505 Email re Marie Olli sighting in Marrakesh(2007.05.23) |
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Vol 3, Page 505 |
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Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 3, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 03)....(PDF Page 44)....Page 505? "Email re Marie Olli
sighting in Marrakesh(2007.05.23)"
Apensos V, Vol 3, Page 505
Page 505 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 23rd May 2007 14.18
To : Ana Filipe Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : From Mari OLLI : Report about Madeleine in
Marrakesh the 9th May, 10.00 a.m.
From : Anne Mari Olli (
Date : 23rd May 2007 12.13
Subject : From Mari Olli : Report about Madeleine in Marrakesh
the 9th May, 10.00 a.m.
Hi again,
I just wonder if you want me to come to you and give my
fully(sic) statement.
Maybe more easy for you to get all the details correct.
I live in Fuengirola, it's only 4 hours drive.
I am still sure it was her.
Thanks for any respond to my information !
Good luck
At the petrol station next to Hotel Ibis Palmeraie in Marrakesh.
Address. Avenue Abdelkrim Khattabi. Wednesday 9th of May, about
10 am. I saw the girl inside the shop. She was wearing a clear
blue pyjamas. Some pattern on the top, trousers little darker.
Don't think the trousers had any pattern. She was very small.
Under 1 meter. She was with a man. She was standing alone, the
man about a meter from her. I looked at her because she was very
sweet. And it was a strange situation because the man didn't
look like her father. And its very strange to see a blond small
girl standing alone in Marrakesh. She was very small and
normally you would hold her in your arms or at least her hand.
And the man was turning away from her. She looked sad. I looked
in her face, she looked at me. Then she turned to the man and
said something that sounds like : Can we see mommy soon ? : I am
not sure if he reply. I turned around to pay my things, 2 bottle
of water and some hygiene serviettes. I went in our car, looked
for if they had a car, but could not see any special. I wanted
to tell my husband , but we went busy with the driving to catch
the ferry from Tangier to Tarifa. I didn't know about the
missing child at that time. Because I had not watching the news
when I was on holiday.
I saw the news on Thursday the 10th of may, in the evening. Then
I remember what I saw in Marrakesh.
I started to phone the Police, Spanish and English.
The Spanish Police didn't want to talk to me. I talked to the
English. Friday morning I gave my report to Katy Peters at
Scotland Yard. She said someone was going to phone me. But I
have not heard anything. I have emailed them and phone them
several times. But no response. I am very worried and
(Note : Here, statement ends abruptly, and the following page,
506, is a "missing or misplaced page) |
- Marie Olli written statement re sighting |
Apensos V, Vol III Page 507 |
apenso5_vol_3_p507 |
(Handwritten note in Portuguese from Anne Mari Olli)
23-05-2007 (12.13)
From Anne Mari Olli
Anne asks if the police want her to come and make a statement.
She lives in Fuengirola, only 4 hours away by car.
Anne says she was sure it was the girl.
She would be grateful for a reply.
At the service station close to the Hotel Ibis Palmeraie in
Marrakesh, on 9th May at about 10.00 in the morning, Anne saw a
girl inside the shop. She was wearing light blue pyjamas. She
was with a man who was about a metre away from her. The man did
not appear to be her father. The girl appeared sad and asked:
Can we see Mummy soon?
At this time Anne did not yet know about the missing girl, when
she found out, on the following day she phoned the Spanish and
English police. The Spanish police did not want to speak to her,
but she spoke to the English police, making a statement to
Scotland Yard, to Katy Peters. They said they would phone her,
but up until now there has been nothing. |
508 to 514 Email from Denmark re sighting with pictures
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Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 3, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 03)....(PDF Pages 46-49)....Pages 508 to 514?"Email from
Denmark re sighting with pictures"
(Note : Transcribed as
originally written)
Apensos V, Vol 3, Page 508
Page 508 (Page 1 of 4)
From : Grevepigen ( bmc@xxxx.dk)
Date : 19th May 2007 14.46
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Maddy McCann
Annexes : 102_0869.jpg : 102_0873.jpg : 102_0879.jpg
Hello in Portugal.
I have read in the internet that a woman from Norway has seen a
little girl in Marrakech and she is so sure that it was Maddy
She also said it was not very often that we see a white girl in
She said that she have seen her with a white man and the girl
speak English.
I really wish to find the little Maddy back home again so we are
many looking all over the internet.
I was looking on the ambassy France for Marrakech and saw some
pictures in a gallery.
Its look like some kind of ceromonie. There is a white man with
a bag of his shoulder and it look likes some little white girl
are sitting behind him with short blue jeans. braun little shoe
and wearing a red hat.
I don't think she is very old with this little legs and foot.
I read it as it was from the 8 og may 07.
I am not sure it means something in your case but send you the
pictures and the link to the website.
http://www.consulfrance-ma.org/rubrique ... brique=125
Kindly a mother to a girl on 7 years.
Page 509 - Scanned photograph
Page 510 - Scanned photograph
Page 511 - Scanned photograph
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Page 513 - "Missing or misplaced Page"
Page 514 - "Missing or misplaced Page" |
515 Printout re Marrakech sighting |
V, Vol 3, Page 515 |
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Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 3, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
03)....(PDF Page 50)....Page 515?"Printout re Marrakech
Apensos V, Vol 3, Page 515
Page 515 (Page 1 of 1)
France *** Scan to Portugal N.F.A UK Side.
Type : Full Incident
User 7809
Date/Time : 11th May 2007 08.52
Rec By : TPHONE Serial : 720 Ident : BC05 - 8362 1924 10th May
Phone : 00346526xxxxx Not a TK
Location : MARRAKESH/OFA, Out of Force Area
Origin : Mrs Olli - Lives in France THIRD PTY
Text :
Just returned from Marrakesh. Was staying in an IBIS HOTEL and
yesterday at 10.20 local time whilst in the garage next to the
Ibis she saw a girl matching Maddie's description wearing blue
pyjamas with a 40ish yr old man that she says could not have
been her father. This Ibis Hotel is on Avenue Abdel Creme.
Title : Matching desc.
Inc type : Admin Grade : 4 Occ Time : 1924 Date : 10th May 2007
Sect : OFA
OIC : 8362 : CIV : J R Hammond Call Management
1928 8362 - BC05 Incident confirmed
1930 8362 - BC05 CARTDABBY (Caller is Norwegian so couldn't
spell it) but the Tel Number is (Marrakesh Code ) plus 024 334
1930 8362 - BC05 Incident linked to : 57 4th May 2007
1930 8362 - BC05 Incident result OOM : Message only, Not
incident related
QNR : Qualifier not required
1930 8362 - BC05 Incident closed. |
516 Email re another sighting in Marrakesh |
V, Vol 3, Page 516 |
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Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 3, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 03)....(PDF Page 51)....Page 516?"Email re another
sighting in Marrakesh"
Apensos V, Vol 3, Page 516
Page 516 (Page 1 of 1)
From : 'tony' tonypollard@xxxxxxxxxx.com
To : tony@maydaymaintenance.com
Sent 13th May 2007 21.30
Subject : FW : Report seeing Madeleine in Marrakesh the 9th of
May 10 am.
From : Anne Mari Olli (marihbl@xxxxxxx.com
Sent : 13th May 2007 20.05
To : tonypollard@xxxxxxxxxx.com
Subject : Report seeing Madeleine in Marrakesh the 9th of May 10
At the petrol station next to Hotel Ibis Palmeraie in Marrakesh.
Address. Avenue Abdelkrim Khattabi. Wednesday 9th of May, about
10 am. I saw the girl inside the shop. She was wearing a clear
blue pyjamas. Some pattern on the top, trousers little darker.
Don't think the trousers had any pattern. She was very small.
Under 1 meter. She was with a man. She was standing alone, the
man about a meter from her. I looked at her because she was very
sweet. And it was a strange situation because the man didn't
look like her father. And its very strange to see a blond small
girl standing alone in Marrakesh. She was very small and
normally you would hold her in your arms or at least her hand.
And the man was turning away from her. She looked sad. I looked
in her face, she looked at me. Then she turned to the man and
said something that sounds like : Can we see mommy soon ? : I am
not sure if he reply. I turned around to pay my things, 2 bottle
of water and some hygiene serviettes. I went in our car, looked
for if they had a car, but could not see any special. I wanted
to tell my husband , but we went busy with the driving to catch
the ferry from Tangier to Tarifa. I didn't know about the
missing child at that time. Because I had not watching the news
when I was on holiday.
I saw the news on Thursday the 10th of may, in the evening. Then
I remember what I saw in Marrakesh.
I started to phone the Police, Spanish and English.
The Spanish Police didn't want to talk to me. I talked to the
English. Friday morning I gave my report to Katy Peters at
Scotland Yard. She said someone was going to phone me. But I
have not heard anything. I have emailed them and phone them
several times. But no response. I am very worried and very sure
that this was that girl. Her face is very special. And that
situation was very strange !
My mind is on this situation all the time, and I need to know if
someone are looking into my report. I am sure the two Morrocan
men inside the petrol station can confirm my seeing as well.
If I can do anything more to help, PLEASE let me know !
Mari Olli
00346526xxxxx |
517 to 518 Email from Leicestershire police re Olli sighting |
V, Vol 3, Pages 517 and 518 |
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of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 3,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 03)....(PDF Page
52-53)....Pages 517 to 518?"Email
from Leicestershire police re Olli
Apensos V, Vol 3, Pages 517 and 518
Page 517 (Page 1 of 2)
From : "Spradbury Matthew" (matthew.spradbury@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 18th May 2007 20.32
Subject : Possible sighting by Marie
Olli - Pollard in Marrakech.
Further to the details of the
possible sighting in Marrakech
reported to National Missing Persons
Bureau, 11th May 2007, copy sent to
you 18th May 2007 at 1739hrs.
I have just spoken to MARIE OLLI -
POLLARD (19/05/62(sic) ) in more
She has spoken with SKY NEWS, ITN
regarding her reported sighting.
MARIE feels that she is not being
taken seriously and that Police are
not doing any follow-up enquiries. I
have taken further detail from her
and reassured her that the
information will be passed to
Portugal where it will be assessed
and acted upon as necessary.
MARIE stated that the possible
sighting happened around 10am on
Wednesday 9th May. She describes the
location as a petrol station on the
main highway from Casablanca to
Marrakesh. It is the petrol station
next to the IBIS Moussafir Marrakech
Palmeraie and on the same side of
the road as the hotel, just after
the toll booths. She gave a street
name as Avenue Abdelkrim Khattabi
off the route de Casablanca.
MARIE was standing in the shop
waiting to pay when she saw a small
blonde haired girl standing about a
metre away from her. She thought it
was strange to see a blonde haired
child in Marrakesh. The girl
appeared to be with a white male,
35-40 years, 1.78m and slim build.
He had short wavy dark brown hair
and a thin face, although she did
not see his face properly. He was
wearing a baggy light grey / off
white T-shirt, mid blue jeans and
light coloured trainers. She is 75%
sure she heard the little girl say
to the male, 'CAN WE SEE MUMMY NOW
?'. She thinks he replied in a very
quiet voice, 'SOON', but can't be
MARIE described the little girl as
white about 3-4 years old with light
blond shoulder length straight hair.
She thinks that she had green / blue
eues and describes her face as sweet
but looked a bit sad / confused. The
girl was wearing a long sleeved
light blue pyjama top with a pink
pattern and slightly darker blue
plain full length pyjama bottoms
with pink shoes.
She had the girl in her sight at
close range for about 3 minutes in
total. The male looked like he was
waiting for someone and she did not
see him buy anything. At the time
she thought it strange but did not
mention it to her husband who was
waiting in the car on the forecourt
as they were preoccupied with
finding their way to the ferry port.
She did not look around the
forecourt for vehicles that may
belong to the male and girl, only
recalls lorries.
At the time of this sighting MARIE
was not aware of the incident in
Page 518 (Page 2 of 2)
Portugal and that Madeleine was
Around 6pm the next day she saw the
news and pictures of Madeleine and
felt sickened as she was 99.9% sure
that Madeleine was the little girl
she had seen in Marrakesh. She
remains 99% sure at this time. I
have spoken to the Hotel Reception
who gave the name of the garage as
the CASA VOYAGUER, but there is no
trace of a number with International
Directory Enquiries.
Can enquiries be instigated to
identify the petrol station and
ascertain whether any CCTV is
MARIE is available on 00346526xxxxx
561 to 563
- Information re Marie Olli sighting 2007.06.06 |
Apensos V, Vol III Pages 561 to 563 |
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apenso5_vol_3_p563 |
Policia Judiciaria
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
According to information provided by a Norwegian citizen, Anne
Marie Olli, which the attached electronic file refers to, on 9th
May 2007, at about 10.00, she saw Madeleine at a petrol service
station, close to the Hotel Ibis Palmeraie, in the city of
Marrakech. She states that the girl was wearing blue pyjamas,
with a pattern on the top half and pyjama bottoms that were
slightly darker and plain. (The girl) was accompanied by a male
individual who remained at a distance of 1 metre from the girl
and who did not appear to be her father. At a given moment, not
being sure if these were the words said, she think that the
girl, addressing the individual, said “can we see mommy soon?”,
to which he did not reply.
After having paid, the citizen (AMO) left the shop and went to
her car, not having turned to observe the girl and her supposed
On the following day, 10th May, in the evening, upon seeing the
news and as she had not previously been aware of the situation
regarding the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, she was sure
that it was her.
In spite of the fact that the information in the email, in our
opinion, is coherent and credible, we made phone contact with
Anne Olli, who corroborated the email’s contents. She was asked
if she was certain that this was the missing girl and she
replied affirmatively. She said the girl had very pale skin,
blond hair and green eyes, she did not notice any detail in the
retina of the right eye. She would have been almost four years
old and about a metre tall. As regards her clothing, she says it
was of blue cloth and could have been pyjamas or long summer
She adds that the petrol station was almost next to a hotel, in
a street called Abdel Krim Qhattabi.
Given this information, we contacted the French embassy,
speaking to Jorge Barbosa, as this entity has a liaison officer
in Paris. This contact was made by phone and email, which is
In reply we were informed, that as indicated by the Director of
the DCCB, personnel from the British Embassy were carrying out
inquiries related to this information, aiming to establish
whether images existed.
We later found out that the images were not available on VHS
recording, as they are of a short duration, done by recording
over, however there could be images from other shops in the area
that could be recorded on a hard disk system, however, up
until now these have not been collected due to technical
We also emphasise that we contacted the Director of the Moroccan
PJ, Mr Mouzouni, one of his advisers having confirmed that the
request for images had been made by the British authorities, who
were making efforts to obtain them.
We also contacted the director of the Afriquia Petrol company
which manages the petrol station, identified as Mr Ouassi, who
confirmed that the images of the petrol station were not
available, as they are only kept for a few days.
With no more to report.
Portimao 6th June 2007
Inspector Joao Carlos |
564 Marie Olli statement re sighting in Marrakesh |
V, Vol 3, Page 564 |
apenso5_vol_3_p564 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 3, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 03)....(PDF Page 92)....Page 564?"Marie Olli statement re
sighting in Marrakesh"
Page 564 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Anne Mari Olli (
Sent : 18th May 2007 20.02
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Report seeing Madeleine in Marrakesh the 9th of May 10
At the petrol station next to Hotel Ibis Palmeraie in Marrakesh.
Address. Avenue Abdelkrim Khattabi. Wednesday 9th of May, about
10 am. I saw the girl inside the shop. She was wearing a clear
blue pyjamas. Some pattern on the top, trousers little darker.
Don't think the trousers had any pattern. She was very small.
Under 1 meter. She was with a man. She was standing alone, the
man about a meter from her. I looked at her because she was very
sweet. And it was a strange situation because the man didn't
look like her father. And its very strange to see a blond small
girl standing alone in Marrakesh. She was very small and
normally you would hold her in your arms or at least her hand.
And the man was turning away from her. She looked sad. I looked
in her face, she looked at me. Then she turned to the man and
said something that sounds like : Can we see mommy soon ? : I am
not sure if he reply. I turned around to pay my things, 2 bottle
of water and some hygiene serviettes. I went in our car, looked
for if they had a car, but could not see any special. I wanted
to tell my husband , but we went busy with the driving to catch
the ferry from Tangier to Tarifa. I didn't know about the
missing child at that time. Because I had not watching the news
when I was on holiday.
I saw the news on Thursday the 10th of may, in the evening. Then
I remember what I saw in Marrakesh.
I started to phone the Police, Spanish and English.
The Spanish Police didn't want to talk to me. I talked to the
English. Friday morning I gave my report to Katy Peters at
Scotland Yard. She said someone was going to phone me. But I
have not heard anything. I have emailed them and phone them
several times. But no response. I am very worried and very sure
that this was that girl. Her face is very special. And that
situation was very strange !
My mind is on this situation all the time, and I need to know if
someone are looking into my report. I am sure the two Morrocan
men inside the petrol station can confirm my seeing as well.
If I can do anything more to help, PLEASE let me know !
Mari Olli
00346526xxxxx |
- Email re Olli sighting |
Apensos V, Vol III Page 565 |
apenso5_vol_3_p565 |
From: DIC Portimao
Sent: 21 May 2007 17.50
To: odl_sctip_portugal
Subject: Missing girl
Regarding our telephone conversation, I am sending the following
requested information:
We were sent the following information:
A person of Norwegian nationality said that on 9th May 2007 at
about 10.00 she saw the missing girl (Madeleine) inside a shop
at a petrol service station, whose name she does not remember.
This petrol station is located next to the Hotel Ibis Palmeraie
in Marrakech, Morocco, on the road that goes from Marrakech to
Casablanca and could be called Avenida Abdel Krim Qhattabi. The
girl was wearing blue pyjamas, the top was patterned the bottoms
were darker. The girl was accompanied by a man who did not
appear to be her father who was at a distance of 1 metre from
her. According to the informant, the girl said “can we see mommy
soon?” addressing the man accompanying her.
But she says that she did not see any vehicle.
Any additional information will be sent to you.
With compliments
Inspector Joao Carlos |
567 SIGHTINGS 3 & North Africa - Email |
5-03-Apensos V, Vol III Page 567 |
With thanks to Ines |
apenso5_vol_3_p567 |
From: DIC Portimao
Sent: 22 May 2007 16.30
To: Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
C.C. Joao Carlos Silva Pereira
Subject: Missing girl
Importance: High
From: ODL Portugal
Sent: 21 May 2007 19:02
To: DIC Portugal
Subject: Missing girl
Importance: High
From: DIC Portimao
Sent: 21 May 2007 17.50
To: odl_sctip_portugal
Subject: Missing girl
Regarding our telephone conversation, I am sending the following
requested information:
We were sent the following information:
A person of Norwegian nationality said that on 9th May 2007 at
about 10.00 she saw the missing girl (Madeleine) inside a shop
at a petrol service station, whose name she does not remember.
This petrol station is located next to the Hotel Ibis Palmeraie
in Marrakech, Morocco, on the road that goes from Marrakech to
Casablanca and could be called Avenida Abdel Krim Qhattabi. The
girl was wearing blue pyjamas, the top was patterned the bottoms
were darker. The girl was accompanied by a man who did not
appear to be her father who was at a distance of 1 metre from
her. According to the informant, the girl said “can we see mommy
soon?” addressing the man accompanying her.
But she says that she did not see any vehicle. |
569 Email |
05-03Apensos V,
Vol 3, Page 569 |
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Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 3, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 03)....(PDF Page 96)....Page 569?"Email"
Page 569 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Paulo Reis (pjcv.reis@xxxxx.com)
Date : 2nd June 2007 1.41
To : Isabel.Melo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com
; Madelein Todman : Maria Dinah ; Mary Fitzgerald ; M Merrill ;
Paula Grilo ; Sergio Almedia Correia ; Sonia Strong ; Teresa
Godwin ; vitalmoreira@xxxxxxx.pt
; cachimbodemagritte@xxxxx.com
; daliteratura@xxxxx.com
; Antonio Andre ; gcomunicacao@xxxxxxxx.pt
; georgina.robertson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.tv
; gfacil@xxxxx.com
; grande.loja@xxxxx.com
; HELDER ; jorgewemans@xxxxxxx.com
; jppereira@xxxxx.com
; lobosdomar2@xxxxx.com
; luis.proenca@xxxxxx ; Luis Vaz ;
; pascp@xxxxxxx.pt
; Pedro Reis ; peter ; pifprdroso@xxxxxxx.com
; Police National Missing Persons Bureau ; secdir@xx.pt
; sede@xxxxxxx.net
; sociedade@xx.pt
; Joaquim.M.Oliveira@xxxxxxxxxxx.pt
; Antonio Grando ; Clube de Jornalistas ; Joao Barradas ; Joao
Morgado Fernandes ; Joao Pedro Correia ; Jose Fragoso ; Luis
Proenca ; Paulo Querido ; Paulo Rego ; Sindicato dos Jornalistas
; Olegario Antonio Garcia Sousa ; Gabinete Imprensa ;
Dic.Portimao ; alin11@xx.co.uk ;
; huffcrimeblog@xxxxx.com
; jill.osullivan@xxx.je
; nallen14@xxxxxxxxx.net
; newsonline@xxxxx.com
; stella.tooth@xxxxx.com
; writeback@belfasttelegraph.co.uk
; Al-Jazeera ; aylin yazan ; Georgina Robertson ; Neil Tweedie ;
Subject : Gazeta Digital - Report sent to British Police by Mrs
Mari Olli about Madeleine's sighting in Morocco.
Mari Olli, a Norwegian and a retired social worker, 45 years
old, lives in Spain, Malaga, with her husband. The couple has
been on holidays in Agadir, Morocco, when Madeleine was
abducted. They knew nothing about it, as they didn't watch news
while on holidays. They were returning to Spain and they stopped
at Marrakesh, for the night of May 8th to 9th. Early in the
morning they drove their car to Tarifa, to catch a ferryboat
back home. They stopped at a gas station to buy some water and
that was the place where Mrs Olli says she saw Madeleine.
This is the report that she sent by email, to British Police,
after she tried without success, to give information to Spanish
Police (and not to Portuguese Police, as some wrongly wrote) :
"At the petrol station next to Hotel Ibis Palmeraie in
Marrakesh. Address. Avenue Abdelkrim Khattabi. Wednesday 9th of
May, about 10 am. I saw the girl inside the shop. She was
wearing a clear blue pyjamas. Some pattern on the top, trousers
little darker. Don't think the trousers had any pattern. She was
very small. Under 1 meter. She was with a man. She was standing
alone, the man about a meter from her. I looked at her because
she was very sweet. And it was a strange situation because the
man didn't look like her father. And its very strange to see a
blond small girl standing alone in Marrakesh. She was very small
and normally you would hold her in your arms or at least her
hand. And the man was turning away from her. She looked sad. I
looked in her face, she looked at me. Then she turned to the man
and said something that sounds like : Can we see mommy soon ? :
I am not sure if he reply. I turned around to pay my things, 2
bottle of water and some hygiene serviettes. I went in our car,
looked for if they had a car, but could not see any special. I
wanted to tell my husband , but we went busy with the driving to
catch the ferry from Tangier to Tarifa. I didn't know about the
missing child at that time. Because I had not watching the news
when I was on holiday.
I saw the news on Thursday the 10th of may, in the evening. Then
I remember what I saw in Marrakesh.
I started to phone the Police, Spanish and English.
The Spanish Police didn't want to talk to me. I talked to the
English. Friday morning I gave my report to Katy Peters at
Scotland Yard. She said someone was going to phone me. But I
have not heard anything. I have emailed them"
(Note : Here, the report
ends abruptly. The following page (Page 570) is a "Missing or
Misplaced" page)
However, from previous records of Mari Olli's report, we know
that her report continued thus :
"and phone them several times. But no response. I am very
worried and very sure that this was that girl. Her face is very
special. And that situation was very strange !
My mind is on this situation all the time, and I need to know if
someone are looking into my report. I am sure the two Morrocan
men inside the petrol station can confirm my seeing as well.
If I can do anything more to help, PLEASE let me know !
Mari Olli
(Note : There may have
been further comments by the sender of this Email on the
"Missing or Misplaced" page (Page 570) |
581 to 583 Emails from UK re Olli sighting (duplicate) |
V, Vol 3, Pages 581 - 583 |
apenso5_vol_3_p581 |
apenso5_vol_3_p582 |
apenso5_vol_3_p583 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 3, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 03)....(PDF Pages 107-109)....Pages 581 to 583?"Emails
from UK re Olli sighting (duplicate)"
Page 581 (Page 1 of 3)
(Note: Here, is a mostly
blackened out page, with only a handwritten entry of 4 lines, in
the Portuguese Language, dated 18th May 2007, at the bottom of
the page, and which refers to the Forwarded Email from DC
Matthew Spradbury, regarding Mrs Mari Olli's sighting in
Marrakesh, which is reproduced on the following page, Page 582)
Page 582 (Page 2 of 3)
Spradbury Matthew
Subject : FW : Possible sighting by Marie Olli - Pollard in
From : "Spradbury Matthew" (matthew.spradbury@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 18th May 2007 20.32
Subject : Possible sighting by Marie Olli - Pollard in
Further to the details of the possible sighting in Marrakech
reported to National Missing Persons Bureau, 11th May 2007, copy
sent to you 18th May 2007 at 1739hrs.
I have just spoken to MARIE OLLI - POLLARD (19/05/62(sic) ) in
more detail.
NSY regarding her reported sighting. MARIE feels that she is not
being taken seriously and that Police are not doing any
follow-up enquiries. I have taken further detail from her and
reassured her that the information will be passed to Portugal
where it will be assessed and acted upon as necessary.
MARIE stated that the possible sighting happened around 10am on
Wednesday 9th May. She describes the location as a petrol
station on the main highway from Casablanca to Marrakesh. It is
the petrol station next to the IBIS Moussafir Marrakech
Palmeraie and on the same side of the road as the hotel, just
after the toll booths. She gave a street name as Avenue
Abdelkrim Khattabi off the route de Casablanca.
MARIE was standing in the shop waiting to pay when she saw a
small blonde haired girl standing about a metre away from her.
She thought it was strange to see a blonde haired child in
Marrakesh. The girl appeared to be with a white male, 35-40
years, 1.78m and slim build. He had short wavy dark brown hair
and a thin face, although she did not see his face properly. He
was wearing a baggy light grey / off white T-shirt, mid blue
jeans and light coloured trainers. She is 75% sure she heard the
little girl say to the male, 'CAN WE SEE MUMMY NOW ?'. She
thinks he replied in a very quiet voice, 'SOON', but can't be
MARIE described the little girl as white about 3-4 years old
with light blond shoulder length straight hair. She thinks that
she had green / blue eues and describes her face as sweet but
looked a bit sad / confused. The girl was wearing a long sleeved
light blue pyjama top with a pink pattern and slightly darker
blue plain full length pyjama bottoms with pink shoes.
She had the girl in her sight at close range for about 3 minutes
in total. The male looked like he was waiting for someone and
she did not see him buy anything. At the time she thought it
strange but did not mention it to her husband who was waiting in
the car on the forecourt as they were preoccupied with finding
their way to the ferry port. She did not look around the
forecourt for vehicles that may belong to the male and girl,
only recalls lorries.
At the time of this sighting MARIE was not aware of the incident
in Portugal and that Madeleine was missing.
Around 6pm the next day she saw the news and pictures of
Madeleine and felt sickened as she was 99.9% sure that Madeleine
was the little girl she had seen in Marrakesh. She remains 99%
sure at this time. I have spoken to the Hotel Reception who gave
the name of the garage as the CASA VOYAGUER, but there is no
trace of a number with International Directory Enquiries.
Can enquiries be instigated to identify the petrol station and
ascertain whether any CCTV is available.
MARIE is available on 00346526xxxxx |
585 Email re Spain sighting |
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V, Vol 3, Page 585 |
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Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 3, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 03)....(PDF Page 111)....Page 585?"Email re Spain
Page 585 (Page 1 of 1)
Operation Task - PNMPB Updates for attention of DC Matt
Newton Martin
From : nationalmissingpersons@met.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 11th May 2007 09.46
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Operation Task - PNMPB Updates for attention of DC
Matt Spradbury
Attachments : Copy of sightings.doc
DC Matt Spradbury,
I spoke to this informant at 9.00 am. today who has given
details of a sighting of a young Blonde child which may fit
Madeleine McCann's description. The informant lives in Spain and
is available to receive a call this morning, she is quite
convinced of what she saw. Please see attached details of the
basic information I recorded from her. At present she seems to
be having a strong reaction to this sighting.
Please call should you need any further information.
<<<Copy of sightings.doc>>>
Kathy Peters (Intelligence Officer)
UK Police National Missing Persons Bureau (PNMPB)
Room 209, New Scotland Yard
10 Broadway
SW1H 0BG |
586 Olli sighting information |
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apenso5_vol_3_p586 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 3, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
03)....(PDF Page 112)....Page 586?"Olli sighting information"
Page 586 (Page 1 of 1)
Missingkids Freephone Information Memo Pad
Caller's name ( not mandatory) :
MARI OLLI-Was on holiday at the time. Is now back home in Spain.
Caller's contact details (not mandatory) :
Tel : 00346526xxxxx
Name of missing person on poster :
Where precisely was the missing person seen ? (street name,
local landmarks, shops etc) :
Marrakesh, Morocco, outside the Hotel 'IBIS' at the petrol
station opposite.
Day, Date and Time missing person was seen :
10.00 am. on Wednesday 9th May 2007.
What clothing was the missing person wearing ? :
Blue Pyjamas type clothes with a Pink pattern.
Circumstances of sighting (e.g. was the missing person seen with
anyone else, any vehicles, state missing person was in etc) :
The informant was at the petrol station when she saw a Dark
haired male with a scruffy appearance wearing jeans and carrying
a Bag. He was with a tiny Blonde child, which was unusual to
see, at that time she was not holding his hand but looking up at
him and talking to him.
When did you see the poster ? :
Saw TV coverage when she returned home and has been saying she
is 99.9% convinced of the similarity. Available to call ASAP,
very upset.
Any additional information ? :
Informant says the petrol station attendant also saw the pair.
Details of Officer that information was passed to (please attach
Fax confirmation) :
DS Simon Shuttleworth
Date/Time call received : 11th May 2007 9.00 am. Initials : Kath
Peters. |