Rachael Oldfield's
statement 11/05/07 |
943 to 947 Witness
statement of Rachel M. J.
Oldfield 2007.05.11
948 Consent for mouth
swab of Rachel M. J.
Oldfield 2007.05.11
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----- She
confirmed the truth of the statements made to the Police
Department on 04/05/2007 and is ready to provide any additional
----- She stayed in apartment "5B", which is located immediately
next to the apartment of the MCCANN family. That on 03/05/2007,
Thursday, she rose between 06H30 and 07:00, along with her
husband MATHEW and their daughter GRACE of 19 months.
----- At 07H50, they went to the restaurant "MILLENNIUM", on
foot, arriving by 08.00 to have breakfast. She stated that they
had been the first of the group to arrive, and, later, came
David and Fiona, and two children, then RUSSEL with his
children. JANE did not come because that morning she did not
feel well. They took the usual route, alone, having left the
apartment by the main door, which was locked, turned right, just
after that a left, reaching the main road that led to the said
restaurant. They took breakfast together at the same table,
including the children.
----- When the breakfast was over, by 09H00, the deponent took
her daughter to "nursery" next to the "tapas", while her husband
MATHEW was with RUSSEL to take his daughter ELLA to "nursery" at
the main reception. The witness says she returned to her
apartment, did some cleaning and changed clothes as she had
scheduled a tennis lesson for llH00. At 09H45 she left the
apartment and went to the swimming pool area where she read a
book and talked with KATE until llH10, the time at which she
went to the tennis courts since the lesson was delayed slightly.
At that time her husband MATHEW arrived also to play tennis
until about 12.10 pm.
----- After class, they collected [took up] their daughter and
went to the apartment of David Payne and FIONA, where thay had
lunch all together. At 13h45, the three returned to their
apartment, where they put down her daughter who slept for about
two hours. The deponent went to play tennis with JANE until
15.00, while her husband MATHEW went to the balcony of RUSSEL to
talk, or vice versa, she doesn't know exactly, their apartment
being located to the side of his and there is only one other
apartment between the two.
----- After the game of tennis, the witness returned home to
rest, her husband and RUSSEL having gone to the beach of Luz to
sail. At about 15:45, her daughter having woken up, she took her
to the beach of Luz in the company of DIANE, Jane, Fiona and
their respective children, where they found MATHEW, RUSSEL and
DAVTD. At 17H30 the children dined in one of restaurants by the
beach, [she] not having detected any abnormal or strange
----- By 18:30, the women and children returned from the beach
in the direction of the "OCEAN CLUB" with a view to seeing their
husbands play tennis, who had returned from the beach about five
minutes before. Prior to going to the apartment she was with the
children in the playground area, next to the "tapas", until
about 19.00.
----- Then she went to the apartment where she gave her daughter
a bath, MATHEW returning at 19.15. The washed and dressed and
put their daughter to bed by 19:45. The deponent and her husband
took a bath, dressed and went to the restaurant "TAPAS" around
20H40. They left by the main door, which they locked, arriving
at the "TAPAS" about two minutes later. She emphasized that the
back door was closed and properly locked.
----- When she arrived at the restaurant there was KATE, Gerald
and Jane who were talking to another couple who were not part of
the group. RUSSEL had not yet arrived because he was singing the
daughter to sleep, according to what she was told by JANE.
----- The deponent states that she sat more or less facing the
back of the apartment and MATHEW, on the side of the table, you
her left. She does not know if, from that position, he could the
the back door of the apartment where Madeleine was, it being
that, in her case, she could only see the top end/edge.
----- Then RUSSEL arrived and after another 10 minutes, when it
would be around 20H55, the PAYNE family - David, Fiona and DIANE
- arrived. About a minute before the PAYNEs arrived, her husband
MATHEW got up from the table and said he was going to go, taking
the opportunity [of the Payne's tardiness?] "to listen" to the
children. She states that, according to those what they [the
Paynes] told her, MATHEW passed them on his way out. After about
4 minutes, MATHEW returned to the table when they ordered the
food, and said he had "listened" to his daughter and to the
RUSSEL and MCCANN children, outside the front by putting his
head [ear] against the shutters of the windows of their
respective bedrooms and that everything was calm with the
children. Both ate fish and salad, the deponent drank white wine
and MATHEW [drank] red wine, she thought that, at the time, one
glass each.
----- By 21.05, GERALD went see his children, and about 10
minutes later JANE left before GM had returned. A few minutes
after Jane left GERALD arrived and said he had been talking to
"Jez" about tennis, [she] not recalling if he said anything
about the children. During this time she affirmed that no one
else left the table. Two or three minutes after the arrival of
Gerald, Jane arrived, [she] again not recalling whether [Jane]
made any comment about her children.
----- At 21H20 they began to dine, and, at 21.30, her husband
MATHEW said that he would go to see to his daughter, GRACE. The
witness offered to go in his place, but he did not accept.
RUSSEL also stood up saying that he would also go to see his
children. When they were both standing, KATE said the same,
namely, that she would also go to see her children. At that
point, presumably, she cannot be sure, if her husband MATHEW or
RUSSEL volunteered to go to see KATE's children, and she them
that they would have to enter by the back door, which was
unlocked. RUSSEL and MATHEW left at the same time. About five
minutes later, MATHEW returned saying that the children were all
well, and that RUSSEL had stayed in the bedroom as one of his
daughters was crying.
----- By 21H40/21H45, when they were at dinner, Jane said that
he was going to replace RUSSEL so that he could eat, since she
had already eaten. About five minutes later RUSSEL returned to
the table saying that his daughter Evie was sick and had
vomited, [he] starting to dine afterwards.
----- About 21H55/22H00 KATE got up from the table and went
alone to her apartment in order to see her children. Five to ten
minutes later, she returned the table, crying, visibly shaken,
saying that Madeleine had disappeared. Immediately, all of the
group, except DIANE, stood up heading for the apartments, and
the witness went to see if her daughter was well. Soon after,
the men of the group started to do a search around the
apartments in an attempt to find the child, at which time the
KATE said that the window blinds of MADELEINE's bedroom were
open and, as such, she had been taken by someone.
----- The deponent states that she did not enter the bedroom of
MADELEINE, thinking that MATHEW her husband also had not done.
Then, they extended the search to more distant areas, and her
husband headed to the main reception to see if he could find
MADELEINE there, since her "nursery" was there, that also being
the place he contacted the local police authorities.
----- They continued the search with the help of more people,
which resulted in nothing. Further that, about 10 minutes after
KATE raised the alarm about the disappearance, the deponent was
with JANE in the apartment of the latter. While talking, the
JANE told her that when she came to see their children and
passed Gerald talking to "Jez", she saw a man with a child,
supported in the arms, which would not be a baby and could have
been more or less the age of MADELEINE. Also she said that when
she saw the man, it seemed strange because he was walking very
fast and had a child wearing pyjamas, without any other piece of
clothing. That she questioned her [about it], JANE said to the
deponent that at the time she had said nothing because she knew
nothing of the disappearance of Madeleine and she had not seen
the face of the child. Asked, says that, initially JANE focused
more on the description of the man and, only a few days later,
did she make reference to the clothes that the child would have
worn, which would be pyjamas, not recalling if [when] she made a
comprehensive description of clothing, especially at the color
or design.
----- Questioned, she said that on Thursday, 03/05/2007, there
was no body sitting at the table, strange to the group, and she
does not know anyone with the name "IRWIN."
----- She added that it was David Payne who organized this trip,
and the apartment where she was already intended at the time she
made the check in, there not having been any choice.
----- She does not have any suspicion in relation to the facts
under investigation, stressing that in the holiday period
preceding the day of the disappearance she did not find anything
abnormal or strange.
----- Concerning the monitoring of the children every half hour,
it was inspired by the system that "MARK Warner" has and that it
is known as "baby listening" and she had used this service in
2006 when they stayed at a holiday resort in Greece.
----- Questioned, said that no part of the group rented, or was
carried in a vehicle, so movement was always made on foot, they
only travelled by bus on the day of arrival, on the route
between the Faro airport and the "OCEAN CLUB."
----- She got to know the family MCCANN at the marriage of David
and Fiona, in Italy in 2003, at which time MADELEINE was already
4 months old. She does not know of any enemies.
----- She has no knowledge, in addition to their group, of other
friends of the family of MADELEINE, who may have been in
Portugal during the period in which occurred the facts.
----- That, in the the photographs she took during this holiday,
there are recorded only the various members of the group.
Questioned, she states that during the holiday period she went
to lunch at the apartment of David and Fiona, and that MADELEINE
entered the apartment of the deponent at some time.
----- Questioned, she said that on the day they arrived, her
husband MATHEW felt sick with diarrhea and vomiting, a situation
that lasted until Sunday morning. Furthermore, on Wednesday, in
the early morning, she also felt sick with the same symptoms. |
Processos Volume IV Pages
943 to 947
Witness Statement
Date: 2007-05-11
Time: 11.30
Place: Portimão DIC
Interviewing Officers:
Inspectors João Carlos and
Rui Gonçalves
Name: Rachael Mampilly
She comes to the process as
a witness. Being of British
nationality, she does not
speak or write Portuguese
and the interpreter Nuno
José Cruz de Magalhaes Mexia
Bulhoes is present.
She confirms the integrity
of the statements made to
this Police Department on
04/05/2007 and is ready to
provide any additional
She stayed in apartment
"5B", which is located
immediately next to the
apartment of the McCann
family. That on 03/05/2007,
Thursday, she got up between
06H30 and 07:00, together
with her husband Mathew and
their daughter G***e aged 19
At 07H50, they went to the
"MILLENNIUM" restauarant, on
foot, arriving at about
08.00 to have breakfast. She
stated that they had been
the first members of the
group to arrive, and, later
David and Fiona arrived with
their two children, then
Russel with his children.
Jane did not come because
that morning she was not
feeling well. They took the
usual route, alone, having
left the apartment by the
main door, which they locked
with the key, turned right,
then left, reaching the main
road that led to the
restaurant in question. They
all had breakfast together
at the same table, including
the children.
When breakfast was over, at
about 09H00, the witness
took her daughter to the
"crèche" next to the
"Tapas", while her husband
Mathew went with Russel to
take his daughter E**a to
the "crèche" at the main
reception. The witness says
she returned to her
apartment, did some cleaning
and changed clothes as she
had scheduled a tennis
lesson for 11H00. At 09H45
she left the apartment and
went to the swimming pool
area where she read a book
and talked with Kate until
about 11H10, the time that
she left for the tennis
courts as the lesson was
slightly delayed. At that
time her husband Mathew
arrived also to play tennis
until about 12.10 pm.
When the lesson finished,
they collected their
daughter and went to David
and Fiona Payne’s apartment,
where they all lunched
together. At 13h45, the
three returned to their
apartment, where they put
their daughter to bed who
slept for about two hours.
The witness went to play
tennis with Jane until
15.00, while her husband
Mathew went to Russel’s
balcony to talk, or vice
versa, she doesn't know
exactly, their apartment
being located to the side of
theirs and there is only one
other apartment between the
After the game of tennis,
the witness returned home to
rest, her husband and Russel
having gone to the beach of
Luz to sail. At about 15:45,
her daughter having woken
up, she took her to the
beach of Luz in the company
of Diane, Jane, Fiona and
their respective children,
where they found Mathew,
Russel and David. At 17H30
the children dined in one of
restaurants by the beach,
not having detected any
abnormal or strange
At about 18:30, the women
and children returned from
the beach in the direction
of the "OCEAN CLUB" with a
view to seeing their
husbands play tennis, who
had returned from the beach
about five minutes before.
Until going to the apartment
she was with the children in
the playground area, next to
the "Tapas", until about
Then she went to the
apartment where she gave her
daughter a bath, Mathew
returning at 19.15. They
washed and put their
daughter to bed by 19:45.
The witness and her husband
took a bath, dressed and
went to the restaurant
"TAPAS" at about 20H40. They
left by the main door, which
they locked, arriving at the
"TAPAS" about two minutes
later. She emphasised that
the back door was closed and
properly locked.
When she arrived at the
restaurant, Kate, Gerald and
Jane were already there and
were talking to another
couple who was not part of
the group. Russel had not
yet arrived because he was
getting his daughter to
sleep, according to what
Jane told her.
The witness states that she
sat more or less facing the
back of the apartment and
Mathew, on the side of the
table, on her left. She does
not know if, from that
position, he could the back
door of the apartment where
Madeleine was, but if this
had been the case then he
would only have been able to
see the very top.
Then Russel arrived and
after another 10 minutes,
when it would be around
20H55, the Payne family -
David, Fiona and Diane -
arrived. About a minute
before the Payness arrived,
her husband Mathew got up
from the table and said he
was going to go and look for
them, taking the opportunity
to “listen” to the children.
She say that, according to
what they told her, they
passed Mathew on their way.
After about 4 minutes,
Mathew returned to the table
when they ordered the food,
and said he had "listened"
to his daughter and to the
Russel and McCann children,
outside the front by putting
his head against the
shutters of the windows of
their respective bedrooms
and that everything was calm
with the children. Both ate
fish and salad, the witness
drank white wine and Mathew
red wine, she thought that,
at that moment, one glass
At about 21.05, Gerald went
see his children, and about
10 minutes later Jane left
before GM had returned. A
few minutes after Jane left
Gerald arrived and said he
had been talking to "Jez"
about tennis, she does not
remember if he said anything
about the children. During
this time she states that no
one else left the table. Two
or three minutes after
Gerald’s arrival, Jane
arrived, the witness does
not remember whether Jane
made any comment about her
children either.
At 21H20 they began to dine,
and, at 21.30, her husband
Mathew said that he would go
to see his daughter, G***e.
The witness offered to go in
his place, but he did not
accept. Russel also stood up
saying that he would also go
to see his children. When
they had both got up from
the table, Kate said the
same, namely, that she would
also go to see her children.
At that point, she presumes,
she cannot be sure, if her
husband Mathew or Russel
volunteered to go to see
Kate's children, and she
them that they would have to
enter by the back door,
which was unlocked. Russel
and Mathew left at the same
time. About five minutes
later, Mathew returned
saying that the children
were all well, and that
Russel had stayed in the
bedroom as one of his
daughters was crying.
At about 21H40/21H45, when
they were at dinner, Jane
said that she was going to
replace Russel so that he
could dine, since she had
already eaten. About five
minutes later Russel
returned to the table saying
that his daughter E**e was
sick and had vomited, and he
started to dine afterwards.
At about 21H55/22H00 Kate
got up from the table and
went alone to her apartment
in order to see her
children. Five to ten
minutes later, she returned
the table, crying, visibly
shaken, saying that
Madeleine had disappeared.
Immediately, all the members
of the group, except Diane,
stood up heading for the
apartments, and the witness
went to see if her daughter
was well. Soon after, the
men of the group started to
do a search around the
apartments in an attempt to
find the child, at which
time the Kate said that the
window and the shutters of
Madeleine's bedroom were
open and, as such, she had
been taken by someone.
The witness states that she
did not enter Madeleine’s
bedroom, thinking that
Mathew her husband, had not
done so either. Then, they
extended the search to more
distant areas, and her
husband headed to the main
reception to see if
Madeleine was there, since
her "crèche" was there, that
also being the place from
where he contacted the local
police authorities.
They continued the search
with the help of more
people, which resulted in
nothing. Further that, about
10 minutes after Kate raised
the alarm about the
disappearance, the witness
went to see Jane in her
apartment. While talking,
Jane told her that when she
came to see their children
and passed Gerald talking to
"Jez", she saw a man
carrying a child, supported
in the arms, which would not
be a baby and could have
been more or less
Madeleine’s age. Also she
said that when she saw the
man, it seemed strange
because he was walking very
fast and the child was
wearing pyjamas, without any
other piece of clothing.
That when the witness
questioned her, Jane told
her that at the time she had
said nothing because she
knew nothing of the
disappearance of Madeleine
and she had not seen the
child’s face. When asked,
says that, initially Jane
focused more on the
description of the man and,
only a few days later, did
she make reference to the
clothes that the child was
wearing, which were pyjamas,
not recalling if she made a
comprehensive description of
clothing, especially
regarding the colour or
When questioned, she said
that on Thursday,
03/05/2007, there was nobody
sitting at the table, who
was unknown to the group,
and she does not know anyone
with the name "IRWIN."
She added that it was David
Payne who organised this
trip, and the apartment
where she was staying had
already been allocated to
her at the time she checked
in, not having been given
any possibility for choice.
She does not have any
suspicion in relation to the
facts under investigation,
stressing that in the
holiday period prior to the
day of the disappearance she
did not find anything
abnormal or strange.
Concerning the monitoring of
the children every half
hour, it was inspired by the
system that "Mark Warner"
has and which is known as
"baby listening" and she had
used this service in 2006
when they stayed at a
holiday resort in Greece.
When questioned, said that
no member of the group
rented, or was transported
in a vehicle, movements were
always made on foot, they
only travelled by bus on the
day of arrival, on the route
between the Faro airport and
the "Ocean Club."
She got to know the McCann
family at the marriage of
David and Fiona, in Italy in
2003, at which time
Madeleine was already 4
months old. She does not
know them to have any
She has no knowledge, in
addition to their group, of
other friends of Madeleine’s
family, who may have been in
Portugal during the period
when the facts occurred.
That, in the photographs she
took during this holiday,
only the various members of
the group are recorded. When
questioned, she states that
during the holiday period
she went to lunch at the
apartment of David and
Fiona, and that Madeleine
had at no moment entered the
witness’s apartment.
When questioned, she said
that on the day they
arrived, her husband Mathew
felt sick with diarrhoea and
vomiting, a situation that
lasted until Sunday morning.
She adds, on Wednesday, in
the early morning, she also
felt sick with the same
No more is said. She reads
the statement, agrees,
ratifies and signs |
1292 to 1297 Witness
statement of Rachel Mariamma
Jean Mampilly 2007.05.15 |
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Witness Statement
Rachel Mampilly
Date: 2007-05-15
She confirms the integrity of her
previous statements.
When asked, she said this was the
first time she had been in Portugal.
She travelled with her husband
Matthew, her daughter G***e, aged 19
months. In addition to these, the
group was made up of the McCann
family (with three children the
eldest being Madeleine) the Payne
family (two children), Dianne
Webster, Fiona Paynes mother and
Obrien and his partner Jane Tanner,
who also have two children.
The group was composed of nine
adults and eight children.
They arrived in Portugal on Saturday
28th April, arriving at the OC in
the middle of the afternoon. They
flew from Gatwick to Faro. The
Payne, McCann families and Diane
Webster arrived an hour later by a
separate flight (East Midlands ?
On that evening they all went for
dinner at the Millenium restaurant.
On the morning of the 29th, Sunday,
they all went to play tennis except
for Matthew because he was ill
(vomiting and diarrhoea) and ROB.
The children went to the Club. They
all lunched in David and Fionas
apartment. The McCanns lunched in
their apartment and then went to
meet the others. In the afternoon
the children slept (except the
McCann children) and afterwards they
went to the recreation area. At
17.00 the children went for dinner.
Immediately afterwards, the witness,
her husband and daughter went to
walk on the beach. She thinks that
the McCanns remained at the
recreation area near to the pool and
tennis courts, as did the others. At
about 20.30 when the children has
been bathed and were asleep, they
all went for dinner at the Tapas
Restaurant, near to the pool.
The only beach they members of the
group went to was the beach in P da
On the 29th, 30th, April, 1st, 2nd
and 3rd May they always dined at the
Tapas restaurant.
On Monday they were told that there
was no room for all of them in the
restaurant, but they obtained a
special favour from a waiter and all
dined together. In order to obtain
this favour they said that the
children were asleep and that they
could not move anywhere else. For
this reason, from this day onwards
they would reserve a space in the
restaurant (for the adults) for the
following day.
That on the five consecutive nights
they dines at the Tapas restaurant
they always followed the same
They would always begin dinner at
8.30, after the children were
asleep. If one of them hadn't fallen
asleep, one member of the couple
would stay until the child had
fallen asleep and as soon as that
happened, would go and join the
This happened to ROB on Tuesday
evening and he did not manage to
have dinner, his partner Jane Tanner
brought him his dinner in his room.
On Wednesday evening the witness did
not go for dinner because she was
feeling ill and spent the day in the
On Thursday evening, for the same
reason, ROB went to dinner ten
minutes late.
The ritual during dinner was always
the same. The Payne family used a
walkie talkie to check whether their
children woke up. For this reason
they never left the table and were
calm. This couple when they left,
would always lock the windows and
doors, in spite of their apartment
being on the first floor.
The witness and her husband who were
staying on the ground floor (5B) in
a space of 20 - 30 minutes would
leave the restaurant and go to the
apartment, entering by the front
door and checking on G***e. They
always locked the door and closed
the windows.
The ROB and JT couple did exactly
the same as the witness. They locked
the door and closed the windows.
The McCanns who were staying in 5?
on the ground floor left the patio
doors closed but not locked so that
every 30 minutes during dinner, one
of them would check to see how the
children were.
Each couple checked on their own
She never noticed anything strange
during dinner or when checking on
the children.
On 3rd May, the day of Madeleines
disappearance they all (except for
the McCanns who stayed in their
apartment) has breakfast at the
Millenium at 08.00.
Afterwards the witness took G***e to
the Club. Madeleine and the twins
also went to the Club that morning,
as well as the other children in the
Matthew and ROB went to the beach.
The Payne couple were also at the
beach. The witness, after leaving
G***e at the club went to the
apartment to get ready for tennis.
Also present at the tennis courts
between 9.10 and 10.10 were Kate
McCann, Dianne Webster and Jane
Tanner. The witnesses tennis session
was at 11 with Matthew after he
returned from the beach. Gerrys
tennis session was at 10.00.
After tennis, as usual they went to
pick up the children and all had
lunch in David and Fionas apartment
apart from the McCann family.
After lunch the children went to
sleep. She was not with the McCanns
that afternoon until dinner time.
She does not know what they did or
where they were during that time.
They spent most of the time on the
beach that afternoon. They saw Kate
running on the beach but she did not
stop and they did not speak.
All the children, except the McCann
children dined at a beach restaurant
at 17.30. After the children?s
dinner, the men went to play tennis
and the women and children watched,
once again except for the McCann
family (Gerry was playing tennis but
she did not see Kate or the
Afterwards they went to bathe the
children and put them to bed.
When they arrived at the restaurant
at 20.45 the McCann couple was
already there.
They were talking to a couple they
knew from tennis, whose name she
cannot remember. Jane was also there
but she was not talking to them. The
Payne family and Dianne arrived just
after 21.00. Matthew bumped into
them as he had gone to the
apartment, but he did not enter, he
just listened outside to see if
there was any noise. He did the same
at the Tanner and McCann apartments.
The window shutters of the McCann's
apartments were closed. The patio
door that they used to enter the
apartment also had its shutter
closed. In order to enter they had
to raise the shutter.
At about 21.00 they were all seated
at the restaurant. At 21.05 Gerry
went to check on his children and
returned minutes later. Jane also
went to heck on her children before
Gerry said that he was chatting to a
tennis friend called Jez about the
tennis tournament that would take
place the following day.
When Jane returned they began to eat
At about 21.30 Matthew and Russell
went to check on their children at
the same time. They offered to check
on the McCann children. After
checking his children Matthew went
to see the McCann children. In order
to do so he entered via the patio
doors. According to what her husband
told her the bedroom door was ajar.
He did not enter the room and
therefore cannot say whether
Madeleine was in the room or not.
All he could confirm was that nobody
was crying and the twins were there.
Russell was not with him as he had
stayed in his apartment because one
of his children was crying.
Matthew returned to the table and
said that all was calm, except for
Russell's daughter, which is why ROB
stayed with her.
In the meantime they began dinner
(at that time they would be eating
their starters) and after eating
Jane went to Russell to see if he
wanted to have dinner. It was about
While Russell was having dinner,
Kate went to see the children.
Minutes later at about 22.00 she
returned to the restaurant in
complete panic, saying that
Madeleine had disappeared.
During that day and evening the
witness had not seen anything
She just says that at about 21.15
when Gerry was talking to Jez, Jane
saw a man carrying a child in
pyjamas, bare foot crossing road
between blocks 5 and 6.
According to Jane she did not see
the face of the man carrying the
She could only tell what she saw.
When asked what the relation between
the group was she says that all the
men and Fiona are doctors and a
friendship had built up between them
because at one stage or another,
they had worked together. In spite
of not living in the same town they
would meet up.
Fiona and David Payne are the
closest to the McCann family.
It is the second time that they have
been on holiday with these friends.
In September 2006, they went for a
week to the island of Zakynthos in
Greece. However, neither the McCann
family nor Diane Webster went.
When asked she says that all the
couples have been together for
various years (between 8 and 12
years). They all have stable
relationships. She does not know
whether any female or male members
of the group have had any other
relationships between them, other
than the current.
She does not have any knowledge of
whether any members has a parallel
relationship with any other members
of the group.
When asked, she says that there is
no friction or conflict between
those that make up the group as they
are in total harmony as regards the
kind of holidays they take, they all
have good jobs and identical levels
of living as well as having the
children in common, whom they all
have to look after and they try as
hard as possible to do everything
She says that in terms of harmony
and friendship the group is very
When asked about the characteristics
of the other couples, she says that
they are all persons of normal
considered behaviour, and has
nothing to point out.
She says that the first time she saw
the suspect Robert Murat was on the
night of 3rd May shortly after they
had discovered Madeleine was
missing. She saw him for the first
time at about 23.30 in the covered
area between apartments 5B and D.
She thought it very strange as he
seemed to be there watching, trying
to be the next person to talk to the
couples from the group.
That immediately, when the police
arrived, he introduced himself to
elements of the group, namely
Russell, accompanied by the GNR,
translating all the initial contacts
between the group and the police.
When asked, she says that she does
not know whether he entered the
McCanns apartment with the police.
As regards the other people
searching for the girl outside the
apartment he tried to contact them
directly, saying that he had a
daughter of the same age as
Madeleine, offering to translate
whatever was necessary.
She thought this individual?s
behaviour was very strange, given
the intensity of his presence. In
addition, all the people they
contacted that night belonged to the
MW resort and he stayed there, in
the middle of them, without anyone
knowing where he had come from.
Because of her profession (personnel
recruitment, interviews) she thinks
she knows a bit about human
behaviour, thinking it rather
strange that he introduced himself
in such an insistent manner.
She saw that this individual was
with the police in the area for some
minutes before she lost sight of
him. She does not know whether he
managed to enter the McCann?s
She thinks that after this night she
only saw him again on Sunday, 6th
May in the morning, in the P da L
church during mass.
She saw him again on 11th May when
he was translating some statements
at the PJ in Portimao. She thinks he
spoke again and wanted to draw close
to her companions with great
intensity, wanting to talk about his
life, saying that he was carrying
out work in a house in the UK, that
he had a daughter of the same age as
Madeleine, that she was phoning him
a lot to ask how he was (which she
though strange given the girl?s
young age), always showing a
familiarity that was out of the
She always had the impression that
this individual had strange
behaviour and that he wanted to
impose his presence, trying to take
part in everything that was related
to Madeleine?s disappearance.
She did not see him again, except
for yesterday, when he was shown on
various television channels as a
suspect in the abduction of
Madeleine. She then felt her
suspicions about this individual
would be confirmed, feeling bad for
not having expressed them earlier to
others and to the police.
Reads, ratifies, signs