367 to 369 Witness statement of Dina Maria dos Reis
Rocha 207.05.07 |
02-Processos Vol II
Pages 367 to 369 |
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Witness statement of Dina Maria dos Reis Rocha 2007.05.07
Witness statement
Dina Maria Dos Reis Rocha
Date/Time: 2007/05/07 13H00
She has worked at the Ocean Club for 16 years, exercising cleaning functions since this date.
. That this function is concentrated solely upon cleaning the apartments and living areas of the Ocean Club resort;
. That she normally begins work at around 10H00, and at about 13H00 goes to lunch at her residence and returns at around 14H00, terminating her work day at 18H00;
. That in the beginning of her work day, she is given cleaning duties by Mrs. Marina Castela, who verifies the presence of the employees and distributes the keys for the respective areas of work;
. That during the week, from Monday to Friday, she carries out cleaning in the Ocean Club resort - Waterside Village, situated close to the beach zone, but more concretely, in Blocks No. 21, 22, and 24;
. That this cleaning is done only by the deponent, and only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays;
. That on Thursdays and Saturdays and upon the check-out of clients and the eventual check-in of new ones, and for this reason, the cleaning of vacated apartments is done. In this situation, she cleans the blocks already mentioned or, when there is no cleaning to do in that area, she goes to help other colleagues in the cleaning of the apartments and living areas;
. That this distribution or personnel is decided by her supervisor;
. That she is aware of the events that occurred at the Ocean Club, referring to the disappearance of the child, and knew about the situation the next day (04/05/07), at around 10H00, when she began her normal work day. That the situation was told to her by her supervisor;
. That she was asked, along with her colleagues, that when they went to carry out their duties that they should paid special attention to anything suspicious, or that drew their attention, taking into account the situation that had occurred;
. That, as is her habit, she went to the Waterside Village, having carried out the cleaning of the rooms and apartments, corresponding to blocks number 21, 22 and 24, and that nothing out of the ordinary or different was noticed or detected;
. States that meanwhile she only possesses keys to those living quarters for three blocks. She has the idea that in block 21 she carried out cleaning in six quarters; in block 22 three quarters and in block 21, two cleanings;
. For the rest of the apartments, she does not possess any keys, nor does she carry out any cleaning in them, as these are private property, even though they are situated in the Ocean Club resort;
. That on the day of the child's disappearance, she began work at 10H00, having cleaned in Block 21 - Waterside Village until 13H00, having then gone to eat lunch at home
. At around 14H00 she resumed her work, having cleaned in block 26 - Waterside Garden, referring that the assignment was given to her by her supervisor;
. That during the 03/05/07, nothing out of the ordinary or different was observed by her nor any situation abnormal was told to her;
. That she has no knowledge or information to give regarding the disappearance of the child, is unaware of any detail or circumstance in which it occurred;
.And nothing further was said. She has read the statement, finds it in conformity and signs it;
. The document is duly signed by me, Helder Carmo, an Inspector with this Policia Judiciaria.