13 NOV 07 |
to 3420 Witness
statement of
Susan Hubbard
2007.11.13 Susan Hubbard
2007.11.13 |
Volume XIII, pages 3418 to
3420 |
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Witness Statement of Susan
Date: 2007.11.13
Time: 11H30
Nationality: Canadian
' That she comes to the
process as a witness
' Is married to Anglican
Father Haynes
' Has known the McCann
family since three days
after the disappearance
(Sunday). That she went to
Portugal on this date (06
May 2007), not to accompany
the family but due to work
related to the church, which
was previously organized.
' That it is the truth that
she only knows them through
the church and never met
them before.
' States that after getting
to know the parents of the
missing child, she invited
Kate to take part in a
meeting, in Lagos, on the
25th of May, with the
intention of discussing
items related to missing
children. That she went to
this meeting, with Kate and
Kates cousin, Anne. They
travelled to this meeting in
the deponents car.
' After this occasion, she
went various times to the
McCann residence in Praia da
Luz, and they also visited
the deponent, in her home,
on various occasions. These
encounters had the objective
of offering them comfort and
support but also allowed for
the children of both couples
to play.
' She also adds that the
McCann's' although being
Catholics, attended some
masses, where Madeleines
disappearance was noted,
celebrated by her husband,
the Anglican priest.
' Questioned regarding the
key to the church, she says
that she knows nothing of
this. Following the McCann
departure to England, she
was given the key to
handover to the place the
McCann's rented in Praia da
Luz. She handed this key
over the next Monday. Her
handling of the key was
suggested by one of the
McCann family but she does
not remember who. She notes
that on this Monday, she
handed over the keys to the
cleaning staff who forwarded
the key to the responsible
rental agent and whose
designation she does not
' Besides these contacts,
she did not maintain and
other relation with the
McCann family.
' Sean and Amelie, she
notes, are children of
normal behaviour for their
age. They are active and
' Regarding the parents,
Gerald and Kate, she says
that, in her opinion, they
always presented a normal
comportment, given the
circumstances. That she
noted a certain
tranquillity, when in the
presence of the twins. Via
their gestures, she noted a
great sadness and suffering.
In their conversations, they
would always talk of their
missing daughter.
' Regarding Kate, she says
that, besides being
preoccupied with the health
of her daughter, she was
scared of what could have
happened to Madeleine
although she never spoke of
her death.
' She describes them as a
normal family
' She is not aware of any
relevant details for the
investigation. She claims
that the parents are not
involved in the
disappearance and knows
nothing else, other than
what she has related.
' And nothing more was said.
Reads and finds it in
conformity, and ratifies and