17_VOLUME_XVIIa_Page_4525 |
Portimao DIC
NUIPC - 201.07.0 GALGS
Inspector Joao Carlos
(No date)
Denouncing/Offended Party: Policia Judiciaria
Denounced Parties/ Arguidos: Robert James Queriol Eveleigh
Identified and interrogated on pages 1170, 1947 and 1959.
* Gerald Patrick McCann, identified and interrogated on page
* Kate Marie Healy, identified and interrogated on page 2557.
Witnesses/Persons Questioned: See remitted index.
Type of Crime: Unknown
Place and Time: Between 21.05 and 22.00 on the day of 3rd May
2007 in apartment G5 A, in the Ocean Club resort, Luz, Lagos.
Articles apprehended: See index (all article apprehended were
returned to their owners. |