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Sent May 7th 2007. 12.29 PM
Subject: Madeleine, age 3, you can
help find her for her Mummy and
On behalf of Kate and Gerry McCann
and all the family, please help us
find Madeleine.
Madeleine, age 3 was abducted from
her bed in the family holiday
P da L Algarve, Portugal on Thursday
3rd May.
Police and all of Portugal are
trying to find her. The Portuguese
people, holidaymakers and expats
have been a great support to the
family and continue their efforts.
You too can help. Please circulate
this plea to publicise Madeleine's
photo and ask for information, no
matter how small to be passed on to
the authorities.
Whether you are in the UK, Portugal,
Europe or beyond, please forward to
all your family, friends, colleagues
and business associates.
Someone out there will have some
information that will lead to
Maddy's return.
The internet can be a powerful tool
in finding Maddy, who is so loved
and missed by us all.
Let's use it positively.
Please pray for Madeleine and all
the family at this devastating time.
We need your help. We know you won't
let Maddy down.
God bless.
Pat Perkins
(Family friend)
Pre Employment League
NHS Academy (Northwest)