07-05-07 |
716 to 719 Witness statement
of Lynne Rhiannon Fretter
720 Copy of Lynne Rhiannon Fretter's passport |
03-Processos Vol III
Pages 716-719 |
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Date: 2007/05/07
Witness Statement
Lynne Rhiannon Fretter
Place: OC
Occupation: Child educator
As she does not speak Portuguese,
Robert Murat translates.
She has been in Portugal since 21st
March, the date upon which she began
work this year at the OC, where she
works as a child educator according
to the contract she signed with MW
in the UK.
She clarifies that during the period
from 21st March to 7th May she
worked together with different
groups of children staying at the
resort, in groups of seven children
of both sexes. During her first week
she worked with the "Junior" group
and from then on worked with groups
of children aged between one and two
years in the "Toddlers 1" group and
children aged between two and three
in "Toddlers 2". As regards the week
in question, she worked with the
baby group.
When questioned she says that her
working hours are quite flexible and
rotate, depending on the weekly
planning of the children's
activities. When questioned she said
that she was trained in England for
two years, as a child educator.
With relation to the facts being
investigated, she says that she only
had one brief contact, a few seconds
with Madeleine - whom they called
Madie (sic), when she passed by her,
having eaten at the table, where she
When questioned she says that
Madeleine belonged to the Mini Club,
which was a group for children aged
between three and five years old.
When questioned she says that the
crèche is managed by her colleague
Lyndsay and that the Mini Club group
is supervised by her colleague Amy,
who also coordinates a group of
nannies, whose names she knows to be
Cat and Emma, employees who were in
charge of the group during that
week, from 29th April to 4th May
When questioned, she replies that
the little girl was discreet and
shy. She says that she was a very
pretty girl, however she did not
stand out because of this.
She had no contact with the parents.
On 3rd May 2007 at about 23.30, when
she was at her apartment, with Cat,
who also lives there, she was told
by Leanne that Maddie had
disappeared and that nobody had been
able to find her.
She quickly got dressed and went out
to join a group of staff who were
searching the resort and P d L
without success.
She participated in the search with
other OC colleagues and other
individuals (tourists, apartment
owners from the resort).
That later, she does not remember
the exact time, but it must have
been at about 02.00 on 4th May she
noticed that the police were also on
the site, taking account of the
occurrence and taking measures for
this kind of situation.
When questioned she says that she
searched the OC until about 04.00 on
4th May with negative results. In
the morning, at about 08.30, the
searches resumed and she
participated in the searches in the
When questioned she says that seeing
as she just had one contact with the
girl, she does not know the girl's
habits or those of her parents and
nothing strange about the girl had
been mentioned to her, during the
time she was working in Portugal.
When questioned she says that she
heard from her colleagues about the
Portuguese individual who contacted
them and invited them for a beer,
but knows no details about this.
She says that never discussed the
children with anyone other than her
She knows of nothing suspicious that
can be related to the disappearance
of Madeleine.
Reads, signs, ratifies.