355 to 356 Witness
statement of Silvia Maria Correia Ramos Batista 2007.05.07 |
02-Processos Volume II Pages
355 - 356 |
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Silvia Maria Correia Ramos Batista
2007/05/07 11H20
Services Director
She works at
Ocean Club since 03/03/1986, as a receptionist for about a year
and a half, and as head of Reception for about three years.
After and until the present date, as a head of maintenance and
services .
The head of
maintenance and services, in the area of services, is
responsible for the admission of employees and, in the area of
maintenance, is responsible for the admission of employees and
the good functioning of all equipments of the Ocean Club,
including : flats, swimming pools, gardens, fences, etc.
the admission of staff, it is done in the traditional way, ie
when an employee is needed for a particular area the situation
is discussed between the various
heads and
other employees . Usually some employee or head indicates a
person he/she knows and, in most cases, resident in Lagos.
The witness,
being a native of Lagos and knowing many people in that
town, tries
to find out about the reputation and character of the candidate
to the job.
It may
happen that employees are looked for in the Centre for
Employment of Lagos Either way, is always carried out a labour
contract with the employee, for a
minimum of
six months. A special form is filled that includes all the data
the employee and sometimes informations about his/her previous
professional occupation.
exception is when you hire a company to provide a service : that
company is responsible for its employees, who are nevertheless
under the eye of the head of works and maintenance, Mr. Joao
Carlos Silva Batista .
She is aware
of the events that occurred in the Ocean Club resort, having had
knowledge of the girl's disappearance, by 22H.30 on 03/05/2007,
a telephone
call from the administrator George Robin Crosland .
immediately went to the Ocean Club resort where later arrived
the GNR. A search started immediately throughout the village.
Many residents and employees of OC participated.
On the
03/05/2007 she started working by 09H30, having entered the
Club through
the area of the Club, having walked through the swimming pool
area and later having checked the other swimming pools.
At about
13:00 she went to Lagos, with her husband, Mr. Joao Carlos Silva
Batista and came back at about 14H30 .
about18H00 she left the resort and only came back when the
circumstances outlined above occurred.
During the
day 03/05/2007 she did not detect anything unusual or different.
No strange
situation was reported to her.
After the
events and in conversation with other employees and heads of the
Ocean Club, nothing was reported or commented concerning odd
situations, such as the presence of strangers close to the
She states
that the Ocean Club Resort has no system of video surveillance.
Ratifies and
will sign. ..........................
She's here
as a witness. She is responsible for maintenance in the Ocean
Club Resort located in Praia da Luz - Lagos. Because of her
profession she knows many people of the English community, who
live in Praia da Luz.
She knows
the Murat (sic !) family, who has been there for about 30 years.
In particular Mr. Murat and his wife Jenny. Mr. Murat was linked
to building business and development of tourism enterprises, in
Salema in her opinion. Mr. Murat died some years ago.
The Murat
live in a house named "casa Liliana", near the Ocean Club.
Asked, she
said not to remember whether the Murats have any child.
Asked, she
said that on the night when Madeleine McCain (sic...)
disappeared (03-05-2007), she was called by her boss, at about
at 22:30. As she lives in Lagos she arrived shortly after at the
resort. Close to the apartment A-5 of the OC there were already
about 60 people to look for the girl.
remembers, although she is not absolutely certain, given the
time already elapsed, that an individual of about 1,70m, short
light brown hair, with thin framed and light brown glasses,
wanted from the start to help finding the child Madeleine
She doesn't
remember at what time she saw him.
She doesn't
remember how he was dressed up.
She doesn't
remember who was with him, whether he came walking or in some
vehicle. That same individual, she was told later, is the son of
Morat, his first name is ROBERT.
speaks fluently English and Portuguese. He helped the GNR of
Lagos and later the PJ, translating the testimony of some
British persons.
She admits
as possible that Paul and June of the bar "Duke of Holland" and
Mr. Byron of the firm JNB (management of properties in PDL)
should be able to confirm if Robert Murat was there when
Madeleine disappeared, and eventually other details.
She states
that she spoke for the first time with Robert on Saturday
(05-05-2007) or Sunday (06-05-2007) or may be on Monday
(07-05-2007), during the breaks between the interviews in which
he participated as a translator.
describes him as a very sympathetic and direct guy. RM was very
communicative and extrovert during the conversations they had
together. He didn't mention any personal subject.
She ratified
and will sign...............................
She made
already statements concerning this process several times and
remembers what she stated earlier, repeating here what the
content of previous statements.
She is here
because, with the passage of time since Madeleine disappeared
she has remembered a few details on the testified facts that she
believes may be somehow of interest to the investigation.
As she said
earlier she was alerted about the disappearance of Madeleine
between 22.30 and 23:00. She was at home and was informed of the
event via a telephone call.
She drove
immediately to the Ocean Club where she arrived a few minutes
before elements of the GNR popped in.
After she
arrived she went immediately to the apartment A5 where she found
several people inside the apartment and outside of it. She
entered in the flat but soon left without having spoken with
anyone, because she was informed that elements of the GNR were
in the principal reception. She went there to meet them.
When she
came close to the elements of the GNR she found that behind her
Madeleine's father, accompanied by another man whose identity
she doesn't remember.
Then Gerry kneeled down, hit the floor
with both hands, positioning himself as if he were a praying
Arab, and screamed twice of anger, what he said being impossible
to understand. Then Gerry stand up and accompanied her (the
witness) and the other man in the car of the GNR to the
apartment A5.
She entered
the apartment and asked for the passports of all elements of the
family, and also photographs of the missing girl. She went with
Gerry to the GNR car to hand over the requested documents. She
mentions she did this, as well
as other
tasks, at the request of the GNR Commandant, because she could
translate their questions and the missing girl's family's
remembers Gerry gave the Commandant of several photographs of
the missing girl. They were postcard-like pictures, taking into
account their size and shape and seemed all the same to her.
understood also that since the very beginning either Gerry or
the others insisted on stating that Madeleine had been snatched,
all using the word "abducted" instead of missing, and all
showing much interest in informing the press of the situation.
She also
recalls entering in the room where Madeleine should be sleeping
and remembers now that the door was closed. The room was dark.
The blinds were down, some light entering through their holes.
The windows were closed and the curtains slightly open. Gerry,
who followed her and the elements of the GNR, said he did close
the window because of the babies sleeping in the room, a fact
she confirms.
Gerry said
that when he discovered the disappearance of Madeleine he
noticed that the window and the blinds were open and the
curtains fluttering.
She recalls
that the beds which were in the middle of the room and used by
the babies
were aligned
and therefore found it strange that someone had taken Madeleine
from the bed where she would be sleeping and had gone to the
window because there was no space to pass.
She opened
the wardrobes of that room in order to confirm that Madeleine
wasn't eventually hiding there.
everyone left the room and someone shut the door. She remained
for some time in the living room, near the GNR elements, Gerry
and other elements of the group
who got in
and out and spoke on their cellular phones.
She observed
that none of the elements of the group including the father and
of the child
was concerned with looking for her.
The mother
was sitting on the bed of her room, the father was with her (the
witness) and the elements of the GNR, and other elements of the
group got in and out
and spoke on
the phone, anxious, in her opinion, to tell the press what
She thought
that the child's mother was devastated, the father was worried
also asked
to notify the press and to get dogs to search.
About the
others she only remembers that Fiona and her husband, Payne,
were hysterical with the situation.
At a certain
time, after the arrival of the PJ elements, the parents removed
the twins
from the
beds in which they were still sleeping and took them to the
first floor flat.
At the
request of Kate she (the witness) removed the toys and a blanket
that she took to the first floor flat. Only the mattresses
She wanted
to mention that around 3h00 Madeleine's parents asked for a
priest to be present. They didn't explain why they wanted a
priest but she (the witness) was amazed, because there were no
indications that the little girl was dead and only in these
circumstances is usually asked the presence of a priest.
At some
point she translated the statement of one of the ladies who
belonged to the group and that she describes as a brunette one.
This lady said to the GNR elements, and she (the witness)
translated, that she had seen a man on the road who might have
carried a child.
situation surprised her because she (the witness) was convinced
that when the lady saw the man, the lady was in a place from
where she had no angle of vision for the place where she saw the
man. She doesn't know exactly what was the position of the lady
when she saw the man, but she knows that the lady said she saw
the man in the street in front of the Madeleine's bedroom
window, walking in the direction of the street that then leads
to the Baptista supermarket.
Asked about
the way the members of the group were dressed up in that night,
she only remembers that Fiona was wearing a green blouse, that
Gerry was wearing a dark shirt
and the
husband of Fiona wearing clear pants, beige she thinks.
And more she
did not say. Read the self as the thought, ratified and will
sign |
1289 to 1290 Witness
statement of
Silvia Maria Correio Ramos
Batista 2007.05.15
1291 Declaration of above
witness |
5-Processos Vol
V Pages 1289 to 1290 |
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Witness Statement
Silvia Maria Correio Ramos Batista
Date: 2007 ? 05 ? 15
She is responsible for maintenance
of the OC resort in P da L. Because
of her profession she knows many
people from the English community
who are resident in P da L.
She knows the Murat family, had done
for about 30 years. Mainly Mr Murat
and his wife, Jenny. Mr Murat was
linked to a civil construction
business and the development of
tourist resorts, in Salema as far as
she knows. Mr Murat died some years
The Murats live in a house near to
the OC, called Casa Liliana. When
asked she says she does not remember
whether the Murats have a son.
When asked, she says that on the
night of Madeleine?s disappearance,
3rd May, she was called by her boss
at about 22.30. As she lives in
Lagos, she arrived shortly
afterwards at the resort. There were
about 60 people close to apartment 5
A, helping to look for the girl.
She remembers, but is not absolutely
certain, given the time that has
passed, that from the start, there
was an individual helping to look
for Madeleine, about 1.70 tall, with
sort, light brown hair, with thin
framed, brown glasses, who was also
helping to search.
She does not remember at what time
she saw him. She does not remember
how he was dressed. She does not
remember whom he was with or know if
he arrived on foot or by car.
The same individual, she knew later
to be the son of the Murat?s, Robert
Robert speaks fluent English and
Portuguese. He helped the GNR in
Lagos, and later the PJ to translate
the witness statements of some
English individuals.
In principal, she thinks it should
be possible to confirm whether Murat
was there on the date that Madeleine
disappeared as well as other
details, with Paul and June from the
Duke of Holland bar and Mr Byron
from the property administration
company JNB in P da L.
She clarifies that on Saturday
(05-05-2007) or Sunday (06-05-2007)
or even Monday (07-05-2007) she
spoke to Robert for the first time,
during breaks between interviews,
where he was acting as translator.
She describes him as a pleasant and
easy going individual. He was quite
open and extrovert in the
conversations with her, he never
spoke of anything personal.
Reads, ratifies, signs.
1975 to 1977 Witness
statement of Silvia Maria
Correia Ramos Batista
2007.07.26 |
08 Processo
Volume 8 pages 1975 to 1977 |
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statement of Silvia Maria Correia Ramos Batista 2007.07.26
Date: 26 July 2007; Time: 16h00; Place: DIC Portimao
Officer: Paulo F., Inspector
To the matter at hand she said:
--- Already having given declarations in this case several times
recalling the content of what she
had stated previously, reproducing [repeating] them all
unchanged for this document.
--- The deponent appears again given that in the time since
Madeleine disappeared she [S.B.] has
remembered some details of witnessed facts/events that she
considers may, in some way, be of
interest to the investigation.
--- As already stated she was alerted to disappearance of
Madeleine between 22h30 and 23h00.
She was at home and was informed of what happened by telephone.
She went immediately to the
Ocean Club where she arrived a few minutes before the GNR
officers arrived there. When she
arrived at the resort she went immediately to apartment 5A where
she found several people as
much/many inside the apartment as outside it. Still she entered
the apartment but left straight away
without having spoken with anyone who was there, since at the
same time she was told that GNR
officers were at the main reception and she went to find them.
--- When she arrived at the officer's location she saw that
behind them was Gerry, Madeleine's
father, with another person but she does not remember who it
was. At that time Gerry was on the
ground on his knees, he hit the ground with both his hands,
looking like an Arab at prayer, and
emitted two screams of rage [fury, madness] but she could not
understand what he said. Then
Gerry stood up and accompanied the deponent and the other person
to the GNR vehicle next to
the 5A apartment.
--- Once inside the apartment she asked those present for the
passports of all members of their
families, as well as photographs of the missing girl. The
deponent accompanied Gerry to the GNR
vehicle in order to deliver the requested documents. She states
that she did this work, as well as
other work, at the request of the GNR Commander because they
used her knowledge of English to
translate questions put to members of the family of the missing
girl, as well as the answers that
were given. She recalls Gerry delivered several photographs of
the missing girl to the GNR
Commander. The photos were postcard-style, they having that
dimension and format. In truth they
were photographs of the dimension and format [size and shape] of
a postcard, and they all looked
the same to her.
--- She was aware that from the first moment either Gerry or the
others insisted in affirming that
Madeleine had been abducted always using the word "abducted"
instead of disappeared, and all
showed great interest that the press were informed of the
--- The deponent recalls further that she entered the bedroom
where Madeleine had been
sleeping. Remembering it now that the door was closed. The
interior of the room was dark. The
external blinds were down, light entering [the room] only
through the holes in them. The windows
were shut and the curtains were slightly open. Gerry accompanied
her on this visit, also with GNR
officers and he said that it had been him who had closed the
window because the babies were still
sleeping there, which the deponent noticed to be true. Gerry
stated that when he he was told about
Madeleine's disappearance he had found there the window and the
blinds open, and the curtains
fluttering [as in the wind]. The deponent recalls that there
were beds in the middle of the room and
that those being used by the babies were aligned [with each
other] and therefore she thought it
strange that someone had taken Madeleine from the bed where she
had been sleeping as far as to
the window because from that layout [of the beds] there had been
no space to get past. The
deponent opened the wardrobes in the bedroom in order to check
if possibly Madeleine wasn't
hidden in there. Then everyone left the bedroom someone having
returned to close the door. The
deponent then spent some time in the room [lounge], with the GNR
officers, Gerry and other
members of the group there who were in a large whirl, who came
in, left and spoke on the mobile
phone. She noticed that none of the group, including the child's
parents, were occupied with the
search. The mother was seated on the bed in the couple's
bedroom, the father accompanied her
and the police officers and the other members of the group
entered, left and spoke on the phone,
appearing to her to be preoccupied with informing the press
about what had happened.
--- She thought that the child's mother was dejected [downcast;
depressed; discouraged], the
father was preoccupied [worried] and also asked whether the
media had been advised or the
search dogs had been arranged [organised]. Of the others she
only recalls that Fiona and her
husband, Payne, were hysterical with the situation. At a given
point, soon after the PJ officers
arrived, the parents took the twins from their beds where they
were sleeping, taking them up to the
apartment on the first floor. At Kate's request the deponent
took from the babies' cots the dolls and
a blanket also up to the first floor. The cots stayed with only
the mattresses [in them].
--- The deponent wanted also to state that around 03h00
Madeleine's parents asked [about] the
presence of a priest in the area. They didn't explain their
reason for wanting a priest but the
deponent found it strange since there was no indication that the
child was dead and it is usual only
in those circumstances that one would ask for a priest.
--- At a certain point the deponent translated a statement from
one of the ladies of the English
group, the lady she indicated as being dark-skinned. This lady
said to the police officers, and the
deponent translated, that she had seen a man walking [passing]
in the street, possibly with a child
in his arms. The deponent thought this strange because she was
convinced that when she had
seen the man the lady was positioned in an area that had no line
of sight to the area where she
would have seen the man. She doesn't know exactly where the lady
was positioned when she saw
the man pass, but she knows that she indicated having seen him
passing in the road that was in
front of the bedroom window where Madeleine had been, walking in
the direction of the road of the
road that then goes to the Baptista supermarket.
--- Questioned as to the clothing the members of the English
group had worn that night she states
that she only recalls that Fiona wore a green blouse, that Gerry
wore a dark shirt and that Fiona's
husband wore plain trousers, cream, she thinks.
Nothing more said. Read, ratifies and is going to sign. |
2218 to 2219 Declaration from PJ regarding return of keys
to Silvia Batista 2007.07.31 ( 2219-2220 (English)
to 2221
- Declaration from PJ (pages
2218-2219) in English and
with tenant signatures |
08-Processo Vol
8...Pages 2218 to 2221 |
also Outros Apensos IV, Vol I
281 to 284 |
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Page 2220 :
(Plus Illegible, to me, Signature, but probably that of Tavares
de Almeida)
The people undersigned and identified are temporarily lodgers,
during their holidays, of the apartments, also identified.
They state that they authorise that Portuguese and English
police officers displace themselves to the said apartments, on
July 31 (Note : plus August also included but no date
indicated), between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. This is the reason why
they gave the keys of the said apartments to Mrs. Silvia
Baptista, Manager of the Ocean Club Resort.
In witness whereof we have drawn up this document, which, having
been read and found correct will be duly signed by the
identified people and by me, Tavares de Almeida, Chief-Inspector
of Policia Judiciaria, who has written it.
This document is also signed in English.
4G Apartment
Mr. Jerrett
British passport No : 20XXXXXXX
5A Apartment : empty apartment,
Ocean Club Manager, Mrs. Silvia Baptista
5B Apartment
Mrs. Amery
British passport No : 30XXXXXXX
Page 2221 :
5D Apartment
Mr. Farrel
British passport No : 45XXXXXXX
5H Apartment
Mr. Brossington
British passport No : 10XXXXXXX
(Also at bottom of page are two lines of Portuguese handwritten
text. Unable to decipher this, but seems to be an entry by
Tavares de Almeida with his Signature added).