1668 to 1674
Transcriptions of traced
calls with unidentified
woman and S. Malinka, Robert
and Michaela, Sally and Jen
Murat, and Robert and
various other familiars |
6-Processo Vol
6 Pages 1668 to 1674 |
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Processos Vol VI Pages 1668 to 1669
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
Report on Listening and Transcription of Telephone Interceptions
On 28th May 2007 in the Portimao DIC installations of the
Policia Judiciaria, I, Inspector Joao Carlos proceeded to listen
to the telephone registers relating to the code 1L804M (nº
914168557) finding the following transcriptions of interest to
the investigation.
Session nº 2
Related elements and transcription.
Code: 1L804M
Session nº : 2
Number calling:351914168557
Destination number: 917218511
Direction: Outgoing
Initiation time: 14-05-2007 – 23.44.48
Final time: 14-05-2007 – 23.46.39
Conversation in Portuguese.
FV – Female Voice (Sergey’s girlfriend)
S – Sergey Malinka
FV – Hello darling.
S. I am here!
FV: Where?
S: I am downstairs at your door.
FV: (Inaudible) Why don’t you go on up?
S: Are you there?
FV: No!
S: Where are you?
FV: I’m in Espiche.
S: So?
FV: I was passing time.
S: Ahh!
FV: I was passing time.
S: And why would I be alone with your daughter!
FV: Why? Are you scared of her?
S: No! But its not good.
FV: Why not darling?
S: I’m going to wait for you in the car.
FV: Oh baby, Thats ok.
S. Why didn’t you come home?
VF: Oh amor! What is happening? I was hoping that you...we are
not going to argue about this. Don’t you want to come home?
S: Oh!
FV: I’m about to leave Espiche.
(From this moment they converse in English, which is
S. s***, I’m waiting for you...(inaudible). I waited for you in your house, why don’t you arrive on time?
FV: On time? I was passing time and you did not turn up, so I
went to bed.
S : (Inaudible).
FV: I do not want to be alone. If you said you are not coming I
would go to my parents house, to bed. That’s it, you see?
S. How long will you be?
FV: Five minutes, if the police don’t have me stopped, ok?
S- Ok!
FV: Love you very much. Bye. |
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Policia Judiciaria
NUIPC 201-07.0 GALGS
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
Report on Listening and Transcription of Telephone Interceptions
On 28th May 2007 in the Portimao DIC installations of the
Policia Judiciaria, I, Inspector Joao Carlos proceeded to listen
to the telephone registers relating to the code 1L722PM (nº
919188441) finding the following transcriptions of interest to
the investigation.
Session nº 7
Related elements and transcription.
Code: 1L722PM
Session nº : 7
Number calling:351919188441
Destination number: 960147559
Direction: Outgoing
Initiation time: 14-05-2007 – 00.06.58
Final time: 14-05-2007 – 00.18.20
Conversation in Portuguese.
M – Michaela Walczuch
R – Robert Murat
M – Hello
R – Hello.
M – So?
R- I was right.
M – About what?
R – The car.
M – Again?
R – I spoke with them now, I phoned Reis Santos, I went directly
to the PJ apartment..I phoned Reis Santos and said “Look, if you
want to know something about me you do not need to follow me,
you should just ask. When I went to Burgau I was followed by a
Corolla, the other day I was also followed by the same Corolla,
its better if you fix the rear light of the car, its damaged”.
He said “Look, I don’t know anything about this, I have nothing
to do with this information about this car. Go home and I will
check what is happening”. I left and the car was there and then
I followed the car and got the number plate and then phoned him
and said: “Here, this is the number plate of the car that has
been following me. If you want to talk to me it is not necessary
to follow me, talk to me ... my life is a clean plate, a clean
plate, if you want to see something, you can see it freely”.
M- And then?
R- He said “I don’t know anything about this. We need to know
what is happening here, because it does not appear to be ours
and it could be someone else, like journalists, for example”.
M- Ah! But it was him who spoke to you, wasn’t it?
R – He stayed there in case. I went with two of his colleagues.
I was completely sincere with him, and my life is an open book.
M- Didn’t he manage to find out whom this car belongs to?
R- Now what happened, I followed the car. The car knows that I
was following it. I followed the car.
M – Did you manage to see how many people were in the car?
R – There were two persons, I followed the car.
M – Could one of them have been a messenger?
R – I don’t know, but I followed the car to the Russian
roundabout, to the Russian houses, I followed the car to there.
When I left your house, I left by the park of your house, the
car was parked there...you know, at the roundabout, facing to
the right, there is a park there, the car was parked there. You
know how I am with cars, especially cars, I am worried in
remembering the number plates of cars and all those things.
M- Hum, hum!
R- I am worried about this, I am worried to see what is
happening around me. I told him, “I guarantee that this is the
case”...and it was the case. Simply it is the case. I said to
Reis Santos “If you want to talk to me I am here, just call me,
I am here. You can talk to me freely. I have no problem with
this. None”
M – And do you think he was telling you the truth?
R – No...I think not, I think that ...he doesn’t know the full
situation, but he knows that something was going on, do you
M – Hum, hum!
R – Its difficult by telephone, but much easier face to face.
But simply, my life is an open book. I have nothing to hide.
M – I know Robert!
R – I have nothing to hide. My book is an open one. They can see
my entire life. I am OK with this. They can see exactly what I
do and what I did not do. I have no problem at all with this.
None. But it could not be them but someone using their car. Do
you understand?
M – It would be difficult to believe that if it were not them
that their car was being used.
R – If the car were not theirs, then someone is following me and
I am being followed. That is something else. Bu the thing is
that it only happens with this car...(inaudible) I gave them the number plate. Now they have the number
plate...if it were not them. Do you understand?
M – Hum, hum!
R – Reis Santos said that he would come over here.
M – Over where?
R- To Luz. To see the situation. Now I think they already know
the situation, they don’t need to come here. Do you understand?
M – But he says that he would come to talk to you!
R- he can come and talk to me whenever he likes. But simply they
should decide what they want. In terms of interview I did
nothing wrong. My life is an open book, they can see all of my
life. I don’t have any problem with that.
M – I know. I know that.
R – There is no problem with that. I have no problem with that.
Still, it could be that it was not them, but I want to know who
it was. If it were not them I want to know who it is. Especially
now they have the number plate. I want to know who it is. Do you
M – Hum, hum!
R – I have done my part in terms of the number plate and all
that s***. But...if it was them then I am well pissed off, well
pissed off in terms of work, because this was not for them but
for Madeleine at the end of the day.
M- I know. Also it is not necessary. They could tell you but
there is a much easier way to find out who the number plate
belongs to. It is going to the PSP, which I did a few years ago
because of a bloke who was going to crash into me and I just
said the make of the car, colour and number plate and they knew
who it was. Thats one way to find out.
R- And they said whose number plate it was?
M – They told me!
R – So, I am going to do this.
M- They told me.
R – So I am going to do this.
M – And I , the information they had about the car was very
little, but I got the number plate because the bloke almost
lifted me into the air. He would have killed me and so I went to
the police and did this.
R – I know exactly whom the car belongs to, it was a grey
Corolla, diesel, a D4D, I know the car number plate, I know
everything, I have all the information about the car. But my
life is a simple open book, if anyone wants something, they are
free to see, I have no problem.
M – Robert, you have repeated this many times.
R- I know but hear me, I have always been honest.
M – I realise that.
R – I have always been honest in my life and if it was them I am
M – If it was them I would simply ask “what is this s***? How is
it exactly that you the Portuguese police work?”
R – Exactly. Exactly that.
M –But then you are ..(inaudible).
R – I have always worked sincerely in my life and now I know
that they work, the Police, any Police not just those over here,
work on the fact that everyone is a liar, basically. But I
personally always work sincerely.
M – I think that you should be truthful and sincere with them
and tell them this.
R – Tomorrow morning I’m going straight over there, simply I
will go there directly without any issue. I will go, just go I
am not going to wait for anything. But I have, like I say. I see
these things, I am a super visual person, in these things I am
super visual...especially with cars.
M – If it were me I think I would never have noticed.
R – Cars, people, cars, I am a person who manages to remember
these things. Details of cars even more, there is no doubt with
details of cars. I never, never, never forget, I worked with
cars for so many years, that I always have this situation, do
you understand?
M – Hum, hum!
R – But now we will see, I will leave it in the hands of Reis
Santos. If they want to talk to me, I am here anyway.
M – But that you can’t get on with your life, go where you want
and do what you want because there is someone following you and
imagining that you want to go here or there, but make a
complaint to Lisbon for the end of the beach.
R – Exactly.
M - I mean you can’t....Why? Becuase for them there is already a
R – I have to talk to them tomorrow.
M – I would be absolutely direct in telling them this.
R – I’ve been followed, I’ve been followed – I don’t know. OK
we’ll speak later tomorrow. And afterwards I’ll let you know,
M – Thats fine. Go to bed.
R – Go and rest.
M – I am already resting but I don’t know if I will manage to
R – I think that I will not sleep. I will not manage to sleep
after this s***.
M – But you know what I worry about? Its that you don’t sleep,
you don’t stop thinking about this. Robert, you don’t stop
thinking about this. You will be so nervous that you will maybe
lose control tomorrow.
R – It depends if I manage to sleep. Go to bed.
M- Call me whenever.
R – Ok, Ok! Good night.
M – Ciao.Kisses.
R – Ciao, ciao. |
1681 to 1682 Transcriptions of traced calls with
unidentified woman and S. Malinka, Robert and Michaela,
Sally and Jen Murat, and Robert and various other
familiars |
Processos Vol VI Pages 1681 to 1682 |
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Policia Judiciaria
NUIPC 201-07.0 GALGS
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
Report on Listening and Transcription of Telephone
On 26th May 2007 in the Portimao DIC installations of
the Policia Judiciaria, I, Lidia Nascimiento, police
interpreter, proceeded to listen to the telephone
registers relating to the code 1L7692M (nº 967462308)
translating them into Portuguese.
Session nº 55
Related elements and transcription.
Code: 1L7692M
Session nº : 55
Number calling:351282697628
Destination number: 917462308
Direction: Incoming
Initiation time: 15-05-2007 – 15.10.38
Final time: 15-05-2007 – 15.11.20
Conversation in English (translated into Portuguese).
MV: Are you there?
FV: I have just noticed that I have a police officer
here, haven’t I?
MV: (inaudible here?
FV: He is an undercover terrorism officer, yes.
MV: He is there?
FV: Yes.
MV: Ah, great!
FV: He should know, shouldn’t he?
MV: Well, he should know if they managed to detect
mobiles and at what distance.
FV: Right, I’m going to find out.
MV: Ok, great.
FV: Is that Ok?
MV: Great.
FV: Because he says that if you need anything he has his
ID card and everything.
MV:Ah great, he could be my liaison officer (inaudible).
FV: Yes, he is very accessible, yes (laughs).
MV: Well, I am very, very accessible and look what
happened to me, so tell him to be careful.
FV: (inaudible)
MV: Are you ok?
FV: At least he has his ID card.
MV: (Laughs).
FV: I’m going to (inaudible).
MV: Thats ok darling, thanks, bye.
(Note: MV = Male Voice, FV = Female Voice) |
1695 to 1708 Transcriptions of traced calls with
unidentified woman and S. Malinka, Robert and Michaela,
Sally and Jen Murat, and Robert and various other
familiars |
Processos Vol VI Pages 1695 to 1698 |
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Policia Judiciaria
NUIPC 201-07.0 GALGS
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
Report on Listening and Transcription of Telephone
On 26th May 2007 in the Portimao DIC installations of
the Policia Judiciaria, I, Lidia Nascimiento, police
interpreter, proceeded to listen to the telephone
registers relating to the code 1L769M (nº 967462308)
translating them into Portuguese.
Session nº 60
Related elements and transcription.
Code: 1L769M
Session nº : 60
Number calling: 351917462308
Destination number: 282697628
Direction: Outgoing
Initiation time: 15-05-2007 – 16.02.13
Final time: 15-05-2007 – 16.05.36
Sal : Are you there?
MV: I’m here, speak
Sal: Hello stupid!
MV: Hello my dear, is everything OK?
Sal: Yes, are you feeling better?
MV: Yes, in truth I feel, I have more information, I can
place myself at home at eight fifteen, I made a phone
call to Michaela at eight fifteen.
Sal: Great!
MV: Yes and afterwards..
Sal: You found your hours.
MV: This, this week I will...
Sal: It seems they are about to announce a press
conference, the Portuguese police.
MV: Right, that will be interesting to hear, ahm..in any
Sal: You need a lawyer.
MV: Right, that something that ...I, I placed myself at
home at eight fifteen.
Sal: Eight fifteen at home.
MV: At home.
Sal: He placed himself at home at eight fifteen
Ralph...eight fifteen at home, he managed to place
himself there (appears to be speaking to a third party).
MV: And I...I also made a call at eleven fifty three,
from home.
Sal: He made a call at eleven fifty three from home
(appears to be speaking to a third party).
MV: One of twelve, of two minutes and twelve and one of
eight minutes to the same number, my mother does not
have this number as far as I know.
Sal: Ah...
MV: So it must have been me and my mother would not
phone Michaela, it must have been me, ahm...there’s no
doubt about that. Now with the search of mobiles, if I
could get the mobile (inaudible).
Sal: Wasn’t she abducted at about ten o’clock?
MV: I don’t know, I don’t know the exact time, I think
that it was about nine thirty but I’m not absolutely
sure...ahm, but this places me at home ahm...and
afterwards I think that my mother arrived home at about
eight..was it eight? (He seems to be speaking to a third
party and a female voice is heard in the background), my
mother arrived home at about ten to eight, ahm..so my
mother could place me here, there is no problem, but
whether they will accept this I don’t know, but I can
place myself here at eight fifteen and eleven fifty
three, what I am trying to find out ahm....is if
ahm...from Dawn, if she eventually phoned me that night,
but I don’t know how to obtain the incoming calls for
the house...
Sal: Right.
MV: (inaudible) so ahm....unfortunately Telecel doesn’t keep them.
Sal: Oh..
MV: But I don’t know who would keep them and thats why I
will try to contact Dawn and see if she can arrange this
for me.
Sal: Thats fine, ok, yes, good thinking.
MV: If she, if she can tell me if she called..
Sal: Hmm.
MV: But...this is what I want to do right now.
Sal: Great, that already seems a bit more promising my
MV: Yes, I hope, I hope...I was about to contact Dawn
now, I speak with her brothers over there, but I don’t
know, as if something...a bit negative, I must say,
thats why I’m going to phone and see whats happening.
Sal: Ok, love.
MV: Is that ok?
Sal: I think that they should have shown photos of Sofía
to show how sentimental you are with regard to this, as
she is so similar to your daughter.
MV: Well, they could understand that in two ways,
Sal: Yes, they could understand that you could have
taken the girl as she was so similar to her.
MV: For being so similar.
Sal: Yes, I know.
MV: Ahm... you know...
Sal: Its true.
MV: I can’t, I can’t win, I can’t win...
Sal: You can’t win, no, but...
MV: I can’t win.
Sal:But you, but you are (inaudible) than that.
MV: Your bloke..
Sal: You should give yourself a medal.
MV: Your bloke was very good.
Sal: Yes, he is brilliant, isn’t he?
MV: Yes, yes, he is brilliant.
Sal: And the guy who was next to him, has a neighbour
who does this for the police.
MV: Really?
Sal: Yes.
MV: Ah, he is good, very, very good, there’s no doubt.
Ah, tell him that I spoke with the, the... with
Leicester police.
Sal: Yes.
MV: And they said that unfortunately this could only be
done by the Portuguese police.
Sal: Right, thats probably what they are doing, lets
MV: Well, I certainly hope they are doing that.
Sal: Yes, yes, yes.
MV: Certainly, because they can not (inaudible) you know? Anyway...
Sal: Yes.
MV: It is simply very,very important, but..thanks very
much Salsy.
Sal: Thats ok, my baby, I adore you.
MV: I adore you, bye.
Sal: And Danny is here and send his best wishes.
MV: Right:
Sal: Talk to you soon dear.
MV: Many thanks, bye.
Sal: Bye.
MV: Bye, bye, bye, bye. |
Processos Vol VI Pages 1699 to 1700 |
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4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
Report on Listening and Transcription of Telephone
On 26th May 2007 in the Portimao DIC installations of
the Policia Judiciaria, I, Inspector Joao Carlos
proceeded to listen to the telephone registers relating
to the code 1L769M (nº 967462308) finding the following
transcriptions of interest to the investigation.
Session nº 64
Related elements and transcription.
Code: 1L769M
Session nº :64
Number calling:351282697628
Destination number: 67462308
Direction: Entering
Initiation time: 15-05-2007 – 16.26.18
Final time: 15-05-2007 – 16.27.38
Conversation in English (translated into Portuguese).
MV: Are you there?
FV: It seems that ahhm…from the Portuguese TV that there
is pornography on your “think-me-bob”.
MV: Oh s***!
FV: So you now have to make “Shekko” confess this and
clear your name, querido.
MV: What s***! Well in any case they are not going to
divulge this are they?
FV: No, it seems that they will because Patricia (inaudible) phoned me to say this and that they are all talking about it in
the supermarket and that’s why they were looking at us
in that way.
MV: This is not (inaudible) the state of this. I would not have thought of it.
FV: I wouldn’t have thought of it, but it seems it is
MV: Oh.
FV:The news came out and then Rick told Danny (inaudible).
MV: Oh..(inaudible, he appears to be speaking to a third party).
FV: However, you must clear this up quickly.
MV: That there is pornography on my computer (appears to
be talking to a third party).
FV:So you must make “Shekko” go to the UK police and
confess the fact that it was him who put it there.
MV: Ok, ok I need to know what is happening.
FV: Quickly, before they broadcast the 6.30 news.
MV: Fine, that’s all right.
FV All right? Clear your name.
MV: Ok.
FV: Bye.
MV: Kisses, Bye bye. |
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1750 to 1751
- Letter 20 June 2007
advising that the father had
been given a mobile phone
with a specially monitored
number |
07 Processos
Vol VII Page 1750 to 1751 |
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4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
During the course of the present investigation, the existence of
numerous requests coming from various countries has come to the
knowledge of this police force, in these requests, the
interlocutors try to manage to speak to family members of the
missing girl Madeleine McCann and only to them, in order to give
information relating to the girls whereabouts or her abductors
in the case that this is an abduction.
With the aim of verifying the veracity, credibility and
preponderance of this information and to check whether we are
facing an extortion situation or coercion in order to make
financial gains or whether these are reliable individuals,
Madeleine?s father was given a Nokia mobile phone, model 1121,
number 969515666 with IMEI 356404019641095 that was acquired by
this police force.
In order that we can have access at any time to the tenor of the
conversations maintained between the supposed informants and
Gerald McCann a request is submitted for the interception and
taping of the telephone calls made to the number indicated below
as well as the IMEI in compliance with the letters sent to TMN
with the following formal questions:
1. Indication of the location of the mobile phone.
2. Detailed listing in digital form and register of trace back.
3. Interception to be made for a period of 30 days
4. Interception in roaming.
969515666 - IMEI 356404019641095
I bring this for your consideration.
Inspector Joao Carlos
Portimao 20th June 2007
(Linked into TOC) |
3158 to 3168
- Letter from PT Communications with documents detailing calls
confirming time at which calls were placed with GNR from Luz
Ocean Club reception
3169 - Missing page |
12 Processos
Vol XIIages 3158 to 3169 |
Letter from PT
Comunicacoes to the Family Court of Portimao
For the attention of Judge dos Anjos Frias
Your ref: 201/07 GALGS
Your communication: 2007/10/17
Date: 2007/11/17
Subject: Request in Above Reference
Dear Judge,
In reply to the letter mentioned above, which was the object
of out careful attention, we inform you that we are
enclosing in annex the register of calls made and received
by the network lines 282771000 and 282762809 between 19.00
on 03/05/2007 and 12.00 on 04/05/2007.
With compliments
Legal Office
Court Information
Phone listings attached:
3598 to 3599
- Letter from Portugal Telecom with copy of envelope and list of
calls |
13 Processos Vol XIII Pages 3598 to 3599 |
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13_VOLUME_XIIIa_Page_3599a |
Letter from PT Comunica?es
To the Family Court of Portimao
Attention Judge Anjos Fr?s
Your ref: 201/07. GALGS
Your communication: 2007/12/04
Date 2007/12/07
Subject: Request in Reference
Dear Judge,
In reply to the request mentioned above, which we attended
carefully, we inform that you that we are annexing the register
of calls made and billed for through the PT network by the
network line 282789210 between 00.00 on 30th April 2007 and
24.00 on 03 May 2007. The remaining information (register of
calls received) will be sent when the relevant technical
services make it available to us.
With compliments
Legal Office Listing: |
- Service information 7
January 2007 re: failure of
phone company, Optimus, to
supply data to the police,
and request for re-issuance
of the original instruction
- List of calls
received/made through
Optimus (see page 3825) |
04 Processos Vol XIV Pages
3825 to 3826 |
14_VOLUME_XIVa_Page_3825 |
14_VOLUME_XIVa_Page_3826 |
Date: 2008/01/07
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Joao Carlos
Subject: Traffic data
In spite of the fact that
the files contain a letter
from the operator Optimus
stating the lack of
existence of traffic data
relating to the time period
and the access numbers to
the mobile phone service
requested on page 2695, upon
analysing the detailed phone
bill we can infer that the
number 447771591461
made/received calls on the
days 02,03, 04 May 2007,
using this operator.
I ask you to suggest to the
Magistrate of the Public
Ministry that he requests
another communication,
identical to that formulated
in page 2695 insisting on a
reply to the questions
expressed therein.
With no more to report.
Inspector Joao Carlos
Page 3826?List of calls
received/made with Optimus: |
to 29
- Rogatory Reference XXI re identification of telephone numbers |
03 Cartas Rogatorias Vol III Pages 28 to 29 |
cr3_28 |
cr3_29 |
Leicestershire Police Force
From: DC 4356 Johnson
Department: Major Crime Unit
Date 17th May 2008
Subject: Telecom
Operational Task
The following numbers were contacted by Robert Murat, the search
for the owners of the telephone lines was carried out.
Letter of Request XXI
There is no BT owner currently listed for this number, which was
transferred to Talk Talk.
(It is
listed as a fixed line number 07887974195 in the name of Robert
Murat, *** Sidmouth, Devon. This property belongs to Jennifer
Murat, RM’s mother).
Robert Murat
This is the residence of Jennifer Murat
O2 pre-paid, no registered owner found.
Phone was charged in High Street, Exeter
There is no listing of the credit card details, the phone
charging was paid for in cash.
One possibility is S*******, Robert Murat’s sister who lives in
Mr S C*******
This number was provided during the investigation by both
S******* Murat and Jennifer Murat as a contact source. We do not
know who S. C***** is, there is no other reference found during
the investigation associated to this person.
Richard Murat
This is Robert Murat’s brother. |