1180 to 1185 Witness
statement of Michaela
Walzuch 2007.05.14 |
05-Processo, Volume V, pages 1180-1185 (6 pages) |
Processo, Volume V, pages 1180-1185 (6 pages)
Date: 2007/05/14 Time: 18:00 Place: DIC Portimao
Lead Officer: Rui Dias, Chief Inspector
Officer: Vitor Pereira, Inspector
Name: Michaela Walczuch
There is no relationship as envisaged in Art. 134, paragraph l
of the CPP.
Moves to give evidence.
To the matter in the file she said:
--- That she was born in the Federal Republic of Germany and
came to reside in Portugal aged 12 years, along with her
siblings and maternal grandmother because their parents had
become very ill and were dying. She was then living with her
grandmother and a maternal aunt.
--- She completed the 12th Year of school and married LUIS
FILIPE DUARTE ANTONIO when 19 years, at the end of nearly a year
of dating. We were living in a house paid for by the father of
LUIS, the residence identified above. From this marriage was
born her only daughter, now aged 8 years. All three live under
the same roof, but do not live as spouses for about 4 years for
personal and sentimental reasons.
--- She says that LUIS, first working for others and later as an
entrepreneur working for himself, devoted himself to the
maintenance of the cleanliness of swimming pools in
condominiums, private individuals or companies.
--- The deponent worked with him in that business and later in
commercial establishments, namely in a perfumery and in a real
estate agency ("Antonio Marcela"), both in Lagos. Later she
returned to work with her husband in the pool business until
mid-2002. In March 2003 she began exploiting a mini-market of
German products. She managed to open the business, only her,
through a loan granted by the father of LUIS in the value of
45,000 (forty-five) thousand euros and another obtained from the
BNC/Banco Popular in the amount of 15,000 (fifteen thousand)
euros, paying for this monthly, at this time, 377 euros.
Regarding the loan from his father, to date she has paid only
300 (three hundred) euros. Shortly after opening the business
"she separated sentimentally" from Luis, upon meeting (witness)
another person without, however, as mentioned above, either one
having left the home.
--- As the business of the mini-market only produced a loss, at
the end of January 2005 decided to close it. From then on she
was a collaborator/commission earner in the real estate company
REMAX (in Lagos). Here she came to meet in mid-March ROBERT
MURAT, who had also been accepted as a collaborator in REMAX. As
far as she knows this was his first job when he settled in
Portugal having come from his homeland, England. She also came
to have a sentimental relationship with ROBERT, but always
[with] each one living in their own home. LUIS did not and still
today does not know of that sentimental relationship that she
maintained with ROBERT, waiting for better days in financial
terms to be able to divorce LUIS. She states that she maintains
a good personal relationship with LUIS so as not to create
relational difficulties in the up-bringing of their daughter,
Cxxxxxxxx, 8 years old.
--- For more than a year and a half since October/November 2005,
she has not worked for REMAX. Moreover, it has been a long time
since she has been able even to pay her Social Security. For
this reason the last two weeks of November 2006 and another 3
weeks at last Christmas and New Year she was in England in the
area of Devon, together with Robert, his mother and siblings, to
help deep-clean the house of JENNY. She returned to England in
January, this time in the VW Transporter owned by JENNY but
driven by Robert. Only two of them went. They remained for 3
weeks doing the same type of work and she came back alone by
plane. That work was a way for the witness to compensate for
advances or help she was receiving from ROBERT. She does not
know exactly how much she received for these services in
England. ROBERT came in mid-March with the VW, together with his
nephew, 13 years of age and who was off school. After about a
week and a half ROBERT returned to England, by plane, where the
nephew had already gone a few days before, [RM] returning by
plane to Portugal on May 01. When in England she met the
daughter of Robert, 4 years old, and saw the girl's mother, whom
Robert is divorcing.
--- The question asked she states that it was about a year ago
that along with ROBERT she/they wanted to develop a project of
real estate marketing, production of business cards and perhaps
in the future to create a website for property leasing, but it
has not been easy to start the project because of lack of funds.
These ideas are from the both of them, the witness and ROBERT.
--- She explains that since the end of 2005 and beginning of
2006 ROBERT left REMAX, it being that since then he has only
undertaken the remodelling at his mother's home in England, not
knowing if he has other income. As far as she knows, the mother
pays him some amount, not knowing how much and how often.
--- She states that it occurs from a verbal agreement with LUIS
that the divorce will come to pass with the sale of the
residence where the 'couple' and daughter still reside, it being
that half would fall to her - even though the apartment has been
given/paid for in full by the FATHER of LUIS the covenant was
made after the wedding, which says, half would fall to the
witness on liquidation/settlement of accounts relating to the
remaining debt of 44,700 (forty-four thousand and seven hundred)
Euros of the loan granted by the father-in-law. The witness
would seek later to rebuild her life with her daughter and later
with ROBERT, she being sure that at this time LUIS knows nothing
of these intentions of the witness and also of Robert, with whom
she has spoken many times about this situation.
--- Relating to the events at hand, and because she has been
asked about it, she wishes to clarify:
--- As far as she recalls it, on the 1st of May, Tuesday, the
witness was at home awaiting the arrival of Robert who came from
England where he had been for about 5-6 weeks.
--- It was his mother JENNY who collected him from the airport.
By lunch time they were in her (the witness') residence merely
to see and speak to each other. Much later, she does not
remember specifically, LUIS was there but he left. By 15.30 it
was only her or with ROBERT (she does not recall) she picked up
Cxxxxxxxx from school in Ameijeira-Lagos. At 16:00, she now
recalls, she went with her daughter (only the two of them) to
the a biblical lecture in Lagos (Jehovah's Witnesses). She does
not remember if she was with ROBERT that day/night, but with all
certainty she spoke with him on the phone, on number 91918xxxx.
As far as she knows, here in Portugal ROBERT only uses this
telephone number.
--- The next day, the 2nd, Wednesday, they met in her residence
at 11:00 in the morning, not recalling if LUIS was still there
or had left. Only the two of them went to the city centre to the
office of Attorney Dr. Francisco Pagarete ([to whom] she was
presented by Robert) to know of the progress of the divorce
papers. Then the two went to the store ("Putos and Graudos" in
the centre of Lagos) of the wife of Mr. Jorge Silva. The man was
initially approached by the deponent (later also by ROBERT) at
the beginning of this year in order to enlist a partner or to do
an appraisal of the MARKETING project referred to above, it
being that that man had shown interest. The three of them and
his son (JASON Sxxxx) went to a CAFE (Taquelim or Southwest Bar,
in the Marina) to discuss the project, this was still lunch
time. JASON (19-20 years) was present because he understands a
lot about information technology [computers]. The family
emigrated from the U.S.A. Is not sure but perhaps still at the
end of that morning they had gone to the PALMARES GOLF, a
complex located in the Meia-Praia in Lagos, always with the
father and son. This is because in the first place it was very
noisy. From there the witness and ROBERT, at about 14:30, went
for lunch at the "BEM BOM" located in Atalaia, Lagos. Afterwards
the two went to get Cxxxxxxxx from school. Then the three of
them returned to meet the Silvas at the MARINA to continue the
discussion on the project, from 16:00 to 19:00. After that, the
mother and daughter, went home for dinner. She does not remember
if Robert went to the house, if entered nor if he dined there
with them. Also she does not remember if LUIS dined with the two
but if he did it will have been later and alone.
--- She admits that during that night she had spoken on the
telephone with ROBERT, not remembering when, how many times,
about what nor by whose initiative.
--- Thursday, the 3rd, between 08:30 and O8:45 she will have
spoken on the phone with Robert, but not recalling who initiated
the phone call. However it could only have occurred between the
number 91988xxxx or 96014xxxx of the witness and 91918xxxx of
ROBERT. They got together then, with ROBERT coming to the house
of the witness, to meet with CATIA Cxxxxxxx, who is part of the
enterprise/farm estate MONTINHO DE OURO, located in Praia da
Luz, for disclosure and provision of related MARKETING services.
At 09:00 they then spoke with the father-in-law of Catia and
then with her herself. Nothing was defined. At 09:30/40 the two,
ROBERT and the witness, went to the BATISTA Supermarket cafe
(Praia da Luz) in order to meet there with SERGEY Malinka, a
citizen from Eastern Europe. It was Robert who booked the
meeting with SERGEY. This individual was introduced to the
witness at the end of the Summer of 2006, he being also known to
JENNY. The interest in that person results from the fact that he
constructs SITES on the INTERNET. At the end of that Summer he
was charged with building a page for the MARKETING project named
ROMIGEN. Previously there had only been one or two times when
she met him. ROBERT was the one who subsequently established
more contacts with him and now found himself dissatisfied with
the work carried out.
--- At that meeting of the three in BATISTA they spoke only
about that, the SITE. At 11:00 they took their leave and spoke
of arranging a new meeting to resolve the issue of the SITE.
--- She states that SERGEY is about twenty years of age,
approximately 1.80/85 m tall, thin, blonde hair and a small
goatee on that date. She had been told that he is a partner with
someone else in a building that is called CASA IBERIA.
--- Between 12:00 and 12.15 pm ROBERT phoned a Mr. JORGE Sxxxx,
the witness believing that he used his mobile phone 91918xxxx,
admitting however that Robert may have used any one of the
mobile phones of the witness. She does not remember what she did
or where she went by between the 11:00 and 12:00. They then went
with Jorge Sxxxx and his son JASON to the Restaurant Antonio on
the beach of Porto Mos - Lagos, where they had lunch.
--- Around 15:30 she went with ROBERT to get Cxxxxxxxx from
school. Then, as far as she recalls, they went to her house, and
that Robert left between 18:30 and 19:00 as the witness had to
deal with her daughter quickly for them to be at 20:30 in a
biblical meeting/lecture in Ameijeira-Lagos. That ended at
22:30, she staying there to fraternise with other people until
they reached home at 22:45/23:00. She used the dark blue VW
PASSAT car (more than 10 years old) of LUIS, who was at home.
When they left at 20:20 LUIS was not yet at home. She does not
remember if she returned to speak to Robert that night, nor if
they exchanged messages. She did not leave home, going to to
--- The next day, the 4th, Friday, she received early, by 09:00,
a phone call from Robert who told her that he had seen the news
of the "English channel" informing that the night before a girl
had disappeared from Praia da Luz. He indicated sadness,
dislike, this being also in the place of his father (sic),
advancing immediately that he would go to the place to help in
the searches. The witness then gave attention, at home, to the
news on Portuguese TV and thus obtained more information on the
--- The question made, she states that she cannot remember if
and when she returned to talk to Robert, being that she was not
with him that day. She admits, however, that more to the end of
the day she spoke with on the mobile phone but does not remember
at what time, how long and/or who took the initiative. The
witness recalls in the afternoon having gone out her daughter to
the city centre for shopping. She reaffirms that she does not
recall if that day she was with Robert, but if it happened it
was at the end of the day. But she thinks that she was not with
him because he/she was to give him/her his passport (his) and
he/she did not give it to him/her (sic) on that day, but did so
perhaps on 5th or 6th.
---- Pressed, she states that she only knew of the disappearance
of the British child, called Madeleine McCann, through a
telephone call received from the Robert at 09:00 in the morning
of Day 04, Friday, and that she does not recall if she spoke
with him on the previous night, when the disappearance occurred,
but assures that she was not with him nor knew what he did after
having left by 18:30/19:30 that day 03, Thursday.
--- She states also that she uses the messenger to talk or
exchange messages with ROBERT and sometimes also makes and
receives phone calls from and to fixed telephones.
--- That since day 03 she never again was with nor talked to
SERGEY. Asked, she does not know if ROBERT did but is convinced
that he did not because he would have told her given the common
interest in the MARKETING project. With regard to Mr. Jorge
Sxxxx the four of them continued to meet in order to examine
thoroughly that project.
--- That ROBERT told her that soon on day 04 and 05 of May he
began to "help to find" MADELEINE in LUZ. It will have been
already on Sunday or Monday that he began to work as an
interpreter for the Judicial Police. Rarely has she been with
him since then but they have spoken on the phone. With regard to
the case they only address the material that comes in the media.
--- Asked she relates that she noticed no difference in his
behaviour, either from the day(s) 3-4 May, or in the last 3
days. She continues to note that he is "upset, concerned by this
whole situation of translating, picking up details that nobody
else knows, that he hears, in addition to the situation about
which he is already sad" (sic). Asked on the same question, she
answered that on Saturday, when they dined together, and
yesterday, Sunday, on the telephone, ROBERT showed "naturalness
and normality even when on both those occasions he said to her
that he perceived or suspected that a car came behind him, glued
to him", without attributing suspicion to the police. She
clarifies that she cannot manage to recall if he told her that
the possible followers were Police. She advances, with
difficulty, that ultimately Robert had tried to clarify the
matter with the police itself. This fact was transmitted in a
phone call that she received from him at 00:00 today.
--- Asked she states that in the Ocean Club - Praia da Luz she
knew, before 03 May, Mrs MARINA Cxxxxxxx, who supervises the
cleaning ladies. She has known her for some 12 years when she
began to attend Bible classes.
--- The question asked, she states that she does not know who
may be involved in the abduction of MADELEINE nor has evidence
or information that could lead to the discovery of that (those)
And nothing more said. - Signed by witness and two others.
1198 to 1199 External diligence carried out on Rua Adelina
de Gloria Berger (Walzuchs residence) 2007.05.14 |
05-Processo Vol V pages 1198 to 1199 |
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External diligence carried out on Rua
Adelina de Gloria Berger (Walzuch's
residence) 2007.05.14
Officers: Carlos L., Lui P., Rui B. and
Pedro V., all Inspectors.
Following investigatory activity that is
being undertaken under cover of the
present inquiry, and in fulfillment of
the domestic search warrants that are
attached immediately after this
document, today, at 07h00, a team
comprising the above officers went to
the residence of Michaela Walczuch in
Rua Adelina ... Lagos in order to carry
out [execute] the work in terms of the
judicial order.
--- Arriving at the place, they noticed
inside M.W., German-born holder of
identity card ..., and further her
companion, L.F.D.Antonio, holder of
identity card ...
--- At this point it was made clear that
the work would be a proper [authorised]
search and a copy of the official search
warrant would be delivered.
--- In the course of the work it was
found that L.F.D.A. was in possession of
keys to two vehicles, a Nissan Patrol
licence V.-..-2, and a Renault Kangoo
licence 0.-..-.I, this giving rise to
the request for further warrants to
search those vehicles.
--- In the meantime express consent [for
that search] was given by the owner in
the presence of the officers.
1200 Search warrant for
residence of Michaela
1201 to 1204 Results of
search re: residence of
Michaela Walzuch
1205 Copy of Michaelas
identity card |
05-Processo Vol V page1200 to 1205 |
Results of search re: residence of Michaela
This is a list of items seized during the search
of the MW/LFDA residence.
There is minimal Portuguese to be translated
aside from the standard legal wording, and the
details of the items are better seen
(typewritten) (1) in the pages immediately
following this report, (2) in the later "Results
of Examinations" and, even later, (3) in the
requests to have the items returned to the
1211 to 1212 End/summary of search on vehicle
05-Processo Vol V pages 1211 to 1212 |
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Report on search of residence of Michaela
Officers: Rui B. and Pedro V., both Inspectors.
Following the domestic search undertaken at the
residence of M.W., Rua Adelia ... Lagos, at
15h00 a team comprising the above officers went
to the residence of J.C.V.O.Junior, at Rua da
Estrema ... Lagos, to locate the VW Passat
licence 5.-..-.P belonging to L.F.D.Antonio.
--- This work took place after having determined
in that search that the said vehicle was in the
possession of J.J. which person worked part-time
for the vehicle's owner.
--- At the place, the individual was approached
informally and he confirmed the information
given by M.W.
--- J.J. would make himself immediately
available to make the contribution that he
deemed necessary in oder to clarify the facts in
hand, for which reason he was driven to the PSP
station in Lagos to give a witness statement.
--- Following this, J.J. was also able to
provide the necessary consent to proceed with
the summary search of the above vehicle. |
1358 to 1360 Witness
statement of Michaela
Walzuch 2007.05.16 |
Volume V,
pages 1358-1360 (3 pages) |
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Processo, Volume V, pages
1358-1360 (3 pages)
Date: 2007/05/16 Time: 17:00
Place: DIC Portimao
Officer: Rui Dias, Chief
Name: Michaela Walczuch (already
identified in the file on page
To the matter of the file she
--- That she maintains
practically everything in the
declarations previously given
(pages 1180), which she has read
as part of this action
--- She intends, therefore, to
rectify or to better clarify
parts thereof, helping herself
in that action from a diary
where she wrote/noted some
things that she intends to keep
daily, she verified that those
[things] in her deposition are
incomplete or do not correspond
with the truth.
--- Relating to 1 May, Tuesday,
she has nothing to add or to
rectify. She maintains that she
does not recall if she was with
him at night. She puts forward,
however, that always when they
were not together at night, they
spoke or exchanged messages by
phone. Also she does not recall
what happened on that night.
--- The 2nd of May, Wednesday,
she confirms what was declared
previously except it having been
on this day that she was with
Robert to meet with Sergey at
the Batista supermarket in Luz,
where they also took breakfast.
Only later is it that they went
(both) to Lagos, going to the
Advocate's office, the shop "Putos
e Graudos" and meet with Sr.
Jorge Silva and son Jason in the
Taquelim pastelaria (coffee
shop)in the city centre. At
14h00 they went to see an
apartment that the witness
intended to buy in a building
situated in Aqua Azul, next to
the mortgage records office of
Lagos (ph. 912****11 - Sr.Vitor).
Nothing happened, nor is
settled, defined. Later they
went for lunch at the Bem Bom.
The rest of the day passed as
already related. She does not
recall if she spoke or exchanged
messages with Robert by phone
but if not it is because she was
with him or that when they
parted they had already agreed
the meeting for the next day
when they went to the
enterprise/farm estate Montinho
De Ouro.
--- About Thursday, the 3rd, she
maintains her declarations,
except that the meeting with
Sergey was on the day before.
They both went to Autojoteca and
to lunch afterwards at GALP M24
on the A22. Also relating to
Robert she maintains that she
does not recall when and where
they parted but it was certainly
before 20h00 and for the reasons
already explained in the
previous declarations. However,
she did not return to be with
him nor after having attended
the bible class that finished at
22h30. Also she does not recall
having spoken on the phone or
exchanged messages with Robert
until the following day. But she
admits that it could have been
done without thinking, not
recalling the reasons for that.
--- Asked, she states that of
his attire she recalls nothing
of how he had been dressed on
that day, being sure that, the
question being asked, she recall
that one one of that week he
dressed - because it was always
in the car - in a thick Kispo-Anorak
"sweetie, because of the wind or
the cold" (sic), colour
greenish-grey. Trousers, as far
as she recalls, were dark
coloured, without being jeans.
Shoes, only classics.
--- Day 4, Friday, they spoke
that morning, at 09h00 (the
daughter had already left for
school with her father) bu
phone, being almost certain that
it was not by message and also
almost certain that it was by
fixed phone and that it was
Robert who called her. He then
made her aware of what he had
learned from the news on an
English channel that the
previous night a child had
disappeared in Luz and that he
would go there to help with the
searches. The witness states
that she then questioned Robert
and he only explained that an
English girl of 3 years had
disappeared from the bedroom
where she would sleep.
Asked, she clarifies that only
later, still on that day or the
next day, nor recalling exactly
when nor the circumstances (if
by phone, if personally, if she
was/they were alone) Robert told
her that on the previous night
he was at home when he heard, it
could have been 21h45 (more or
less that time), he heard a
siren and commented to his
mother that "it's like Sidmouth,
at granny's house, where
security is very good and it is
common for them to hear Police
sirens blaring." Robert never
associated it with an ambulance,
at least not to her.
--- He said then that he would
go to help to look for the child
- without saying if she was
still missing - because he was
also a father and would like to
be useful to the others (sic).
--- Asked she said not to know
the circumstances in which
Robert became an interpreter,
but that this he told her that
he went to meet with the parents
of the missing child to try to
help in any way possible, the
witness deducing that it was in
translation as he was fluent in
both languages, Portuguese and
--- She does not recall if she
was with him personally on
Friday, the 4th. Nevertheless,
if not she had certainly spoken
again by phone at the end of the
day but she does not recall
when, how many times nor who
initiated [the call]. She knew
however from him that he started
to help the Police with
translating, making questions in
trying to know the circumstances
in which the child had
--- She clarifies that along
with Marina Castela she also
knows in the Ocean Club the
husband Teofilo Castela, a fact
she commented on with Robert -
because they both also frequent
the Jehovah's Witness
congregation - it being that
this he told her later that he
met with that lady "in the midst
of Police and he/she recognising
her/him, began to converse"
(sic) referencing [referring to]
the witness.
--- Asked, she states that on
the 13 May last she was with
Robert washing the VW
Transporter at GALP-Lagos
because it was dirty.
--- Asked, she states that
Robert was absent in England
from mid-November to 2 January,
and from 25 January to 1 May,
with a break from 11 to 21-25
March in which he also came to
Portugal with his 13 year old
And nothing more said. - Signed
by witness and interviewer.
1428 to
1429 Witness testimony of
Michaela Walzuch
1430 Pictures of Walzuch s
automobile |
Volume VI pages 1428 to 1429 |
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[External diligence relating
to Michaela Walzuch and Robert Murat 16 May 2007]
1) Michaela W., after her formal questioning on 14 May 2007,
informed that,
after having consulted her diary, she intended to clarify
certain facts and/or
circumstances that, she not remembering at the time, could have
been incorrect
and/or incomplete.
In this way she accompanied us and showed us various places and
routes, among
them: - the location of shop "Miudos & Graudos". Mr Silva was
identified, with
whom she and Robert M. had had various meetings and,
subsequently, he was
questioned by this police force; - the location of "Montinho de
Ouro" where, on
3 May 2007, she and Robert had met Catia. Identified were Catia
da Silva
Rodrigues Candelas and her father-in-law Jose Antonio Lopes
Duarte, who confirmed to us the their presence (MW and RM) in
that place on that day, but
there were some time differences. There being no reason, they
could not be
formally questioned, that work ought to be done at an opportune
Michaela was subsequently questioned by this police force.
2) The Auto Joteca was located, the workshop where there was
news about Robert
M.'s Skoda being repaired. The vehicle, Skoda Fabia 9.-..-.E,
metallic grey, was
still there. The owner of the firm, Carlos Guerreiro, informed
us that the VW
Transporter 4.-..-.D was taken there for repair on 16 April, and
it was ready on
24 April 2007. On 26 or 27 April he himself delivered the VW to
Praia da Luz, to
Robert's mother, and took the Skoda for repair.
That since that day up to today the Skoda had never left the
workshop. He
delivered to us the repair orders proving these facts. It was
determined, also,
that on 2 or 3 May 2007 MW and RM were there, but at the time
the vehicle was
still not repaired. The owner was not present, it being that
they were attended
to by employee Miguel J.G. Fernandes.
Being impossible, they were not formally questioned. |
1540 to 1544 Witness testimony of Michaela Walzuch |
Volume VI pages 1540 to 1544 |
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testimony of Michaela Walzuch
Date: 23 May 2007; Time: 10.55; Place PJ * Portimao
Officer: Tavares da Almeida, IC
To the matter at hand she said:
--- It being that much has not been said I wish to state that I
perfectly written and spoken Portuguese, and equally, German.
--- As to my lineage: my mother was born in Faro and my father
is a German
citizen. My mother's family is obviously my family, with whom I
came to live in
Portugal [and]
was all resident in Faro, in a street in Olhao called Rua
Reitor ...
--- My father died in September 1987 in Germany and my mother
died in March 1988
in Faro/Portugal.
--- As part of this action [the
giving of this statement]
I have read my
previous declarations. They correspond to what I declared in the
two days in
which I was in the PJ police station. They [the PJ] have made
further questions
and intending to clarify the factual truth, I respond in the
following way:
--- For about one year I was working in the Lagos office of the
company REMAX,
where I stopped working in November 2005.
--- During the year in which I worked there I made less than ten
sales. The
manner of payment is over [based
on] the
value of the properties, as follows: -
the percentage charged by the agency to the client is 5% of the
value of the
sale. - of this amount 24% is paid for the 'enlistment' of the
property [UK: a
finder's fee] and the same amount is paid to the person who made
the sale. In
this way, a person who enlisted and sold a property would earn
48 percent of the
five percent of the [sale] value, that is 2,4% gross.
--- I earned nothing like the profits made by Remax.
--- I was already working there when Robert Murat 'appeared' and
after we got to
know each other we started to divide [share/split] the gains and
losses of our
professional activity.
--- In this way we decided to mount our own company to sell
various services,
from real estate, management up to renting. This in addition to
other services we would sell, such as types of business card,
visitor cards, etc.
--- After having left Remax I worked in Century 21 but there I
never made any
--- As to my way of life, it is true, after leaving Remax (where
I was working
after closing the mini market), that I had no fixed salary.
--- Consequently I lived at the expense of my husband Luis A.,
who was earning
money from his professional activity that paid all the house
expenses and the
food eaten in the residence. That said, because I did his
[washing/ironing] and the housework, he gave me money for my
personal expenses.
--- As already said, in Remax after Robert Murat started working
there we began
working together dividing all the amounts we earned.
--- The last amount we received from Remax was about a month
before the events
under investigation in this inquiry and, for that reason, the
receipt [amount
received] was going to be passed to me because Robert was in
England. That was
about one thousand Euro.
--- I met Mr Jorge S. after having, on a date I cannot remember
bought some clothes for my daughter in his wife's shop and there
I left a card
that alluded to the company I had formed - ROMIGEN. Some days
later he contacted
me saying that he would like to speak to me about the project
--- Already I had several meetings with him in several places
from cafe to restaurants and lately at my suggestion at my
house because we still have no
business office.
--- It is true that this company is a project always deferred
and already it is
functioning for more than a year, but the people who contact us
for the
realisation ['fulfilment'],
for example, of the 'situation' are not the most
sure / certain [real/authentic].
--- That fact is not due to incompetence but is because they are
not satisfied
either with what is asked of them or with the terms.
--- The person who is identified in my diary as BART is the
managing partner of
a real estate agency "EA VILLAS" a person who received me after
I responded to
an advert, placed in an English paper for a finder and seller of
property. I had
several meetings with that man but later we could not reach an
agreement on the
manner of payment because I wanted a minimum salary with
addition from
percentages from sales. We did not agree because he would not
pay a minimum
salary; no payment for finding and payment of only 1,25% of
total sale amount.
--- Even so I still had several meetings and BART gave me a
possible sale for a
Russian/eastern man who had bank credit of up to €600,000.
--- In that price range were several places and I understood he
terraced, three-bedroom, garden, pool, garage, etc.
--- I met with the client, accompanied by Bart because I had no
car. We only met
the one time, on the day before the public holiday. I remember
that detail
because I said that I could not go visiting because my child was
not at school
and I needed to be with her.
--- The client's name was Oleg.
--- Yesterday Bart phoned me to say that Oleg had phoned him to
say that he had
been contacted by someone who had asked questions about me. I
explained to Bart
about my schedule with the police and maybe that was the reason
for the contact.
--- As to the lunches and any, possible, misunderstanding about
the location
where I had eaten on days 2 and 3 [May], I can guarantee that on
day 2 May I
lunched at the 'Bem Bom' with Robert Murat, because it was the
day after he
arrived [from UK] and because it was that day we went to see a
house, to buy. On
day 3 we had agreed to meet Jorge Silva at the Lagos Marina and
for that we left
always in a hurry and stopped on the A22 and nibbled [snacked]
at the M24 shop
in the GALP service station of Lagos.
--- Still on my family I can clarify that my mother was a
Jehovah's Witness and
therefore since a little girl I went to the congregations,
whether in Germany or
in Portugal, when we we came for holidays.
--- When we married Luis exercised the profession he has today,
only then he was
an employee. In mid-1998 he started working for himself and at
the start I worked there with him. While he was doing the
specific work I did the other that
did not require technical competence, for example cleaning the
steps or the
--- One of his work places was in the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz
and I also
accompanied him there. In that place worked a couple whom I knew
in the Lagos
congregation, Teofilo and Marina Castelo. Sometimes I saw them
with their
--- I know that there are other people of the same religion
there, but I don't
know who they are.
--- Many of them, like me, attend the congregation of
Lagos-Baia. However, there
is another congregation in Lagos-North, a place that I do not
--- For about 3 years I attended the assemblies but did not take
part in the
congregation only because I had betrayed my husband, which is
not condoned by
[consonant with] the biblical principles that I profess.
--- Also that caused Luis to stop going, even though he had
never been a very
active practitioner.
--- On 3 May 2007 I was at the meeting of my religion in
Lagos-Baia which lasted
from 20h30 to close to 22h30. I like to stay at the end of the
assembly to talk
with other people, but when I am accompanied by my daughter, as
I was on that
day, i have to leave because she has to go to bed early due to
her classes the
next day.
--- As for the event under investigation, up to today I have not
heard [anyone]
to say or comment on what or who it was.
--- The way I learned of the event was through a phone call from
Robert Murat, about 09h00 on 4 May 2007.
--- He, Robert Murat, had learned that day through the English
news channel that
he was watching at home.
Nothing more said. Read, ratifies and going to sign. |
3440 Confidential report re:
denouncement of Michaela
Walczuch (Spanish) |
13-Processo 13 Page 3440 |
13_VOLUME_XIIIa_Page_3440 |
- Confidential report
re: denouncement of
Michaela Walczuch
third of the three pieces of information from the book given
to the PJ by
Metodo 3)
Processos Vol XIII
Page 3440
Manuel informs us that the day after Madeleine's
disappearance at about 4 or 5 pm when he was travelling on
the ICI road at kilometre 718, he saw two stationary cars,
an Audi A3 driven by a man and a green car (very special
green colour) driven by a blonde woman. Subsequently we
showed him a series of photographs that were in our
possession amongst which the one with the closes resemblance
was that of a woman who turns out to be
girlfriend, Michaela Walczuch.
The cars were stationary; the green one was inside a farm
where two elderly men live and separated by a metal fence
and on the pavement of the road was the Audi. When Manuel
drove past in his lorry he saw how the woman passed a bundle
wrapped in a blanket over the fence, being convinced that
this was a child. (Because of the way she was holding it and
because it was wrapped in the blanket).
It should be noted that Manuel's manifestations seem
reliable to us, in part because of the fear that he showed
before and during our meeting as well as due to the
successive contacts that we have had with him and the
interest that he has always shown.
Manuel preferred to remain anonymous given that he was very
frightened and did not want to give us his surnames. He
drives a grey Renault Laguna, number plate 53 92 RF. In
order for us to contact him he provided the email address of
a relative: