HOLIDAY MAKER May, 7th 2007 |
119 to 120 External
diligence carried out re:
Jeremy Wilkins |
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Date: 2007/05/04 Location: Praia da Luz - Lagos;
Entity determining the diligence:
Employee who performed it: Manuel P., Inspector
Following various informal conversations related to the
area of research, we were contacted by a British citizen
Wilkins, holder of
passport no. 205...., owner of mobile phone no.
+44788...., living in ....London...He spends his
holidays at, "WATERSIDE GARDENS," block G4, about 50
metres from the apartment where the small child was. He
told us that yesterday, between 8.30 and 9pm, while he
was in the "TAPAS" restaurant, he noted that a person of
around 1.70m, with long blond hair, apparently of the
"Rasta," style and dressed in green military-style
clothes, entered the restaurant. This person did not
stay very long. Their behaviour was somewhat strange and
they seemed to be rather nervous. He was alone, he did
not speak to anyone and left soon afterwards. The
informant maintains that he has never seen this person
in the village.
494 to 505
Sketch provided by Jeremy Wilkins and statement in English
506 Confirmation above fax sent
729 to 736
Translation of Leicestershire police constabulary documents with
Wilkins statement |
02-Processo 2 -
494 to 505
03-Processo 3 - 729 to 736 |
7th 2007 Jeremy
Wilkins deposition
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I am the above
named person and at an address known by the Police. This
statement describes my holiday at the Algarve and the
conversation with Jerry, the father of Madeleine on the evening
of her disappearance.
On Saturday , 28th April, 2007, we arrived at the Ocean Club
resort, Garden Apartments, Praia da Luz, Algarve. I was with my
wife Bridget O'Donnell, my daughter Orly, who is three (3) and
Arlo, my son who is eight (8) months. We were placed into the
apartment within block G4, apartment JMO on letter O. There are
about 15 to 20 apartments within each block. The McCann family
was within the next block. On Monday 30th, April, 2007 I joined
the tennis lessons provided by Mark Warner, the tour operator.
There were five pairs. There were 3 females and a male, I found
to be Jerry.
He was white of pale complexion, about 5'10'' to 6' 00'' with a
soft Glaswegian accent. He has dark hair which was short. He was
of athletic build.
As part of the lesson we were paired off together. We engaged on
general conversation, mainly about tennis, and football. I got
the impression that he was good company, gregarious and chatty.
The tennis lessons longed about an hour. We were signed for four
(4) lessons in total. I can't recall if I saw Jerry again that
On Tuesday, 1st May, 2007 we again had a tennis lesson together.
After the lessons, this time we had a game of doubles together
with two friends of his! At this point I established that Jerry
and his family had come along with a group of other families,
four (4) in totals. The game longed about one hour and a
After the game we walked together with a third male called
Russell or Matt, to pick the children up from the Mini-Club.
This is a Creche provided by the holiday company.
We would take them there at 9 am ('!) every day, until 12:30pm.
I realized that Jerry had three (3) children). A girl called
Madeleine and 2 twins who were about two years of age. Madeleine
was about three (3). This club would take threes (3) to five (5)
years old. The Club was split into two (2) groups: the Sharks
and the Lobsters. My son was in the Sharks group. I believe that
Madeleine was in the Lobsters. I don't believe that I saw the
family again that day.
On Wednesday, 2nd May, I could see it was raining and the tennis
lesson was postponed. It was re-scheduled for 2:30 pm. I found
this out at a later date and missed the lesson. I arrived about
five (5) minutes before the end and realized this fact. I saw
the usual people at the tennis lesson. I then went back to my
That evening myself and my partner attended the 'Tapas'
restaurant which is part of the hotel complex at the swimming
pool. We sat down to eat at 7:30 pm. After about forty five (45)
minutes Jerry appeared as did one of his friends. I believe it
was Russell. They sat at the next table. We naturally engaged in
conversation about everyday things. We spoke about childcare.
That night my family were using the creche's facility. We found
out that the group of families were occupying ground floor flats
near the swimming pool and they were leaving the children by
themselves in order for them to go to the restaurant in the
evenings. They would then go regularly to check the children who
would be asleep.
I found out that Jerry was a cardiologist in a Hospital. At this
time his wife was putting the children to bed. We received a
call from the creche informing that our son was awake. My
partner left first and I followed shortly afterwards. The amount
of time I spent with Jerry was about fifteen (15) to twenty (20)
minutes we remained in the restaurant. By the time we left,
Jerry was with about seven other people. I picked up my daughter
from the creche and then returned to the apartment.
On Thursday, 3rd May 2007, at 10 am I went to tennis lesson as
usual and Jerry was there and a female. The other two females
were not present. We again engaged in general conversation and
played ('!) the lesson for an hour.
I went to the pool where Bridget was. I think Jerry's wife, Kate
was already there speaking to the tennis coach. They got really
involved in a conversation XXX Jerry would say a joke ('!!!!,
unreadable) and go ...
At 12:30 pm we went fetch the little boy from the creche as
usual. Everyone left the pool at about the same time. I didn't
see Jerry or Kate.
We returned to our apartment. We decided to spend the evening
in, watching television. Our son was awake and unable to sleep.
I decided to take him for a walk in his pram. I left about 8:15
to 8:30 pm. I was pushing the pram around the complex and went
to the toilet near the bar. I could not see inside the
restaurant. As I got the baby to sleep, I was on my way back to
the apartment. I came out at the top road.
I met him near the stairs of a ground floor. There was a gate
leading up to some stairs. I was pretty certain that he had left
the apartment. We spoke for a few minutes. He said you're on
walking duty. I said I was staying in and pros and cons and what
to do with the children.
He said that if he was staying two (2) weeks he may stay in one
I don't remember anyone else walking around with a child. The
conversation lasted for about three (3) to five (5) minutes.
He was acting completely normal from what I know of him so far.
I then walked back to the apartment. I had dinner, watched a DVD
and went to bed at about 11 pm.
The doorbell woke us up at about 1 am. It was the resort manager
who I learnt to be John and one of Jerry's friends. I think his
name was Matt. He is white, slim, and tall with greying hair.
From previous conversations I learnt him to be a diabetics
specialist. We met him o the way to the destination. Matt said
XXXXX to the effect that Jerry's daughter had been abducted, and
that Jerry said that he had met me and wanted to know if I had
seen anything. I said 'You're joking'. I offered help but they
said there was nothing that could be done at that stage. We
remained at the apartment but could see people around the pool
and at the front with torches. I also saw the police arriving.
We then went to bed.
The following day there was a sombre atmosphere around the
complex. I last saw Jerry and Kate on Saturday, 5th May 2007
about 4 pm or 5 pm. We were sitting by the pool. I walked over
to Jerry and wanted to let him know that I was thinking about
him. I shook his hand. He was quiet but wasn't crying. I thought
it was brave of him and his wife to go to the pool. I said hello
to Kate, I didn't know what to say in that
situation. She looked really upset. That was the last time I
physically saw Jerry and Kate. Myself and my family left the
complex at 7:30 pm
and flew back to Gatwick that evening, arriving at
04:00 am.
Sunday (6 May)
I have drawn a map of the complex and marked an X where I saw
Jerry on Thursday evening ' JW 1. I have also produced a map,
from the holiday brochure also with an X where I saw Jerry on
Thursday ' JW 2.'
The END |
494 to 505 are his personal statement which was
translated into Portuguese in pages 729-736. |
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510 to 512 Letter from Dr. Amaral regarding possible
questions for Jeremy Wilkins 2007.05.07 ( English) 513
Conformation above letter sent |
02-Processo Vol
2...Pages 510-512 |
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Department of Criminal Investigation at PORTIMAO.
To : Detective Chief Superintendent Robert Hall
From: Goncalo Amaral - C.I.C. no D.I.C. de PortimAo
C/C : Fax:
Data: 07-05-2007 . No pages : 03
Ref : N / ref : Inq. 201107.0 GALGS
Subject : Request for Collaboration
In furtherance of your operation TASK and International Police
Cooperation please see the following points:
1. Could you consider making enquiries to question JEREMY
MICHAEL WILKINS (UK Passport No 205XXXXXX, DOB 24.02.1974) ?
Wilkins was staying at the Ocean Club resort at the time of
Madeleine's disappearance and may have vital information.
Wilkins lives at the following address, 23 MXXXXX RXXX, London,
NWlX XXX. Wilkins is contactable on the following telephone
numbers 00447XXXXXXXXX and 00442XXXXXXXXX.
We would like the following points covered if possible;
- Did Wilkins travel with anyone else?
- If he has children and what age are they?
- If he knows the group of people which MADELEINE MCCANN was
part of and the apartment block where the guests were staying ?
- If he knows MADELEINE'S parents and in particular her father
- When did he met GERALD MCCANN and in what circumstances ?
- Did he play tennis with GERALD McCANN ?
- Did he meet with him apart from playing tennis ?
- Did he come to know the routine of GERALD McCANN and his
family (his wife and children ?
- If he did, when GERALD was having dinner with his wife and
friends where were the children and how were they looked after ?
When was the last time he was with GERALD McCANN, when not
playing tennis, before the disappearance of MADELEINE ?
- On the day of the disappearance, was JEREMY out with his
children in the evening ?
- Did he meet GERALD and at what time ?
- Where was GERALD coming from at this time ?
- Exactly where was this meeting with GERALD ? (please obtain
confirmation of the exact location on the attached map)
- What was the distance of this meeting from GERALD'S apartment
- Can Jeremy provide a sketch map of the location ?
- What did they talk about at this time and for how long ?
- When he was talking with GERALD, did any of Gerald's group
pass by ?
- If so, who ?
- When he was talking with GERALD did he see whether anyone
passed by carrying a child in the road near the apartment block
2. In the spirit of Police to Police Cooperation we request the
presence of a British Criminal Analyst who may be able to assist
the enquiry.
Also the collaboration of the UK's "Child Exploitation Online
Protection" may be useful if they wish to send one of their
officers to provide assistance to the investigation,
3. We would like further information (by telephonic analysis if
thought necessary) relevant to the investigation about the
following subjects :
- GERALD McCANN and KATE HEALY contactable on telephone numbers
telephone numbers 00442XXXXXXXXX, 00447XXXXXXXXX and
telephone numbers 00447XXXXXXXXX and 00447XXXXXXXXX.
- DAVID ANTHONY PAYNE, contactable on telephone number
00441XXXXXXXXX, FIONA ELAINE PAYNE, contactable on telephone
number 00441XXXXXXXXX and DIANNE WEBSTER, contactable on
telephone number
Namely if there is any indication of motive for anyone in the UK
to kidnap the daughter of GERALD McCann ?
Coordinator of Criminal Investigation :
Goncalo Amaral. |
837 Email
838 to 843
- Translation of Jeremy Wilkins statement 2007.05.07
-Translation of Jeremy
Wilkins map statement 2007.05.07
Copy of tennis court bookings |
04 Processo 4 Page 838 to 845 |
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838-845 are poor copies of the translation in pages 729 to736.
Also, it is very likely that both are associated with the e-mail
dated 8 May on page 837 sending an urgent translation to the PJ,
but there is no guarantee of that from either the subject or the
files names of the e-mail attachments. |