663 to
664 Statement re sighting in Marrakesh Care de Spice market |
Thanks to Skeptical |
V, Vol 4, Pages 663 and 664 |
apenso5_vol_4_p663 |
apenso5_vol_4_p664 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 5-6)....Pages 663 to 664?"Statement re sighting
in Marrakesh Care de Spice market"
Page 663 (Page 1 of 2)
Incident Message
M1925 Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 4th June 2007 Time : 1710 Priority : HIGH
Type : Phone In
Message From/To : From
Title/Rank/ID Number : Mrs
Surname : THOMPSON
Froename(s) : J
Sex : Female
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 12 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, and which overwrites some of this report)
Page 664 (Page 2 of 2)
Report then continues thus :
Rec By : TPHONE Serial : 628 Ident : BC09 - 1103 1710 4th June
1714 1103 - BC09 Incident confirmed
1717 1103 - BC09 With a young white girl with dirty blonde hair,
unwashed appearance wearing a brown a line(sic) dress, pulling
her by the hand. She appeared to be terrified of the male. He
was passing her food but there was no interaction between them
at all.
The male was taking photos of the girl, but there was no
smiling, just fear on her face. The male was talking to the
owner of the cafe in a foreign language but caller could not say
if it was Arabic.
1718 1103 - BC09 Cafe De Spice is the only cafe in the spice
market square.
1719 1103 - BC09 The male left after 45 minutes having grabbed
the girl by her arm and pulled her out. Having returned to the
UK they became aware of the enquiry, but the photograph in
today's Daily Mail is the spitting image of the girl caller saw
in Marrakech.
1719 1103 - BC09 No reply to Inc Room.
1719 1103 - BC09 Incident linked to 57 4th May 2007
1720 1103 - BC09 Incident Result OOM : Message only : Not
Incident Related : Qualifier not Required.
1720 1103 - BC09 Incident closed
Receivers Instructions :
Raise Action : TI/TST Thomson
Scan to Portugal - Priority 1
14th June 2007 DS48 Baraclough
Person receiving/sending : Receiving Title/Rank/ID Number : 1103
Forename(s) : JR Surname : BREACKER |
874 Incident Message regarding another sighting in
Marrakesh |
V, Vol 4, Page 874 |
apenso5_vol_4_p874 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 181)....Page 874? "Incident Message regarding
another sighting in Marrakesh"
Page 874 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal
Incident Message : M635 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 21st May 2007 : Time : 0952 : Priority : M
Type : Phone In : Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth
McCANN to include possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : WARE
Forename(s) : Paul
Sex : Male
Telephone Number(s) : BUSINESS : 019242xxxxx
Address : BUSINESS : West Yorkshire Police, Wakefield, Sth
Yorks, England
Information :
Have received a call from Oliver NORTON of : xx, ANxxxx
CRxxxxxx, Outwood, Wakefield, WFx xxP. He was on holiday in
Marrakesh last week and he and his girlfriend saw a little girl
who matched the description of Madeleine. This would have been
on either 14th or 15th May 2007. At the time didn't think
anything of it but there has been reports of sights at a garage
which was near to where they saw this little girl. They saw the
girl near to where they were staying which was at the
Telephone number for Oliver Norton is : 078436xxxxx
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 21st May 2007, indicating a sighting in
Marrakesh) |
1083 to 1084 Statement re sighting in Morocco |
05-05 Apensos
V, Vol 5, Pages 1083 and 1084 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1083 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1084 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 135-136)....Pages 1083 to
1084-"Statement re sighting in Morocco"
Page 1083 (Page 1 of 2)
Leicestershire Constabulary
Officer's Report
To : DSU Prior
Incident : Op Task
Dept : MCU
Date : 22nd May 2007
A 395 is a HP action to TSF Jonathan SWAIN the GMTV reporter
regarding a suspicious vehicle...(illegible)...sighted
whilst...(illegible)...in Marrakesh covering the service station
sighting of Madeleine McCann.
Swain is currently remaining in Portugal covering this story and
not due to return to the UK until late on Friday 25th May. Today
I have spoken to him on his mobile phone on 099915xxxxx. He
states that around 3pm on Sunday 20th May 2007 he and a GMTV
Cameraman were making enquiries at the service station in
Marrakesh concerning the possible sighting of Madeleine.
He saw a white Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle pull onto the
forecourt. He would say the vehicle was a newer model with
Gibraltar number plates on. He does not have the details on the
number plates. He states the vehicle had prominent visible
suspension which was yellow in colour and yellow stickers on
both driver's and passenger doors along with the Toyota Logo. He
states that the vehicle looked a sporty off-road type vehicle.
He says that displayed in both rear passenger-seat windows were
what he described as the first issued posters of Madeleine which
contained a full framed photo of Madeleine and the UK
Crime Stoppers phone number written in yellow text. He described
a dark brown or black cloth or blanket which was fastened by
elastic around the rear of the vehicle on the inside. As if it
were a curtain erected to prevent someone looking into the rear
of the vehicle.
He says that he approached the vehicle as he thought they may be
connected to the enquiry. He spoke to the driver who he states
was a British white male aged in his 40's, he was wearing a
yellow Ralf Laurens T-shirt, light beige shorts and smart brown
leather shoes with no socks. He was clean shaven and was wearing
a small square brown rimmed Calvin Klein glasses and had thin
grey hair. He described a front-seat passenger as of similar age
wearing darl clothing and spoke very quietly.
Page 1084 (Page 2 of 2)
Leicestershire Constabulary
He states that whilst he spoke to the driver through the open
front window, a further male appeared from the rear of the
vehicle. He would describe this male as Moroccan in appearance.
He was about 5'8" tall wearing a white open neck shirt and dark
long trousers. He described him as a 'Danny DiVito" look-a-like.
He states that the men seemed to be aware of the possible
sighting of Madeleine at that service station and asked him how
reliable the information was. He says that he had a long
conversation with the men during which the driver told him that
he was an ex-TA, (Note : Territorial Army),Officer and that they
were all on a training exercise with the Moroccan Army. He
states that during this conversation he became aware that these
men were very familiar with Morocco and spoke about them going
high into the Atlas Mountains today (22/05/07) inviting him to
join them. He states that they had a lot of Moroccan Maps in the
front of the vehicle.
He also states that the Moroccan male told him that he had
previously visited Praia da Luz and was familiar with that area.
He says that he was uncomfortable about their general demeanour
and suspicious of them. During the conversation one of them said
that the child was probably in a foreign country by now and that
would be easier for those responsible, stating that there were
plenty of places to hide in the mountains. He arranged to swap
phone numbers but they took his and left prior to giving their
Unless there are developments Swain returns to the UK on Friday.
A request has been sent to the Metropolitan Police for an
Officer to visit and obtain a statement upon his return.
I submit this report for your information and attention.
(signed) Dc4183 Stephanie Walkinshaw. |
1229 to 1230 Statement re
sighting in Marrakesh |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1229 and 1230 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1229 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1230 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
06)....(PDF Pages 64-65 )....Pages 1229 to 1230?"Statement re
sighting in Marrakesh"
Page 1229 (Page 1 of 2 )
Statement : Number : S215
Surname : WILLIAMS
Forename(s) : Christine
Age : -
Date of Birth : -
Address : -
Occupation : -
Telephone No. : -
Statement Date : 12th June 2007
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 11 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 3rd July 2007, and which refers to a
reported sighting in Marrakesh, MOROCCO, on the 25th May 2007.
This entry has overwritten quite a large portion of this
Page 1230 (Page 2 of 2 )
Here, Mrs. WILLIAMS' statement continues thus :
............face, at this point the young girl then hit the old
woman with her right hand, connecting with the old woman's left
shoulder. She did this twice, could be three times and did it as
if to push her off. It looked as if the old woman and the young
child were annoyed with each other.
There was also another younger woman with them who, while this
was happening, was talking to some other people who I didn't
notice. She had very dark hair, quite short, coming down to the
top of her neck, she was dressed in European clothing, again I
wouldn't be able to recognise her. On seeing what was happening
she turned around quickly, her hand came up and she pushed the
older woman away from the child, it would appear that she was
protective of the child. This woman then took the child by her
hand and walked off, the older woman followed behind. I didn't
see where they went as they walked underneath the balcony of the
restaurant I was in and the surrounding buildings.
My husband then returned but I didn't say anything to him at the
time. Following our meal, while outside the restaurant, I
noticed that there was a small lane leading to backstreets and
various shops, I don't know if they walked down in that
That night I woke up as the incident was playing on my mind, it
did cross my mind about the missing girl Madeleine MCCANN, and
as a result I told my husband in the morning.
Also the following morning I was speaking to some other British
tourists in the hotel and they mentioned that Madeleine may have
been sighted previously in MARRAKECH, as a result I phoned a
friend back home who gave me the number to the Incident Room and
I reported what I had witnessed.
While at the restaurant on the night in question I took some
photograph's of the square which I am willing to give to the
I also have a photograph of the restaurant but this was taken on
a different day.
With regards to my location when I saw this incident, I would
say I was about 10 foot up on the balcony and the child was
about 10 foot away from me. I will support the Police in
whatever action they wish to take.
With regards to the photograph's taken, I have put them on a
disk which I now produce : Police Ref : C.W.1 (EXHIBIT NO.)
I would also like to add that to my knowledge there was no CCTV
covering the square in Marrakech.
(signed) C. Williams
Signature Witnessed By : - |
1406 to 1407 Email re Marrakesh lead |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1406 and 1407 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1406 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1407 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 214-215 )....Pages 1406 to 1407?"Email
re Marrakesh lead"
Page 1406 (Page 1 of 2 )
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 29th May 2007 11.10
Subject : FW : Op Task - Information from Gibraltar priority 1
From : Special Branch (rgpsb@gibtelecom.net)
Sent : 29th May 2007 10.23
To : -
Subject : Op Task - Information from Gibraltar
Dear Martin,
We have just received information on the above-mentioned
subject. Three male persons from Gibraltar (TA soldiers from the
Royal Gibraltar Regiment) last week undertook Charity work in
the Ourika Valley in Morocco, Near Marrakesh.
They used a 4x4 vehicle displaying posters of Madeleine McCann
in English, French and Arabic. During a stop in the centre of
Marrakesh, close to the Royal Mirage Hotel, they were approached
by 2 Moroccan females stating that they knew of a French male
who had shown them a digital photograph of his 'daughter' on a
mobile phone and that it had striking similarities to that of
Madeleine McCann..
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 9 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 29th May 2007, which refers to a
sighting, by 2 Moroccan females, of a digital photograph in
Marrakesh, and reported by 3 TA soldiers. This entry may have
overwritten part of this report)
Page 1407 (Page 2 of 2 )
(Note : Only general
information regarding e-mail security etc, on this page) |
1895 to 1902 Emails re sightings in Marrakech |
05 08 Apensos
V, Vol 8, Pages 1895-1902 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1895 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1896 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1897 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1898 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1899 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1900 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1900a |
apenso5_vol_8_p1901 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1902 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 8, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 08)....(PDF Pages 171-179 )....Pages 1895 to 1902?"Emails
re sightings in Bab Taghzout, Marrakech, Morocco, 17th June
Page 1895 (Page 1 of 8 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 19th June 2007 13:56
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann Poss sighting Marrakesh 17th
June 2007 priority 3
From : Emma.Harber@fco.gsi.gov.uk
Sent : 19th June 2007 09:23
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
Please find below reported sighting of Madeleine McCann in
(Note : Next line illegible)
(Note : Here, is a handwritten
entry of 11 lines, in the Portuguese Language, which refers to a
reported sighting in Bab Taghzout, Marrakesh, by a married
couple name Dixon-Lloyd. This entry has obscured part of this
The report then continues thus :
Mohamed Zkhiri rang later to confirm his conversation with the
Dixon-Lloyd's. He intended to speak then to the Chief of Police
and to the Wali.
(Note : A Wali is a Governor of a Moroccan region and is
nominated by the King. The Wali is also governor of the province
(or prefecture) where he resides).
(report continued)...
He would suggest to the Wali that the possible sighting could be
the moment to distribute the posters (you will recall that the
Wali was opposed to poster distribution unless there was a
confirmed sighting).
We await further contacts from Mohamed.
B Brett Rooks
HM Consul-General
Page 1896 (Page 2 of 8 )
British Consulate-General
36 rue de la Loire
____________Original Message________
From : Biddy Brett Rooks * Casablanca - UBS
Sent : 18th June 2007 16:56
To : Amal Haikel Casablanca - UBS
Subject : Madeleine McCann
Grateful if you could enter on Compass the alleged sighting :
Couple, Mr and mrs Dixon-Lloyd
Mobile : 00447775xxxxx
Thought to have seen blonde girl, around 3 years. Evening of
Sunday, 17th June, around 2100-2130 in Marrakech, Bab Taghzout.
Wearing western clothes, dress, pale peach colour, hair tied
back in pony tail.
They are travelling tomorrow on BA.
John Pover advised that I notify Mohamed Z, ask him to log with
the Police, but difficult to do anything without car
registration or address.
Mr and Mrs D-L to be advised to enter sightings on
find.madeleine website when at home.
I rang Mohamed Z who will contact the couple, and Police.
HM Consul-General
British Consulate-General
36 rue de la Loire
Page 1897 (Page 3 of 8 )
(Note : This Page contains general
information re e-mail security etc)
Page 1898 (Page 4 of 8 )
FW : Madeleine McCann
Newton Martin
From : Newton Martin on behalf of Task
Sent : 19th June 2007 13:57
To : Task Portugal
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann Poss sighting Marrakesh 17th
June 2007 priority 3
Importance : High
From : Emma.Harber@fco.gsi.gov.uk
Sent : 19th June 2007 09:23
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
Please find below reported sighting of Madeleine McCann in
This has been reported to the Moroccan Police.
Emma Harber
Consular Assistance Group
G/58 Old Admiralty Building
____________Original Message________
From : Biddy Brett Rooks * Casablanca - UBS
Sent : Tuesday, 19th June 2007 9:09 AM
To : Amal Haikel Casablanca - UBS
Cc : Charles Gray Rabat-Conf : Glyn Cartmell * RABAT - UBS :
Steve Firstbrook * RABAT - UBS : Kevin Lyne Rabat-Conf : Emma
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 2nd July 2007, which refers to a
reported possible sighting in Marrakesh on the 17th June 2007.
This entry appears to have overwritten part of this report)
The report then continues thus :
Tel : 00212 22 85 74 00
Page 1899 (Page 5 of 8 )
(Note : This Page is virtually a
copy of Page 1896 (quoted above) )
FW : Madeleine Mccann
____________Original Message________
From : Biddy Brett Rooks * Casablanca - UBS
Sent : 18th June 2007 16:56
To : Amal Haikel Casablanca - UBS
Subject : Madeleine McCann
Grateful if you could enter on Compass the alleged sighting :
Couple, Mr and mrs Dixon-Lloyd
Mobile : 00447775xxxxx
Thought to have seen blonde girl, around 3 years. Evening of
Sunday, 17th June, around 2100-2130 in Marrakech, Bab Taghzout.
Wearing western clothes, dress, pale peach colour, hair tied
back in pony tail.
They are travelling tomorrow on BA.
John Pover advised that I notify Mohamed Z, ask him to log with
the Police, but difficult to do anything without car
registration or address.
Mr and Mrs D-L to be advised to enter sightings on
find.madeleine website when at home.
I rang Mohamed Z who will contact the couple, and Police.
HM Consul-General
British Consulate-General
36 rue de la Loire
Page 1900 (Page 6 of 8 )
(Note : This Page contains a copy of the above page, Page 1899)
Page 1901 (Page 7 of 8 )
(Note : This Page only contains the following) :
FW : Madeleine McCann
Page 1902 (Page 8 of 8 )
Newton Martin
From : Newton Martin on behalf of Task
Sent : 20th June 2007 11:30
To : Task Portugal
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann poss sighting Morocco priority 3
From : lilahlloyd@xxx.co.uk
Sent : 20th June 2007 10:43
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Madeleine McCann
Dear Task,
I have been advised to contact you regarding Madeleine.
I have just returned from Morocco and have done everything that
I could whilst there, but I am still unsure about the level of
knowledge held by the Police there.
On Sunday night about 2100 I was walking back to my Riad with my
husband, this is in the North area of Marrakech, away from the
tourist areas. There was a street-market of sorts on the alley
which we were walking down, I saw a blonde european girl, who as
we got closer, turned to face something on a stall, I heard her
say about 3 years old, but with a Moroccan lady, quite tall for
a Moroccan female, wearing a pale blue full length robe, with
her head covered, she was in her early 30's maybe. We walked
past and I discreetly tried to look more closely, not wanting to
draw attention to the fact that we were looking at her
especially, but as we did the girl turned to a stall and pointed
at something on it - facing away from us - but she did say,
"Mamma", and then something I couldn't catch, the woman was
walking slightly ahead of the girl and we couldn't hear what was
said, but it was along the lines of. "Yes, come on, let's go",
but not in any hurried way. They then disappeared down an alley.
As it was in a dark street it was not possible to get a good
look at the face of the girl, she was wearing a peach or pink
coloured dress - western style - with her hair in a ponytail. It
may be of no consequence, she could have been a child of a
European couple who was with a Nanny or Au Par ? I don;t think
that her features were broad enough to have been Madeleine, but
it was all very fleeting and dark, so I can't be entirely sure.
We went back to our Riad and......
(Note : Here, the report
ends somewhat abruptly)
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 10 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
2nd July 2007, which refers to a reported possible sighting in
Marrakesh on the 17th June 2007. This entry has obscured part of
this report) |
1950 to 1951 Email re
sighting in Morocco |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 1950 and 1951 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1950 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1951 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF
Pages 23-24 )....Pages 1950-1951?"Email re reported
in Bab Taghzout, Marrakesh,
17th June 2007,Morocco,
reported on Page 1902-)"
(Note :
This is a further copy of a previous report on Page 1902, (which
has been included in the grouped reports contained on Pages
1895-1902, (reference point : Page 40 of
regarding a reported
in Bab Taghzout, Marrakesh,
17th June 2007, by the Dixon-Lloyd's. (Mrs Dixon-Lloyd had used
'lilah.lloyd' in her e-mail on Page 1902, and has signed her
statement on this particular report as Lilah Gibson). As each of
the two reports have a different part missing, each obscured by
a handwritten
entry, I have included a composite of the two reports to show
the complete statement"
Page 1950 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 3
From : "Task" (
To : "Task
Sent : 20th June 2007 11:30
: FW : Madeleine McCann poss
priority 3
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 9 lines, in the
which refers to a reported
This entry has obscured part of this report)
(Note : The
following e-mail was included in the previous report on Page
1902, but has been obscured by the
entry on this particular report) :
(Composite of the two reports to
show complete statement) :
"From : lilahlloyd@xxx.co.uk
Sent : 20th June 2007 10:43
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
: Madeleine McCann
Dear Task,
I have been advised to contact you regarding Madeleine.
I have just returned from
and have done everything that I could whilst there, but I am
still unsure about the level of knowledge held by the Police
On Sunday night about 2100 I was walking back to my Riad with my
husband, this is in the North area of Marrakech, away from the
tourist areas. There was a street-market of sorts on the alley
which we were walking down, I saw a blonde european girl, who as
we got closer, turned to face something on a stall, I heard her
say about 3 years old, but with a Moroccan lady, quite tall for
a Moroccan female, wearing a pale blue
full length robe,
with her head covered, she was in her early 30's maybe. We
walked past and I discreetly tried to look more closely, not
wanting to draw attention to the fact that we were looking at
her especially, but as we did the girl turned to a stall and
pointed at something on it - facing away from us - but she did
say, "Mamma", and then something I couldn't catch, the woman was
walking slightly ahead of the girl and we couldn't hear what was
said, but it was along the lines of. "Yes, come on, let's go",
but not in any hurried way. They then disappeared down an alley.
As it was in a dark street it was not possible to get a good
look at the face of the girl, she was wearing a peach or pink
coloured dress - western style - with her hair in a ponytail. It
may be of no consequence, she could have been a child of a
European couple who was with a Nanny or Au Par ? I don't think
that her features were broad enough to have been Madeleine, but
it was all very fleeting and dark, so I can't be entirely sure.
We went back to our Riad and......
(Note : Here, the
original report ended abruptly on Page 1902, (obscured by
the Portuguese
Langauge entry then), but has been included on this particular
report. This report contains the missing part which was) :
....spoke to the owners the next morning who put us in touch
with the British Consulate, who then contacted the High
Commissioner - Mr Sriri - who took the information from me. He
said he would contact the Police. That night the Police were
waiting for us to return to our Riad, again we explained what we
had seen, with the help of the translation of a French chap who
was staying there with his English girlfriend. They thought they
had seen the same girl in the daytime, but didn't think it was
Madeleine, but after us bringing it to the attention of the.....
Page 1951 (Page 2 of 2 )
......Authorities, they doubted themselves a little I think. The
Police came back much later that night to take a written
statement from me. What concerned me was that the Policeman
asked me what Nationality Madeleine is - and asked how we knew
about her. He seemed very unaware of the situation. He did say
that they would send people to the area, but again, I am not
100% sure what will be done. We asked if the local people would
not be aware and looking out, but the French owner of the Riad
said that it was not common knowledge ?
If you need to contact me, my mobile no. is 077755xxxxx, however
due to no signal at my place of work, I am not available from
Kind Regards,
Lilah Gibson
20/06/2007 |
Email re sighting in Marrakesh |
05 11 Apensos V, Vol 11, Page 2494 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2494 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 120 )....Page 2494?"Email re
reported sighting in Marrakesh, Morocco, (27th July 2007)"
Page 2494 (Page 1 of 1 )
Inc 255 26/9/07
From : Huhghes John (DC) (
On behalf of Task (
Sent : 1st October 2007 9:16
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : Inc 255 26/9/07
From : Sivyer, Daniel (
Sent : 27th September 2007 22:07
To :
Cc : Williams, Mark
Subject : Inc 255 26/9/07
Rec By : PHONE : Serial 255 : Ident : WW940 - c5565 1425
Phone : 016665xxxxx Not a TK
Location : MARRAKESH/ Out of Force Area
Origin : Mrs Fiona WHARTON, Lxxxxx Fxxxxx, Cxxxxxxxxx Lxxx,
Tetbury, (Gloucestershire). Third Party.
Text : Whilst on a family holiday in Marrakesh her daughter,
aged 20, says that she saw a Berber female holding the hand of a
small child blonde. The woman was dressed in black. Her daughter
cannot be sure that this is Madeleine McCann. Her hair was
shorter than shown in the Press. 27th July 2007.
Inc type : Misc_INC : Grade : 4 : Occ Time 1425 : Date 26/09/07
: Ras : OFA
Result : OFA_INC
OIC : 59999 : PC : Not allocated : SH : UNF : Headquarters
1429 C5565-WW940 Incident confirmed
1436 C5565-WW940 E-mail to
1436 C5565-WW940 OIC updated 59999
1436 C5565-WW940 Incident Result M02 : Other Force Area Incident
1436 C5565-WW940 Incident closed
1339 50745-CJG02 CG22 - Allocated to PC Sivyer to follow up as
per Op Task
1418 51692-CJG20 Full incident primted : Printed for 51692
: Printed all pages to CJREC1
2146 51692-CRG00 PC 1692 Sivyer -
Spoke to the caller who informed me that her daughter, Camila
Wharton, had gone to University in Newcastle, and will not be
back until Christmas. She gave me her address as, xxx, Hxxxx
Axxxxx, Jxxxxxx, Newcastle, NEx XXB. Tel '077407xxxxx'. I spoke
to her on the number given and she stated that on 27th July 2007
she was in Central Square, Marrakesh, Morocco, when she saw a
blonde child aged 2-3 years old, walking hand-in-hand with a
female Berber dressed in black. She was approximately 10 metres
away, visibility was good and nothing was obstructing her view.
However she only glanced in her direction for a split second,
and it was only later that she thought about it. That she
thought it was strange. She only saw the female and the child
from the rear, and cannot say if it was Madeleine. She only
mentioned this to her mum in passing, and cannot say for certain
it was Madeleine. She also stated that her hair was a lot
01-10-2007 |
- Email re possible location of Madeleine in Marrakesh outskirts |
05 12 Apensos
V, Vol 12, Page 2592 |
apenso5_vol_12_p2592 |
able of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 12, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 12)....(PDF Page 50 )....Page 2592?"Email re
report re possible location of Madeleine,...ie...in outskirts of
Marrakech, Morocco"
Page 2592 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 1
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 5th August 2007 10:31
Subject : FW : Information ref Madeleine location info re
Madeleine priority 1
From : Young Tracey (Tracey.Young@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 4th August 2007 17:28
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Informarion ref Madeleine
I have today taken a call from a Robin Pye, from Wxxxxx Cxxxxxx,
Oxxxxx Rxxx, Horton-cum-Stadley(sic), ...(Note : May mean
Horton-cum-Studley), Oxford.
Mr Pye stated that, through the Headington Moroccan Community,
he had been informed that Madeleine was being held in the
outskirts of Marrakech.
Mr Pye also stated that he had been led to believe that the
Foreign Office were aware of this information but that they were
doing nothing about it because the Moroccan Special Services
were involved in the kidnap and that the Moroccan Royal Family
are involved as well.
He kept going off on different tangents but stated that it was
proof that the information was true and accurate.
He stated that he was a Retired General in the Army and that
information had also been obtained by GCHQ, Cheltenham.
Our Ref for the call is URN1150 04/08.07.
Many thanks
Tracey Young C9086
05/08/2007 |
- Email re sighting in Morocco |
12 Apensos 12 Page 2716 |
apenso5_vol_12_p2716 |
To Portimao DIC
Forwarded by Olegario da Sousa
(From French)
From: (xxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: She's in Morocco
Date: 13th August 2007
The little girl is in Morocco in a town called Beni Mellal,
which is about 100 km from Marrakesh, with a non-Moroccan man
I saw them at a Beni Mellal monument.
He has a Mercedes 190 car.
If you want more information phone ***************** and come
with 500000$ for him who will lead you to her.
I swear this is no joke.
I work and have no time for jokes.
You have another choice and that is not to come and never to see
poor little Madeleine again. |