266 to
268 Witness statement of Ricardo Alexandre da Luz
Oliveira 2007.05.06 |
02-Processos Volume II Pages 266 to
268 |
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Processos Volume II
Pages 266 to 268
Witness Statement
Ricardo Alexandre da Luz
Date/Time: 2007/01/30 21H00
Occupation: Waiter
Place of Work: Tapas restaurant, OC.
He comes to the process as a
witness. He has worked as a waiter
in the Tapas Restaurant at the OC
since April of the current year.
His working hours are from 16.00 to
24.00 every day except for Fridays
and Saturdays which are his days
When asked, he says that he serves
at the tables in the restaurant,
snacks are served between 16.00 and
18.00 and dinner is served between
19.00 and 22.00.
When asked, he says that the meals
served are not restricted to guests
of the resort and that guests can
invite people from outside of the
resort. In any case the witness says
that it is not usual for people from
outside of the resort to dine there.
When asked he says that during his
working hours he does not remember
having seen anyone who is not a
guest dining at the restaurant.
When asked, he says that in order to
enter the restaurant it is necessary
to present a guest card at the
restaurant reception. However, and
only for this year the restaurant
has been open to public from outside
the resort but that in any case he
does not remember having seen anyone
who was not a guest having had a
meal there.
When asked, he says that a few days
after guests' arrival he manages to
recognise them, however not all of
them regularly have meals there.
When asked, he says that the parents
of the missing girl, Madeleine,
would have dinner every day at the
restaurant, since the day they
arrived, in a group of 9 people
When asked he says that he never saw
the children at dinner with their
parents, in other words the children
did not dine with their parents.
When asked he says that the parents
and the other members of the group
would arrive between 20.00 and 21.00
but that they would only begin to
dine when all of them had arrived.
When asked, he says that he
remembers that it was usual during
dinner for one or two members of the
group to leave the table for about
10 or 15 minutes and given the fact
that on various occasions he saw
walkie talkies on the table, he
supposed that they went to check on
their children who were in their
respective rooms.
On 3rd May the witness arrived at
his place of work as usual at 16.00
and that he first saw Madeleine's
parents at dinner that night at
about 20.45.
When asked, he says that he does not
remember whether the parents arrived
together or whether they were the
first or last to arrive at the
When asked, he says that he was one
of the waiters who served at the
table, but he does not remember
whether he served Madeleine's
When asked, he says that on 3rd May
he only remembers that one guest
from the table left for about 10
minutes, given that when he was
about to serve the respective plate
he was told to hold the food back
for a few minutes, and that it was
about 15 minutes before the guest
returned, at about 21.45.
He does not remember having seen
Madeleine's parents leave the table
for short instances, but it is
possible that someone could have
left the table without the witness
having noticed.
Dinner would end at about 21.45, a
few minutes later the witness looked
at the table and saw that there was
nobody there and one of his
colleagues told them that all the
guests had left the table in a
hurry. In any case, he remembers
having heard shouts from the
direction of Madeleine's parents'
When asked, he says that he does not
remember anyone having been absent
from the table for a few instants.
When asked, he says that he did not
notice anything strange in the
functioning of the restaurant nor
any guest or individual with any
strange or abnormal behaviour.
After hearing the shouts from the
apartment he heard about Madeleine's
When asked he says that the place
where the table that Madeleine's
parents dined at did not have a
clear view of the apartment, merely
the back of the apartment and it was
dark when the events occurred and
that there is no lighting plus the
fact that there is an opaque plastic
windshield around the restaurant.
When asked he says that he does not
have any knowledge about thefts from
the apartments nor having seen any
unknown individuals inside the
No more is said. Reads, ratifies,
2941 to 2944 Witness
testimony of Ricardo
Alexandre da Luz Oliveira
(bar worker who served
McCanns) |
11 Processos
Vol XI Pages 2941 to 2944 |
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Witness Statement
Ricardo Alexandre da Luz
Date: 2007.09.07
Having already given a statement to this process, he confirms
what is already on record, a copy of which is made available for
this investigation
That he comes to the process as a witness and with the hope that
he may help in the localisation of the child Madeleine Beth
McCann, missing since the 3rd May, 2007, Praia da Luz, Lagos.
Questioned if he was the person who called the reception to tell
them that a child had gone missing, he states that he cannot
definitively remember if he did or not. He admits that he could
have been the one to call.
Clarifies that on that night when he took the dinner orders, the
entire group was seated. He remembers that there were nine
adults? four men and five women. He did not notice any strange
behaviour on their part.
Asked to describe the positions in which the group sat, he
states that he can only recall that of the taller man (Russell),
as he saw him leave the table, and the older woman, who remained
seated after the rest of the group had left the table. Russell,
he notes, was seated looking toward the front of the apartments
and the older woman occupied a seat that was more or less facing
away from the apartments. He is not able to describe the groups
clothing that night.
He states that on that night, after having received the orders,
he went into the bar. Immediately, he put two white wine and two
red wine bottles, along with a bottle of water, on the table. He
cannot be sure that he served more wine that night. The
appetiser/starters were served by one of his colleagues. After
25 to 30 minutes, it was the witness who served the main dishes.
He remembers that at this moment, the taller male, whom he now
knows to be Russell, had left the table. He did not know where
he had gone. The witness was asked to keep Russell's meal warm.
After a certain amount of time (he is not able to be exact), he
was asked to serve Russell, who had returned to the table. He
remembers that the rest of the group had practically finished
their main courses. Asked if he remembers having seen all the
elements of the group at this time, he cannot remember exactly.
He also cannot state the length of time Russell was away from
the table. The witness states that he had already served all the
clients of the bar and for this reason, believes that Russell
was away for some time.
He served Russell and shortly thereafter, he was alerted to
strange movements in the restaurant perimeters. He refers to the
movements of two men from said group? David Payne and Matthew,
who appeared to be searching the gardens the areas near the bar.
The witness went to the esplanade zone and saw that the table
that had previously been occupied by nine adults was now
occupied only by the older woman, called Dianne Webster. It was
also at this time that he saw that Russell's food was only half
eaten and that the others had all finished their dinner.
David Payne and Matthew were nervously searching the area.
The witness went to them, he does not remember which one, and
asked what was happening. One of them responded to the witness
in English stating 'A GIRL IS MISSING?' that a child had gone
missing. After a few moments, around 5 or 10 minutes, he heard
screaming from the apartment zone and saw a woman on the balcony
of 5 A. He did not understand what she was saying. As it was
night, and given the distance from the Tapas bar to the
apartment, he was not able to determine if there was someone
else next to the woman on the balcony. At that moment his
colleague, Joe, met up with him and asked the witness to call
the police, and that a child has gone missing and could not be
found. Immediately afterwards, Joe left toward the street. He
does not know who gave this information to Joe but the witness
(or his colleague who believes the witness did so) called the
reception asking them to inform the police.
Questioned, he affirms that the group would normally consist of
nine people (including Madeleines parents), and would normally
dine around 20H30 and 20H40. They would not all arrive at once
and before they all arrived, some would have cocktails. On the
day of the disappearance, all were seated at the table between
20H35 and 20H45. He remembers them arriving as usual. Had they
arrived late, this would have been noted by the staff. He does
not remember if they were served cocktails. When they were all
together, the group sat at the table, he took their orders,
including the starters. As already mentioned, on this occasion,
he would immediately take two white and two red bottles of wine
and one bottle of water to the table. Their main courses would
normally be ready 25 to 30 minutes after their order? a time they
used to consume the starters. After starters, the group would
normally spend about 15 minutes finishing the main course.
Generally, during dinner, he would serve four bottles of wine
(two white and two red), which the group completely consumed. On
that day, he did not serve any more wine. It was also normal for
certain members of the group to order dessert. After this, they
would normally stay at the table until after 23H00 but would
always leave before 00H00, the time when the bar closed. One or
more of them, on another night, asked for an after-dinner drink.
He remembers this clearly because they asked for Amareto and the
bar did not stock it.
The witness served almond bitters to all. He remembers that this
happened on Wednesday. He does not remember if they had more
after-dinner drinks. He does remember that on Wednesday, certain
elements of the group got up, with their after-dinner drinks,
and headed to the bar and stayed there until about 00H00/00H10.
This was the only night where the group elements were in the bar
after closing. He also remembers that they would normally be the
last clients to leave. Wednesday was the last night they were at
the bar after dinner.
When questioned, he states that his colleague Joe is of British
nationality and that he left at the end of August to go and live
with his parents in England.
And nothing more was said.
Reads, ratifies, signs. |