001 to 061-Phone
001 to 061-Phone
Outros Apensos pdf13
NUIPC 201/07.0GALGS)
DCICPT: UNI - Sector Analysis Inspector Paul D., Lisbon, June 2,
INDEX (Report page 1).
2 |
adopted |
3-4 |
Development |
5 |
--- David
Anthony Payne |
5-6 |
--- Dianne
Webster |
7-8 |
--- Elaine
Fiona Payne |
9-10 |
--- Gerald
Patrick McCann |
11-29 |
--- Jane
Michelle Tanner |
30-31 |
--- Kate Marie
Healy |
32-49 |
--- Matthew
David Oldfield |
50 |
--- Rachael
Mariamma Jean Mampilly |
51-52 |
--- James
Russell O'Brien |
53-55 |
56 |
Conclusion |
57 |
Recommendations |
60 |
Attachments |
61 |
INTRODUCTION (Report page 2)
After performing the analysis that led to the report dated 5
February 2008, there was requested an analysis of the records of
the activity of the mobile phones of the parents of Madeleine
and the other members of the group accompanying them on vacation
to Portugal.
For that
[to be done]
Excel files were
obtained from the 3 national mobile phone operators for the
period between 28 April and 27 July, 2007.
The data received were duly cleaned and processed to ascertain,
through activation of phone antennae, the places where they were
and where they may have moved.
This report deals with the daily mobile phone activity of each
of the 9 individuals and also with the intervals of time that
the mobile phones of the parents of Madeleine were without any
contact [made no contact with antennae]. While in the first
[former] case all records from arrival until departure were
processed, in the second [latter] case only those records
between midnight on 3-4 May and midnight on 14 May were studied.
This was done to determine if other investigation theories could
arise through the analysis of those data, which [theories] could
lead to the discovery of what occurred on the night of 3 May, in
apartment 5A, at the "Ocean's Club in Praia da Luz".
In this analysis nothing resulted that can add to / change the
hypotheses raised in the previous report.
METHODOLOGY ADOPTED (Report pages 3 and 4)
In the first phase the records obtained were processed,
formatting the data from all tables into a common structure and
data-type, namely: times and dates were formatted uniformly;
country codes 351 and 44 were removed.
Optimus sent 31 pages of requested mobile phone numbers, separating the
contacts by their type - "SMS-in"; "SMS_out"; "voz_in" and "voz_out".
In fact, they should have sent only 4 pages [of actual useful
data], given that the rest was made up of these extraneous
This operator, contrary to the other two, opted to show parish,
county and district of the place in which an antenna was
In those tables it was very frequently noted that those [data]
fields (Parish, County and District) are filled with the word
"Unknown" (unknown).
It was determined that that word identifies an antenna activated
in [by] another carrier.
For example, in the listing for "44771325####_voz_out" there is
a voice call attributed to that number (the mobile phone of
Russel O'Brien); on 4 May, at 12:03:33. In the fields in
question is the above word. The antenna that the mobile phone of
the other party, Kate Healy (44774884####); activates is
installed in Portimao, Faro. Now, this communication appears in
the listing of Kate's mobile phone and not in Russel's listing.
This communication is also registered on the TMN network, where
one finds registered the majority of the mobile phone
activations of that witness.
In the records of this operator there are further curious
situations that were not possible to explain. In some cases it
is unknown which antenna was activated either by the calling
mobile phone or by the called device. One example of that arises
also in the above list: a record on 20 May at 20:19:45. It is
known that Russel was not in our country on that occasion, the
record should appear in listings of Kate, however that does not
Always when this situation was found it was decided to eliminate
those records, due to the fact that they are safeguarded by
other operators or because the location of the mobile phone was
not so remarkable as to cause interference [distort the
analysis] due to erroneous "readings". It was decided therefore
to analyse [only] objective and firm [reliable] data.
In the case of operator Vodafone errors were found in the data
of phone (44)7771591#### - Rachael MARIAMMA JEAN MAMPILLY. The
data are repeated in the pages "Cham. Rec. 44777159####" and "SMS
Rec. 44777159####".
Also in the data provided by this operator are 14 SMS messages
received by the mobile phone of Gerald Patrick McCann, sent by
the number 4477850####, however in the first listings obtained
by the analysts, referring to the activations of the antennae
that serve the area from where Madeleine disappeared, for the
2nd to 4th May, those messages had originated from mobile phone
number 4478152####.
No anomaly was found with respect to the operator TMN.
The news database, available to this Police force through the
"Intranet" was used whenever possible, to infer the movements of
Madeleine's parents, who had become the centre of attention of
In the same way were used data contained in official police file
records that served to confirm some movements of the members of
the group, at least in their movement to DIC in Portimao.
Whenever the data permitted, they were compared with the records
in order to determine if the movements were 'en masse' or
We should always remember that this report was prepared based on
records from antennae, so it must be borne in mind the
possibility of the user of a mobile phone having been in some
other place other than those [places] indicated, and of that
there would be no record.
This report is divided into two parts: the first contains the
descriptions of the daily records and in the second are the time
intervals in which there was no communications from the McCann
mobile phones.
As regards the identification of the antennae there are two
types. Optimus chose to identify the parish where they are
installed, while TMN and Vodafone chose to indicate the name
they assigned to the antennae. In this case the denominations
were respected, without making any changes to them. In this
report, in the first case the name of the parish is indicated
and, in the second case, the antenna name is found between
quotes (" ").
Annexed to the report are maps of the antennae records of the mobile
phones mentioned before, maps of the intervals without
communications and maps of the locations of the antennae
activated, prepared using the computer software Microsoft
AutoRoute. In this case, when one antenna, represented by a
"pin" was activated more than once, windows containing the times
of activation are shown.
Report page 56. [File page 57]
Besides the above, which was based on the analysis of the daily
records of the mobile phones of the members of the group, there
was also analysed the data of the mobile phones of the parents
of Madeleine for the days between 4 and 13 May, to verify
intervals of 30 or more minutes without any records.
In 30 minutes, according to the Microsoft AutoRoute software, at
an average of 70km/h, it is possible to make a round-trip
journey between the village of Luz and the localities of:
Raposeira, if travelling West; Bensafrim, if travelling North,
and Odi?ere if going East.
That movement would have produced records only in the antennae
that serve Praia da Luz, and thus the absence of any record.
Despite the short time after the disappearance, the McCanns
already had large media coverage, there having been no other
news considered more important by the different media
organisations. Thus, it was not possible to access information
that was sufficiently clear to prevent raising some questions.
In truth, even though this coverage had been exhaustive and
intensive, the print media to which they had access did not
cover all movements of the McCanns.
It is recognized that they could have been "watched" 24 a day,
but there had been no official news of that, it being also
likely that the reporters had been absent during the night, or
had not followed them.
This analysis shows that the McCann mobile phones did not
activate any antenna during the night time, except for the first
two days (4 and 5 May).
It is understandable that on 4th there is a large volume of
communications traffic during the morning, in the immediately
after the disappearance. That is seen more on Kate's mobile than
that of Gerald. Nonetheless, there had been two intervals of
time in which neither one nor the other generated a single
record. Those periods are between 4:15 and 6:00am, and between
7:15 and 7:45am.
The fact stands out that most of the witnesses who had been
there in support of the search for Madeleine, in the first
moments after the alert of the disappearance, stated for the
record that they had stopped looking for the child around
4:00am, there having been a few who had stopped later and others
Also on 5th, during the early morning the mobile phones of the
couple were inactive except for some contacts at around 01:45,
but there is a gap without any contacts from either one or other
[phone] between 5:00 and 7:00.
At that time, at that time of year, there is already enough
light for any kind of movement, even within a city, without
public lighting.
CONCLUSION (Report page 57)
The group that travelled to Portugal, of which the missing child
had been part, having faith in the activations of the adults'
mobile phones up to the date of the event, travelled only
between Faro airport and Praia da Luz.
In that period of time a stream of communication traffic had
been maintained that can be accepted as normal for anyone who is
on vacation.
From the 4th until 17 May the mobile phones of those persons,
save for some exceptions already mentioned previously, the
antennae with the most records of traffic are those that serve
the localities of Luz, Lagos, Portimao, and others that are in
between Praia da Luz and Portimao.
The antennae in Portimao were activated when the people
(witnesses and parents of the child) went to the DIC in that
city to give their formal statements on 4, 10 and 11 May.
With the exception of Matthew, Fiona and Dianne all had gone to
or spent time in Lagos from their date of arrival until 17 May;
Jane on 4th; Kate on 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th; Rachael on
10th, 11th and 17th; Gerald on 13th, David on 10th, 12th and
13th, and Russell on 10th.
On 17th everyone will have returned to the United Kingdom except
the parents of Madeleine and the Payne couple.
There is no precise information about Matthew. His mobile phone
stops having records from the 16th, but presumably it travelled
with his family - wife and daughter - given that Rachael's
telecommunications device stops presenting records the next day.
As for the Payne couple, the return to their country of origin
takes place only on 22 May.
Between 17 and 22 May, there is no change worthy of recording in
the activities of the 4 members that remained in Portugal, with
the exception of Gerald who travelled, between 20 and 22); as
was indicated at the time items concerning this mobile were
Although there are no records of Fiona's mobile phone in this
her first stay in Portugal, as she travelled with her husband,
it is likely that she had travelled with him. Thus, and as the
mobile phone of David presents records up to 22nd, it is worth
noting that she had remained by his side.
As seen when an analysis was made of contacts of Fiona's mobile
phone, there are no records in the period between 28 April and
22 May. The mobile phone records of this witness only occur
between 29 June and 2 July (her 2nd presence in Portugal) and
between 10 and 12 July (her 3rd presence).
In the period from 23 May to the end of that month, the McCanns
had embarked on a campaign that had begun at F?ima on 23 May.
Between 29th and 30th, the couple, as already mentioned in the
study of both, is absent from our country, having left the by
way of Faro airport.
On the last day of the month, the records point to the presence
of the McCann couple at Lisbon airport, from where they had
departed for another trip.
The remaining days of this period were passed between Luz, Lagos
and in some locations to the east of Luz.
The return trip started on the 31st occurred [finished] on 1
In the period between this last day [of May] and 30 June, are
records that indicate the presence of the Payne couple, again,
in our country. The return occurred on 29th, and this time they
remained in Portugal until 2 July.
Meanwhile the parents of Madeleine had travelled to various
places in the Algarve, namely: Burgau, Sagres, Budens, Portimao,
among others, having their "base" at Luz.
They went more than once to the airport to receive or to bid
farewell to friends and / or relatives.
Nor did they always travel in the company of each other, but
during this month of June they made two trips out of Portugal,
one between 5th and 7th, and another between 10th and 12th.
In the period from 1 to 31 July, the McCanns maintain a routine
similar to the previous month. They continue to travel between
Luz, Portimao, Faro airport, Lagos and other places.
Again they left our country: Gerald, the first exit, leaves on
12th, while Kate travels on 13th, but they both return at the
same time. The second [exit], only Gerald leaving on 22nd and
returns on 26th.
From 19th, the McCanns began to move with greater frequency to
the triangular area of Sagres- Raposeira-Budens.
Still in this month occurs the return of Fiona, Rachael and
Russel, on 10th. As already mentioned previously, the three were
present in the confrontation with Robert Murat on 11th, leaving
on 12th.
Between 1 and 31 August the McCanns did not receive any visit from
friends with whom they had come to spend holidays. However, they
continue to move between different locations in the Algarve.
On 3rd they spent the morning in Huelva, and on 21st and 28th
they travelled to Lisbon. It is not known what could have done
in Lisbon, on those two times.
Gerald, in this month is the only one of two who travels by
plane. He leaves on 23rd and returns on 25th.
The trips continue to the area of the triangle referred to
In September the McCanns continue to circulate in the area of
Luz, Lagos, Budens, Raposeira and other places.
In this month the McCanns were questioned and they left
Portugal, the data having stopped from 9th.
Summarising, examining the data submitted by the three carriers
and data uploaded to the case file nothing useful was determined
that changes the analysis report previously delivered.
Attached are daily maps of the records of mobile phones by
holder / owner, map of the intervals without communication from
the couple's equipment between 4 and 13 May, and maps of
locations where the antennae were activated, produced by the
computer software program "Microsoft AutoRoute ".
RECOMMENDATIONS (Report page 60)
Given the above, it is recommended:
To determine either from the couple, or from other sources,
where they were in the periods between 4:15 and 6:00am and
between 7:15 and 7:45am on 5th. [NOTE: This is an error in the
report. It should be 'on 4th']
To determine from the various television stations and print
media, if the coverage of the activities of the McCann couple
occurred for 24 hours a day, and whether, if so, they were
followed in the different trips they made.
006 to 007
David Anthony Payne |
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Analytical report
Report pages 5 and 6.
Activations of mobile phone (44)774-884-4837; Owned/used by:
This number activates antennae of the three operators, it being
observed the
first activation occurs on 28 April 2007 at 14:07:33, and the
last occurred on
01 July, 2007 at 22:01:24. The former was on the antenna called
Lagos (Santa
Maria) while the latter is on "Luz (Lagos)", both from operator
At 14:15:36 on 28 April, 2007, the date he arrived in Portugal
to enjoy a week-
long holiday, it activated the antenna "Luz (Lagos)" for the
first time.
On 30 April there appear two records on that same antenna at
8:46:35 and
[From then] Until 1:17:17 on 4 May, 2007, the time at which
there appears
another entry on the antenna that serves the [parish] of Luz,
there are no
N records occur until 8:09:56 on that day. There appear 4 more
on that antenna
at 8:53:07,9:51:14, 10:16:32 and 10:30:51.
At 11:08:28 occurs the first activation on the antenna
"Portimao", the first
outside of Luz, and the last in that city on this day was at
Due to the interval [time gap] between records, as can be seen
in the attached
map, David will have stayed in this city between that time and
18:13:24 when a
return to the Luz antennae is observed.
From that return until 10 May, despite daily records existing
covering this
period of time, none occur outside the antennae of the locality
where he was a
At 12:35:32 on that day
[10 May]
appears the first
record on one of the antennae
that serve the city of Lagos, owned by Optimus.
[The phone] will have remained in Lagos from that time up to
The return to the village of Praia da Luz will be observed at
17:28:58 when it
activates one of the Optimus antennae at 17:28:58.
From that time until 22nd, there exist only records on those
antennae. On this
day there occur two activations on the antenna installed in the
[parish] of
Montenegro[1], municipal area of Faro, at 7:54:13 and 8:03:14.
On 29 June, at 12:32: 10, records from this mobile phone
reappear [resurge].
to the proximity to the Faro airport, it is possible for the
mobile phone to activate that location.
It would appear therefore that David Payne was absent from our
country for 1
month and one week.
The reason for his return on this date are unknown, since there
exist no records
of investigation work assigned for that date, nor anything
recorded in the case
file documents which might clarify it. The confrontation in
which his wife
(Fiona Payne) was present was
[only] carried out on 11 July.
During that weekend there were: 7 records on 29th; 5 on 30th;
and 2 on 1 July,
all on the antennae in the [parish] of Luz ("Luz (Lagos)").
From this date onwards there exist no other records in the data
that was sent to
us [by the phone
operators]. |
008 to 009
Dianne Webster |
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Analytical report
Report pages 7 and 8.
Activations of mobile phone (44)779-032-7853; Owned/used by:
DIANNE WEBSTER This number activates antennae of the
operators Optimus and TMN.
The first record occurred on 28 April, 2007, her date of arrival
in Portugal, at
20:30:50; and the last at 10:23:07 on 17 May.
[The phone]
only activates the antennae installed in the [parishes] of Luz
(Lagos) and Montenegro (Faro), and in the city of Portimao.
Up to the date of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the
tables referring to
the mobile phone of Dianne Webster show 5 records, all in Luz.
After the disappearance the record of contacts relating to the
mobile phone
used/owned by Dianne has a strong
increase in the
volume of voice calls
and messages.
On 4 May, some while after the alert was given, the
communication apparatus of
this witness activated twice the antenna "Luz (Lagos)", at
0:34:31 and 1:17:17.
After this last [record] there only appears a new record at
10:26:04, on that
same day, that is, during the "critical night" the mobile phone
of Dianne did
not have much activity.
From that time until 16:32:32 it will have remained in the
coverage area of the
antennae of Praia da Luz.
After that record there appear the last two activations of that
day in the city
of Portimao (20:19:27 and 21:50:23).
This witness gave statements in the DIC [offices] of Portimao at
20:50:00, see
pages 77 ff. of the case file documents..
From the records mentioned above it can be affirmed, with some
that the first time that Dianne left Praia da Luz since her
arrival was to go to
the P.J. as part of the inquiry..
After the trip to this city Dianne returned to the place where
she had been on
holiday in our country, there resurging a new record on the
antennae of Luz at
10:11:12 on 5 May.
From her return on that day until 11th all records were made on
those antennae.
On 7 May there exists not a single record, on the other days in
this time period
there occurs at least one entry.
On 11th at 11:13:19 Dianne went again to Portimao, where she
remained until
On its return to Praia da Luz [the phone] activates one of the
antennae of that
locality at 21:34:07..
From that occasion until 17th, the date that she returned to her
country there
ceasing to exist any more records after that date, the mobile
phone of Dianne
only activates the repeater "Luz (Lagos)".
On that day there were three records: at 8:33:12, 9:22:07 and
10:23:07 on the antenna installed in the [parish] "Montenegro". |
010 to 011
Fiona Elaine Payne |
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Analytical report
Report pages 9 and 10.
Activations of mobile phone (44)779-627-2586; Owned/used by:
As already verified in the first analysis of the tables
referring to only the
thee days - 2, 3 and 4 May ? there exists not a single record of
Fiona's mobile
phone in her first presence in Portugal. Such records from the
phone identified
above pertaining to the witness occur at two distinct times:
- between 8:41:48 on 29 June and 8:06:25 on 2 July. and
- between 15:20:07 on 10 July and 10:50:11 on 12th of the same
That is, Fiona, by mistake of dates, came with her husband on
the weekend of 29
June, for the confrontation with Robert Murat that was scheduled
for 11 July,
where there were also present Rachael Mampilly and Russel
O'Brien, according
what is recorded in the case documents, and what was repeated in
the dailies CM
(Correio da Manha), 24Horas and JN (Jornal de Noticias).
The Paynes returned to their native country, after detecting the
possible error,
Fiona coming back for a third stay in our country between 10 and
12 July.
The first three records (8:41:45, 8:41:48 and 8:41:51) on her
return to Portugal
on the last weekend of June, beginning of July, occurred on the
installed in the [parish] of Luz in the municipal area of TAVIRA
and not in the
[parish] of the same name in the municipal area Lagos.
The phone
[or She]
would have been in transit given that some seconds later (at
8:42:00 and 8:42:03) the antenna at Vila Nova de Cacela
registered contacts
[from the phone].
On 29th there exists no further record.
The next records occurred on 30 June: the first was made at
15:23:33 and the
second, and last on this day, at 17:16:57, in Praia da Luz.
On 1st, it made no activation, and on 2nd the first record was
observed at
6:24:00 on the antenna "Luz (Lagos)".
Those that followed indicate [the phone] moved in the direction
of the Faro
airport. At 7:01:12 and 7:01:17 it activated an antenna in
Lagos; about 8
minutes later (at 7:09:10) it activated the antenna "Mexilhoeira
Grande"; and at
7:52:24, 8:06:23 and 8:06:25 it is found in Faro airport where
it activates the
antenna in the [parish] of "Montenegro" (see footnote 1 [on page
5 under
Between 2nd and 10th no record is observed.
Fiona returns to our country on 10 July, according to what has
already been
referred to [above], activating, on this second return, at
15:20:07, the last
antenna it had activated on 2nd. [Montenegro].
The next record was made in Praia da Luz at 22:49:46.
From this record up to 10:46: 17 on 12th it activates only the
antennae that
serve Luz. At this time it is found that it activated one of the
antennae of
Lagos, on which antenna occurred two more records - at 10:47:13
and 10:47:29.
There follow records made at 10:49:57 and 10:50:11 on the
repeater installed in
the [parish] of Aljezur, municipal area of Aljezur, district of
Given the existing records before these last [two], in Aljezur,
there seems to have occurred an error in the records remitted by
the operator Optimus,
considering that, according to the computer program Microsoft
AutoRoute 2007,
Lagos is a distance, in a straight line, of about 26 km from
Aljezur, and closer
to 34 km by road. To cover this distance in about two and a half
minutes one
would have to travel at a speed of 816 km/h, which is impossible
to be achieved
in any terrestrial vehicle produced up to this time.
The listing of activations of mobile phone (44)779-627-2586 end
with the last
record in Aljezur. |
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GERALD MCCANN (Report pages 11 to 29)
Activations of the mobile phone (44)778698#### User/Owner: Gerald PATRICK
This phone number activates antennae of two operators: Vodafone and Optimus.
The first record occurs on 29 April, 2007, at 10:13:54, on the antenna "Praia da
Luz Centre" of Vodafone, and the last date of 9 September, at 9:40:42 on antenna
"Montenegro" of the same operator.
In total this mobile phone generated 5,569 records, of which only 0,36% occur
before the girl's disappearance.
On 29 April, the mobile phone in question has two records on the antennae of
Praia da Luz.
On 30th, there are no records.
May 2007 (Report pages 11 to 15)
1 May, also there are no records.
From 8:07:12am on 2nd, until 10:11:21am on 4th, it activated only the antennae
of the locality where he was staying.
On this day [4th], the records show that Gerald travelled to Portimao. The first
record of a signal occurred on the antenna "Arge IC4" at 10:42:58am. About 15
minutes later it is activating the antenna "Portimao Centre" - 10:56:07am.
The records stay on the Portimao antennae until 18:24:45pm.
The records returned to Luz at 21:11:22pm, noting that there is an interval
without contact between the last entry in Portimao and the first in the village
where he was on holiday.
From that time until 13:02:08pm on 10th all records were on those antennae.
The record that followed this last occurs on the antenna "Portimao Centre" at
On this day, in addition to the father of Madeleine, the antennae in Portimao
were activated by the child's mother, by Jane Tanner and by Matthew Oldfield.
The records remain in Portimao until 2:52:56am on 11th.
The return of the records to the repeaters in Luz was given as 7:55:39am on
The records remain with the repeaters of that village until 13:52:29pm on 13th.
The activation immediately following was registered at 13:52:42pm on the antenna
called "Lagos".
Due to its proximity [closeness] to the preceding record, less than 13 seconds
(13:52:29); it is difficult to admit that Gerald had actually gone to Lagos,
although that may have happened, it being enough to find oneself in an area of
transition between the two antennae; or he may not have left Luz, but it had
been the antenna? of "Lagos" supporting [accepting] the signal due to the large
volume of traffic in the antennae of the village of Luz.
At 14:01:04pm the records come back once again to the antennae in Luz.
From this return up to 9:42:14am on 18th all activations indicate that Gerald
McCann's mobile phone did not leave Praia da Luz - there are no records outside
of the antennae that cover the village.
The record immediately following was on the antenna "Lagos" at 10:10:24am.
Based on information provided by Inspector Jo? Carlos, to whom is distributed
the inquiry, family members who came to support the child's parents rented, as
early as the first day of their arrival, a motor car; and given the interval of
time between the activation prior to that in Lagos (9:42:14) and that
immediately following in that city (10:22:55); it is acceptable that Gerald, on
that day, had made the round-trip journey.
[TRANSLATOR's NOTE: Just to be
clear on what is being said: the record at 09:42 was in Luz; the next at 10:10
was in Lagos; the next at 10:22 was back in Luz. A vehicle being driven from Luz
to Lagos and back again could explain these times.]
Otherwise, if the car is dismissed, then we have a situation similar to that
which led to footnote 2.
The return of the records to Luz happened as already indicated at the time of
It [the phone] only leaves the coverage area of those antennae on 20th. On this
day, Gerald McCann went to the airport in Faro: at 19:56:36, l9:58:44 and
20:00:22 he activates antennae in Portimao ("Portimao Centre"); soon after, at
20:16:01, he activates the antenna "Sobral IC4"; then the antenna "Lagoa" at
20:16:51; a new record occurs on "Sobral IC4" at 20:18:03; at 20:24:22 he
activates the antenna called "Guia"; coming to activate the antenna "Boliqueime"
at 20:26:45 and 20:26:57, followed by the district capital where he activates
the following antennae: "Faro Feira Nova" at 20:46:14 and 20:47:19; "Faro CP" at
20:51:13; and "Faro Airport" at 21:03:24, 21:10:18, 21:10:54, 21:11:41 and
According to the morning papers Jornal de Not?ias, 24Horas, Correio da Manha
and Publico of 21 May, they had reported that Gerald travelled.
In the databases that were sent to us, there were no records for that phone on
21st, they only reappeared on 22nd at 8:53:20 on the last antenna mentioned
[Faro Airport].
From that time is seen the return to Praia da Luz. Though not activating as many
antennae, it is possible, however, to perceive some of their journey: at
8:58:50, still ...
From the contact made with Engineer Sotero, an official of the
Police, in DTI, the following explanation was obtained: "Given
the proximity of that antenna to the village Praia da Luz, and a
period of high volume on the antennae that serve that location,
it could have been that the signal was relayed".
He consulted the database provided by Vodafone, with the
indication of the exact positional coordinates of the antennae
of that company at the national level, and with recourse to the
program AutoRoute.
... under the
influence of the antenna "Faro Airport"; he passes the antenna
"Patacao" at 9:07:06 and "Boliqueime" at 9:19:20. At 9:57:21 he
reactivates the antenna "Praia da Luz Centre".
On 23rd, the existing records show that Gerald McCann went to
Fatima, in the company of his wife. The first record in this
city was given as 10:16:17.
The first activation on this day was made at 7:18:48 in
"S.Bartolomeu de Messines"; following which the antennae
"Messejana A2" (7:47:21); "S.Jo? de Negrilhos" (7:49:19);
"S.Margarida do Sado" (7:57:42); "Vale de Guizo" (8:12:48);
"S.Isidro de Pegoes" (8:29:16); "Santo Estevao" (8:38:13);
"Gloria do Ribatejo" (9:10:48, 9:22:27 and 9:27:51); and the
antennae installed in the parishes Lapa (9:31:57); Pont?el (same
time); Almeirim (9:34:41, 9:35:52 and 9:36:13); Marvila,
Santar?(9:39:35); S? Salavador, Santar? (9:45:20 and 9:46:03);
Moitas Venda (9:58:53); and again the antennae called "Mindo A1"
(10:00:03); and "Fatima Rotunda Norte" (10:16:17).
Between "Lapa" and "Moitas Venda" the activated antennae are
Optimus, while the remaining are Vodafone.
The last activation, in Fatima, is registered at 14:31:25.
On the return
the antennae
activated were: "Boleiros" (14:48:47); "Mindo A1" (14:52:40);
"Moitas Venda" (14:52:40); "Bugalhos" (14:56:49); "Alcanhoes"
(14:59:16); "DCS Santar? Hospital" (15:13:33); "Santar? Sul"
(15:17:45); "Benfica do Ribatejo" (15:18:43); "Almeirim Norte"
(15:19:28); "Salvaterra de Magos" (15:28:08); "Samora Correia"
(15:39:42); "S.Isidro de Pegoes" (15:46:55 and 15:48:28);
"?cacer A2" (16:04:59); "Grandola Norte" (16:12:19); "Canal
Caveira" (16:14:08); "S.Jo? de Negrilhos" (16:25:09); "Messejana
A2" (16:30:44); "Almargem A2" (16:57:19); "S.Bartolomeu de
Messines" (16:58:38); "Guia Zoomarine" (17:10:39);
"Alcantarilha" (17:11:59); "Sobral IC4" (17:13:37); "Arge IC4"
(17:22:28); "Monte Alto IC4" (17:25:28 and 17:25:38); and
"Chinicato" (17:26:37).
The next one occurs already in Praia da Luz, at 18:04:17.
As happened in the journey to the north, also in the return the
phone used by Gerald McCann activated two Optimus antennae which
are established in the parishes Salvaterra de Magos and Samora
From his arrival up to 15:01:41 on 24th all activations were
recorded in Praia da Luz. At this time, the record arises on the
antenna "Bensafrim Centre". It follows: "Arge IC4" at 15:07:58;
"Ferragudo" at 15:26:36; "Praia da Rocha Este" at 16:35:31;
"Ferragudo" at 16:56:37; "Ladeira do Vau" at 17:26:41; "Penina"
at 17:28:23 and 17:31:52; and "Lagos" at 17:39:37. The return
[journey] ended at the antenna "Praia da Luz Centre" at
[NOTE: The last
time was mistyped in the report as 15:57:10 - it should have
been 17:57:10]
After this return up to 9:19:49 on 26th all records are made in
the repeaters serving that locality. The next record, 9:24:38,
is made on the antenna "Lagos". The successive entries, 11 in
total, occur on antennae that serve that city. The last
registration in Lagos, on that day, is given as 13:07:15.
One then observes the return to the village where he was
residing with the registration made on the antenna "Praia da Luz
Centre" at 14:25:37.
In this trip to Lagos Gerald was accompanied by his wife.
From this return up to 8:16:05 on 29th all the registrations
were made on those antennae.
On this day, at 9:16:58, 9:17:06, 9:17:12 and 9:17:19, the
antenna that signalled the presence of the mobile phone of the
missing girl's father is "Bensafim Centre". Then there are the
antennae "Arge IC4" at 9:24:48, 9:24:54 and 9:27:18; "Guia
Zoomarine" at 9:36:59; "Guia" at 10:02:55 and 10:11:20; "Algarve
Shopping" at 10:16:24, 10:46:57, 10:53:02, 12:02:42 and
12:10:54; "Guia" at 12:14:19, 12:19:45 and 12:21:05.
Back in Praia da Luz, the first record there is at 14:23:22.
Still on this day, he [again] leaves that location, activating
at 15:42:20 the antenna "Lagos" ; at 15:52:23 "Arge IC4" ; at
16:14:55 "Pedra de Agua" ; at 16:16:54 "Quartos"; and at
16:33:45 " Faro Airport".
These two trips were made by both parents of Madeleine.
The activations only begin to resurge at 17:37:59 on 30th on the
same exit antenna.
Gerald absented himself from our country, accompanied by Kate,
for a period of about 24 hours.
According to what was reported in the media, in this time period
the McCanns went to Rome, where they attended the homily
presided over by Pope Benedict XVI, to whom they had presented a
photograph of Madeleine.
After the registration referred to above on the antenna that
serves the Faro airport, the successive records provide
information on the journey by Gerald McCann returning to Praia
da Luz: "Montenegro" (17:39:42); "Almansil" (17:49:40 and
17:50:10); "Loule Centre" (17:51:57); "Boliqueime" (17:58:10 and
17:59:50); "Ladeira de Vau" (18:13:35); "Arge IC4" (18:17:56);
"Monte Alto IC4" (18:22:18); "Bensafrim Centre" (18:24:00); and
"Praia da Luz" (20:23:32).
From this time until 15:59:58 on 31st
[the phone]
activates only the antennae of Praia da Luz. After that time,
the next record occurred in Lagos at 16:08:06, followed by the
antennae "S.Bartolomeu de Messines" (16:42:54); "Solteiras A2"
(16:56:04); "Vale da Corte A2" (17:04:51); "Vale de Guizo"
(17:44:04); "Atalaia_Lisboa" (18:20:32); "Montijo Centre"
(18:22:38); and "Airport Baggage" (19:38:20).
On this trip to Lisbon Gerald came accompanied by Kate.
According to the newspapers on
1 June - Correio da Manha, Tal & Qual, Jornal de Noticias,
Diario de Noticias and 24Horas - the McCanns had gone to Madrid
to be received by a member of the government of that country.
Activations of the mobile phone (44)778698#### User/owner: Gerald PATRICK
JUNE 2007 (Report pages 15 to 19)
On 1st, the records begin at 19:37:01pm on the antenna "Airport Sub-Basement"
showing the return to Portugal and to Praia da Luz. From Lisbon to this village
there are the following records: "Airport Sub-Basement"(19:39:01 and 19:42:40);
"Airport Baggage"(19:52:30, 19:55:48 and 19:55:54); "Encarnacao" (20:06:36,
20:06:50, 20:13:29 and 20:19:44); "Vasco da Gama Bridge" (20:47:44 and
20:48:52); "Atalaia-Lisbon" (20:58:40); "Palma A2" (21:19:31, 21:21:08 and
21:27:23; "Grandola Sul" (21:40:53); "S.Joao de Negrilhos"(21:49:43, 21:49:53
and 21:50:45); "Vale da Corte A2" (22:04:20); "Solteiras A2" (22:10:50); "Agueda
A2" (22:15:26, 22:16:25 and 22:18:15); "Monte Alto IC4" (22:48:42); "Lagos"
(22:58:43); and "Praia da Luz Centre" (23:49:55).
It over-nighted in Praia da Luz and there it remained until, according to the
existing records, 13:55:10 on 2 June, activating at this time the antenna
"Lagos". There followed "Ladeira do Vau" (14:14:39); the antennae serving Praia
da Rocha at 16:35:44, 17:53:50, 17:58:04, 17:59:17, 17:59:58, 18:01:16, 19:44:31
and 19:48:23; "Arge IC4" (20:11:08); and "Lagos Norte" (20:11:08). Returning to
Praia da Luz, where it activated antenna "Praia da Luz Centre" at 22:46:11.
From that time until 15:40:37 on 4th there are only records from antennae that
serve the village of Praia da Luz.
The next registration takes place on the antenna "Lagos" at 16:26:46. New
activations occur on the antennae of Luz at 16:32:49, 16:34:18, 16:34:54 and
16:40:52, returning to the antenna of that city [Lagos] at 16:43:36. It returns
to Luz at 17:13:49.
Comparing with the records of Kate that activated the antenna "Burgau I", it is
possible that Gerald had gone for a walk with his wife.
After returning to the village where he was a guest all the records until
10:18:16am on 5th are made on the repeaters serving that village. After this
last entry the
[following] antennae are activated: "Bensafrim Centre" at 10:22:19; "Ferragudo" (Optimus
antenna) at 10:40:22, 10:41:23, 10:41:41 and 10:41:48; "Estombar" (the same
network) at 10:42:55; "Parchal" at 11:41:27; "Ferragudo" at 12:13:19, 12:44:59
and 12:56:43; "Barrac? Portimao Relocaliza?" at 13:02:12; "Penina" at 13:06:34
and 13:07:24; finally returning to Praia da Luz, where it activates on that
antennae at 13:24:56.
On this day, it starts activating, at 16:05:21, a different antenna that serves
Praia da Luz - "Monte Alto IC4". Following that: "Alcantarilha" at 16:20:50;
"Guia" at 16:22:31; "Ferreiras" at 16:24:40; "Quartos" at 16:34:25; and "Faro
Airport" at 16:51:12 and 17:04:39.
There are no records on the 6th; on 7th the records recommence on the antenna
"Faro Airport" at 17:12:59.
The absence of record was due, according to the media, to the presence of McCann
in Berlin during that interval in the records.
Returning to Faro, in addition to [the above] entry, there are three more
records on that antenna at 17:13:51, 17:13:59 and 17:15:01. Then follows:
"Montenegro" at 17:17:56; "S.ta Barbara de Nexe" at 17:25:59, 17:26:15 and
17:26:20; "Quartos" at 17:29:25 and 17:29:46; "Pedra de Agua" at 17:31:59 and
17:37:10; "No Boliqueime" at 17:41:36; "Alcantarilha" at 17:51:09; "Ladeira do
Vau" at 17:57:04; "Monte Alto IC4" at 18:04:40; "Bensafrim Centre" at 18:07:09;
"Lagos" at 18:08:23 and 18:13:38; then entering the sphere of influence of the
antennae of Praia da Luz at 18:25:11.
Still on this day
it activates the antenna "Lagos Centre" at 20:13:22, 20:38:07, 20:39:13,
20:39:33, 20:51:04, 21:14:38, 21:27:24, only returning to his temporary
residence at 00:05:50am on 8th.
From that entry until 11:24:48 on 9th, all registrations were made on the
antennae of Praia da Luz. The next record was made at 14:00:13 on the repeater
"Sagres". At 16:28:56 and 16:29:22 it activates the antenna "Budens"; then it
returns to the antenna "Praia da Luz" at 16:32:14.
Kate also went to Sagres at this time.
From that time until 16:35:47 on 10th, all activations occurred in the village
from where Madeleine disappeared. After that time it appears, from the antennae
activated, that there occurred a movement to Lisbon, specifically to the
airport. The following antennae were activated: "Lagos" (16:41:35); "Lagoa"
(16:59:10); "S. Bartolomeu de Messines" (17:18:24); "Almargem A2" (17:19:12);
"Cerro Gordo A2" (17:33:10); "Panoias" (17:39:42, 17:41:13 and 17:42:06);
"Grandola South" (18:00:09); "Vasco da Gama Bridge" (19:01:49); "Airport
Luggage" (19:50:01 and 20:03:34) and "Airport (Terminal) Indoor" (20:48:10 and
On 11th no record exists.
On 12th the newspapers Jornal de Notcias, Publico, Correio da Manha and 24Horas
reported the movement of McCann to Morocco, where they were received by a member
of the government of that country.
On returning to Portugal the first record is shown on the antenna "Montijo
Centre" at 16:31:36 followed by several antennae to the town where they were
"located": "Pinhal Novo" (16:38:56); "Palmela_II" (16:42:14); "Palma A2"
(16:54:36); "Alcacer A2" (17:02:13); "Solteiras A2" (17:50:03 and 17:50:10);
"?ueda A2" (17:52:10); "Alcantarilha" (18:11:36); "Sobral IC4" (18:12:29);
"Monte Alto IC4" (18:23:36); and "Praia da Luz" (18:47:32).
After the return, [the phone] only came out of Praia da Luz at 10:29:24 on 13th,
the time at which it activated the antenna "Lagos" moving up to Portimao. For
that round trip to Praia da Luz there exist the following records: "Lagos"
(10:31:00, 10:32:42 and 10:38:10); "Monte Alto IC4" (10:38:38); "Portimao
Centre" (11:07:09 and 12:13:23); "Ferragudo" 12:14:23 and 12:16:26); "Est?bar"
(12:17:08); "Ferragudo" (12:24:03); "Portimao Centre" (12:28:05); "Ferragudo"
(12:30:21, 12:30:58, 12:34:04 and 12:41:01); "Parchal" (12:44:18); "Ferragudo"
12:52:41, 12:53:29 and 13:02:20); "Portimao Centre" (13:03:40); "Ferragudo"
(13:04:25, 13:05:40, 13:06:36, 13:07:05, 13:08:37, 13:09:05, 13:09:18, 13:09:24,
13:11:20, 13:16:10, 13:24:26 and 13:47:13); "Portimao II" (13:55:44); "Arge IC4"
(14:02:18); and "Praia da Luz Centre" (14:22:21).
The following day, 14th, the mobile phone of Gerald McCann has its next record
on the antenna "Lagos" at 08:17:08, the city where this witness will have passed
on his way to the airport in Faro, seeing that at 8:20:31 and 8:21:15 it having
activated the antenna called "Lagos Norte" and subsequently activating the
antennae: "Lagos Centre" at 08:21:15; "Bensafrim Centre" at 08:24:05; "Praia da
Luz" at 8:27:47; "Arge IC 4" at 8:30:49; "Sobral IC4" at 8:40:46; "Loul?Centre"
at 8:58:38 and 8:58:44, "Patac?" at 9:11:07; "Faro Airport" at 9:29:21; "Arge
IC4" at 10:34:00; "Lagos" at 10:50:07 and 10:50:13; and "Praia da Luz Centre" at
Gerald, together with Kate, will have gone to the airport to meet or to bid
farewell to someone, given that the records point to their remaining in
After the return to Praia da Luz, at that hour, the phone of Gerald only came to
produce one record outside the antennae that serve the village Praia da Luz on
15th at 9:28:14 when an activation occurs on antenna "Lagos ".
Although the phone records of Kate did not activate any antenna outside Luz, on
this day it shows a gap in [the time of the records] around that time
[from 9:07 to 9:28] that makes it possible that she had gone with her husband to Lagos.
records return to the village at 9:48:23.
The records on 16th begin at 8:54.06 on the repeater "Faro Airport" where [the
phone] stays also registering at 8:58:48, 9:00:43 and 9:03:49. Those [records]
are followed by the antennae "Almansil" at 10:10:54, "No Boliqueime" at
10:21:25, and "Praia da Luz" at 12:36:14.
Once again on this trip to the airport Gerald came in the company of his wife.
On this day Gerald's mobile phone, after returning to Praia da Luz, activates
two antennae outside this town: "Almadena" at 12:58:44, and "Bensafrim Centre"
at 15:14:59 and 15:30:36.
These activations correspond to [two] distinct [separate] exits. In the first,
Kate will have accompanied him because [her phone] also activates the same
antenna [Almadena], returning to Luz. In the second, Kate's phone shows no
records for that area [Bensafrim], however there is a large interval of time
between [her phone] records, which also allows one to say that she had gone with
Already only on 18th at 19:48:40 a record exists outside the antennae of Luz, on
the antenna of "Lagos". The records "return" to the village where he was living
at 20:30:20.
After this exit and return to Luz the first registration on 19th at 8:20:52 was
made outside those antennae, specifically on the antenna "Faro Airport".
The records of 19th and 20th, the first of which on the first day [19th] occur
only on the antenna "Faro Airport" (a total of 13 times), and the first five
records of the second day occur on the same antenna at 20:56:07, 20:56:13,
20::56:19, 20:56:25 and 20:56:59, indicate the absence of Gerald from our
country for about 35 hours.
According to what was reported in the press on 21st, he travelled to the United
Kingdom, alone, to resolve issues inherent in the fund created to find
After the last activation of the antenna that serves Faro airport, the records
return to Praia da Luz at 22:30:07. During the trip he was under the influence
[came within range] of the antennae called "Boliqueime" at 21:41:06; [and] at
21:47:49 he was in the area of the antenna "Guia".
From that time up to 9:51:37 on 21st records exist only on the antennae of Luz.
This activation record is followed by: "Lagos" - 10:33:40; "Portimao Centre" -
10:54:37; "Ferragudo" - 11:31:42 and 12:01:17; "Lagos" again - 13:30:02; and
"Praia da Luz Centre" - 13:49:29.
On this occasion occurred another movement of the McCann couple to Portimao,
possibly, for
[one of]
the weekly meetings they had with some senior officials of the police.
On 22nd, the first record outside of Praia da Luz, also the first record of the
day, is on antenna "Boliqueime" at 9:18:22, followed by the records: "Patacao"
(9:33:07); "Montenegro" (9:39:16); "Faro Airport" (9:43:46, 9:45:47, 9:45:59,
9:49:29 and 9:53:05) ; "Bensafrim Centre" (10:42:05); "Lagos" (10:46:18) and
"Praia da Luz Centre" (11:19:24). It is suggested that this "window" points to
the fact of Gerald having gone to the airport to receive or to bid farewell to
some relative or friend.
On 23rd, the first two records of the day were made on the antenna "Lagos" -
1:07:06 and 7:50:04, followed at 9:25:14 by the activation of the antenna "Praia
da Luz Centre".
After this return, Gerald's phone comes back to activate the antenna "Lagos" at
14:33:53 on 25th, returning to Luz at 14:37:06.
From that record up to 9:41:45 on 27th all records were made on the repeaters of
Luz. At that time - the first record of the day - the entry occurred on the
antenna "Monte Alto IC4" returning to the Luz at 10:45:29. Kate's records being
analysed, it appears that the couple have left Luz, after 7:54:26, returning at
9:58:19. On this trip, according to phone records of the mother of Madeleine,
the most distant antenna to be activated is "Patac? 2" (a locality very close to
Faro and its airport).
On 28th, after the first record at 5:37:49 on the antenna "Praia da Luz Centre"
following which were six more entries in Luz, Gerald's phone activates, at
10:56:44, the antenna "Portimao". This record is succeeded by: "Portimao Centre"
(11:30:29); "DCS Portimao Centre" (12:17:25); "Portimao II" (13:05:34);
"Portimao" (13:07:17); "Penina" (13:15:50); "Arge IC4" (13:16:16); "Monte Alto
IC4" (13:18:29); "Bensafrim Centre"(13:20:53); and "Praia da Luz Centre"
On 29th, the first 4 activations (8:45:57, 8:46:35, 9:00:55 and 9:23:02) are on
antenna "Faro Airport". All that follow ("Montenegro" - 9:33:48; "S.ta Barbara
de Nexe" - 9:49:14; "Quartos" - 9:50:37 and 9:51:48; "Praia da Luz Centre" -
10:48:04) point to the return to the place where he resided while he was in our
On this day
[the phone] leaves and returns to the village where he was living between 18:03:05 and
21:36:37. During this time period are the records: "Portimao Centre" 18:03:05
and 18:09:35; "Portimao II" 19:08:27; "Portimao Centre" 19:08:54 and 19:11:35;
"Portimao II" 19:13:11; "Portimao Centre" 19:24:53 and 19:27:00; "Portimao II"
19:28:30; "Portimao" 20:14:57; ;"Monte Alto IC4" 20:30:56 and "Praia da Luz
Centre" 21:36:37.
Activations of the mobile phone (44)778698#### User/owner: Gerald PATRICK
JULY 2007 (Report pages 19 to 23)
From the record mentioned in the previous paragraph up to 19:50:46 on 1 July,
the time at which the record occurs on the antenna "Almansil", the only
activations are on the antennae of "Praia da Luz" and "Praia da Luz Centre".
Following Almancil, the antenna activated is "Montenegro" at 19:59:29 and
20:00:47. After this comes "Faro" with registration being done at 20:02:46,
succeeding which is the last record of the day on "Praia da Luz Centre" at
After returning to Luz, only on 3rd is there a record outside the village -
"Boliqueime" at 19:51:12.
Given the time of the previous record (16:40:11 - "Praia da Luz Centre") and the
one immediately afterwards (21:06:25 - "Praia da Luz Centre") and observing the
contacts [records] of Kate Healy during this period of time, it would appear [seem]
that this trip will have been near/close to Loule.
On 4th, there is no record outside the antennae that serve the village, where he
was placed with the rest of the family.
On 5th, after a first contact at 9:40:59, recorded on the antenna "Praia da Luz
Centre,", those that follow show a trip to and from Portimao: 10:42:10 - "Arge
IC4"; 10:50:03 and 10:50:08 - "Portimao Centre"; 11:00:59 - "Ferragudo";
11:22:53 and 11:22:59 - "Portimao Centre"; 12:00:33 - "Ferragudo"; 12:46:45 and
12:46:52 - "Arge IC4" and 13:15:04 - "Praia da Luz Centre".
According to the newspaper Correio da Manh?of 6th, the McCann had on that day,
5th, met [held a meeting] with officers of the Judicial Police.
After the return to Luz, the phone of Gerald only came back to activate another
antenna outside that area on 7th at 11:40:15. This record was made on the
antenna "Guia" followed by "Algarve Shopping" at 13:13:50, and the return to
"Praia da Luz Centre" at 14:37:05.
Coming back to make a sally on 8th, activating at 17:10:13 "Praia da Oura".
After this record there follow the records: 17:31:55 - "Sobral IC4"; 17:39:43,
19:38:37, 21:56:23, 22:01:30 and 22:03:05 - "Lagoa"; and 22:13:40 - "Monte Alto
IC4". The return of records at Praia da Luz occurs at 22:33:36.
From this return until 10th [the phone] does not leave Luz. On this day at
18:10:56 it activates the repeater "Penina" After this record those subsequent
[records] indicate one more journey to and from the airport: "Lagoa" at
18:17:31; "Faro Airport" at 18:50:07; ;"Lagos Centre" at 19:46:05; and "Praia da
Luz Centre" at 19:54:26.
Possibly, this movement is linked to the presence of friends - Rachael Mampilly,
Fiona Payne and Russell O'Brien - in the confrontation with Robert Murat, timed
for and held on 11th at 10am as recorded in the official documents at pages 1957
ff. in the case file.
Subsequent to the return to Praia da Luz, and up to 8:49:09 of 12th, only the
antennae in that locality were activated.
At the time indicated in the preceding paragraph, the first record of the day,
the antenna that signals the presence of the phone of this individual is "Monte
Alto IC4". The records that follow indicate a trip to the airport in Faro:
9:32:08 - "Montenegro"; 9:37:42 and 9:39:43 - "Faro Airport"; 9:41:29 -
"Montenegro"; and "Faro Airport" - 9:41:29, 9:42:13, 9:44:10, 9:45:15, 9:45:43,
9:46:27, 9:50:30, 9:51:24 and 9:58:43.
Error in report: The record at 09:41:29 is only on the Montenegro antenna, not
Faro Airport.
No observable return to Praia da Luz points to one more journey by Gerry.
According to the morning newspapers of 14th and 15th, namely "24Horas", "Correio
da Manha; and "Diario de Noticias" it was reported that the father of the child
had gone to the United Kingdom.
From the news in 24Horas on 17th, Kate and the twins were also in the United
Kingdom on that occasion, however, and bearing in mind the communication of the
mobile phones of both, they will not have gone all together. Kate and youngest
children will have left on 13th.
On 15th one can observe the return of both to our country. The first record at
this point was on the antenna "Concentracao Motards em Faro" at 11:33:51 and
11:34:46. The subsequent records up to the return to the antennae of Praia da
Luz, are: 11:36:40 - "Faro"; 11:37:14, 11:37:50, 11:38:41 and 11:39:21 -
"Patac?"; 11:44:02 - "Almansil"; and 12:28:22 - "Praia da Luz Centre".
On this day Gerald comes back to leave in the direction of the Faro airport,
activating the following antennae: 20:21:37 - "Arge IC4"; 21:01:19 and 21:09:06
- "Montenegro"; and 21:15:04 - "Faro Airport".
From the activation records of Kate's phone she also had gone to the airport by
21:15:12, having activated at this time the Optimus antenna installed in the
parish of Montenegro, Faro. The return of the records of that phone to the
antennae of Luz occurs at 22:34:52. So, accepting that the two had gone to the
airport together, the return on this day was around this time.
Only at 10:21:43 on 16th, does a new record appear on the antennae of the
village where he was living, and from that time up to 9:55:34 on 17th all
entries indicate [the phone's] presence in that locality. At this time occurs
the first record of the day, and it appears on antenna "Lagos".
The records return to the village of Luz at 10:27:57. From this time until
9:35:35 on 18th, all entries existing in that time period were made on the
antennae of Luz. The next record made at 10:22:42 in Lagos and about 5 minutes
later (10:27:27) the record occurs on antenna "Bensafrim Centre". Combining
these records with those of Kate this movement between antennae is due to one
more trip to Portimao. The records come to indicate the presence of Gerald in
Luz at 14:23:01.
After this return, Gerald's phone comes to activate antennae of Lagos at
11:28:35, 11:38:29 and 11:46:24 on 19th. Ending up by returning to antenna
"Praia da Luz" at 11:49:28.
On this day it leaves this time in the direction of Sagres, activating on the
way the antenna "Budens" at 16:58:18 and 16:58:22. At 17:24:08 one sees the
record on antenna "Sagres". It returns to Praia da Luz where, at 17:27:21, it
receives a signal from the antenna called "Praia da Luz Centre".
It should be noted that these two records deserve very close attention. The time
interval of 3 minutes would mean that Gerald would be obliged to travel the 27,5
Km that separate Sagres and Luz at a speed exceeding 250 km/h. Given the time of
day and time of year, we can assume that there was some traffic on the road,
which would preclude such speeds. Against this background, there would appear to
have been, perhaps, errors in the records submitted by Vodafone.
After that return to the village of Luz, a new record comes up on the antenna
"Budens" at 18:18:57, but given the difference between this record and the
previous record (18:17:28 - "Praia da Luz Centre") of barely 1 minute and 29
seconds, it cannot be viable to travel about 10.5 km in that period of time. To
do so one would have to travel at a speed of 420 km/h. There is still an
hypothesis of being at the extreme edge of the coverage area of the antennae?
and to get from one to the other during that period of time.
? According to
Engineer Sotero the coverage area of the antennae will vary,
depending on the morphology of the terrain, the existence of
obstacles (buildings, trees, etc.). However, the standard
coverage area of antennae installed in cities or villages having
enough inhabitants is about 1.5 kilometres, and outside those
localities it is about 5 to 8 km. There can also be situations
in which a mobile phone receives a signal from an antenna
located at a distance greater, as opposed to that nearest to it.
For that it is enough that the nearest antenna is in a valley
and that the more distant antenna and the apparatus [mobile
phone] are both on top of a substantial ground elevation
diametrically opposite each other.
Still on this day
are activated
antennae going to and returning from the airport: "Lagos" -
21:01:44; "Boliqueime" - 21:24:44; "Montenegro" - 21:50:50;
"Faro Airport "- 21:51:35 and "Praia da Luz Centre" - 22:58:07.
Once again this exit to the airport points to Gerald having gone
to the airport to receive or to bid farewell to a friend or a
After the return to Luz and up to 20:55:10, the last record of
the day on 20th, all entries were made on the antennae of Luz.
The records on 21st start at 11:35:46 on antenna "Guia
Zoomarine". On this antenna, on this day, records had been
recorded at: 11:35:46, 12:29:30, 12:48:02, 12:51:14, 13:00:31,
13:01:06, 13:01:31, 13:01:57, 13:14:42, 13:46:44, 13:49:35,
15:49:00, 16:33:41 and 16:34:14.
It returned to the village where
was living, making the following activations on the way:
16:41:53 and 16:42:51 - "Guia"; 16:47:48 - "Sobral IC4";
17:02:09 - "Chinicato" and 18:39:15 "Praia da Luz Centre".
After this return the records lead again, on 22nd, to the
airport. On the way it activated the antennae: "Arge IC4" -
8:09:46; "Sobral IC4" - 8:16:03, 8:16:10, 8:16:15 and 8:16:33;
"Montenegro" - 8:44:38; and "Faro Airport" - 9:00:01, 9:54:18,
9:59:54 and 10:06:49.
The newspapers Correio da Manha 24Horas and Diraio de Noticias
being consulted on 23 and 24 July, it was found that Gerald
travelled alone on this occasion to Washington, USA.
The return to Portugal occurred on 26th. The first activation
happened at 16:41:06 on the antenna "Faro Airport". One minute
and twenty seconds later the same antenna came to be activated,
being followed by the antennae: "Pedra de ?ua"; "Boliqueime";
"Vila do Bispo"; "Budens" and "Praia da Luz" at 17:31:23,
17:32:27, 19:05:21, 19:10:35 and 19:49:38, respectively.
Kate went to the airport to meet her husband.
Given the [above] records it would seem that Gerald McCann will
not have gone directly to the village where he resided while he
was in our country, having gone to Vila do Bispo, only then he
returned to the referred village at, or before 19:49:38.
On 27th [the phone] leaves in the direction of Sagres. On the
way to this town a contact is registered at 17:48:50 with the
antenna "Budens". In the locality, supposedly the destination,
it activated the antenna with that name
at 18:47:32.
According to the records it comes back to the village of Luz,
the first antenna being activated is "Praia da Luz Centre" at
All other records until 17:36:19 on 28th are made on that
antenna. At this time the antenna activated is called "Budens"
at 17:36:19 and 17:37:22, the registration immediately after
which at 19:17:55 was made on antenna "Praia da Luz Centre".
On 29th, the phone of Gerald comes back having records that
indicate a round trip to the airport in Faro (8:47:22 -
"Montenegro", 9:05:28 and 9:10:41 - "Faro Airport", and 10:38:31
- "Praia da Luz Centre)". Once again he will have gone to the
airport to receive or to bid farewell to some family member or
After the return to Luz it again leaves the locality on 30th
before 10:50:51, because at this time there occurs a record on
antenna "Portimao Centre". Following which are the records:
"Ferragudo" - 12:12:28, 12:12:35 and 12:18:50; "Portimao II" -
13:08:56; "Portimao" - 13:11:51; "Arge IC4" 13:44, 28 and
13:52:04; and "Luz (Lagos)" - Optimus antenna - 14:27:33.
On 31st it again leaves, this time towards the airport,
activating the antenna "Faro Airport" at 8:48:13, repeating the
signal at 8:59:39, 9:00:09, 9:07:17, 9:14:50 and 9:37:41. At
9:51:00 it would be already returning to the village of Luz,
this time activating the antenna "Quartos" followed by the
antenna "Loul?Centre" at 9:54:31, "Monte Alto IC4" at 10:20:41
and 10:22:48. The next record is at 10:44:17, on the antenna
"Praia da Luz Centre."
Activations of the mobile phone (44)778698#### User/owner:
AUGUST 2007 (Report pages 23 to 27)
On 1st Gerald travels to the airport and returns to the antennae
of Luz. The last activation before leaving happens on antenna
"Praia da Luz Centre" at 9:27:13, along the route it activates
antennae: "Faro Airport" - 10:28:48 and 10:49:11; "Lagos Norte"
- 12:07:08; "Lagos Centre" - 12:12:03; and "Praia da Luz" -
The records immediately after occurred at 12:19:13 and 12:36:30
on the antenna "Almadena" and "Praia da Luz Centre"
On this day Gerald leaves Luz going to Lagos. The phone that he
owns triggered the antennae: "Lagos (Santa Maria)" - Optimus
network - 16:36:37 and 17:08:38; "Lagos Centre" - 17:14:54;
"Lagos Norte" - 17:15:54; "Lagos Centre" - 17:23:45; and "Praia
da Luz Centre" - 18:27:58.
Still today at 22:29:50, there is a record on the antenna
"Budens". The one preceding it occurred on the antenna "Praia da
Luz Centre" at 20:04:14, and the one after it occurs on "Praia
da Luz" at 22:32:44.
From that return until 18:11:08 on 2nd, there exist records only
on the repeaters of Luz. The subsequent records show Gerald
McCann leaving the village up to at least Budens, with a brief
passing in Luz: 18:32:05 - "Budens"; 18:43:56 - "Praia da Luz";
19:16:15, 19:16:48, 19:17:10, 19:17:35 and 19:18:09 - "Budens";
and 20:37:35 - "Praia da Luz Centre".
On this day searches were made in the house in which the McCann
were living.
After the return, on 3rd all the antennae activated between
1:18:24 and 20:34:52 are those that serve Praia da Luz, with the
exception of the antenna "V.R. de Santo Ant?io on which is
registered at 13:38:00.
Consulting the news database kept by the Police, it is seen in
the newspapers Jornal de Noticias and 24Horas, of 4th, the
news of the presence of the couple McCann in Huelva, on 3rd,
hence the record on that antenna next to the border with Spain.
On 4th, Gerald leaves the coverage area of the antennae that
serve the town from where Madeleine disappeared. The first
record on this day occurs at 8:49:02 on the antenna "Sobral IC4"
followed by the antennae; "Silves", "Arge IC4", "Ladeira do
Vau", "Chinicato" and "Praia da Luz " at 8:49:28, 8:53:28,
8:53:59, 9:02:45 and 9:07:54 respectively.
In this movement he will not have been, possibly, accompanied by
Kate Healy. On this day her phone only activates the antennae
that serve Praia da Luz.
The databases of both show two entries - 8:53:28, in the case of
Gerald's phone, and 8:53:30 in the case of Kate. The antenna
activated by his phone is "Arge IC4" and of her phone it is "Luz
Centre 2".
From his return on 4th up to 9:58:59 on 6th,
[his phone]
only activates antennae of the village of Luz. At that time the
registration is made on the antenna "Lagos". This antenna has
another entry at 10:01:57. Then follow the antennae: "Ladeira do
Vau" - 10:16:53; "Portimao Centre" - 10:27:38; "DCS Portimao
Centre" - 10:41:22; "Portimao II" - 10: 43:58; "Portimao Centre"
- 10:50:00; "Portimao II" - 10:52:26 and 10:57:47; "DCS
Portimao" - 11:06:56; "DCS Portimao Centre" 11:08:44 and
11:12:44; "Portimao II" - 11:17:23; "DCS Portimao Centre " -
11:18:31; "Portimao Centre" - 11:36:52, 11:55:59, 11:59:09 and
12:23:51; "Ferragudo" - 12:26:10; "DCS Portimao" - 12:36:48;
"Ladeira do Vau" - 12:40:08; "Arge IC4" - 13:00:00; "Monte Alto
IC4" - 13:09:28; "Lagos Centre" - 13:15:06; "Lagos" - 13:18:08;
and "Praia da Luz Centre" - 14:18:36.
It is pointed out the fact that on this day, according to the
case file at page 2186, searches were conducted in several cars,
including the Renault Scenic, registration 59-DA-27. It records
in that document of canine inspection that one of the dogs
"marked" this car at 15:27.
Gerald's trip to Portimao was, perhaps, to leave the car in
order that that work be conducted.
All records from the "arrival" at Luz on 6th until 9:07:52 on
8th were made in the village where he resided temporarily. The
next entry occurs on antenna "Lagos Centre" at 10:24:54. It
stayed in that place activating the antennae: "Lagos Hotel" at
10:30:35, 10:30:55, 10:32:06, 10:32:32, 10:51:09, 11:14:16,
11:14:21, 11:18:51, 11:19:29, 11:20:56 and 11:22:27. It returns
to "Praia da Luz Centre" at 11:56:25.
Still on this day the phone of Gerald makes records outside of
the transponders of Luz, activating: "Lagos" - 14:37:35 and
14:37:42; "Monte Alto IC4" - 14:45:13; "Portimao Centre" -
15:03:22, 15:06:05, 15:22:02, 15:22:08, 15:37:01, 15:37:16,
16:13:31, 16:13:37, 16:13:43, 16:24:52, 16:24:57, 16:28:16,
17:05:58, 17:06:48, 17:13:24 and 17:14:16; and "Praia da Luz
Centre" - 17:48:05.
This trip to Portimao, in the company of Kate, was to go to
retrieve the car he left two days before.
From the return up to 13:27:16 on 9th it only activates antennae
in Praia da Luz. The record immediately after this was made at
14:01:22 on the antenna "Chinicato". On this antenna there
occurred still 5 more entries, all spaced a few seconds apart
(14:01:27, 14:07:32, 14:07:48, 14:27:45 and 14:28:35). At
14:48:48, an entry is made on "Penina" the records going back to
"Chinicato" at 15:01:48, 15:14:57, 15:49:44, 16:48:54, 16:49:00
and 16:51:41. The activations immediately following are on the
antennae "Lagos Centre" and "Praia da Luz Centre" at 17:00:38
and 18:05:06.
Only on 10th at 10:40:49 is the first activation outside the
village of Praia da Luz after what passed the previous day. At
that At that time is activated the antenna "Lagos" followed by
"Lagos Hotel" at 10:54:45, and "Chinicato" at 11:19:14,
11:27:05, 11:53:22, 11:53:27, 11:56:54, 11:57:01, 12:12:10,
12:49:48 and 12:54:32.
The return of the records to the antennae of Praia da Luz
occurred at 13:33:36.
After the return to Luz on 10th [the phone] only leaves the
influence of the antennae that serve this location on 13th at
8:11:49 - 1st activation of the day - being at that time under
the coverage area of the antenna "S.ta Barbara de Nexe". After
this record one follows at 8:50:09 on the antenna "Lagos" and at
9:23:18 the antenna "Praia da Luz Centre".
Given the proximity of Santa Barbara de Nexe to Faro, the fact
that it was the first activation of the day and the fact that
the second being already in Lagos, it is likely that Gerald had
gone to the airport in Faro, to receive or to bid farewell to
some relative or friend.
From that activation until 16:14:28 on 15th all communications
show records originating on the antennae of Luz. The
communications that were made immediately afterwards show the
records originate on the antenna "Budens" at 16:36:24 and
13:36:57. Typing error: should be 16:36:57
Following which are contacts made at 16:43:53, 16:46:37 and
16:58:51 on the antennae "Praia da Luz", "Budens" and "Luz
(Lagos)" - Optimus network - respectively.
It is plausible that the communications made at 16:43:53 and
16:46:37 had been made when Gerald's phone was on the fringe of
the coverage area between the two antennae, because it would not
be possible to cover the distance of approximately 10.5 km that
separates these two locations in only 2.44 minutes, unless he
had travelled at 315 km/h.
On this day it again leaves the coverage area of antennae that
serve Luz, only returning at 10:51:18 on 16th. At this time it
activates the antenna "Lagos" returning to "Praia da Luz Centre"
at 11:08:13.
It remains in the coverage area of the antennae that serve that
area until 14:40:25 on 17th. The contact subsequent to this is
made in the coverage area of the antenna called "Burgau" at
15:25:32, followed by the antenna "Almadena" at 17:31:37,
returning to "Praia da Luz Centre" at 20:39:34.
From that time until 8:07:15 on 19th, inclusive, [the phone]
activates only the antennae that serve the village where he [GM]
lived while he was in Portugal. The next record occurs at
9:52:21 on the repeater "Loul?Centre". It is followed by
records: "Patac?"; "Faro Airport"; "Lagos Centre"; and "Praia da
Luz" at 10:00:24; 10:03:53; 10:54:05, 11:05:24 and 11:06:18; and
11:13:05 respectively.
This trip to Faro airport will have been to receive or to bid
farewell to some friend, since one observes that the records
return to the antennae of Luz.
It is only the 20th that Gerald McCann again leaves the coverage
area of the antennae of Luz. On this day at 10:04:23 and
10:06:08 only the antenna called "Lagos" is activated. They are
the exceptions to the remaining 34 records.
It remains in the Luz until 13:31:52 ("Praia da Luz") on 21st.
On this day it comes to Lisbon. Along the way the
activations were made: "S.Bartolomeu de Messines" - 14:05:42;
"Agueda A2" - 14:11:12; "Ferreira do Alentejo" - 14:36:30;
"South Grandola" - 14:42:56 and 14:44:54; "Palmela A12" -
15:15:05 and 15:20:48; "Auto Europa" - 15:21:33; "Coina" -
15:22:40 and 15:23:34; "South Central" - 15:31:56; "Avenue of
Nations" - 16:04:54, 18:05:00, 18:05:05, 18:05:39, 18:29:17,
18:44:37 and 18:55:52; "Telheiras South" - 19:13:54; and
"Airport of Portela" - 19:20:19. The record following this last
one occurs at 21:44:38 already on [back at] the antenna "Praia
da Luz Centre".
On 22nd, the first record takes place on antenna "Zoomarine
Guia" at 8:29:06, followed by records on repeaters
"Alcantarilha"; "Sobral IC4"; "Parchal" and "Arge IC4" at
8:31:10, 8:32:07, 8:36:37 and 8:37:19, respectively. It returns
to the coverage area of the antennae of Praia da Luz at 9:30:56.
The first record, after the return on the previous day, on an
antenna outside the Luz was 9:36:28 on 23rd on the antenna
"Lagos". The record following it returns to "Praia da Luz
Centre" at 9:38:02.
At 12:00:01 there is new registration on antenna "Lagos". The
previous record was made at 11:49:34 on "Praia da Luz Centre",
and the one immediately afterwards happened at 12:09:53 at the
"Praia da Luz".
Still on this day the records of Gerald McCann's phone indicate
a new trip to the airport in Faro: "Lagos" - 15:28:45; "Lagos
Norte" - 15:29:46; "Bensafrim Centre" - 15: 29:51 and 15:29:59;
"Ferreiras" - 15:52:45; "Pedras de ?ua" - 15:59:16; "Faro
Airport" - 16:25:58, 16:39:36, 16:45:34, 16:59:42, 17:03:31,
17:04:08, 17:16:47 and 17:31:09.
No other record is made until 21:15:59 on 25th on that antenna
that serves the airport.
According to some dailies [daily newspapers] of 25th and 26th,
Gerald in that time was in Scotland, at an international
festival of television to inform how he managed to get going, so
quickly, the campaign to find his daughter, on a global scale.
In addition to the registration mentioned above, on this day,
there are only two more records: one at 21:15:49 on the same
antenna, and another at 21:21:00 on the antenna "Montenegro".
At 0:13:31 on 26th occurs the first record on the antenna "Praia
da Luz".
From that time up to 9:21:21 on 28th, inclusive, all existing
records point to the phone of Gerald having remained in the
village where he resided temporarily.
After the registration referred to in the preceding paragraph,
the activations of the phone, point to the journey of the father
of Madeleine to the area of Lisbon and return to Luz: "Penina" -
10:33:18, 10:34:08 and 10:34:22; "Arge IC4" - 10:34:43;
"Estombar" - 10:38:25; "Lagoa" - 10:39:20; "Guia" - 10:45:31;
"Paderne Macro" - 10:51:59; "S.Joao de Negrilhos" - 11:25:14;
"Messejana A2" - 11:26:39; "S.Margarida do Sado" - 11:28:53;
"Landeira" (network Optimus) - 11:58:51; "Marateca" (network
Optimus) - 12:02:52; "Avenue of Nations" - 14:06:55; "Grandola
North" - 15:06:10, 15:07:56 and 15:09:41; "Grandola South" -
15:13:50; "Bensafrim Centre" - 16:19:25 and 16:19:36; and "Lagos
North" - 16:21:22 and 16:27:22. At 16:35:28 it activates one of
the antennae of Praia da Luz.
Gerald made this trip with Kate.
On 29th the exit does not cover many kilometres, but it will
have gone to the city of Lagos, activating the antennae:
"Lagos"; "Lagos Centre"; "Lagos Hotel"; "Lagos Centre"; "Lagos
Hotel" and "Lagos Centre" at 11:35:46, 11:54:44, 12:04:01,
12:29:18, 12:34:32 and 13:11:31, respectively. At 13:51:40 it
returns to the antenna "Praia da Luz Centre".
On 30th all records, except that which occurs at 11:04:59,
happen on the antennae of Praia da Luz. At the time indicated
the record was made on the antenna "Lagos" but given the record
that follows it - 11:03:43 on "Praia da Luz" - it points to a
similar situation that led to footnote 2.
Also one should [must] not exclude the hypothesis that it was in
motion and being at the edge of the coverage of those two
antennae, passing from one to the other in about a minute. The
record immediately following is that of 13:16:24 on the "Praia
da Luz Centre".
On 31st all 26 contacts (the first at 7:52:20 and the last at
22:59:24) are registered on the antennae that serve Praia da
Luz, of the operator Vodafone, with the exception of the record
on antenna "Almadena" at 10:59:06
Activations of the mobile phone
(44)778698#### User/owner: Gerald PATRICK MCCANN.
SEPTEMBER 2007 (Report pages 27 to
On 1st the first record is that of
8:10:20 and the last is that of 22:31:15. Only two of the 15
records made are made outside of the antennae that serve in the
village where they were staying: the record on antenna
"Almadena" at 10:39:32, and that on antenna "Lagos" at 11:40:30.
Nevertheless, it is important to
stress the fact that between this time and the record that
follows it occurs an interval of about 10 hours and 40 minutes,
without any registration.
On 2nd and 3rd there is no record
outside the village of Praia da Luz.
On 4th all records were made on
those same antennae, with the exception of records of 20:39:30
and 20:40:33 on the antenna "Lagos".
On 5th only the records on antennae:
"Budens" at 15:08:37 and "Salema" at 16:39:14, 16:40:07,
16:41:57, 18:20:00, 18:27:51, 18:38:00 and 18:38:37 differ from
the rest that were made on the antennae that serve the village
of Luz.
The first record on 6th happened at
0:23:55, at the "Praia da Luz Centre". From that time until
13:24:02, inclusive, all records occur in this antenna. There
follow the records on the repeaters "Lagos" at 13:28:31; "Lagos
South" at 14:28:51 and 15:02:20; and "Lagos Centre" at 15:19:03.
After that time the records return
to the "Praia da Luz Centre" at 15:35:03.
The subsequent records indicate the
presence of Gerald in Luz until 22:55:09. At this time the
record comes out on antenna "Lagos". It is followed by another
on the same antenna at 22:58:36. Subsequent to these two records
all those that follow them are made on antennae that serve the
city of Portimao, 13 in total. The first is made at 23:19:11,
and the last at 23:58:35.
According to page 2539 [of the case file] this is the day on which
occurred the last questioning of Kate, that work having been
interrupted at 23:00.
The activations on the antennae that
serve that city extend into 7th - 12 records - up to 0:19:41.
There is then a return to Luz, passing the antennae "Arge IC4"
at 0:32:22 and 0:32:52; "Lagos Norte" at 0:42:34; "DCS Lagos
Centre" at 0:44:03; "Lagos" at 0:45:23; and finally "Praia da
Luz Centre" at 0:54:32.
The contacts made and received had
remained throughout the night, on the average of one per hour.
The records remain throughout the
day on the antennae that serve that city, returning to Portimao
from 16:28:34 -antenna "Portimao Centre". On this trip it
activated the repeaters: "Lagos" - 15:10:20; "DCS Lagos Centre"
- 15:10:55; and "Monte Alto IC4" - 15:15:11.
According to pages 2557 and 2560
Kate was questioned at 11:00 and 14:30, while the interrogation
of Gerald McCann took place between 16:05 and 22:50, according
to pages 2567 and 2574.
During his interview the phone that
he owns and uses made records at: 16:28:34, 19:13:07, 19:13:24,
21:50:34, 22:04:27, 22:04:50, 22:06:16, 22:07:58. 22:08:21,
22:08:51, 22:08:58, 22:12:32, 22:12:41, 22:22:27, 22:22:36,
22:22:44, 22:23:07, 23:50:07, 23:50:13 and 23:59:30, on the
antenna "Portimao Centre".
Already on the next day, 8th, still
in the continuity of what should have been his journey to "home"
that phone activates the antennae "Penina"; "Monte Alto IC4",
"Lagos" and "Praia da Luz Centre". The first at 0:19:47; the
second at 0:30:34, 0:31:02 and 0:36:57; the third at 0:40:59;
and the last at 1:11:14.
Not again activating any other
antenna than those that serve the village from where the
Madeleine McCann disappeared, making since its return to the Luz
210 activations in addition to those referred to above.
On 9th, the day of the return of the
McCann family to the United Kingdom, according to what was duly
reported and broadcast by television nationally and by some
foreigners, the phone of Gerald activates at 6:30:35, for the
last time, the antenna "Praia da Luz". There followed the
antennae: "Arge IC4" - 7:31:13 and 7:31:15; "Sobral IC4" -
7:35:37 and 7:35:44; "Boliqueime" - 7:45: 32; "No Boliqueime" -
7:49:40; "Quartos" - 7:54:21, 07:54:29 and 7:55:49; "Almansil" -
7:58:29 and 7:58:37; "Faro" - 8:02:21; "Faro Airport" - 8:14:13,
8:33:40, 8:36:01, 8:39:54, 9:04:36, 9:05:33, 9:17:42, 9:17:52,
9:19:00, 9:22:14 and 9:30:18; and "Montenegro" - 9:40:39 and
9:40:42. |
031 to 032 Jane
Michelle Tanner |
PDF FILE 13: Pages 31 and 32 Report |
OA_13_TEL_Page_031 |
OA_13_TEL_Page_032 |
Analytical report
Report pages 30 and 31.
Activations of mobile phone (44)780-858-4191; Owned/used by:
This number activates only antennae of the operator TMN.
The first record from this number occurs on 29/04/2007 at
4:12:33, on antenna
"Luz Centro 2"; and the last dated on 17 May, 2007, at 10:10:01
on antenna
"Aeroporto-Faro 2".
The existence of 294 records is observed, in which only 3,74%
occur before the
disappearance of the young girl.
APRIL 2007
On 29th the mobile phone that is owned by Jane Tanner has two
including the one referred to above, both on the antenna "Luz
Centro 2".
On 30th there exist only two records, at 18:31:14 and 20:41:44,
also on that
MAY 2007
On 1st there exists no record.
On 2nd there occur 6 records on the antenna already referred to,
at 8:21:46,
10:05:20, 13:59:41, 14:33:53, 19:22:54 and 19:27:34.
On 3rd, the day of the events, the mobile phone of Jane
activates a single time
on the antenna "Luz Centro 2" at 20:30:01.
On 4th all records between 0:11:01 (1st record of the day) until
activate antennae in the locality where she was a guest. The
record immediately
following appears at 10:33:03 on the antenna "Lagos Centro DCS
3", following
which the antennae "Portimao Centro 1" - 13:34:17 and 14:40:57;
"Portimao Centro
DCS1" - 16:58:36; again "Portimao Centro 1" - 16:58:36. The
return to the
antennae of the operator TMN that serve the village from where
disappeared occurred at 18:08:26.
These records are confirmed by the movement of Jane to the DIC
of Portimao to
give her testimony, cf. pages 42ff. (Record of Questioning with
start at 11:30).
From the return to the village of Luz at 16:07:22 on 10th, all
the records have
occurred on the antennae that serve that village. At this time
there started a
cycle of activations on the antennae that serve the city of of
Portimao which
stops at 22:19:59.
This movement to Portimao was her returning to be questioned,
cf. pages 919 ff.
On 11th the first record occurs still on one of the antennae
that serve the city
of Portimao - "Portimao Centro DCS 1" at 3:04:26 - following
which at 9:22:57
was made the record on the antenna "Luz Centro 2".
From this return until 20:52:09, inclusive, on 16th, all records
materialise on
the antennae that serve that tourist village.
On 17th there exists a single record, it being also the last
from the mobile phone of Jane in the period analysed. This
record was on the antenna "Aeroporto-
Faro 2" at 10:10:01.
based on the records it is deduced that Jane had not accompanied
her husband on
the trip to Portugal when he came to the confrontation with
Robert Murat. If she
did then she will not have used the mobile phone with the number
that was known
as hers. |
33 to 49 IMAGES
Kate Healey |
PDF FILE 13: Pages 33 to 50 Report |
Analytical report of the
Report pages 32 to 49.
Activations of the mobile phone (44)790-310-8397; Owned/used by
This number activates only antennae of operator Optimus and TMN.
The first of the existing records occurs on 28 April, 2007 at
14:30:37 on the
antenna "Luz Centro 1"; and the last contact date of 9
September, 2007 at
9:11:15 on the antenna "Aeroporto-Faro 2".
There is observed the existence of 8901 records, of which only
0,45% occurred
prior to disappearance of the young girl.
APRIL 2007
On 28th the mobile phone that is owned by Kate Healy makes its
first record in
Portugal, as already said, on the antenna "Luz Centro 1" and
from that date
until the disappearance of her daughter it never leaves the
coverage area of the
antennae of the national operator TMN that serve village where
she came to spend
a week on holiday.
MAY 2007
[acknowledging] that Madeleine had disappeared between 21:00 and 22:00
on 3rd, it is observed that the last record of the mobile phone
of Kate
prior to the occurrence [event] occurs at 13:34:53 and the first
after the
tragic happening was at 23:14:51.
The first time that it activates an antenna different from those
that serve that
village was on the day on which she went to make statements to
the D.I.C. of
Portimao - (cf. pages 58) - on 4th.
It activates then the
antenna "Lagos Centro
DCS 3" at 10:33:20, there following others up to the first that
activates in the
city of Portimao - "Portimao 1" - 10:44:53.
From that moment
until 18:19:29,
inclusive, it activates only antennae that serve this locality.
The antenna registered immediately following that one is "Luz
Centro 2" at
After its return to activate in the village of Luz, one again
observes records
outside those antennae only on 9th at 14:44:26 when it enters
the coverage area
of the antenna called "Lagos Norte 1".
In the city of Lagos one
observes 8 more
contacts in addition to that referred to before.
The first
record of the return
to the antennae of Luz occurs at 16:07:47.
Gerald on this day only activates antennae of Luz, from which it
is presupposed
that Kate had gone to Lagos without her husband, but it will be
able to have
been done in the company of the friend David, given that his
mobile phone in the
same period of time, presents records in the city of Lagos.
On the following day, 10th, Kate will have gone again to that
At 7:39:01
[her phone] activates the antenna "Lagos Norte 1".
It activates
that antenna
twice more at 7:39:14 and 7:40:16, following which the antennae
"Lagos Centro
DCS 1" at 7:54:49 and 7:54:59 and, again, "Lagos Norte 1" at
FOOTNOTE [4] Approximate
On this trip to Lagos it is
presumed that Kate had been, once again,
accompanied by David Payne, for the same reason given
The return to the coverage area of the antennae that serve the
locality where
she was a guest was at 8:50:56 when it again activates the
antenna "Luz Centro
On this day Kate again leaves Luz going to Portimao where she
actions the
antenna "Portimao Centro 3" at 14:09:23.
Up to 22:21:39 all the
records were
made on the antennae that serve that city.
On the return to Luz
she passes the
antennae: "Mexilhoeira 2" - 22:27:49; "Odiaxere Norte 1" -
22:28:26, 22:28:58,
22:29:18, 22:30:01, 22:30:38 and 22:30:45; "Bensafrim I " -
22:31: 13; and
finally, "Luz 4" - 22:31:49.
On this day some of the friends with whom Kate came to spend
holidays in
Portugal, along with Gerald, were again questioned, but she was
On the
return to Luz Kate was not accompanied by Gerald.
The records of
the calls of
the mobile phone of her husband remain in the city of Portimao,
many after the
return of Kate to that village.
From her return to the coverage area of the antennae that serve
Praia da Luz
until 14:21:20 of 12th, [her phone] activated only those
At this time
the record is made on the antenna "Lagos (Santa Maria)", of the
7 [seven]
seconds later, it returns to the antennae of the village where
she was
a guest.
Analysing the time of the contact that precedes that record on
that that
antenna (14:04:18 ("Luz (Lagos)") and the time of the return to
Luz (14:21:27)
results in two hypotheses: either Kate was really in Lagos, and
for this she
would have to be on the boundary between the two antennae, or
one is observing
a situation similar to that that gave rise to the note in
footnote 2.
From the return to Luz until 15:11:59 on 14th the mobile phone
of Kate activates
only the antennae that serve the resort where she was a guest.
At this time
there appears the first record on the antenna called "Lagos
Centro DCS 3".
remains in the city of Lagos until 16:22:58.
Following this is
the record on the
repeater "Praia Porto Mos 3" at 16:23:02 and the return of the
records to the
antennae of Luz at 17:43:30.
On this day Gerald McCann activates only the antennae of the
village of Luz at
the same times that the mobile phone of Kate registers her
presence in that
All the records until 7:29:31 on 23rd were made on the antennae
of Luz.
entry at this time activated the antenna "A2 Solteiras 2".
During that period of time (between 14th and 23rd) Gerald left
our country on
21st, as already referred to in his time line.
On this day, 23rd, the first record of the day was that
mentioned above.
antennae that follow show the journey of Kate to the Sanctuary
of Fatima,
together with her husband.
The first activation of one of the
antennae that
serve that city was at 10:01:52 and the last occurred at
The presence of the McCann at the sanctuary was reported by the
The return to the village where they came to spend holidays
activated various
antennae that need not be specified here.
The first record on
this day, on one
of the antennae that serve Luz, occurred at 20:11:23.
the return will
have occurred earlier.
According to the mobile phone records of
Gerald the first
activation on the antennae of Luz occurred at 18:04:17.
From her return until 12:07:22
on 25th, all the records of the mobile phone of
Kate occur on the antennae of Luz.
The record immediately
following - 14:17:16 -
observed on the antenna "Portimao Infante 1", following which
are the antennae:
"Portimao Infante 1", "Mexilhoeira 3" and "Odiaxere Norte 2" at
14:21:18 and 14:24:41 respectively; repeating on the last
antenna at 14:25:04.
The return of the records to the village where she was residing
was at 16:47:17
on the antenna called "Luz Centro 2".
On this day Gerald McCann activates only antennae of the village
of Luz.
occur activations almost simultaneously, but registered on
separate antennae.
His mobile phone in Luz and her mobile phone in Portimao.
On 26th the mobile phone of Kate starts with a record on the
antennae that serve
Lagos at 9:55:38 ("Lagos Este 3").
It remains in that city until 12:29:58, the time of the last
record on one of
the antennae repeaters of Lagos.
At 14:19:36 one observes the
return to the
antennae of Luz ["Luz"
(Lagos)], on the Optimus
On this day, as already referred to previously, the mobile phone
of Gerald
McCann also activated antennae of that fishing locality from
9:24:38 to
From the return on 26th until 9:11:10 on 29th, there exist only
records on the
antennae having a coverage area in the village of Luz.
record following that
is at 9:13:07 on the antenna "Lagos Norte 3", following which
are the records on
the antennae: "Lagos DCS 3" at 9:15:07; "Porches 1" at 9:36:08;
"Guia-Algarve 1"
at 9:38:42; "Algarve Shopping IN 2" at 9:43:46; "Assumadas 3" at
"Algarve Shopping IN 1" at 10:08:22, 10:08:36, 10:15:07,
10:15:16, 10:21:45,
10:27:32, 10:27:42 and 10:29:08; "Algarve Shopping IN 2" at
11:33:40, 11:37:21,
11:37:55, 11:37:59, 11:38:33, 11:38:39, 11:38:43 and 11:40:17;
"Assumadas 2" at
12:22:29; "Benagaia 1" at 12:23:46; and "Alcantarilha 3" at
12:25:06 and
The return to Luz was observed at about 13:41:29 -
"Luz Centro 2".
On this day the mobile phone that Kate uses/owns again leaves
the coverage area
of the antennae that serve that resort and the last records
happen at 16:24:16
on the antenna "Sta Barbara Nexe 2 1".
The return to the coverage area of the antennae of the village
where she was
residing was at 18:32:54 on 30th.
The first activation on this
day was
registered on the antenna "Aeroporto-Faro 2" at 17:37:39.
As was stated when the records of the mobile phone of Gerald
were analysed, this
absence of contacts during more than 24 hours was due to the
McCann having gone
to Rome.
After the return to Luz all the records are made on the antennae
that serve this
village until 16:07:27 on 31st.
There follows the record made at
16:11:26 on the
repeater "Lagos Norte 3".
Those following lead to the Lisbon
The last
record occurs on the antenna "Aeroporto 1 IN DCS 4" at 19:41:11.
JUNE 2007
The records reappear only at 19:52:49 on 1st, on the antenna
installed in the
Santa Maria of the Olivais, Lisboa.
As was duly reported by some newspapers on this day, the McCann
journeyed to
Madrid on this occasion.
The re-entry on the antennae that serve the village of Luz was
registered at
23:13:13 ("Luz Centro 2").
Only on 2nd at 13:58:47 did the records indicate the presence of
Kate outside of
Luz, when it activated the antenna "Praia Porto Mos 2".
return to the
antennae of Luz was at
20:19:02 ("Luz Centro 2").
The records that occurred in
this time period were: "Praia Porto Mos 3" at 13:58:53;
"Bensafrim 1" at
14:00:34; "Rocha Praia DCS 2" at 15:21:25, 15:41:45, 15:52:58,
16:46:25 and 18:36:16; "Portimao Infante 2" at 20:00:29 and
"Mexilhoeira 3" at 20:03:15; "Odiaxere Norte 1" at 20:04:50;
"Praia Porto Mos 3"
at 20:10:54, 20:11:01 and 20:11:08; and "Lagos Centro DCS 3" at
After the return until 15:29:01 on 4th all the records were made
on the antennae
that serve that village.
The later records happened on the
antenna "Burgau 1" at
16:09:24, 16:09:33 and 16:09:36.
The return to Luz is observed
at 16:14:37.
On 5th the records indicate the journey of Kate to the coverage
area of the
antenna "Benagaia 2" (16:21:41).
Having analysed the records of
Gerald one sees
that the the couple travelled to Faro airport from where they
will have departed
for a short stay outside of our country.
As was already started while relating the analysis of the data
pertaining to
Gerald, the media had reported the journey of the McCann to
The first record indicative of the return of the McCann to
Portugal, with
respect to the records of Kate, is observed at 17:14:25 on 7th
on the antenna of
the [parish] Montenegro, of the operator Optimus.
The re-entry of the records on the repeaters of the village of
Luz is observed
at 18:06:41.
On 8th all the records occur on the antennae that serve Luz,
either on the
operator TMN, or that of Optimus, except for that which happens
at 10:48:29 on
the antenna "Almadena 1".
The return to the village where she
was residing was
at 11:31:11.
All the records from this return, until 11:41:50 on 9th, were
made on the
antennae of Luz.
At 13:11:02 there started a series of 14
records on the antenna
"Sagres 2", from which follow the activation of the antenna
"Budens 2" at
16:28:59 and "Luz Centro 2" at 17:07:23.
On 10th the records start on the antennae that serve Praia da
Luz until 17:12:11
the time at which there appears the antenna "Paderne 3", being
followed by
others which indicate that the mobile phone of Kate travelled to
international airport of Lisboa, where it activates the antenna
"Aeroportol IN
2" at 20:09:46.
At 21:06:37 on this day one observes the last
record on one of
the antennae that serve that place.
The records reappear on 12th, starting with the entries at
15:51:47 on the
antenna installed in the [parish] of Lumiar, in Lisboa, on the
Optimus network.
The records lead to the return to Luz, despite the last
activation occurring on
the antenna "Bensafrim".
The absence of contacts during that interval of time is due to
the presence of
the McCann (Gerald and Kate) in Morocco, according to what was
reported in the
various daily newspapers.
On 13th the records start at 0:31:57 on the antenna installed in
the [parish] of
Luz, of the operator Optimus.
At 6:00am activations that
followed point to the
fact of Kate having remained in the village where she was
At 10:38:01
there begins a journey to Portimao.
At this time there was the
activation of the
antenna"Odiaxere Norte 2", following which the record on the
antenna "Portimao
Universidade 1" at 12:25:54.
The communications remain in the
coverage area of
the antennae of Portimao until 14:00:00 (last record), there
having then started
the return to Luz, where one observes the first contact at
After her return until about 8:38:32 on 14th Kate remained in
the coverage area
of the antennae that serve Praia da Luz.
From that time there
begins a new
journey, and the antenna where one observes the record farthest
away from Luz
was installed in the locality
Montenegro (9:27:29), close to Faro.
Comparing these contacts with those made by the mobile phone of
Gerald McCann
one observes that the movement of the couple will have been to
the airport.
does not know if they had bid farewell to or received a friend
or relative.
did not leave our country.
This premise notes the fact that
there exist no news
reports of such movement and, also, the fact of the subsequent
records led to
the return to Luz ("LUZ 1" at 10:50:46).
From that time, until 7:00:52 on 16th, all the records
materialised on the
antennae that serve that village.
At 7:14:44 the record was made
on the antenna
"Odiaxere 2", starting [another] journey to the Faro airport
where Kate will
have arrived about 8:23:17 (the 1st entry on this day on the
antenna "Aeroporto-
Faro 2").
It remained in this place until about 9:37:58 (the
last record on one
of the antennae of that place).
The first record in Luz, after
this exit, occurs
about 11:03:05.
On this day Kate again leaves Luz, in the company of Gerald.
12:56:32 [her
phone] activates the antenna "Almadena 1", coming back to that
village at
Due to the proximity of the antennae and the times of the
contacts (12:55:41 -
"Luz 3"; 12:56:32 - "Almadena 1"; 14:12:32 - "Luz 4"), we
pointed out that she
had left, for about an hour, from the village from where
Madeleine had
It was not possible to determine, even through the
newspapers for
that day and the day following, where Kate might have gone.
After that record, only on 18th at 16:33:11 does [the phone]
again make a record
outside of Luz, which happens on the antenna "Cabanas Velhas
There follow
the records on the antennae "Burgau 2" at 17:55:41 and 17:55:48;
"Burgau 1" at
17:59:47; and "Luz Centro 2" at 18:08:15.
From that time until 14:53:27 on 19th, it does not again leave
the coverage area
of the antennae of Luz.
The next record is observed at 15:42:07
on the repeater
called "Porches 1".
The return to Luz was about 19:10:06 ("Luz
3"), having in
the meantime activated the antennae: "Assumadas 2", "Areias S
Joao Centro 1",
"Sta Eulalia 2", "Sta Eulalia DCS 3", "Oura DCS 3", "Areias S
Joao DCS 1",
"Cerro Aguia 2", "Sesmarias l" and "Lagoa Centro 1".
Comparing the records of the McCann couple, one sees that he
left our country
for about 36 hours (between 9:01:27 on 19th and 20:56:07 on
20th), as was
already mentioned, while Kate remained in Portugal.
On 20th, the activations begin at 7:40:26 on the antenna "Luz
2", and remain on
the antennae of the locality until 20:05:10 the time at which it
activates the
antenna "Paderne 2", starting a movement to Faro airport, where
it will have
arrived at 20:31:13 ("Aeroporto-Faro 1").
Kate went to that place to meet her husband.
The return to the locality where they lived while they were in
our country was
around 22:30.
The first record of the mobile phone of Kate in
Luz, on that
occasion, occurred at 22:33:20 and that of Gerald McCann at
From this return until 10:59:56 on 21st, when the mobile phone
is in the
coverage area of the antenna "Portimao Centro 1", there exist
records only on
the antennae that serve the village of Luz.
One presumes that the couple had gone to Portimao for another
one of the weekly
meetings they had been having with some officers of the police.
The mobile phone remained in that place until about 13:16:41,
the last record on
one of the antennae that serve that city.
One observes then it
returns to Luz,
where it made an entry at 14:37:33 (the 1st record after it went
to Portimao).
On this day the mobile phone
of Kate presents further entries in the area of
Lagos between 16:34:24 and 17:29:11; the rest up to the end of
the day are all
on the antennae of Luz.
in this movement to Lagos Kate will not have been accompanied by
The 22nd begins with records on the antennae of Luz, though at
8:51:18 (antenna
"Praia Porto Mos 3") Kate begins a new trip to Faro airport
where she will have
arrived about 9:37:27 ("Aeroporto-Faro 2").
She remained in this
place until
9:56:13 (record on the same antenna), the time at which it began
the return to
The first record in this locality was made at 11:27:47.
It will have remained in Luz until about 11:41:47 the time at
which appear new
records outside of that village, having been made on the antenna
this antenna there are also registered activations at 11:42:23,
11:45:40, 11:48:21 and 11:53:31.
The record immediately following this last one was already on
the antenna
installed in the [parish] of Luz, of the operator Optimus at
One presumes that the movement to the airport on this day had
been to go to bid
farewell to or to receive some friend or relative.
From this return the mobile phone of Kate only again presents a
record outside
of the antennae that serve Luz on 26th at 8:27:00 when it
activates the antenna
"Odiaxere Norte 2".
With this record starts a series of records
that indicate a
new movement to the airport of Faro.
The first record on one of
the antennae
that cover the airport occurs at 9:09:27 ("Aeroporto-Faro 2").
It remained in
this place for about 20 minutes.
At 9:32:05 it activates the
antenna "Montenegro
2", initiating the return to the village of Luz.
The first
record of this return
happens at 11:04:25 on the antenna "Luz Centro".
On this journey she was not accompanied by Gerald, who had
remained, according
to the records do his mobile phone, in Luz.
On 27th the records begin on the antenna "Luz Centro 2" at
7:53:25 and 7:54:26
followed by the antennae: "Porches 1" at 8:20:33; "Benagaia 2"
at 8:22:30;
"Assumadas 2" at 8:25:50; "Paderne 2" at 8:27:23 and 8:27:27;
"Campina 1" at
8:32:15; "Loule 3" at 8:33:51 and 8:34:24; "S.Joao Venda 2" at
"Patacao 2" at 8:45:32; "S.Joao Venda 2" at 9:09:45; "S.Joao
Venda DCS 1" at
9:10:30; and "Paderne 1" at 9:21:09.
The records return to the
village of Luz,
more specifically to antenna "Luz Centro 2", at 9:21:09.
From that return until 10:39:12 on 28th records exist only on
the antennae that
serve Luz.
At this time the mobile phone of Kate activates one
of the antennae
that serve the city of "Portimao", on the Optimus network.
Inexplicably, after this record there appear immediately
following another two
(10:41:07 and 10:42:15) on the antenna installed in the [parish]
of Santa Maria,
of the Municipality of Lagos, from that same network.
From this
contact was then
started a series of records indicating the movement of Kate to
On the
way it activated the antennae of Optimus installed in the
localities: Bensafrim
(10:42:50, 10:44:55 and 10:45:52) and Mexilhoeira Grande
(10:50:06), arriving at
Portimao about 10:50:35 (the 1st activation in this movement,
admitting that
that other may be an error in the records of the computer system
of the operator
in question).
The last activation on this day on one of the antennae that
serve that city was
at 13:02:29 occurring then the return to the village where she
was residing.
first record in "Luz" is at 13:26:57.
JULY 2007
From the return to Luz until 17:02:54 on 2nd, the mobile phone
of Kate activates
only the antennae of Luz.
Followed by the records: "Praia da
Porto Mos 3" at
17:08:17; "Luz" at 17:11:51; "N/E" at 17:11:54; "Odiaxere Norte
2" at 17:12:10,
17:12:38 and 17:13:04; "Portimao Infante 1" at 17:18:36; "Tres
Bicos 3" at
17:24:48; "Tres Bicos 1" at 17:25:11; "Portimao Estadio DCS 2"
at 17:26:11;
"Portimao Centro 1" at 17:31:09; "Portimao Centro DCS 1" at
17:36:55 and
17:37:00; "Mexilhoeira Carregacao 3" at 17:45:34; "Lagoa Centro
1", 17:51:57,
17:52:02 and 17:52:05; "Aldeia Golfe 2" at 18:45:12, 18:45:18,
18:48:11, 18:49:28 and 18:49:54; "Vilamoura Norte 1" at
18:51:17; "Aldeia Golfe
1" at 19:00:45; "Boliqueime" 1, 19:04:18, 19:04:20 and 19:04:22;
"Aldeia Golfe
1" at 19:04:59 and 19:05:46; "Boliqueime 1" at 19:08:27;
"Alcantarilha 3" at
19:24:11; "Portimao Infante 1" at 19:33:48; and "Luz Centro 2"
at 19:53:45.
On 3rd, the records begin on the antennae of Luz and only at
18:19:47 appears
one different - "Guia-Algarve 3".
The subsequent contacts
occurred on the
antennae: "Assumadas 3" - 18:20:24 and 18:20:31; "Paderne 1" -
18:24:15 and
18:24:18 "Campina 3" - 18:25:44; "Aldeia Golfe 2" - 18:53:51;
"Campina 1" -
19:48:45, 19:49:26 and 19:51:03; "Porches 3" - 20:04:51;
"Tapadinha Vla Tr DCS
2" - 20:07:18; "Portimao Infante 1" - 20:09:14; "Bensafrim 1" -
20:18:27; "Lagos
Centro 3" 20:20:10; "Praia Porto Mos 3" - 20:20:25 and 20:20:30;
and "Luz 3" -
From that record until 10:28:27 on 5th, Thursday [5], it
activates only the
antennae of Luz.
The following records are observed at 10:34:51
and 10:35:00 -
"Odiaxere Norte 2"; 10:43:20 and 10:43:27 - "Porto of Lagos
Centro 2"; and
10:45:24 - "Portimao 2".
It remained in Portimao until about 12:37:49, the moment at
which there was
registered a contact on the antenna "Portimao Universidade 3".
The one
immediately following occurs already in the coverage of the
antenna "Luz Centro
1" at 13:14:37.
The mobile phone of Kate only on 7th again activates other
antennae outside the
village where she was living, chronologically: "Praia Porto Mos
3", "Mexilhoeira
3", "N/E", "Mexilhoeira 1", "Penina 1", "Mexilhoeira Carregacao
1", "Algarve
Shopping IN 2", "Guia-Algarve 1" and "Assumadas 3".
That change
of records
occurred between 10:50:18 (1st record outside of Luz) and
13:58:42 (last record
outside of Luz).
FOOTNOTE [5] After
observation that there would exist an almost weekly pattern
in the movements to Portimao since the disappearance of
Madeleine, with the most
incidence on Thursdays, and after contact with the Inspector Sr.
Joao Carlos, to
whom is distributed the inquiry, it was possible to determine
that the McCann
couple went effectively once per week to the English Consulate,
where they meet
with people of the police, having from a determined time that
those meetings
were convened on that day of the week, making both parts always
The return of the records to the antennae of village where she
was living
occurred at 14:59:32.
On 8th the analysed records of the communications apparatus
indicate an exit
from the area of residence of Kate in Portugal at 16:18:56 with
the return at
22:26:00 - "Luz (Lagos)".
During that period it made records on
the antennae:
"Portimao Infante 2", "Assumadas 2", "Oura 2", "Areias S Joao
DCS 1", "Albufeira
DCS 1", "Lagoa Centro 3", "Lagoa Centro 1", "Lagoa Centro 2",
"Mexilhoeira l"
and "Lagos (Santa Maria)".
From 22:26:00 on 8th until 14:40:18 on 10th, the records all
materialise on the
antennae of Luz.
The next registration occurred at 15:22:58
indicating a new exit from the area where she was living with
return at
16:49:06 (antenna of Optimus installed in the
Luz, Municipality of
During that period the records were observed on the
antennae of that
operator, installed on the [parishes]: S.Clemente (Loule) and
Santa Barbara of Nexe.
Due to the proximity of this last locality to Faro and due to
the fact of the
next day, 11th, having been the day on which was realised the
between the witnesses Rachel Mampilly, Russel O'Brien and Fiona
Payne, with the
arguido Robert Murat, and further by the fact of the mobile
phone owned by
Russel O'Brien presents records on the antenna of TMN
"Aeroporto-Faro 2" at
15:18:36 and 15:33:45 it is presumable that Kate had gone there
[the airport] to
receive the witnesses Fiona Payne and Russel.
The mobile phone
of Fiona presents
a record at 15:20:07 on the antenna installed in the [parish]
called Montenegro,
situated about 2 kilometres from Faro airport.
On this trip, Kate will not have had the company of Gerald,
given that the
records of his mobile phone, in that period of time, happened on
the antenna
"Praia da Luz Centro".
From the return to Luz at 16:49:06 on 10th until 10:21:25 on
12th, the mobile
phone of Kate activates only repeaters in Luz.
Followed by
records that put it
in the airport of Faro at 11:41:57 ("Aeroporto-Faro 2"), to
receive or to bid
farewell to some relative or friend.
The return to one of the antennae of Praia da Luz ("Luz Centro
2") was at
The last record in Luz prior to the exit to the
airport occurred at
From that time until 10:14:44 on 13th, the mobile phone of Kate
activates only
repeaters that serve Luz.
The next entry was made at 11:00:06 on
the antenna
installed in the [parish] Montenegro, of the operator Optimus,
which from the
analysis already made previously, covers the airport of Faro.
Comparing the contacts of Kate and Gerald one observes that
while she travelled
outside Portugal only on this day, he travelled the day before.
According to what was reported in some daily newspapers the
McCann went to the
United Kingdom.
The return of the family to Portugal only occurred on 15th,
starting with the
record of the mobile phone of Kate on the antenna "Motards Faro
TR 1" at
The subsequent records occur on the antenna
"Montenegro 2" at
11:35:07, 11:35:13 and 11:35:35.
The first record in this return
to Luz occurred
at 14:53:09.
On this day Kate, together with her husband, according to the
records of both,
again went to the airport of that Portuguese district.
again was activated
the antenna installed in the [parish] of Montenegro at 21:06:05.
The final
record on this antenna occurred at 21:19:22 then began the
return to Luz.
On the
way were activated the antennae installed in the [parishes] S.
Clemente (Loule)
and Ferreiras, of the operator Optimus, and that called
"Odiaxere Norte 2", of
The record of arrival in the village occurred about
22:34:52 if one admits
to a contact exactly at that moment.
From that registration until 18th, all the records occurred on
the repeaters
that serve Luz.
On this day occurred another movement to
At 11:12:16
occurs the registration of "entry to the city" on the repeater
"Portimao Centro
Between this record and the previous one there is an
interval of about one
hour and forty minutes, this record having been made on the
antenna "Luz Centro
The first activation indicator that Kate will have returned to
Luz is registered
at 15:22:14 - "Luz Centro 2".
Still on this day Kate, very probably accompanied by Gerald,
again left Luz,
having activated at 18:11:16 and 18:12:24 the antennae "Burgau
1" and "Raposeira
1" respectively.
It points to Gerald having accompanied her, not by the fact of
his mobile phone
activating any antenna in that area, but due to the fact of his
mobile phone
being without any contact for about 45 minutes, between 18:01:55
and 18:44:46.
According to the computer program "Microsoft AutoRoute 2007",
the distance
between Luz and Raposeira can be covered in 16 minutes, which
fits into the
interval of time in which there exist no contacts on the mobile
phone of Gerald.
It is added further the fact that the coverage area of the
antennae permits a
certain distance to the place in which it is installed (see
footnote 3).
The return to Praia da Luz after the trip to the village of
Raposeira was
observed at 18:39:42
On 19th, the records of the mobile phone of Kate again indicate
a journey to a
locality that is in the coverage area of the repeater "Raposeira
1" (17:21:12).
At 17:24:08 the mobile phone of Gerald activates the antenna
called "Sagres".
From this one infers that the two were together in that area of
the Algarve.
Until arriving at that place the mobile phone of Kate presents
records at
16:58:18 and 16:58:22 on the antenna "Budens".
The return to Luz will have occurred about 17:20 - 17:40: at
17:41:24 occurs the
first record on the antenna "Luz Centro 2", from the mobile
phone of Kate, while
the record from the mobile phone of Gerald, in this return to
Luz, occurs at
From the return until 22nd there exist no records outside of the
antennae of
On this day in view of the records of Kate and Gerald one is
granting that Kate
had travelled to the airport to drop off Gerald who, according
to some
newspapers on 23rd, journeyed to the USA.
Effectively, the
records of the mobile
phone of Gerald lead to to the airport (antenna "Faro
Aeroporto"), while those
of Kate only lead to S.Joao das Vendas, a locality close to
Her mobile
phone presents records at 8:33:27 and 8:33:33 on the antenna
"S.Joao Venda 3" at
8:34:27, 8:34:32 and 8:34:37 on the antenna "S.Joao Venda DCS
1", and at 8:35:23
on the antenna "S.Joao Venda 2".
This last record is followed by one made on the antenna "Luz
Centro 2" at
About 3 hours later the records return to other repeaters that
do not serve the
village of Luz, at 14:28:48, beginning a series of 10
registrations on antennae
that serve the city of Lagos.
The return to the antennae of the
village occurred
at 16:49:54.
From that return until 15:16:41 on 26th all the entries occurred
on the antennae
in the village where she had resided.
On this day Kate journeyed
to the airport
of Faro to find Gerald.
At 16:40:50 she is under cover of the
"Aeroporto-Faro 2", and at 16:54:56 ("Aeroporto-Faro 1") still
remaining in the
At 18:24:55 the records return to Luz.
Analysing the records of the mobile phones of the two parents of
Madeleine, it
is observed that after that return to Luz, the mobile phone of
Gerald presents
one entry at 19:05:21 on the antenna "Vila do Bispo" and at
19:10:35 one entry
on the antenna "Budens".
But all the records of the mobile phone of Kate occur on the
antenna called "Luz
Centro 2".
But there exists a gap in the records between
18:24:55 and 19:48:38
without any entry.
As the route of going to Vila do Bispo and
returning to Praia
da Luz is about 40 km, and that an average speed of 90 km/h
permits [that
distance] to be covered in about of 25 minutes, it is probable
that Kate could
have accompanied given that the time gap without registrations
is approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes.
On 27 the records again indicate a new exit to the coverage area
of the antenna
called "Raposeira 1" (close to Vila do Bispo).
The first record
on this antenna
occurs at 16:33:13 and the last was at 18:59:22.
The return to Luz happened at 19:54:23.
If we compare the records of the mobile phone of Gerald, one can
infer that on
this journey he had not accompanied his wife, given that at
16:33:41 his mobile
phone has an entry on one of the antennae of Luz.
However it is
probable that
that they had met later.
At 17:43:54 the mobile phone of Kate is
activating the
antenna "Budens 1", TMN network, while the mobile phone of
Gerald actions the
antenna "Budens" at 17:48:50.
The return of the records to the antennae of Luz succeeds at
19:54:23 (the 1st
contact after the journey of this day).
On 28th the records begin on the antenna "Paderne 2" at 9:04:09,
followed by
other records with short intervals of time between them, which
follow the
direction of the airport of Faro - "Aeroporto-Faro 2" at
The last record on one of the antennae that serve that airport
follows at
10:07:16 "Aeroporto-Faro 1".
From this record there follow others that show the return to
At 11:39:15 it
activates the antenna "Luz 1".
Still on this day the mobile phone presents records outside of
the antennae of
Luz at 17:57:58 and 18:26:16 on the antennae "Budens 1" and
"Burgau 1",
The rest up to to the end of the day occur on the
antennae of Luz.
On 29th the records of the mobile phone of Kate are all made on
those same
Contrary to what happens with the records of Gerald,
as was already
referred to above in the analysis of the contacts of his mobile
phone, which
place him around 9:00am in the airport of Faro.
On 30th the entries begin on the antenna "Luz Centro 2".
some contacts
there appear other records on antennae that reveal a journey to
record of "entrance" on one of the antennae that serve this city
occurs at
10:38:08 - "Portimao Infante 2".
[The phone] will have remained in the coverage area of the
antennae that serve
that city until about 13:21:19 - "Portimao Infante 2".
From this contact the records point to the return to the village
of Luz, where
[the phone] will have arrived between 14:18:38 ("Praia Porto Mos
3") and
14:33:32 (antenna of the operator Optimus, installed in the
[parish] of Luz,
Municipality of Lagos).
On 31, all the records are made on the antennae that serve the
locality Luz.
On 1 August the records of the mobile phone of Kate start on the
antennae in the
village where she lived in Portugal, observing that from
10:02:46 ("Assumadas
3") there began a movement in the direction of the airport of
Faro ("Aeroporto
Faro 1" at 10:33:52 and 10:34:08).
Once again Kate made the
journey in the
company of her husband.
They went to receive or to bid farewell
to someone they
knew or relative.
After the record at 10:34:08 the records show the start of the
journey of return
to Luz, activating at 11:40:13 the antenna "Porches 1".
the records
that follow do not indicate the entrance into the coverage area
of the antennae
that serve Luz, but others do,
they point to her presence in Lagos, where [the
phone] activates at 12:39:27 the antenna "Lagos Centro 3" (the
1st record in
this city on this day) and remains there until 17:36:11.
However, the mobile phone of Gerald after the exit from the
airport, where, as
already stated, he will have gone with Kate, presents entries on
the antennae
that serve Lagos at 12:07:08 and 12:12:03 followed at 12:18:48
the record on the
antenna "Praia da Luz".
Given the proximity to Lagos, it is probable that Kate had been
in Luz prior to
going to Lagos, or could have been left [dropped off] by Gerald
in Lagos, given
that there are contacts of both, within the same minute, each
activating a
different [distinct] antennae.
His mobile phone activates the
antenna "Praia da
Luz Centro" at 12:39:29 while hers activates at 12:39:27 the
antenna "Lagos
Centro 3".
The return of the records of the mobile phone of Kate to Luz
happens at 17:48:52
- "Luz Centro 2".
On the other side of this communication are two more on that
antenna: at
17:48:57 and 18:51:23.
Followed by one called "Budens 1" at
record is the first of a series that point to another trip to a
locality within
the coverage area of the antenna "Raposeira 1".
The last registration on that repeater occurs at 20:02:09
followed by the
repeaters "Budens 1", "Burgau 1" and "Luz Centro 2" at 20:04:16,
21:06:49 and
22:14:45 respectively.
On 2nd all the records were made on the antennae that serve Luz.
On 3rd the first record of the mobile phone of Kate on this day
was made on the
antenna "Assumadas 2" at 8:49:07 and the second was already on
the antenna of
the operator Optimus installed in the [parish] of Santa Maria,
municipal area of
Tavira at 13:45:45.
The subsequent records indicate the journey of return to Luz,
where it activates
the antenna, also of the operator Optimus, installed in the
[parish] of Luz, of
the Municipality of Lagos at 14:38:56.
On the route are
activated the antennae
installed in Tavira (Santiago), Santo Estevao, Estoi, Santa
Barbara of Nexe,
Loule (Sao Clemente), Ferreiras, Pera, Porches and Estombar,
entering then into
the coverage area of the antenna of Luz.
According to the news related by some organs of the written
media on 4th, the
McCann were on this day in Huelva as part of their campaign to
About 10 minutes after entering Luz (14:49:05) the mobile phone
of Kate was on
the antennae that serve Lagos.
It remained there until 15:22:47
returning then
the records to the antennae that serve Praia da Luz at 16:13:16.
Possibly, the McCann after they had returned from Huelva will
have stopped to go
for lunch in a place within the coverage area of the antennae
that serve Lagos.
Gerald McCann, from the
[time of the] exit of his
mobile phone from the coverage
area of the antenna "V.R. of Santo Antonio" at 13:38:00, was to
have another
activation only again at 16:28:53 on the antenna "Praia da Luz
This data on the one hand corroborates the hypothesis of they
having gone to
lunch at Lagos, but on the other it can indicate that Gerald had
stayed in Luz
while Kate had gone to Lagos.
On 4th, while the mobile phone of Kate made no records outside
of the antennae
of Luz, the mobile phone of Gerald begins its entries on the
antenna "Sobral IC
4" at 8:49:02 followed by "Silves" at 8:49:28.
On 5th the mobile phone of
Kate again presents records solely on the antennae of
Luz, despite there occurring at times [from time to time]
intervals between
contacts of greater than 1 hour, for example: between 19:27:13
and 21:05:31
(about 1 hour 40 minutes).
Under cover of that interval there is sufficient time to make a
journey between
Luz and, for example, Albufeira and back again, at an average
speed of 90 km/h.
Also it is admitted that the time gap may only be an absence of
On 6th the mobile phone of Kate only presents records on the
antennae of Luz.
Conversely, the mobile phone of Gerald activates, among others,
some antennae
that serve Portimao.
As stated above in the analysis of the contacts of the mobile
phone of Gerald,
there exists the possibility of him having gone to Portimao to
leave the
Renault Scenic vehicle, licence 59-DA-27.
On 7th the records of the mobile phone of Kate remain, like
before, solely in
On 8th the antennae activated by the mobile phone of Kate
indicate her presence
in Lagos between 9:40:34 and 11:32:44.
Later, between 15:00:42 and 17:15:34 the records of her mobile
phone reveal her
presence in Portimao.
The record immediately following the last in Portimao occurs on
one of the
antennae of Luz ("Luz Centro 1") at 17:49:23 not again on this
day, after this
return, activating any other antenna outside of Luz.
This movement to Portimao of the McCann will have been to
effect, possibly,
another meeting with some senior persons of the police, and/or
for them to have
picked up the vehicle that Gerald had left on 6th.
On 9th the records of the mobile phone of Kate begin on the
antennae that serve
the village where she resided, and remain there until about
13:41:54 ("LUZ 2").
The next record is made at 14:52:51 on the antenna "Odiaxere 2".
The entries following point to Kate having circulated between
that antenna and
the antennae that serve the localities of Mexilhoeira, Odiaxere
and Lagos.
entering the antennae that serve Praia da Luz at 17:19:20 where
it remained for
the the rest of the day.
On 10th the mobile phone of Kate presents records on the
antennae of Luz between
8:14:14 and 10:41:39; on the antenna "Lagos Este 3" at 10:59:27;
on the antenna
"Odiaxere 2" between 11:24:02 and 12:56:53; on the antenna
"Mexilhoeira 2" at
12:59:34; again on the antenna "Odiaxere 2" between 13:00:04 and
13:00:56; on
the antenna "Lagos Norte 3" at 13:10:49; and on the antenna
"Praia Porto Mos 3",
between 13:14:08 and 13:14:30.
There follows the re-entry on the antennae of Luz from 13:28:10.
This is the second day on which the McCann circulate in the
triangle formed by
the localities Lagos, Odiaxere, Mexilhoeira Grande.
One does not
know the
purpose, having no other sources that might possibly determine
the reason and
the destination of the couple.
From 11th until 16:41:04 on 15th all the records are made on the
antennae that
serve the village where the McCann resided.
At that time the
mobile phone of
Kate is in the coverage area of the repeater "Burgau 1".
If one looks at the records of the mobile phone of Gerald,
during the time intervals between records of the mobile phone of
Kate, and accepting the premise
that they had travelled together, there being strong
probabilities of that
having happened, then Kate will have gone a little beyond the
locality called
After that activation in Burgau, the successive records up to
the end of the day
happen on the antennae of Luz, it being that the indication of
the return to
those antennae occurs at 17:11:08.
Only on 17th do there again appear registrations outside of the
village of Luz,
which occurred between 15:17:18 and 16:41:11 on the antennae
"Budens 1" (2
entries) and "Burgau 1" (8 entries).
The most entries on this
day were made on
the antennae of Luz, where appear the 1st records after the
"walk" at 17:40:14.
On 18th and 19th all the records remain in Luz.
However, on 19th
one observes a
time gap of about of 1 hour 50 minutes, between 9:16:50 and
The entries of the activations of the mobile phone of Gerald in
that interval of
time occur on the antennae "Patacao" (10:00:24) and "Faro
Aeroporto" (10:03:53),
due to which it is probable Kate had gone with her husband to
Faro, to receive
or bid farewell to a friend or relative, there being enough time
for them to
have journeyed at an average speed of 100 km/hour.
On 20th the contacts of the mobile phone of Kate were all
registered on the
antennae of Luz, while the reference data of the mobile phone of
Gerald presents
two entries on the antenna "Lagos" at 10:04:23 and 10:06:08.
From the analysis
it results that those records are reporting an exchange of "sms"
between the
On 21st the daily maps
[diagrams] of the phone
contacts of the McCann denounce
the journey of the pair to Lisboa, a journey that will have
occurred between
13:32:39 ("Luz 3") and 21:41:47 ("Luz Centro 2").
From the records, it does not appear that this movement ties up
with a trip to
the airport for a farewell or reception of relatives or friends.
From the analysis of the records it does appear that the McCann
will have come
to the area of the Parque das Nacoes [Park of Nations], where
they will have
stayed for a prolonged period of time.
Between 16:00 and 18:00
in the case of
the mobile phone of Gerald and between 16:30 and 18:30 in the
case of the mobile
phone of Kate, there exist no other registered communication.
From the return to Luz on 21st until 25th all the records of
Kate occur in the
village of Luz.
In that period, more specifically between 23rd
and 24th, the
records of Gerald demonstrated his absence from our country for
a period of
about 27-28 hours.
As was stated previously in the analysis of
the contacts of
the mobile phone of Gerald, this absence of records is due to
the journey of
Gerald to Scotland.
On 25th all the records of the mobile phone of Kate occur on the
antennae that
serve Luz, except for the records between 8:53:37 and 9:12:06
that occur in the
city Lagos.
On this day Gerald returns to our country.
After the return to Luz on 25th at 9:49:15 after her passage
through Lagos, all
registrations were made on the antennae that serve Luz until
9:00:00 on 28th.
The activations afterwards demonstrate another journey of Kate
to the area of
Lisboa, together with her husband.
On this day at 14:19:41
appears one record
made on the antenna installed in the [parish] of Carnide,
municipal area of
Oeiras, from the operator Optimus.
The preceding record was made on the antenna installed in the
[parish] do Feijo,
municipal area of Almada at 12:18:14.
Thus there exists a time gap
(of about 2 hours) without any records, that is,
without any information that permits one to suggest a place of
Even less
exist other sources that can support that.
Also the mobile phone of Gerald presents a gap without
communications about the
pair - at 12:02:52 it activates the antenna of Optimus installed
in the [parish]
of Marateca, and at 14:06:55 it activates the antenna of
Vodafone called
"Avenida das Nacoes".
After the records mentioned before (antennae of Carnide and the
"Avenida das
Nacoes"), the records shown the return to Praia da Luz, where
the mobile phone
of Kate presents the first record at 17:28:37.
From the records of both (Kate - Lagos (Santa Maria) at
16:23:33; Gerald -
"Lagos Norte" at 16:21:22 and 16:27:22), it is probable that the
couple had
stopped for some minutes in Lagos, prior to arriving, finally,
at Luz.
On 29th all the entries of the mobile phone of Kate were made on
the antennae
that serve the village of Luz, except for those made at 13:08:35
and 13:11:22
that were on two separate antennae of Lagos.
However the arrival
of the mother
of the missing minor in that city will have occurred prior to,
possibly, about
11:35 since the mobile phone of Gerald presents at 11:35:46 the
first records in
that locality, and because supposedly they will have journeyed
As one can observe, the time of the last registration of the
apparatus of Kate on one of the antennae of Luz, prior to the
departure to
Lagos, is 11:25:25 and only 1 hour and 45 minutes after appears
the first
records in Lagos.
On 30th one more day in which the records almost entirely occur
in Praia da Luz,
except for that made at 16:45:19 on the repeater "Budens 1".
On this journey, she will not have been accompanied by her
husband, given that
some minutes prior to it (16:42:48) the mobile phone of Gerald
having a record
on one of the antennae of Luz.
For the couple to have managed to cover the distance of 10 km
that separated Luz
from Budens, they would have had to travel at an average speed
275 km/h.
On 1st all the records are made in Praia da Luz, except the
records made on the
antenna installed in the
[parish] Budens at
10:52:56 and 10:53:35 and on the
antenna installed in the
[parish] Bensafrim at
On 2nd only at 18:45:57 appears the only record outside of the
antennae of Luz.
That record was made on the antenna called "Raposeira 1'
The entry immediately following is observed on the antenna "Luz
Centro 2" at
From the return to the village where she was living, until
16:35:54 on 4th, all
the records were made on the antennae that serve the village
where the McCann
resided while they were in Portugal.
The records immediately
following occurred
at 17:47:40 and 18:04:01 on the antenna identified only as
At 18:16:36 it
activates, on the return, the repeater "Luz Centro 1".
After the return to Luz only on 5th does the mobile phone of
Kate present
records that indicate her presence in an area of the national
territory, on the
antenna of the operator TMN called "Salema".
The activations
occurred at
15:12:20 and 16:52:46.
There follows two records at 18:40:40 and 18:42:23 on the
antenna "Budens 2".
The records return to the
village where she was living at 19:14:30.
Based on the records of the couple, the couple will have stayed
in the area of
Salema between 15:12:20 and 18:38:37.
The first entry refers to
the first record
of the mobile phone of Kate, while the second reports the last
record of the
mobile phone of Gerald on the referred antenna.
On 6th the records begin on the antenna "Luz Centro 2" until
13:45:23 until the last record of the day (23:27:58), only the
antennae of
Portimao were activated.
According to the case file documents, on this day at 15:00 there
began the last
questioning of Kate (pages 2539 ff.
The records, on 7th, begin on the antennae of Portimao at
0:42:40 and remain
there until 0:58:54.
The registration immediately following, the first on the antenna
of Luz on this
day, was made at 1:22:23.
During this night, and until leaving the coverage area of the
antennae that
serve Luz, the mobile phone of Kate had a large flow of
contacts, with an
average of about 12 minutes between records.
The interval of
greatest duration
without any activity was of about of 2 hours and 25 minutes, and
the smallest
was of about of 0:00:03
At 10:32:29 occurred the last record in Luz prior to going to
first entry outside of the antennae of the village of Luz was
made on the
antenna "Praia Porto of Mos 3".
There follow three records on
the antenna called
"Odiaxere Norte 2", entering then at 11:13:30 in the coverage
area of the
antennae that serve the city of Portimao, where Kate was
questioned in the
D.I.C. of Portimao from 11:00 until 14:30 according to the
respective case file
document (page 2557).
The last entry on the antennae that serve Portimao occurred at
returning to those that serve the village of Luz at 16:33:26.
The last record of this day was made at 23:59:40 on the antenna
"Luz Centro 2".
This record refers to the one message received from the mobile
phone of Gerald
that was in Portimao, where he was questioned between 16:05 and
22:50 (pages
2567 and ff).
On 8th all the contacts were registered on the antennae "Luz 2"
and "Luz Centro
On 9th the records made announce the trip to to the airport of
Faro, where it
will have arrived about 8:05:15 (first record made on the
antenna "Aerporto-Faro
The rest of the 9 records, the last recorded on the tables
analysed, were made
on that same antenna.
Footnote [6] Reception of
a long message, automatically split into two by its
own transmission method. |
Matthew David Oldfield |
PDF FILE 13: Page 51 |
OA_13_TEL_Page_051 |
Analytical report
Report page 50.
Activations of the mobile phone (44)777-159-1456; Owned/used by
This number activates antennae only of the operator TMN,
observing that the
first activation occurred on 3 May, 2007, at 22:45:05, and the
last occurred on
16 May, 2007 at 9:55:10. The former was on the antenna called
"Luz 2" while the
latter is on "Luz Centro 2".
The mobile phone of Matthew is on a par with Fiona Payne in that
it presents the
least number of records during the entire period analysed.
The majority of records occur on the antennae that serve Luz.
Only on 4th at 12:50:19 is the first record made outside those
antennae. At that
time Matthew was in Portimao seeing that the antenna on which
this record was
recorded is called "Portimao Centro 1".
On this day, according to the case file documents, page 52 tells
of the
questioning of Matthew in the premises of the Policia Judiciaria
in that city.
The return of Matthew's mobile phone records to Praia da Luz
occurred at
From that day until 12:06:07 on 7th all the entries are made on
the antennae
that serve that locality. At that time the record is made on the
antenna "Budens
this entry points in the direction of Matthew being in a
transition zone between
that antenna and the antenna known as "Luz 3", seeing that the
time interval
between records (12:04:35 - "Luz 3"; 12:06:07 - "Budens"; and
12:06:55 - "Luz
3"), does not permit the physical movement between those two
points. The
distance that separates the two localities, in a straight line,
is about 8 km,
while by road it is about 11 m.
Only on 10th do the records of Matthew's mobile phone again
indicate his
presence in a locality other than Luz. At 22:32:27 and 22:33:04
it activates the
antennae "Portimao Universidade 2" and "Portimao Centro DCS 1",
According to what is told in page 905 ff. of the case file
documents, Matthew
went back to the department of the Policia Judiciaria in
Portimao, as well as
other members of the group for new questioning.
From that day until the last contact on record - 9:55:10 on 16th
- it only
activated the antenna "Luz Centro 2".
Every day in this time period there occurs a minimum of one
contact, except for
the 14th on which the mobile phone does not show any traffic.
There are no records from this mobile phone after 16th. |
052 to 053
Rachael Mariamma Jean Mampilly |
PDF FILE 13: Pages 52 and 53
OA_13_TEL_Page_052 |
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Analytical report
Report pages 51 and 52.
Activations of the mobile phone (44)777-159-1461; Owned/used by
This number activates antennae of the operators Optimus and
The first activation of which there was a record occurs at
20:20:40 on 28 April,
2007, and the last occurs at 12:18:44 on 12 July, 2007.
However, as put forward before there exist two distinct periods:
one between 28
April and 17 May, and the other between 10 and 12 July.
On the day of arrival at Praia da Luz, 28 April, only a single
activation was
recorded, as mentioned above.
On 29th, there also occurs only one single record, at 9:57:22.
The antenna
activated is called "Praia da Luz Centro".
On 2 and 3 May all the records were realised [took place] on the
antennae that
serve the locality where she was a guest.
On the day of the disappearance of Madeleine, Rachael received
an SMS at
11:33:55, before the alert of the incident. It is only after
that event [the
disappearance] that there began a frequency of daily
activations, much more than
there had been up until then. All those contacts (at 22:51:24,
22:59:12, 23:00:22, 23:05:48, 23:06:17 and 23:24:41)
materialised on the
antennae of Optimus that serve the [parish] of Luz.
On the following day, 4th, the contacts continued on those
antennae, it being
that during the early morning there exist no record at all
between 3:40 and
At 18:30:01 appears the first record on one of the antennae that
serve Portimao.
The registrations remained in that locality until 22:50:57 (last
registered in Portimao).
As seen in the case file documents, Rachael began to be
questioned at 19:20 on
this day.
The record that succeeds the last in Portimao was signalled on
one of the
repeaters of Luz at 7:24:02 on 5th.
From that return to the village of Luz until 11:52:39 on 10th,
all the records
are made on the antennae that serve that locality.
The record immediately following - 12:24:14 on that same day -
occurs on the
antennae installed in the [parish] of Santa Maria, Municipality
of Lagos.
Rachel will have stayed there until about 16:09:14 (last record
on those
antennae), and it is presumed that she had been accompanied by
her friends
David Payne and Russell O'Brien. Also the records of their
mobile phones activate
antennae in Lagos in that period of time.
The records return then to the antennae of Luz at 17:02:29.
Only at 11:40:59 on 11th does a record appear outside of the
antennae of the
village of Luz, which was registered on the antennae of
Portimao. Once again the
presence of Rachel in Portimao is tied in again with
At 19:10:21 is observed the last record on one of the antennae
of Portimao and
begins the return journey to Luz where she will have arrived at
From this return to the village where she was a guest with her
relatives and
friends the mobile phone of Rachael only again activates
antennae outside that
locality on 17th at 8:39:08.
At that time the record was made on one of the antennae of
Lagos. Those that
followed indicate the return of this witness to her native
The last antenna activated in her first stay, during the period
studied, is that
installed in the [parish] of Montenegro, which as said
previously places her in
the proximity of the Faro airport. The records were made at
9:59:36, 10:23:07,
10:56:49, 10:57:53, 10:58:08 and 11:00:03.
The database that was sent to us again shows records of the
mobile phone of
Rachel on 10 July.
The first record of this second stay in Portugal occurs at
18:50:20 on the
antenna installed in the
of Montenegro.
Gerald will have been the person who went to the airport to
collect her. seeing
that at 18:50:07
[his phone]
activates the antenna "Faro Aeroporto", of the
operator Vodafone.
As seen in the case file documents Rachael came back to the
Portugal to be
present at the confrontation carried out on 11th at 10am at
which were also
present, in addition to this witness, Russell O'Brien, Fiona
Payne and the
arguido Robert Murat.
Effectively, the records on 11th show the presence of Rachael in
At 11:09:33 appears the first record on the antennae that serve
that city and
the 8 following also occur on those same antennae. The last
entry was made at
At 14:09:42 the records return to the antennae of the
of Luz.
On 12th the records begin in Luz and at 12:00:04 the antenna
activated is that
installed in the [parish] of Montenegro, where also one observes
the last four
entries (the last farewell - 12:18:44).
Based on the records, one infers that Rachael went back to her
native country,
having been driven to the airport by Kate. |
054 to 056
James Russell O'Brien |
PDF FILE 13: Pages 54 to 56 |
OA_13_TEL_Page_054 |
OA_13_TEL_Page_055 |
OA_13_TEL_Page_056 |
Analytical report
Report pages 53 to 55.
Activations of the mobile phone (44)771-325-8795; Owned/used by
This number activates antennae of the operators TMN and Optimus.
The first activation that has a record occurs at 11:27:19 on 28
April, 2007
(antenna "Montenegro 2"), and the last occurs at 15:53:35 on 12
July, 2007
(antenna "Faro Bom Joao 3").
As happens with the records of Rachael, the records of the
mobile phone of
Russel also present two distinct periods: one between 28 April
and 17 May; and
the other between 10 and 12 July.
After the first five records made on the antennae "Montenegro 2"
and "Aeroporto-
Faro 2", there appears, at 13:21:59, the first [record] on one
of the antennae
that serve Luz.
On 29th there exist no records.
Up to the time of the disappearance of Madeleine, the mobile
phone of Russell
only has entries on the antennae that present its action [reveal
its presence]
in the village where he came to spend his holidays with his
family and friends.
On the day of the occurrence, 3rd, there exists only the record
made at 10:52:32
The first after the alert having been given happens at 8:13:19
on 4th.
On this day the telephonic activity from that time onward
increases strongly,
almost entirely on the antennae that serve a Praia da Luz. At
19:06:02 Russell
was in Portimao, where his mobile phone activates antenna
"Portimao Centro DCS
According to what is stated in pages 80 ff. of the case file
documents, Russell
was questioned in the department of the Police situated em
In addition to the entry referred to before, two more are made
also in that same
locality (19:07:33 and 19:43:25).
Only on 5th do the records come back to Luz after the last one
in Portimao which
happens at 9:28:36.
After this return to the antennae of Luz, only at 14:07:44 on
7th does one
observe a record outside that locality. That record occurs on
the antenna
installed in the
of Aljezur,
municipal area of Aljezur, district of
The records return to the antennae of Luz at 14:24:00.
Curiously, on this day only Russell and Matthew activate other
antennae outside
Luz. The first activates the antenna referred to before, while
the second
activates "Budens 1". If on the one hand the movement of Matthew
to Budens is
acceptable, then the trip of Russell to Aljezur in these first
days so soon after
the disappearance is somewhat strange, it not being that, once
more to the
picture of Fiona Payne on 12 July, there exists an error in the
data that the
operator Optimus remitted to the Police. There is an hypothesis
of him having
made that journey, there being sufficient time for him to cover
the distance that separates Luz from Aljezur (68 km.) at an
average [speed] of 130 km/h.
Despite there being no other records from the mobile phones of
the other members
of the group outside the antennae of Luz, there exist gaps in
the times [of the
records] that make it possible for one of them to have
accompanied him.
Therefore, accepting that Russell was effectively in the
coverage area of that
antenna, then on this date the members of the group would
already have had
access to a motor vehicle.
From the return until 14:23:27 on 10th, all the records were
made on the
antennae of Luz. At this time the communication activates the
antenna "Lagos
Marginal DCS 1".
Russell remained in Lagos until 16:17:20 (last record on the
antennae of Lagos).
The registration immediately following is made on the antenna
"Luz Centro 2" at
On this trip to Lagos Russell will have been accompanied by his
companions Rachael Mampilly and David Payne.
After the trip to Lagos and the return to Luz, all the entries
are made on the
antennae that serve that village, with the exception of the
records made at
13:07:32 and 13:52:55 on 11th, which happen on two antennae that
serve Portimao.
On this day Russell, along with other travelling companions, was
again questioned
at the premises of the Policia Judiciaria in Portimao.
The record that succeeds the last in Portimao was made on the
repeater "Luz 2"
at 20:04:40.
From that return of the records in Luz, until 17th, all take
place on the
antennae that serve that locality. On this day the records begin
at 8:42:50, on
the antenna "Bensafrim 1", followed by others that reveal the
journey that took
place to Faro airport, where [the phone] activates antennae that
reveal its
presence in that place between 10:12:00 and 10:20:41.
On this day it appears that, except for the Paynes, all [the
friends] will have
returned to the United Kingdom.
There exists then an interval in activations until 10 July. This
is the day of
the return to Portugal, to be present at the confrontation with
the arguido
Robert Murat, and the witnesses Fiona Payne and Rachael
[The phone's] re-entry to our country was registered on the
antenna "Aeroporto-
Faro 2" at 15:18:36.
The journey to Portugal will have been in the company of Fiona,
who also
returned to our country on this day. Kate will have gone to
collect them. The
mobile phone of Fiona, close to the time at which the mobile
phone of Russell
activates the antenna indicated above, is actioning that
which is installed in the [parish] of Montenegro, while the
mobile phone of Kate, of all
the devices of the rest of the members of the group, is the one
closest to Faro
(Santa Barbara de Nexe), at around that time.
On his return to Luz, the first record of the mobile phone of
Russell on the
repeater "Luz Centro 2" follows at 17:53:23.
On 11th, day of the confrontation, all the records were made on
the antennae of
Luz, except that recorded at 13:18:21 on the antenna "Tres Bicos
DCS 1".
After the movement to Portimao it returns to Luz from where it
left on the
following day, 12th, making its way to the airport to return to
its county of origen.
The last activation in Portugal is registered on the antenna
"Faro Bom Joao 3", at 15:53:35. |
---> 344
Gerry on 2 and 3 May.
---> 345
Gerry on 3 May.
---> 374
Kate's phone activity on 1 May
---> 392
Mathew Oldfield 7 May |
13 TEL Outros
Apensos 13 Tel Page 344 345 374 392 |
OA_13_TEL_Page_374. |
OA_13_TEL_Page_344 |
OA_13_TEL_Page_345 |
OA_13_TEL_Page_392 |
Apensos pdf13 page 374
This map shows Kate's phone
activity on 1 May.
Outros Apensos pdf13 page
344 TO 345
There is no map for Gerry on 1 May. But here is Gerry on 2 and 3
Outros Apensos pdf13 page
Outros Apensos pf13 page 392
Oldfield 7 May
Other Apensos pdf13 Page 51
Activations of mobile (44) 777159 ####, will have the user /
owner Matthew David Oldfield.
From that day until the 7th of 12:06:07, all entries are made in
antennas that serve that area. At this moment the registration
is made in cell "Budens 1".
This entry along the lines of Matthew to be in a transition zone
between this antenna and called "Light 3", since the interval
between records (12:04:35 hours - "Light 3"; 12:06:07 hours -
"Budens"; and 12:06:55 hours - "Luz3"), does not allow the
physical movement between these two points. The distance
separating the two sites, as the crow flies, is about 8km, while
by road is about 11km. |
to 84 List of calls made/received from Kate Healys telephone up
to May 4, 2007
85 List of calls
made/received from Gerald McCann telephone up to May 4, 2007 |
Processo1 Pages 83 to 85 |
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