891 to 903 Witness statement
Gerry McCann 2007.05.10 |
Important note:
The following text inserted in brackets into Gerry
McCanns statement
[with no way to tell the time],
has now been
removed to eliminate any confusion. The bracketed
text is the translators note, and not part of the
original statement.
Text before removal:
Half and hour later, without anything to signal
[with no way
to tell the time],
it being 22h03
Text now reads: Half and hour later without
anything to signal, it being 22h03
04-Processo 4 Pages 891 to 903
Gerald McCann 10 May 2007 |
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He is part of this case in the
form of a participant and an offended party, as the father of
the minor MADELEINE. Being a British national who does not know
the Portuguese language, oral or
written, the interpreter Alice Dias Homem de Gouveia Avakoff is
therefore present.
----- That he confirms the truth
of the statements made previously on 4 May 2007 he being
available here to provide any further clarifications.
----- Asked, he clarifies that,
with regard to the personal photos already delivered by him to
the authorities after the disappearance of his daughter
MADELEINE, he has no others in his power [possession]. He adds
that it is his wife KATE who usually takes pictures, he does not
recall if on this holiday any were taken at night.
------ As he was asked he
relates that, in January 2003 he went to Lanzarote in Spain with
Fp and DP where they spent a week's holiday not having any
children at that time, although KATE was 6 months pregnant with
MADELEINE, through IVF. Still in 2003, September, he went to
Umbria, Italy, with KATE, MATHEW and RACHEL, and RUSSELL and
JANE for a week's holiday where they attended FIONA and DAVID's
wedding. The deponent clarifies that the trip to Lanzarote was
organised by himself as he had been there the previous year with
KATE and they had enjoyed it very much, whereas the trip to
Italy was arranged by FIONA and DAVID given that it was for
their wedding.
----- Relating to the events in
Portugal, as already stated in his previous statements, he
arrived at Faro airport on 28 April 2007 at 12h30 having
travelled immediately to OCEAN CLUB in an airport mini-bus where
he arrived at 14h20/14h30.
----- That he was taken to the
OCEAN CLUB reception where, doing the check-in, he furnished his
documents, those of KATE and of his three children. He was then
given the key to apartment A5, the choice of that apartment
having been made at random by OCEAN CLUB management, given that,
as he understood it, not even DP had been given a choice
although he had dealt directly with the reservations.
----- He adds that the only
stipulation by the group was that the apartments had to be close
to one another because, contrary to the tour brochure, the
resort did not provide a "baby listening" service, that is, a
service in which a group of employees would ?listen? to hear if
children were asleep in their apartments while the parents were
away. He doesn't know exactly how it works in practice, he never
having used it, but he knows that other MARK WARNER resorts use
this form of checking, some of his group members having had
access to it on previous holidays, though he does not know
exactly who. He relates that, for this reason DP decided to use
the listening devices (personal intercoms) to monitor his
children, though he had not used them on other holidays that
they had spent together.
----- That, on the first day,
given that they arrived at lunch time, they ate [had eaten] only
sandwiches both on the plane and in the bus during the journey
from the airport to the OCEAN CLUB. After completing the
check-in at the main reception, where they were taken by the
mini-bus, that lasted until 15h00, they went to the apartment
where they unpacked their bags, that taking until 16h45.
Pointing out that after check-in they went with their bags to
the apartment by resort mini-bus.
----- Subsequently, at 17h00,
the whole group, including children, went to the TAPAS situated
at the back of the apartments, next to the pool, to attend a
welcoming committee arranged by MARK WARNER where they met with
instructors in tennis and sailing and other resort employees,
which ended at 18h30, glasses of sangria having been served to
----- That that was the first
time they walked altogether along the route inside and around
the resort. They left by the front door, which he locked with
the key, he followed the wall around and turned right, going
down the side road to the resort up to the secondary reception
where the entered without difficulty as they had an access card
that they did not ask for but they had been given during the
----- After they passed through
the secondary reception they went to the TAPAS restaurant, next
to one of the swimming pools, the adults being seated in a
covered area outside while the children stayed next to the small
pool playing on the
[playground] apparatus that was there. That
during this time all the adults stood and went to watch the
children near where they were. The deponent and his wife
alternated in that vigil.
----- The reception committee
over, the nine adults and eight children went on foot to the
MILLENIUM restaurant. They went back to the secondary reception,
turned left and, at the end of the road, turned right up to the
main street that led to the restaurant. Because it was a long
way, at some time the deponent and his wife picked up and
carried the twins in their arms, but not MADELEINE who was
always on foot.
----- They arrived at the
destination between 18h50 and 19h00 having set themselves up at
a large table where they all ate dinner, including the children
who were seated between the adults, never leaving the place
except for one of the twins who went to the bathroom with the
deponent. About an hour later they finished dinner returning,
again on foot by the same route, though going wrong in one of
the streets where they should have turned left, ending up only
turning at the next street. He adds that, as they were all very
tired they went directly to the apartment arriving at
20h10/20h15, the route back having been slightly faster given
that the twins were carried all the way.
----- In the apartment they
bathed the children and gave them a glass of milk putting them
down at exactly 20h45, remembering that time because it was
exactly one hour later than their usual bedtime. After putting
down the children the deponent and his wife took a bath then
settled down in the lounge to watch television. He points out
that at the moment they arrived at the residence DP invited them
to go for a glass of wine after putting down the children but
they turned down the offer as they were extremely tired. He
thinks that nobody left their apartments on the first night.
Asked, he said that in England, when not on holiday, he and his
wife would go to bed at 22h30/23h00, the twins at 19h00 and
----- The following day (Sunday)
the children woke up at 08h00, he and his wife having woken up
at 07h30. They dressed and about 08h40 left the apartment going
to the MILLENIUM restaurant, once more on foot and by the same
route as the previous night, but without the mistake referred to
previously, arriving there at 08h45/09h00. The group did not all
arrive at the same time, rather in a phased manner, because they
were not all seated at the same table.
----- He thinks that MO and wife
RMO did not take breakfast due to the former having spent a bad
night with vomiting and diarrhoea. At breakfast the children sat
at the same table among the adults, it finished at 09h25.
----- The deponent, his wife and
three children went to the OCEAN CLUB by the same route where
they arrived at 09h40, the deponent having entered the apartment
by the main door, which was locked, collecting a bag with
clothing and creams for the children [then] going inside the
resort area. The twins stayed at the creche next to the TAPAS,
which was for children of two years of age, and then he and KATE
took MADELEINE to the other creche for older children situated
on the 1st floor at the main reception of the resort, arriving
there at 09h50. Besides MADELEINE, only E***, daughter of JANE
and RUSSELL went to the same creche. The remaining children
being very young stayed at the creche next to the TAPAS.
----- Again she went on foot,
leaving the secondary reception she turned right, went down the
street passing the supermarket, turning left passing the main
reception. After putting the children in their creches they went
to the supermarket where they bought
for lunch and
----- At 12H30, the deponent and
KATE first went to pick up MADELEINE and then the twins, going
to the apartment. On this day, Sunday, they lunched on the
veranda of DP's apartment with the whole group, including
children, except for MATHEW, who was ill and at that moment was
sleeping on the veranda of his apartment, that was below and to
the left in relation to where they were eating lunch.
----- They took the children to
the play area next to the pool, where the playground apparatus
is, at 14H15, having stayed there until about 14H20. After that
time they left the twins in the creche at TAPAS, and either he
or KATE, he doesn't know who, took MADELEINE to the creche above
the main reception following the route previously described. He
clarifies that the drop-off and collection times were recorded
at each creche along with the contact number and location of the
respective parents.
----- At 17h00 the OCEAN CLUB
nursery care workers conducted MADELEINE and the other children
in creche on the 1st floor of the main reception to [the area]
next to the TAPAS, under awnings, where they [the children] had
dinner under the supervision of the employees and, at times,
with their parents. The dinner ended at 17h30 the time at which
the employee supervision ended and the parents took over
watching the children in the play area until 18h30. Following
this they returned to the apartment, the deponent opened the
main door with his key and, then, the rear door through which
KATE and the children entered.
----- The hygiene done, the
children were put to bed about 19h30, it being that the deponent
and KATE left for dinner at the TAPAS at 20h30. Between 19h30
and 20h30 they took a bath and drank wine, Portuguese or New
Zealand, and a beer.
----- That they left the house
by the main door, that he was sure he locked, it being that the
rear door was also closed and locked. They were the first
to arrive at the TAPAS where everyone showed up except only for
MATHEW, who was still ill. Though his wife RACHEL showed up for
dinner. Except for the situation described above, that
occurred during lunch, he did not see MATHEW during the whole of
----- Dinner ended at
23h00, during which every half-hour the deponent or KATE went,
alternately, to the apartment to confirm that all was well with
the children. On that day only the deponent and his wife entered
the apartment. He is sure that they always entered through the
front door,
not being
able to recall if they locked it when they left the apartment.
Usually they entered the apartment, in which one of the lounge
lights was lit, going to the children's bedroom door that was
partially open [ajar] and limited themselves to peep inside,
trying to hear if the children were crying. The outside blinds
were closed with only two or three slats open, the window was
closed though now he he is not totally sure if it was locked,
and the curtains drawn closed. Ten minutes after dinner ended
they had made their way to the apartment, going to sleep soon
----- In the following days they
always took breakfast at home, shopping the day before,
generally maintaining the daily routine described above. When
the children were at creche they had tennis classes, KATE at
09h15, he an hour later, from Monday to Thursday.
----- From memory, on Tuesday, 1
May 2007, being shown by RUSSELL, he went to pick up MADELEINE
at creche using a short-cut that began at the car park opposite
the secondary reception and went between the buildings, which he
used to fetch and carry his daughter.
----- Pertaining to the routine,
on Tuesday there was a slight change given that after lunch, at
13h30, he and KATE decided to take the three children to Paris
da Luz, having gone on foot, taking only the twins in baby
carriages. They all left by the main door due to the carriages,
went around to the right, down the street of the supermarket and
went to the beach along a road directly ahead.
----- They were at the beach for
about 20 minutes, the deponent and MADELEINE having paddled in
the water. During this time the weather changed with a cloudy
sky and cold, they went to an esplanade of a cafe next to the
beach, on the left, where they bought five ice-creams and two
drinks. Asked, he said that at that place there was an
individual playing Latin music on a guitar to whom he intended
to give some coins, but having none at the time, he didn't. That
the individual had a neglected and careless appearance, unshaven
and somewhat shabby [raggedy]. He was Caucasian, 175cm tall,
thin, 70 to 75kg in weight, dark, short hair, almost
shaven-headed with grey sides, and not wearing glasses. Wearing
a light brown-coloured 'kispo'
[coat?], with a hood at the back,
and dark cotton trousers, not noticing the footwear. He said
that he never behaved strangely, nor approached or looked at the
children in an ostensible [deliberate/menacing] manner. On
returning they left the children at their creches, as usual, the
parents having gone to play tennis or went jogging.
----- The day MADELEINE
disappeared, Thursday, 3 May 2007, they all woke up at the same
time between 07H30 and 08H00.
While they were taking breakfast
MADELEINE addressed the mother and asked her ?why didn't you
come last night when S*** and I were crying??. That he thought
this comment very strange given that MADELEINE had never had
this kind of talk [had never spoken like this] and, the night
before, they had maintained the same system of checking on the
children, not having detected anything abnormal. When he
questioned her about the comment, she left [withdrew herself]
without any explanation.
----- On Wednesday night, 2 May
2007, as well as he and his wife, he thinks that DP also went to
his apartment to confirm that his children were well, not having
reported to him any abnormal situation with the children. On
this day he and KATE had already left the rear door closed, but
not locked, to allow entrance by their colleagues to check on
the children. He clarifies that the main door was always closed
but not necessarily locked with the key. He does not know if the
window next to the front door, and that gave access to the
children's bedroom, was locked, given that he assumed that the
outside blinds could not be opened from the outside. Still on
this night, KATE slept in the children's bedroom, in the bed
next to the window, because he was snoring.
----- He cannot say exactly, but
he thinks that on Monday or Tuesday MADELEINE had slept for some
time in his bedroom with KATE as she [K] had told him that one
or both twins had cried making much noise.
----- Returning to Thursday,
after breakfast, about 09h00, KATE and the children left by the
rear door, he having left by the front door, which he locked
with the key, having also closed and locked the rear door from
the inside.
----- They made their way on
foot by the usual route to the creche next to the TAPAS where
they left the twins, and, while KATE stayed to play tennis he
took MADELEINE to her creche, through the short-cut, where they
arrived at 09h15, and , since it was obligatory, he signed the
child's attendance register. On returning, not by the short-cut,
he went to the supermarket where he bought milk, he presumes,
making his way to his apartment, entering by the front door,
that was locked by key, when it was 09H40/09H45.
----- He remained at home for
about 15 minutes, dressing in tennis clothes, left by the front
door, that he did not lock, and made his way to the tennis
courts by the usual route, they being next to the TAPAS. He
played tennis for an hour with the instructor and other students
among whom was an individual he had met during the holiday
called "JEZ", and with whom he had established a friendship
albeit as a simple acquaintance. "JEZ" has two small children
whose exact age he does not know. As to his wife, he had seen
her next to the pool but had never spoken with her.
The tennis class finished at llH15, he stayed in the pool area
talking with his wife and other persons, whom he does not
remember. At 12H00, he combined with KATE, as he recalls it,
that she would make lunch and he would collect MADELEINE. He
thinks that it was KATE who took the twins home. Since it was he
who went to collect MADELEINE, he is sure he used the short-cut
----- At 12h30 they started
lunch, the meal having lasted an hour until 13h30. After that
time they made their way to the resort play area, the deponent
left by the front door and the rest of the family by the rear
door that, once again, he shut and locked from the inside. As to
the front door, he does not know exactly if he locked it.
----- That they stayed in the
play area for approximately an hour until 14H30/14H35. After
that they left the twins next to the creche at the TAPAS, they
signed the register and the three (deponent, KATE and MADELEINE)
made their way to the creche at the main reception, where they
arrived at 14H50 and delivered MADELEINE, not being able to say
precisely who signed the register.
----- The deponent and KATE
returned to the OCEAN CLUB by the short-cut and at the secondary
reception they asked the lady employee if there was a vacant
tennis court they could reserve. They were told there was a
vacancy between 14H30 to 15H30. As it was already 15h00, they
began to play immediately. At 15H30, the tennis instructor
arrived, who instructed each of them until 16H30.
----- The stayed in that place,
talking, until 16H45 at which time the twins went to the meal
area. At 17h00, as usual, MADELEINE arrived accompanied by the
teachers and the other children. After her arrival, MADELEINE
ate, [the meal] having ended at 17H30.
------ After 17H30 they went to
the apartment, the deponent having entered by the main door,
which he did not lock while he was inside the residence. KATE
and the children entered by the rear door, after this had been
opened from the inside by the deponent.
------ That they bathed the
children, the deponent having left at 18H00 for a tennis game
only for men, at which were: DAN, tennis instructor; JULIAN,
with whom he had played tennis several times; and CURTIS, with
whom he had also played.
------ During the afternoon of
that day the rest of the group members, including the children,
were at the beach, [they] having returned at 18H30, the time at
which he saw DP next to the tennis court. DAVID went to visit
KATE and the children and returned close to 19H00, trying to
convince the deponent to continue to play tennis, to which
[entreaty] he did not accede as he had already been plying for
about an hour and had to go back to to his wife. Nevertheless,
RUSSELL, DAVID and MATHEW stayed to play.
----- At 19H00, he made his way
to the apartment, finding KATE and the children playing on the
sofa. About 10 to 15 minutes later, they took the children to
the bedroom and they all sat on MADELEINE'S bed to read a story.
At 19H30, the twins were already in their respective cots and
MADELEINE in the bed next to the bedroom door. He does not know
if they were asleep but from the silence he presumed that they
were. As it was still early he took a bath, he thinks that KATE
had already had one, they talked a little and drank wine or
----- At 20H35, they left the
apartment in the direction of the TAPAS. Before they left and
because the children's bedroom door was ajar as always, he
opened it a little more, listening from the outside and, as
there was complete silence he did not enter, returning the door
to its previous position, with a space of about 10cm.
----- He is certain that, before
leaving home the children's bedroom was totally dark, with the
window closed, but he does not know it was locked, the external
blinds closed but with some slats open, and the curtains also
drawn closed. Asked, he relates that during the night the
artificial light coming in from the outside is very weak,
because, without a light being on in the lounge or the kitchen,
the visibility inside the bedroom is much reduced. Despite what
he said in his previous statements, he states now and with
certainty, that he left with KATE by the rear door which he
consequently closed but did not lock given that that is only
possible from the inside. Referring to the front door, while he
is certain that it was closed it is unlikely that it was locked
as [because] they had left by the rear door.
----- They took the usual route
to the TAPAS, where they arrived a little after 20H35, not
having passed on the route anyone known nor detected anything
abnormal. Asked, he said that the dinner bookings were made
since Monday, it was already the intention of the group to take
their meals there. They were the first of the group to arrive
seating themselves at the biggest table, as usual, that was
situated in the middle between other tables under an awning with
a transparent plastic surface at the front. He relates that they
were seated at the table in a position that allowed the deponent
to see almost the entire rear door of his apartment through
which they left and entered and which gave access to the lounge.
----- Before that, among the
other people whom he does not recall, there was at one of the
small tables the CARPENTER couple, who he also met playing
tennis and with whom he spoke until other group members began to
arrive. He does not recall the order of arrival but has the idea
that MATHEW and RACHEL had been the first to arrive after him.
As time passed other group members were arriving until all nine
adults [were there]. At 21H00, MATHEW stood up from the table
saying that he would go to see the children. But he did not say
that he would go to see the children of the deponent, only after
the disappearance of MADELEINE he [MO] having told him [GM] that
at 21h00 the external blinds of the children's bedroom window
were shut. At 21H05 MATHEW returned, the time at which the
deponent left the table to go to check how his children were.
----- He followed the normal
route up to the rear door, which being open he only had to move
[slide] it, that being the way in which he entered [was
entering] the lounge, he noted that the children's bedroom door
was not ajar as he had left it but half-way open, which he
thought strange, having then put together the thought of
MADELEINE having got up to go to sleep in his bedroom so as to
avoid the noise produced [created] by her siblings. In this way
he entered the children's bedroom and established visual contact
with each of them, checking and is certain of this, that the
three were sleeping deeply. He left the children's bedroom
returning to place the door how he had already previously
described, [then] going to the bathroom. Everything else was
normal, the blinds, curtains and windows closed, very dark,
there only being the light that came from the lounge.
----- He adds that he never
entered any other part of the residence [his bedroom or the
kitchen] where he was for only two or three minutes, leaving yet
again through the rear door that he closed but did not lock. He
clarifies that he returned without seeing the children of any
other family because he had not been asked to by them.
----- After going through the
side gate, and while on his way to the secondary reception
entrance, less than 10 metres from the gate, he saw JEZ coming
up the street on the opposite pavement bring with him a baby
carriage with his youngest child. He crossed the road in JEZ's
direction who would come up on the right-hand side [when viewed]
from the ascending direction, both having chatted for 3 to 4
minutes, about tennis, holidays and children. While he
maintained the conversation with JEZ he saw no-one from the
group, nor detected any suspicious individual or vehicle.
Because he had been specifically asked, he relates that during
this period of time he did not see with certainty JANE pass that
location, although it is clear that he was speaking when in
front of JEZ, his back to the other pathway on which his
apartment is situated. He relates also that JEZ never said to
him that he had seen any person given that he was in front.
----- Following on, he returned
to the TAPAS between 21h10 and 21h15 the dinner having gone as
normal. As the movement of people at the table was frequent he
does not know if, when he returned, anyone else was absent,
namely JANE. At 21h30 he drew KATE'S attention to the fact that
it was time for her to go to see the children, MATHEW having
immediately volunteered to substitute given that she was
talking. Three to four minutes later MATHEW returned saying only
"it is all calm", he having entered by the rear door, given that
he did not have the key and it was usual for them to enter in
that way.
----- After MATHEW arrived and
before KATE left, he does not recall if anyone else was absent,
although it was very probable that such had happened. He thinks
that, on that night none of the adults nor children were ill.
Asked, he relates that the daughter of RUSSELL and of FIONA
would have been ill on Tuesday.
----- Half and hour later without anything to signal, it
being 22h03, he turned to alert KATE that it was time for her to
go to see the children. She immediately made her way to the
apartment by the usual path, she having entered by the rear
door. About 10 minutes later, he started to worry about her
lateness and, at the moment he prepared to stand and to go to
see the reason for her lateness, KATE appeared running,
completely distraught and crying, saying that MADELEINE had
disappeared and that she was sure because she had looked
throughout the house.
----- The deponent ran to the
apartment accompanied by the rest of the group who, at the time,
were seated at the table. When he arrived at the bedroom he
first noticed that the door was completely open, the window was
also open on one side, the external blinds almost fully raised,
the curtains drawn back, MADELEINE'S bed was empty but the twins
continued sleeping in their cribs. He clarifies that according
to what KATE told him, that was the scene that she found when
she entered the apartment.
----- Then he closed the
external blinds, made his way to the outside and tried to open
them, which he managed to do, much to his surprise given that he
thought that that was only possible from the inside. They
continued with searches outside around the various apartment
blocks, the deponent having asked MATHEW who went to the
secondary reception [where] the event was communicated to the
local police, since he had no doubt that his daughter had been
kidnapped [abducted]. He refutes, peremptorily, the notion
[idea/hypothesis] that MADELEINE could have left the apartment
by her own means.
----- The deponent had had the
wrong idea that MATHEW had seen the bedroom external blinds
closed when he was there at 21H30, the reason for that was that
he thought the disappearance would have been happened between
21h30 and 22h00, it being that, actually, he is [?] convinced
that the abduction occurred in the period understood to be
between his visit at 21h05 and MATHEW'S visit at 21H30. Only
about 01h00 on 4 May 2007 did he learn through RUSSELL that his
companion, JANE, at 21h10, could have seen an individual
crossing the top of the road with a child in his arms, that may
or may not have been his daughter MADELEINE. Asked, he relates
that he does not recall to have described exactly the type of
pyjamas (colour, designs, etc.) that MADELEINE had worn at the
time she disappeared. The photo of his daughter MADELEINE, after
having printed several in the reception of the hotel, was
delivered to the police (PJ) who were at the location, as well
as to other persons who were there.
----- Asked, he stated that
besides her own apartment MADELEINE only went to the apartment
of DP and FP, since it was common that they frequented each
others' apartments.
----- That, between Monday and
Wednesday, not knowing the precise date, when they left the
residence by the main door, to place the children in the
respective creches, MADELEINE left
[went] running to the left
to the extreme opposite of the residential blocks where they
were lodged, playing with the twins. That they had gone down to
the furthest point away from those blocks, not knowing exactly
how, the three children got into the gardens at the rear
[of the
blocks]. Then they followed
the inside corridor
[pathway] at the rear, next
to the hedges
up to the street that led to
the secondary reception.
----- He denies peremptorily
that anyone of the group could be directly or indirectly
involved in the disappearance of his daughter. He presumes that,
when his wife alerted him about her disappearance, all the group
members were seated at the table. He relates that, also during
the dinner, none of the members complained about being ill or
manifested any strange behaviour, there was a relaxed
----- During the holidays he did
not hire or ask to borrow any motor vehicle, nor had he used a
taxi or other form of transport. He clarifies still that the
only time MADELEINE accompanied them to the beach was described
above, though she had gone to the beach in Luz three more times,
one of those to go sailing, but always in the company of creche
employees. Two of the visits occurred after the date on which
she was there with her parents. That, with respect to those
episodes, never was anything said to him by MADELEINE that
anything strange had happened.
----- Asked, he relates that on
Thursday, 3 May 2007, there was nobody outside the group seated
at the table, nor does he know any person with the name IRWIN.
----- With respect to the bed
where his daughter was on the night she disappeared he says that
she slept uncovered, as usual when she was hot, with the
bedclothes folded down. With respect to the other bed next to
the window in the children's bedroom he says that it showed no
signs that anyone had put their feet on it, namely, dirt or shoe
----- Concerning the half-hourly
checking of the children, it had been inspired by the MARK
WARNER system called "baby listening", as referred to
previously. On the night of the events he ate fish at dinner,
and sausages and potatoes as a starter, drinking white wine.
Usually, between 20h30 and the end of dinner, they would drink
more or less a bottle of wine per person.
----- Asked, he says that KATE
never told him anything about her having "a bad feeling
[presentiment]" with respect to this trip.
----- He has no suspicion, nor
has he any enemies, something that applies equally to his wife,
KATE. That, in the course of his profession, he had never
committed [made] any error, nor was he guilty of anything,
except one time during 2000 in which an unknown individual
entered the hospital where he worked, making incoherent threats
without justification and calling his name.
Nothing more said ... read,
ratified and going to sign
904 Gerald McCann consent
for mouth swab 2007.05.10
04-Processos Vol IV Page 904 |
also Outros Apensos I, Vol I
Page 5 |
04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_904 |
I, Gerald Patrick
declare my authorisation,
for the purposes of DNA
examination, that a mouth
swab be taken from me at the
Portimao DIC.
Portimao, 10th May 2007
G. McCann |