272 to 274 Witness statement of Natalia Pasa 2007.05.06 |
Volume II
Pages 272 - 274 |
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Revised translation.
Processos Volume II
Pages 272 - 274
Witness Statement
Date/Time: 2007/05/06 22H00
Occupation: Cook
Place of Work : Ocean Club
She comes to the process as a
witness. She has worked in Portugal
for about 7 years, although she is
of Moldavian nationality, she speaks
fluent Portuguese and does not
require the help of an interpreter.
She has worked at the OC for about 6
years, working as a cook at the
Millenium restaurant.
With relation to the facts being
investigated, on 4th May at about
06.50 she received a message from
one of her colleagues, Alice, as was
usual on the days that she worked,
who informed her that a little girl
had disappeared from the OC on 3rd
When asked, she says that she did
not know and had never seen the
girl, her parents or siblings, she
only saw their pictures on the news
and on posters all around Lagos.
When asked, she said that this was
normal as her work in the restaurant
did not imply any contact with
clients and that she had only seen
the parents' pictures after the
disappearance after a comment by a
colleague about their presence in
the restaurant.
When asked, she says that on the day
of the disappearance (3rd May) she
worked in the restaurant from 07.00
to 15.00 according to her weekly
working hours (Tuesday to Saturday)
and after having finished work she
went home where she stayed until
17.00 when she went out for half an
hour to some shopping. She then
returned home where she stayed until
06.50 the next morning with her
family (husband, children and
brothers) when she received a
message from her colleague and went
to work.
With regard to the facts under
investigation she says that she only
knows what she heard from the press
and from conversations with
colleagues, never having seen the
girl or her family members.
When asked is she knows anything of
relevance to the investigation she
says that she has nothing to add,
only having learned that the girl
was on holiday with her family at
the resort after the disappearance.
She saw nothing suspicious.
No more is said.
Reads, ratifies, signs.