15-05-07-TIME 22.30 |
1403 to 1405 Search warrant
and apprehension of items
1406 Search warrant for
Sergey Malinkas home
Written note from PJ
official regarding search
1407 Copy of page 1406
1407a Written note from PJ
official regarding search |
06-Processo Volume VI pages
1403 to 1405 |
and Seizure warrant and
apprehension of items]
Date: 16 May 2007.
This is the hand-written
document for the search and
seizure of Sergey M.'s
residence, with two copies
of the official warrant
(pages 1406 & 1407).
The list of items is more
easily seen (typewritten) in
later examination
1408 Document of
examination re: Items from
S. Malinka's residence |
06 Volume VI page 1408 |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1408 |
[Processo 'Document of
examination re: Items from
S.Malinka's residence]
This is the summary of the
examination of nine mass
storage devices (disks and
memory sticks/cards)
collected from Sergey M.'s
house. The report states
nothing was found of
relevance for the case."
Twenty-seven optical disks
(CD ROM) were also analysed
and found to contain
pornography and, in one
disk, "bestiality". |
1431 to 1432 Search
documents regarding Malinka |
Processo Volume VI pages
1431 to 1432 |
[Search documents regarding
Date: 16 May 2007; Location:
Office of S.M.
"... nothing having been
found of interest for the
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1431 |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1431a |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1432 |
1453 to 1458 Witness
testimony of Sergey Malinka
1459 Picture and
further information about
1460 Search
warrant re: Malinkas Audi A4 |
06-Processo, Volume VI,
pages 1453-58 (6 pages) |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1453 |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1454 |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1455 |
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06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1458 |
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06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1460 |
Processo, Volume VI, pages 1453-58
(6 pages)
Date: 2007/05/16 Time: 22:30
Location: DIC Portim'
Officer: John Carlos and Luis
Pereira, Inspectors
There is no relationship as
envisaged in Art.134, paragraph l of
the CPP.
Moves to give evidence.
On the matter of the file he said:
--- He comes to the file as a
--- Although of Russian nationality
he fully understands the Portuguese
language in its oral and written
forms. He has been in Portugal for
nearly seven years.
--- He lives with his parents. He
has a Portuguese girlfriend.
--- Asked, he said he knows
MURAT since the summer of last year,
he thinks. He came to know him
through his neighbour R** A*****,
who introduced the witness to
ROBERT, claiming that he was a good
designer of pages and websites. When
speaking with ROBERT, he [RM]
explained the type of page that he
wanted, and the witness performed
the work. It was a page of real
estate for sale on the Internet,
without resorting to a property
firm, whose name was
After completing the draft he
returned to him the copyright, as
well as the username and password of
the administrator. He recalls that
the username was a 1 and the
password 123, which were altered by
ROBERT. After the delivery of the
work, he had three weeks to make
alterations, as a page of this size
needs few changes after entry onto
the net. He knows that this
enterprise (Romigen) belonged to
ROBERT and to a woman of the name
MICHAELA, who hardly interfered, but
was always present at meetings.
--- Other than this web site, he did
not carry out any other work for
--- The meetings to which he refers
were carried out in the bedroom in
Robert's home at Casa Liliana and in
the "Baptista" supermarket, situated
in Praia da Luz.
--- He confirms that four years ago,
he was at the home of ROBERT at the
request of his mother, JANE MURAT
(sic), to format her computer, so
that the operating system would work
faster, and to install an
anti-virus. He did not know ROBERT
at that time, nor did he know that
JANE (sic) was his mother. That this
contact was established by the
mother through the firm where the
witness worked called "125
computers", situated on the EN 125,
Mexilhoeira Grande. As his employer
failed to pay his salary, he left
the firm around three years ago.
--- He has now formed a company
called "Sergey
which is not yet on the Internet,
for monetary reasons, since its
introduction has high costs.
--- He had solely professional
contacts with ROBERT, although RM
had invited him to form a joint
business, which was refused by the
--- The first contact with ROBERT,
as already said, was in last summer,
to create the web page, and this
occurred near the Church of the
Light [the church in PdL], where
there was only ROBERT and the
witness, he believes at l0H00/11H00.
He now alleges that RUI was not
present personally, he only gave
Robert's phone number to SM. The
creation of the Internet page took
about three weeks to a month. ROBERT
paid him '3000 in total, in two
equal installments. The first part
of the payment was at the beginning
of the work and the second when
--- The second time they met was two
or three days later, not knowing
where this occurred but thinks it
was in the "Baptista" supermarket.
He does not have an indication of
the time. This second meeting was to
show him the page, although not
complete, he believes on ROBERT's
--- Contacts for the meetings were
made by mobile phone.
--- The other meetings, he does not
know how many, but he claims there
had been five or six times, occurred
in a space of two or three days,
where they gave information to the
witness to carry out work on the
page, or make changes. These
meetings were conducted at his
house, in the room opposite the
gates, where he had the portable
[computer], in the kitchen and in
the "Baptista'. He does not know the
specific days, but they were between
10H00 and 12H00 and in the afternoon
between 18H00 and 21H00. This will
have taken place in the summer of
the past year. In some of those
meetings MICHAELA was present.
--- After completing the page, he
knows that ROBERT went to the UK.
During the work, he had some
problems with ROBERT, of a
professional nature, because he
demanded changes, and sometimes the
witness forgot to perform them.
--- The last time they met was at
the request of ROBERT, who called
the witness to perform other work
and improve the page. The day after
the telephone contact he met with
him together with MICHAELA. This
meeting took place on 30 April 2007,
so the contact call occurred on
29th. It was held in the "Baptista"
supermarket, about 10H00. It was
agreed that the witness would try
the page, following indication from
ROBERT, the indications being given
by email. The witness' email:
[e-mail address deleted]. The last
telephone contact he had with
ROBERT, he believes, was on May 11,
when the witness was contacted, he
thinks, at 16:00. This contact was
to draw the attention of the
witness, because the page opened
incorrectly. He recalls trying to
call ROBERT on 14th, however he [RM]
had the appliance disconnected.
--- He describes his days as
follows: he wakes at 09H00/10H00,
has breakfast and leaves to go to
deal with professional matters -
visits to customers who have
contracts and other clients who
sought his services. He does not
know the localities, or
corresponding times. Usually no
lunch, returning home at
18H00/19H00, where he consults his
email and calendar. Rarely leaves at
night, and when he does, he is
accompanied by his girlfriend to go
to the cinema or a restaurant. He
usually schedules his services the
day before he executes them. To
travel between services he uses his
car "Audi A4, registration
--- He states that he has all the
appointments, with the data/hour and
client's name booked [recorded] in
his MDA and home computer.
--- Regarding the day 03 May he said
that he did not meet, nor spoke with
Robert. On this day he followed the
routine described above.
--- As for the computers he had at
home he said that one of them is his
property, without brand, and the
other two belong to customers,
including a customer from Burgau,
but he does not know the name, and
another from the firm 'Avenue
properties", with offices in Lagos
and Praia da Luz. In his car he also
had a laptop computer which he
bought today in the "People's Radio"
brand "Accer", for the sum of
--- Also in Burgau he has a client
by the name of "SALLY", a female,
who is an aunt or cousin of ROBERT.
She has a home called 'Salsalito'
near the International School of Burgau. This visit occurred about a
week ago, day 08 or 09.
--- With specific reference to the
03 May 2007, the witness confirms to
have woken up at his parents' home,
between 9 and 10am, having followed
his normal professional activity,
which is the service and repair of
computers. He does not recall which
customers were visited, since
anything that occurs daily is
registered in his MDA.
--- Also he does not recollect
having lunch that day. He knows he
got home by 18H00. He dined with the
family and stayed in his room for
the rest of the night, using the
computer for games, Messenger,
internet and may have carried out
some repairs to the equipment of a
--- The next day, he learnt about
the disappearance of a girl, through
an image put in the shop window of a
shop near to his house, having asked
a member of staff what had happened,
who also could not explain to him.
He had a day without changes, that
is, he did all tasks he had planned
to perform.
--- He affirms not to have had any
involvement in the efforts that were
made by almost all local residents,
in the search for the missing girl,
named MADELEINE. This was due only
to lack of time, since he had much
work and could not fail in the
commitments to customers.
--- With regard to the telephone
contact he received on 03 May 07, at
23:30, made by ROBERT, he affirms
that he does not recall having
received such a call, but if this
actually happened, it will have been
to arrange a meeting with the same,
for professional reasons.
--- He affirms he is not protecting
ROBERT and never to have had the
intention to take any kind of
responsibility for him, including
the activities undertaken for him on
the computer.
--- He does not know any thing that
can contribute to [finding the] the
location of the girl, or for any
another kind of explanation of the
events under investigation.
--- No other information to provide
for the file.
Has nothing further to add. Read,
ratifies and will sign
1462 List of further confiscated items
from Malinka |
06 Processo
Volume VI page 1462 |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1462 |
[List of further confiscated items from Malinka]
Dated 17 May 2007, this is a formal signed
consent for an MDA-Windows Mobile
2003 to be analysed. |
1463 to 1465 Fax cover sheet with copy
of Malinkas passport
1466 Confirmation of above fax |
06 Processo
Volume VI pages 1463 to 1465 |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1463 |
Fax cover sheet with copy of Malinkas
Dated 17 May 2007, this is a fax to the Russian
Consul together with a copy of two pages from
SM's passport
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1464 |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1465 |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1466 |
1843 to 1844
Witness statement of
Svetlana Malinika
2007.06.20 |
07 Process, Volume VII,
pages 1843-44 (2 pages) |
07_VOLUME_VI1a_Page_1843 |
07_VOLUME_VI1a_Page_1844 |
- MOTHER OF Sergey Malinka
Process, Volume VII, pages 1843-44
(2 pages)
Date: 2007/06/20 Time: 22h00
Location: DIC Portim'
Officer: Carlos Dordonnat -
There is no relationship as
envisaged in Art.134, paragraph 1 of
the CPP.
Moves to give evidence.
In the matter of the file she said:
--- She comes to these in the
capacity of a witness.
--- Because the witness does not
know the Portuguese language she is
going to be assisted in this act by
the Russian-speaking interpreter
Mrs. Galina Lxxxx in this DIC.
--- The witness has been in Portugal
since August 1999, having always
resided in Praia da Luz - Lagos.
--- For approximately 5 or 6 years
the witness works in the firm Blue
Ocean, which undertakes cleaning
work in the area of Praia da Luz and
specifically in the area of the
Ocean Club where the company
performs cleaning work in some of
the apartments near the apartment
where the English minor Madeleine
McCann disappeared, namely in an
apartment that is in the same block
but which is on the top floor, it
being that the witness does not know
precisely which apartment.
--- She adds that the witness is not
always the one who goes there as
there are other employees in the
firm and the work allocation is done
on a rotation basis.
--- The witness adds that the vast
majority of people working in the
area know that the apartments in the
block occupied by the McCann couple
are normally occupied given the
proximity of the pool, and the
occupants are usually foreigners.
--- The witness declares further
that she knew of the disappearance
of the minor from having heard
conversations of her colleagues
commenting on the case, it being
that only two days after the events
she came to understand [learn] the
location where the events had
--- She has nothing to add regarding
the disappearance of the minor
Madeleine McCann, except to say that
she has lived in the area of Praia
da Luz for about eight years and at
no time has she ever been aware of
abnormal situations given that she
characterises the area as being very
Nothing further was said. Read,
ratifies and will sign with the
translator who assisted in this.
3439 Confidential
report re: denouncement of
Sergei Malinka (Spanish) |
13 Processo 13
Pages 3439 |
13_VOLUME_XIIIa_Page_3439 |
3439 -
Confidential report
re: denouncement of
Sergei Malinka (Spanish)
(The second of the three pieces of information from the book
given to the PJ by Metodo 3)
Processos Vol XIII
Page 3439
Alison informs us that 4 years ago her
boyfriend Cristian was spending two nights
at Sergei Malinka's home when, upon going to
send an email from one of Sergei's computers
and upon joining an attachment he saw
paedophile material. When asked for
explanations, Sergei told him that it was a
client's computer and that he would denounce
the fact to the pertinent authorities the
following day.
That is what Alison told us.
Alison's phone number: ******
The telephone conversation with Alison is
Original Spanish text here (note the
telephone conversation is not in the files):
4184 Letter from S. Malinka requesting
return of items confiscated
4203 Return of laptops |
16 Processo 16
Pages 4184 & 4203 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4184 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4203 |
4184 is where Malinka asks for his Items
4203 is noted as 'return of laptops'
Processos Vol XVI
Page 4184
To: The Instruction Judge
Lagos Judicial Court
I, Sergey Malinka, previously identified in the
process files, come to request the following:
1. As explained in a previous request, on 16th
May 2007 at about 15.00, the Portimao PJ carried
out searches in my residence (see document
joined to my previous request).
2. On the night of 16th – 17th May I was heard
exhaustively at the Portimao PJ installations in
my quality as witness.
3. On 17th May 2007 at the end of the afternoon
all material was returned to me that had been
apprehended on the previous evening, with the
exception of a Sony portable computer, model
Vaio PGC-6H4L, with series number
281992303103495 and the rest of the material
that was taken from my home on 17th May for
future analysis.
4. The PJ promised me at that moment that the
material in point nº3 would be returned to me in
a week’s time (!!!)
5. Until now (ten months later!) nothing has
been returned to me and this situation continues
to cause me serious harm and difficulty in my
professional life.
6. I request that you order the return of the
apprehended items, with maximum urgency,
ordering its return to me, by
** Following page is missing. |