BARMAN 05 MAY 07 |
586 to 589 Witness statement
of Luis Miguel de Sousa
Barros 2007.05.08 |
03-Processos Vol III
Pages 586-587 |
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Witness statement
Luis Miguel de Sousa
Date: 2007/05/08
Occupation: Barman
Millenium Restaurant
Place of Work: Ocean
He has worked at the
Ocean Club for 14
years, always at the
Millenium which is
the only restaurant
in the OC that
serves breakfast.
Inside that
restaurant and
especially at this
time of year they
only serve lunch on
Sundays, called
Sunday lunch
(typically British),
normally serving
dinners with the
possibility of
eating on the
terrace or esplanade
for serving
barbecues on
Wednesdays. He does
not work shifts and
neither does he have
fixed hours. His
work requires
responsibility and
he is usually one of
the last persons to
leave, there being
some margin for
starting later the
following day.
Recently, given the
scarcity of
personnel, he has
only had one day off
a week. This is
always a Thursday,
coinciding with the
day Madeleine
The witness said he
was dining with his
wife, son and
friends in a
restaurant in P da
L, before 24.00 he
received a call to
his mobile from the
fixed network phone
in the Millenium
informing him about
the disappearance.
It was his colleague
Nelson who
contacted. He was
not asked anything
in particular, just
informed, however he
felt that he should
go to the resort,
which he did
immediately, making
himself available
for whatever was
needed. He
remembered that
there was great
panic amongst all
the people looking
for Madeleine. He
helped search,
remaining at the OC
until 05.00,
searching the entire
resort. They did not
find anything to
help locate the
child. He was shown
a photograph of
Madeleine, once they
were distributed,
not just by the
press, but also
stuck up around the
resort, in shop
windows and the
windows of cars.
He remembered being
in the presence of
the group Madeleine
belonged to,
composed of nine
adults and eight
children on the 28th
April, the day they
arrived at the
resort. Apart from
breakfast, which
they would eat every
day in the Millenium
restaurant, dinner
on Saturday night
was the only meal
they had there
because the Tapas
bar did not serve
dinner on Saturdays.
He remembered that
Saturdays dinner was
a buffet service and
that he had been
very close to the
group, giving them
all the necessary
indications related
to the service. In
spite not recalling
Madeleine's exact
features, he
presumes she was
there with the other
children present. He
did not notice
anything particular
about the girl, nor
was there any
difference in the
normal tranquillity
in spite of the fact
that there were 8
He does not remember
serving breakfast to
the group, given
that this would
occur before he
began work.
When asked he says
that on a date he
cannot remember, the
group, just the
adults because the
children were dining
with the nannies,
had been too late in
making their dinner
reservation at the
Tapas, and an
exception was made,
authorised by his
boss Steve, as the
Tapas only provides
for 20 dinners for
half board clients
as was the case.
He think that this
request was made in
order to be close to
the children who had
their meals with the
nannies, and to be
close to the
He has nothing else
to add.
Reads, ratifies,