apenso5_vol_6_p1242 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1243 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 74-75 )....Pages 1242 to
1243 "Leicestershire constabulary re Jane Tanner's mobile phone
(Note :
Page 1243 does indeed refer to an investigation, by LP and OP
Task, into Jane Tanner's SMS texts to a particular mobile number
on the 3rd of May 2007 and also the 4th of May 2007. However,
Page 1242, refers to a reported sighting of Madeleine, on the
25th May 2007, at VARMA Airport, BULGARIA, and the witness
further refers to the presence of Jane Tanner and Russell
O'Brien there as well)
Page 1242 (Page 1 of 2 )
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 23rd August 2007, which refers to a reported
sighting of Madeleine, by a Mrs Jennifer CONROY at VARNA
Airport, Bulgaria, on the 25th May 2007, together with a
reference re Jane Tanner and Russell O'Brien. It also refers to
a Daily Express article of the 22nd August 2008. Unfortunately,
this entry has been placed diagonally across the page, and
therefore obscures most of the left-hand side and central portion
of the report)
Leicestershire Constabulary
Subject : Mrs Jennifer CONROY (N1309
Date : 23rd August 2007
Thi........................................(Jenn?)ifer CONROY
She......................................(r?)elation to a
sighting of
Ma(d?)...................................She is adamant that she
Ma(d?)...................................a male and two females
She......................................per concerning the
enq......................................d as Russell O'BRIEN
and Jane
TA.......................................(w?)ith Madeleine at
Varna Airport,
with.....................................(d?)er only
reservations are that if
Rus.....................................(m?)ale at the Airport
obvi....................................it could not have been
Mrs......................................(ex?)pert at portraits,
emp.....................................(t?)o detail most of her
working life.
She......................................Airport and supported
this by
conf.....................................o had a mannerism of
biting her
lip, (a?)...................................
I hav(e?)................................es to a message taken
from Mrs.
CON(ROY?)...........................(r?)efers to the Airport
sighting but
puts.....................................(s?)poken to at length
by DC 317
LAN......................................(st?)ating, This is a
well meaning
call.......................................(val?)idity in the
Jane Tanner - Questionnaire
Apensos V, Vol VI
Page 1243
Leicestershire Constabulary
Jane TANNER's Questionnaire states that she returned to the UK
from Praia Da Luz on 17th May 2007. The Additional Family Member
Questionnaire, for Russell O'BRIEN, gives his height as 6'6".
The raw telecom data provided to OP TASK shows that the mobile
phone attributed to Jane TANNER (0780854191) was in contact with
mobile number 07949731844 at 20:30:21 hrs on 3rd May 2007 and
again at 09:04:46 hrs on 4th May 2007. Each contact was an 'SMS'.
Enquiries are underway to subscribe the '1884’ number.
For your reference I have obtained a copy of the Daily Express,
dated Wednesday 22nd August 2007, and I attach pages '1' and '7'
detailing the Madeleine coverage.
I have E-mailed a copy of this report to Task Portugal for the
attention of DI Mick GRAHAM.
Respectfully submitted for your attention / consideration.
Andy Gierc
DC 1578
(No date) |