442 to 447 Background information on Robert
Murat and Michaela Walzuch |
2-Processo Vol II pages 442 to 447 |
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Background information on Robert Murat and
Relating to R.J.Q.E.Murat it was determined:
1. he lives at Casa Liliana ..... Lagos;
2. at the same address but in a separate house
lives his mother J.A.Murat;
3. he was born on ... 1973;
4. he has passport number ... ;
5. his NIF is ... ;
6. he can be contacted on telephones 282... and
919... ;
7. he has e-mail address: ... ;
8. profession: provider of services;
9. holder of bank account at Banco Santander,
co-holder M.Walczuch, born ...; NIF ...;
contactable by phones 282... and 919...; mail:
...; profession provider of services; resident
of Rua ... Lagos; BI ...;
10. MW has another bank account (cheque) on
which she frequently uses a debit card ...;
11. the following movements have occurred
between January and May ...;
12. into this account MW makes regular low-value
deposits of cash and cheques;
13. In 2005 RM submitted a tax return for
business-related income ... paid to him by a
company ...;
14. In 2005 MW submitted a tax return for
business-related income ... paid to her by a
company ...;
15. the company that paid both was ... in Lagos
16. in recent days RM has been seen at the
following addresses in Lagos ...;
17. both those locations are registered in the
name of the company above ...;
18. attached is the identity card of MW, data
from her driving licence and her vehicle,
Peugeot 205, colour grey and licence ..- ..- ..;
Portimao, 7 May 2007
Inspector, M.P.
461 to 462
Letter detailing
denouncement of
Robert Murat |
Volume II
pages 461 to
462 |
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Volume II
PJ Record
8th May
At about
20.00 the
received a
phone call
from a
number that
could not be
from a
person with
a female
speaking in
who did not
want to be
for reasons
of safety.
She refers
to an
who abducted
who knows
how to keep
quiet and is
quite close
to the
police. When
asked who
she was
referring to
she said it
was an
who resides
in Praia da
Luz, who has
an English
mother, who
speaks this
very well,
who was near
the area
since the
of the
little girl,
with the
intention of
helping the
She said
this man was
Robert and
that he used
to consult
chats of a
pretty heavy
nature. He
would also
use Internet
for contacts
he had in
in the UK.
She said
most of the
mails he
sent were
due to the
of the kind
of content
This is why
she wanted
to alert the
about the
of this man,
who, in her
could have
motives and opportunity, knowing the area perfectly for committing or collaborating in
this type of
957 to 958 External
diligence carried out in the
OC 2007.05.11 |
04-Processos Vol IV Pages
957 - 958 |
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External Inquiry Report
Date. 2007-05-11
Place: Ocean Club, P da L.
Responsible Officers:
Officers Joao Carlos and
Luis Pereira
Description and Result:
Systematically analysed with
the elements contained in
the investigation that
indicate how the action
could eventually have
occurred, the possibility of
placing different valid
hypotheses referring to the
process of the action was
concluded, it being the case
that in all the equated
scenarios, the direction of
the escape route taken by
the author (abductor) was
It should be remembered that
Jane Tanner's witness
statement confirms having
seen and individual carrying
a child, who would have left
from Block 5 A and turned to
the right, walking along Rua
Agostinho da Silva and
crossing the road at the
junction with Rua Direita,
where the entrance to the
Tapas restaurant is
situated, the route used by
the parents when checking on
the children, in this way
placing himself at greater
In effect, if the action had
been planned, the author
should have - bearing in
mind the physical space -
chosen the contrary
direction as his escape
route, where there was a
parking area at a distance
of 20 metres, which would
have been a discreet way to
enable him to leave the
scene unnoticed.
Given this reasoning, it was
judged appropriate to visit
the scene, in order to see
the geographical viability
of the correct perception of
the events, or at least the
closest possible
approximation regarding
their truth.
It was immediately possible
to note that the Casa
Liliana house, situated in
Rua da Ramalhete, P da L,
Lagos, owned by Robert
Murat, could also de
designated as Casa Liliana,
situated on Rua Agostinho
Silva, or in other words,
situated in the same road as
Block 5, precisely in the
direction taken by the
suspicious individual,
described in Jane Tanner's
witness account.
An image of the site is
attached with indications
relating to the above
Comment by the officer
responsible for the inquiry:
Excepting superior opinion,
the fact that had not been
explained, concerning the
abductor's escape route,
would be clarified in the
case that it were possible
to report that the author
(abductor) lives or has
access to some space next to
the site, namely in the
direction in which an
individual was seen to be
Attached map: 959 |
960 to 961 Results of
conversation with Robert
Murat 2007.05.11 |
04-PROCESSO 4 - 960 to 961 |
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Translators note - -
I must make it clear that this
officer, while doing his clear
professional duty, was, of
necessity, couching much of his
statement in a very diplomatic
manner. Some of his phrasing I have
managed to keep word-for-word,
whereas other parts I have had to
cut directly to the chase because it
is simply too tortuous for me to
convert word-for-word into English.
As usual my inline explanatory
comments are in square brackets.
Processo page 960-961
Information document dated 11 May 2007
from Inspector Pedro Varanda relating to
an informal conversation with Robert
As you will know, Sir, on this day at
11h30, there appeared before the
undersigned and (lady) Inspector
Patricia Duarte, a British citizen
Diane Webster, holder of UK
passport XXXXXXX, in order to hear her
witness statement.
In the course of an informal approach
that proceeded that work, it was
determined that she was not conversant
in Portuguese, written or spoken, and
the service of an English-speaking
interpreter was therefore called for.
In this function appeared a British
citizen, Robert J.Q.E. Murat (duly
identified in the files from previous
work), official resident of Casa Liliana,
Rua Ramalhete, Praia da Luz, Lagos.
The work
[the DW interview]
being concluded, and during an informal
conversation that the undersigned began
with that interpreter (as would be
characteristic in this type of
situation), Robert Murat displayed an
unusual curiosity about the
investigation that was developing around
the disappearance of the minor Madeleine
McCann that occurred on 3 May 2007.
As an example, it will be proper to
point out that he has insistently and
repeatedly questioned me about the
identity of possible suspects, about the
strategy outlined by the lead
coordinator of the investigation and the
work that might possibly have been
considered for the coming days.
[faced with]
such an attitude, that was so unusual
and absolutely inappropriate that I
immediately became highly suspicious, I
always countered
[ducked the questions],
insistently requesting that person to be
aware of the contractual duties
pertaining to the role which he has
assumed in this investigation, pointing
out that it was presently the inquiry
phase, and, naturally, covered by
judicial secrecy.
The above mentioned suspicions were made
even stronger when I realized that
Robert Murat was trying, in a persistent
and dissimulated manner, to look at the
various procedural documents that
compose the present enquiry while I was
consulting them in preparation for the
Dianne Webster interview.
Finally, and in the sense of reiterating
the suspicious attitude shown by Robert
Murat, I venture still to state that,
beyond having manifested an enormous
knowledge about the dynamics inherent in
the functioning of the "Ocean Club
Garden" (in which the events under
investigation had taken place) and of
the routines followed by the McCann
family and their companions during their
respective stays in in Praia da Luz, he
has tried persistently to influence the
conduct of the present investigation,
suggesting various analyses the
agreement with which [i.e. had they
agreed to follow those suggested lines
of inquiry] could be intended to impute
the consummation of the present illegal
[the missing child]
to foreign third parties
[i.e. to put the blame on, or to
attribute the blame to, outside
The above being exposed
[laid bare]
- and without intending in any way to
place in question the competence of the
above individual, nor the slightest
imputation that that
[my suspicions]
was what he wanted to be
[actually intended
to do]
- I have to bring the above incidents to
your attention, in order for you to
determine what may be appropriate.11 May
Pedro Varanda
Further background
information on Robert Murat
IV, pg. 985
04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_985 |
Processos Volume IV
Page 985
• Has
lived in
• Has a
for the
of the
1. that
offer of
may have
in the
out by
that the
when it
comes to
2. that
to the
case is
in the
and that
the PJ
come to
• States
that the
is a
• He
grew up
in an
Essen or
in the
south of
north of
the case
of an
who due
to media
but in
case a
10 year
old was
by a
her next
base in
• Stated
that he
to rent
a car as
his car
used for
he did
• That
on this
night he
had a
• That
as a
for the
of a
of the
986 to
External diligence in Lagos
regarding Robert Murat
04 Processo Volume 4 Pages
986-992 |
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External Diligence 12 May
2007 in Lagos
Officers: Manuel P., Joao C.
and Luis P., Inspectors
- From the items collected
and conveyed in the case
file documents pertaining to
RJQE Murat, we determine
that he makes use of a
vehicle "VW Transporter",
licence plate 44-77-KD.
- After finding the vehicle
we mounted surveillance at
Rua Agostinho ... Luz
where the vehicle was
- At 12h40 the observed
person was seen leaving the
house, getting into the
vehicle and going to the
town centre, stopping at Rua
1 de Maio, where he engages in
conversation with various people, in our view, in a casual manner, like someone explaining something.
- At 13h05 the target goes
to a roadside bench sited in
Rua 1 de Maio, Luz. In
this place he speaks with an
elderly woman who was there
in order to gather
information about the
disappearance of the child.
This bench, it was clearly
said in the media, is being
attended by a lady who is in
Portugal for several
years, and who was there to
receive information about
Madeleine from people who
had some reluctance to
communicate it to the
authorities. This woman is
mother of the observed
person and identifies
herself as JA Murat.
- Soon after the observed
person goes to the
pastelaria "Dom Doce" where
bought food that he took to
the lady, his mother, very
soon after, peeping into
a vehicle that was also
parked there, a Peugeot 206,
licence RI-96-03.
- At 13h11 the target gets
into his vehicle and leaves
in the direction of
Lagos. About 13h22 he parks
the vehicle in Rua Adelina
... Lagos and goes inside
number 8. At 15h09 the
observed person leaves in
the car and proceeds to Rua
Joao Moniz Nogueira, Lagos,
parks the vehicle and enters
lot B. Some minutes
later, 15h35, the target
gets back into the vehicle
and proceeds in the
direction of the town of
- At 15h54 the observed
person parks the vehicle
near to "Casa Liliana" a
further along from where it
was during the night, going
then inside the Villa.
- At 16h41 he gets back into
the vehicle and drives off
to the centre of town,
stopping next to the
above-mentioned "Dom Doce".
Six minutes later, 16h47, he
goes to an ATM of Caixa
Credito Agricola situated at
no. 2-4, Travessa 1 de
Maio. He begins a
conversation with someone,
both speaking in English.
- At 17h01 the observed
person and the
above-mentioned lady load
the bench and
other equipment into the VW.
At 17h06 the target walks to
Rua 1 de Maio, going
down, coming to meet an
individual about 180cm tall,
thin, wearing glasses and
an orange T-shirt. At 17h09
he enters the premises of
the car rental agency
"Auto Vermietung - auto rent
III" in the Largo da Igreja
[church square],
About 17h16 the observed
person leaves the rent-a-car
and gets into a vehicle,
Hyundai Getz, blue, licence
60-AX-86, going to Rua 1 de
Maio where he stops next
to the pastelaria "Dom
Doce", entering this place
accompanied by the bench
At 17h48 the observed person
goes in the Hyundai and
stops in Rua Direita where
he goes to "Batista"
supermarket. At 17h58 he
leaves "Batista" proceeding
to the
EN125 and later to the A22,
Portimao direction
[direction: from West to
At 18h26 he parks the
vehicle in the car park next
to the Portimonense stadium
in Portimao and, now on
foot, at 18h31 enters the
premises of the police. At
20h52 he leaves the police
station, goes to the vehicle
and proceeds to Lagos.
At 21h16 he stops next to
number 8 Rua Adelina ...
Lagos and collects a woman
who was waiting there for
him. Then he proceeds in the
direction of Praia da Luz
and Burgau. At 21h37 he goes
along the detour of Praia da
Cabana Velha, turns
round and enters the
Restaurant "D. Dinis". At
23h35 the observed person,
together with the woman,
leaves the restaurant
returning to Praia da Luz in
vehicle, there going ahead
of him the other vehicle
already referred to, the
Peugeot, licence RI-96-03,
which was transporting the
elderly lady who was on
the bench. At 23h45 the
target in his vehicle and
the Peugeot RI-96-03 arrive
Rua Agostino ... Luz,
opening the gates to Casa
Liliana and parking the
inside. The target and his
companion then go, in the
Hyundai, to the centre of
Praia da Luz. At 00h47 the
observed person releases
[drops off] the woman who
accompanied him next to
number 8 Rua Adelina ...
Lagos, heading shortly after
Luz. At 00h55 the observed
person parked the vehicle
next to the gate of Casa
Liliana, entering the house.
- At 01:30 this work was
[Signed Joao C., Inspector]
Pages 990-992 are vehicle
registration documents. |
993 to
External diligence re:
Robert Murat rental vehicle
04 Volume IV, pp. 993 to 994 |
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Processos Volume IX
Pages 993 to 994
Date: 2007/05/13
Locale: Praia da Luz – Lagos
Entity that determined the
diligence: Exmo. Sr C.I.C. Dr.
Goncalo Amaral
Functionary that executes:
Jose Ricardo and Mario
Ramos, Inspectors
Description and
result of diligence:
On this date, conforming
to the superior order, the signatory went, accompanied by Sr. Inspector Mario Ramos, to the AUTORENT III
premises, situated in Largo da Igreja, Praia da Luz, Lagos, where they consulted all the rental contracts
celebrated in the last three days to this date, stressing that we refer to the vehicle Hyundai Getz
plate no. 60-AX-86, whose driver is identified as Mr. Murat, Robert James, address, 3, The Street, Hockering,
Bereham, NR20, 3HL, 72121 U.K., born 20-11-73 in the U.K., holder of driving license MURAT 711203, issued on
21-12-95 and contactable at telephone number 919 188 441.
The rental contract in question has
the number 0014751, was celebrated on 12-05-2007, with delivery of the vehicle at 17H16, registered with 29.947 Km
and date of return 15-05-2007, around 18H00, at the same place as the delivery.
A photocopy of the above
mentioned contract
is attached. |
to 1001 Further background
information on Robert Murat
04-Volume IV, pp. 995 to 1001
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Minister of Justice
Portimao Department of Criminal
NUIPC – 201/07/07/0 GALGS
Relating to the present
investigation related to the
disappearance which occurred on the
03 of May of 2007, in the temporal
hiatus between 21H05 and 22H00, of a
child which turned four years of age
last Saturday, identified as
Madeleine McCann, and who was
staying in apartment 5-A, block 5,
of the establishment 'Luz Ocean
Club,' herein referred to as LOC.
Conforming to the results of the
initial participation, the minor's
parents, Gerald McCann and Kate
Healy, were enjoying holidays in our
country, together with a group of
citizens, also British, for a total
of nine adults and eight children.
They arrived on the 28th of April,
having booked their return for the
05th of May. On the day in which the
facts are reported, the parents, as
was usual, went to dinner, together
with the rest of the group, to a
restaurant in the interior of the
resort, known as 'Tapas', whose
distance is around 50 metres from
the apartment where Madeleine lay
sleeping, and her twins siblings of
two years of age. As was habitual,
around 21H05 the father, Gerald,
went to see the children, having
entered through the sliding door at
the back of the above referenced
apartment, which always remained
unlocked so as to facilitate the
access to/from the restaurant and
the pool. After checking, although
briefly, he verified that this three
children were in perfect conditions,
sleeping profoundly, although the
door to their room was more open
than was normal. Upon returning, he
established a conversation with a
friend, with whom he played tennis
that afternoon, at the same time
that one of the elements of the
group, Jane Tanner, when she was
walking up lateral artery of the
apartment, she saw the back of an
individual with a child in his arms,
not being able to ascertain if it
was little Madeleine. Because she
did not have knowledge of the
disappearance, given that the alarm
was raised an hour later, although finding it strange,
she did not comment on what she had
seen. Around 21H30/21H35, another
element of the group, Matt, went to
check on Madeleine's apartment among
others, not having entered the
children's bedroom, yet related,
laconically, that there was light
in the room. He also entered via the
sliding door, which was, as already
mentioned, always unlocked. He
states that everything was well,
although he had not seen the missing
child. Around 22H00, when the
mother, Kate, went to go check on
the children, she saw the door to
the children's room completely open,
the window also open and the
curtains drawn to the side, which
did not correspond with how they
left everything closed. She verified
that Madeleine could not be found.
She searched for her daughter
instantly in the interior of the
apartment, confirming that she was
not there. Immediately, she advised
the rest of the elements of the
group she was dining with, and they
extended the searches with
auxiliaries of the LOC, and
contacted the local authorities who
would alert this police.
Immediately, diligences were begun
to localise the child, on the day of
the occurrence and on subsequent
days, using impressive means in a
insistent and repeated way.
We followed all leads, viable and
non-viable, using search-dogs and
other means of search and detection.
Even with this titanic force, it was
not possible, in the investigation,
to localise the missing child.
Of the many elements collected, and
pointing out, that at this moment in
the investigation, the occurrence of
an unusual situation, relative to an
individual identified as Robert
James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.
This individual, voluntarily, went
to the GNR post alleging that he was
an interpreter of the English
language, and could be useful in
helping to realise diligences. He
was directed to the elements of this
police which were at the locale.
Right on this day and on the
following days, he helped in various
diligences realised by this police,
namely in the inquires of the
British functionaries of the LOC.
At this point in time we noted
immediately a strange comportment,
especially with the press/media,
alleging that
he did not want to be photographed,
or to make allusions to this
We stress that at this time, we were
contacted by various journalists,
who alleged that they had noticed
his strange comportment, and that he
showed himself to be extremely
curious. When they tired to capture
his picture, he repudiated this
vehemently, alleging that he was
father to a little girl, the same
age as Madeleine and was in the
middle of a divorce.
Confronted with this incoherent
comportment, Robert Murat,
showed much nervousness and
offered to stop providing services,
if that was our desire.
For the investigative strategy, in
order to better control and collect
relevant elements, we opted to
continue to use his services. Also
via communication with the Leicester
police authorities, the locale where
the McCann family lives in the U.K.,
we were informed that an English
reporter had suspicions regarding
Robert, for the reason of his
evasive comportment when she tried to
take his picture and from a telephone call, which he said was to his daughter, making it in a loud voice,
as if he wanted to demonstrate something.
The target resides in Vila da Luz,
and while this is not binding, that
the route of the observed suspect by
the testimony of Jane, went in the
direction of his home. He has
knowledge of the area where the
facts occurred, enabling him to circulate
among, to sway [influence] and to educate (figuratively speaking) the natives
and people that are there on their
It is also stressed that some of the
routes taken by foot by Madeleine
and her family, went through the
locale where he lives. It is further
added that reported in the present
investigation is anonymous
information, alerting us to the
eventuality of the abductor being
found in a residence of the locale
in proximity to block 5, and the
same accesses various sites of a
sexual nature, trading, inclusively,
encrypted communications.
Thus, suspicions fall on the target
and for this reason sir, I am
requesting that you suggest to the
Magistrate to issue search warrants
for his below referenced homes, given that only with such legal instruments is it possible to progress
the investigation:
LAGOS, residence of the observed person and his mother, JA Murat, given that they live together.
2. Rua D. João Moniz Nogueira,
*******, Lagos
3. Rua Adelina ******, residence of
Michaela Walczuch
4. Rua Garret, ******, Lagos
5. Rua Lima Leitão, ********, Lagos
Equally we ask for search warrants
for the vehicles:
1. VW Transporter *****
2. Peugeot 205 - *****
3. Hyundai Getz ******
We also request telephone
conversation interceptions and
recordings of the target's numbers,
with the cellular locale indication:
1. ****** (number TMN)
2. ********.
The number of his mother JENNIFER
1. ********
1. **********
Besides these numbers, we ask to
proceed with the interceptions of
International Mobile Equipment
Identity (IMEI) where the same
operate and may come to operate.
We additionally ask for a digitally
supported detailed invoice and list
of trace back and cellular
localization of calls to the numbers
listed above, in the period between
the 25th day of April 2007 and the
present date..
We also request authorisation for
voice and image recording.
This being, the investigators await
your consideration, sir, at your
convenience, pursuant to these
Portimao, 13th May, 2007
The Inspector
Joao Carlos
1006 to 1008
- Letter to judicial
tribunal regarding Murat's
possible involvement in the
crime 2007.05.13 |
04 Processos Vol IV Pages 1006 - 1008 |
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Portimao Judicial Court
Conclusion 13-05-2007
From the process files (pages 995 – 998)
results the founded suspicion that the
suspect Robert Murat could be the author
of the abduction being investigated.
A search of the residences used by the
suspect was required, this diligence
being essential for acquiring evidence.
As this diligence is essential for the
acquisition of evidence and in ordering
the search warrant as promoted by the
magistrate of the Public Ministry as
being covered by the provisions of Art
174 n° 2 of the CPP which determines the
granting of these warrants as laid down
in articles 174 n° 2 and 3, 177 n° 1 and
269 n° 1a) from the CPP:
I determine that search of the premises
should be made, carried out by the PJ
within the scope of the ongoing
investigation, under suspicion of the
practice of the crime of abduction at
the residences of the suspect, Robert
- in Rua Ramalhete, Casa Liliana, Luz,
Lagos, residence of the suspect and his
mother Jennifer Murat, where they both
live and the annexes:
- Rua Joaoa Moniz Nogueira, plot B3 in
- Rua Adelina de Gloria Berger, plot 8 1
C in Lagos, residence of Michaela
I also order searches in the following
- Rua Garret n°19 in Lagos.
- Rua Lima Leitao n°19, ground floor in
As well as search warrants for the
- VW Transporter, number plate 44-77-KD
- Peugeot 205 number plate RI-96-03
- Hiundai Getz number plate 60-AX-86
Proceed to issue the search warrants
with the mention that, in the course of
the authorised search the rules and
limitations foreseen in articles n°176
and n°1 of 177 of the CPP should be
Because it is useful for the purposes of
the ongoing investigation, under the
conditions of article 269 n°1c and 2,
187, 1 and 188 of the CPP, I determine
the procedure of the interception and
taping of telephone conversations or any
other kind of communication made from or
too the following numbers 91 918 84 41
(TMN number) 91 368 75 18, 91 746 23 08
and 91 988 19 59 (TMN number) during the
period of 15 days.
Each respective operator should be
requested to provide a detailed invoice
in digital form, register of trace back
and location of the mobile phones with
the abovementioned numbers relating to
the period from 25th April 2007 to the
current date, as well as the
interception of IMEIS where the numbers
operate or are seen to operate.
This information should be sent directly
to the PJ, guaranteeing confidentiality
for the operator.
Resulting from the process files, given
that in the inquiries already carried
out there are indications that are
consistent with the abovementioned
suspect having been identified as the
author of the abduction referred to in
the process files.
This action is susceptible of including
the practice of child trafficking.
The crime referred to is classed in
article 1 n° 1 of Law n° 5/2002(a).
As it is obvious that the diligence in
question has great interest for
establishing the facts being
investigated given their nature,
authorisation is given to collect images
and voice recordings by means of video
relating to the movements of the suspect
on national territory (n° 1 of article 6
of law 5/2002, 11th Jan).
I hereby authorise the collection of
image and voice recordings by means of
video relating to the suspect's
movements for 30 days, whilst observing
legal formalities.
The image and voice recordings should be
submitted for judgement after ten days
of collection and the requirements of
art 188 n°1 of the CPP should be
Portimao 13-05-2007(23.30)
Criminal Instruction Judge |
1020 to 1021
- Telephone interception information re:
R. Murat |
04 Processos Vol IV Pages 1020 to 1021 |
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04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_1021 |
Service Information
Date: 2007-05-14
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal
From: Inspector Franco
Subject: Telephone Interceptions and
Detailed Invoices of Mobile Phones
During the course of the analysis of the
traffic of calls made and received on
the mobile phones of the suspect Robert
Murat, it was observed that the mobile
numbers 911948359, 914168557 and
918224078 are used to make contact
during the period before the girl's
abduction and during the period
immediately after her disappearance, for
this reason it is essential for the
discovery of the truth and for the
location of the missing girl Madeleine
McCann that the following inquiries are
carried out:
Interception of the mobile numbers
911948359, 914168557 and 918224078 in
case that which is suggested should be
decided, the letter sent to the operator
Vodaphone should obey the following
- The interception of the mobiles with
the numbers 911948359, 914168557 and
918224078 as well as the latest IMEIS
associated to them:
- Detailed invoice and register of Trace
- Mobile phone location
- Identification of IMEIs
- Interception to be effected during 30
Legal letter to the mobile phone
operator Vodaphone in the sense that the
latter delivers to this police force the
detailed invoice listing (calls made and
received) with a determination of the
cells activated by the mobile numbers
911948359, 914168557 and 918224078
during the period from 1st May 2007 to
the present date.
I submit this for your information and
for the most appropriate decision.
Inspector Franco |
1045 to 1062
- Letter from Vodafone re: calls
received/made on lines owned by Robert
Murat and Jennifer Murat |
04 Processos Vol IV Pages 1045 – 1062 |
Vodaphone listings of calls made and
received by Murat sent to the PJ on
14-05-2007 |
04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_1045 |
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1063 to 1069
- Letter from TMN regarding call traffic
for mobile phone
TMN phone listings for Robert Murat sent
to the PJ on 14-05-200 |
04 Processos Vol IV Pages 1063 – 1069 |
Pages 1064 ? 1069
TMN phone listings for Robert Murat sent
to the PJ on 14-05-2007: |
04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_1063 |
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1121 to 1123 External
diligence carried out on
Casa Liliana 2007.05.14
1124 Search Warrant
for Casa Liliana |
05-Processo Vol V pages 1121
to 1123 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1121 |
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05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1124a |
External diligence carried
out on Casa Liliana
Today at 07h20, I, Joao
Carvalho, together with
three teams ( * ) who
searched 2Casa Liliana" in
Rua da Ramalhete ...
property of R.J.Q.E.Murat,
report the following:
- Arriving at the location,
the owner was contacted who
locked away his dogs then
conducted Support Team 1
onto the premises;
- Initially, the entire
area, internal and external,
was identified. The internal
area comprises an entrance
hall, two suites with room
and WC, one bedroom with a
conservatory, a large
reception room, a sitting
room with conservatory, a
kitchen and a pantry with a
small walled kitchen garden,
a machine room, a WC and an
adjoining suite with private
WC (bedroom of R.Murat). The
external area comprises a
shed, by a greenhouse, a
swimming pool, a machine
room and a storehouse (the
latter two situated below
the pool);
- The searches began by
Teams A1 and A2, inside and
outside, being accompanied
by J.A.Murat, mother of the
- In the course of the
search two rainwater
cisterns were found next to
the pool. They were partly
emptied to facilitate a
search by a diving team from
the Fire Department of
Luz-Lagos (Commandants Paulo
Reis and Rui Rodrigues). The
work results were negative.
- The GNR dog team commanded
by First-Sergeant A.Silva
used four dogs to search for
a trace of Madeleine Beth
McCann in the entire
property (inside and
outside). The work results
were negative.
- In the location were three
vehicles - VW Transporter;
Peugeot 205; Hyundai Getz -
all of which were searched.
- The entire property was
inspected by colleagues from
Local Crime Section and
Police Science Laboratory,
with respective photographic
reports made, with special
focus on R.Murat's room and
the vehicles.
( * ) [Names of the team
members are given here in
the report].
Everything was done
according to the
authorisations. Various
items were seized and
The work was completed at
This RDE (Relatorio de
Diligencia Externa) is
appended to the Inquiry by -
Signed - Joao Carvalho,
1125 to 1129 Results of
search inside Casa Liliana
and items apprehended
1130 Copies of Romigen
business cards
1131 Copy of ATM
receipt/withdrawal made
1132 Support page with
letter for J. Murat
welcoming her to UZO
1133 TO 1133a List of
telephone numbers
apprehended from R. Murat
1134 to 1134a Copy of page
from the Telegraph Review
with evidence of paedophilia
1135 Search warrant for
Hyundai Getz |
05-Processo Vol V pages 1125
to 1135 |
Results of search inside
and items
This is a list of items
seized during the search of
Casa Liliana.
There is minimal Portuguese
to be translated aside from
the standard legal wording,
and the details of the items
are better seen
(typewritten) (1) in the
pages immediately following
this report, (2) in the
later "Results of
Examinations" and, even
later, (3) in the requests
to have the items returned
to the owners.
1136 to 1137 Results of
search re: Hyundai Getz
1138 Search warrant for
Peugeot 205
1139 to 1140 Results of
search re: Peugeot 205 |
Processo Vol V pages 1136 to
1140 |
Processo Vol V pages 1136 to
1137 – Results of search re:
Hyundai Getz
Processo Vol V pages 1139 to
1140 – Results of search re:
Peugeot 205
Both of these reports state
... nada foi encontrado ou
apreendido ......
Nothing was found or
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1136 |
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1141 Search warrant for VW
Transport van
1142 to 1143 Results
of search re: VW transport
van. |
05-Processo Vol V pages 1141
to 1143 |
Results of search re: VW
transport van
This report states that
several objects were seized,
which are better seen in the
pages following this report
and in official photographic
report at pages 1387 to
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1141 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1141a |
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1144 Support page with piece
of ticket for the 2007 Home
1145 Copy of embarkation
note dated 2007.05.01
Results of examination on
Micro SD card |
Vol V page 1144
to 1146 |
Results of examination on
Micro SD card
Nothing was found of
relevance to the case.
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1144 |
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1147 Results of examination
on Murats laptop 2007.05.14 |
05-Processo Vol V page 1147 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1147 |
Results of examination on
Murat's laptop 2007.05.14
The hard drive was
mechanically faulty
useless any attempt to
access contents of the disk.
1148 Results of exam on SMC
router with voice ADSL and
mac address
1149 to 1166 Analysis of SMC
05-Processo Vol V page 1148 |
Results of exam on SMC
router with voice ADSL and
mac address
The configuration of the
router did not protect it
from unauthorised accesses.
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1148 |
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1167 Results of exam on LG
laptop belonging to Murat |
05-Processo Vol V page 1167 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1167 |
Results of exam on LG laptop
belonging to Murat
Nothing was found of
relevance to the case. |
1168 Results of exam on
Fujifilm 128 Mb memory card |
05-Processo Vol V page 1168 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1168 |
Results of exam on Fujifilm
128 Mb memory card
Nothing was found of
relevance to the case. |
1169 Official notice
declaring Robert Murat an
arguido 2007.05.14 |
Volume V, page 1169 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1169 |
14 MAY 2007
(Rights and obligations under
arto. 61°. Code of Proc.
Criminal Law and 3412004, from
of Constitution: May 14,
Defensor: waives to this
Procedural rights:
- Be present at the procedural
steps that directly concern him;
- Be heard by the court or the
investigating judge where they
should take any decision
affecting the person;
- Do not respond to questions
asked by any entity, on the
facts that will be charged and
on the content of the statements
we make about them;
- Choose a lawyer or ask the
court to appoint him one;
- Be assisted by the defender in
all the pleadings in which he
participates, and when detained,
to communicate, even in private
with him
- Intervening in the
investigation and the
instruction, offering evidence
and requiring the steps it will
prove necessary
- Be informed , or by the
appropriate judicial body of the
criminal police to whom it is
obliged to appear, the rights
available to him
- Use in accordance with the
law, the decisions that will be
- Require legal aid services in
the care of public social
Procedural duties:
- Appear before the judge, the
prosecutor or the police
agencies of criminal law where
the demand for and they have
been duly convened;
- Responding to questions by
true authority over its identity
and where the law imposes on
their criminal background;
- Providing end of identity and
residence as soon as it takes
the quality of defendant;
- To submit to the steps of
evidence and measures of
coercion and guarantee assets
specified in the law and ordered
and carried out by the competent
Warning - Art°. 39°. 3412004 Law of
- It was advised that, not the
advocate or require the granting
of legal aid, or in the case of
him not being granted, may be
responsible for paying the fees
of defense as well as the
expenditure incurred on that
with his defense.
Signed as received
1170 to 1178 Interrogation
arguido 2007.05.14 |
05-Processo, Volume V, pages
1170-1178 (9 pages) |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1170 |
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Processo, Volume V, pages 1170-1178
Processo, Volume V, pages 1170-1178
Date: 2007/05/14; Time: 10:00;
Location: DIC Portimao
Officer: Joao C. and Luis P.,
Defender appointed / constituted:
Dispensed with for the present
He was told that he is being
considered a defendant in these
proceedings, it having been given
and explained to him the rights and
duties under art. 61 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure and, concerning
legal support, the Law no. 34/2004
of 29/07, and the document of
constitution of defendant was given
to him. He is signing as having
received the above.
He was advised that the lack of
response or falsehood about his
identity and his criminal background
does incur criminal liability.
Nickname: "ROB"
As for his criminal background he
--- He has never been before a
court, nor been arrested.
Asked if he wanted to respond to the
facts that are imputed against him,
he responded:
--- Affirmatively.
--- He comes to the case in order to
clarify the facts with which he is
charged, dispensing with the
presence of a lawyer and an
interpreter as he understands
perfectly the Portuguese language in
its oral and written form. He was
already present in the procedural
activities as an interpreter.
--- Born in London, England, about
33 years ago. His parents have lived
in Portugal, which his mother still
does (Casa Liliana) given that his
father died when he was twelve years
old. He came to Portugal when he was
two weeks old, returning to the
United Kingdom in 1989, returning to
Portugal in 2005, where he has been
living in Praia da Luz, Lagos. He
has also lived in Lagos and in
--- In England he lived in various
localities, Norfolk, Devon - Sidford
and Norwich.
--- He has two siblings, one a male
who is 38 years old and a female who
is 35/36 years old, [both of whom]
have also lived in Portugal with the
deponent. However the respondent
returned to the United Kingdom and
his siblings also eventually
returned to their country of birth,
where they currently live. He has
four nephews, two couples, in age
from four to sixteen years. He has a
healthy family environment, of good
relations and frequent contacts.
--- On the educational background,
said he did not know whether he
began in Portugal or the UK. He
attended primary school in Espiche,
later the International School of
Porches and soon after the Secondary
School in Lagos, which he left by
the seventh year.
--- He doe not have technical and
professional courses
but attended an accountancy course
in the UK.
--- After the death of his father,
he left the school, that being the
main reason, and then often consumed
some drugs and alcohol. Five to six
years later, his Mother became
involved with another person, which
disagreeing, took him back to
Portugal [NOTE *], in conjunction
with a state of passion [love], for
a British girl.
[* There is an illegible
hand-written mark, possibly a
correction, against the word
'Portugal'. It might indicate that
he returned to England from
In the United Kingdom has pursued
several activities from canvasser of
customers for window sales, factory
worker in the meat business and
seller of cars. In the south of
England worked as an assistant to
geriatrics, search and rescue of
shipwrecks, before the meat factory
and trade in automobiles. Then he
came to Portugal where, always, he
worked in real estate.
--- As for his wife, Dxxx MURAT,
from whom he is in the process of
divorce, he met her when he was 19
years old, in the south of the
United Kingdom, resulting from that
relationship a daughter born in
2002. Besides his wife he never had
many lasting relationships, only
fleeting situations. He is separated
since 2005, which corresponds to his
return to Portugal, together with
her. After the separation his wife
returned to England, he believes in
August, with their daughter, Sxxxx
MURAT. He only returned to see his
daughter when he went to the United
Kingdom in October and November of
that same year. In May, June of
2006, he went back to the United
Kingdom to see his daughter, which
is repeated once again in November,
though he says that in this time gap
he made another visit, but cannot be
sure. Again he made a further visit
in December, in time for Christmas.
Earlier this year he visited in
January, returning to Portugal on
May 01, the public holiday. When he
goes to the United Kingdom he stays
in the residence of his Grandmother
or sister.
--- Generally, his movement to
Portugal was to hold several
meetings in order to form the
company, MICHAELA was also involved
in this activity, which was always
linked to real estate. He states
that she was in the UK with the
respondent, accompanied by her
daughter on three occasions.
--- His Mother, receives a pension
from Portugal and England, a total
of €700, having means [assets]
through inheritance and sale of a
--- Currently his closest female
friend is MICHAELA WALCZUCH, with
whom he worked in the company
"Remax" in April 2005, beginning the
close friendship a few months later.
With her he is trying to open a
company [firm] in the real estate
business, which will be named
ROMIGEN, already owning a website.
It is with her that he passes his
leisure time, usually walking.
Speaking about the Internet, he uses
this tool to contact Michaela, and
for visiting sites of a sexual
nature, in particular -
- to which he does not access daily.
--- He has several e-mail addresses,
[6 e-mail addresses edited out]
--- With respect to Michaela, she
has e-mail addresses:
[3 e-mail addresses edited out]
--- As regards his daily life, he
said he made several meetings with
business partners, or future
partners, it being that these
meetings are conducted at
restaurants or at the residence of
Michaela, located at Rua Adelina ...
--- During the previous week, 09
May, he intended to return to the
United Kingdom, but has not done so
due to the disappearance of the
child, since he was already helping
the authorities. He changed the
flight to Saturday 12th of his own
accord, and for the same reason, at
the request of Police, he said, once
again he changed the journey
[for his return to England]
to the 19th. The first change in the
trip cost the respondent 41 pounds.
The Second amendment had no cost, as
he explained the situation to the
operator "Flybe." The trip to the UK
was for the restoration of his
house, and a medical consultation
scheduled for the 14th.
--- Asked, he uses his mother's
cars, VW Transporter, whose number
plate is he does not know, and
"Skoda Fabia", does not know the
registration, which is in the repair
shop "Autojoteca", next to Torre,
Lagos. Currently and given that his
mother uses the VW at the stand that
she has set up in Luz, he rented a
Hyundai Getz, at the cost to his
--- Relating to the events under
investigation, he said he arrived on
May 01 at 09:30 at the airport in
Faro, coming from the city of
Exeter, which has an airport. His
address, that is the home of his
grandmother that he is restoring, is
at Sidmouth in Devon. His sister
lives in two different locations,
both in Exeter.
--- At the airport he was met by his
mother, in the VW that the
respondent drove. He went to a
petrol station at the airport exit,
that had closed the toilets. He
didn't eat anything or fill up the
car. He then drove to the A22, where
he stopped at the first service
station on the way, M24. He drank a
[a typical breakfast drink
comprising 50% coffee and 50% hot
as did his mother. He ate a meat pie
and his mother a "folhado misto"
[a cheese and ham croissant].
They resumed the journey, having
stopped at another M24 station
[NOTE: "M24" is the name of the 24
hour convenience shops at many GALP
service stations], where they drank
coffee. Soon after they went
directly to Casa Liliana in Luz,
where he arrived at 11:30-12:00.
Soon after and without unpacking his
suitcase or entering his home, he
went in the VW to see Michaela at
her house in Lagos, about
12:00-12:30, where he took some
gifts for both mother and
daughter. He remained in her house,
he thinks, until 15:00-15:30, having
offered the gifts and talked with
the entire family, including the
father Luis Antonio, in addition to
drinking tea. He does not remember
having eaten lunch, or if someone
else had lunch. He said goodbye to
those present, left the apartment
and drove himself home, where he
arrived at 16:00. He does not
remember having gone to another
place, before arriving at his
residence. Once at home, he does not
know if he went out again.
--- The following day (02/05), he
got up around 09:00 and left home by
10:00-10:30. He went to Lagos in the
VW, to the home of Michaela, where
he arrived at 10.40 am. He entered
her house, where she was alone. He
remained there for a short time
talking. They left there and went in
the VW to the centre of Lagos. He
parked in one of the streets and
went to the residence of FRANCISCO
PAGARETE, who was not there, but his
girlfriend Sonia was there. Next he
went to meet his future real estate
partners in their shop, called
"Putos and Graúdos", located in
Lagos, not knowing the street, whose
line of business is the sale of
clothing and is owned by JORGE S. He
does not know the time. After the
meeting in the store they went to a
cafe but does not know the name, now
four people - the respondent,
Michaela, Jorge S. and his son
Jason. Soon after went to another
cafe located in Lagos Marina, less
noisy, where they talked about
business. He consumed a "galao"
drink, but does not know if the
others did. The bill was paid by
MICHAELA in the first cafe he
thinks, and he has no idea who paid
in the second. In that cafe they
spent some time until 13:50-14:00.
After the Marina they walked back to
the VW and then had lunch in the
restaurant "Bem Bom" in Lagos, this
time only with Michaela, where he
arrived a little after 14:00. He ate
roast meat. Lunch ended by
15:15-15:20, they went to the school
of Cxxxxxxx (daughter of Michaela,
who is 8 years of age) in order to
collect her, they arrived five
minutes later. They went
again to the home of PAGARETE, who
this time was at home. They were
talking next to the VW, to Michaela
about the divorce and the respondent
about buildings [properties]. He
does not remember the time that he
left from there. He returned to
MICHAELA's house in Lagos, with her
and her daughter. He entered the
apartment. He does not know what
they did or talked about. He
remained in the apartment, with the
mother and daughter for a long time,
LUIS having arrived by 21:00 or
shortly after, when they were having
dinner of pork or turkey. He left
Michaela's home about 22:30-23:00,
got the VW and went to his house in
Luz, parking the vehicle in front of
house. He spoke with his mother who
was awake. He is certain that he
remained at home until the next
morning. Turned on the computer and
played cards, going to sleep at
--- On 03 awakened at 08:00-09:00,
took a bath, dressed and drank some
tea. Left home at 10:00, got the VW
and presumes having gone to Lagos to
see Michaela. He does not know where
he parked the VW. He went up to the
apartment, rang the bell, Michaela
opened the door. Only Michaela was
at home. They talked about the
website for their real estate
project in the lounge and the
kitchen for a long time. The two
left the apartment around 12:00 in
the VW. They took the road towards
Portimao and before Odiáxere, they
went round the access roundabout to
the A22, direction Portimao - Lagos.
Ten to fifteen minutes after leaving
the apartment, they came the petrol
pumps of the Galp-M24, on the A22,
where they had lunch, he does not
remember what and for less than an
hour. They left the pump station and
returned to the apartment, where
they were once again talking about
various things. They collected
Cxxxxxxx from school in the VW at
15.30 and the three met with Jorge
Sxxxx and his son, he does not know
where, but believes it was at the
Lagos Marina. There they went into a
café whose name he can't recall,
next to a play area for children,
where Cxxxxxxx played. They spoke
about "Romigen" and the meeting
finished late, perhaps by
18:00-19:00. Everybody left
together, went to the VW which was
parked in the car park at the rear
of the Marina, they gave a ride to
Jorge S. and his son to the bus
station, next to the CTT in the city
centre Lagos. Then he went to the
home of MICHAELA, close to 19.00. He
said farewell to them in the VW and
headed for his residence, where he
arrived between 19.15 and 19.30. He
parked the VW in front of the house
and entered. He does not know if his
mother was at home, but thinks so
because it was late for her to walk
the dogs, as they usually leave at
17:00 and return at 19.00. After
entering, he may have taken some tea
and turned on the TV or it was
already on. He may also have read a
newspaper. He talked with the
mother, who if she was not there had
arrived shortly afterwards, about
Romigen. He ate a sandwich of cheese
and ham sitting in the kitchen with
his mother, until 22:00 or 23:00.
Contrary to what he said originally,
he was not with MICHAELA when she
went to a Jehovah witnesses' meeting
between 20:00 and 22:00, which is
why he didn't phone her, because she
turns her phone off. He does not
know if he called her after 22:00,
but accepts that possibility. He
does not remember having used the
computer. He was home with his
mother, when at 22:30 or a little
later, he heard a siren of an
ambulance or police. He commented on
that with his mother, however, did
not leave the house to investigate.
He did not leave again until the
morning, having gone to bed around
--- On Friday, 04/05, woke around
09:00, took a bath, went to the
kitchen to his mother, the latter
told him that something terrible had
happened, because a child had
disappeared in Praia da Luz,
according to 'Sky News' that she had
been watching. At once the
respondent and his Mother went to
look in the garden, walled with a
fence of 1m in height, checking if
the child had managed to enter,
which in a way was almost impossible
without aid. In one corner of the
garden is a greenhouse, which was
searched, and then they saw an
English passer-by on the outside, he
does not know the identity. When
asked about this, he was told that
the child had disappeared.
Accompanied by that person, he went
to the place of the disappearance,
and was introduced to the parents of
the child, as he spoke the two
languages, Portuguese and English.
Assumes that the passer-by would be
staying at the Luz Ocean Club, in
the block opposite the home of the
respondent. This individual already
knew the parents of MADELEINE, or
met them at the time. He started a
conversation with the family of the
child, offering to help. Together
with an officer of the GNR and an
employee of the resort with several
keys, entered several apartments,
opened with the keys or by the
tenants in order to locate the
child. Some of the apartments were
closed and there were no keys, these
sites were flagged by the GNR man.
--- At that time he met John Hill,
manager of MARK WARNER, who supplied
them with more keys to other
--- Prior to this occasion, he did
not know the interior of the "Ocean
Club", only entering the resort
after the disappearance.
--- In the meantime the tracker dogs
arrived that undertook a more
rigorous form of search.
--- Then, having told several of the
present people, including officers
of the GNR, that he spoke two
languages, he was taken to some
places to make verbal translations
for people who wanted to testify,
remaining in that role during the
afternoon. On the evening of that
day by 19:00-19:30 went to see
Michaela, returning to Luz about
--- On Saturday he continued the
verbal translations next to the GNR
mobile police station, making
various contacts with the press, and
that night went again to Lagos.
--- When asked he said the
relationship with the press was
somewhat troubled.
--- He clarifies therefore, that on
the Sunday he spoke to the wife of
Batista, owner of the supermarket,
not knowing her name, asking her to
leave the establishment open in
order to supply the people who were
there. The supermarket did not stay
open due to lack of members of
staff, however they gave several
litres of water that were placed at
the entrance of Block 5. He also
asked John Hill that electricity
would be supplied to the mobile GNR
police station.
--- At some point on Monday, a
well-known acquaintance since the
age of twelve years, named GAYNOR
Exxxxxx, told him that he was the
main suspect among the journalists.
Subsequently he learned that she was
working for "Sky", with a
journalist, and she was told that
they were comparing with a case of
homicide that occurred in the United
Kingdom, in which two girls had been
killed and that the perpetrators of
the crime were close to the place of
the investigation. From then on he
refused to speak with journalists
and alerted the the Police to this.
That refusal [of his] was to not
provide his full name, nor to allow
the taking of a photograph.
--- He said he had pornography on
the computer. He has pictures with
women over 18 years. He has no
photographs of men. Just naked
women, not sexually explicit, not
remembering if they were using
phallic objects. He has no record of
violent sex, or sadomasochism or
submission. He does not have images
of rape, or fetishes with children
or animals. He does not use an
encrypted external server or
encrypted content.
--- Asked he said he has nothing to
do with the disappearance of the
child, nor anything about this case.
--- Asked he clarified that never
has anyone accessed, without his
authorization, his computer systems,
a total of three, one an ACER (which
has the Vista operating system
installed), another an ASUS brand
and his own an LG, these two systems
having the XP operating system
installed. That the computer systems
were interconnected and shared the
access to the
INTERNET through an ADSL
MODEM-ROUTER, by mere chance, by
choice of his mother. That the
contract for access to the INTERNET
was signed by his mother with the
company supplying INTERNET services,
from Portugal TELECOM, named "SAPO".
Asked he said he does not see
himself as an expert in computing
and communications but these are
areas that are not unknown to him,
given that he had his first computer
some ten years ago. That the current
ADSL Modem-Router equipment is, as
far as he recalls, an SMC brand and
it makes it possible to operate a
network of computers, via
[WiFi; wireless networking].
Asked, he responded that the
computer systems he had in his
house, have clocks, date and time,
set to
the official time; that he does not
know [how] to explain why the clock
of the equipment that permitted him
to connect to the INTERNET, the SMC
ADSL modem-router, was
unsynchronized. That this is due to
the fact of it having been to an
outside company, "125 computers",
with its main office or place of
business in the town of
Mexilhoeira-Grande. That regarding
the remaining computers it was the
declarer who had configured them.
That on the computer systems in
question were installed normal
programs. Asked about what he
considers to be normal programs, he
said they would be the operating
system and work tools typical of the
Microsoft family, such as word
processing, spreadsheet, the
Internet browser (Internet Explorer)
or anti-virus programs.
That his commercial activity is in
the area of real estate, promoting
and making it pay through
advertising homes for sale on the
INTERNET and that the programs
installed in the computers were in
accordance with [needed for] his
commercial activity. Asked about if,
unlike the normal programs that he
described, he had kept or had had
installed on his systems [any]
abnormal or peculiar [strange]
programs, he replied that he only
has a program called "CCCleaner" for
the improvement of the performance
of the system, not retaining
programs that erase traces of child
pornography. That that
program "CCCleaner" was installed by
his son three years ago, which
statement [for the record] the
respondent corrects and declares
that his son informed him of the
existence of the "CCCleaner" program
years before, it having been the
declarer who installed it on the XP
systems. That he does not know the
full potential of the "CCCleaner"
program, particularly those that are
said in this deposition by the
declarer: erasing the history of
navigation in INTERNET, of temporary
files, exchange of files, recently
used documents, register
of applications (registry), the
various registry files (log's), the
"garbage can" or "recycle bin";
asked about the effects of deleting
the program, said he was not an
expert on the subject and does not
know the program well. Asked how he
does not know well the effects of
the program, if he has known it for
more than three years, he said that
he is not expert. Asked if he uses
cryptography on his computers, he
said categorically not. Asked if he
would use strong encryption in the
Internet browser, [he said] he does
not use encrypted communications on
the Internet and in his computer
system. That he does not use nor has
encrypted data in his systems, nor
used enciphering to mask, hide or to
prevent access to data contained in
his systems. Asked if he uses
encryption or enciphering in e-mail
communications, he declared: that he
did not know what it is or how to
use encryption. Asked about how he
could justify the presence of
several encrypted or enciphered
files, of credentials to access
programs, in his systems, seeing he
is an experienced user with more
than ten years in the use of
personal computers and no-one else
had access to his network without
authorization, he said: "I would not
know how to justify that."
Asked how he explains the
contradiction of maintaining a
contradiction between the
maintenance of his network
unprotected or "open" and his
experience that must be telling him
to act to the contrary in respect of
the security of his network, he said
"not to have thought of that."
No more was said ...
1179 Terms of Identity and
Residence for
Robert Murat 2007.05.14 |
05-Processo, Volume 5
Page 1179 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1179 |
(Art°. 196°. Code of Criminal
of the visit: May 14, 2007
Time: 10:00
Location: DIC Portimao
Entity who chairs:
Employee who performs: John
Carlos and Luis Pereira, inspectors
Eveleigh MURAT
Nickname: "ROB"
Parents: Jxxxx Hxxxx Qxxxxxx
and Jxxxxxxx Axx Murat
Nature of the parish of: City
of London:
Nationality: British
of birth: xx/xx/xxxx
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Unemployed
Address: Casa Liliana, xxx xx
xxxxxx, Praia da Luz
Number of BI: Do not
exhibited any document Issued:
And the accused was told that the
address for service is the residence
Telefone Fax: the same
Postcode: the same
He was informed:
a) the obligation to appear before
the competent authority or to keep
it available where the law or to
compel it is duly notified;
b) the obligation not to change
residence or to leave it for more
than five days without communicating
the new residence or the place where
he can be found;
c) In the subsequent notifications
will be made by post to the address
above simple suitable for this
purpose, unless another report,
delivered through the application or
sent by post to the registered
office of the services where the
process run in terms
d) that the non-compliance in the
preceding paragraphs legitimize its
representation by a defender in all
the pleadings in which the right or
the duty to be present and well thus
the achievement of the hearing in
his absence, under Article 333° CPP
Said be aware received a copy and
present Terms were drawn up and will
be signed.
1194 Fax to the Director of the
Scientific Police re: search in Casa
Liliana and in the rental car
1195 Confirmation above fax sent |
05-Processo Vol V page
1194 to 1195 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1194 |
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Fax to the Director of
the Scientific Police re: search in Casa
Liliana and in the rental car
Dated 15 May 2007; no subject.
It being necessary to the above
investigation, it is requested that you
determine the manner in which to proceed
with the examinations of the residence
and vehicle mentioned below:
- Rua do Ramalhete, Casa Liliana - Praia
da Luz;
- vehicle with licence 4.-..-D;
It is requested further that all trace
evidence recovered be delivered to the
INML, under authority of this
investigation. |
1255 to 1258 Letter to
Amaral regarding
investigation thus far on
Robert Murat 2007.05.15 |
05-Processo Vol V pages 1255
to 1258 |
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Letter to Amaral regarding
investigation thus far on
Robert Murat 2007.05.15
This is a report from
Inspector Luis Pereira of
the National Directorate of
the PJ in Lisbon to Dr
Note the DATE, and without
putting forth all the
flowery politic-speak and
--- the National Directorate
deems that having now
analysed the content of the
work done for the case, and
other material outside the
file, certain previously
authorised phone taps must
be cancelled immediately,
they being of no further
interest to the case; [At
this date that can only mean
the McCanns]
--- but in their place, the
National Directorate
competent court
authorisation for additional
new phone surveillance over
R.Murat and M.Walczuch [two
of the four pages being
given over to fully detailed
specifics], and
--- a for a domestic search
warrant for S.Malinka's
The "report" concludes, in
customary well-mannered
language, that it is
submitted [merely] for the
consideration of the
recipient to determine the
most appropriate course of
Signed: Lisbon, 15 May 2007,
Inspector Luis Pereira |
1259 to 1264 - MoPo and
Court documents |
05-Processo Vol V pages 1259
to 1271 |
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05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1263 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1264 |
- Letter to Amaral regarding
investigation thus far on
Robert Murat 2007.05.15 |
Processos Vol V Page 1265 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1265 |
Portimao Tribunal
Processo 201/07.0 Galgs
Jurisdictional Acts
Date: 15-05-2007
Subject: Interception of Communications
Within the framework of article 59 of LOTJ
and the principles expressed in articles
187, 188 and 269 of the Penal Code, I inform
you that I authorise:
- interception and recording of all
conversations, as well as fax and message
data for the number 282 788 807 – fixed
telephone line installed in the residence of
Michaela Walczuch-
- Obtaining of trace back register
- Obtaining of detailed telephone bill
(including calls received and made, trace
back register, from 01 May 2007 to the
present date and if possible in digital
PT Portugal Telecom will ensure the
confidentiality of the whole operation.
The elements to be provided should be sent
directly to the Policia Judiciaria.
With compliments
Judge Silvia Maria Goncalves Freitas Bidarra |
1266 to 1268
- Request for interception
and call detail of phones
owned by M. Walzuch and R.
Murat |
Processos Vol V Page 1266 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1266 |
Portimao Tribunal
Processo 201/07.0 Galgs
Jurisdictional Acts
Date: 15-05-2007
Subject: Interception of Communications
Within the framework of article 59 of LOTJ
and the principles expressed in articles
187, 188 and 269 of the Penal Code, I inform
you that I authorise:
- interception and recording of all
conversations, as well as fax and message
data for the number 282 760 189 – fixed
telephone line installed in the residence of
Michaela Walczuch-
- Obtaining of trace back register
- Obtaining of detailed telephone bill
(including calls received and made, trace
back register, from 01 May 2007 to the
present date and if possible in digital
PT Portugal Telecom will ensure the
confidentiality of the whole operation.
The elements to be provided should be sent
directly to the Policia Judiciaria.
With compliments
Judge Silvia Maria Goncalves Freitas Bidarra |
1267 |
Processos Vol V Page 1267 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1267 |
Processo 201/07.0 Galgs
Jurisdictional Acts
Date: 15-05-2007
Subject: Interception of Communications
Within the framework of article 59 of LOTJ
and the principles expressed in articles
187, 188 and 269 of the Penal Code, I inform
you that I authorise:
- interception and recording of all
conversations, as well as fax and message
data for the number 96 014 75 59–belonging
to Michaela Walczuch-
- Localisation of mobile phone.
- Identification of IMEI associated with the
mobile phone in question with immediate
telephone interception of this IMEI.
- Obtaining of detailed telephone bill
(including calls received and made, trace
back register and mobile localisation – Base
Transfer station, from 01 May 2007 to the
present date and if possible in digital
PT Portugal Telecom will ensure the
confidentiality of the whole operation.
The elements to be provided should be sent
directly to the Policia Judiciaria.
With compliments
Judge Silvia Maria Goncalves Freitas Bidarra |
1268 |
Processos Vol V Page 1268 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1268 |
Portimao Tribunal
Processo 201/07.0 Galgs
Jurisdictional Acts
Date: 15-05-2007
Subject: Interception of Communications
Within the framework of article 59 of LOTJ
and the principles expressed in articles
187, 188 and 269 of the Penal Code, I inform
you that I authorise:
- interception and recording of all
conversations, as well as fax and message
data for the number 282 788 816–fixed
telephone line installed at the residence of
Robert Murat-
- Obtaining of trace back register.
- Obtaining of detailed telephone bill
(including calls received and made, trace
back register and mobile localisation – Base
Transfer station, from 01 May 2007 to the
present date and if possible in digital
PT Portugal Telecom will ensure the
confidentiality of the whole operation.
The elements to be provided should be sent
directly to the Policia Judiciaria.
With compliments
Judge Silvia Maria Goncalves Freitas Bidarra |
to 1271
- Search warrant for S.
Malinkas residence, Rus 25
de April, apartment J, Block
C, no, 4 |
Processos Vol V Page 1269
to 1271 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1269 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1270 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1271 |
1272 to 1282 External
diligence carried out on
Robert Murat |
05-Processo Vol V pages 1272
to 1282 |
External diligence carried
out on Robert Murat
Date: 15 May 2007; Officers:
Paulo P. and Luis P.,
--- Seeking further
information about
R.J.Q.E.Murat we went to the
Social Security where we
were told there was no
information of any kind in
that name.
--- We then went to the Tax
office where we found only
his tax number, issued in
2005, and his tax return for
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1272 |
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05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1280 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1282 |
1283 to 1285 Service
information re: computer
program characteristics |
05-Processo Vol V pages 1283
to 1285 |
Service information re:
computer program
Date: 15 May 2007; Officer:
IC R.Bravo
On your orders I present the
attached documents printed
from the site
Although in English, from
our experience and from the
printed documents it is
concluded that this program
is principally intended to
guarantee the privacy of
computer users, removing
locally, on computer systems
temporary files left on the
computer after using the
most common Internet
browsers, and records of
recently used documents.
The program also makes it
possible for the user to
erase documents in a secure
manner, making their
recovery impossible.
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1283 |
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05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1285 |
External diligence carried
out on garage on Rua Manuel
Joao Paulo Rocha, Lagos,
1306 Search warrant re:
above garage |
05-Processo, VOLUME V,
pages 1305-1306 (2 pages) |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1305 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1306 |
NUIPC: 201/07.0GALGS
Section / Brigade: No 4
Inspector: John Carlos
External Diligence performed on 15
May 2007 at a garage on Rua Manuel
Joao Paulo Rocha in Lagos by two PJ
Within the scope of the house search
at the residence of the arguido
R.J.Q.E.Murat on 14 May, last, a
'Yale'-type key was seized which was
on a metal keyring with a plastic
label holder on which was written
'Garage 4'.
Attempting to obtain a definite
address to which the object
pertained, an informal conversation
was carried out with Robert Murat in
which it was determined that the
garage was situated in a residential
zone, specifically on Rua Manuel
Joao Paulo Rocha, in the city of
Lagos, and that it was used to store
various materials.
When the arguido was told that it
was necessary to search that
location he made himself immediately
available to accompany members of
the PJ such that the garage was
located and duly searched.
- Signed -
05-Processo, VOLUME V, page 1306
Official document of search and
Date: 15 May 2007
Place: Rua Manuel Joao Paulo Rocha,
unnumbered garage, in Lagos
Officers: Jose Luis and Marques Bom,
Identity of person searched:
Starting time: 18h15
It is a garage designed to securely
preserve a motor vehicle, having a
PVC gate with a 'Yale'-type lock,
and a manually-operated vertical
sliding door system.
Having walked the full extent of the
unit it was confirmed that it
contained packaging of various
things related to swimming pool
maintenance and foodstuffs, objects
whose ownership, according to the
search, was linked directly to
Michaela Walczuch, partner in the
firm 'Romigen', a company founded
and property of the person searched.
All the objects there having been
looked at and physically examined by
hand, nothing useful to the case was
found and therefore seized.
End of activity: 18h45
- Signed - |
1307 to 1308 External diligence
carried out on places visited in Lagos
by Robert Murat 2007.05.15
1309 Information regarding Luis Antonio
handover of PDA and Sharp mobile
1310 Information regarding M.
Walzuch handover of Nokia and Sony
Eriksson mobiles
05-Processo Vol V pages 1307 to 1308 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1307 |
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External diligence carried out on places
visited in Lagos by Robert Murat
Officers: Carlos L. and Joao F.,
Today, as ordered, we went to the city
of Lagos to determine the various
residences used an/or owned by R.Murat
or his family members.
--- Having gone to Elras Velhas behind
the Celero restaurant, next to the
EN125, in Almadena, it was possible to
speak with a resident of the area having
land next to Elras Velhas, who affirmed
knowing Murat very well, having given
him exclusive rights to sell some land
when he worked for the Remax estate
agency, and that his
mother had sold her Elras Velhas
property long ago, not knowing exactly
how long ago but he was sure it will
have been during RM's divorce.
--- Visually checking the mail boxes
outside the property the names of
R.P.Harris and R.Elliot were noted.
--- At the address of Urb. Chesgal ...
in Lagos it was possible to determine
from the owner of the ground floor
apartment that the referred apartment
had been acquired by an individual named
Miguel about 10 (ten) years ago, she
also having stated that she remembers
that the first owner had been a foreign
female not knowing her nor remembering
her name.
--- At Rua do Jogo da Bola - Lagos, it
was not possible to locate the "Bora"
café or any other commercial
establishment. That café was then found
on Rua Conselheiro Joaquim Machado in
Lagos, the proprietor of which, in
conversation, stated that he did not
know R.M. nor had he ever seen him
frequent his establishment.
--- With the intention of location
Quinta do Sto. Phunurius, it was
possible to verify that it was in Rua D.
Joao III in Ameijeira - Lagos, and in
conversation with several residents it
was possible to determine that it was a
Quinta [farm estate] owned by an English
citizen and managed by a North American
man who lives at Travessa do Forno in
Lagos, the people also having stated
that the Quinta is used for "parties" of
a sexual nature.
--- It was not possible, however, to
determine if R.M. currently frequented
that Quinta.
--- Nothing more was recovered of
interest to the present investigation. |
to 1314
- Letters re: tap on
telephone no. ******
2007.05.15 |
Processos Vol V Page 1311 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1311 |
Policia Judiciaria
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
Report on Initiation of Telephone
Interception and Recording
On the 15th May 2007, the PJ, Portimao DIC
and the Telecommunications Services of the
PJ proceeded to intercept the number
282760189 by means of the operator Portugal
Telecom in accordance with the legal
dispatch included in the present
investigation files.
The Paragon system was activated, located in
the installations of this police force and
given the code IL826 registering the
conversations in digital format, which are
identified by number and code.
The present report was drawn up and will be
Inspector David Gomes |
1312 |
Processos Vol V Page 1312 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1312 |
Policia Judiciaria
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
Report on Initiation of Telephone
Interception and Recording
On the 15th May 2007, the PJ, Portimao DIC
and the Telecommunications Services of the
PJ proceeded to intercept the number
282788816 by means of the operator Portugal
Telecom in accordance with the legal
dispatch included in the present
investigation files.
The Paragon system was activated, located in
the installations of this police force and
given the code IL827 registering the
conversations in digital format, which are
identified by number and code.
The present report was drawn up and will be
Inspector David Gomes |
1313 |
Processos Vol V Page 1313 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1313 |
Policia Judiciaria
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
on Initiation of Telephone Interception
and Recording
On the 15th May 2007, the PJ, Portimao
DIC and the Telecommunications Services
of the PJ proceeded to intercept the
number 282788807 by means of the
operator Portugal Telecom in accordance
with the legal dispatch included in the
present investigation files.
The Paragon system was activated,
located in the installations of this
police force and given the code IL828
registering the conversations in digital
format, which are identified by number
and code.
The present report was drawn up and will
be signed.
Inspector David Gomes |
1314 |
Processos Vol V Page 1314 |
05_VOLUME_Va_Page_1314 |
Policia Judiciaria
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
on Initiation of Telephone Interception
and Recording
On the 15th May 2007, the PJ, Portimao
DIC and the Telecommunications Services
of the PJ proceeded to intercept the
mobile phone number 960147559 by means
of the operator Portugal Telecom in
accordance with the legal dispatch
included in the present investigation
The Paragon system was activated,
located in the installations of this
police force and given the code IL829M
registering the conversations in digital
format, which are identified by number
and code.
The present report was drawn up and will
be signed.
Inspector David Gomes |
1361 Fax re: questions to ask Robert
1362 Confirmation above fax
sent |
05 Processo Vol V page 1361 to
1362 |
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re: questions to ask Robert Murat
Urgent fax to the President of the Board
of the ARS in Algarve dated 16 July 2007
[Actual date was 16 May].
This is a request to the equivalent of
the UK NHS asking for details about the
family doctor, the clinic, the services
rendered, the prescription medication
and at which pharmacies any script had
been filled.
Answers to any of the questions should
be faxed to DIC Portimao as soon as
possible. |
1365 to 1366 Service information
Jennifer and Robert Murat and their
1367 to 1383 Urgent request and
information received regarding Jennifer
and Robert Murats health records |
05-Processo Vol V pages 1365 to 1366 |
'Service information Jennifer and Robert
Murat and their doctors
Not content with the fax sent per page
1361, an officer was assigned the task
of telephoning the ARS and this is his
report, which I summarise as follows:
- the ARS does not keep records beyond
two months;
- other persons were suggested as
possible sources;
- it was confirmed that J.A.Murat had
worked in the District Hospital in
- the name Robert Murat was not recorded
at any of the services contacted;
- certain medical records were received
and are attached.
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1402 Information about
technical devices owned by
Robert Murat |
06-Processo Volume VI page 1402 |
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about technical devices owned by Robert
from the
Casa Liliana
search on 15 May, this is a list of seized
phones and telecom equipment attributable solely
to R.Murat.
Terms of Delivery
On 15th May 2007 Robert Murat appeared before me
at this police station and delivered the
following items:
- 1 Mobile phone, make Samsung, model SGH-A800,
dark grey/silver in colour, with IMEI 351004 89
863318 2, without operator card;
- 1 mobile phone Sharp, model G15, grey with
IMEI 351 688 00 464585 6, without operator card;
- 1 mobile phone Sony Ericsson, dark coloured
with IMEI 35605700 832929 4 with an UZO operator
- 1 PDA, make HTC, model Arte 100 with IMEI
351695011439454 with Vodaphone operator card.
- 1 synthesising antenna, make Freecom, dark
coloured with series n? 6475B0416426.
Inspector Joao Carlos |
1461 Direct examination of material from Casa
Liliana search |
06-Processo Volume VI page 1461 |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1461 |
examination of material from Casa Liliana
Dated 17 May 2007, this is the full
(typewritten) list of objects seized during
the Casa Liliana search of 14 May. |
1467 fax requesting information on flights taken
by Robert Murat
1468 Flight passenger itinerary check |
06-Processo Volume VI page 1467 to 1468 |
fax requesting information on flights taken by
Robert Murat]
Information requested for all FlyBe travel by RM
between UK and Faro for 2007. |
06_VOLUME_VIa_Page_1467 |
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Processos Vol VI
Pages 1467 ? 1468
To. The Assistant National Director
From Inspector Barroso, Faro Airport
Date: 17-05-2007
Subject: Passenger History
I am sending the report prepared by Flybe of
Robert Murat?s flight history of trips made
between the UK-Faro-UK since the beginning of
the year to the current date.
With compliments
Inspector Barroso
Table with flight information in English: |
1503 1508 Information about search
procedures carried out at Casa Liliana |
06-Processo Volume VI pages 1503 to 1508 |
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'Information about search procedures
carried out at
Casa Liliana
Having in view the recovery of items tending to
complement the investigation
running under the above NUIPC, which
investigates specifically the disappearance
of the English child Madeleine McCann, the
performance of some external inquiry
work was ordered by superiors.
--- To do this an investigation team was built comprising
[composed of] the undersigned
and colleagues Marques B. and Santos M., all
Inspectors, which
the following result:
Action 1
[Operation 1]
About 10h30 yesterday (16 May 2007) a Portuguese
citizen, born 1975, currently
living in Spain, Mr Valdemiro Alexandre M. do C.
was personally approached in
Vila de Aljezur where he was holidaying in the
family home at Rua 25 de
Abril ... in Aljezur.
--- In the perspective of a useful collaboration
relating to the facts sought in
[the target of] the investigation, the above
person came to state that he worked
at times in a company of distribution and
support/maintenance, at home, of
electrical household appliances ['white goods'].
Having seen and heard in the
media references to the home of suspect Robert
Murat, residence named as "Casa
Liliana", he had the idea that he had been there
once, about 5 years ago, to
provide support for a washing machine in the
kitchen. As he recalls when the work
was done, the home owner went outside to a place
with large trees, having opened
a cover
at floor-level, covered by grass, from which she
pulled a bottle
of wine that she offered to him. While he
recalled this event, he thought that
that place could serve to hold captive the small
--- Conversing "in loco", it resulted
[transpired] that Mr Valdemiro was not
completely certain of it having been "Casa
Liliana". Asked if he could remember
the space in the house where he performed his
work he stated that the kitchen
had been medium-sized, estimating by example the
place in which we were
about 20 square-metres in area, long and narrow
in shape.
He stated that
the house had a swimming pool which was visible
through a window
from inside the kitchen. Further, that at the
time he did that work he was using
a Mercedes Vito or Sprinter which, due to its
size, could not get through the
gate of the house. Faced with these indications
the investigation team there
present, all exceedingly knowledgeable about the
interior and exterior of the
Murat residence, had no doubt in understanding
that Mr Valdemiro could not have
been referring to this house but to some other
where he rendered a service, of
which, according to him, there were many. In
truth it is impossible to see the
pool from the house of suspect Robert Murat
through a kitchen window, given that
they are situated at opposite extremes. The only
kitchen window that faces the
outside is situated above the kitchen counter
and the only possible thing to be
seen is a patio, paved with Portuguese
paving-stones, that serves as a car park
inside the property. Contrary to what Mr
Valdemiro said, there are no trees of
large dimensions but only garden beds with small
bushes. The dimension of the
Casa Liliana gate, to the naked eye, would give
access to any light motor
vehicle and to heavy vehicles of low tonnage. In
order to allow Mr Valdemiro to
immediately communicate any additional
information on this matter, he was given
contact numbers for the PJ DIC Portimao, he
being able to be contacted at any
time on 961... or 913... (brother), for
additional clarifications.
Action 2 [Operation
About 19h00 the same team went to meet Mr
Taylor, an English Civil Engineer,
responsible for the original design of "Casa
Liliana", and having been present
at all times during its construction.
--- This work had the objective of collecting
information about the existence of
a trap-door giving access to an "empty" area
below the house, as well as the
existence of any buried/underground features.
--- Next to the home of Mr Taylor, better
identified as Desmond William Taylor,
born 1929, permanent resident holding a UK
passport, situated at Quinta do
Pinhal ... Bispo, in conversation with him it
was possible to determine the
--- He, from memory and given that it had been
the last house he had designed
and built, he had drawn a "sketch" to provide a
more concrete idea about the
house in question. Having analysed that document
and compared it with the
official plan [blueprint] obtained during the
investigation, there appeared to
be no significant difference worthy of remark.
It was determined that the house
is built on very uneven ground, having been
adapted through movement of earth,
removing earth from above and construction of a
supporting wall, followed by a
'hole' covered with beams and supports in the
lower part, creating an "empty"
space below the house extending the entire area
of the lounge up to the outside
passage that
borders the house. That "empty" space could have
a maximum drop of
1,5 metres. During the construction access was
maintained into this space, by
withholding a small number of supports, with a
view to running all the plumbing
and drainage under the house, as was done. At
the end of the work and after the
owner was asked if he wanted to keep that access
or close it up permanently, the
owner opted for the second idea, the access then
having been closed up with
large bricks. Mr Taylor stated that there was no
other way into the space As for
septic tanks, Mr Taylor said the only one, in
fibreglass, is nearby the pool
covered by earth. The highest part of it could
be about 0,5 metres below ground.
From memory that tank was located in the area to
the front of the bedroom
currently used by the mother of suspect RM, very
close to the two water cisterns
adjacent to the pool which were built to collect
and contain rainwater, with the
objective of optimizing the water usage
[irrigation/watering] of the property.
The contact number 282... was furnished for any
[further] useful clarification.
Action 3 [Operation
Already today (17 May 2007), at 11h00, this team
approached directly Mrs
J.Murat, who asked us into her home - Casa
Liliana, for some clarification
understood to be useful. In that way, she gave
us access to her main living room
for us to examine the floor covering and any
irregularity that might indicate
where once existed the temporary access to the
"empty" space beneath that part
of the house. All furniture being moved aside it
was observed a regular floor,
made of large brick [tile]
of equal composition across the whole surface.
joints all appeared normal, with grouting the
same colour indicating no recent
placement. The entire surface area was covered
using a ground-penetrating radar
device without detecting any "hollows", that is,
material placed beneath the
floor dissimilar from surrounding material.
--- Outside the house the kitchen garden was
examined looking for evidence of
the septic tank, nothing abnormal was detected.
That area is covered by
vegetation firmly rooted. No disturbance of the
soil of any kind was observed.
While the cisterns exist next to the pool they
had already been inspected
according to the document prepared on that work.
Not seeing the need for any further work in the
place, this work was concluded.
Attached is the photographic report prepared
during the work done at "Casa
Also attached is the "sketch" prepared by Mr
Taylor along with the official
building plan. |
Processos Vol VI Pages
1509 to 1516
Photographic Report of Search at Casa Liliana
1603 External Diligence 20067/05/25
Authorisation for
bucal swab from R.Murat
06-Processo Volume VI page 1603 & 1658 |
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External Diligence 20067/05/25
Officer: Jos'R. and Mario R., Inspectors
By order from higher authority I went,
accompanied by Inspector Mario R., to
Autorent III in Largo da Igreja [church square],
Praia da Luz, where employee
Mrs Maria B. was contacted and who confirmed
having a rental contract for a
vehicle to one Robert Murat and that that car
with licence 6.-..-.6 was
collected on day 12 May 2007 at 10h00 in Monte
de S. Pedro, next to the Valverde
camp site, with recorded mileage of 29,947 Km.
Further, this car was taken by rent-a-car
employees to Lagos and then again to
Praia da Luz where it was delivered to Robert
Murat at 17h16 (as per contract
and RDE at pages 993 and 994). Due to a mistake
on the part of the employee who
delivered the car the actual mileage was not
noted but it was calculated to have
been 30,000km at most.
That car was later delivered to the Autorent III
office by Robert Murat on 14
May, recording 30,706km. |
08-Processo, Volume VIII,
pages 1947-1956 |
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Processo, Volume
VIII, pages 1947-1956 (10 pages)
Date: 2007/07/10; Time: 10:00; Location: DIC Portimao
Officer: Paulo F., Inspector.
Defender: Dr. Francisco Pagarete
Credentials no. 498F
Office: Rua Conselheiro Joaquim Machado, 37
The constitution of defendant status and the formalities
provided for in Articles 58 and 196 of the CPP have been met in
this case.
He was warned that the lack of response or falsehood about his
identity and criminal background does incur criminal liability.
Asked if he wanted to respond to the facts that are imputed
against him, he responded:
---- Yes, he intends to respond to the questions that are going
to be put to him.
---- Despite having British nationality he understands perfectly
the Portuguese language both spoken and written therefore the
presence of a translator is not necessary in this interview.
---- Asked if he confirms his previous testimony he responded
that because on the day the interrogation was conducted he was
very tired and does not remember exactly what was said at that
time, that is he recalls in general terms what he said, but does
not remember the detail of some statements.
---- His previous declarations having been read to him he
confirmed having made them, however it is his wish to amend some
of affirmations that were made then [at that time] as he had
confused some events, in particular in what he said with respect
to the dates and times of what happened. He stated events that
he said had happened on Wednesday 02 and that now he more calmly
recalls them having happened on Thursday and vice versa. There
are also other events that he now recalls happened in those two
days in particular that he wants to disclose.
---- Further in what he said with respect to the days before and
those subsequent he confirms the facts reported in the previous
interrogation, giving them as if fully reproduced for this
present interview.
---- He intends to clarify that when he stated having lived at
various locations in England, instead of Norfolk, Devon -
Sidford and Norwich he would like to say Norwich, Norfolk, that
corresponds to the house where he lived with his ex-wife, Dxxx,
his daughter Sxxxx and his adopted son Dxxxx, namely in the
locality of Hockering ... Norfolk, and when he
said Devon Sidford he would like to say Sidmouth, Devon which
corresponds to the house previously of his grandmother, now
owned by his mother, located in Sidmouth, Devon, Ex..., it being
that the Ex corresponds to the post code of region's principal
city which is Exeter, located about 20 km from the town of
---- He intends to clarify that he has no accounting
qualification. In truth when he worked in car sales firms,
called INCHCAPE and NISSAN, in Norwich, he attended professional
training courses aimed at the sales sector.
---- He clarifies that when he said that after the death of his
father he returned to Portugal, he would like to say that he
returned to England because on that occasion [at that time] he
was living with his mother in Portugal.
---- He wants to clarify that now he is already divorced from
Dxxx since 04 July 2007.
---- He states that when he travels to the United Kingdom he is
housed in the home of his sister Sxxxxxxx MURAT, or in the home
of her boyfriend, both mentioned in the previous record of the
interrogation, or in the house that was previously their
grandmother's, now deceased.
---- He wants also to clarify that in fact Michaela accompanied
him three times to the United Kingdom and her daughter, Cxxxx
Sxxxx Walczuch Antonio, only accompanied them once, namely at
the time of Christmas of 2006.
---- The trip to the United Kingdom that he intended to make on
09 May was based on the fact of him having booked there a
medical consultation and he intended to stay in the house that
was previously his grandmothers.
---- The defendant intended to clarify that on the morning of 02
[May] he did not leave the house by 10:00-10:30, as stated
previously but in fact he had met with
Sergey Malinka on 02
Wednesday, in the Baptista supermarket, at 10:00, he having
arrived 15 to 20 minutes before and accompanied by Michaela whom
he had gone to collect at her home in the VW. They talked about
the Romigen web site that Sergey was setting up. The meeting
lasted about 30 minutes and in the end Sergey left alone with
the accused and Michaela having proceeded to Lagos.
---- Asked for what reason he had not previously remembered this
meeting, given that he had said previously that that morning he
had left the house by 10:00-10:30, he said now that on the date
of the first interrogation he was "rattled" and had not
remembered this fact.
---- To this point he wants to say that on the day prior to his
interrogation he went to bed around 03:00, having up to that
time accompanied officers of the PJ, namely Inspector Reis
Sxxxxx, who invited him for coffee in the bar Bom Vivant, where
they remained until about that hour he being certain that he was
woken up at 07:00 when PJ officers went to his house. So he had
slept for only about 4 hours and was therefore very tired.
---- In truth after the meeting he proceeded with Michaela to
Lagos, as he had affirmed in the previous interrogation. He
wants also to clarify in this interview that before they had
gone to Francisco Pagarete's house they were both at Caixa
Agrícola [a bank in Portugal]. There the defendant made a cash
deposit, of [English] pounds, into his account. He does not
remember the exact amount deposited but thinks that it would be
about one hundred or so pounds. In this interview [for the
record] the defendant confirmed through the reading of a tally
slip that that deposit was exactly an amount of 287.51 Euros. He
states that when he was in England he withdrew this amount, from
an Automated Teller Machine (ATM), from an account of his or his
mother's that he/she has in Lloyds bank with the objective of
coming later to deposit it in his account at Caixa de Crédito
Agrícola. Asked he states that usually he has with him debit and
credit cards of his mother.
---- Later the defendant and Michaela went to the home / office
of Dr. Francisco Pagarete, on foot, given that that residence is
situated about 200 meters from the bank. It would have been
about 11:00-11:30 when he found Dr. Francisco Pagarete in his
home. Since he [FP] had not been telephoned by him
using his mobile phone 91918xxxx, it was then agreed to meet
---- For reason of accuracy he now says that the meeting that
happened afterwards was not with four persons but with five,
that is Michaela, Jorge Sxxxx, Jason, another son of Jorge and
the defendant himself.
---- Also he clarifies that before having been with Dr.
Francisco, already during the afternoon, the defendant and
Michaela went to collect Cxxxxxxxx at school who then
accompanied them during all the rest of the day. He refers
therefore that after having been with Dr. Francisco they did not
go directly to the home of Michaela, having instead gone to the
marina of Lagos where they had met again with Jorge Sxxxx, and
his son where they continued the conversation about the company
that they intend to make. It was at this time that Cxxxxxxxx was
allowed to play in an playground behind the café where they
were. He does not remember the exact time that they left the
café but he knows that when they had left there the owners of
the café where they had been closed the doors of establishment.
He recalls that he gave Jorge Sxxxx and his son a ride in his VW
van to the bus stop located next to the post office, where they
left them, the defendant, Michaela and Cxxxxxxxx having then
proceeded to Michaela's house. He remembers that when they
arrived there Michaela began to prepare the dinner so it would
have been about 20:00.
---- He states not being sure about having seen Luěs arriving
that night at Michaela's house. He affirms that around
22:30-23:00 he left from the home of Michaela having gone
directly to his home, that is to Casa LILIANA, where he will
have arrived by 22:45-23:15. He does not remember having stopped
anywhere nor having spoken with anybody on that journey and he
took the route that he usually takes passing by Intermarché [a
super/hypermarket chain in Portugal] and by the Total petrol
station. He is sure that he left the van parked in the street,
that is in front of the house, because he always does that when
he uses the van.
---- Again questioned, he states with absolute certainty that on
the night of 02 May, after leaving the home of Michaela, he went
directly to his home. Once in the village of Luz he only stopped
the car next to the gate and entered his home immediately.
---- Having been informed in this interview that around 15:44 on
02 May he made a telephone call to the number 91822xxxx, which
corresponds to the phone of Dr. Francisco Pagarete, he confirms
that in fact, before driving to his
[FP's] office/home, he [RM] had contacted him [FP] to know if he
was there, [that] was what happened. For the rest of what
happened that day he confirms what he stated in the previous
interrogation, reaffirming that in truth he spoke with his
mother, who was still awake, and that he connected the computer
having stayed awake until about 01:00-01:30. In this regard he
affirms it to be normal [usual] that his mother is still up
until about 00:00-01:00, given that only after dealing with some
tasks, namely feeding the cats and other chores does she go to
---- He had states that on 02 or 03 May, in the afternoon, for
matters related with business, he visited two apartments of the
same owner, located at the foot of the "rotunda da bola"
[football roundabout/traffic circle] in Lagos. These visits
lasted about 20 to 30 minutes and he did them together with
---- He also wants now to amend what he previously said about
what he did on 03 May. Once again he states that being tired and
confused he had stated things that he now sees are not correct.
He refers therefore that he will have got up at 08.00 having
left home by 08:45. He had already scheduled a business visit to
a tourist complex called "Montinhos de Ouro", located in the
region of Espiche, which he made in the company of Michaela. So
he went to collect Michaela at home, driving the VW. He does not
remember if he went up to Michaela's home. He states that that
morning they were both in his van at the complex where they had
scheduled a meeting at a time he does not recall exactly but
thinks it would be by 09:30.
---- They showed up at that location where they met with the
father-in-law of the owner of the venture, whose name he does
not remember, but knows that he is a builder in Lisbon, since
she still had not yet arrived. However the owner of the
enterprise arrived and Michaela made conversation with her.
Later they went to lunch at the place mentioned in the previous
interrogation after which they went to the marina in Lagos where
they met with Jorge Sxxxx and his son. Cxxxxxxxx did not
accompany them this day. They went to the Palmares Golf where
they remained until the time came for them to go to pick up
Chnstine, that is 15:00-15:30. Again he gave a ride to Jorge
Sxxxx and his son leaving them again at the bus stop next to the
post office. From there they proceeded to the school to pick up
Cxxxxxxxx and the three went to Michaela's house having arrived
by 15:45. They were in Michaela's home until 19.30.
---- He states that about 19:30 he left the home of Michaela
alone and went directly to his house. He took the same route the
day before and is absolutely certain that he did not stop
---- For the rest of what he said about this day during the 1st
interrogation he maintains all its content. He adds, however,
that in the meantime he consulted on the Internet his mobile
phone billing and found that on that night he made two calls
which he had not remembered having made. At 23:39 to the number
of Sergey Malinca and another at 23:40 to the number of
Michaela. He does not remember, however, having made these calls
nor having spoken to those people although he admits he had.
---- Further to what he said about Friday morning he intends to
change the time that he woke up. In listings of his fixed phone
it says that he made a call to Michaela at 08:27, which he
presumes he must have done, despite not remembering the contents
of the conversation nor even having made that call, and
therefore he did not wake at 09:00 but before that time.
---- After the opportunity having been given to the defendant to
amend facts and information that he had stated in the first
interrogation, he was questioned about other matters.
---- In this interview the defendant was shown the list of
contacts obtained from the calendar/address book of his mobile
phone and PDA previously examined by the PJ, and he was asked to
clarify who those people are which was done as follows:
Michaela Empre: MW. 282..., telephone number installed in the
home of Michaela;
Michaela reside: MW. 919..., the number of phone Michaela;
Michaela MW. 960..., number of Michaela's mobile;
Lithografi L: 966..., number of the graphics/printing company in
Albufeira, this company undertakes the printing for
Samantha SM: 441..., phone in his sister's house ... in Exeter
Richard Resid RM: 441..., phone in his brother's house ... in
Neil N: 447..., is not sure but thinks this is the mobile phone
number of a former co-worker of Nissan, Norwich;
Samantha SM: 447..., mobile of his sister;
Richard RM: 447..., mobile of his brother;
Mike Wxxxxxx MW: 491..., telephone of Michaela's brother who
lives in Germany;
Ian CI: 139..., phone in the Mr Ian Cxxxxx's house ...in Exeter,
"ansiăo" of the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Exeter
with whom he maintains a close relationship because he had been
his Bible teacher in Exeter;
Michaela car MW 778..., mobile that Michaela used when she was
in England;
Dawn D 790..., mobile of his ex-wife, but this has been changed
Checo C 792..., mobile of a friend called M.R.C., who lives in
England, where he is an accountant in the NHS, they have known
each other since childhood and contact each other with some
Raj R 797..., mobile of a guy he met when he was helping in the
search for Madeleine with whom he spoke for some time, he has
not talked to him since;
Ian IC 797..., Ian Cxxxx as previously said;
Z'Montinho ZM 282..., a car repair workshop used by his mother;
Jenny Resid JM: 282..., his mother's telephone;
Vital Rxxxxxx VR 912..., mobile of a Jehovah's Witness whom he
met through Michaela, name Vital Rxxxxxx, resident in Lagos,
with whom he does not maintain close contact;
Manuel Mxxx MM: 914... mobile of Mr Manuel Mxxx, whom he met
professionally and with whom he has met about twice;
Serge S: 914..., mobile of Sergey Malinca with whom he maintains
a professional relationship;
Ricardo Hxxx RH: 914..., mobile of Ricardo Hxxxxxxxx, a former
colleague in Remax, currently not in contact with him;
Sara Nxxxx SN: 916..., mobile of a colleague in Remax with whom
he has no current relationship;
Nuno Bxxxxx NB: 916..., mobile of Nuno Bxxxxx, married to the
former manager of Remax in Lagos, with whom he was a friend but
currently not in contact;
Rita Dxxxxx RD: 9163xxxxx, mobile of an Irish girl he met about
2 years ago at a fashion event who then worked with Michaela in
Centry 21, with whom he has no contact nor knows where she
Sonia Cxx SC: 917..., mobile of Sonia Cxxxxxx, a former manager
of Remax of Lagos, former wife of Nuno Bxxxxx;
JM Jenny: 917..., mobile of his mother;
S'ia Cx CYC: 918..., another mobile number of Sonia Cxxxxxx;
Luis A LA 919..., husband of Michaela;
Tina Infa TI 934..., mobile of the nursery that the daughter of
Michaela attended in 2006;
Laura Cxxxxxxx LC 939..., seamstress in Lagos to whom he turned
several times for small clothing [business] deals;
Robbie Murat RM: 960..., he thinks that is the mobile number he
used when he worked for Remax;
Telma Nxxxx TN: 961..., a former colleague Remax with whom he
has no relationship;
Lita Oxxxxxx L0 962..., mobile of Lita Oxxxxxxxx a former
colleague in Remax, mother of Ricardo Hxxxxxxxx, no contact;
Rui Cxxxxx RC 963..., mobile of a former colleague of Remax with
whom he currently has no contact; when they worked together,
between June 2005 and early 2006, they were friends and
travelled to Germany twice together to find cars for market;
Luis Sxxxxx LS: 964..., old colleague in Remax who is not in
Pedro Mxxxxx PM: 964..., Manager of Century 21 in Lagos who is
not in contact, they only spoke on professional matters;
Aunt Mxxx TM: 966..., Filomena Sxxxxx, Michaela's aunt who lives
in Lisbon whom they have visited two or three times;
Lindsay Gr L: 967..., he does not remember who this person is;
Prazeres R PR: 967..., a friend of his and Michaela who resides
in Lagos with whom they have a close relationship but it has
been many months since they got together;
Lurdes Mxxxx LM: 967..., Lurdes Mxxxxxx a former colleague in
Remax who is not in contact;
Tania Rxx TR 968..., a colleague in Remax who is not in contact;
Zé ZC: 969..., he thinks this José Nxxxx, a colleague in Remax
who is not in contact;
Veronica Fxx VF 969..., colleague in Remax who is not in
Romigen R does not know why he put this in his agenda but it is
the name of the firm he plans to implement.
---- Regarding the agenda of the phone he states that:
Michaela 919... is Michaela's mobile;
Michaela 282... is Michaela's fixed line at her home;
Michaela 960... is another mobile of Michaela;
Anna 447... is the mobile of his niece, daughter of Samantha;
Chris 447... is the mobile of his former boss at Inchcape, the
car firm in Norwich, Chris Sxxxxx, with whom he remains friends
and has sporadic contacts;
Dawn 447... is the former mobile of his ex wife;
Dawn 441... is the current fixed phone of his ex wife;
Elena 966... is a friend, solicitor with offices in Portimao and
Monchique with whom he maintains close links but they have not
met for some time;
Elena 282... is the telephone at the house of his solicitor
Lucy 916... is Lucy Cxxxxxxx's mobile, his mother's house maid
but with whom he is friends;
Lucy 282... is the phone in the home of Lucy;
Maria 968... is the phone of the wife of former colleague and
friend Rui Cxxxxxxx already mentioned;
Nelson 968... is a friend, Nelson Pxxxxxx, living in Lisbon,
whom he has known since the age of 16 but meets only
Rob 969... he does not remember this number;
Rob 919... is his current mobile number;
Celly 917... is the current contact for his aunt Sally Exxxxxxx;
Celly 282... is the phone at the house of his aunt above;
Sonia Cxxxxxx 918... is the former manager of Remax in Lagos who
is not in contact;
António Fxxxxxxxxx 917... is a Civil Constructor in Lagos with
whom he has a professional relationship;
Carlos Dxxxx 917... is another house-builder in Lagos with whom
he also has a professional relationship;
Diana Mxxx 282... is an American lady who had a home for sale in
Praia da Luz with whom he did not do business;
Fernandes 336... it seems to him that this was a potential
Spanish client with whom he did not do business;
Manel Cxxxxxx 917... is a civil builder with whom he maintains a
professional relationship;
Paulos 964... is a man who had an apartment in Lagos to sell but
with whom he did not do business;
Peter Wxxxxx 912... is responsible for a building in Lagos with
whom he maintains a professional relationship;
Steve Axxxxxxx 282... no recollection of who this is but
probably a client;
Jorge Rxxx 968... it seems that this is a PJ Inspector with whom
he spoke during the Madeleine case;
Jo (Sky) 351... he knows this lady, a friend of his uncles who
live in Burgau, but with whom he does not and did not maintain
any relationship;
Nuno Jxxx 918... he does not remember to whom it belongs;
Jorge CB 914... a builder who maintains a professional
March Mxxxxxx (without number) is friend of the accused that he
knew when he worked at Remax, lives in Lagos and who keeps
current relationship;
Paul 125... owner of the firm 125 computers, which did
maintenance on his computers;
Skoda 282... is the telephone number of Skoda in Portimao;
Teresa 969... a lady known to Michaela and her husband who
performed office organisation services in Luis' firm and also
provided some help in Romigen;
Valter 918... has a mechanical workshop in Lagos and services
cars in particular the VW van;
Pedro Oxxxxxxx 917... he does not recall who this person is;
Reis Sxxxxx 966... is an Inspector of PJ contacted in this
Alex 282... is Dr.Alexandra Sxxxxx who has an office in Praia da
Luz, whom he contacted when working in Remax;
Dr. Alex 918... mobile of Alexandra Sxxxxx;
Carla 963... Carla Bxxxxxxx, coordinator of Remax in Lagos;
John Nxxxx 917... a former colleague with the Remax who is not
Luis Fxxxxxxx 969...a former colleague of Remax who is not
Lurde 967... a former colleague of Remax who is not related;
Nuno Bxxxxx 916... former husband of the former manager of Remax
who is not related;
Richard Mxxxx 969... a former colleague of Remax who is not
Tania 967... a former colleague of Remax who is not related;
Zé accountant 969... Jose Fxxxx, accountant for Remax who is
related in professional terms;
Anja 919... a friend of his and Michaela, lives in Lagos, is
German and they relate frequently;
Czech 967... mobile of the son of Mrs Lxxx who he has known for
many years and working in England in health services; Dan
918... who takes care of Villa Liliana when there is nobody at
home, lives in Praia da Luz;
Dan 282... Dan's home phone;
Glyn 447... mobile of a friend of his aunt who stays with her
when he comes to Portugal, lives near London and did not meet
with him when he went to England;
Home 282... phone of his home (Casa Liliana);
Luis 919... Luis Axxxxxxx Michaela's husband;
Mum 447... mobile phone that his mother used in England;
Mum 917... mobile of his mother;
Pagarete 918... Dr. Francisco Pagarete is a friend with this
gentleman who is also his lawyer;
Rui 969... Rui C. a former colleague of Remax who is not now in
contact but with whom he had a close relationship;
Rui 963... another number of Rui Cxxxxxxx;
Serge 914... Sergey Malinca's mobile;
Vital 912... A Jehova's Witness who provided bible lessons;
Carlos Bxxxxx 917... builder in Lagos who keeps a professional
Catherine 968... friend of his mother who lives in the Pxxxx
Gxxxxxx, Praia da Luz;
Maria Sxxxxx 962... (incomplete) sold an apartment to her son
when he worked at Remax;
Lloyd Hxxxx 447... sold an apartment to him when he was in Lagos
at Remax, has no other relationship with him;
Mike Hxxxxxx 918... had professional relationship with this
Paul Axxxxxxx 917... has a ruin in Aljezur and is related in
professional terms, is a friend of his brother Richard;
Roger 447... and 447... does not recall who this person is;
Vitor 962... it seems that this is the Vitor that had an
apartment and a shop for sale in Lagos whom he met while working
at Remax;
Jorge Sxxxx 282... Jorge Sxxxx's office in Lagos, person with
whom he intends to form a partnership;
Mark resident 917... manager of the newspaper Algarve Resident
whom he met through his involvement in the disappearance of
Madeleine, does not maintain contact;
Consulate 282.490.750 British Consulate in Portimao;
Lili Bxxx 918... was manager of the Caixa Agrícola in Praia da
Luz, does not maintain relations with her;
Michael Gxxxxx 282... is not sure but it will be the number of
the house of a boy who he met about two years ago, was employee
of a restaurant in Lagos and currently are not in contact;
Pedro 966... and 282... and 913... does not remember who this
person is;
Sonia Vxxxxx 917... Dr. Pagarete's girlfriend, a friend;
Tom Hxxxxxx 969... seller of advertising space in the newspaper
Portugal News, only relates to professionally;
Zé Lxxxx 917... man providing firewood;
Pxxxxxxx 967... friend who lives in Lagos;
Saly 965... owner of the "big house" in Burgau with whom he has
had a relationship for many years;
Saly 447... Saly's mobile in England;
Anica 966... former colleague from Remax who is not related;
Delfim 963... representative of Remax in Lagos who is related in
professional terms;
Larysa 969... ex colleague of Remax who is not related;
Luis Sxxxxx 964... a former colleague of Remax who is not
Marisa 969... a former colleague of Remax who is not related;
Remax 282... Remax shop in Lagos;
Sandra 967... a former colleague of Remax with whom he relates
from time to time;
James 916... a former colleague of Remax who is not related.
---- In this interview, at 19.30, notification is given that
interrogation of the arguido is ended and will continue
tomorrow, notice of that session having already been given to
him as well as to his defence attorney.
---- That session will take place at 10:00 in the premises of
the Department of Criminal Investigation of Portimao.
No more was said ...
=================================== |
1957 to 1958 Confrontation
Diligence (re:
Murat) |
08-Processo, Volume V, pages
1957 to 1958 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1957 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1958 |
Processo, Volume VIII, pages 1957 to
---- On 11 July, at 10:00, in the
premises of the Department of
Criminal Investigation of the
Portimao Judicial Police, before me,
Paulo Ferreira, Inspector, and Dr.
Guilhermino Encarnacao, Deputy
National Director of Judicial
Police, appeared the defendant
already identified in the file, in
order to proceed with his
interrogation. Following on [prior]
interrogatory work and
contradictions having been seen
between that which the defendant
said and that of the witnesses,
ELAINE PAYNE, all also duly
identified in the file, given that
in the depositions of these people
there exist clear contradictions
with the answers of the defendant,
this present work proceeded.
---- This work was conducted in the
presence of the defence attorney of
the defendant, Dr. Francisco
Pagarete, as well as Mrs Carla E.,
translator and interpreter who
translated all the declarations in
English and vice versa, that having
been started at 12:00.
---- By the first confronter, RACHEL
that she confirms her deposition
recorded at pages 1212 ff. of the
case file, namely that she saw the
defendant present in this
confrontation at about 23h30 on 03
May 2007 in the circumstances that
she makes clear in the [above]
---- By the second confronter,
that he confirms his testimony
recorded in pages 1320 and 1321,
specifically when it states that he
saw the defendant ROBERT MURAT on
the night on which occurred the
events now under investigation, that
is on the night on which Madeleine
disappeared, about 01:00 in the
early hours of 04 May last, [and] in
all the rest he confirms his
testimony in what it says with
respect to the contact that he had
with the defendant.
---- By the third confronter, FIONA
ELAINE PAYNE it was said that she
confirms her testimony recorded in
pages 1323 and 1324, namely when it
states that she saw the defendant
for the first time, personally, on
the night of 03 May about 23h30
outside, next to the door of the
McCann apartment in the company of
officers of the GNR that in the
meantime had already arrived at the
place. In all the rest she confirms
the "circumstantionalism"
encompassing circumstances]
of the approach that she made to the
---- By the fourth confronter the
EVELEIGH MURAT it was said that it
is a lie [fabrication] what the
other confronters had said because
on that night of the disappearance
of Madeleine he was not nor had been
in that place, not having on the
night of 03 May 2007 even gone out
of [left] his house.
---- Nothing else was declared by
the confronters, this document
having been read to them they found
it conforms (with their statements
made) it is going to be signed by
all the participants.
1959 to 1964 Interrogation
of arguido Robert Murat
207.07.10 |
08-Processo, Volume VIII, pages
1959-1964 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1959 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1960 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1961 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1962 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1963 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1964 |
Processo, Volume VIII, pages
Date: 2007/07/11; Time: 10:00;
Location: DIC Portimão
Officer: Paulo F., Inspector.
Defence attorney: Dr. Francisco
Credentials no.: 498F
Office: Rua Conselheiro Joaquim
The constitution of defendant status
and the formalities provided for in
Articles 58 and 196 of the CPP have
been met in this case.
He was warned that the lack of
response or falsehood about his
identity and criminal background
does incur criminal liability.
Asked if he wanted to respond on the
facts that are imputed against him,
he responded:
---- Yes, he intends to continue to
answer the questions that will be
put to him.
---- Relating to the listing of
phone numbers obtained from the
agenda of his mobile, that was
present yesterday with him, he
remembers now that the numbers for
Roger 447... and 447... are mobile
phone numbers of two partners who
buy and sell land with whom he is
related professionally.
---- Asked he says that before the
events under investigation in this
inquiry he was in England for about
a month, carrying out the
reconstruction of the house that was
previously his grandmothers and is
now his mothers. He made this trip
at the request of his mother, given
that they had agreed that he would
carry out the repair in exchange for
his mother investing in Romigen.
---- The trip, as well as all the
money used in reconstruction, were
the costs of his mother.
---- While in England he basically
associated with his relatives who
reside near there, the sister, the
brother-in-law, the nephews, as well
as with his friend of long-standing
M.R.C. (Checo) who also resides in
the area (Exeter).
---- There the defendant lived in
the house of his mother. During his
stay in that place he continued to
make contacts, via the Internet,
with the future partners Jorge Sxxxx
and Jason, as well as with Michaela.
---- Questioned he affirms that he
does not remember for certain if he
contacted in that way, or any other,
Sergey Malinca, he being sure that
that, in doing so, such messages or
contacts with Sergey are kept on his
computer given that he does not
remember having deleted anything off
the computer. The computer that he
used in England is one of those that
were subsequently seized during the
search carried out at his home.
---- During the contacts that he
made with the future partners it
happened that the negotiations
stalled. Therefore he decided to
travel to Portugal to try to
progress that matter because he
believed that that could only be
done personally.
---- He made the travel reservation
to Portugal for 01 May. This
reservation was made through the
Internet, having used the site
---- Questioned he answered that the
reservation was made exactly for 01
May, being sure that he did not
anticipate/advance nor
anticipate/advance such a
---- The night before the trip he
slept in his brother-in-law Steve's
home, where his sister and nephews
also were.
---- He recalls that the flight that
brought him from Exeter to Faro
airport was in the morning, and it
was his sister Samantha who drove
him to the airport.
---- Questioned he affirms that
during his stay in England he did
not contact with any of the people
who he later came to find here in
Portugal, namely those who were
involved in the disappearance of
Madeleine. He is not aware that any
of his family has made any contacts
or know any of those people, namely
anyone close to the McCann couple.
---- Having been asked for the
record if on the night that
Madeleine disappeared he was in the
Ocean Club helping in the searches
and in contact with several people,
about 23h30 to 24h00, the defendant
replied categorically that he was
not. He affirms that he was not on
that night helping in searches given
that, as he had stated he did not
leave the house from 19h30 on 03 May
until the morning of 04 May.
---- For the record, at 12:00 noon,
this interrogation was interrupted
in order to proceed with an
interview of confrontation between
ELAINE PAYNE, the competent document
having been drawn up.
---- After that diligence and for
the record, 12:40, this
interrogation is interrupted to
continue opportunely.
---- At 14:30 the present interview
was restarted.
---- Questioned the defendant
reaffirms that in truth on the
afternoon of 03 May he arrived at Casa Liliana around 19:00/19:30
having left the VW stopped in front
of the house, that is outside the
property, immediately entering into
the property. Questioned he does not
remember the clothes he was wearing
at the time. Nor does he remember if
his mother was at home or not. Nor
does he recall in detail what he
did. He remembers that at one time
he spoke with his mother, however he
cannot recall whether she arrived
meanwhile or she was already there.
He remembers that they were sitting
in the kitchen and the defendant
remembering that he ate, how long
with his mother he does not
remember. Confronted with the
testimony of his mother who told
that she arrived at the house around
20.30 and that Robert had also
arrived at that moment, he says that
he cannot account
for having arrived at the same time
as his mother.
---- Questioned he says that when he
heard the sound of a siren he was
with his mother in the kitchen,
still talking, it would be about
22:00/22:30, the time he estimates
taking into account that they had
the television on. Questioned he
said not to recall if the sound was
continuous or discontinuous. He
remembers only that at that time
there was the sound of voices from
both their talk and the sound of
television, not recalling other
sounds in the background. He
remembers well having heard that
sound given that after it he
commented to his mother that it
seemed that he was in her house in
England given that there he
assiduously heard the sound of
sirens. He was not aware of other
noises namely raised voices or the
dogs barking outside the property.
---- Questioned about if he
considers it normal or abnormal the
fact of not having made nor received
calls on his mobile phone between
15:00 on 02 May until the night of
03 May he said that that fact seems
normal to him since in that period
of time he had been accompanied by
Michaela she being the person with
whom he usually speaks to on the
phone. However, he states that he
had assumed no purposeful position
[given no thought to] that that fact
had happened.
---- Questioned he states that he
rented a grey Hyundai car on
Saturday, 12 May, from the Auto Rent
firm in Praia da Luz. He thinks that
he picked up the car in the
afternoon of that day. This car was
returned by his mother on Tuesday
15th of that month. Basically he
used the car in the area of Lagos
and Portimão. He did not leave the
Algarve with it. He does not
remember how many kilometres he
drove with the car, however he
estimates about 100 to 200 at most.
He informs having rented it because
his mother was using the VW in the
information table [she had set up]
and the Skoda was in the workshop
and he had no other means of
transport. Confronted with the fact
that there is information that that
car had done 700 km during the
rental period, he says this is not
true. He denies having gone so many
kilometres in that car, adding that
to have more mileage than what he
indicated that this will be an error
of whoever read the mileage
[odometer], the defendant was the
only person to use the car.
---- Questioned he says that never
in his life has he entered the
apartment where Madeleine was when
she disappeared, neither before nor
after the events under
---- Questioned if he knows anyone
who is the owner of a boat he said
that his uncle has a boat stored in
the back of his property but that is
on land. Last year, when he worked
in Remax, he sold an apartment to an
English man that he knows is the
owner of a boat, but does not know
however where this boat would be,
nor had he ever seen it. His
relationship with this person was
strictly professional. There is also
a friend of Luis, the husband of
Michaela, whom he thinks is called
Steve and that he said that he has a
boat. The defendant has never seen
that boat nor does he even know if
that is true or not. He has no
contact with this person. Nelson
Pxxxxxx, who is in his mobile phone
address book, is the son of a man
called Carlos Pxxxxxx who is the
owner of a vessel that the defendant
however never saw nor knows where it
---- Asked if on the day of the
disappearance of Madeleine or in
subsequent days he was in any marina
or in any port, he said no, that he
was not in any of those places on
those days.
---- For the record, the defendant
having been shown a photograph in
which one can observe the defendant
speaking with an individual on '25
de Abril' road, in Praia da Luz, he
said that such person is one known
to him, a resident of Praia da Luz,
who knows Robert, and that he knows
him to be of Romanian nationality.
He met this individual on an
occasion in which he, the Romanian,
did some gardening work at Casa
Liliana, which he thinks was
contracted by his mother. The
contact that happened when they were
photographed was based on a request
that the defendant [should be: the
Romanian] made to Robert in the
sense of him [RM] making a
translation of an appeal in the
Romanian language regarding the
disappearance of Madeleine.
---- Asked about if at any time he
had used used computers in the cyber
café either in Praia da Luz or in
other places he responded
negatively, that is, he had never
used computers in those locations.
He affirms further that [n]either
Michaela [n]or Sergey also [n]ever
did so in the presence of the
---- For the record the defendant
was asked if he has had
conversations with any person,
besides his lawyer, about the way he
could prove his innocence, be it
personally, be it by telephone, be
it in café, or in any other place,
conversations that could conflict
with police techniques to prove the
guilt or innocence of a person.
---- For the record the defence
attorney requested some time to
explain the question to the
defendant and he was permitted a
short break in order for them to
---- Resuming the interrogation the
defendant said yes he had spoken
about this subject but he did so
primarily with the family and with
intimate friends. In particular he
states that he remembers having
spoken with Inspectors of the PJ on
an occasion at his home when he
asked them if they could, through
the antennas of mobile phones, prove
that he was at home at a given
moment, to which they replied that
it would be possible but that he
should not be concerned about it
because that matter was going to be
handled. Questioned he responded
that he thinks he had not asked
anyone else.
---- For the record it being asked
of him if he knows a British police
officer by the name of Phill, he
answered yes. It also being asked of
him if he had not asked this British
police officer about the method that
British police had to locate a
person in a particular place and at
a particular time, he said yes.
Asked if that conversation was had
on a personal level [in person] or
by phone he responded that it was
personal [in person]. For the record
the transcript of of the telephone
intercept recorded on pages 1681 to
1690 being shown to him, he states
for the record that effectively he
continues to not recall having
telephoned Phil nor having spoken
with him on the phone, although he
does recall a
conversation that he had with this
individual at the home of his aunt,
perhaps in the bar, repeating it in
the following manner: He had asked
Phil if the Police could locate him
in the house through the mobile
phone to thus
prove his innocence. Phill had
replied that such would depend on
the distance from the antennas
[masts], namely their active radius.
It being asked of the defendant if
he had or had not asked [Phil] if
he, the defendant, could be located
to within a distance of one meter of
the place where he was, he responded
yes. It being looked for from him
the reason for such a question when
his home, without the adjacent land,
is about 300 square meters not
justifying, perhaps, that he had
asked the question about the
location of the defendant within a
meter, unless the defendant had been
elsewhere, he did not respond. It
being asked of him for what reason
he resorted to a British official
given that he had already said
previously he had good relations
with the PJ and GNR, he said that
when he asked officers of the PJ it
was done to know if that technology
was already in the possession of the
Portuguese police.
---- He states not remembering if
after that contact he had had any
on this matter with whomever that
Asked what he did after suspecting
he was being followed by the police,
he answered that he eventually wrote
down the license plate number of a
car and that PJ inspector Reis
Santos told him that the PJ had no
such vehicle. Asked, he said that he
did talk about this situation with
Michaela and other people, either in
person or by telephone. After
reading his testimony, the defendant
wanted to clarify that he did not
answer the question in lines 128 and
129 because his attorney advised him
not to. The day after talking with
Phill the defendant met him again at
his aunt’s house and Phill told him
that he could no longer speak to the
defendant about this case for his
superiors had told him not to.
Read and found it in agreement,
ratifies and will sign.
1965 to1966
- Service Information re: contacts on Murat's telephone
2007.07.11 |
08 Processos Vol VIII Pages 1965 – 1966 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1965 |
08_VOLUME_VIIIa_Page_1966 |
Service Information
Date: 2007-07-11
To: Dr Amaral
From: Inspector Ramos
Subject: Mobile Phone Findings
In the phone list extracted from Robert Murat's mobile there is
a number belonging to a TMN network with a reference to Lindsay
and Gr, this number possibly being that of Lindsay *** referred
to in Carlos Costa's statement (pages 1286, 1287 and 1288), the
childhood friend of RM who probably knew of various episodes
documented in the files of sexual behaviour with animals
attributed to RM.
When we contacted this number we found out that it belongs to
GFS, a Scottish citizen resident in Burgau and his partner
Lindsay C*****, also the user of mobile number ******.
The couple got to know RM in January of this year, through the
intermediary of RM's aunt, Sally Eveleigh, whom they got to know
when trying to sell their house in Salema where they lived at
the time.
RM, as a person linked to real estate, valued the house but did
not participate as intermediary in the sale, there was no
further contact between him and the couple.
It was not, therefore, the Lindsay mentioned by Carlos Costa.
From Portugal Telecom information we learned of the existence of
number****** of PMP, resident of ... Mexilhoeira Grande, who
confirmed telephonically that she was the mother of Lyndon (not
Lindsay) Pollard with the numbers ******* and ******.
Contact was made with Lyndon who confirmed that he was the
person mentioned by Costa and made himself available to appear
in the DIC premises in Portimao at 14.00 today, the 11th of
For your information
Inspector Ramos |
- Letter from Pagarete re: Murat and new Penal Code |
10 Processos Vol X Page 2706 |
10VOLUME_Xa_Page_2706 |
Letter from Francisco Pagarete
To: The Prosecutor
Portimao District Court
NUIPC N° 201/07.0 GALGS
Public Services Ministry
26th September 2007
Robert Murat, arguido in the files of the inquiry mentioned
above, according to the terms of article 86 of the CPP and the
new wording conferred by Law 48 of 2007 of 29th August, requires
that he be given the facility to consult the case files because
as is clearly established by article 1: "the penal process is
public under penalty of nullity".
The arguido as well as most citizens has knowledge from the
press about the constitution of new arguidos in this case which
is why he wants to have access to the indications gathered
against him in order to be able to refute them.
F. Pagarete |
- Francesco Pagarete undated
request for certified copy
of page 2662 |
11 Processos Vol XI Page 3006 |
11_VOLUME_XIa_Page_3006 |
Letter from Francisco Pagarete
To: The Prosecutor
Portimao District Court
NUIPC N° 201/07.0 GALGS
Public Services Ministry
2nd October 2007
Francisco Pagarete, lawyer, empowered as previously seen in the
process files, requests that he be given a certification of page
2662 of the present files.
F. Pagarete
Note: Page 2662 seems to be part documentation including
extension of secrecy of justice rule. Still to be translated. |
- Letter from F. Pagarete re Murat |
Processos Vol XVI Page 4152 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4152 |
Letter from Francisco Pagarete
To: The Prosecutor
Portimao District Court
NUIPC N° 201/07.0 GALGS
Public Services Ministry
20th February 2008
Robert Murat, arguido in the case mentioned above, once again
requests, with reference to article 186 of the CPP that you
consider ordering the return of all the belongings that were
apprehended for analysis after the search of his residence. For
almost nine months the requesting party has been unable to carry
out his professional activities as he requires the computer
equipment that was apprehended. This situation penalises him
more that the measures of co-action that were applied to him.
F. Pagarete |
Letter re: return of Murats confiscated possessions |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4154 |
Page 4154
was where Robert Murat's possessions went back to him;
Processos Vol XVI
Page 4154
Policia Judiciaria
To: Portimao Public Ministry
Date: 05-03-2008
Subject: Information
Attending the request on page 3888 as well your dispatch on page
3916, we do not have any objection in terms of the
investigation, in returning the articles apprehended from the
arguido Robert Murat, which will be done during the next days.
As regards the pervious dispatches concerning the return, so as
not to affect the investigation, the articles were not returned
because, in spite of having been examined, the results of these
examinations are being analysed and compiled in such a manner as
to dissipate any doubt, and this will shortly be completed.
With compliments
The Superior Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation.
Paulo Rebelo |
Robert James Queriol
Eveleigh Murat, also carried
out functions of interpreter |
16 Processos Vol XVI Page 4271 |
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Francisco Pagarete
To: The Prosecutor of the Portimao Court
Public Ministry Services
Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat, arguido in the case
mentioned above, who in the same process also carried
out functions of
interpreter, requires
that Your Excellence informs him when it was that he
made a compromise of honour in order to carry out these
The Lawyer
Francisco Pagarete |
- Terms of information
reference to page
in the presence of Dr Francisco Pagarete, legal representative
of the arguido Robert Murat |
16 Processos Vol XVI Page 4295 |
Portimao Public Ministry
Process 201-07.0GALGS
Date: 19-05-2008
Terms of Information
It is recorded that on this date, with reference to page 4271, in the
presence of Dr Francisco Pagarete, legal representative of the
arguido Robert Murat, who was informed that his client declared
Terms of Compromise on 09-05-2007 at the Public Ministry
Services in Lagos.
He was told that the information given was sufficient.
Maria Luisa Nascimento Duarte |