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Witness Statement
Jorge Miguel Trindade Cintra
Date: 2007.05.08
Occupation: Waiter
Place of Work: Millenium Restaurant
Comes to the process as a witness. He has worked as a waiter at
the OC since April of this year. His normal working hours are
from 16H00 to 24H00, with days off on Thursdays and Fridays.
He does not often enter the resort complex, since his main
duties lie in the Millenium Restaurant.
Questioned, he states that he became aware of the British girl,
Madeleine’s disappearance on Friday, the 4th of May, via his
When questioned, the witness states that he does not believe he
saw or spoke to the missing girl or to her family before her
He became aware of these people following images on television
in the days following the disappearance.
Questioned, the witness states that on the days with preceded
the disappearance of the girl, no one spoke to him strangely
regarding the guests, or the children accompanying them, the
resort or the functioning of the resort.
He also states that he heard no conversation of this sort among
other people.
Regarding the presence of people or persons who may have
appeared strange in the resort, the last days, the witness
states that he saw nothing out of the ordinary.
With regard to the vehicles which could have circulated or
parked next to the resort, he states that he did not notice
anything at all that drew his attention.
Questioned, the witness states that from the disappearance of
the child Madeleine and until today, he is not aware of any
commentary that would help clarify the motive for the
disappearance, and that he has no information which could help
with clarification.
Nothing more was said
Reads, ratifies, signs.