Holiday maker 24-04-2008
36 to 38 Witness
statement of Paul Anthony Gordon (former holidaymaker in
Apartment 5 A) 2008.04.24 |
05- Cartas
rogatoria 5 Pages 36 to 39 |
Police Force
Witness Account
Statement by Paul Anthony Gordon
Occupation: Accountant
Date : 24th April 2008
Pages 36 to 38
Witness statement of Paul Anthony Gordon (former holiday
maker in Apartment 5A) 2008.04.24
NOTE: There is no word "tenhos".
It should either be "tenho" [I have] or
"temos" [we have].
Not being certain, I omitted the personal pronoun in my
Testimony from Pa.Go
Age if less than 18 years:
Occupation: Accounting Technician
This statement (consisting of 4 pages and signed by me) is true
and in
line with my understanding. I depose being aware that, given
proof to
the contrary, I will be subject to prosecution in the case I had
voluntarily testified to something I know to be false or does
correspond to the truth.
Date: April 24, 2008
Signature ______________________________________________
I am married to Saleigh and [SEE NOTE ABOVE] have two children, our
son xxxxxxx of three
years of age and our daughter xxxxxxx of two years of age. We
have lived
at our present address since July 2007.
We took the decision to take a family holiday before we were to move to
the house.
Sal did a search of places to vacation and found the place indicated
Portugal - in the village of Mark Warner. We stayed in the same
apartment that the McCann family would come to share, 5A of the
Club in Praia da Luz.
We travelled directly from Gatwick to Faro on 21 April 2007. We
transferred from the airport to our accommodation by staff of
Warner, and everything went well with our vacation.
The week was quiet, the children went to kindergarten either in
morning or in part of the afternoon and there was a day that I
they went all day - but I cannot state this with exactitude. The
children always returned to the apartment at lunchtime for a nap
usually occurred between 13.00 and 15.00. The children were
always in
our company when they were not at the nursery, and frequently we
them to the beach for an ice cream.
On Wednesday or Thursday the children were sleeping in the
apartment and
Sal also was inside - reading a book if I am not mistaken. I was
in the paved garden that faced the area of the pool, when I
heard a
male voice say "Hello". The voice came from the gate that leads
to the
road at the corner of the apartment and connects to the main
I stood up and I went to the man who asked me if I would be
to contribute a donation to an orphanage in the interior
mountains. I
spoke with him and noticed that he had a badge with
identification and
that he had what seemed to me to be a book of receipts.
I thought that either he was genuine or a professional "cheat".
It was
then that I entered the apartment and asked Sal where was the
money, and
returned with a 10 euro note that I gave to him. I can not say
where he put the money and I think that he gave me a receipt,
which I
imagine that I threw away or left in Portugal. At no time did I
think the
individual aggressive or in any way persistent. I felt that he
genuine and it appeared to be for a good cause.
I would describe the man as polite, with good appearance and
he brought
with him a pamphlet. He had dark hair with slight tendency to
grey, he appeared to be someone from the area with
tanned skin [by the sun]. I would say that he was
more than
forty years old and 1.77 - 1.80cm in height - this is hard to
say with
certainty since I was looking down at him from the step above.
I would add that the man was robustly built but was not fat.
He wore a
light green polo, trousers and shoes.
After all this time I do not know if he had a slight goatee in
picture of the identification badge [card] or in person. But in
one way
or another I remember him as being clean and shaven and with
facial hair. I would say that I was with this man 2-3 minutes.
individual was not seen by the children since they were in bed
nor seen by Sal since she remained inside while I spoke with
him. I had
never seen this man before and saw him no more after this. Apart
mentioning him to Sal I did not speak again about this man while
I was
in Portugal.
The man did not seem to be knocking from door to door and as far
as I
remember moved away from our apartment, walking down hill.
While we were in Portugal there were no incidents worthy of
beyond this man that I have described, however there was one occasion
when I
cut myself shaving in the bathroom of the apartment. I would say
the cut bled for about 4 5 minutes and that it took some time
until the
cut stopped bleeding, during which period I walked around the
with paper tissues trying to stop the blood. Aside from this, to
best of my knowledge no one else cut themselves nor did anyone
die in
the apartment.
[THOUGHT: Could Mr Gordon have been misheard,
or might there have been a typing error in one or other transcription?
If misheard: Did he say 'FORTY-five minutes' or 'FOUR TO five minutes'?
If a typing error: should the '45 minutes' perhaps be '4 to 5 minutes' or '4-5 minutes'?
During our stay we never left the children alone, other than in
the care
and supervision of the nursery staff. We felt safe and there was
reason for concerns.
I was satisfied with the care that the children received in the
and they were well although they were not our company.
Other than the charity donations collector we had no other
visitors nor
did we sense anything strange.
We felt safe in the apartment and at no time was anything
stolen or
missing from the apartment.
The doors, windows and shutters were in perfect working order.
There was no sign of the doors, windows and blinds ever having
broken into, but also there was no need to examine [them]. The
door had a double lock that was difficult to lock, but we
managed to do
it. The patio door did not lock from the outside, only from the
of the apartment and for that reason when the family left [went
out] together we
always used the front door.
We used to open the blinds during the day, returning to close
them at
night. When the blinds were [being] closed they would make much noise.
[NOTE: The next line is: "Descreverias como
tendo um cinto no interior como mecanismo para abrir e
Direct translation: You [singular] would describe [something???] as having a
belt inside as a
mechanism to open and close.
I think that the single
word "Descreverias" should be two words
"Descreveria as" meaning "I would describe them", giving
the translation as:]
I would describe them [the blinds] as having a belt inside
as a mechanism
to open and close [them].
Possibly on some occasions Sal and I even used the patio door
as a
passage way, generally when we were at the pool and needed to
Regarding the couch I do not remember where it was positioned in
room. I would say that it was next to the wall to prevent
children from
walking around it, but beyond saying that it was blue, I can not
anything else.
The children would sleep in the bedroom facing the car park - the
window had a
Persian blind, Sal and I would sleep in the bedroom with the door to
patio. Whoever entered from the patio, our bedroom would be on
the [to
their] left.
[NOTE: He is saying that
the master bedroom had French windows that gave
access to/from the veranda; he is not saying that the sliding
patio door
in the lounge was in his bedroom.]
Generally we took breakfast at the Millennium restaurant, lunch
apartment and dinner at Millennium, dining only on two occasions
in the
Tapas Bar - on the second day and the sixth day.
[NOTE: Given the day-of-week naming in Portugal this last phrase
is potentially ambiguous
and the original Portuguese (or English) needs to be checked.]
I remember there [having been] a limit to the number of times we
eat meals at Tapas, but we managed to do it twice. The children
accompanied us during dinner and for that reason we tried to do
it at
the earliest possible time so that they could return to sleep at
reasonable hour.
At no time did we leave our children alone.
When we finished the holiday (on 28 April 2007) our luggage was
taken to
the reception, where I delivered the keys and I settled the
account. We
were transported to the airport by Mark Warner and returned to
the same day.
To the best of my knowledge I never met the McCann family and
delivered the key to anyone other than the staff of Mark Warner.
The holidays were good, the children enjoyed themselves at the
and we had no worries of any kind while they were there. The
resort was
affordable and was well located. Our opinion changed only
after the
disappearance of Madeleine.
I want to add that since January this year I have received
phone calls, messages and visits from the press regarding the
of donations, which in turn put me in contact with other people
such as
Brian Kennedy, Kate and Gerry McCann. I feel that this is a
that makes it difficult to take the more correct decision.
I tried always to cooperate with the police in every way
telephoning them at the first available opportunity as soon as
the news
broke about the disappearance of Madeleine. There are certain
times when
I feel like a pawn in chess.
This testimony was prepared by me and is true and according to
my knowledge. |
39 Witness statement of Paul Anthony Gordon (former holidayer in
Apartment 5A) 2008.05.01 |
Page 39 |
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Witness statement of Paul Anthony
Gordon (former holiday
maker in Apartment 5A) 2008.05.01
Statement of: Paul Anthony Gordon
Age if less than 18 years:
Occupation: Sales Mediator
This statement (consisting of 1
page and signed by me) is true and
line with my understanding. I depose
being aware that, given proof to
the contrary, I will be subject to
prosecution in the case I had
voluntarily testified to something I
know to be false or does not
correspond to the truth.
Date: 1 May 2008
Following my statement of Thursday,
24 April 2008, it was granted
to me today the
opportunity to read my original
statement, dated 6 May 2007. Present
were DC 1485 Messiah
and DC 4064 Holliday of the
Leicestershire Constabulary.
After having read the statement I
can confirm that the time at which I
saw the collector
of donations was around 14h30 and
15h00, and as stated previously the
children would sleep
[take an after lunch nap; siesta] in
the apartment generally between
13h00 and 15h00 daily.
I would say that I spoke with the
individual before they woke up.
From memory I would say that this
was on the Wednesday or the Thursday
of our holidays in
Praia da Luz in 2007.
This statement was made by me and is
true according to my knowledge.
3984 to 3986 Witness statement of Paul Antony Gordon 2007.05.06
with artist impression (English) |
15 Processo 15
Pages 3984 to 3986 |
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(Statement in English)
Surname: Gordon
Forenames: Paul
Occupation: Marketing Manager
Statement Date: 06-05-2007
On Saturday 21st April 2007, I went on holiday with my wife and
two children to Portugal. We went to an area of the Algarve
called Praia da Luz and stayed at the Mark Warner Ocean Club
Resort. Our apartment was a two-bedroomed ground floor one,
which was situated in block G. The room number was 5A. To the
front of the property was a bedroom and a kitchen, and to the
rear was another bedroom and lounge. Myself and my wife shared
the rear bedroom and the two children had the room to the front.
From the rear bedroom and lounge you can access a private
balcony. From the balcony are approximately ten steps down to a
gate and small enclosed patio area. This area is exclusive to
the apartment and not used by other residents. Running parallel
to the patio area was a footpath and on the other side of this
was a swimming pool and Tapas restaurant. I am quite sure, from
seeing recent news events, that this is the same apartment that
a young girl has recently gone missing from.
During our stay at the apartment on either Wednesday 25th April
or Thursday 26th April, I was sun-bathing alone on the patio
area. My wife and children were in the apartment and I know that
the children were sleeping. At approximately 14.30 hours (I know
it was around this time as the children always slept between
13.00 and 15.00 hours and it was nearly time to get them up) I
was approached by an unknown male. He came to the light green
barred gate which leads to the road running adjacent to the
apartment. I can't remember exactly how he initiated
conversation, but he introduced himself and started to explain
that he had permission to be on site in order to collect money
for either a charity or project. I went over to where he stood,
and he explained some more. I remember him making reference to
the fact that he was only allowed to collect for one week of the
year (or something about one week) and that the money would go
towards the orphanage. I got the impression that the orphanage
was not nearby. I got the distinct impression that I was being
had over, but gave the man ten Euros just to get rid of him. He
was perfectly polite and good-natured and showed me some sort of
identification. I didn't look closely at this, but saw there was
a photograph of him on it and possibly his name. I am sure the
photograph was of the same male, but he had a 'goatee' beard in
the photo which he no longer had. The man also had with him, a
pad of paper (perhaps a clip board) and an old looking brochure
of some sort. He also had a receipt book, which he filled in
when I gave him the money. He gave me a receipt, but I know
(sic) longer have it. All in all, I stayed chatting to the man
for about 5-10 minutes. I had to go inside during this time to
get the money for him but was only gone for a few seconds. Once
this meetings had finished, the male walked of (sic) down the
hill towards the supermarket and I went into the apartment. I
would describe the male as Portuguese looking, very tanned,
medium build and about 5ft 7" to 5ft 10" tall. He looked between
40 and 45 years old and spoke really good English with a foreign
accent. He had short dark black hair with possibly some grey
around the sides. His hair was not perfectly straight and I
would imagine that should he have grown it longer, then it would
be wavy. He had no facial hair and I'm quite sure that he wasn't
wearing glasses. He had a few wrinkles on his face and was quite
presentable. He was wearing a light blue or green pale polo
shirt with short sleeves. It was plain and had no logos or
writing on it. I believe he was wearing light tan coloured
trousers and dark brown shoes. I think they were slip - ons. I
had never seen this man before that date, and I did not see him
again. I am confident that I would recognise him, should I see
him again. I have produced a map of the apartment and
surrounding area which I can now produce as my exhibit, PAG/01.
I am willing to attend court if need be and will support any
police action. |
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