2747 to 2751
Witness testimony of
Marco Paulo Ventura de
Pimental Vaz Pereira 20 July
2007 |
11 Processo Volume 11 pages
2747 to 2751 |
Marco Paulo Ventura de Pimental Vaz
Pereira |
39 -
Email re supposed sighting in Coruche |
Apensos V, Vol I Page 39 |
apenso5_vol_1_Page39 |
From: Ana Maria Flausino
Sent: Saturday, 19th May 2007
To: DIC Portimao
Subject: Madeleine
I don't not know up to what point my information will be
important as I am not certain of anything. In truth, every time
that Madeleine's image appears on TV, I am struck not by the
image where her face is in the foreground, but by the image
where the girl appears at a distance with long hair...and that
in a cake shop in my area, ?Arco Iris?, I observed a foreign
couple accompanied by two children, one of them a baby in a push
chair, who was very blond and the other a girl who looked like
the missing child (photo of whole body and with long hair).
The man had a foreign look to him, bronzed and with fair to
brown hair, short but wavy, he was perhaps too tall as I thought
that the size of his head was disproportionate (very small) for
the size of his body.
I am from and resident in Coruche, a place where in general you
do not see foreigners. What has prevented me from contacting you
is not being certain...I don?t know if it was the girl nor of
the day I saw her but I think it was on Friday 4th May. I have
already spoken about the subject with one of the employees of
the establishment and she does not remember the day either.
Thank you for your attention. |
176 - Email re possible
sighting with two Russians |
Apensos V, Vol I Page 176 |
apenso5_vol_1_Page176 |
Email to
Portimao DIC
From: M.J.
Saturday 19th May 2007, 19.46
To: Portimao
My daughter,
assistant at Faro airport, told me that a colleague of hers, two
or three days after Madeleine’s disappearance, told her that two
Russians embarked, accompanied by a girl similar in appearance
to Madeleine, whose child passport was hand written, which she
found strange. It should be noted that at this time there were
already photographs of the girl up in the airport, but they were
all black and white.
M.J: Mestre
on email:
- Barroso
contact airport
- The flight
was to Dublin
- Check
arrival and departure lists
T.A. |
222 to 225
Statement of Abdrea Griffin re sighting in Alcateia, Algarve |
01-05-APENSOS 5,
Volume I pages 222 to 225 |
Portugal GNR service
information re sighting near
Badajoz/Madrid |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol III Page 452 |
apenso5_vol_3_p452 |
Guarda Nacional Republicana
Setúbal Group
Incident Report Nº 07/07
On 8th May 2007, I, soldier Lino José Pineta and soldier Humberto
Carlos Silveira Fernandes, both on duty at the Santo André GNR
post, inform you of the following events:
At about 01.15 on 8th May 2007, Ana Rute Duarte Pacheco, a resident
of Santo André appeared at the GNR post to inform us that at
about 00.45 she had received a call to her mobile from her
husband Paulo Jorge Pacheco, resident at the same address, and
who was travelling by bus from Portugal to Spain and that on the
Badajoz/Madrid motorway at KM 374, where they made a stop, he
observed that in a yellow bus of the “Anibal” bus company, with
a Spanish number plate, he saw an individual aged about 20
wearing a white shirt and track suit bottoms and who was
accompanied by a girl who spoke English and who was wearing a
red blouse and pink trousers. Given the current news, he
suspected and even guaranteed to his wife that this could be the
girl who was being searched for. He said that the bus the girl
and the individual were travelling in had a final destination of
Mendes Alvares station in Madrid and that the expected arrival
time was about 05.00, Portuguese time.
Faro PJ has been informed of these events by fax.
Soldiers Pineta and Silveira Fernandes |
also Portugal
Statement re sighting
in Ecomarche park, Nelas |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol III Page 493 |
apenso5_vol_3_p493 |
Policia Judiciária
Telecommunications Centre
Message Registration
Date/Time: 08 May 13.45
Immediate 081300 May 07
To: Listpol
Subject: Location Supposed Abductor of Girl
On 081130May07 citizens reported that at the Ecomarche Park in
Nelas a suspect suspected of the abduction of Madeleine McCann
was sighted.
After viewing Ecomarche images (sic) a suspect wearing white
trousers, short sleeved shirt. Has a pony tail and 2/3 day
The girl is wearing orange shorts, purple top and straw hat. An
employee of the petrol station confirmed that the car in
question was a Peugeot 207, French number plate and with a
child’s seat placed behind the driver’s seat.
The employee also informed that the individual was of English
nationality. |
Statement of sighting
in Barragem do Beliche,
Castro |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol III Page 544 |
apenso5_vol_3_p544 |
Public Security Police
Faro Police Command
Date: 10 May 2007
Subject: Madeleine Case
Today, at about 15.47, when I was on duty at the Santo António
squad, I received a phone call from a male individual with a
British accent who preferred to remain anonymous and who told me
the following:
Yesterday at 21.00, to the south of the Beliche – Castro Marim dam,
he saw a male individual, about 1.75m in height, wearing dark
blue jeans and a dark t-shirt, accompanied by a girl aged about
3 years, with blond hair, wearing light coloured clothes and who
were heading in a northern direction along the bushes, before he
lost sight of them.
Squad Commander
Joaquim Luis Cabecinha Godinho |
703 - Email re sighting in
Madeira |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 703 |
apenso5_vol_4_Page703 |
From: Paula Sousa
Sent: 11th May 2007, 13:15
To: DIC Portimao
Subject: News
Dear sirs,
I am writing from Madeira,
Today on the island at Sao
Martin, inside a public bus
a girl was seen who was very
similar to Madeleine McCann.
Small, blonde, with straight
hair, wearing a flowery
dress, accompanied by two
old women of a very bad
We think this could be the
girl missing from the
Thanks, best compliments.
C. Ribeiro. |
744 - Email re sighting in
Caldas da Rainha |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 744 |
apenso5_vol_4_Page744 |
From: cadifid@iol
Sent: 17th May 2007, 17:46
To: DIC Portimao
Dear Sirs,
I am sending this email,
conscious of the fact that
the information I am sending
you might be irrelevant and
not of interest. However, I
think I can not let pass the
episode that happened to me
at the end of last week.
I was in Sao Martinho de
Porto (Caldas da Raina) with
my wife and my three year
old niece, playing in a park
close to the beach. At a
given moment two male
individuals appeared with 5
female children aged between
3 and 5. Up to this point
all was well but two things
caught my attention:
- the smallest girl was very
similar to the photo that
you have on your website of
the English girl. She had
the same haircut. However,
both my wife and I thought
that her eyes were brown and
that the girl appeared small
for a 4 year old. However, I
repeat that the similarities
were striking.
- another thing that caught
our attention was that the
girl in question never spoke
and that the men called her
Raquel. I also found it
strange that these men
appeared to be alone with
the children and took many
photos of them using
different cameras.
One of the men was of German
origin (?) and the other was
As I say, I don’t know if
this scene was strange just
by suggestion but both my
wife and I found it to be
so. I do not want to create
panic or confusion, I am
aware that you must receive
numerous irrelevant messages
but I felt I had to describe
this curious episode.
Thanks |
Statement re sighting
in Portugal |
With thanks to
Ines |
Apensos V, Vol VIII Page 1807 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1807 |
Ministry of Internal Administration
Public Security Police
Setubal Police Command
Almada Division
At 10.20 today, Sub Chief Henriques nº 70, appeared before me,
Principal Officer Luis Miguel Costa Teixeira, to give me the
following information:
A woman named Lisete, wit ID card N****, told him that she knows
of a girl whom she suspects to be Madeleine, because of her age
and appearance.
Lisete has a daughter who studies at the Escola Básica dos
Caraguejais in the third grade and who has a fellow student
named Vital André Jilk, who uses crutches and whose mother
brings him to school every day between 8 and 9 in the morning,
also taking the girl along.
According to Lisete’s daughter, Vital supposedly has a sister
whom she thinks is Madeleine, because she has seen her and the
mother always tries to hide her and because Vital does not like
to talk about his sister and that this family is of English
Sub Chief Henriques also told me that he knows that this family
was in the Algarve at the time of Madeleine’s disappearance.
That is all I have to inform you.
Almada 13 June 2007
Officer Texeira |
- Email re sighting in
Volkswagen in Lisbon |
Apensos V, Vol XIII Page 2771 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2771 |
From: Portimao DIC
Sent: 28th August 2007
To: Ana Filipa Conduto Lux
Subject: FW: Maddie McCann
From: St Denis Paris
Sent: 27th August 2007
To: Portimao DIC
Subject: Maddie McCann
Dear Investigators,
Possible sighting of Maddie in a Volkswagon Passat, dark grey
coloured, Spanish number plate:
75 08 BKES
The car was seen on Rua da Saudade, in Lisbon and took the
direction of Se Patriacal, inside the car next to Maddie or a
very similar girl was another girl of the same age and a couple.
Man 30/40, dark skin, short hair, slight beard and overweight,
about 1.70/1.80 in height.
Woman of the same height, similar age and fair skin, long wavy
brown hair.
Find the girl. |
- Fax cover
Information about the
eventual whereabouts of
Madeleine |
13-05 Apensos V, Vol XIII
Page 2827 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2827 |
Policia Judiciaria
Porto Directorate
To: Portimao DIC
From: Porto PJ Directorate
Date: 24-09-2007
Subject: Information about
the eventual whereabouts of
We attach a PSP report from
Sao Joao da Madeira,
registered with reference
A1-2593040 in which Olga
Lopes claims to have seen
Madeleine Maccaine (sic) in
Sao Joao da Madeira.
With compliments
Inspector Costa |
2828 - PJ document re
sighting in PT |
13-05 Apensos Vol V, Volume
XIII Page 2828 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2828 |
Public Security Police
Sao Joao da Madeira Squad
To: The Prosecutor, Sao Joao
da Madeira Court
Copy: Porto PJ
Subject: Sending of Report
I enclose the report drawn
up and registered at this
squad on 2007-09-13 in which
the citizen Olga Lopes
report s to this police
force that in Rua do Dourado,
in this city, she saw a girl
with characteristics similar
to the missing girl from the
Algarve, named Madeleine
Beth McCann.
With compliments
Commander Coutinho da Silva |
2829 to 2830
- Witness
statement re sighting in Aveiro |
13-05 Apensos V, Volume XIII
Pages 2829 to 2830 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2829 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2830 |
Public Security Police
Sao Joao da Madeira Squad
Date: 2007-09-10
Subject: Girl Resembling
Madeleine McCann
Location of Occurrence:
Public road, Sao Joao da
Name: Olga Lopes
Residence: Sao Joao da
Additional information:
When I was at work in the
squad Olga Lopes addressed
me and said that at about
13.00 at the place mentioned
previously, near to her
home, next to the Padaria
Central, at the fountain
that is there, she saw a
girl who drew her attention
and who was very similar and
with characteristics
resembling those of the
missing girl from the
Algarve, known as Madeleine
Beth McCann.
The similarities were the
following: she appeared to
be 4 years old, female, she
had various wound type marks
on her arms and legs, her
hair was blond and came down
to the middle of her arms,
she was wearing a red dress
and white sandals.
She also had a defect in her
eye like Beth.
The girl was alone and with
her arms around her face,
hiding from someone and when
she saw the man who was
looking for her she ran to
the centre of the square and
then to Rua do Visconde de
Sao Joao da Madeira,
disappearing from sight.
This are is undergoing
construction work and
pedestrian traffic has been
Upon the act of fleeing the
girl’s eyes and face were
very red and great fear was
noted in her as she fled
from the man who was chasing
The man was about 20-30,
bald, very tall and
muscular, with brown eyes
and wearing a dark blue
Everything indicated that
the girl was scared of the
man who was running after
her, without saying a word
or calling her by her name,
a fact which left the
witness stupefied and
alarmed, she couldn’t stop
thinking about that act,
that moment, which is why
she brought it to our
At the moment there are no
reports of a missing girl in
this city and in this squad
which is why I bring this to
your attention.
Signed |
2924 to 2925 - Email
with picture attachment from
sighting in Lagos 2007.10.07 |
Apensos V, Vol XIII Pages
2924 to 2925 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2924 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2925 |
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From: Portimao DIC
Sent: 10 July 2007
To: Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject: FW
From: Salacer
Sent: 10 July 2007
To: Portimao DIC
Antonio Ferreira Nunes
Foros de Salvaterra
2120-187 Salvaterra de Magos
Policia Judiciaria
Dear Sir or Madam, forgive the intrusion but I had to send these
That they seem to me to be very similar to Madelen (sic) with
some differences in the
I would not feel good if I did not do this, they were seen in
Lagos on 7-10-2007 at the
Aerodrome, the man has an
earring on the right side,
the woman has two rings in
her nose. They seemed
With compliments.
Always available for clarification.
(Note photos are not attached to this message) |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol 111 Pages 539 to 540 |
03_volume_III_o_apenso_VIII_Page_539 |
03_volume_III_o_apenso_VIII_Page_540 |
Policia Judiciaria
NUIPC: 201/07.0 GALGS
Report on
Visualization and Analysis of Audiovisual Material
On this date, state for the process files that video images from
the security cameras at Hotel Pestana Alvor Park contained in a
VHS cassette and referring to the 3rd May 2007 were visualised
and analysed.
From the visualisation and analysis carried out, nothing was
found that of interest to the investigation.
Portimao, 12th May 2007.
Inspector Ricardo Paiva
Page 540
Fax from Hotel Pestana Alvor Park
To: Chief Inspector Tavares da Almeida
From: The Service Coordinator
Date: 22-05-2007
Subject: Security Cassette Request
Dear Chief Inspector,
On the 12th May two inspectors from the PJ were given a security
camera cassette by the hotel Pestana Alvor Park with a recording
from 3rd May 07. Given that it has still not been returned and
that no request has been made to examine the security equipment,
I would ask you to return the cassette.
Best compliments
S*** G****
Hotel Pestana Alvor Park |
- Analysis of CCTV images from McDonalds in Caldas da Rainha |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol III Page 659 |
03_volume_III_o_apenso_VIII_Page_659 |
Policia Judiciaria
NUIPC:201/07.0 GALGS
Report of
Visualisation and Analysis of Audiovisual Material
On this date I state for the process files that video and photos
from the security cameras at Caldas da Rainha McDonalds provided
on a CD and referring to 4th May 2007 (see attached letter from
Leiria PJ) were visualised and analysed.
The visualisation and analysis of the images did not find
anything of interest to the investigation.
Portimao 11th May 2007
Inspector Ricardo Paiva |
662 to 663 - Service information re: Caldas da Rainha
sighting |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol III Pages 662-663 |
03_volume_III_o_apenso_VIII_Page_662 |
03_volume_III_o_apenso_VIII_Page_663 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-05-06
Service Information
To: The Coordinator
From: Inspector Jorge Ferreira
Subject: Information about Missing English Girl
I bring to your knowledge that today at about 22.45 J*** A****
T*** F****from Leiria appeared at this police station and
informed us of the following:
Last Friday, the 4th May between 19.10 and 19.30 he was in
McDonalds in Caldas da Rainha where a male individual appeared
accompanied by a girl aged about 2 or 3 years old.
They both spoke English and the individual spent the whole time
talking on his mobile phone while the girl played around the
table where they were sitting.
The individual appeared to be about 35, was light skinned, slim
physical build, about 1.80 in height, with a moustache and
wearing light coloured clothes.
He just remembers that the girl was wearing a dress, had blond
hair with an identical hair cut to that of the little girl who
disappeared from Praia da Luz in the Algarve.
Yesterday after the diffusion of the missing girl?s photo he
associated the girl her to the girl he saw in McDonalds due to
the similarities in the hair cut.
Today, upon contacting an employee from that establishment he
was informed that the place is equipped with a video camera and
that the recordings are kept for two months.
He did not have any other element that could be of interest to
the investigation.
Inspector Ferreira |
- External diligence re McDonald - s sighting in Caldas da
Rainha 2007.05.07 |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol III Page 664 |
03_volume_III_o_apenso_VIII_Page_664 |
Policia Judiciaria
External Activity
Date: 2007-05-07
Place: Caldas da Rainha
Requesting Officer: Chief Inspector Correia
Executing Officers: Inspectors Vieira and Nunes
Description and Result of Activity:
On this date we went to the McDonalds establishment in Caldas da
Rainha wi the objective of collecting visual registers of the
period between 19.00 and 19.30 on the 4th May 2007 according to
superior orders.
We contacted the manager of the establishment M*** P**** who
gave us a CD containing the images captured by various video
cameras in the place for the time period mentioned, the CD is
Signed |
671 - CCTV image
also see
01 _Page
Outros Apensos
VIII, Vol 3 Page 671
PROCESSO 01 _Page_194 Image |
- Analysis of
CCTV images from Centro Comercial Modelo de Albuferia |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol III Page 676 |
03_volume_III_o_apenso_VIII_Page_676 |
NUIPC 201/07.0 GALGS
Report on
Visualisation and Analysis of Audio-Visual Material
On this date I state for the process files that video images
from security cameras from the Centro Comercial Modelo in
Albufeira provided on CD and referring to 4th May 2007 were
visualised and analysed.
The visualisation and analysis of the images did not present
anything of interest to the investigation.
Portimao, May 2007
Inspector Paiva |