389 to 391 Witness statement of Maria Francisca de Jesus Viegas 2007.05.07 |
Volume II
Pages 389 - 391 |
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Maria Francisca de Jesus Viegas
Date/Time: 2007/05/07 16H20
Cleaning Supervisor
Concerning the issue of the process said:
. That she comes to the process as a witness.
. Questioned, states that, it has been about 22 months since she had been employed by the resort the Ocean Club on Praia da Luz;
. Specifies that, since the beginning, , she exercises her functions of cleaning supervisor, and that her specific competencies relate to the coordination of the laundry room services, like, for example, the coordination and supervising of the work carried out by the different cleaners;
. More specifically, her work-day begins at 09H30 until 18H00, every day of the week, with interruptions from 13H00 to 14H30 for lunch. During the week she has, the witness notes, the right to a day and half of free-time when there is less work. For this fact, there is no certain day on which she is ?off work?;
. Because she was questioned, she clarifies that, as a rule, she begins her work activities in the laundry room, located next to the Tapas restaurant, where she arrives around 09H30. However, by request of the cleaning supervisory staff, it is sometimes necessary to go to apartment blocks in order to provide missing materials (products and clothing);
. States that the keys to the apartments are kept in special safes and are given to the staff during the morning in order to carry out their cleaning duties;
. But states that each cleaning worker is assigned a block of apartments and are responsible for the cleaning therein;
. Those same people are aware of the rules in carrying out their duties alone;
. Because she is asked, she responds that during the lunch period, she leaves for her home and knows that the majority of cleaners, in that time frame, are installed in the laundry room.
. After the days work, they return the apartment keys to the manager responsible who, as she already mentioned, after confirming that they are all there, deposit them in the security safe;
. In the installations of the laundry room there is only one copy of each key, corresponding to each apartment, and that they are likely deposited with the reception;
. As regards the specific facts of the investigations, she states that she has nothing further relevant to add;
. This, she confirms because in carrying out her professional functions, she did not come across the McCann couple or their children. She states she never saw them;
. Because she is asked, she responds that the apartment occupied by the family was assigned to cleaner Maria Julia, who never mentioned anything strange in that interior, or any situations that were not normal or unpalatable;
. She mentions that in the days preceding the disappearance of Madeleine se did not notice and individuals or strange movements in the tourist resort, nor did she hear and commentaries to this fact;
. She left to the Garden Section, in order to carry out her duties at the second block. She completed this work at around 20H30, and following, left for the Ocean Garden in order to begin cleaning blocks 3 and 4;
. She finished this work around 21H20, and left for home, where she stayed the night, alone;
. She has known of the facts (from a colleague), since Friday morning, 04 May 2007, when she showed up for work;
. She remembers that, that morning, all the cleaning employees were involved in searches in the apartments corresponding to their areas of action;
. But in this they were always accompanied by an element of the GNR;
. She has no knowledge of other elements that could help contribute to the good of the investigations;
. And she said nothing further. Read, she finds it in conformity and signs
. This document is read, reviewed and found in conformity, and will be duly signed by me, Raquel Neves, an Inspector with this Policia Judiciaria