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Processos Volume II
Pages 279-281
Witness Statement
Pedro Alexandre Gonzaga Ribeiro
Date/Time: 2007/05/06 22H00
Occupation: Waiter and Bar Worker
Place of Work: Millenium Restaurant,
He comes to the process as a
witness. He says that he has been an
employee of the Millenium restaurant
since 26th March 2007 near to the
apartment blocks where the
disappearance occurred.
He says that he is a waiter and bar
worker and therefore has direct
contact with the guests. He works
from 07.30 to 15.30 and has
Wednesdays and Thursdays off.
He says that the place where he
works is mainly frequented by
English tourists staying at the
Guests who are not from the resort
are also able to use the restaurant.
This is only possible in the use of
the restaurant and bar, external
guests do not have access to the
adjacent areas such as the gardens,
pool and tennis courts which can
only be used by OC guests. These
installations can be used from 08.00
to 01.00.
For security reasons and given that
the restaurant has a receptionist,
the entrance of guests is
registered, in order to frequent the
adjacent areas cards must be shown,
with the individual's name, apart
number and arrival and departure
Given that the day of the
disappearance was a Thursday, his
day off, he was not at the resort.
He says that during the morning he
was in Luz, dealing with personal
affairs and returned home at about
11.30 - 12.00 He spent the afternoon
at home and went out at 17.30 for
dinner at his mother's restaurant in
Praia da Luz called "O Marujo".
After dinner he went to Lagos by
public transport as he is doing a
secondary school course.
He heard about the disappearance
when he arrived for work on Friday
He says that he has no knowledge of
any strange events before the
disappearance. With regard to the
McCann family, he has nothing to say
as he had no close contact with
He says that they would have
breakfast in the morning at the
restaurant. He cannot guarantee it,
but he thinks they were regular
guests at the time in the morning.
He cannot say anything about the
time after 15.00 when he was off
When asked he says that he has no
further information.
No more is said. Reads, ratifies,