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Final revised
Judiciary Police
National Directorate
Surname: GASPAR
First Names: KATHERINA
Age: +18
Date of Birth:
Postal Code:
Telephone no.:
Date of Statement:
Number of Pages: 8
I make this statement in
relation to the MCCANN
family who are currently in
Portugal. The MCCANN family
is composed of Gerry MCCANN,
his wife, Kate MCCANN and
their three children,
Madeleine, 4 years old, and
Sean and Amelie, who are
twins, aged two.
As has been widely covered
by the news, Madeleine is
not with her family
presently, and has been
missing for the last two
I will begin by explaining
that I am married to Savio
Gaspar and that we have two
daughters, E., who is almost
3 and I. who is now one year
old. I have been married to
Savio for 11 years. I am a
General Practitioner like my
husband. I met my husband
when we were (page 1)
working together in Exeter,
about 14 years ago.
To explain the way in which
we met the MCCANN family, I
would like to state that my
husband knows Kate, as they
both attended Dundee
University between 1987 and
1992. At that time, Kate?s
name was Kate HEALY. I met
Kate and Gerry on the
occasion of their wedding,
around 1998, in Liverpool.
Both Savio and I went to the
wedding because as Savio was
an old friend of Kate?s, we
were both invited to the
As far as I know, Savio did
not know Gerry before the
abovementioned wedding. From
that time onwards, we met as
friends about three times a
year and we would spent
weekends away together. I
would say that we became
intimate friends of Gerry
and Kate.
I remember that in 2002 or
2003, Savio and I spent a
weekend with Gerry and Kate
in Devon. We would stay in
contact with each other by
In 2002/2003 Savio and I
were living in Birmingham
and the MCCANNS in
In September of 2005, Savio,
I and E., who at the time
was about 1 and a half years
old, went to spend our
holidays abroad, in Majorca.
We went (page 2) on holiday
with Kate, Gerry, and
Madeleine, who would have
been around 2 and a half
years old and with the
twins, Sean and Amelie, who
were just months old. I
remember that I was pregnant
with I.
During those holidays there
were also friends of Gerry
and Kate with us.
There was a couple, whose
names were Dave and Fiona,
and whose surname was PAYNE,
I believe. I think that they
were married and had one
daughter aged about 1, named
L. I remember that during
those holidays that Fiona
was pregnant.
There was another couple,
whose names were Tara and
Stuart, but whose surname I
cannot remember who were
also on holiday with us.
They had two boys, aged 1
and 3, whose names I do not
remember. I did not know
these two families before we
went on holidays together.
From memory, I think that it
was Dave who organised these
holidays and we all stayed
together in a big house when
we were in Majorca.
We spend a week on holidays,
however, the MCCANN family
and the PAYNE family stayed
for two weeks. I think that
Tara and Stuart, and their
two children, also stayed
for just one week.
Two or three days had gone
by, we were all staying in
Majorca where, in general
terms, we had fun (Page 3)
with our children. Possibly,
around the fourth or perhaps
the fifth day abroad, I
remember an incident that
stayed recorded in my head.
I say this in this way,
because I have thought
numerous times about the
incident that I am about to
describe since that date.
One night, when we were on
holiday, the adults, in
other words, the couples
that I mentioned were on a
patio outside the house
where we were staying. We
had been eating and
I was sitting between Dave
and Gerry whom I believe
were both talking about
Madeleine. I don't remember
the conversation in its
entirety, but it seemed they
were discussing a possible
scenario. I remember Dave
telling Gerry something like
?she?, referring to
Madeleine, ?would do this?.
When he mentioned ?this?,
Dave was sucking on one of
his fingers, pushing it in
and out of his mouth, whilst
with the other hand he
circled his nipple, with a
circulating movement over
his clothes. This was done
in a provocative manner
there being an explicit
insinuation in relation to
what he was saying and
I remember that I was
shocked at this, and looked
at Gerry, and also at Dave,
to see their reactions. I
looked around (page 4) to
see ?did anyone else hear
this, or was it just me?.
There was a nervous silence
noted in the conversations
of all the others and
immediately afterwards
everyone began talking
I never spoke to anyone
about this, but I always
felt that it was something
very strange and that it
wasn't something that should
be done or said.
Apart from this, I remember
that Dave did the same thing
once again. When I refer to
this, I want to mention
again that it was during a
conversation, in which he
was talking about an
imaginary situation, though
I could not say precisely
what it was about. I believe
that he was talking about
his own daughter, L., though
I'm not certain. He slid one
of his fingers in and out of
his mouth, while the other
hand drew a circle around
his nipple in a provocative
and sexual manner. I believe
that he was referring to the
way that L., would behave or
would do it.
I believe that he did this
later on, during the
holidays, but I cannot be
sure. The only time, besides
this one, that I was with
Dave and Fiona was several
weeks after the holidays,
when Savio and I met up with
Gerry, Kate, Dave and Fiona
at a restaurant in
I am absolutely certain that
he said what he said and
that he made the gestures I
referred to, but that could
have occurred in the
restaurant in Leicester,
even though (page five) I
believe that it was later
on, in Majorca. When I heard
Dave saying and doing this a
second time, I took it more
I remember thinking whether
he looked at the girls in a
different way from me or
from the others. I imagined
that maybe he had visited
Internet sites related to
small children. In short, I
thought that he might be
interested in child
pornography on the internet.
During our holidays, I was
more attentive at the bath
times after hearing Dave
saying that.
During our holidays in
Majorca, it was the fathers
who took care of the
children baths. I had the
tendency to walk close to
the bathroom, if it was Dave
bathing the children. I
remember telling Savio to
took care to be there, in
case it was Dave helping to
bathe the children and, in
particular, my daughter E. I
was very clear about this,
as having heard him say that
had disturbed me, and I did
not trust him to give bath
to E. alone.
When I heard Dave say that a
second time, it reinforced
what I already thought in
relation to his thoughts
about girls. During our stay
in Majorca, Dave and his
wife, Fiona, accompanied by
their daughter L., took
Madeleine (page 6) with them
to spend the day, in order
to give Kate and Gerry a bit
of rest and time to be with
the twins. When I say this,
it is not that I was worried
about Madeleine's safety,
since she was also with
Fiona and L., and also with
Dave, as far as I know.
As I have already mentioned,
I was only with Dave and
Fiona on one occasion, after
Majorca, and I have not
spoken to them since then.
In the last two years, we
have met, as a family, with
the MCCANN, every now and
then. This mainly happens on
the children's birthdays, a
time when we meet up.
The first time I heard of
the terrible news about
Madeleine's disappearance
through the radio, my
thoughts went immediately to
Dave. I asked Savio if Dave
was also on holidays with
the MCCANN in Portugal but
he did not know.
I watched the TV thoroughly,
and seeing the news
coverage, I noticed that
Dave was there, because I
saw him, in the background,
on the television images
during the first days after
Madeleine?s disappearance.
Based upon that, I believed
that he was on holidays with
the MCCANN in Portugal.
Today, Wednesday, 16th of
May of 2007, at 17:40, I
gave DC Brewer an A4 page
containing 2 photographic
images. I am going to refer
to these images as (Ref
KZG/1) (element of proof)
that may (page seven) be
presented as means of proof,
if necessary. These
photographs were taken
during the holidays in
Majorca. In the photographs,
Dave is wearing a white
T-shirt and the woman in the
photograph corresponds to
his wife Fiona. The man who
is holding the glass of wine
in the photograph is Stuart.
These photographs were taken
while we were in Majorca.
Translation [PJ] done by
Note: Retroversion from the
Portuguese translation |
3916 to 3920 Witness
statement of Arul Savio
Gaspar 2007.05.16 |
13Processo 13 pages 3916 to 3920 |
Witness statement of Arul Savio Gaspar
Name: Arul Savio Gaspar
Date of statement: 16-05-2007
This statement was made in relation to
the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
I currently work as a GP at Saint
Clements Surgery, Birmingham, where I
have been employed for the last nine
Madeleine is the daughter of Kate and
Gerry McCann and we are friends of the
I have known Kate since 1987, when we
met at Dundee Medical School, and became
friends. We have remained in touch all
this time and meet up 3 or 4 times a
year, we often talk on the phone or
email each other.
When we first became friends in 1987
she was still known as Kate Healy, this
was the case until she married Gerry at
the end of 1990s. Kate and I completed
our medical degrees in 1992, when we
each carried on with our lives, once we
had begun our careers.
After I finished my degree I began my
career in Exeter, and I think Kate went
to Glasgow.
I only met up with Kate again in 1997 or
1998. At that moment I was married to
Katherina, we had both been invited to
attend Kate and Gerry's wedding.
After their wedding we lost contact and
I think they went to New Zealand.
We only met up again in 2001 in
The couple visited us in the house where
we then living, in ******, and this was
the first time I talked to Gerry.
I think that at the time Kate and Gerry
were living in Queeniborough,
From 2001 and 2005 we were in regular
contact and often visited each other's
We planned holidays for the first week
of September 2005 in Majorca, Spain,
together with three other couples
including Kate and Gerry. We did not
know the other two couples, they were
friends of Kate and Gerry's, we had
never met them before.
We all had children.
When we went on this holiday we had one
daughter, ****** aged 18 months.
Kate and Gerry had 3 children, Madeleine
almost two and the twins who were six
months old.
The other couples were Fiona and David
Payne and their daughter Lily who was
one year old and **** and **** who had
two boys aged three and one. I do not
remember **** and *** surname nor the
names of their children.
Katherine and I had booked the holiday
for one week and the other two couples
had booked for two weeks. We stayed
together in a large villa.
We all arrived at the villa separately.
During the period we stayed at the villa
I remember a gesture made by David
I do not remember the context of the
conversation between David and Gerry,
but I do remember seeing David use his
left index finger to rub his nipple,
using circular movements, whilst he put
his right index finger into his mouth,
touching his tongue. This happened
during a meal, at the end of the day in
the villa, I do not remember the time or
the date, but we would usually dine
between 19.30 and 21.00 every day. I
think this happened in the middle of the
I remember that when I saw this gesture
I immediately thought it to be in very
bad taste, independently of the context
of the conversation they were having. We
were sitting around a white plastic
table in the villa. I don't know if
anyone else saw the gesture, apart from
my wife Katherina. After this gesture,
we did not notice any others and as far
as I know, the gesture was not repeated.
We never commented on this gesture
during the rest of the holiday and I
thought no more about it.
I can describe Dave as a Caucasian male
1.78 m tall, and of a medium complexion.
He had brown hair and used
glasses/contact lenses depending on the
I can say that Dave was a pleasant
person. I do not remember him having any
unusual characteristics.
During the holidays Dave never behaved
in an inappropriate manner with
Madeleine or with any of the other
children. Dave was popular with the
children and I took this to be because
he was a close friend to the family.
I never distrusted Dave. After the
holidays there was one occasion when we
were with Kate and Gerry and Fiona and
Dave were also present.
That was in a restaurant in Leicester in
2005. I do not remember the name of the
We had a pleasant evening, just the
three couples without the children.
I do not remember Dave having behaved
inappropriately on this occasion. We
have not spoken to Dave or Fiona since
December 2005, only due to their being
friends of Kate and Gerry, not for any
other reason.
The last time I saw Kate, Gerry,
Madeleine, Sean and Amelie was in March
2007 when they came to our house for the
first birthday celebration of my
daughter *****. On the morning of 4th
May Katherine saw the news about
Madeleine on television. We were very
shocked and worried given that they were
close friends.
It was during the days following the
news of the abduction that we discovered
that Fiona and David Payne were also
with them in Portugal.
It was at this moment that Katherina
showed concern at the gesture made by
Dave in Majorca in 2005. Katherina
remembered that when Dave made the
gesture he was referring to Madeleine.
I only remember that Katherina saw the
gesture at the time, I had forgotten the
episode, it was never the subject of
At the time I did not feel the gesture
was referring to Madeleine.
It is my wish that the police are aware
of my preoccupation with the gesture
made by David Payne.
Signed. . |