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[Investigation Activity]
Date: 2007/05/04 Location: Praia da Luz
Entity that determined the activity: superiorly determined
Funcionario [employee] that executed it: Miguel P*** and Duarte
F****, Inspector
Description and outcome of the investigation:
-------- On this date, we went to the Tapas restaurant, owned by
the Ocean Club, located in Praia da Luz (Lagos), where we spoke
with various employees of the restaurant, who were on duty there
last night. ----------
-------- The subject of conversation was the disappearance of
little Madeline MCCAN, especially the behavior of the elements
of the group that dined at that restaurant yesterday, which was
partly made up of the parents of the missing child, as well as
if [whether or not] they had seen an individual suspect, with a
blonde "rastas" [hairstyle] in camouflage pants. ----------
####) - bartender:
- He saw the missing Madeleine, for the last time, yesterday at
16.45h next to the restaurant;
- He did not notice if from the group of British citizens (in
number 8 or 9) that yesterday dined in restaurant (which was
partly made up of the parents of the missing [child]), someone
left [absented themself] during such dinner;
- He saw a walkie talkie on top of the table of the group,
[like] those that are used to monitor noises of children, from a
- He did not see a person of blonde "rastas", while he was
working last night. ----------
------- STARIKOVA VITORINO (Russian citizen,
with the telephone No "96635 ####) - kitchen
- Said that, yesterday, one individual, purportedly
the father of the missing, left the dinner table
where a group of friends (in number 8 or 9), for
about 30 minutes. After having returned, a woman
whom she believed to be his wife, also left the
table, there having passed a few moments, all the
guests left the table in question, except one
elderly lady, who told her [Svetlana's] colleagues
that that child had disappeared.
- During the time that she was working yesterday
(between 14:30 and 23:00) she did not see any
individual with blonde "rastas".
-------- MIGUEL SALCEDAS COELHO (BI No 1426####,
telephone 91920####) - cook
- He did not know the missing or her parents, he
knew only that they were part of a group of British
citizens who usually dined there;
- As he works in the kitchen, rarely did he go to
the tables, so he saw nothing;
- He did not see any person with blonde "rastas",
while he was working (14.30 and 23.00) ----------
--------- JOAQUIM JOSE MOREIRA BATISTA (residing at
Rua Ilha Terceira, no. 15, Lagos, Telephone No 91
277 ####) - table employee [waiter].
- Of the group of 8/9 British citizens who dined at
the restaurant last night, as usual, of which the
parents of missing were part (he didn't know them)
he noticed that two individuals left the table, of
the male gender.
- The first to leave was about 40/45 years old
(tall, skinny, white complexion, with large [a full
head of] hair of color gray) and the period of his
absence was about 15 minutes, being that they had to
[re-]heat his food, which had cooled;
- The second to leave (about 40/45 years of age,
having the physical characteristics of the first,
but having less bulky hair) did so for about 30
minutes, and that shortly after he returned, all
left the table, except for an elderly person, who
told him that a child had disappeared, the daughter
of a member of the group, due to which he thought
that the second person to leave could have been the
father of the child;
- Of the times in which this group had dined in that
bar it is [was] often
someone from the group to go to check at the
apartments the state of the children (their
offspring) who were sleeping there.
- He did not see any person with blonde "rastas",
while he was working (16h00 and 00.00). ----------
No 96948#### - was contacted in another restaurant
of the [Mark Warner] group, situated in the same
locality) - pantry boy
- As he works in the pantry, he never goes to the
area where are the tables, so he saw nothing;
- He didn't know the missing or her parents;
- He did not see any individual with blonde "Rastas",
in the period in which he remained in service (15:30
and 23:30. ----------
was on his day off, he was contacted by telephone No
91 397####) - table employee.
- Of the group of 8/9 British citizens who dined at
that restaurant yesterday, like they usually did,
which was partly made up of the parents of the
missing (he did not know them) he noticed that
absent from the table, for about 15 minutes, [was] a
man (tall, little more than thirty years of age,
normal physical stature, white complexion and hair
color light brown);
- It was usual [for] someone of that group, to leave
to go to the apartments to check the children
(children of the group members) who slept there;
- At the table, he always noticed [saw] the
existence [presence] of an intercom;
- He did not see any person with blonde "rastas",
while he was working (16h000 and 00h30).----------
------- As for the kitchen employee, MARIA MANUELA
ANTONIO JOSE, given that she was not in service
yesterday [neither] during the dinner [nor] when the
disappearance of the child occurred, she was not
interviewed. ---------
------ In the main reception (open 24h) of the Ocean
Club, the signatory
was able to observe a person with long hair, curly,
blonde in colour, with camouflage shorts and green
sweat-shirt, which fit the description of the
suspect of the "Rastas", it being that I questioned
the receptionist about him, who said that this
individual and his wife are guests in the hotel and
he has been tireless, since yesterday, in search of
the missing girl. Attached are photocopies of their
passports as well as the hotel registration form.
[The very last paragraph of my translation of
pages 121-125 in /PJ/TAPAS-EMPLOYEES.htm states
that they are passport copies of the person
identified as the man with 'Rasta' hairstyle,
camouflage shorts and green sweat-shirt (taken
to be the person seen by Jez Wilkins per his
witness statement), and his wife. They were
resort guests. I have no reference to a formal
witness statement from them on file, merely the
above identification to eliminate them from the
Signature of official: Duarte F**** - Inspector |