WORKER 07 MAY 07 |
370 to 371 Witness statement of Luis Filipe Monteiro
Ferro 2007.05.07 |
Volume II
Pages 370 - 371 |
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02_VOLUME_IIa_Page_371 |
Luis Felipe Monteiro Ferro
Date/Time: 2007/05/07
Maintenance Worker
Concerning the issue of the
process said;
. That he comes to the
process as a witness;
. That he is employed in
maintenance in the Ocean
Club resort since March of
. That in this resort he is
charged with maintaining the
pools and all that is
related to the lodgings;
. That in the sequence of
his functions he circulates
the resort, without
restrictions, knowing it
reasonably well;
. Questioned, states that he
is aware of the missing
English child whose name is
Madeleine, a situation which
he became aware of on
Friday, the 04 of May, after
the notices were released in
the media;
. States that on the day of
the disappearance of this
child he worked at the
resort until about 15H30;
. Questioned, the deponent
states that in the scope of
his functions and the day
before the disappearance of
the child, he only came into
contact with the mother of
the same, whose name he does
not know;
. This happened on Tuesday,
the first of May, in the
sequence of a service that
he had to carry out in the
apartment where this family
was staying, also known as
Block G5, Letter A;
. This serviced was carried
out between 10H00 and 11H00,
together with his colleague
who is named Mario, and
consisted of the repair of a
blind in the room of the
parents of the minor;
. In this sequence, the
deponent and his colleague
also taught the mother of
the child how to operate the
washing machine;
. The woman in question was
alone in the apartment;
. The only places of the
apartment where the deponent
and his colleague entered
was the kitchen and the
parent's bedroom;
. The deponent states that
short of that service does
not know of any other work
carried out in the apartment
since the arrival of that
family in the resort and the
disappearance of the girl;
. Questioned, the deponent
states that days before the
disappearance of the little
girl, no one spoke to him
strangely about the
tourists, the children which
accompanied them or other
facilities of the resort. He
also did not hear
conversations of this nature
with other persons;
. Regarding the presence of
people or persons which
presented with a strange
conduct near the resort, in
the past with special
attention to the
disappearance of the child,
the deponent states that he
noted nothing abnormal;
. States that only about
four months ago he noticed
the presence of three
gypsies close to a resort
warehouse, situated close to
the Millenium Restaurant,
who were taking existing
firewood from there;
. The deponent knows that in
that resort zone, as it is a
zone of warehouse and also
little traffic, it is
frequented by individuals of
gypsy origin looking for
. Various robberies have
already occurred in this
zone and the deponent is of
the conviction that the
authors of these crimes are
individuals of gypsy
ethnicity whose
identification he does now
. Questioned, the deponent
states that since the
disappearance of the girl
Madeleine, until today, he
has heard no commentaries
that could help clarify the
motive for the
disappearance, and as this,
does not have more
information that could help
to this end;
.And nothing further was
said. She has read the
statement, finds it in
conformity and signs it;
. The document is duly
signed by me...