154 to 160 External
Diligence regarding possible
sighting in
Sagres with pictures |
Translation by Ines |
01-Processo pdf01
page154 to 160 |
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External Diligence
dated 2007/05/05 (possible sighting in Sagres - with
Today we went to the above mentioned address with
the aim of confirming a denouncement of an
individual whose identification and attitude towards
a four-year old girl on Mareta beach in Sagres was
considered suspicious.
Thus, we contacted the father, NUNO LOURENCO ,
of the household that was on holiday in the town of
Sagres until 13/05/2007 together with a daughter
around four years old and a son of around two years
old. |
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161 to 167
statement of Nuno Manuel
Lourenco De Jesus 2007.05.05 |
01-Processos Volume I Pages 161 to 167 |
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Witness Statement
Nuno M---- Lourenco
d- J----
Date : 2007.05.05
Time: 16H30
Place: DIC Portimao
Officer responsible: Joao Carlos, Inspector
Profession: Domestic worker
Place of work:
That he comes to the process as a witness and
He is of Portuguese nationality but immigrated to
Germany 14 years ago. He married a German citizen in
Denmark. He has two children, whose names are
L*******., almost three years old and a girl whose
name is L*****, who is almost four years old.
He was on holiday in Portugal from the 22nd of April
until the 13th of the current month. He stayed with
his mother who lives in Sagres, and was accompanied
by his two children and his wife B******, who does
not speak Portuguese.
On the 29th of the past month, after he had returned
his rental car, he walked (since it was close by) to
Mareta beach in Sagres. He arrived there around
15H00. He and his family went to the play area.
Between 16H00 and 17H00, he cannot be more precise,
he noticed a male individual holding a small
silver-coloured camera who, in a disguised fashion,
was taking pictures of his children. He speaks of
'disguised fashion' as the individual, instead of
holding the camera to his face, was taking pictures
from the abdominal area of his body. The witness
overheard the 'clicking' noise when pictures were
After having taken three or four pictures of his
children, he verified that that the individual took
more pictures of two male children, nine and five
years of age. These were children of a couple who
were at the witness's side and who were playing with
a ball. He knows of them as they live in Sagres, a
short distance from his mother. He does not know
their names.
For this reason, he supposes that his children were
photographed to be abducted or to be used for
illicit reasons. He began looking at the individual
indignantly and aggressively and the same individual
taking the pictures then left the area. But even
before this, the individual took more pictures of
the four children in a disguised fashion, and of
others with the camera to his face. This individual
also got on his knees on the sand to take additional
After leaving the area, the witness did not see the
individual and did not again think about the
At around 18H00/18H30, as it got a bit colder, they
left the beach and headed toward the esplanade to
buy sweets at a pastry shop called 'Marreiros',
about 400 metres from the beach, in Sagres. As he
and his family were sitting (the witness was having
a coffee), he saw the same individual passing the
pastry shop and heading toward the outer perimeter
of the esplanade. He noticed that the individual
constantly looked at the children and entered the
shop, but left immediately after. At this moment,
his daughter, began racing around the tables as they
were ready to leave.
Seeing this, the individual began to walk rapidly
toward the witnesses daughter crossing the witnesses
family as they were departing. Luckily or by chance,
the witness's daughter stopped next to the witness
as it appeared the individual tried to stop them
from leaving, and once again entered the pastry shop
and again left without buying anything. This same
individual left toward the back of a kiosk which
exists in the area. Shaken by this situation, and
without the least doubt that the individuals
intention was to abduct this daughter, he got out
his mobile and began taking various pictures of the
individual, from the front, and in such a way that
the individual would clearly see that the witness
was taking pictures. This did not work however, as
the witness had his finger on the lens of the mobile
camera. Even though the individual had left the
kiosk area, he noticed that the individual had now
situated himself next to the wheel of a grey-
coloured, recent model Renault Clio. The witness
noted the registration plate on a piece of paper
which he eventually discarded, as will be explained
later in this statement. This individual was
accompanied by a woman, sitting in the passenger
seat. The witness managed to take a picture of the
vehicle which he handed over to the police, and
which is now exhibited. The picture is recorded as
having been taken at 18H08 on 29/04/2007.
After taking the picture of the vehicle, with the
date/time stamp recorded by the mobile phone, a few
minutes later the couple in question left in the
direction of the Sagres Fortaleza. Thinking that the
recorded license plate would no longer be of any
use, the witness threw paper in the rubbish or on
the ground.
Yesterday, the 4th, he went to a rental car agency.
The name of the agency was TURINFO, and is located
in Sagres. It was around 13H00. The employee present
told them to return at 13H30, at which time the
manager would arrive. He proceeded to a bar called
'Rasa dos Ventos' where he ordered a coffee to pass
the time. At a later point, looking outward, he saw
the same individual, dressed in exactly the same
fashion, but without a hat. This same individual
left and he did not see him again, nor did he see
his car. It appeared that the individual was alone
and on foot.
Upon returning home, he recounted the story to his
wife who told him to go to the police as they had
already heard about the disappearance of Madeleine.
The witnesses daughter bears a striking resemblance
to Madeleines images.
That very morning, the witness contacted the police
and told them what had happened.
Of the vehicle registration plate, he only
remembered the partial plate numbers AV and 67.
In so far as the suspect is concerned, he describes
him as masculine, Caucasian with Latin colouring,
curly dark brown hair that ran to his neck and in a
pony tail. He was between 35/40 years of age, of
medium complexion, and around 170 to 175 cm in
height. He did not have any particular marks or
signals and did not wear rings or other jewellery.
He wore a cream coloured beach hat. He also wore
dark glasses.
He wore cloth trousers and a coat/jacket of the same
material which was cream coloured. Almost the same
colour to the hat he had worn previously. His shoes
were dark brown: the type that need to be shined or
As regards the woman with the individual, as he saw
her seated in the vehicle, he can only state that
she had short hair which appeared to be white in
colour and very shiny. In the sitting position, her
head was below the car head rest. She appeared to be
skinny and Caucasian. She did not use glasses. He
can say no more as she was difficult to see.
When questioned, the witness states that he could
recognise the individual in person and from a
photograph or sketch .
At this moment, the interview is interrupted to show
the witness photographs of individuals with similar
physical characteristics.
These were returned to the investigators with
negative result, as confirmed in the appendix.
There are no additional elements to offer the
Nothing more was said, reads , ratifies, signs.
Page 166
Photographic Recognition
On the fifth of May of 2007; DIC Portimao, NUNO
MANUEL LOURENCO DE JESUS was present, in front of
me, Joao Carlos, Inspector, in order to proceed with
photographic recognition of items in the
investigation. Because he was asked, he describes
the suspect's and the 'modus operandi'. He was shown
various photographs of individuals with similar
physical characteristics to that he described. After
seeing the photographs, he did not recognise the
individuals in the photographs. This affirms that
the photographic recognition exercise had negative
results. Signed. |
168 to 170 Investigation
carried out on a car seen in
De Jesus' deposition |
01-Processo 01 Pages 168 to 170 |
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Date 2007/05/05
Re: Receipt and Treatment of Photograph
It pleases me to inform you V.Exa, that on the present date,
Inspector Rui Goncalves went to Sagres-the location where he was
to make inquiries relating to a grey-coloured vehicle.
It is noted that the vehicle in the picture corresponds to a
Renault Clio with vehicle registration 15-AV-67.
The photograph in question is attached. For your consideration.
Signed by Inspector Hugo Ferreria
Page 169 is a photograph of the parked vehicle.
Page 170 is a completed vehicle registration search. This search
notes that the car is owned by LUZCAR, 8600, Lagos.
to 170-Investigation carried out on a car seen in De Jesus'
On 5 May Inspector Rui Goncalves, as part of his assigned work
in Sagres, sent us an image of a grey vehicle which, after due
processing, was found to be a Renault Clio with number plate
..-AV-67. The image is attached. |
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171 to 180 External Diligence
in Lagos regarding above
referenced car |
01-Processos, Volume I Pages 171 to 180 |
also Outros Apensos VIII, Vol III Pages 665-66 |
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Date: 2007/05/05
Location: Largo das
Portas Portugal, no. 10,
At the headquarters of
the self-drive vehicle
rental company, "Luzcar
rent-a-car," we asked
them to provide us with
all the information
concerning the vehicle
bearing the registration
number...AV - 67 for the
period from 28/04/07 to
the time of the present
investigation. It was
possible to determine
that the vehicle was
rented on April 28th at
Faro airport by a Polish
citizen, named W.K.,
staying at Solimar in
Burgau where he reserved
the accommodation via
the internet. We now
attach a copy of the
reservation email. The
Polish citizen paid for
the reservation with
credit card no. 5185...
. .... .... ... valid
until May 2008.
The contract was drawn
up by Nelson M., an
employee of the agency.
A photocopy of the hire
agreement is attached.
The vehicle was returned
to the hire company on
May 5th 2007 at Faro
airport and has already
been washed and hired
out again according to
information given to us
by Luis F., an agency
employee. Currently, the
vehicle is on hire to
Clere E. at Parc da
Floresta Budens,
Vila do Bispo.
We have carried out
investigations to find
out where W.K. was
staying. He was staying
in apartment no....
Solimar building,
Ficticia in Budens. That
apartment is managed by
the company ATB,
situated on the Main
Street, Marretas
building, Burgau, Vila
do Bispo, whose
director, the person
named Nuno F., we have
That apartment belongs
to Peter and Margaret
O., who live in Windsor
Grove, Cardiff, Wales.
Photocopies of documents
showing complete
identification for Peter
and Margaret O. are
attached as well as a
copy of the rental
documents. It is to be
noted that after W.K.'s
departure, the apartment
has had no other
lettings and has not
been cleaned, and we
have requested that it
remain that way. A key
to the apartment has
been given to us to
carry out any further
investigations deemed
Description and result
of inquiry:
We travelled left to the
above referenced
location. The location
was a vehicle rental
agency called LUZCAR.
There we requested all
information related to
the vehicle with plates
15 AV 67 between the
dates of 28/04/07 until
the present
It was possible to
determine that the
vehicle was rented on
the 28/04/07 at Faro
airport by Polish
citizen Wojciech
Krokowski who was
staying in the Solimar
apartments in
The rental reservation
was made via the
Internet with the copy
of the email requesting
the reservation
A credit card was left
as a deposit XXXX XXXX
until 05.08. The
contract was processed
by employee Nelson
Martins, contactable by
mobile no.
A copy of the rental
agreement is
Currently the car is
rented to Cl. Eth. who
is located in the in
Budens, Vial do Bispo.
Prior to this, inquiries
were carried out to
determine where Wojciech
Krokowsi had stayed,
although it was known
that he stayed at
'Solimar' in
Mr. Krokowski stayed in
apartment 2C of Ed.
Solimar, Ruda Ficticia,
That his apartment was
next to ATB (a business)
in the main road,
Maretas Building,
Burgau, Vila do Bispo,
and which is managed by
Nuno Felisberto,
contactable via
telephone at xxxxxxxxx
and xxxxxxxxx.-
This apartment belongs
to P. and M. Ow.,
residents of Cardiff.
The apartment was rented
via the
Attached is a copy
consisting of
identification details
of the
Also attached is a
photocopy of two (2)
documents related to
We were informed that
since Krokowski's
departure, no other
occupants have stayed in
the apartment and that
the apartment has yet to
be cleaned. A request
that the apartment
remains as is and not be
cleaned or accessed by
any person was made by
this police
force. ---------------------
N*** F***** has given us
the key to the above
referenced Solimar
apartment so that any
and all necessary
inquiries may be carried
out. -------------------------
Comment by the
functionary that carried
out this diligence:
Signature of the officer
(in legible letters with
indication of respective
Signed by David Gomes,
Page 173 is a
copy of the LuzCar
agreement with W.
Pages 174 to 180
consists of an email
from Krokowski to LUZCAR
with driver, check in,
flight arrival and
departure and check-out
details along with email
tracking information.
181 to 191 Faxes and further
information from Interpol
regarding Polish couple |
01-Processos, Volume I Pages
181 to 191 |
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181 to 191-Faxes and further
information from Interpol
regarding Polish couple
In the context of the
investigation into the
disappearance of the little
British girl, Madeleine
McCann, in Praia da Luz,
during the night of May 3rd
2007, it is of vital concern
for the investigation that
the relevant authorities
make enquiries about the
citizens of Polish
nationality, of whom the
known details are, W.K.,
holder of Polish driving
licence no. 6307...and
Anetta K., partner of W.K.,
to find out if they have
criminal records. They
arrived at Faro airport on
April 28th 2007 on flight
Al32744 from Berlin and they
left Faro, today, on Air
Berlin flight AB2745. We
also request information
about the final destination
of these two passengers.
The reason for the request
is that those people were
observed in Sagres having an
unusual interest in a child
very similar physically to
the missing girl. They had
stayed in an apartment in
Burgau, a few kilometres
away from the place of the
disappearance. W.K. holds
credit card number 5185 ....
.... .... |
192 to 195 External
diligence carried out at the
Beach Bar in Burgau with
CCTV images of Polish couple |
01-Processos, Volume I Pages
192 to 195 |
also Outros Apensos VIII,
Vol III Pages 668-669 |
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192 to 195 External
diligence carried out at the
Beach Bar in Burgau with
CCTV images of Polish couple
In order to determine the
comings and goings of the
couple of Polish
nationality, who spent their
holiday in Burgau, we
approached several business
establishments and on the
basis of the description
which we have of the couple,
the owner of the "Beach Bar"
advised us that it could be
two of his clients. He
seemed to recall that the
couple had lunch and dinner
two or three times, without
remembering the exact days,
but it would have been at
the beginning of the week.
He knows that they are
Polish because they spoke
about football on the day of
the Liverpool/Chelsea match,
saying that Liverpool's
goalkeeper was Polish. The
match in question took place
on May 1st 2007. They also
discussed Portuguese and
Brazilian classical music.
The couple know several
performers from those
countries. They asked the
owner of the bar where they
could buy music of this
genre. The owner directed
them to the FNAC shop at the
Algarve shopping centre or
to the Chiado commercial
centre. They said they would
probably go to Lisbon the
same day. To the
restaurateur, the couple
seemed quite atypical of
holiday-makers to that
place. They paid in cash,
the lady was often irritated
and they dressed more
formally than would expect
for a summer holiday at a
beach. The owner, however,
did not perceive any
abnormal behaviour from the
The investigation determines
that the couple effectively
went to FNAC at the Chiado
centre on May 2nd 2007 where
they bought two comedy
musicals CDs, paid for with
credit card no. ... ... ...
..., the same one used to
pay the Luzcar rent-a-car
company for the hire of the
registration...AV-67. We
seized the surveillance
video and we attach photos
from the FNAC surveillance
system in which we can see
the Polish couple in
question. |
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Outros Apensos 8, Vol 3 Page 671 |
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196 to 197 Witness statement
of Nelson da Silva Martins |
Vol I Pages 196 to 197 |
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Witness Statement
Name: Nelson Da Silva Martins
Profession: Rent-A-Car Receptionist
Date: 2007.05.05
Comes to the process as a witness, and as an employee of the
rental car company called LUZCARS, where he has worked for two
He is a receptionist, an activity which he has exercised since
the beginning of his employment with this firm.
Regarding the investigation in question he states that he was
the person responsible for renting the vehicle, 15-Av-67,
Renault Clio model, in 2006; grey in colour. The vehicle was
given, but it was not the witness who received it today, around
06H45, in accordance with the contract. He notes that the
vehicle was not received by any employee but rather, the client
left it in the closed car park belonging to the firm, the door
of which can only be open by vehicles with LUZCAR plates, or
other businesses that use this parking area. The opening of the
gates is the responsibility of the firm 'EMPARQUE' with
telephone no. ### ### ###;
He has given this police the rental register of said vehicle, in
which can be found paperwork filled out by the witness.
When questioned, and recollecting, he states that he does not
remember anything about the client who rented the vehicle,
whether he was alone, or other details, as he rents out about 30
vehicles per day. According to the register one can find: the
location of the pick-up, date, hour, name of the client, address
and previous address, nationality, driver's license number, make
and model of the vehicle, credit card number where insurance
takes effect and telephone number (in this case, it is an
international number). He adds that the date of delivery is
written in the final contract;
Once again states that he has no idea of the client in question;
He has no other elements to offer the investigation.
He does not
remember the client who hired this vehicle because he delivers
30 vehicles a day, but he states that the register contains all
the useful information.
* The delivery place.
* Date and time.
* Client's name.
* Exact home address.
* Temporary address in Portugal.
* Nationality.
Reads, ratifies and signs. |
213 to 217 Messages between PJ and Interpol Lisbon regarding
Polish couple |
01-Processos Vol II Page
213 to 217 |
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213 to 217-Messages between PJ
and Interpol Lisbon regarding Polish couple
From IP Germany:
1-Information was sent to Warsaw for them to trace and interview
the Polish couple whose personal and travel details were
2-Information collected by the German authorities from Air
Berlin indicated that Poles used this connection route because
there were no direct flights to/from Portugal/Faro and no other
carriers offered low prices. Flight manifests could not be
obtained from the airline after-hours and the documents obtained
were incomplete, but of the 82 reservations (either through
Internet or direct with Air Berlin), data for 30 other people
could be obtained from other travel agents. Air Berlin documents
showed no suspicious reservations pertaining to children.
Using the "PAX-LIST" (passenger list), persons in seats around
the KROKOWSKI couple were shown pictures of Madeleine and all
stated that that couple was not accompanied by any child.
From IP Warsaw:
- At 07h10 this morning (6 May) the couple were interviewed in
their home apartment, which was searched and the missing child
was not found. After arriving in Berlin they left by train at
21h22 arriving home this morning at 06h45. |
to 466 Correspondence between Leicestershire
constabulary and PJ re: Polish couple ( English) |
02-Processos Vol II Page 465 |
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Leicestershire Constabulary
From: Officer Waddington
To: DI Holden
Major Crime Intelligence Unit
Date: 8th May 2007
Subject: Polish
Enquiries - Interpol Ref
Attached are a series of emails between Poland and
SOCA regarding enquiries there.
In summary the identified Polish residents are:
A****** K********* J******** (female)
W******* K***** K****** (male)
Address: Warsaw
A***** is known to the police for an alcohol and
drug driving offence in 2003 and obtaining property
by deception. This means that there is a photograph
and set of fingerprints attached from 2003.
They booked two seats over the internet on
25/03/2007 for flights from Berlin. They took seats
18 D or E, or 18C and D. Dates of travel however,
have not been provided by investigators.
The reason for using Berlin airport is that there
are no direct budget flights from Faro to Poland and
this is a regular route by Polish travellers.
The couple were spoken to and deny any knowledge of
Madeleine. Both their address and that of their
parents was visited and there was no sign of any
young child.
In addition the Polish authorities interviewed the
passengers that were sitting next to them on the
flight home. They confirm there was no child with
I have emailed a copy of this memo and the original
emails to the Portuguese incident room.
Submitted for your information. |
External diligence carried out re:
Nuno Manuel
Lourenco de Jesus 2007.05.07 |
02-Processo pdf 02
page 507 |
02_VOLUMEIIa_Page_507 |
Data: 2007/05/07 Local: Vila de Sagres - Concelho de
Vila do Bispo
Person who ordered the work: Mario A., Chief
Officer who performed the work: Renato C. e Rui G.,
both Inspector of the P.J.
Description and results of the work:
------- In accordance with orders received, we went
today at 14:30 hours to the abovementioned location,
confronting NUNO LOURENCO (formally questioned
in these case papers) with pictures obtained from
CCTV of the FNAC shop in Chiado, Lisbon, which
images were dated 02/05/2007. ----------
------- When the images were shown the interviewee
stated immediately, with a high degree of certainty,
that the individual situated on the extreme left
(from the viewers perspective) of the picture was
the suspicious individual he had described in his
previous statement.
------- At that moment the interviewee told us that
he had a new telephone number through which we, the
PJ, may contact him more easily with respect to the
present investigation, the mobile phone number being
96.375####. ----------
------- With this information, there being nothing
further, the interview ceased at 16:300 hours. --- |
1196 Fax to the Director of the Scientific Police re: Aparthotel
Sol e Mar, 2, Apart C, Burgau
1197 Confirmation
above fax sent |
05-Processo Vol V page 1196 also |
01-01-Outros Apensos I, Volume I Page
13 |
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Policia Judiciaria
Date: 15th May 2007
Classification: Urgent
To: The Director of the Scientific Police Laboratory
From: Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida
Subject: NUIPC 201-070 GALGS
As it is necessary for the investigation of the NUIPC
mentioned above into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann we
ask you to determine the sense of carrying out an examination of
the following residence:
Aparthotel Sol e Mar 2 Apartment C, Burgau.
We also request the preservation and respective
processing of the vestiges collected there.
With compliments
Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida |