3965 to 3972 Service
information re: Gail Cooper
& artist impression |
Vol XV Page 3966 |
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Date: 16th January 2008
From: Stuart Prior
To: Ricardo Paiva
Subject: Forward sketch
Annexes: BK ? MM present at (sic)
Jan 08, Gail Cooper (2) doc, Paul
Gordon (3) doc, Trudy dawkin (2)
doc, tanner description 2 doc,
Summary of second statement Tanner
Please get back to me as soon as
possible with your instructions.
The power point attached was
completed by the McCanns but the
statements were all taken by UK
The Jane Tanner description was
taken from the press and also from
the summary of her statement.
Does Paolo want the sketches showing
to Paul Gordon or do we want to get
a new sketch prepared by Paul. There
is some urgency around this as we
need to decide prior to the Gail
Cooper artist impression appearing
in the UK press.
Does he want Gail re-interviewing re
the new information.
Do you want the husband and son
(although this may be difficult due
to the son's medical condition) of
Gail Cooper interviewing.
Do you want the other witness, the
friend of Alfred Schulman's
tracking down if they are in the UK.
How are you going to deal with
possible press issues.
What are you planning around Mr
Kennedy or the private investigation
We do not have Afred Schuurman or
Gail's husband or son in our system.
Gail Porter's statement was sent to
Portugal on 23rd May and Paul
Gordon's was sent to Portugal prior
to 14th May.
I will need to get back to the
McCanns as he asked to be updated,
how would Paolo want this conducting
and what information am to provide
them They are very excited about
this potential lead.
Give me a call back.
3982 to 3983 Witness
statement of Gail Cooper 2007.05.21 (in English) |
15-Processos Vol XV Pages 3982 -
3983 |
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Name: Gail Cooper
Occupation: Community Care Manager
Date: 21/05/2007
I am the above named person and I
live at the address shown overleaf.
Due to celebrating my 50th birthday,
myself and my John as well as a
number of my children of which the
youngest is 20 years of age and two
grandchildren aged 9 and 11 years
all flew out to Portugal on 18th
April 2007 with a return date of
Wednesday 25th April 2007.
We were stopping at a villa in
Portugal which was booked through
The Vila Agency. The villa we
stopped at was at Beladea, Monte
Lemos, Lote 14, Luz, Algarve.
We all flew from East Midlands
airport on Wednesday 18th April 2007
and landed at Faro airport at about
9 AM of the same day. We them
travelled to the villa and got there
about 11 AM. We all settled into out
holiday and were joined by further
members of our family in later days
who were stopping in neighbouring
On Friday 20th April at about 4 ? 5
PM I was sat on the terrace area of
our bedroom villa watching the
grandchildren playing in the pool. I
was sitting with my daughter, D***
whilst other members of the family
were having an afternoon kip and my
husband and D****?s husband went
The villa we stopped at is described
as a 5 bedroom 3 storey villa which
is built on a hill and overlooking
the village which would have been
about 500 metres away and estimated
to take about 10 minutes to walk to
the village. The first and second
floors of the villa comprised of
balconies which almost spanned the
length of the building allowing you
to look into the garden area. To the
front of the villa upon walking out
of the front door was a six foot
wall that went all the way around
the villa. There were two main
entrances to the villa via an
electrically operated gate situated
to the left of the villa and a
smaller gate which ran directly in
line with the front door to the
villa and was only secured by a
normal latch. To the rear of the
building was a swimming pool which
was 8 metres by 4 metres and was
situated slightly to the right of
the building.
As I sat with D**** watching the
children, I heard the door bell
sounding and thinking that it was my
husband and son in law returning, I
went to the front door and opened
it. There is a camera on the
Intercom system which I believe
activated itself automatically upon
the bell being activated however I
do not know of any recording
facilities that may have captured
the image of the person I am about
to describe. I opened the door and
was surprised to see a person
described as olive skinned male
roughly 40 ? 45 years of age, 6.0?
to 6.02? tall and of slim to medium
build. He appeared to be
Mediterranean however due to his
appearance and mannerism I did not
feel that he was Portuguese. I also
noticed that he had a Mexican
looking moustache which was dark
brown or black in colour and was
very thick and bushy and drooped
down the sides of his mouth. His
chin was clean shaven. He wore a
khaki coloured waist length heavy
cotton jacket and a green or blue
round neck T shirt. He also had
khaki coloured combat type trousers
with pockets on the side of the
trousers but they were plain
trousers with no other patterns o
markings on them . I did not notice
his footwear. This man also had a
black leather type bumbag around his
waist with one zip across the top.
He smelt funny as though he had been
cooking as he smelt of onions or
garlic which appeared to be on his
clothing and very strong. In his
left hand he was holding an A4 size
leaflet with foreign writing on it
and a small yellow receipt like book
roughly 4? by 3?.
As I made eye contact with the male
I said ?Ola? (hello) to which I
expected a greeting back or a
handshake which is common practice
with the Portuguese people from what
I have seen from visiting the
country over the past 9 years on 2-3
occasions per year. There was no
greeting by this male who said,
speaking in English that had an
accent to it that once again did not
sound Portuguese ?I am collecting
for a local orphanage in a nearby
village, Espiche?, I was quite
surprised at his presence which I
thought intimidating and did not say
anything. He then said ?Do you know
of it? to which I replied ?No?. As
he was speaking he was waiving (sic)
the A4 leaflet held in his hand and
quickly flash a photo ID card that
appeared to be laminated. I could
not clearly see what was on the card
or the leaflet due to the way he was
waving them about. He told me that
the Portuguese government allow them
to collect money once a year and
that he could give me a receipt for
any money that I give him. He then
went on to tell me about an English
family that had been killed on the
EN125 motor way 3 days prior and
that three children from that family
had been looked after by the
I told him that I did not have any
Euros in the villa and that my
husband was out so he would have to
come back. He asked me for Stirling
(sic) and once again I told him that
I did not have any money at the
villa. This person was very pushy
and seemed intimidating but he was
not threatening however he did make
me feel very uncomfortable and did
not appear to be Portuguese and his
English was very good.
In total the man was stood roughly 3
feet away from me for a duration of
10-15 minutes, as he tried to
persuade me to part with some money.
The sun was shining and there was a
light shower, however I had a clear
unobstructed view of this male who I
did not know and had not seen before
or after this incident. I do think I
would easily recognise him if seen
again. I saw the male walk away due
to realising that I was not going to
give him any money and turned left
from our property. I later spoke to
members of my family about the
incident and my 28 year old son told
me that he saw the male from the
first floor balcony and he noticed
that the male walked past the next
property without attempting to make
a collection. My son has medical
problems and is not suitable for
making a statement. I did not notice
any vehicles connected with this
male and do not know whether this
may be of any relevance as whilst on
holiday we were not aware of any
children being abducted. Our first
knowledge of this incident was when
we returned to the UK which would be
about a week after our return
25/04/07. Since hearing about the
abduction I have checked our holiday
photographs, however, could not see
this person on them and cannot
identify anything that would be of
3996 Email re: Gail Coopers latest statement (English)
3997 to 4002-Witness
Statement of Gail Cooper 2007.01.16 (in English) |
15-Vol XV Pages 3998 - 4002 |
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Leicestershire Constabulary
Witness Statement
Ann Cooper
Date: 16th January 2008
I am the above named person and I
live at the address as stated on
page 00 of this statement.
On 21st May 2007 I made a statement
to the police regarding an incident
whilst I was on holiday in Praia da
Luz in Portugal. I reported that a
male had come to the villa
collecting money for an orphanage I
made the statement following the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann,
as I believed he was suspicious and
I felt the information could be
useful to the enquiry. Since making
the statement I never gave it very
much more thought until my daughter
Ph***** (crossed out in statement)
my mother P***** pointed out to me
an article in the Daily Mirror
newspaper which said something about
a man had been approached by a male
collecting money for an orphanage.
The story related to Madeleine
McCann. This then made me think
about the man who had visited me at
the villa. The article dated in the
newspaper was Monday 7th January
2008. My daughter Ph contacted the
Daily Mirror newspaper as there was
a telephone number asking for people
to contact them with any
Later on in the day Monday 7th
January, I received a telephone call
from a man at the Daily Mirror
wishing to come and see me. However
we decided to discuss the
information over the phone. I told
him about the man who had gone to
the villa and gave him the
description as I stated in my
original statement. On Tuesday 8th
January 2008 the information I
passed to him over the phone was
printed in the Daily Mirror.
My daughter P*** also saw it and
mentioned some further information
which I had originally forgotten and
it related to further potential
sightings of the same man on the
beach at P da l which I describe as
On Sunday 22nd April whilst I was on
holiday as described in my previous
statement, I was with my family at
the Bar Habana on the promenade area
of P da L. The bar faces out towards
the sea and is surrounded by other
caf? and bars.
I was with my husband, my son , my
daughter, my eldest daughter, her
husband, my mother and my two
grandchildren. As we were sitting
there, my attention was drawn to the
sound of children descending onto
the promenade area. They all came
onto the beach along the wooden
boardwalk and there were
approximately between six and twelve
of them. They ranged from about 5 to
8 years of age. I was also aware
that there were adults with them and
realised that they were from the
Mark Warner holiday complex as the
adults had got white shorts and red
T shirts on. I believe they had the
name Mark Warner on the front of the
shirts. All the children went
towards a play area where there were
some swings. The time was between 11
and 12 midday.
As I watched the children I saw a
male walking behind them. He was
approximately 10 ? 15 yards away
from where I was sitting. He didn?t
really do anything, he was just
walking behind them and I initially
thought he was with the group, but
as they got to the beach he turned
right towards where I was along the
promenade area. He did not stay with
the children at all. As he walked in
front of me, I was immediately drawn
to the fact that he looked exactly
like the man who had been to my
villa on Friday 20th April 2007. He
had exactly the same hair style,
dark collar length which was quite
untidy looking. He had the same
moustache and looked the same age.
The only different thing about him
was that he had a navy blue T shirt
on, round neck style with short
sleeves. It was all plain with no
logos or anything. His trousers were
quite a neutral colour.
He was not carrying anything, he was
the same height, between 5.7? and
5.10? and slim medium build. He
appeared to be by himself, there was
no one else near to him.
He was only in my view for a matter
of seconds, but I had a clear
unobstructed view of him and the
weather was bright and sunny. I saw
about three quarters of his face as
he walked by, he did not face me
full on, but I saw more of his face
than just looking at his side
I even commented to my daughter
P**** that it was the same man who I
had spoken to at the villa.
The man walked away and I did not
see him again.
Since all that has happened around
Madeleine McCann, I have thought
about other things that may have
been suspicious. I can recall that
on Friday 20th April about 1 or 2
o?clock I was sitting on the beach
front again at P da L. This was just
before the man came to the villa
later on that day. I was sitting at
the bar Paraiso. It faces out onto
the sea and is near to the bar
Habana I mentioned earlier. I was
with my friends Trudy and L**
Dawkins, my husband, Trudy?s
daughter and son. It was raining on
this particular day and I recall
seeing a man walking alone on the
beach. I thought it strange because
of the weather. He was only in my
sight for a few seconds, and was
some distance away. I could not
fully see his face but as I have sat
and thought about the suspicious
man, I feel sure that this is the
same man I saw at the villa and
again on the beach on Sunday.
He was the same height, age, had the
same hairstyle and the only other
thing different is that he had a
khaki green or stone coloured coat
I did not report this information to
the police at the time. I made my
first statement as I just did not
see the full relevance of it until I
saw the article in the Daily Mirror
in January. It had not even crossed
my mind until I started going over
what I had done and seen during my
stay in Portugal.
to 4004 Email from Stuart Prior to the PJ (in English) |
15-Processos Vol XV Page 4003 to
4004 |
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Date: 18th January 2008
From: Stuart Prior
To: Ricardo Paiva
Subject: BC4 Memo, Gail Cooper doc.
Gail Cooper statement, Iris Morgan
doc, report Morgan doc, Rex Morgan
All the docs attached in this and
the next two emails as discussed
earlier today.
We are still working on one or two
aspects and I will get back to you
over this and for any further
direction from yourselves over
facial recognition.
As we have discussed I have given
Gerry a brief update just saying
that the other descriptions are
different to the artists impressions
completed by Gail and identified by
Jane. That the witnesses appeared
genuine which indicates a number of
charity collectors in the area prior
to Madeleine being taken. I informed
him everything has been forwarded to
We have not spoken with Jane at all
and will not share our e fits with
anybody except yourselves unless you
request this from us. It appears
there were at least three charity
collectors if not more in the area
in the weeks prior to Madeleine
being taken.
I am told that the artist impression
by Gail Cooper is likely to hit the
media over the weekend and I will
update you on the effects of this
next week, although we are not
involved in this in any way at all.
Hope all is well.
Spk soon.
Date 18th January 2008
From: Graham Michael
To: Stuart Prior
Dear Ricardo
Please see the attached information
for your attention and consideration
Rex Morgan
He is the father of Linda Simms who
contacted us to report males in P da
luz who had been collecting money
for a local charity. A statement has
been obtained from him along with a
statement from his wife, Iris
Iris Morgan has also completed an e
fit image and she was also shown the
sketch completed by Gail Cooper. She
does not recognise this individual.
The e fit does not match the sketch.
Denise Ashton
She has been shown the sketches
completed by Gail Cooper and she
does not recognise this person as
the individual. A statement will be
forwarded to you on Monday 21st
Charlotte Pennington
I have spoken with Charlotte
Pennington this morning and she has
no additional information to give.
She confirms that she was
statemented by the PJ very shortly
after Madeleine went missing and she
recalls making further contact when
the e fit regarding the alleged
sighting in Belgium was in the
media. She has been spoken to by a
private investigator (Neil Hogan)
working on behalf of M?odo 3.
Charlotte assured me that she has
only relayed to him the same
information that she has already
given to the PJ and to me (per email
dated 7th August 2007).
4005 to 4006
Further information re: Gail Cooper (in English) |
15-Processos Vol XV Page 4005 |
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15VOLUMEXVa_Page_4006 |
Leicestershire Constabulary
From: DC Burrows
To: DI Graham Op Task
Date: 17-01-2008
Subject: Gail Cooper
I report with reference to the
On Wednesday 16th January 2008 I
spoke to the above person in
relation to a sighting of a
suspicious male on P da L beach on
20th April 2007 and the again on
22nd April 2007.
Gail had previously made a statement
to the police regarding a male
attending her villa on Friday 20th
April 2007 where he was asking for
money for an orphanage.
She maintains the information is
correct in that statement.
She went on to say that since making
that statement she had not given the
circumstances much thought and
believed that the information she
had given the police had been dealt
with accordingly and that the male
did not feature in the disappearance
of Madeleine McCann. She believed
that he was some sort of con man.
It was not until the 7th January
2008 when her attention was drawn to
an article in the Daily Mirror where
a report stated that a man had
reported a similar incident
regarding a male asking for money
for an orphanage. The newspaper
featured a telephone number asking
people with any information to
contact them.
Gail stated it was her daughter
P***** who contacted the Daily
Mirror and gave them Gail?s mobile
number. The newspaper then contacted
her rather than Gail phoning them
She stated she told them about the
incident where a man had come to her
villa collecting money for the
orphanage on Friday 20th April. (As
per her original statement).
I asked Gail why she did not mention
the other two potential sightings of
the male on Friday 20th April and
Sunday 21st (sic) April to either
the police when she made her first
statement and also when she first
spoke to the Daily Mirror.
She said it never crossed her mind
and she never gave it a thought on
either occasion. It wasn?t until her
daughter prompted her about it that
she remembered the male on the beach
believing it was the same man who
had attended the villa. She stated
she did not see the full relevance
of it until the article in the
newspaper appeared.
Gail was asked about further
involvement with the media and she
stated as far as she was concerned
there would be no further
She was advised accordingly in
dealing with the media and to date
she has not had any problems, other
than a photographer was sent to her
mother?s address which she did not
particularly want.
She mentioned a man called Brian
Kennedy who was working for the
McCanns. H e had sent an artist down
to do a sketch of the man she saw at
the villa.
I asked her if she had seen the
previous suspect sketch which had
been in the media for several
months. She said she may have done
in passing but had not paid any
particular attention to the media
and very rarely had a newspaper.
She had been told by the media that
it may appear in the News of the
World but as far as she was aware
there had been nothing in the paper
last Sunday (13.01.08).
I asked her about her son who she
had mentioned in her previous
statement as having health problems.
She stated he is a paranoid
schizophrenic and has to take strong
medication. Although we did not see
him, Gail strongly advised us he
would not be capable of making a
statement because of this.
I submit this report for your
C. Burrows.
4016 to 4017
- Statement for Jonathan Stanley Cooper |
15 Processos Vol XV 4016 to
4017 |
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Statement for Johnathan Stanley Cooper
I am the above named person. I reside at the address given to
the Police with my wife Gail.
On Wednesday 18th April 2007 In company with my wife, her
daughter ?..., son ?..., other daughter D ---- and her 2
children. We all flew out to Portugal to stay in the resort of
Praia da Luz.
The trip was for my wife Gail's 50th birthday. We stayed in Casa
On Friday 20th April. Myself and R.....d H...... (D....'s
Husband) decided to to and do some shopping leaving Gail, 2
daughters, at the villa.
(Page One)
During our stay we had rented a car. We drove to the
supermarket. We then went into the bar Habana. This is situated
near to the beach front of Praia da Luz, and within close
proximity to the bar Parasio. I would estimate the time of day
to be late afternoon.
We stayed in the bar for around 30 minutes. We then left and
went back to the villa. I would estimate us being gone for
around an hour and a half.
We got back to the villa, everything was as we'd left it. Gail,
the grandkids were still around.
A few hours later that evening Gail and I had a quiet moment
together. She said to me "A funny thing happened today while you
were out some strange man came to the door wafting paper about
saying he was collecting for an orphanage in the town of Espiage".
She told me it unnerved her abit. She then said "He told her
there was a car crash on the EN125 where a british couple (Page
Two) were killed leaving 3 children. It occurred a couple of
days before we arrived.
I cannot recall much about the conversation however she went on
to say he spoke English but his accent wasn't Portuguese. She
told him she had no money and that her husband was coming back.
From vague recollection, following the conversation with Gail
about the le, I think that on Sunday 22nd April 2007 all of our
party were having a drink at the Bar Paraiso. This is situated
literally on the beach of Praia da Luz. I can remember that that
day was drizzly and damp. It was around 1pm.
We were all sat around the table I was sat with my back to the
sea. At that time, there was myself, Gail, T...., L...., S.....
and H.....
Someone from our group said something like "He's not gonna get a
tan today" I turned round and saw a man who I will later
describe. He was walking towards the sea alone. The tide at that
time (Page 3) was out. He was walking in the dock boards leading
to the sea. I thought it was strange and out of place. I didn't
really pay that much attention to him. I turned and spoke to our
group, when I turned round again he'd gone.
I would describe this male as following. Medium Build, between
5ft 10 and 5ft 8 ins tall. He had collar length hair that was
close to his head. I cannot say his age parameters but he wasn't
an old man. He stood upright.
He was wearing a medium blue casual jacket that came just below
his bottom in length. It had no design. He had light creamy
beige coloured long trousers in combat style with pockets at the
sides. I cannot say what he wore on his feet.
Since we have returned to England we became aware of a missing
girl called Madeleine.
We spoke about the male who came to the villa. We were at
Trudie's home, when we were aware of an appeal regarding (Page
Four) Madeleine. Gail said that the man who came to the villa
might be connected.
Also, a few days ago I was aware Gail was being interviewed by
an investigator. I heard her say something like "The male was on
the periphery of a group of Mark Warner Children's group." I got
the impression she was talking about the same person who was on
the beach, and the man at the villa.
When I saw the male on the beach I was between 100 yards and 150
yards away
Jonathan Stanley COOPER |
to 4023 Operation Task -- Incoming Calls |
15-Vol XV Pages
4018- 4023 |
Table showing 44 sightings of
Cooperman after the sketch was released. |
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