423 to 426 Witness statement of Susan Bernadette Owen
427 Copy of Susan Bernadette Owen's passport |
Volume II
Pages 423 - 427 |
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Susan Bernadette Owen
Date/Time: 2007/05/07 19H40
Infant Educator (Translator: Robert Murat)
Concerning the issue of the process said;
. That she has been in Portugal since the 21st of March, 2007, the date on which she began work in the tourist resort known as the Ocean Club, situated in the locality of Luz, in Lagos (Algarve), where she works as an infant educator in the aforementioned establishment, according to the contract previously celebrated in London with the business known as Mark Warner which acquires educators for the mentioned establishment;
. The deponent further clarifies that in the period between the 29th of April and the 04th of May, 2007, she worked together with the group of children lodged in the aforementioned establishment, who are two years of age, known as Toddlers2;
. The deponent further clarifies that Toddlers2 is divided in divided in three sub-groups of children, and that each group is headed by a different worker with the deponent being one of these sub-groups;
. Relative to the facts of the investigation clarifies that in the discourse of her work in the mentioned establishment, she came into contact on some occasions with a child known as Madeleine McCann, clarifying that the contact was formal and of short duration, and in relation to the fact that the childs siblings were in the deponents group. But refers that it was her colleague Shinead, who took care of the twins that week;
. Questioned, states that Madeleine McCann was in the MiniClub group and that that group is composed of children between the ages of three to five years of age;
. States that her in the creche of the tourist resort is supervised by her colleague Lindsay, and the mentioned group of children in the MiniClub, are at times supervised by a colleague of hers, Amy, who is a coordinator of a nanny group including Cat and Emma. Both were employees who were working in said group the week in question, from 29th of April to 04th of May, 2007;
. Questioned, the deponent clarifies that Madeleine McCann was accompanied by her parents, who were staying in an apartment in the resort mentioned above, together with her twin siblings (a boy and a girl) of two years of age;
. That on the May 03, 2007, at around 22H45, she was in the bar known as ?Mirage? together with her colleagues, whose names are Emma, Shinead, Najoua Hayley and Stacy, which is situated close to the perimeter of the aforementioned resort. After returning from the bathroom, she was informed by her colleague Hayley that a child, of about 3 years of age, and whom was staying at the Ocean Club, had disappeared;
. The deponent immediately, together with her colleagues, went to the area of a restaurant (Milenium) in the establishment in question near to the bar they were at and began searching for the missing child;
. That during the search, she realised, together with her colleagues of the Ocean Club, others (tourists/owners) were also participating in the search;
. Not knowing the precise time, she noticed that authorities had arrived, and were taking measures for this type of situations;
. Questioned, the deponent states that the searches carried out by elements of the Ocean Club terminated at around 04H00 the next day, 04 May, 2007, to negative results;
. That during the searches that were carried out, she was told that the missing child was named Madeleine McCann;
. Questioned, the deponent states that she did not have direct contact with the minor at issue, Madeleine McCann, and did not know her habits, and that of her parents, and that no strange situation about the child was reported to her or at any other time during her time in Portugal;
. That she only knows that Madeleine McCanns parents would come to pick her up, as with her siblings, between 17H15 and 17H30, at the location where all the children of the creche got together to have dinner, in the Tapas restaurant, related to the resort in question;
. Questioned, states that during the search for Madeleine McCanns she did not effect any diligences close to the residence where the same was staying and from where she disappeared;
. The day of the disappearance, 3rd of May, 2007, the deponent clarifies that she left work at around 18H00, having dined with her colleagues in the Tapas restaurant, leaving thereafter, around 18H30, to her residence with a colleague whose name she does not remember. She stayed at her residence until around 21H30 together with her colleagues Shinead and Emma, from where they left and headed to the aforementioned bar, the Mirage, also with Nathan, who joined them, and who had previously been on another floor, in the home of one of their friends;
. Questioned, the deponent states that she effected the route along the beach, having previously started on the street where the bar is located and not through the establishment, nor close to the McCann residence;
. Questioned, the deponent clarifies that she does not exactly know where Madeleines apartment was located, adding that she only took notice of the locale after the events unfolded, as a result of the media being camped outside the apartment;
. Questioned, the deponent states that she has no knowledge of any type of situation that she understood to be suspect or of any other person directly, or indirectly, related to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, and for which she has nothing more to declare;
. And nothing more said, having read the statement, finds it in conformity and signs it;
. The document is duly signed by me ?
C. Domingos, Inspector with this Policia Judiciara.