1606 to 1610 Witness
testimony of
Martin Smith taken
2007/05/26 with map of
sighting |
06 Processo 06 pages 1606 to 1610 |
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Date of Diligence: 2007.05.26 10H40
Location: DIC Portimao
The witness states:
— That he comes to the process as a witness.
— Being of Irish nationality, he does not
understand Portuguese in its written or oral
form and is accompanied by an interpreter.
— That he has an apartment in Luz, Lagos,
located in the Estela da Luz Urbanizaco, A1C.
This apartment is co-owned by a friend whose
name is Li** ON****. He normally visits Portugal
three times a year. When here, he stays in the
apartment. Concerning this period, he states
that he arrived in Portugal on the 30th of
April, 2007, with a booked return date of May 9,
2007. He arrived at Faro airport and flew out
from Dublin.
— Concerning the facts under investigation, on
the 3rd of May, he went with his family to the
Dolphin restaurant in Praia da
Luz where they dined. Around 21H00 they left the
restaurant and headed toward 'Kelly's Bar';
about a 50 metre distance from the restaurant,
following the path, as it is very short. The
walk took him a few minutes. In 'Kelly's Bar' they consumed some
drinks. They left that establishment around
21H55 as his son would be travelling very
early the next day. This bar is located on Calheta Street.
— After leaving the bar, he travelled in the
opposite direction and reached a set of stairs
which gave access to Rua 25 de Abril (25th of
April Street). On this artery they followed a
second street, parallel to Rua 1 de Maio (1st of
May Street) whose name he does not remember. He
was heading toward his apartment (Estrela da Luz
complex) which is located a little above the
street Travessa da Escola Primária (Primary
school crossing). As he
reached this artery, he saw an individual carrying
a child, who walked normally and fitted in perfectly
in that area, in that it is common to
see people carrying children, at least during
the holiday season. This individual was walking
the downward path, in the opposite direction to him and
his companions. He
is not aware where this person was headed. He
only saw him as they passed each other. He
assumed it was a father and daughter, not raising
any suspicion.
— Urged, states that when he passed this
individual it would have been around 22H00, and at the
time he was completely unaware that a child had
disappeared. He only became aware of the
disappearance of the child the next morning,
through his daughter, L*****, in Ireland who had sent him a
message or called him regarding what had
happened. At this point he thought that
MADELEINE could have been the child he saw with
the individual.
— Regarding the description of the individual
who carried the child he states that: he
was Caucasian, around 175 to 180m in height. He
appeared to be about 35/40 years old. He had an
average build, a bit on the thin side. His
hair was short, in a basic male cut, brown in
colour. He cannot state if it was dark or
lighter in tone. He did not wear glasses and had
no beard or moustache. He did not notice any
other relevant details partly due to the fact
that the lighting was not very good.
— He was wearing cream or beige-coloured cloth
trousers in a classic cut. He did not see his
shoes. He did not notice the body clothing and cannot
describe the colour or fashion of
the same.
— He states that the child was female, about
four years of age as she was similar to his
granddaughter of the same age. She was a child of
normal build, about a metre in height though not
being absolutely certain of that as she was being carried. The
child has blonde medium-hued hair, without being
very light. Her skin was very white, typical of
a Brit. He did not notice her eyes as she was
asleep and her eyelids were closed.
— She was wearing light-coloured pyjamas. He
cannot state with certainty the colour. She was
not covered by any wrap or blanket. He
cannot confirm whether she was barefoot but in
his group, they spoke about the child having no
cover on her feet.
— Urged, he states that the individual did not
appear to be a tourist. He cannot explain this
further. It was simply his perception given the individual's clothing. He states that the
individual carried the child in his arms, with
her head laying on the individual's left shoulder, that being to
the right of the deponent. He adds that he did
not hold the child in a comfortable position, suggesting [the carrying] not being habitual.
— Having already seen various photographs of
MADELEINE and televised images,
states that the child who was carried by the individual could have been her.
He cannot state this as fact but is convinced
that it could have been MADELEINE, also the
opinion shared by his family.
— Questioned, says that the individual did not
speak nor did the child as she was in a deep
— States that it is not possible for him to recognise
the individual in person or by photograph.
— Adds that in May and August of 2006, he saw
ROBERT MURAT in Praia da Luz bars. On one of
these occasions, the first, he was inebriated and spoke to
everyone. He did not wear glasses at that time.
He also states that the individual who carried
the child was not ROBERT. He would have
recognised him immediately.
— At being asked, states that when he saw the
individual he was accompanied
by his wife, MARY SMITH, his son, PETER
SMITH, his daughter-in-law, S***, his
grandchildren of 13 and 6 years of age (children
of PETER) TA*** and CO**, his daughter AOIFE (12
years of age), and his other two grandchildren
(AI****** (10 years old) and EI**** (four years
old). These are children of his daughter B*****
who was in Ireland.
— States also that when he passed this
individual he was coming down the middle of the
road, in the street, also that at that time traffic is minimal or
— He adds that the group walked some metres
apart from each other so they would have seen the individual
in different positions.
— He adds a sketch indicating the route and
the locale of the sighting.
— He has nothing else to offer the
— And nothing more was said. He reads and finds
it in conformity, ratifies and signs together
with the interpreter. |
1611 to 1614 Witness
testimony of
taken 2007/05/26 |
6-Processos, Volume
VI, pgs. 1611 to 1614 |
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Date of Diligence:
2007.05.26 10h45
Location: This
Name: Aoife Smith
The witness states:
— Being an English citizen, and not understanding
Portuguese neither spoken nor written,
she is accompanied
by an interpreter.
— On 30 April 2007 she
travelled to Portugal on holiday, specifically to the Algarve.
She came with
her parents Martin
and Mary Smith and
her two nieces, AC and EC.
— They stayed in the
Estrela Da Luz
complex in Praia da
Luz where her
parents have an
— When they arrived at the apartment they met her brother,
Peter Smith, her
sister-in-law, S.McD.Smith, her
nephew (six years
old), CO** and the
son of her
sister-in-law, TA***
(13 years old).
— They came on holiday for about
10 days, having returned to Ireland on 9 May 2007.
(She is not absolutely certain of the day).
— Her days on holiday were
spent in the swimming pool of the complex
where they were lodged, on the beach of
Luz and in the
shopping centre.
Normally, they were spent in Praia da Luz -
Vila da Luz.
— Dinner was taken between 19h00 and 20h00, in the
apartment or in the Restaurants "Dolphin", "Cavaleiro da
Luz", "Chaplin" or the "Marujo", all situated in the Praia da Luz area. ' When they ate at home they would not
normally go out.
When they went to eat at the restaurants
they stopped by
Kelly's Bar,
situated, she thinks, on Calheta
Street in Praia da Luz.
— Regarding the 3rd
of May, 2007, she
went, with all
her family, to eat
at the
restaurant, which is
close to Kelly's
When they left
the restaurant,
around 21H30, they
headed toward Kelly's Bar. They
stayed there for
about 30 minutes.
— Around 22H00, they
left Kelly's Bar.
The group headed, on
foot, for their
— Questioned, she
responds that she
knows the time that they left
because her father
and her brother decided
to leave early that
night. There were
two reasons for
this: one was the fact that her
sister-in-law was
not feeling very
well and the other was because
her brother,
nephew and son of
her sister-in-law finished their holiday the next day
and had to catch the morning flight
returning to Ireland.
— Upon leaving the
bar, they turned
right and headed
along the road for
40/50 metres. At
this point, they
again turned to the
right and ascended a
small street
with stairs that give
access to Rua 25 de
Abril. As they were a
large group (four
adults and five
children) they
travelled apart from
each other along the
street with some
more to the front
and the others
more behind. She does not
remember how they
were divided [who was where].
— The deponent
remembers that upon
reaching the top of
the stairs, she
looked to her left
and saw a man (1)
with a female child (2) in
his arms, walking
along the pavement of Rua
25 de Abril. He was
walking in her
direction at a
distance of, give or
take, two metres.
— The deponent
crossed to the other
side of Rua 25 de
Abril and began
walking up Rua da
Escola Primária
in the direction of
the Estrela da Luz apartment
— She did not see if
the referenced
individual with the
child descended Rua das
or if he
continued along Rua 25
de Abril.
— It was the first
time she saw that
man. She does not
remember seeing him
at any time in any
— She has seen
photographs of
Madeleine McCann and
thinks that it could
have been her. Asked, she
said she was 60%
— The description below
made about
the man and the female child that
the witness saw was
made at around 22H00,
when the lighting
was weak.
— Questioned, states
that probably she
would not be able
to recognise either the
individual or the
Personal Description:
— (1) the individual
was male, Caucasian,
between 20/30 years
of age, of normal
physical build,
1,70/1,75 metres in
height. At the time
she saw
his face but now
cannot remember it.
She thinks
that he had a
clean-shaven face.
She does not
remember seeing
tattoos, scars or
earrings. She did
not notice his
ears. His hair was
thick-ish, light
brown in colour,
short at the back
(normal) and a bit
longer on the top.
— His trousers were
smooth "rights" along the legs, beige in colour,
cotton fabric, thicker than linen,
possibly with
buttons, and without
any other
— She did not see
what he was wearing
above his trousers
as the child covered
him almost completely at
the top.
— She did not see
what shoes he was
— The individual's
gait was normal, between a fast walk and a run. He
did not look tired, moving in a manner usual when
one carries a child.
— (2) the child was
female because she had
straight long hair
to the neck. The
colour was
fair/light brown.
— She is certain
that the child was
about four years old
because her niece
(who was in the
group) is of the
same age and they were the same
— She did not see
the child's face
because she was
lying against the
individual's left
shoulder in a
vertical position
against the
individual. She
appeared to be
sleeping. Her arms
were suspended along
her body and were
not around the
individual's neck.
She did not look at
the child's hands
and cannot state the
colour of her skin.
She believes she was
— There was nothing
covering the child,
a comforter/blanket
or any other piece
of clothing but she
only saw her back.
— She was wearing
light trousers,
white or
light pink, that
may have been
pyjamas. She does
not remember if they
were patterned as it
was dark. The
material was lightweight/thin
and could have been
— She also had a
light top, with long
sleeves. She did not
see it well because the
individual had his
arms around the
child. She is not
sure if the child's
top was the same
colour as her
trousers, saying only that it
was very light. The fabric was the same as the trousers.
— Questioned
regarding the shoes,
she responded that
she did not remember
seeing any shoes, not
remembering if
the child had any or
— Asked to tell the truth, she affirms
that what she has
finished declaring
is the truth of the facts, according
to her knowledge.
— And nothing more
was said. Reads and
finds it
ratifies and signs
together with her
1615 to 1624 Witness
Testimony of Peter Daniel
Smith taken 2007/05/26 with
map of sighting |
6-Processos, Volume VI, pgs. 1615
to1624 |
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Date of Diligence: 2007.05.26 15H30
Location: DIC Portimao
The witness states:
— That he comes to the process as a
— Being of Irish nationality, he
does not understand Portuguese in
its oral or written form and is
therefore accompanied by an
— States that his father owns an
apartment in the town of Luz, Lagos,
namely in Urban. Estrela da Luz,
corresponding to A1C. His father
comes to Portugal at least three
times per year. The deponent went
the first time that he travelled to
— Concerning the period in question,
states that he arrived in Portugal
on the 26th of April of 2007 and had
his return passage booked for the
4th of May of the same year. He
arrived at Faro airport from the
city of Dublin. That he arrived
before his father, by choice, due to
available days. He came accompanied
by his wife, S***, and his two
children TA*** and CO**, 13 and 6
years old respectively.
— He would like to clarify that on
the 3rd of May, he and his family
went to the Dolphin restaurant,
situated in Praia da Luz, where they
dined. Around 21H00 they left the
restaurant and went to Kelly's Bar,
about one minute away on foot. In
Kelly's Bar
(he does not remember the name of
the street it is on) they had a few
drinks, having left from there
around 21H50/22H00.
— They left the bar, and went up
some steps that give access to a
road just above. On this road they
took a side street, the name of
which he does not know, in the
direction of Estrela da Luz.
Immediately at the beginning of this
road he saw an individual carrying a
child, who walked normally, with a
fairly quick step because he was
coming downhill. It appeared normal
to him, like father and daughter. He
adds that this individual was coming
down the street, opposite to the
direction of the deponent and his
family. He does not know what
direction the individual took as he
only saw him as they passed each
— Urged, states that when he passed
this individual it would have been
around 21H55/22H00, and at the time
he was completely unaware that a
child had disappeared. He only found
out about the disappearance of the
child the next morning through
someone he knew, the son of the
builder of Estrela da Luz, who was
also at the airport. The witness
went to the airport given that, as
planned, he intended to return to
Ireland on that day
— At that time he did not associate
the said individual with the
disappearance, only after thinking
on the subject and the coincidence
of the time did he infer that
MADELEINE could have been the child
carried by the individual that he
had seen.
— The description of the individual
who carried the child was:
Caucasian, around 175 to 180 cm
tall. About 35 years, or older. He
was somewhat tanned as a result of
sun exposure. Average build, in good
shape. Short hair, brown in colour.
He does not remember if he wore
glasses, or had a beard or a
moustache. He did not notice any
other relevant details as the
lighting was bad.
— He also does not remember the
clothing the individual wore or his
shoes. He states that he did not
notice those details as his pregnant
wife was somewhat ill and he was
constantly attending to her, not
caring about observation of the
— He states the child was female.
She was perhaps two or three years
old, in that she appeared to him to
be a bit smaller than his niece of
the same age. She was a child of
normal build. She had blonde hair,
of medium shade, not very light. Her
skin was white, typically British.
He did not notice her eyes as she
was asleep, having closed eyelids.
— He does not remember her clothing
very well but thinks it was
lightweight summer clothing, light
in colour. He does not remember if
she was covered with any wrap or
blanket. He cannot affirm if she was
— He states that [the man] carried
the child on his arms, with the head
resting on the left shoulder, as
such on the right of the deponent,
appearing to him in a natural
— Having already seen various
photographs of MADELEINE and
televised images, states that the
child that was carried by the
individual may have been her. He
cannot state this as fact but is
convinced that it could have been
MADELEINE, an opinion shared by his
— Questioned, states that the
individual did not speak nor did the
child as she was sleeping deeply. He
adds also that the individual did
not try to hide his face or lower
his look, [doing] nothing [that
would be] perceived as strange.
— States that it would not be
possible to recognize the individual
in person or via photograph.
— At being asked, says that when he
saw the individual, the deponent was
accompanied by his wife, S***, his
father MARTIN, his mother MARY, his
children TA*** and CO**, 13 and 6
year old respectively, his sister
AOIFE, 12 years old, and his two
nieces AI******, 10 years, and EI****,
4 years, children of his sister
B******, who was in Ireland.
— States further that when he passed
the individual, the individual was
coming down to his right, going
around the deponent in the middle of
the street. At that time the traffic
was minimal or non-existent.
— He adds that the group walked some
metres apart from each other,
therefore they would have seen the
individual in different positions.
— He adds a sketch indicating the
route and place of the sighting.
— Adds further that his son TA***
was questioned in Ireland and said
that the individual was dressed in a
long-sleeved coat/jacket, black in
colour, and that the child was
— He has nothing else to offer the
— And nothing more was said. Reads
and finds it in conformity, ratifies
and signs together with the
6-Processo 6 Pages 1619 to 1624 |
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2871 to 2875
Smith Family Memorandum regarding contact with PJ after
McCanns return home |
3276 to 3280
- External diligence carried out in Kelly's Bar on 2007.10.10 |
12 Processos Vol XII Pages 3276 to 3280 |
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External Inquiry
Date 10 ' 10 ' 2007
Place: Kelly's Bar, P da L
Inquiry carried out by Inspectors Rui Fernandes and Ricardo
Description and results of Inquiry
On this date at about 15.00 we went to Kelly's Bar, located in
Rua da Calheta, in Praia da Luz. At the site we were received by
an employee of the bar identified as L***** A**** M**** who had
been on duty on the night of 3rd May 2007.
When questioned whether on the night in question she remembered
the visit to the bar by witness Martin Smith and his family, she
replied that she does not remember given the lapse of time
between the events and because the bar is daily frequented by
dozens of clients of different nationalities.
All the available documentation was requested concerning the
expenses in the bar on the night of 3rd May 2007 as we were
given the cash register from which photocopies were made
referring to the period between 20.00 and 24.00, which is
annexed to this report.
Ricardo Paiva
Annexes |
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3991 Martin Smith information
regarding Gerry McCann on television
2007.11.08 |
13-Processo Vol XIII
Page 3991 |
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NUIP 201/07 o GALGS
4' Brigada
We can infer, from
the analysis of the
contained in folios
2871 and 2872, that
the statement of
Martin Smith, duly
identified and filed
as folio 1606,
reports new
This information
alleges that upon
catching sight of
Gerald McCann on the
television news,
when he (GM) arrived
at the UK and still
at the airport, he
(GM) appeared to him
to be the individual
whom he saw on 3rd
May in Praia da Luz,
carrying a child.
As a result of this
and because of the
fact of the witness
being resident in
Ireland, we
contacted an officer
from the Irish force
for the Iberian
Peninsula, in
Madrid, Bernard
Gattney, who took on
the task of carrying
out the necessary
arrangements in
order to proceed to
a new questioning of
Martin Smith.
He was sent by email
a copy of the
including the
witness statement,
and a list of
questions to ask
him, duly translated
into English.
Portimao, 8th
November 2007
Joao Carlos
3992 Email regarding Smith statement
3993 to 3994
Portuguese translation of email from
Prior re: Smith statement 2007.09.20 |
13-Processos Vol XIII Page 3992 (in
English) |
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Email sent from Joao Carlos Silva
Pereira to Bernard Gattney
8th November 2007
Subject: Martin Smith
Bernard ,
According to our phone contact, I
hereby enclose the report on Martin
Smith, son of P S and C S, born in
Ireland on *****, and an Irish
citizen, passport n' *****, home
Following the enclosed report you
are now kindly requested to ask him
the following questions:
- Does he confirm the statement he
made in Portugal on May 26th 2007?
- Can he describe in detail the
individual he saw carrying a child
on May 3rd 2007, notwithstanding the
fact that he has already made this
description in his previous
statements? Was this individual
- When and in what mass medium has
he seen the news of Gerald McCann
going down the plane stairs, and
carrying one of his children? (If
possible he should be shown the
above-mentioned pictures, as well as
asked whether he confirms or
disconfirms this man was the same
individual he saw on May 3rd 2007).
- Was it really Gerry McCann? Is he
sure of this fact?
- Does he recognise Gerald McCann
from the facial features or from the
way he was carrying the child?
- Are his family members, namely the
ones who were with him on May 3rd
2007, able to recognise the
individual? If yes, do they also
identify the individual as being
Gerald McCann? (If yes, such family
members should also be interviewed
with a view to equally answering the
above questions).
- Any other possible significant
question, whether arising from the
answers of Martin Smith to the above
questions or that is deemed as
relevant, should be equally asked.
3993 to 3994 – Portuguese
translation of email from Prior
re: Smith statement
3995 to 3997
English email re: Smith sighting
sent from Stuart Prior |
13-Processos Vol XIII Pages 3996 –
3997 (in English) |
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Email from John Hughes to DIC
Portimao, C.C. to Stuart Prior
20th September 2007
Subject: Fwd Smith family
From Lindsay Long to John Hughes
20th September 2007
Re – Smith family
Location : Portugal Out of Force
Origin: Mr Martin Smith Ireland.
Text: Reported that he had passed a
male carrying a child in Praia da
Luz the night Maddie went missing.
Went and made a statement to
Portugal police in Portimao on 26th
May and returned to UK. Is saying
that after seeing the McCanns on the
news on 9th Sept when they returned
to UK he has not slept and is
worried sick. He states he was
watching the 10 PM on BBC and saw
the McCanns getting off the plane
and coming down the steps. He states
it was like watching an action
replay of the night he saw the male
carrying the child back in Portugal.
He states the way Gerry was carrying
his twin triggered something in his
head. It was exactly the same way
and look of the male seen the night
Maddie went missing . He also
watched ITV news and Sky news and
inferred it looked like the same
person both times carrying the
Is asking a member of OP task ring
him back. He was with group of 9
family and friends the night he saw
the male in Portugal. He sounded
quite worried and shaken whilst
speaking to me
Title: Info on Maddie
4134 Cover of fax re: Dublin
correspondence (English)
4135 to 4139
Additional statement
from Martin Smith 2008.01.30 (English)
4140 Email
16-Processos, Volume XVI, pg 4134 to 4139
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Detective Branch
County Lough
Re – Investigation into the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann
I took an additional statement from
Mr Smith as requested. His wife does
not want to make another statement.
I showed him the video clip and he
stated that it was not the clip that
alerted him but the BBC news at 10
PM on 9th September 2007.
He has been contacted by numerous
tabloid press looking for stories.
He has been contacted by Mr Brian
Kennedy who is supporting the McCann
family to take part in a photo fit
exercise. He has given no stories or
helped in any photo fits. He sent a
solicitor's letter to six papers in
relation material that was printed
that was misquoted. The Evening
Herald paid his solicitor's fees and
all papers printed an apology. His
photograph appeared in another
tabloid paper and this matter is
being pursued at the moment.
I do not believe that Martin Smith
is courting the press and my view
his is a genuine person. He is known
locally and is a very decent person.
Forwarded please
Liam Hogan
I hereby declare that this statement
is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief and that I make it
knowing that if it is tendered in
evidence I will be liable to
prosecution if i state in it
anything which I know to be false or
do not believe to be true.
I would like to state that the
statement I made on 26th May 2007 in
Portugal is correct. The description
of the individual that I saw on 3rd
May 2007 carrying a child is as
follows. He was average build, 5
foot 10' in height, brown hair cut
short, aged 40 years approximately.
Wearing beige trousers and darkish
top maybe a jacket or blazer. He had
a full head of hair with a tight
cut. This individual was alone. I
saw Gerard McCann (sic) going down
the plane stairs carrying one of his
children on 9th September 2007 BBC
news at 10 PM, I have been shown the
video clip by Sergeant Hogan which I
recognise. A clip I have seen before
on the Internet. In relation to the
video clips of Gerard McCann and the
person I saw on 3rd May 2007 when I
saw the BBC news at 10 PM on 9th
September 2007 something struck me
that it could have been the same
person. It was the way Gerard McCann
turned his head down which was
similar to what the individual did
on 3rd May 2007 when we met him. It
may have been the way he was
carrying the child either. I would
be 60-80% sure that it was Gerard
McCann that I met that night
carrying a child. I am basing that
on his mannerism in the way he
carried the child off the plane.
After seeing the BBC news at 10 PM,
footage on the 9th September 2007 I
contacted Leicestershire police with
this information. During that time I
spoke to all my family members who
were with me on the night of 3rd May
2007 about this and the only one who
felt the same way as me was my wife.
She had seen the video clip of
Gerard McCann walking down the
stairs of the plane earlier that
day. We did not discuss this until
some days later. This statement has
been read over to me and is correct.