2186 to 2188 Dog
inspection report of cars searched in subterranean garage |
08-Processo Volume 8 pages 2186
to 2188 |
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Dog inspection report of cars
searched in subterranean
Canine Inspection Report
Date 6 and 7 August 2007
Place Underground parking area of 1st of May Square, Portimao.
Participants: three PJ officers; two UK police experts; Eddy and
Keela, the English Springer
On 6 August 2007, at 15h17, a canine inspection was performed in
the following motor cars, this
being done on level -4 of the above-mentioned underground car
[list of cars: Opel Corsa; Fiat Punto; Peugeot 205; Renault
Scenic; Skodia Fabia; VW Transporter;
Nissan Patrol; VW Passat; Audi A4; Renault Kangoo.]
Thus, at the hour indicated the work began, with the dog Eddy,
that detects cadaver odour,
examining the whole level of the underground car park where the
vehicles were parked, it having
been verified the following result:
15h27 - the dog 'marked' car number 4 - Renault Scenic - rental
vehicle currently used by Gerry
and Kate McCann.
Thus, the Renault Scenic vehicle was moved to parking level -3
and subjected to an expert
examination by officers from the Police Science Laboratory and
another canine inspection that
began at 03h49 on 7 August 2007 by the dog Keela, that detects
traces of human blood, it having
been verified the following result:
03h53 - the dog 'marked' an area of the lower right-hand side of
the interior part of the baggage
compartment of the car;
04h11 - the dog 'marked' the 'tidy' compartment [map/glove
pocket] on the side of the driver's door,
which was found to contain the car key, the plastic electronic
card type, with a key-ring of the
Budget rental company.
In order to confirm that the dog had effectively 'marked' the
car key, that was found in the
map/glove pocket on the side of the driver's door, at 04h13,
that key was retrieved from the car
and concealed in a place far distant from the vehicle on parking
level -3 of the underground car
At 04h14, it was verified that the dog 'marked' the area of a
sandbox [bucket of sand] of the Fire
System where the car key had been concealed beneath the sand.
At 04h50, a new inspection was performed by Eddy on the parking
level -4 where the above car
key was concealed in an area far distant from the vehicle.
At 04h51, it was verified that the dog 'marked' the area of a
sandbox [bucket of sand] of the Fire
System where the car key had been concealed beneath the sand.
... the present document has been duly signed: |
2189 Results of
Eddie's search in
zones near apartment 5A |
Vol VIII Page 2189 |
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7th August
2007. 18.30 PM
Sniffer Dog Report
Location: Areas surrounding Rua da Figueira and Rua Rosmaninho
(area close to apartment 5 A in the Ocean Club) Praia da Luz,
1. PJ - Ricardo Paiva
2. UK Mark Harrison
3. UK Martin Grime, UK Forensic Canine P SM Expert
4. Eddy - English Springer
The entire activity was filmed.
On this date at 18.30 sniffer dog inspections were carried out
in the areas mentioned above, using the sniffer dog Eddy, who
detects cadaver odour and it was observed that in these areas,
the dog did not signal anything.
Signed. |
Results of
Eddie's search in 5A
2007.08.03 |
08 Processos Vol VIII Page 2190 |
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3rd August 2007. 17.17 PM
Inspection by Sniffer Dog
Location: Apartment 5 A in the Ocean
Club) Praia da Luz, Lagos
1. PJ - Ricardo Paiva
2. UK Mark Harrison
3. UK Martin Grime, UK Forensic
Canine P SM Expert
4. Keela - English Springer
The entire activity was filmed and
recorded (sound).
On this date a new sniffer dog
inspection was carried out in the
apartment mentioned above, with the
help of the dog Keela who detects
human blood remains. The activity
produced the following results:
19.19 The dog "marked" an area of
tiles in the living room, next to
the window and behind the sofa.
19.20 The dog "marked" the lower
part of the left white coloured
curtain of the window behind the
Inspection of the apartments.
Eddie and Keela - what the Madeleine McCann case file says. |
Inspection of the apartments.
Date: July 31st 2007 - 8pm. Report:
PJ: Tavares A. & Ricardo P. Inspectors
UK: Mark Harrison, Martin Grime (UK Forensic Canine P SM
Eddie & Keela (English Springers)
Silvia B. Manager of the Ocean Club complex.
On that date, inspections were conducted in the apartments
occupied by members of the McCann family as well as the group
who were with them at the time of Madeleine McCann's
disappearance. It was only on that date that the apartment,
identified as that of the parents, was empty allowing further
investigation which was authorised by the respective occupants.
Thus, at the appointed time, the search with the dogs began,
covering the following apartments:
From 8.30pm to 9.20pm, the dogs go through.
8.20pm: The cadaver dog, "marks," the couple's wardrobe area in
the bedroom.
8.22pm: The cadaver dog, "marks" an area behind the sofa in the
sitting room near the window overlooking the road.
From 8.47pm to 9.20pm, the blood detecting dog goes through.
8.10 (should
it be 9.10?) The dog, "marks" an
area of floor behind the sofa in the sitting room, near the
window overlooking the road.
5B: 9.24 to 9.27pm: The cadaver dog did not alert on anything.
5D: 9.29 to 9.34pm:
The cadaver dog did not alert on anything.
5H : 9.35 to 9.38pm :
The cadaver dog did not alert on anything.
4G : 9.42 to 9.45pm :
The cadaver dog did not alert on anything.
Garden belonging to
apartment 5A (with access via the balcony and the steps):
9.49 to 10pm: The cadaver dog "marks" an area of the garden
immediately below the window.
01 ao? 2007 - 06h00
Inspection of the
surrounding areas.
Date: August 1st - 6am
After evaluation of
the area surrounding the Ocean Club tourist village, based in
Praia da Luz, taking account of the characteristic topography of
the ground and the distance from where the small child Madeleine
McCann disappeared, an inspection was carried out with the help
of dogs specialised in the detection of cadaver odour, in
various places, such as described:
1 - At 6.40am, an area
between the "Piteira" road and the "Oliveira" road, was
inspected. At 7.15am the inspection was completed with nothing
being detected by the dogs.
2 - At 7.25am, an area
adjacent to the "BEIJAFLOR" property on the "Figueira," road,
defined by the "Ramalhete" road. An inspection of the whole area
was made and nothing abnormal was noted. The inspection was
completed at 7.45am.
3 - At 7.55am, an area
between the "Casa Azul" residence on the "Figueira" road and the
"Casa Pandora" residence as well as a dirt road on the left of
the "Figueira" road was inspected by the dogs without anything
abnormal being noted. The inspection ended at 8.05am.
4 - At 8.20am, an area
between the residences "Casa Pandora" on the "Figueira" road,
"Quinta Mimosa" and "Casa Ladeira" without anything abnormal
being noted. The inspection ended at 8.40am.
A photographic report
of the places inspected is attached.
Initial conclusion.
To the coordinator of
the criminal investigation.
Faced with new
elements revealed by the dog handling unit's search, attached to
the report, and on the basis of Mark Harrison's report, there is
every reason to believe that the small child Madeleine McCann
died in apartment 5A where she was spending her holiday with her
parents at the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz. Following the
markings by the cadaver odour detecting dogs and traces of human
blood inside the apartment from which the child disappeared, we
have done further extensive research, revealing that there was
never a death, or a body, notified in this same apartment
before. In this report, several places were marked, signalling
the presence of cadaver odour and human blood. In addition, we
can observe that a cadaver odour was detected in the garden
adjacent to apartment 5A. Nothing was detected in the other
It follows from this
investigation that there are indications, in practice and in the
facts, of the crime of murder such as defined in ArticleQI310 of
the Penal Code.
So as to go further
with this lead, of which certain results may reveal new
evidence, we request authorisation to carry out further
inspections, within the legal framework, in two distinct places:
1 - Rue des Fleurs
no...The McCann family's current residence in Portugal.
2 - Rented vehicle
Renault Scenic, registration ...DA - 27.
We suggest that this inspection is entrusted to the PJ and ask
the Public Prosecutor for a 20 day mandate. Thus, we consider
that there are indications that consolidate strong suspicions
according to which, there are elements of evidence of a crime,
inside the vehicle used by the McCann's and, moreover, likely to
reveal important details of fundamental importance for the
Villa rue des
August 2nd 2007 -6.14pm - 27 Rue das Floras- Praia Da Luz -
PJ: Ricardo P & J. Carlos P., inspectors.
UK: Mark Harrison, Martin Grime & Eddie.
On that date, within
the context of a residential search, carried out at the McCann
couple's current residence, an inspection by a dog handling team
was made. Thus, at the time indicated at the beginning of the
report, all areas of the property were inspected and the
following results obtained:
6.36pm - The dog
Eddie, who detects cadaver odours, "marked" the area of a
cupboard in the living room. On checking, the dog was indicating
a pink soft toy belonging to Madeleine McCann.
The clothes.
Date: August 2nd 2007
- 11.20pm
On that date,
following the home visit made to the McCann's' current
residence, on the Rue des Fleurs, various items of clothing were
laid out in an appropriate place for this purpose, to carry out
an inspection by the dog handling unit.
The collected items of
clothing were set out individually with the agreement and under
the directions provided by the British technicians, the dogs
having previously covered the space where the clothing was laid
1 - 11.20pm: Prior
reconnaissance of the place by the two canine units to guarantee
that the space was clear of all odours being sought. The
reconnaissance was completed at 11.30pm without anything being
signalled by the dogs.
2 - 11.30pm: An
initial inspection by the human blood detecting dog, began with
the clothing packed in the box bearing the notation: "Living
room." At 11.40pm, the inspection was completed without the dog
showing anything abnormal.
11.41: The canine
human remains recovery dog started its inspection and "marked"
various clothes. The inspection was completed at 11.52pm. The
clothes were returned to their box for later use.
From 12.02am until
1.30am, (03/08/07) all the other boxes, containing clothing from
the twins' bedroom, from the friends' bedroom, from the bedroom
of the couple labelled 1 & 2, as well as the empty luggage, was
inspected by the two dogs without conclusive results.
Apartment 5A - OCEAN CLUB
As joinder to the
procedure. It is made known and according to superior orders
that today at 8pm, specialists from LPC (Police forensics lab)
Fernando V. and Lino R., after having seen the recorded images
resulting from the inspection by the dog handling unit on
31/07/07 in apartment 5A, duly mandated, proceeded with the
collection of whole floor tiles where the dogs used in the
inspection indicated the possible existence of traces of human
blood as well as the presence of a body in the apartment. The
tiles were lifted so as to preserve possible samples to be
analysed by the appropriate laboratory. This entire action was
filmed in order to illustrate the way in which the lifting was
accomplished and with what tools so that the experts had a
better idea of the work.
Robert Murat/Casa Liliana
August 4th and 5th
Casa Liliana,
residence of the suspect Robert Murat, situated on "Ramalhete"
road - Praia da Luz - Lagos.
PJ: Tavares A., chief
inspector, J. Carlos P., Ricardo P, inspectors
UK: Mark Harrison,
Martin Grime and Eddie.
On that date, within
the context of residential visits, which were carried out at the
home of the suspect ROBERT MURAT, an inspection by the dog
handling unit was made in the gardens and inside the residence
of the accused.
August 4th 2007 -
7.28pm: Start of the inspection of the gardens of the residence.
Eddie, human remains recovery dog, covered the whole perimeter
outside the dwelling and nothing abnormal was signalled.
August 5th 2007 -
3.22pm: The same dog inspected all rooms of the residence and
nothing in particular was signalled.
To the coordinator of
the criminal investigation.
In the context of the
investigation, we have collected information concerning a
vehicle used by RUSSELL O'BRIEN, friend and member of the group
who spent their holiday with the McCann family in the Algarve .
At the time of the request for vehicles considered important to
the procedures that follow, we were not aware of the
identification details of this vehicle. Meantime, our
investigation has led us to establish that it may be a vehicle
of the "Opel" range, a "Corsa" model, registration....AG - 62.
At the present time, we do not have a mandate to search for and
seize the vehicle to allow us to add the vehicle to the planned
inspections. As a consequence, we request such a legal mandate
in order to be able to realize the planned inspections.
Samples sent to the lab.
Between 3pm on August
4th 2007 and 6.30am on August 5th 2007, the following samples
were recovered in the living room of apartment 5A at the OCEAN
CLUB where a murder probably took place.
Samples 1A to 3B:
recovered on the floor.
Samples 4A to 13B:
recovered on the wall.
Samples 14A to 15B:
recovered behind the sofa.
Sample 16A: recovered
from the blue curtain.
Samples 16B: recovered
from the white curtain behind the blue curtain.
All of these elements
have been handed over to the Birmingham Forensic Science
Services. (FSS)
Samples recovered in the car.
Between August 6th at
9.30pm and August 7th at 4am, the following samples were
recovered in the grey Renault Scenic car.
From the driver's
1A: Hair
1B: Fibre and hairs
1C: Fibres and hairs
1D: Fingernail
Front passenger side:
2A: Hair
2B: Hair
2C: Fibres and hairs
2D: Fibres and hairs
2E: Fingernail
Between the seats:
3A: Hair
Back seat:
4A: Hair
4B: Fibres and hairs
4C: Fibres and hairs
Centre seat:
5A: Hair
5B: Fibres and hairs
5C: Fibres and hairs
Right-hand seat:
6A: Hair
6B: Fibres and hairs
6C: Fibres and hairs
Luggage compartment
(rear boot)
7A: Hair
7B: Fibres and hairs
7C: Fibres
8A: Hair
8B: Fibres and hairs
8C: Fibres and hairs
9, 10 and 11: Hair
12: Car key
13: Control samples of
seat fabric
All of these were handed over to Birmingham FSS for analyses.