CLEANER 09 MAY 2007 |
794 to
795 Witness
statement of
Paula Cristina da Costa
2007.05.09 |
Volume III Pages 794 to 795 |
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Processos, Volume III
Pages 794 to 795
Witness statement
Paula Cristina da Costa Vieira
Date : 2007.05.09
Time: 12H10
Place: Lagos
Name: Paula Cristina da Costa Vieira
Profession: Cleaning Staff
The witness states that she has
worked at the OC resort for about a
month from this date, exercising her
functions in cleaning around the
pool and in the reception of this
hotel establishment.
Her normal working hours are from
09H00 and 19H00, with about 30
minutes for lunch, between 13H30 and
She adds that her days off are
Fridays and Saturdays.
That, as she mainly cleans in the
above mentioned areas, her contact
with the guests is limited to
perhaps observing them in the
reception or when using the pools.
She adds that she does not
understand the English language
Further adds that she is the only
employee who cleans the reception
and that there are two other people
who help clean the other areas.
When questioned she states that she
has no direct knowledge of the facts
of the current investigation.
In fact, she adds that she only
became aware of the situation on
04.05.07, Friday, at around 11H00 as
she was told by the club
receptionist whom she knows only as
This happened because on Thursday
the 3rd of May she finished work at
her normal time.
This being the case, she left the OC
on Thursday the 3rd of May around
19H00 and went towards her residence
indicated above. The next day she
was off duty.
She further informs that on this
same day, Thursday, she had no
information from the news.
When asked, she adds that she knows
nothing of the details of the
disappearance of the child or any
other details of the situation other
than those gathered from her
colleagues and from the news on
With respect to the child in
question, Madeleine, and her family,
the witness adds when she did hear
about what happened, she was not
able to associate the name with the
person in question.
When she saw her photograph, and saw
the images of the parents, she did
remember having seen them, about two
times—the child in question and her
family when they were leaving the
Millenium Club breakfast (around
9h30/10H00) and only because this
was her time to the clean the
reception of the establishment.
From these fortuitous encounters,
the witness adds that they appeared
a perfectly normal family.
She reaffirms that she never had any
other contact with the family of the
missing child or with the child in
She adds that in the days preceding
the disappearance of the child, she
detected no suspicious situation.
She states that she is unaware of
any detail or information regarding
the disappearance of the child, nor
does she possess any information
that could help locate her or
provide such information.
And nothing more was said.
Reads, ratifies, signs. |