05 NOV 07 |
3407 to 3409 Officer's
report re:2007.11.05 visit
to Wilkins and O'Donnell. |
13-Volume XIII p. 3407
- 3409. |
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Date: 05/11/07
During the evening
of Wednesday 31
October 2007, Jeremy
and Bridget were
visited at their
home address by DC
1756 and DC 4356
from the
Leicestershire Op
Task team. This
visit was organized
to attempt to gain
information in
relation to the
McCann's and members
of their group
whilst on holiday in
the Prai Da Luz
Contact was made as
result of their
previous interaction
with the OP Task
Team and their
willingness to
discuss their
relationship with
the group.
Both Jeremy and
Bridget work within
the television
production industry
programmes. Bridget
previously worked
alongside the Police
on the Crime Watch
television programme
and was aware of the
importance for the
need of collating
Jeremy and Bridget
have been married
for several years
and have two
children, XXXX (F) 3
yrs and XXXX (M) 8
months. It may be of
interest to note
that these names are
Hebrew names and
spellings have been
They chose that
specific period to
go to the Praia Da
Luz resort because
of the childcare
facilities and the
fact that it was the
cheapest week of the
They flew to the
resort on Saturday
28 April 2007.
Whilst on the plane
they came into
conversation with
Russell O'Brien and
Mathew Oldfield due
to their children
being of the same
age range and the
fact that they were
playing together on
the plane.
They were also aware
of the presence of
their partners, Jane
Tanner and Rachel
Upon arrival in the
resort they were
allocated apartment
O in block G4. This
block being situated
near the tennis
courts and adjacent
to the block in
which the McCann's
apartment was
situated. It is on
the junction of Rua
1 De Maio and Rua Dr
Agostinho da Silva,
with Rua Dr
Francisco Gentil
Martins running
Jeremy first met
Gerry at a tennis
coaching session
held by staff
associated with the
Mark Warner resort
on the first Monday
of their holiday
He found Gerry to be
amicable and willing
to chat. He paired
with Gerry for part
of the lesson and
described him as
"Good company if not
a little
He did not meet up
with Gerry or any of
the group again
until Tues 1 May 07.
This was again
during a tennis
session and it was
at this time he met
some of the group
and realized that
the people he met on
the Plane were
indeed part of the
Jeremy explained
that he used the
creche facility
provided by the
resort. This was a
child care facility
which allowed
parents to leave
their children, aged
between 3 - 5 yrs
old, with trained
staff at various
times of the day. He
recalled walking to
the crèche with
Gerry who had left
Madeleine with the
staff. This was
about 1230 hrs on
Tues 1 May. He then
went on to explain
that the children
could be left with
the staff during the
evening and that
most would be picked
up before 10pm. It
was not an unusual
sight to see people
walking through the
site at night with a
child in their arms
asleep. The creche
would also provide a
blanket to cover the
child if required.
He had taken up this
facility hence his
knowledge of the
Jeremy and Bridget
had visited the
Tapas bar on several
occasions during
which they noticed
the group had
reserved a table for
every night of their
holiday. This
appeared to be
contrary to the set
down procedure of
not booking a table
any further than
three days ahead.
The group appeared
boisterous but good
natured with Gerry
being the central
figure. His
gregarious character
making him appear to
be the central
figure in the group
and almost holding
court. However they
did notice that
David Payne was
equally gregarious
and almost playing
along with, if not
up to, Gerry.
Jeremy and Bridget
became aware that
although the McCanns
had taken up the use
of the creche
facility during the
day, they had not
done so for the
evening hours and
had left the
children in the
apartment but were
checking on them
regularly and that
other members of the
group appeared to be
doing the same.
They expressed
surprise over this
as the McCanns
apartment was set in
a location that
appeared vulnerable.
They were aware that
the apartment was a
corner building and
with easy access
from the road. The
apartments were not
very secure and
entry could easily
be gained.
They went on to
explain the events
of the 3 May 2007.
He went to play
tennis at 1030hrs
and noticed Gerry
was there. He
engaged in general
conversation with
him as well as a
female member of
Gerry's group, but
he could not name
her. After which
they all went to the
pool. Both Gerry and
Kate were present
this time and spent
the majority of the
time talking with
the tennis coach.
The coach appeared
to be talking about
her life in general
and both Jeremy and
Bridget noticed that
Gerry and Kate were
listening intently
to her. Jeremy
thought this to be
courteous of them
considering they did
not know her.
At 1230hrs both
Jeremy and Bridget
went to pick up
their children from
the creche. They did
not have any
interaction with the
group again that
afternoon. They
decided to spend the
evening in the
apartment. Their son
was unable to sleep
so about 2015hrs,
Jeremy took him, in
the pushchair for a
walk. He walked
around the main area
of the resort and
eventually ended up
in the Tapas bar
where he used the
toilet facility. He
was unable to state
what time this was.
His son was still
awake so he walked
in the area of the
ocean club gardens
and walked along the
alleyways in that
general area. He
eventually made his
way along Rua Dr
Francisco toward the
direction of Rua Dr
Agostinho. At this
time he was walking
on the right side of
the road passing the
Tapas bar area to
his left. He noticed
the bad street
lighting and
although it was not
completely dark
there was enough
light to see
clearly. As he
approached the
corner of the
McCanns apartment,
he saw Gerry appear
from the area of the
gate. He crossed the
road and engaged in
general conversation
with Gerry. At this
time they were stood
with Gerry's back to
the building near to
the gate and Jeremy
facing him. Rua Dr
Agostino was about
10-15 meters to
his right and the
pathway leading to
the front of the
apartment blocks
about 5 meters to
his left.
He was adamant that
he did not see any
one else in the
area. When spoken to
in reference to Jane
Tanner walking by,
he again stated that
he saw no one. He
also stated that he
did not see or hear
anyone to his right.
He was aware of the
recent picture in
the papers re the
person with a child
wrapped in a blanket
and in a males arms
allegedly walking
across the junction
to his right but
again stated that he
did not see any one.
The conversation
with Gerry lasted
for about three
minutes during which
Gerry was chatty and
in his normal self.
Jeremy then made his
way back to his
They went to bed
about 2300hrs but
were waken about
0100hrs by a knock
at the door. On
answering the door
they spoke with the
resort manager and a
person they knew was
a member of the
group but they only
knew him as Matthew.
It was then they
found out that
Madeleine was
They had no further
contact with the
family apart from
seeing them in
passing whilst at
the resort.
Several weeks later,
Jeremy received
calls from Gerry in
relation to gaining
permission from him
to use his name in a
portfolio of
evidence being
compiled by an
employed by the
McCanns. They were
very persistent and
made several
attempts to contact
him both at work and
at home. They had no
objection to being
included but were
concerned as to the
method being used.