3860 to 3861 Manuel Joaquim
Pessoa de Lencastre Queiroz
2007.11.20 |
15-Processo Vol 15
Pages 3860-3861 |
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Witness Statement
Date: 20-11-2007 Time: 16H30 Place:
D.I.C. de Portimao
Officer responsible: Paulo Ferreira,
Manuel Joaquim Pessoa de Lencastre
Profession: Inspector with the
Policia Judiciaria
On the 3rd May, at about 08.30, I
went on duty at the station until
08.30 on 4th May.
At about 00.10 a call was received
from the GNR in Lagos to communicate
the disappearance of a British girl
who was on holiday with her parents
at the OC in PdL.
Almost half an hour later, Inspector
Martins accompanied by Assistant
Specialist J. Barreiras left for the
scene to carry out any inquiries
that were necessary, including a
Judicial Inspection of the scene..
At the beginning the possibility was
considered that the child had left
the apartment of her own will, and
that she couldn't have gone far from
the scene and that she would be
found wandering/lost (at this time
there were already dozens of people
looking for her).
However, a little more than an hour
later, about 02.00/02.30, as the
child had not been found, he decided
to contact SEF at Faro airport with
the aim of alerting them in case
anyone would board accompanied by
some child, whoever she was and
those accompanying her should be
duly identified, however the various
calls made were not attended. In the
face of this situation I contacted
the Faro Station from the police and
told them what was going on and
asked them to alert the SEF.
I also decided to alert the GNR in
Lagos so that they would send out a
warning so that the car and foot
patrols that were out on the ground
would pay attention and identify
cars with people out driving at that
time who were accompanied by a child
During the early morning in question
I received some telephone calls from
people whom, with the exception of
one, expressed themselves in
Portuguese to ask whether an English
girl had really disappeared in Lagos
and about what was being done with
relation to this and I informed them
that this was true and that
inquiries were being made in order
to find her. One of these calls,
from the person who did not express
themselves in Portuguese but in
English and which was received
between 04.30 and 05.30, was made by
someone who identified themselves as
being from the Sky News TV chain and
who requested the same information
mentioned earlier.
No more is said. Reads, ratifies and