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Processos Vol III Pages 535 to 538
Date: 2007/05/08
Witness Statement
Jacqueline Mary Williams
Occupation: Pre-school teacher
Place of Work: OC
Statement translated by Robert
She has been in Portugal since 27th
March 2007, the date on which she
began work at the OC, where she
works as a pre-school teacher, she
signed her contract with MW in
She clarifies that between the dates
of 23rd April to 4th May 2007 she
worked with a group of children
belonging to OC guests, aged between
12 months and two years, called
"Toddlers 1".
When questioned she states that the
crêche is open every day, except for
Saturdays at the resort, which is
the day off for all the nannies, on
Saturdays there is just a support
service for any eventual need,
involving two nannies.
She also clarifies that the
"Toddlers 1" group is divided into
two subgroups of children, each
composed of three children each
group dependent on one nanny and
that she was responsible for one of
these subgroups.
With regard to the facts being
investigated, she says that in brief
moments and in a formal manner (just
saying "hello" and "goodbye") she
had contact with Madeleine,
explaining that she did not belong
to her group, these contacts took
place when the children were eating,
as all the children ate together in
the Tapas at the same time.
She says that Madeleine belonged to
the Mini Club group for children
aged between three and five,
explaining that the Mini Club
installations were in the same
building as the OC reception and
that the Toddlers are next to the
Tapas bar.
She mentions that Madeleine has two
twin siblings (a boy and a girl)
aged two, who belonged to the
Toddlers 2 group.
She says that in spite the fact that
both of the toddlers groups were in
the same building and that both the
twins were in Toddlers 2, she only
had contact with Madeleine's parents
twice when they came collect the
twins after their meal, which
happened every day at about 17.30,
this contact also being brief and
formal "just saying good afternoon".
That on 3rd May at about 22.05 she
was working at the Mini Club, at the
"dinner time period" together with
colleagues Charlotte and Amy, when a
female individual arrived, whose
name she does not know, just that
she was the mother of a child there
(belonging to Toddlers 2), being a
guest who was staying at the resort
and who left at the end of the week,
who told her that a girl called
"Maddie" has disappeared, and that
the girl's parents needed help in
looking for her.
When questioned she said that the
crêche also offered a free service
permitting parents to leave their
children in the care of the crêche
workers during dinner between 19.15
and 23.00, seeing as the
abovementioned situation occurred
during this time and that she was on
duty for that service on that night.
Whilst this was happening, her
colleague tried to find out and
confirmed that a child by the name
of Madeleine McCann had disappeared
and that they were about to begin
the "missing child procedure".
After this, the "missing child
procedure" was initiated, which
consists of an organised search,
spread over different areas of the
complex. The witness immediately
helped in the searches, whilst her
colleague Charlotte remained at the
crêche, looking after the other
children that were there and waiting
for the arrival of the last parents,
after which she also began
The witness says she participated in
these searches with her colleague
Joe (Tapas bar employee) searching
different areas of the OC resort.
When questioned, she says that she
did not participate in any search of
the apartment where Madeleine was
staying with her parents and
siblings, nor in its immediate
That she took part in the searches
until 04.00 on 4th May before
returning to her home.
That in the search she carried out
with her colleagues (employees) of
the OC other people - tourists and
home owners - also participated.
She is not sure, but at about
midnight, she saw that the police
were also on the scene.
When questioned, she says she does
not know anything about Madeleine's
habits or those of her parents, nor
of anything strange about the child.
When questioned, she says that on 3
rd May she began her shift at 17.15
remaining at the crêche with her
colleagues Amy and Charlotte, until
they heard about the disappearance.
She did not know of anything
suspicious that may be linked to the
Reads, ratifies, signs