last week until
approximately 12th May 2007.
In view of the disappearance of Madeleine, he came
to give information about a suspicious event that he
On the 2nd or 3rd May during the day (he does not
remember exactly, but thinks it was during the
afternoon), accompanied by his wife and when he was
going to the Baptists supermarket, he observed an
individual (about 1.70 in height, dark apparently
Portuguese in appearance, with one day stubble, with
short dark hair, cut long at the back, which
extended to his shirt collar, wearing a yellow T ?
shirt) who was standing at the corner of the path
watching (this being the reason he found him
suspicious) in the direction of the apartment that
Madeleine would later disappear from.
He adds that near to where the individual was
watching, on the other side of the road, was a
parked vehicle, van type, white, with a person (he
does not remember whether the person was inside or
outside the vehicle). He cannot describe that
Because of what happened he felt he should make a
statement to the police as he felt that what he saw
was suspicious.
A sketch was drawn up at his request, identifying
the suspicious man with n? 2 and the parked car with
the other person about whom he can remember no
further details as no 1.
He is available to collaborate with the police, if
Signed Joao Carvalho, Inspector
148 to 153 External
diligence related to Flack
sighting with pictures |
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148 to 153 External diligence related to
Flack sighting with pictures
In the context of following up this lead
[PAGES 145-147], under the guise of this
investigation, at 3pm, we made contact with
various people living in the area
surrounding the place where this lead
starts, to check if the witness is mistaken
or if the details come to agree with what he
says in the context of Madeleine McCann's
The object of this further action is the
possible collection of new details which
could help to clarify evidence gathered from
the witness statement of a British citizen
on holiday about 300 metres from the place
from which the small child disappeared (more
specifically Rua da Ramalhete, Lote 1,
Apartment 7, Praia da Luz), who identified
himself as Derek F., from Ilford, Essex, UK,
[DOB and passport details given].
That individual reported a suspicious
movement close to that area by an unknown
male which, he is convinced, could be
related to the matter at hand because it
occurred so close to the location of that
event and at a time very shortly before it.
In order to clarify this situation an
interview has been booked for 6 May at 10h30
at the Policia Judiciaria station in
[There follows a photographic report of the
avenue Francisco Gentil Martins situated in
Praia da Luz alongside the Ocean Club
apartments.] |
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200 to 205 Witness statement
of Derek Flack |
to 205 |
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Witness Testimony Derek
Flack 06/05/2007 Portimao
He Comes to the case as a witness following the events
on the morning or early afternoon of 2nd or 3rd May
(last Wednesday or Thursday) which might have a bearing
on the present investigation.
--- As he does not write of speak Portuguese he is
assisted by an interpreter, G.L.C. de Jesus, at the
request of the PJ.
--- Relating to the events of the present investigation
he states that he owns a holiday home on Rua do
Ramalhete in Praia da Luz where he spends extended
holiday periods in our country together with his
long-time common-law partner of 36 years, C.M.Dale.
--- They both arrived in our country on the early
morning of 29 April 2007 having stayed at the above
--- Subsequently, on the late morning or early afternoon
of either 2nd or 3rd May, not being certain which, the
deponent and his partner were out walking in the
vicinity of their home.
--- Asked, he does not recall the exact route taken but
they went up from their home to Rua Dr. Agostinho da
Silva then down Rua Dr. Francsico Gentil Martins where
the "Ocean Club Gardens" is situated.
--- At that time as they passed the residential block he
noticed a light commercial vehicle, (in all respects the
same as an Opel Corsa Van), white in colour but dirty,
with only one side window in the 'hanging' [sliding
panel?] door, but not knowing the exact make, model or
other identifying characteristics - including the number
--- Everything considered he judged it to be an old
--- When going down the [Rua Martins] he passed an
individual standing on his left at the beginning of a
path and at the entrance of a small car park opposite
the reception of the resort.
--- At the point they passed the individual the deponent
had seen him face-on because he [the man] was facing the
opposite direction to which he [the deponent] was
walking, and appearing to be watching attentively
movements [occurring] adjacent to the parked vehicle.
--- Asked, the deponent said that he noticed the above
because he had a high instinct for vigilance
[observation, watchfulness] due to his participation
where he lived in England in a neighbourhood-watch in
which suspicious persons or movements were watched for
and detected to maintain order, unlike his partner who
detected nothing of such incidents.
--- Hence, he was aware that the man's attention was
fixed on the area in question [adjacent to the the van]
in such a way that he [the man] was unaware of the
deponent's presence.
--- Urged to describe the man, the deponent said he was
Caucasian, dark-skinned, medium stature, 1,70 to 1,75m
tall, about 25 to 35 years old.
--- Adding that the man had dark and thick hair but with
no noticeable fringe [at the front].
--- Regarding [the man's] apparel he adds that he didn't
observe this in detail, judging that [the man] wore a
plain T-shirt, possibly yellow.
--- The deponent wished to clarify that he was convinced
that the man was not one of the many tourists who
frequented that area, considering his features and
physical appearance.
--- Asked, [the deponent] said that, initially, he had
associated the man with the van because [the man] had
looked deliberately [intently?] at the area around it.
--- Notwithstanding [the above], having learned of the
disappearance of MBM on 3 May from inside one of the
resort residences mentioned above, he linked the two and
that was the reason he came forward to the police.
--- Asked to justify [elaborate further] he said that
the van was situated close to the gateway on the side of
the building [which gateway] led to to the veranda of
the apartment in question [apartment 5A].
--- Hence, one could conclude that the man was
monitoring the movements next to that gate and,
possibly, of the interior of the apartment.
--- For the rest, he adds that after having reflected
specifically on the incidents he concluded that it was
the man's deliberate focus [fixation] on the area in
which the events that gave rise to the investigation
--- Urged to reveal details about the area around the
van, the deponent could not be certain if the vehicle
was directly next to, slightly above or slightly below,
the gateway.
--- However, he was certain that it was a very short
distance from, and directly in the path of the gate.
--- Asked, aside from what he reported above, he did not
recall having seen the man before in that vicinity or
any other place, nor caught the slightest glimpse of him
since the crime that victimised the minor Madeleine.
--- The deponent is not sure if he would recognise him
again in the event that they should meet.
--- Based on the above description image likeness
[e-fit] #18/2007 is attached.
--- Finally, having been asked, he states that he
intends to return to England next Saturday, 12 May 2007. |
833 to 834 Diligence carried
out on residence of
Derek Flack and Barrington
Norton 2007.05.09 |
4-Processos Vol IV Pages 833, 834
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External Inquiry Report
Date: 2007/05/09
Location: Praia da Luz
Officer responsible: Pedro Varanda
and Rui Goncalves, Inspectors of
this Police Force
Description and result of inquiry:
---Following the investigative
inquiring undertaken with regard to
the above mentioned report, on this
date, at 10H00, a team of from this
police force composed of the
officers named above, went to the
residence of Derek Flack, situated
on Rua do R******, Lot *** -
Apartment *** - Praia da Luz, in
order to present him with photos of
Barrington Norton, consistent with
the respective identification
---The activity in question aims to
make a final determination as to
whether the latter could be the
individual who is same reported on
in the respective inquiry, referring
to his presence in the vicinity of
the apartment where the McCann
family was staying, at a time
immediately preceding or even
concurrent to the events being
---Therefore, and as a result of
having shown him these photographs,
Derek Flack states that, although
not definitely able to recognise the
individual in question (which
accordingly, will be noted in the
respective inquiry) the physical
features of Barrington Norton are in
general, similar to those of the
individual whose presence relates to
his statement in the present case;
---However, he emphasises that he is
unable to offer any formal
recognition (given that he
reiterates that he was not able to
see the detailed features of the
individual in question), the witness
would like to emphasise that the
individual he reported in the
inquiry, appeared much younger than
the above identified? Barrington
Comments and/or propositions by the
responsible officer:
Signature of the officer