- Request for BBC
journalists re: access to
files |
10 Processos Vol X Page 2661 |
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To: The Public Prosecutor
Portimao Judicial Circuit
Date: 17 September 2007
Nicholas Springate, of British nationality, bearer of passport
number No.*******, BBC journalist, press card no.******* and
Steven Kingston, of British nationality, bearer of passport no.
*******, BBC journalist, press card n******* both with the
professional address of ********, Lagoa, Portugal, given the
entry into force on the 15th September 2007 of the changes
introduced by the Law 48/2007 of 29th August, introduced into
the Penal Process Code, article 86 of this code being modified
in no. 1 to 'the penal process and under penalty of nullity,
public' considering the terms laid down in no. 1 of article 5 of
the Penal Process code 'the processional law is of immediate
application', consequently applicable to processes that were
initiated previously and their duration, namely the so-called
"Madeleine Case", which due to the above mentioned legal norms
is no longer under judicial secrecy and is now public under
penalty of nullity, come to request, under the dispositions of
articles 86, no. 1, 88 no.1 and 90, no. 1 of the Penal Process
Code, authorisation to consult the process files of the 'Maddie
Case' (denomination adopted in a note for the media dated
11-09-2007 by his Excellency the Public Prosecutor in order to
identify the process in question for effects of the divulgation
of information, with particular attention to public
repercussions of the case.
Portimao, 17th September, 2007
We request and await deferral.
Nicholas Springate Steven Kingston |
- Documentation including
extension of secrecy of
justice rule and letters
from journalist to the
Attorney Genera |
10 Processos Vol X Page 2662 |
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Portimao Public Ministry
17-09-2007 (15 and 16 weekend)
The nature of the facts shared whose knowledge and divulgation
have already reached a cross border dimension, demands that the
interests of the investigation be protected from the most varied
speculations/comments about the elements that are contained in
the process files and of those other elements that could come to
be contained in them, as a result of the development of the
investigation, which is only possible if they are - as until now
- the subject of judicial secrecy.
Please remit the files to the Mmo JIC for validation of this
determination of terms and for the effects laid down in article
86 of the PPC and of the wording introduced by Law 48/2007 of
29th August.
The Public Prosecutor
Dr Jose Magalhaes e Menezes |
2667 to 2668
- Documentation including
extension of secrecy of
justice rule and letters
from journalist to the
Attorney General |
Vol X Pages
2667 to 2668 |
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Letter to the Public Prosecutor, Portimao Public Ministry
Date 18th September 2007
In terms of the recent alteration to the Penal Process Code
(29th August 2007), namely that referred to by article 86,
numeral 1 - 'the penal process is, under penalty of nullity,
public, apart from the exceptions foreseen in the law' and that,
according to alinea b) of no. 6 of the same article, publicity
about the case implies 'the narration of processional acts or
the reproduction of their terms by the press', I, J*** P*** d+
C****** T***, carrier of ID card no. **** and of press card no.
*** present my request to consult the process commonly known as
the 'Madeleine Case'.
I am a freelance journalist and in this capacity am
collaborating with the British news channel ITN, the producer of
information for ITV and Channel 4 in the UK and CNN and CBS in
the US.
As stated in no. 1 of article 5, I understand that that the
changes made to the Penal Process Code are immediately
applicable, by which, except for exceptions foreseen in the law,
the investigation process is now public. Also because the
exceptions foreseen in no. 2 of the same article no.5 do not seem
to me to be applicable in this case.
Given that the case was already the subject of judicial secrecy
and taking into account the speculation that has marked this
case, I request, as established in no. 13 of article 86, the
following clarifications, which I understand would be necessary
to re-establish the truth and not prejudice the investigation:
1. What incriminatory evidence exists at the moment that would
indicate the involvement of Kate and Gerry McCann in the
disappearance of their daughter Madeleine McCann?
2. According to the press, the Public Ministry and the Policia
Judiciaria do not have sufficient elements of proof in order to
enable them to formulate an accusation against the couple. Is
that true?
3. If these elements of proof do not exist, is it normal for a
suspicion to take so long to arrive at Justice?
4. The Policia Judiciaria has been the target of many
criticisms, on the part of the British media. Are these
criticisms justified?
5. How can it be possible, in the case that you co-manage, that
so much information about the investigation has been printed in
the Portuguese press, when the investigation is or was under
judicial secrecy?
6. When will a decision be made about the formalisation of
accusations against the McCann couple or the archiving of the
case be made?
7. The direction of the investigation no longer considers the
possibility of abduction? Have the authorities stopped looking
for Madeleine, dead or alive?
8. Are there other lines of inquiry, apart from those that
implicate the McCanns?
Given the unprecedented public interest in this case, in my
understanding it is pertinent to make this request, especially
as what I am proposing - and what the television channels
propose - is a serious, objective and non-speculative work.
With compliments,
J*** P**** d* C****** T***** |
Documentation including extension of secrecy of justice rule and
letters from journalist to the Attorney General |
10 Processos Vol X Page 2669 |
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In reply to the questions received from the journalists, the
following is made known:
1. The process known as the 'Madeleine Case' has still not
completed the investigation phase, it therefore corresponds to
the entity that leads or directs this (Public Ministry) to
provide the information or clarifications about its development,
if the understanding is that the law is permitting;
2. During this phase, the intervention of the Instruction Judge
is necessary and should be destined to safeguard the rights,
liberties and guarantees, by authorising or not the carrying out
of diligences that could offend these rights, liberties and
guarantees, such as, for example, forensic tests, searches,
apprehensions (as was the case of jurisdictional intervention
that has taken place until now);
3. Satisfying the requirement of the Portimao Court Instruction
Judge and given the communicational difficulties that still
persist within our courts, this Council assumes, in
collaboration with the aforementioned Judge, the provision of
clarifications and information which, within the strict limits
of the law, come to be justified, whether in the jurisdictional
phase that may eventually come to take place, or in the specific
interventions of the Instruction Judge, which may also come to
occur in the future;
4. The intervention of the Instruction Judge that has occurred
up until now does not justify - further than that which has been
explained - any information or clarification on the part of this
Lisbon, 18th September 2007
Vice President
Antonio Nunes Ferreira Girao |
- Letter re: Steve
Bruce Kingston |
Processos Vol XVI Page 4286 |
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To: The Public Prosecutor
Portimao Judicial Circuit
Steven Kingston, of British nationality, bearer of passport nº
*******, BBC journalist, press card n******* both with the
professional address of ********, Lagoa, Portugal, under the
dispositions contained in article 86nº1, 88 nº1, 89 nº6, 90 nº1
and 276 nºs and 3 of the Penal Process code, with the text of
Law nº 48/2007 of 29th August, subsequently corrected by the
Rectification Statement nº 100-A/2007 of 26th October, request
the authorisation to consult the process files mentioned above
for effects of the divulgation of information and clarification
of the truth, with particular attention to public repercussions
of the case.
Lagos 15th May 2008
Awaiting deferral.
Steven Kingston |
- Dispatches
judicial secrecy. Steven Bruce Kingston |
16 Processos Vol XVI Page 4296 |
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Portimao Public Services Ministry
To: Steven Bruce Kingston
Process 201.070GALGS
Date: 19-05-2008
Subject: Despatch
You are notified that by means of despatch proffered on the case
files mentioned above, your consultation has been deferred as
required in virtue of the fact that the investigation is under
judicial secrecy.
María Luisa Nascimento Duarte |