140 to 144 Service
information regarding older
man seen with child in
petrol station with CCTV
images AO 23 81 |
01-Processo Vol
1 Pages 140 to 144 |
01_VOLUMEIa_Page_140 |
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01_VOLUMEIa_Page_144 |
Service information dated 5 May 2007
by Inspector A.Silva about
information recovered in response to
a possible sighting at the REPSOL
service station in Vale Paraiso,
Albufeira on 4 May
--- Following a communication to
this police force, giving an account
that yesterday (4 May 2007), in the
morning, a grey Renault vehicle,
number plate AQ-23-81, entered the
petrol pump area of the Repsol
service station in Vale Paraiso,
Albufeira, where it was filled with
petrol, by a Caucasian individual,
medium stature, appearing to to be
50/60 years old.
--- This individual was closely
accompanied by a small female child,
fair-skinned, blonde, appearing to
be 3 or 4 years old.
--- This adult after having filled
the car, went inside the shop,
effecting payment for the fuel in
cash, left, going again to the car.
The child always followed him
closely, but the adult did not
appear to pay her ant attention,
that fact being considered strange
by the two service employees.
--- The car left the place and
travelled towards the Albufeira
roundabout (traffic circle).
--- One of the employees in the
meantime identified as Rute (Ruth?),
contactable through mobile phone
number 967****32 (belonging to her
husband Rui), communicated the
situation to this police force,
given that she had heard through the
media about the disappearance of the
minor Madeleine in Lagos.
--- In the visit to the Repsol
petrol station, alluded to above, it
was possible to obtain a CD ROM
containing recorded images of the
situation described above, which
were immediately subjected to
--- In the same way, various
inquiries were made, with a view to
a better understanding and
identification of those involved,
from which was determined the
------ the car was a Renault 9,
blue, four door (three-box design;
[saloon]), with number plate
------ Not apprehended. Does not
have current insurance. Last
obligatory inspection 17 Aug 2006 in
Guia, Albufeira.
------ The vehicle is registered in
the name of J.dos R.Q., address in
------ It was determined that that
individual had already died. No
record of telephones installed at
the address. No police records under
that name nor of any person being
his possible ascendant. He was never
in any inquiry, he himself applying
for the vehicle licence. Other
official databases were consulted,
nothing came up about him.
--- After editing and printing of
the images recovered from the Repsol
CD ROM, and they having been
exhibited, it was determined that
the minor shown there presented
differences from the missing child,
which gave rise to concluding that
it was not the same person. The
principal difference resides in the
fact that the pictured child had
hair half-way down her back,
manifestly longer than that of the
missing child, there having been no
time/opportunity for the hair to
have grown to that length, given
that the average speed of hair
growth is about 1cm/month (proven
scientific data).
--- The results of the inquiries and
the images of the episode in
question are attached.
This is all, at the moment, that I
have to bring to your attention.
Page 142 shows a vehicle record
inquiry made by the police officer
Pages 143-144 show four photographs
from the Repsol station surveillance
145 to 147 Service
information regarding
Derek Flack sighting |
01-Processos Vol I Pages 145 - 146 |
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01_VOLUMEIa_ Page_146 |
01_VOLUMEIa_Page_147 |
Service Information
To: Dr Goncalo Amaral, Criminal Investigation
From: Joao Carvalho, Inspector
Subject: Suspicion about the disappearance of
Madeleine Beth McCann
I hereby inform you that today at about 16.40 at the
OC block 6 apartment 6 (the operations base for this
police force in the investigation of the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann, an individual who
identified himself as Derek Flack, phone no *****
appeared before me.
He is an English citizen on holiday in Praia da Luz,
near to the tourist resort, from last week until
approximately 12th May 2007.
In view of the disappearance of Madeleine, he came
to give information about a suspicious event that he
On the 2nd or 3rd May during the day (he does not
remember exactly, but thinks it was during the
afternoon), accompanied by his wife and when he was
going to the Baptists supermarket, he observed an
individual (about 1.70 in height, dark apparently
Portuguese in appearance, with one day stubble, with
short dark hair, cut long at the back, which
extended to his shirt collar, wearing a yellow T ?
shirt) who was standing at the corner of the path
watching (this being the reason he found him
suspicious) in the direction of the apartment that
Madeleine would later disappear from.
He adds that near to where the individual was
watching, on the other side of the road, was a
parked vehicle, van type, white, with a person (he
does not remember whether the person was inside or
outside the vehicle). He cannot describe that
Because of what happened he felt he should make a
statement to the police as he felt that what he saw
was suspicious.
A sketch was drawn up at his request, identifying
the suspicious man with n? 2 and the parked car with
the other person about whom he can remember no
further details as no 1.
He is available to collaborate with the police, if
Signed Joao Carvalho, Inspector
168 to 170 Investigation
carried out on a car seen in
De Jesus' deposition |
01-Processo 01 Pages 168 to 170 |
01_VOLUMEIa_Page_168 |
01_VOLUMEIa_Page_169 |
01_VOLUMEIa_Page_170 |
Date 2007/05/05
Re: Receipt and Treatment of Photograph
It pleases me to inform you V.Exa, that on the present date,
Inspector Rui Goncalves went to Sagres-the location where he was
to make inquiries relating to a grey-coloured vehicle.
It is noted that the vehicle in the picture corresponds to a
Renault Clio with vehicle registration 15-AV-67.
The photograph in question is attached. For your consideration.
Signed by Inspector Hugo Ferreria
Page 169 is a photograph of the parked vehicle.
Page 170 is a completed vehicle registration search. This search
notes that the car is owned by LUZCAR, 8600, Lagos.
to 170-Investigation carried out on a car seen in De Jesus'
On 5 May Inspector Rui Goncalves, as part of his assigned work
in Sagres, sent us an image of a grey vehicle which, after due
processing, was found to be a Renault Clio with number plate
..-AV-67. The image is attached. |
523 PJ cover letter
regarding service
Letter from Inspector
Figueiredo regarding
possible sighting in Lisbon
airport |
03-Processos Vol III Page
523 to 524 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_523 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_524 |
PJ cover letter regarding
service information
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Figueiredo
Subject: Missing Child
Possibly Sighted at Lisbon
I am bringing to your
attention the fact that
today at 21.20 a phone call
was received by this police
force from a woman who
identified herself as M*****
A***** C***** B**** saying
that yesterday morning when
she was at Lisbon airport
she saw a girl with a woman
and she now believes the
girl to be the English girl
who disappeared from the
This information was
immediately sent to the
Portimao DIC to Inspector
Vaz. Am bringing this to
your attention in case it is
Signed. |
525 Letter from
Inspector Figueiredo
regarding possible sighting
in Lisbon |
03-Processos Vol III Page
525 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_525 |
Date: 2007-05-05
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Figueiredo
Subject: Missing Child
Possibly Sighted at the
Colombo Shopping Centre in
I am bringing to your
attention the fact that
today at 20.20 a phone call
was received by this police
force from a woman who
identified herself as
G****** M****** saying that
today at about 17.00 when
she was at the Colombo
Shopping Centre in Lisbon
she saw a three year old
blonde girl with a couple, a
man who appeared to be a
foreigner and a Portuguese
woman and she now thinks it
could have been the missing
English girl from the
She adds that she would not
claim any reward offered to
This information was
immediately sent to the
Portimao DIC to Inspector
Vaz. Am bringing this to
your attention in case it is
Signed. |
526 Letter from
Inspector Figueiredo
regarding possible sighting
in Pingo Doce supermarket |
03-Processos Vol III Page
526 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_526 |
Date: 2007-05-05
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Figueiredo
Subject: Missing Child
Sighted in the Linda a Velha
I am bringing to your
attention the fact that
today at 18.20 a phone call
was received by this police
force from a man who
identified himself as J*****
S***** who said that
yesterday on 04-05-2007
when he was at Pingo Doce in
Linda a Velha he saw a girl
inside a shopping trolley in
the company of a dark
skinned woman and he now
thinks this could have been
the missing English girl
from the Algarve
This information was
immediately sent to the
Portimao DIC to Inspector
Vaz. Am bringing this to
your attention in case it is
Signed. |
527 Possible Sighting
of Missing Girl in Mira
flores |
03-Processos Vol III Page
527 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_527 |
Date: 2007-05-05
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Figueiredo
Subject: Possible Sighting
of Missing Girl in Mira
I am bringing the fact to
your attention that today at
22.10 a phone call was
received from this police
station from Officer Paolo
Calcado from the Miraflores
PSP saying that today a girl
had been sighted in a
vehicle with registration
plates XZ-47-06 in the
Avenida das Tulipas in
Miraflores at about 11.50,
he thinks the girl could
have been the missing
English girl from the
This information was
immediately sent to Officer
Am sending this to you in
case it is relevant.
Signed. |
528 License plate search for
vehicle owned by Peter John
Morris |
03-Processos Vol III Page
528 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_528 |
Full number plate search
Date 2007 - 05- 05
Lisbon Automobile Registry
Characteristics of vehicle
Number plate XZ-47-06
Year: 1992
Small passenger car
Make: Volkswagen
Model Polo 86C-P
Fuel: Petrol
Colour: Blue
Identified owner: P*** J***
Vehicle registered on
15-11-2001 |
529 Service information
regarding call received from
the UK re: disappearance |
03-Processos Vol III Page
529 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_529 |
Date: 2007-05-06
Service Information
To: The Police Coordinator
From: Joaquim Mendes,
Subject: PSP Information
about a telephone call from
England relating to a
missing girl
I bring to your attention
that at about 09.45 a
telephone call was received
by this police station from
Officer Ferreira from the
PSP tourist post in Lisbon
relating to the
disappearance of the English
girl on 03-05-2007.
The PSP officer informed us
that he had received a phone
call from England from
someone speaking English who
said that they had
information about the
suspect of the child's
abduction. The officer added
that he had some difficulty
in understanding part of the
communication, perhaps
because of the accent, but
that he remembered some
facts and a telephone number
for subsequent contact and
he would like to pass this
information onto the
investigating officers.
For this purpose, officer
Ferreira was given the
number of the Portimao DIC
and it was suggested that
this information should be
sent to Lisbon by fax.
The fax was received at
10.15 together with this
service information.
Signed. |
Details regarding above
call received |
03-Processos Vol III Page
530 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_530 |
Lisbon Public Security
Date 06-05-2007
From: Lisbon Tourist
Operations Unit
To: PJ Inspector Mendes
Subject: Phone call from
England - possible
information about the
missing English girl from
the Algarve
Dear Sirs,
In accordance with our
previous telephone
conversation, I am enclosing
the information relating to
the English woman who phoned
this unit, claiming to be in
possession of information
that could lead to
identifying the suspect in
the abduction of the girl.
Mrs Ch*********
Signed |
531 Service
information regarding call
received from Portugal re:
disappearance |
03-Processos Vol III Page
531 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_531 |
Date: 2007-05-05
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Carlos Cunha
Subject: Sighting of missing
girl in the Lisbon Expo area
I inform you that today at
13.20 a phone call was
received by this police
station from the PSP
communications unit from
Chief Inspector Quaresma.
The officer said that he had
received a phone call today
via the 112 line, made on
mobile number ****** from an
individual who claimed his
name was C***** C***** aged
17 and who said that
yesterday when in the
company of his friend R***
S**** aged 15 they saw a
girl at the Lisbon Expo site
who could be the missing
English girl.
This information was
immediately passed on to
Inspector Vaz.
I am bringing you this
information in case it is of
Signed |
726 to 727 External
diligence carried out
Ford Escort van 2007.05.08 |
3-Processos Vol III Pages 726 to
727 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_726 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_727 |
External Activity Report
Date: 2007/05/08
Responsible Officers: Pedro Varanda,
Renato Carvalho and Rui Goncalves
Description and result of activity
In the follow-up of the
investigation on this date at about
17.00, the presence of a white
coloured vehicle was noted, a Ford
Escort van with the number plate
S677 YWP, in a car park near Av
Gentil Martins, quite close to the
OC Garden, where the disappearance
of Madeleine McCann took place on
3rd May.
At that time, it was noted that the
image of what had occurred in
previous days, was that an
individual had been seen inside the
vehicle, in the driver's seat, in
such circumstances that would
indicate that the individual was
carrying out a kind of vigilance of
the apartment where the McCann
family was staying when the girl
As a result, in response to the fact
reported in one of the witness
statements - by Derek Flack, who
reported the presence of an
individual at the site where the
abovementioned vehicle was parked,
on a date immediately before or
coinciding with the occurrence
currently being investigated, as
well as the fact that the British
authorities reported the presence of
an individual of British origin, who
was the owner of a vehicle with
these characteristics - indicating
that this should be investigated by
the responsible authorities with the
aim of finding out whether this was
an act of vigilance by the
individual in question.
In the follow-up to this event, the
present inquiry began at 17.10 at a
site in the immediate surroundings
of Praia da Luz, called Cama da Vaca.
Within the sphere of establishing an
act of vigilance by the individual,
inquiries were made at the site in
order to proceed to his
identification, for which a
residence was visited at the
location mentioned in the previous
paragraph, called Casa Prado da
Primavera ' Lot 3 ' Cama da Vaca '
Vila da Luz.
At that time, it was established
that the individual in question was
Barrington Godfrey Norton,
identified by residence card
As a consequence, when asked to
clarify the places where he had been
present, he made himself available
in a voluntary manner to accompany
the police officers identified above
to the PJ office in Portimao for
formal questioning.
739 Cover letter to
Dr. Amaral from Elisio
Costa, PJ Porto, regarding
information on possible
leads (below)
740 to 741 Service
information regarding van
with Spanish license plates |
03-Processos Vol III Pages
740 to 741 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_739 |
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03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_741 |
Service Information
Date: 2007 / 05 / 07
To. The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Ferreira
Subject: Girl Abducted from the Algarve
At about 20.30 a phone call was received at this station from someone who identified himself as I** O***** da S***** L***** a resident of S. Pedro Da Cova giving the following information:
Moments before when he was at the CESPA PAC in S. Pedro da Cova, he saw a Peugeot van there, with a Spanish number plate with a number that he did not note, which was transporting a man and a girl aged about three, with the same characteristics as the girl who had been abducted from the Algarve.
At 21.45 Officer Costa from the GNR informed us that the individual had contacted the post and said that the vehicle, whose number plate he did not note down was transporting 4 gentlemen who spoke Portuguese and paid 20 Euro for the petrol.
Officer Costa also informed us that I**** Had given the phone number of a friend.
From the different contacts received by Officer Costa it was obvious that the confusion generated by I** with relation to the time that he had seen the vehicle stop for petrol and the communication of the facts to the police, saying that everything had happened at about 18.00, when in reality he contacted the police station at about 20.30.
The confusion in the times caused delays in viewing the video tapes of the PAC and, as a result, the obtaining of the number plate of the suspected vehicle as well as a delay in carrying out the necessary inquiries.
The credibility of the information was doubted.
However, the GNR immediately divulged the details of the car.
At 0.50 we contacted Sergeant Osorio from Matosinhos DIC who told us that I** was now saying that it was a Peugeot car, model 407 and that the two occupants, sitting on the back seat with the girl in between them were gypsies. No clear element of the sighting was obtained.
At 2.30 we were contacted by Sergeant Osorio, who apart from the fact of referring to the multiple versions presented by I** during the course of the night, when the video recording was examined, no car with these characteristics was seen at the place indicated by the individual, in spite of the fact that the place was covered by the focus of the cameras.
If we had not already had doubts about the seriousness of the information given by I**, the elements now gathered enabled us to conclude that I** consciously tried to deviate attention and interfere with the work of all those who were arduously trying to clarify the case.
742 to 743 Service
information regarding
possible sighting on Porto
744 License plate search re:
possible sighting on Porto
beach |
03-Processos Vol III Page
742 to 744 |
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03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_743 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_744 |
Service Information
Date: 2007 / 05 / 07
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Queiros
Subject: Information related
to the girl recently
abducted from the Algarve
Today at about 20.30 this
station was contacted by
telephone by a male
individual who did not
identify himself and
informed us of the
following: today at about
17.00 at the Miramar beach,
near to Senhor da Pedra,
Vila Nova da Gaia, where he
was resting, he saw a girl
very similar to various
photos that had been shown
in the press relating to a
three year old girl who
recently disappeared from
the Algarve.
At that moment the girl was
accompanied by a male
individual, but as all his
attention was focussed on
the girl, he did not pay
attention to details, he can
only say that the individual
was aged about 35/40, of a
strong physical appearance,
wearing a dark t-shirt and
trousers. With regard to the
girl, he can only remember
that her hair was drawn back
into two pony tails at the
They left in a Renault car,
he cannot remember the
model, number plate
75-74-LH. His attention was
drawn by the fact that
contrary to the law, there
was no special child seat in
the back of the car.
They left in the direction
of the Francelos-Miramar
main road.
When the SPO was consulted,
it was found that this
vehicle was registered in
the name of F****** T******
No information was found
about the individual from
the PJ databases.
Processos Vol III
Page 744
Renault registration details
from PJ search. |
745 to 746 Service
information regarding
possible internet lead |
03-Processos Vol III Page
745 to 746 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_745 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_746 |
Date : 2007-05-07
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Queiros
Subject: Information related to the girl recently abducted from the Algarve
Today at about 10.45 this station was contacted by B***** P*****, director of the company ****** in Trofa,
who said that today at about 12.30, upon consulting the register of visitors to his internet blog ***** he
saw that someone had been directed to his blog within the sequence of a search made on 'SAPO:PT' with the
following subject 'I buy baby abducted from Algarve'.
Upon request he sent the police a fax with a description/print off from his blog,
which is attached, and which mentions the user identification or the point of origin of this visit.
Processos Vol III
Page 746
Attachment to Service Info note:
747 Detail of anonymous call
re: possible sighting
20007.05.07 |
03-Processos Vol III Page
747 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_747 |
Date 07-May 2007
Fax from Santo Tirso
police to the PJ
Subject: Information
about missing girl
In relation to the
missing English girl
(Madeleine) I inform you
that at about 19.40 I
received an anonymous
call from a woman, who
judging by her voice was
an elderly person,
saying she had seen the
748 to 749 Service
information re: possible
sighting 2007.05.03 at 11H00
in Baixa de Faro |
03-Processos Vol III Pages
748 to 749 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_748 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_749 |
Service Information
Date 07-05-2007
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From : Inspector Queiroz
Subject: Information related
to the girl recently
abducted from the Algarve
Today at about 16.40 a woman
appeared at this station who
formally identified herself
as M***** da C******, a
resident of Porto and said
the following.
On 3rd May in lower Faro
where she was on holiday, at
about 11.00, in a garden
next to the Caixa Geral de
Depositos, she saw a girl
who looked very similar to
the photos shown on
television relating to the
English girl who recently
disappeared from the
At that moment the girl was
accompanied by a male
individual whom she
describes as follows: white,
aged about 40, about 1.80 in
height, normal physical
appearance, light brown hair
in a normal cut, light grey
eyes, small round face, with
a small short nose, she
cannot remember any details
such as tattoos or earrings.
He was wearing a good
quality baby blue coloured
shirt with long sleeves if
she is not mistaken, with
vertical yellow stripes,
beige coloured trousers and
dark brown shoes.
As regards the girl, she
says she had round dark grey
eyes, light brown hair, with
a normal fringe on her
forehead and she had 'large
circles around her eyes', it
was this detail that later
when she heard about the
supposed abduction made her
associate the facts, she was
wearing a reddish/pink
t-shirt, smooth and with
long sleeves unless she is
mistaken, she was wearing
white trousers, white shoes
with red lines on the round
front of the shoes. She was
carrying a smooth white
cloth in her left hand.
She was walking as if in a
hurry, in other words, she
did not like she was just
out for a walk.
She did not hear them speak.
The girl was not crying but
looked tired.
They crossed the garden and
went in the direction of the
Faro marina, she did not see
them further.
Inspector |
807 to 808 Taxi driver
statement 2007.05.04
regarding sighting |
03- Processos
Vol III pages 807 to 808 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_807 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_808 |
Processos Vol III
Pages 807 - 808
Service Information
Date: 2007 / 05 / 09
To: The Director of the Criminal
From: Davide Gomes, Inspector
Subject: Diligences carried out
regarding the disappearance of
Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today I was in
charge of clarifying the service
information where VN Gaia taxi
driver Alberto Almeida have
information about having transported
an individual with a blonde girl to
a determined location in VN Gaia and
who presumably travelled in a train
from the Algarve on 04-05-2007, the
following was established:
The taxi driver in question was
contacted by another taxi driver, an
older man already retired who had
been looking for him from the date
of the service until the 09th when
he managed to contact him, reminding
him about a service trip that he
made on 04-05-2007 at about 12.40 in
which an individual carrying a
blonde girl asked him to take them
to Rua Andrade Castro no. 79, Santa
Marinha, Vila Nova da Gaia.
The trip he made was approximately
1.5 km and would have taken about 5
With regard to the girl he only
remembers that she was blonde and
always asleep, he does not remember
if she resembles the missing girl or
what clothes she was wearing.
With regard to the individual he
cannot be exact about his age but he
was about 1.70m tall, well built,
with a full head of hair, although
not long hair, of a good appearance,
calm and well disposed. He did not
speak much but spoke Portuguese with
an accent and seemed to the taxi
driver to be English, Irish or maybe
French, he did not appear to be from
the east.
The individual was carrying two
similar bags and two bags with
shoulder straps, one containing a
wallet and the other a camera, but
he is not sure.
He remembers that the individual
entered the address mentioned
previously as he helped him with his
bags, number 79 being a three floor
building, the individual entered by
the door.
He says he only remembers this
episode due to having been reminded
by the other former taxi driver,
whom he does not know how to contact
but will try to do so.
He says that as well as the train
that arrived from the Algarve
another train arrives with a
difference of a few minutes and that
the clients he transported could
have come from the other train and
not from the Algarve.
The CP was contacted so that they
inform us about the services from
the Algarve to Lisbon.
The telephone numbers were obtained
for Dr L*** A*** responsible for the
CP in the Algarve (tel *****) and
M***** C****** one of the CP
directors in Lisbon (****** and
When the driver of the train that
left Lagos at about 06.11 on
04-05-2007 was contacted, he said
that the only person to descend from
the train was a boy, he did not see
any girl with the characteristics of
the missing child leave the train.
When the Alfa Pendular driver was
contacted he said that no girl with
the characteristics of Madeleine
left the train, he just remembers a
foreign man accompanying a girl of
the same age as the missing girl,
but that the girl in question was
coloured. He said that he was
worried after hearing the news and
paid special attention to the
passengers because of this, in
addition to searching his memory in
relation to that journey.
Consequently, in my opinion, the
girl transported by the taxi driver
had nothing to do with the situation
we are investigating.
Inspector Gomes |
809 Service information from
Porto PJ re: Porto taxi
driver and possible sighting
2007.05.04 |
Vol III Page 809 |
Vol I Page 47 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_809 |
To: The
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Inspector Peixoto
Information about the possible transport of the missing
girl, Madeleine
I have
the honour to bring to your knowledge the fact that
today 09-05-2007 a phone call was received by this
police station from the Porto DIC, from Inspector Pinto,
who said the following:
Inspector Texeira was contacted by a taxi driver called
Alberto Almeida, saying that on Friday 04-05-2007 when
he was at the Porto Campanha post, he was approached by
a client, who had blond hair, with some grey bits and
who spoke Portuguese with a British accent, who was
carrying a blonde girl and who said he had just arrived
from the Algarve and who asked to be taken to Rua Andre
da Castro, in Santa Marinha, Vila Nova da Gaia, where he
got out near to number 79.
followed the news, this taxi driver said that it was
probably the missing girl, Madeleine.
For your
Signed, Inspector
811 - Information regarding drivers of trains on 2007.05.04
812 - Cover letter from the
Public Ministry of Portimao
813 - Internal administration note. Maria Duarte
814 - Request for
information regarding telephone traffic for various locations
815 - Partially blank page |
03- Processo 3
Pages 811 to 815 |
813 That is purely an internal
administration note. Maria Duarte seems to have been away
between May and August (restarting in September - looks like
maternity leave from the dates). She was (is) a MoPo employee
who interacted with the Tribunals and the Police, managing
documents, certified copies, mail, etc. |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_811 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_812 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_813 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_814 |
03_VOLUME_IIIa_Page_815 |
856 to 858 - Service
information regarding
informal conversation with
various Ocean club
functionaries 2007.05.09
Vol IV Pages 856 to 858 |
04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_856 |
04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_857 |
04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_858 |
Date: 09-05-2007
To: The
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector
Subject: Informal
An informal and
individual conversation was held with the following witnesses
after having examined all involvement relevant to the current
investigation, it was found that the following reports do not
imply anything of significance:
John Hill, MW Resort
General Manager at the OC, born on 04/10/1976, resident in
Espiche, who arrived in Portugal for the first time on 4th
March, 2006.
Nathan D*****
S*****, Waterfront Manager (recreation company - boat trips, of
which he is the manager) at the OC, resident in Luz, having
arrived in Portugal on 15th March 2007, immediately
entering into the functions described above. This is his first
time in Portugal whether for leisure or work purposes.
Lauren D******
from West Sussex, Sailing instructor at the OC, arrived in
Portugal on 21st March 2007 for the first time.
Sebastian G*******,
from Derbyshire, Sports Instructor at the OC, arrived in
Portugal for the first time on 21st March 2007.
Alice S*******, from
Cambridge, Sailing Instructor at the OC, arrived in Portugal for
the first time on 21st March 2007.
Fraser N****, Water
sports instructor at the OC, arrived in Portugal for the time on
21st April 2007.-
Benjamin W******,
from Gloucester, employee of the OC in Luz (residence unknown,
apartment hired by the resort).
Christopher U******,
from Leeds, employee of the OC in Luz, (residence unknown,
apartment hired by the resort).
Stephen C****** from
Bristol, employee of the OC in Luz, (residence unknown,
apartment hired by the resort).
Robert C***, from
Doncaster, Maintenance Driver, arrived in Portugal for the first
time on 18th May 2007.
Signed. |
- Information 27 June 2007 re: cybercafe in Praia da Luz |
Volume 7 page 1900 |
07_VOLUME_VI1a_Page_1900 |
Service Information
Date: 27 June 2007
Subject: Information regarding two cybercafes in Praia
da Luz
Officer: Nuno Nunes, Inspector
Today, at 14h45, I went to Praia da Luz with the intention of
obtaining information about computer
users, as well as the traffic effected on 2 and 3 May 2007 in
the two cybercafes mentioned below:
1 - Cafetaria Jasmin, in Rua Direita; Manager Bruno J.S.M.; the
cafe had two PC terminals,
with an Internet link is via SAPO ADSL. It did not have a record
of users, or of client traffic.
2 - Eureka Services, in Rua Direita; Manager Simon R.; the cafe
had eight PC terminals,
with three access points for client portables, the Internet link
is via Telepac ADSL. It did not
have a record of users, or of client traffic.
This is all that I bring to your attention
Inspector Nunes..
note dated 3 Sept 2007 that
the McCanns were advised of
proposed questioning to be
done on 5 September 2007 |
10 Processos Vol X Page 2531 |
10VOLUME_Xa_Page_2531 |
NUIPC: 201/07.0 GALGS
On this date I state for the
process files that today I
went to the temporary
residence of the McCann
couple, situated in Rua das
Flores no. 27, Praia da Luz
at about 16.30 and I
personally notified Kate
Marie Healy and Gerald
Patrick McCann that they
should present themselves in
the Portimao DIC
installations of the PJ at
14.00 on the 5th September
of 2007, to make statements
and that they should be
accompanied by their Lawyer.
Portimao, 3 September 2007
Inspector Ricardo Paiva |
- File note dated 4 Sept
2007 changing the date of
the questioning from 5 Sept
to 06 September after
contact from their attorney |
10 Processos Vol X Page 2532 |
10VOLUME_Xa_Page_2531 |
NUIPC: 201/07.0 GALGS
On this date I state for the
process files that after a
contact made by Dr Carlos
Pinto Abreu, lawyer for Kate
Marie Healy and Gerald
Patrick McCann and due to an
impediment on his part, the
date for the presentation of
the McCann couple at the
Portimao DIC installations
of the PJ was altered to
14.00 on the 6th September
Portimao 4 September 2007
Inspector Ricardo Paiva |
2533 to 2534
Service Information from
Ricardo Paiva and his
observations of the McCann's
10-Processos Vol X Pages
2533 to 2534 |
10VOLUME_Xa_Page_2533 |
10VOLUME_Xa_Page_2534 |
Processos Vol X
Pages 2533 - 2534
Service Information
Date: 2007/09/03
For : Goncalo Amaral
From Ricardo Paiva, Inspector
Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine
During the course of the ongoing
investigation, various personal
contacts were made by the
undersigned with Kate and Gerald
McCann, within my task of serving as
communication element between the
police and the McCann couple.
Within this context, the undersigned
was present during various 'strange'
behaviours by the couple, who
gradually began to react in a very
negative manner to the increased
investigative activity carried out
by this police force, especially
during the use of the English
sniffer dogs for detecting cadaver
odour, when more evidence arose in
the investigation for the hypothesis
of the death of Madeleine McCann.
Several times, the McCann couple
said that the attention of the
police should be maintained
focussing on the abduction
hypothesis, which, in the couple's
opinion, was the only scenario that
occurred and that the police should
not forget to continue to
investigate the suspect Robert
Strangely, Kate also made several
requests, three months after the
disappearance of Madeleine, that the
police should take blood, hair and
nail tests of Madeleine's twin
siblings, because, as she said, she
remembered that on the day of
Madeleine's disappearance, in spite
of all the commotion and noise made
by the authorities and other persons
who were looking for Madeleine in
apartment 5A of the OC, the twins
never woke up, having been
transported to another apartment,
they remained asleep, due to which
she now presumes that they were
under the effect of some sedative
drug that a presumed abductor had
administered to the three children
in order to be able to abduct
Madeleine, a situation which Kate
refers to being possible according
to what she read in a criminal
investigation manual given to her by
the British authorities, that would
have been the procedure of the
abductor in the real case involving
abduction, rape and murder of the
Today, when the undersigned went to
the McCann's temporary residence to
notify them of the need to present
themselves at the police station to
make statements, being able to take
their lawyer with them, Kate McCann
immediately reacted in a negative
manner, making comments such as
'what are my parents going to think?'
and 'what is the press going to say
when they find out?' and that 'the
Portuguese police is under pressure
from the government to finish the
investigation quickly'.
With regard to Gerald McCann, he
constantly insisted in giving the
undersigned letters and emails that
he was receiving, mostly from
psychics and mediums, whom he had
selected and which mainly contained
information without much credibility
about the possible whereabouts of
Madeleine and her presumed abductor.
More recently, and even before
Kate's interrogation, during a
telephone call between Gerald McCann
and the undersigned, he made a
reference regarding the
investigation, that he was certain
that the police did not have any
proof that could incriminate them
with regard to the death of
Madeleine McCann and he said that
the police were wasting their time
in directing the investigation
around the parents.
I bring this to your knowledge.
Ricardo Paiva
2670 Service information re:
Gerry's laptop
10-Processos X
Page 2670 |
10VOLUME_Xa_Page_2670 |
Page 2670
Date: 2007/09/13
RE: Laptop used by Gerald McCann
It has come to my knowledge the existence of a laptop, rented by
GERALD MCCANN, after the date of the disappearance of Madeleine
McCann on May 3, 2007.
From the diligence conducted by this police, we were able to
determine the name of the individual who facilitated the rental
to Gerry McCann as N*** J*** S**** F***** who is an IT
specialist by profession. He is a resident of Portimao.
He confirmed having rented the laptop to GERALD MCCANN after the
3rd of May with that computer being returned about one month
The owner of this laptop has voluntarily delivered the same to
this police so that we may examine it as we wish.
It is a SONY VAIO laptop with serial number *******.
This is all there is to relate to your Excellency.
Signed, the inspector
(Ricardo Paiva) |
Information (Portuguese) re: Fernando Joaquim |
Vol XI Page 2960 |
11_VOLUME_XIa_Page_2960 |
Service Information
Date: 2007-09-24
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Jorge Reis, Chief Inspector
Subject: Information relating to the disappearance of Madeleine
I hereby inform you that an individual identified as F****
J*****, who resides behind the Parque do Campismo in Luz, and
who can be contacted on no.****** stated that during a weekend in
July of this year he twice saw the father of the missing girl
Madeleine McCann, heading towards a house called Vila D'Arte in
the Melody Urbanisation, behind the camping site. He says that
he does not know whether this situation is connected to the
disappearance of the girl.
Signed. |
3183 Service information
regarding re-examination of
rubbish bins |
12-Processos Vol XII Page 3183 |
12_VOLUME_XIIa_Page_3183 |
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal
From: J. C. Franco, Inspector
Subject: Verification of Rubbish
I hereby bring to your notice, that
on this date, I the undersigned,
together with Inspector Luis Piedade
as well as three employees from the
Lagos Municipal Chamber, responsible
for rubbish collection from Praia da
Luz, went to P da L and carried out
a detailed check of all the rubbish
containers in the area, including
the underground containers, as well
as in surrounding areas, a total of
188 containers were checked, nothing
was found of interest to the NUIPC
201.07 OGALGS investigation.
Inspector J.C. Franco |
3434 to 3436
information re: McCann
contract with Metodo 3 &
13 Processo 13
Pages 3434 - 3436 |
13_VOLUME_XIIIa_Page_3434 |
13_VOLUME_XIIIa_Page_3435 |
13_VOLUME_XIIIa_Page_3436 |
Volume XIII
Pages 3434 - 3436
Service Information
To: Coordinator of the Criminal
From: Joao Carlos, Inspector
Concerning the investigation of the
disappearance of the British minor,
Madeleine McCann, I present you Sir
with the following:
On the 19th of October, we were
contacted by the Commissary General,
located in Madrid, by the Chief of
the Kidnapping Unit, Alberto Carbas,
who passed to us the information
that the McCann family had
contracted a Spanish company known
as 'METODO 3', composed of
Spanish private detectives. This
business, or in other words, the
costs of the activities of this
business were being covered by a
Scottish multi-millionaire whose
name is BRIAN KENNEDY and
whose objective was to locate the
British minor.
With this information, we were asked
if we were available and interested
in meeting with a representative of
this Spanish business, and also with
the Commissary General and Chief of
the Kidnapping Unit of the Police of
our neighbouring country, whose
operation is in Madrid.
The meeting had as its objective to
receive on behalf of the private
detectives, from that moment and for
their own wishes, relevant
information with the aim to
ascertain the truth, and to state
that they would not interfere in
police work, and at most they would
serve as a complement to some useful
information. They firmly state that
they are not working directly for
the McCann family, but for Brian
Kennedy and that their sole purpose
is to locate the missing child, or
to gather the inescapable truth of
what happened.
They did not ask for any information
regarding the investigation, nor was
any offered to them, for obvious
reasons as this is found
incorporated in the Portuguese penal
On the 13th of the current year, in
the presence of the signatory and
inspectors Paulo Ferreira and
Ricardo Paiva, a meeting was held,
in this department, with Brian
Kennedy, the director of the
detective company, Francisco Marco
and an advisor of this same company,
Antonio Jimenez, ex-chief of the
Kidnapping Unit of Catalan. From the
beginning, Brian Kennedy was
questioned, and ascertained that the
meeting only had this scope--of
transmitting that his objective in
all of this was purely charitable in
that he is interested [in helping to
stop] the bad treatment of minors
and in missing children. He affirmed
that he only was interested in
discovering the truth and nothing
more even if the McCann family, the
friends, or any other person is
found to be involved in the
During the course of this meeting,
the director of METODO 3 gave us a
small book (attached), with
information relative to the
disappearance of the minor. This
information, as we were told, was
received via telephone and that they
had already opened a line in Spain,
specifically to receive and deal
with information.
In this book, written in Spanish, we
can analyse three pieces of
1. In the first case, we observed
that there was report of facts which
occurred in August/September of
2006, and which appears to us
somewhat extemporaneous, as it
cannot now be related to the
material under investigation.
2. In the second point, we should
remember that the computers of
Sergey Malinka were searched and
that nothing of suspicion was found
there or related to paedophilia.
3. In that which concerns the third
point, we are currently carrying out
diligences with the intent to
confirm or disprove the related
With nothing more to report.
Joao Carlos, Inspector
- Service information re:
Mary Stonely |
15 Processos Vol XV Page 4111 |
15VOLUMEXVa_Page_4111 |
Service Information
Date: 2008101123
To the Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation, Paolo Rebelo
From: Inspector Ricardo Paiva
Subject: Sighting of presumed suspect
Regarding the attached service information today telephone
contact was made with Mary Stonely about the sighting of an
individual similar to the photo fit recently released to the
press by the McCann family, the result of the telephone
conversation being that the individual who was seen is not the
person in question as he is an individual who frequents the area
of Altura and is known there and is physically different, having
been described as fatter than the person in the photo fit.
I bring this to your knowledge.
Inspector Paiva |
- Service information re: Paul Baltazar Mary Stonely |
15 Processos Vol XV Page 4112 |
15VOLUMEXVa_Page_4112 |
Date: 2008-01-21
Service Information
To: The Coordinator, Paolo Rebelo
From: Inspector Patricia Duarte
Subject: Information about Madeleine McCann
I bring to your knowledge that today at about 19.30, Paula
Baltazar, receptionist at the Euro Hotel in Altura, contacted
this police station to say that two British citizens staying at
the hotel and who did not speak Portuguese, had asked her to
contact the Portuguese police to say that last Thursday (17th
January 2008) in Altura, they had seen an individual similar to
the one re-produced on the photo fit as being the individual who
was seen carrying Madeleine McCann on the night of her
disappearance, this photo fit was recently divulged by the
British press.
The receptionist said she knows no more details and said that
the guests in question were not at the hotel at this moment, but
that they were willing to talk and provide more details to the
inspector in charge of the case.
The guests are:
Mary Stonely, bearer of passport no.******, staying in room 211
of the hotel and due to leave on the 26th January 2008;
Pauline Douglas, bearer of passport no.***** staying in room 204
of the hotel and only due to leave during the month of March
I bring this to your attention.
Inspector Duarte |
- Letter re: return of keys
to S. Batista |
16 Processos Vol XVI Page
4133 |
16_VOLUMEXVIa_Page_4133 |
PJ 4th Brigade
From Inspector Joao Carlos
On 19th February 2008, I
record in the process files
that upon the request of the
Ocean Club resort, made by
the maintenance director
the 11th of this month, we
proceeded to return the key
to the apartment G5A where
the facts occurred. This
apartment, although under
the administration of the
resort, is private and its
owners have requested its
This apartment was made
available by this police
force, after instruction by
the magistrate Dr Magalhaes
Menezes, once the
examinations and forensics
to be carried out were
completed, it no longer
being necessary to occupy
the space.
And therefore, it was
tacitly agreed that in case
it would be necessary to use
the apartment for future
inquiries, whether forensic
or technical, it would
immediately be made
19th February 2008
Inspector Joao Carlos |
to 4165
- Letter re: Mari Luz Cortes
abduction 2008.04.03
service info |
Processos Vol XVI Pages 4163
to 4165 |
Translation by Ines |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4163. |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4164 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4165 |
NUIPC – 201/07.0 GALGS
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
To The Superior Coordinator
of the Criminal
As is known, on 13th January
2008, at the end of the
afternoon, a five year old
girl of gypsy ethnic origin,
identified as Mari Luz
Cortés, disappeared. The
disappearance took place in
a neighbourhood of the city
of Huelva, having occurred
when the girl left her home
to buy something at a kiosk
located about 150/200 metres
from her residence.
In spite of the unusual
occurrence, the
disappearance took place in
a public road, which since
then has brought comparisons
with the disappearance being
investigated in this
After almost two months, on
7th March, and after
exhaustive searches and
media attention, the body of
the girl was located near to
a refinery, specifically in
the River Tinto, which runs
through the Andalusian city
of Huelva.
From the autopsy examination
it was established that
death had resulted from
manual asphyxiation and not
from drowning, as had been
thought previously. Elements
of proof or at least
indicative elements were
collected from the autopsy
about a suspect who was
already known to the Spanish
authorities as being linked
to paedophile acts and
sexual abuse of children.
The suspect lived barely
50/60 metres from the girl’s
home, the entrance to the
individual’s home on the
ground floor being on the
route the girl took.
After being located and
confronted by Spanish police
officers the individual
confessed to the homicide,
claiming that it was an
accidental death, which,
according to the Spanish
authorities, corresponds to
the truth.
In fact the individual
approached the girl when she
passed the entrance to the
building and dragged her
into his house. When the
girl reacted, shouting and
gesticulating, protesting
and trying to get out of
this situation, the suspect
covered her mouth and
nostrils with his hand,
causing a situation of
respiratory difficulty which
culminated in her death,
also because of her
fragility at five years of
age. The suspect’s objective
was not to kill the girl,
but rather that of sexual
abuse or paedophile acts.
From the experience
collected and the
socio-economic situation of
the neighbourhood,
everything indicated that
the perpetrator would have
to be a resident or frequent
visitor, given that the
entrance of strangers is
immediately noticed by the
inhabitants, therefore
limiting the search for
suspects, which once again,
differs from the case being
investigated in this
However, those responsible
for the investigation in
Spain were requested to
question the suspect in
order to determine whether
he knew of any of the
elements related to the
disappearance of Madeleine
McCann. They were
immediately convinced that
the suspect did not know
anything, he had never been
to Portugal. He did not have
any means of transport, he
had been located in a train
station near Madrid, he did
not have a mobile phone in
order to make any contact.
He lives in a state of
virtual destitution, which,
in addition to his mental
problems, does not make it
possible to link him to the
disappearance of the British
This individual acts in a
basic and rudimentary
manner, the hypothesis of
watching or controlling his
actions in a premeditated
way being ruled out. His
actions are based on
instinct and moment of
Therefore, by analysis of
the descriptions, it is our
opinion that there is no
relation between these two
events, whose only common
denominators are the
relative geographical
proximity, the fact that
they are both female
children and their
approximate age group.
Portimao 3rd April 2008
Signed |
4201 to 4202-Service
information re: Wright's
suspect statement
Brooks |
16-Processos Volume 16 Pages 4201 to 4202 |
16_VOLUMEXVIa_Page_4201 |
16_VOLUMEXVIa_Page_4202 |
To: Paulo Rebelo
From: Ricardo Paiva, Inspector
Date: 2008/04/24
Re: Various Activities Regarding the
Investigation NUIPC 201/07.0GALGS
Regarding the content of the attached email
from British Authorities, with particular
focus with respect to the statement by
Michael Terrence Wright, in the
international letter of request which is
being implemented by the Leicestershire
Police, on the 6th of May, 2007, in Praia da
Luz, a pizza kitchen worker, of British
nationality and originally from Liverpool,
commented to that witness that her father,
George, had seen a man carrying a child, in
the early hours of May 4th of 2007. He does
not know if George contacted the authorities
about this. This testimony was recorded by
Inspector Joao Carlos and myself as follows:
--Yesterday, after heading toward Praia da
Luz late, we located the pizzeria shop
(PIZZA REAL) mentioned by that witness. It
is situated in a kiosk on Rua da Praia. Even
though it was closed at the time, we
obtained the telephone number ********* of
said pizzeria which is open from 18H00. This
same night, we contacted the manager,
C*******, using that telephone number and
she immediately identified the employee as
Amy. She told us that Amy was no longer in
Portugal and that she had returned to the
U.K. She was requested to contact Amy and
ask her to contact this police force.
--Today, at 11.37, the signatory received a
telephone call from *******, from a woman
who identified herself as J***, mother of
Amy, and who told me that as soon as
possible, George, her husband, and Amy's
father, would contact us. Around 17H16, we
were contacted by George, Amy's father, from
telephone no. *********. Regarding the facts
in question, he states that he had already
contacted the OH in May of 2007 and at this
time relayed to the police that at around
06H00 in the morning on the 4th May, 2007,
he saw a couple passing the Marina de Lagos.
The man was carrying the child. It was
ascertained at that time that the
aforementioned situation would not be of
interest to the investigation.
Ricardo Paiva
4205 - Diligences
carried out
Petrol station gulp |
Processos Vol XVI Page 4205 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4205 |
Public Security Police
Date: 2008-02-04 / 03.05h
Officer: Marques Vilar
Date of occurrence: 2008-02-02 / 12.45h
Classification: Disappearance of Maddie
Communication of occurrence
Were PSP officers present? No
Did PSP officers go to the site and detect clear signs of the
occurrence? Yes
Means of communication: Telephone
Communicated by: witness
Date/time: 2008-02-04 / 02.37
Place of Occurrence:
Type: Petrol station
Name: GALP
District: Lisbon, Amadora
Site: Alfragida, EN117
Witness of Occurrence:
Name: Ana Luisa do Carmo Antas Correia Da Cunha
ID: Driving licence
Additional Information:
At the time mentioned I went to the site as communicated by the
witness who mentioned that an individual had bought petrol
there, who had identical characteristics to those of the suspect
who appeared in Correio da Manha newspaper as having abducted
Maddie from the Algarve.
- When I arrived at the scene and contacted the witness, she
told me what had happened and said she had images of the event.
- She said the suspect was travelling in a vehicle with number
plate 27-90-VL, a yellow Opel, having
** Next page is missing.
4206 - Notification document |
Processos Vol XVI Page 4206 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4206 |
Public Security Police
For the effects contained in article 55 of the Penal Process
code, I proceeded to notify Ana Luisa Cunha (…) responsible for
the GALP Gest petrol station situated on national motorway 117,
in the Amadora-Lisbon direction that she should keep the images
captured by the security camera system, referring to the
disappearance of Maddie, from those installations, in case they
could be of interest to the investigation by means of the
competent authorities.
Alfragide, 2nd February 2008
Signed |
4207 - Vehicle report/search |
Processos Vol XVI Page 4207 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4207 |
Complete number plate
Lisbon Automobile Register
Characteristics of vehicle
Number plate 27 90 VL Year 2003 Category: light
Make: Opel Model: Combo C Van
Fuel: Petrol
Colour: White
Identification of owners:
Valeri Cozlov
Owner register 808 Date 28 – 03-2007 |
4208 - Email re CCTV images
from GALP Station EN117
2008.03.13 |
Processos Vol XVI Page 4208 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4208 |
From Inspector Joao Carlos Silva Pereira
Sent: Thursday 13th March 2008, 15.49
To: joaoesteves@galpenergia.com
Subject: CCTV Images
Policia Judiciaria – Portimao DIC, 4th Brigade – Inspector Joao
Good afternoon.
As it is necessary for the investigation NUIPC – 201/070 GALGS
and according to our telephone conversation, this email is to
request that the images recorded by the CCTV system at the GALP
petrol station on the EN117 in the downwards direction be
delivered to this police force. The images in question are from
the day 02-02-2008 at 09.15. We managed to find out that the
images were preserved by the supervisor Ana Cunha.
For further information you can contact me by telephone.
With compliments
Joao Carlos |
- Sketch of Galp
station |
Processos Vol XVI Page 4209 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4209 |
Sketch of Galp station |
4210 - Analysis of CCTV
images 2008.04.28 |
Processos Vol XVI Page 4210 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4210 |
Policia Judiciaria
NUIPC: 201/07.0GALGS
Report About the
Visualisation and Analysis of Audiovisual Material
On this date, I state for the process files that video images
from security cameras at the Alfragide Galp petrol station,
stores on 1 CD and referring to the day 02 February 2008 at
about 09.15 were visualised and analysed.
Nothing of interest to the investigation resulted from the
visualisation and analysis of these video images.
Portimao 28th April 2008
Inspector Ricardo Paiva |
4211 to 4212
- Summary
document re: GALP CCTV
images - nothing found,
2008.04.28 |
Processos Vol XVI Pages 4211-4212 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4211 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4212 |
Policia Judiciaria
4th Brigade
Inspector Joao Carlos
To the Superior
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
The document in annex refers to a supposed sighting of the
individual alluded to in a photo fit, coming from the British
authorities and publicised by the press advisor to the McCann
family, as being the supposed abductor of Madeleine McCann.
According to the report elaborated and delivered to the PJ by
the PSP, on the 2nd February 2008, at about 09.15, an employee
of the Galp petrol station situated on the EN 117, Alfragide,
saw an individual with similar physical characteristics to the
photo fit mentioned above, who filled up his petrol tank and
paid, nothing else strange having been indicated.
Since then the preservation of the images was requested, which
after being requested and delivered to this police force, were
the subject of analysis, nothing of any relevance for the
process files or for the investigation having resulted.
I attach the CD.
With nothing further to report.
Portimao 28th April 2008
Inspector Joao Carlos. |
4362 to 4363
Service information re: strange individual near 5A |
Processos Vol XVI Pages 4362 to 4363 |
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16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4363 |
service Information
Date: 2008-06-05
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation, Paolo Rebelo
From: Inspector Paolo Ferreira
Within the scope of the process referred to above, namely with
regard information concerning an unknown individual who had a
suspicious attitude during the days before the disappearance of
Madeleine McCann next to a telephone booth installed near to the
Golfinho restaurant, rua Calhete no. 14 A in Praia da Luz, with
the aim of trying to identify this person a list of calls made
from that booth was requested, which has already been included
in the files.
Upon analysing this list compared with information already
received from witnesses it was found that the person in question
could only be the person who made calls to the number 214*****.
Subsequent inquiries found that this telephone number is
installed in Rua de Sao Reno, lot 3 - 6 drt, Monte Estoril and
is used by Sr P*** R****** M**** d L*******, a retired TAP
employee who lives at that address with his wife. During an
informal conversation with this man it was established that he
has relatives in the Algarve, namely a brother in P da L.
Sometimes the brother's employee goes to the telephone booth to
pay and give him some indications as was the case in May.
No relation was found between the numbers from the list of calls
made from the booth and the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
Paolo Ferreira |
- Service information regarding sighting in Venezuela
Trevor Francis |
16 Processos Vol XVI Page 4375 |
16_VOLUME_XVIa_Page_4375 |
Service Information
Date: 2008-06-17
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation, Paulo Rebelo
From: Inspector Ricardo Paiva
Subject: Communication to join to the process files
Within the scope of the investigation referred to above into the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann, this police station received
information from the British authorities, telling of an alleged
sighting of the girl in the company of three women at about
13.00 on 16th May 2008 at the Lugar de Enquenter restaurant,
situated in the Avenida de Mayo in Porlamar, Margarita Island,
The alleged sighting was reported to the British authorities by
a sailor named Trevor Francis, captain of a sailing yacht who
was staying at the Marina Hilton and had lunch at the restaurant
that day.
The Liaison Officer of this police force in Venezuela was
requested by fax to gather all the pertinent information about
this subject as well as the diligences considered appropriate,
in the sense of preserving elements (security camera images,
contacts with eventual witnesses, etc) in order to check the
reliability of this information.
I bring this to your knowledge.
Signed |
523 - Statement re sighting
in Leicester |
Apensos V, Volume III Page 523 |
apenso5_vol_3_Page523 |
Handwritten note.
From: Jayne Allen
Date: 09 May 2007
She saw a girl similar to Madeleine, accompanied by a 10 year old
boy and a woman aged about 60 close to Leicester.
Later she said that she saw Kate McCann on TV hugging a woman
similar to this one outside the church in Portugal.
See also:
Apensos V, Vol 3, Page 524 |
- Service information re Intermarche parking lot in Estarreja |
Apensos V, Vol III Page 451 |
apenso5_vol_3_Page451 |
Policia Judiciaria
Porto Division
Date: 2007-05-09
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Peixoto
Subject: Information
about eventual transport of missing girl Madeleine
I inform you that today 09-05-2007 at about 20.10 this police
station received telephone information from the P?oa de Varzim
GNR Post, from Soldier Costa who said the following:
That today he was contacted by an English couple, who were on
holiday in Portugal, travelling in their camper van, saying that
yesterday 08-05-2007 at about 10.30 when they were at the
Estarreja Intermarche car park, their attention was drawn by
three gypsies - two men and a woman - who were being transported
in a cart pulled by a horse and who were accompanied by a young
blond girl and from her features appeared to them that she could
be the missing girl Madeleine.
The English woman identified herself with her driving licence as
being Vivien Biddle from Shefford and said that from tomorrow
onwards they would continue travelling in the direction of Spain
and provided her telephone number.
I bring this to your attention.
Signed |
- Service information re John Michael Paul Hogan |
5-3-Apensos Vol III Page 494 |
apenso5_vol_3_Page494 |
Date: 2007-05-10
Service Information
To: The Station Commander, Ana Paula
From: Luis Neves, Inspector
Subject: John Hogan
Together with the respective
external diligence with regard to
the inquiries made at the residence
of John Michael Paul Hogan, an
individual who was the subject of
comments made to this police force
telling of his disappearance during
the period coinciding with the
events being investigated.
The inquiries carried out enables us
to establish that the individual was
living in the Algarve, this
information having been obtained
from his wife, Emma Hogan without
anything concrete being found out of
interest to the material in the
process files.
I inform you that on this date John
Hogan presented himself at this
police station and confirmed that he
knew about the inquiries that had
been made from his wife and
confirmed that he could be contacted
on mobile no.********* and that he
currently lives in Loule although he
does not remember the postal
I suggest this is sent to Portimao
DIC for joining to the case files.
Luis Neves.
495 -
External diligence re Hogan sighting in Sao bras de Alportel
496 - Confirmation of fax |
5 to 3-Apensos Vol III Page 495
to 496 |
apenso5_vol_3_Page495 |
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External Inquiry Report
Date: 2007-05-09
Location: Sao Bras de Alportel
Requesting Officer: Chief Inspector
Executing Officers: Chief Inspecor
Salvador, Inspectors, Neves, Pereira
and Jacinto.
Description and Result of Inquiry:
On 2007-05-09 we went to the
residence of John Hogan at **** Sao
Bras de Alportel.
At the site was Emma Hogan,
mobile***** who was at the residence
with the couple's daughter aged 4,
who does not correspond in
appearance to the girl mentioned in
the files.
Emma Hogan clarified that her
husband had left the marital home
about 10 days ago, due to marital
problems related to his infidelity.
She clarified that she is in contact
with her husband and that on the
previous day, which was their
daughter's birthday, he had passed
by the residence.
With regard to the fact that he had
never again contacted the estate
agency Cashouses, she clarifies that
he had commented to her that he did
not see any viability in that
activity and for that reason had
stopped turning up at work, and is
unemployed at the moment.
She stated that her husband would
not have anything to do with the
events being investigated, that she
does not know him to be disturbed or
to have any abnormal behaviour which
would justify his involvement.
She stated that the last time the
couple was in Sotavento was for a
period a few years ago, in 2000, in
Burgau, when they first moved to
She said the number plate of the
English car that her husband drives
Signed |
497 -
Service information re Hogan sighting |
5 to 3 Apensos Vol III Page 497 |
apenso5_vol_3_Page497 |
Date: 2007-05-09
Service Information
To: The Station Commander, Inspector
From: Chief Inspector Guedes de
Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine
I inform you that on this date at
about 19.30 a phone call was
received by the Tavira PSP which
informed that P Rodrigues, an estate
agent in that city with telephone
number ***** said that a British
citizen, John Hogan, aged about 40
and resident in Bras de Alportel,
had worked in his company for a
period of fifteen days.
The English citizen in question had
first commented that he had a
daughter aged three and had later
said that his daughter was aged
seven, but never showed her to him.
He also said that the English
citizen had stopped working at his
company precisely on the day that
Madeleine McCann disappeared, on
2007-05-03, without giving any
explanation for the fact, and that
he has not seen him since this date.
He said that this citizen
transported himself in a large jeep,
either a BMW or Mercedes, he cannot
be exact, the jeep was grey.
This is immediately sent by fax to
Portimao DIC.
Chief Inspector
Guedes de Carvalho |
543 also
Service information re
sighting in Tui |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol III Page 543 |
apenso5_vol_3_p543 |
Policia Judiciária
Date: 2007-05-12
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Queiroz
Subject: Information about the disappearance of Madeleine
A phone call was received today by this police station from
Inspector Cordeiro of Tui SEF, who informed us that a Spanish
citizen, Ana Maria Martinez, resident of Tui and with contact
number **** saying that she had seen the missing Madeleine in
the company of an unkempt looking individual on the 9th May at
about 18.30 on the Tui promenade.
Inspector Queiroz |
546 to 547
PJ Service
information re sighting in
cooperative supermarket in
Vieira do Minho |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol III Pages 546 to 547 |
apenso5_vol_3_p546 |
apenso5_vol_3_p547 |
Policia Judiciária
Date: 2007-05-11
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector António Macedo
Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
On 9th May, at the end of the afternoon, this police station was
contacted by the Vieira do Minho GNR post saying that a middle
aged couple had gone to the Farmer’s Cooperative supermarket in
Vieira do Minho where, amongst other articles, they had bought a
child’s toothbrush.
It was said that the couple spoke English and were staying at the
Cabreira camping site, Entre Rios, Vieira do Minho and were not
accompanied by any child.
It was decided, upon superior order by the undersigned officer, to
go the camping site in question, with the aim of obtaining
elements to confirm whether the couple was accompanied by any
child with the characteristics of the missing girl, Madeleine
From the inquiries made it was established that the couple was from
the island of Jersey in England, the man Graeme Le Vesconte,
holding passport number *** and Chief of the Jersey Municipal
Fire Service.
The couple, who were having dinner outside their caravan at 20.00,
were contacted, having confirmed that they were travelling
through Portugal on holiday, having hired the caravan for this
purpose, they had been in Vieira do Minho for almost 4 days and
planned to return to their native country at the end of the
month, after travelling through Spain and France.
They were explained the reason for this conversation and authorized
me to enter the caravan, which showed no signs of anyone else
being in there, nor was there any object that could be related
to children.
The inquiry was terminated and the local GNR was informed of the
Inspector Macedo |
574 to 576
- Service information re Open Corsa |
Apenso V, Vol III Pages 574 to 575 |
apenso5_vol_3_Page574 |
apenso5_vol_3_Page575 |
apenso5_vol_3_Page576 |
(Page 576 is a copy of 574)
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-05-16
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal
From: Inspector Joao Costa
Subject: Inquiries carried out upon
the request of Portimao DIC
I bring to your attention that today
at about 00.10 a phone call was
received by this station from
Portimao DIC, from Chief Inspector
Tavares de Almeida, requesting this
police station to go to two
addresses, with the aim of locating
a vehicle of make 'Opel', model 'Corsa',
with number plate 18-63-AF, which
could be related to the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann,
in accordance with information
received from PSP Calvario, attached
in annex.
Portimao DIC indicated two
addresses, one on Rua Joao de Deus,
lot 112, Sao Domingos de Rana and
another on Rua da Paz, lot 17,
ground floor, Dt Mato Cheirinhos -
Sao Domingos de Rana, as being one
of the possible addresses of the
owner of the vehicle in question.
Immediate departure was made to Sao
Domingos da Rana, where it was
established that there are two roads
called Joao de Deus, one in the
Caparide zone and the other in the
Conde Monte Real district. Only one
Rua da Paz was found in the area,
situated in Mato_Cheirinhos. In
response to the indications
provided, officers went to Rua Joao
de Deus in Caparide which was seen
to be a residential area, however no
address was found
with lot no. 122.
Next, officers went to Rua Joao de
Deus in Conde Monte Real, where the
existence of a lot no. 122 was
confirmed, consisting of a - floor
building, without a garage inside.
All the streets in the area were
searched innumerable times,
especially those in the immediate
vicinity of the building, however it
was not possible to locate the Opel
Corsa. Next, officers went to rua da
Paz in Mato_Cheirinhos having
confirmed that lot no. 17 effectively
exists, this being a 3 floor
building which did not have access
to an inside garage. All the streets
in the area were searched, but the
Opel Corsa was not located.
Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida
was contacted by telephone to inform
him of the situation, who said that
given the results there was nothing
more to be done and inquiries were
A copy of this information was sent
to Portimao DIC by fax and provided
to Chief Inspector Tavares de
A copy of the report complied by PSP
Calvario about these facts is
attached, which was sent to this
station, after giving information
about the facts in question to
Portimao DIC by telephone.
These are the facts that I inform
you of.
Signed. |
851 to 852 - Service
information re suspicious
vehicle |
Apensos V, Vol IV Pages 851-852 |
apenso5_vol_4_p851 |
apenso5_vol_4_p852 |
To: Chief
Inspector António Martins
Inspector Henrique Magueija
Information relating to the suspicion of a couple in the
abduction of Madeleine McCann
I inform you
that today at about 15.45, I received a phone call from my
colleague, Inspector Raquel Areias, who told me the following:
approximately 14.00 today at the Galp service station in
Monforte-Ermesinde, a couple who are friends of the Inspector,
were approached by a couple with a British accent, aged about
55-60 and travelling in a dark grey Volkswagen Golf with number
plate 72-DD-01 who wanted to know how to join the A3 motorway to
Whilst the
Inspector’s friend explained the best way of joining the A3, her
boyfriend noticed that on the back seat, there was a blonde
girl, perfectly conscious and making drawings, wearing a pink
camisole, aged about 3 or 4, whom appeared to him to be
Madeleine McCann.
When the
couple realised that the girl was being observed, they left
The man is
described as being of strong build, with grey hair brushed
backwards and the woman was blonde with a curly, very voluminous
hair style.
When the SPO
was checked, as shown by the print out attached, this
corresponded to a Yamaha motorbike.
That is all I
have to inform you.
853 - Missing page
929 to
- Report from the Spanish
authorities re sighting in
Huelva |
Apensos V, Vol V Pages 929
to 931 |
apenso5_vol_5_p929 |
apenso5_vol_5_p930 |
apenso5_vol_5_p931 |
(From Spanish)
Guardia Civil
From: Guardia Civil Huelva
To: Faro Policia Judiciaria
Subject: Document
Date: 18th May 2007
Nş pages including cover
page: 3
A document is attached that
was sent on this same date
from this unit to the
Guardia Civil in Huelva,
relating to the obtaining of
facts that could be of
interest to the
investigation into the
abduction of a child from
the Portuguese Algarve.
Page 930
General Directorate of the
Guardia Civil
Informative Note
Origin: PJ Organic Unit
Guardia Civil Huelva
Destination: Guardia Civil
Command Huelva
Date: 18th May 2007
Subject: Abduction of
English Girl in Portugal
Yesterday afternoon, 17th
May 2007 it made known to
the Cartaya Guardia Civil
(Huelva) that a security
guard at an underground car
park in Plaza Redondo in
Huelva claimed to have seen
on 15th May at about 11.00 a
silver coloured Ford Focus,
number plate 8518 XL in the
car park, inside the car
were two women and a man
aged about 50, apparently
English, accompanied by a
young girl.
Inside the car park the man
accompanied the girl to the
WC, upon laving the girl
forgot her hat in the
bathroom, which was picked
up by the guard for sake
This guard, upon finishing
his shift, told his
companion what he had seen,
the latter making a comment
about whether this could be
the English girl recently
abducted from the Portuguese
Algarve, no more attention
was paid to this and the
guard who had finished his
shift went home.
Once he was home he saw a
news programme on the
television which showed a
picture of the abducted girl
and he thought it could be
the same girl he had seen in
the car park, although he
had some doubts.
Yesterday, he talked to his
companion again and when he
was about to go home, he saw
the same vehicle again when
it parked on the public road
near to the car park. The
driver of the car entered
the car park and asked for
the WC. The guard, by means
of gestures, asked him if he
was looking for the girl’s
hat, the man agreed
affirmatively, he was handed
the hat and left. Whilst
this was happening the
second guard noted down the
car's number plate.
Again, on the 17th the first
guard saw images of the
abducted girl and believes
he is sure that she is the
same girl who was travelling
in the vehicle, which
prompted him to make the
facts known to the security
The vehicle belongs to the
BANIF bank agency based in
Avda Colombano Bordalo.
This police station has made
the following inquiries:
Page 931
- The versions given by the
guards have been checked,
statements taken.
- All patrols in the area
have been alerted and told
to locate the vehicle and
its occupants.
- Inquiries have been made
in all hotels and guest
houses in the area.
- The facts have been
communicated to the Faro PJ
and GNR.
- All inquiries carried out
to date have yielded
negative results, however
they continue to be pursued.
I bring this to your
knowledge. |
- Service
information re sighting in
France to airport |
Apensos V, Volume V Page 940 |
Thanks to Ines |
apenso5_vol_5_p940 |
Guarda Nacional Republicana
On 3rd June 2007, I Helder Manuel Dias Custodio, Soldier nş
432/1990935 from this GNR station, heard of the following facts:
On the date in question at about 13.40 we received a phone call
from José Pechurro, a Swiss resident but who is temporarily
living in Portugal and who informed us that he has some
information that could be useful as regards the whereabouts of
the girl who disappeared from Praia da Luz, Lagos.
According to José who is a retired taxi driver, he learned from a
colleague of his who still works as a taxi driver, that a girl
was transported by him on 15th May 2007 from a hotel in France
to Geneva airport in Switzerland , whom according to his
colleague was almost certainly the missing girl.
He said that he had all the information regarding his colleague
and that he could provide this so that he could be contacted and
the veracity of the information could be confirmed.
Lagos 3rd June 2007
Helder Manual Dias Custodio |
- Service
information re sighting in
France to airport |
Apensos V, Volume V Page 941 |
Thanks to Ines |
apenso5_vol_5_p941 |
In Geneva
On 15-5-2007 taxi GE 397, driven by Portuguese descendant Carlos
Sabina transported an English woman (at least she spoke English)
in the morning with a young girl apparently identical to
Madeleine McCann. The taxi was called to a hotel (Formula 1) in
Fernley, two kilometres from Geneva.
The taxi transported the two persons to Geneva airport. The
apparently English woman having said that they were travelling
to the States on an International Airlines flight.
The taxi driver noted that the woman became slightly disturbed
when the taxi passed the border between Fernley and Geneva and
saw the police.
This information was transmitted by a colleague of Carlos Sabina
named José who today transported a friend of mine and who is in
Geneva and if necessary can reiterate this information.
Sandra Matinho |
993 - Service information re
sighting in Olhao, Portugal
994 - Fax confirmation |
Apensos V, Volume V Page 993 to 994 |
Thanks to Ines |
apenso5_vol_5_p993 |
apenso5_vol_5_p994 |
Date: 2007-05-17
To: The Police Coordinator
From: Inspector P. Coelho
Subject: Information relating to the disappearance of Madeleine
I inform you that today, at about 20.45, a phone call was
received from Sónia Tomás, resident in Tavira, who told us that
today she saw a girl who was physically very similar to
Madeleine McCann, in Olhao.
According to Sónia Tomás, this girl was seen at about 18.30 close
to the Olhao Primary School on the 125 motorway, holding hands
with a female who appeared to be from Eastern Europe, with a
very strong complexion, very light skinned, with a blond pony
tail and who was wearing a lilac shirt.
Inspector Coelho |
- Email re sighting in
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Apensos V, Volume V Page 1027 and 1133 |
Thanks to Ines |
apenso5_vol_5_p1027 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1133 |
And Apensos V, Volume V Page 1133
From DIC Portimao
Sent: 21st May 2007
To: Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject: FW: Madeleine McCann
Importance: High
Original message:
From aebj@globo.com
Sent: 19th May 2007
Subject: Madeleine McCann
Importance: High
I am writing from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I want to inform you that I and some other persons saw a girl who
appears to be Madeleine McCann.
She was accompanied by a couple of foreigners (with an English
appearance) and this couple had two more children (with
different appearances to that of the couple).
Seen in Rio de Janeiro, flamengo district.
Joana Sofía |
Service information PJ
re sighting in Luxembourg |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol V Page 1069 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1069 |
To: The
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Inspector Elias Pires
Madeleine McCann
I inform you
that today, at about 13.00, this police station received a phone
call from a Portuguese immigrant in Luxembourg, called Fátima,
contact number ****, who told us of the following:
- she was in
a supermarket in Merfch when she saw a couple, aged about 30,
with a girl who appeared to her to be Madeleine McCann.
- the man,
upon noticing that the girl was being looked at, picked her up
and left the supermarket followed by the woman, who even left
her purchases behind (hand-written note explaining that the
purchases were clothes for the girl).
- they got
into a red car, with a Dutch number plate and left. The witness
did not manage to see the number of the licence plate.
- She
informed the local police of these facts and they went after the
vehicle the couple was travelling in.
That is all I
have to inform you.
Pires |
information PJ
re sighting in Sotogrande,
Malaga |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol V Page 1070 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1070 |
To: The
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Inspector Carlos Lucas
Telephone Communication
I inform you
that today, at about 14.30, a phone call was received by this
police station, from a British individual, who said he was on
holiday in the South of Spain and that he saw Madeleine McCann
in Sotogrande, about 100 km from Malaga.
individual gave his name as Roland and left the mobile number
*** for any future contact.
That is all I
have to inform you.
Lucas |
1085 - Service information
re sighting in Pediatric
office |
Apensos V, Volume V Page 1085 |
Thanks to Ines |
apenso5_vol_5_p1085 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-05-21
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Nuno Nunes
Subject: Information received regarding NUIPC 201/07.0 GALGS
I inform you that we received a telephone call today from number
****(Brazilian number) from a female calling herself Rebecca.
She says that yesterday she went with her son for an appointment
with a paediatrician at a specialised paediatric clinic in
Vitória, Espirito Santo State (Brazil). There was a couple
there, who had booked an appointment and who were the first to
be attended. The couple was accompanied by a white skinned girl
with blond hair and light coloured eyes, wearing a straw bonnet
that did not appear to be new, who played with her son and said
something which the witness did not understand but which was not
in Portuguese or Italian.
In the evening when she returned home she saw a report on
Brazilian television and was amazed because the girl was
identical to the missing girl.
Being convinced that this was the same girl she contacted the
clinic where they told her that the girl was called G****
P****** and that the girl’s parents were Italian. However, as
she has some rudiments of this language it did not seem to her
that the couple was speaking Italian but rather some unknown
language. She was given the contact number that the couple had
left at the clinic (******) but was answered in Portuguese.
She is convinced that the girl is the same and finds it
suspicious that all the information gathered about the couple is
Signed |
1123 to 1125
- Service information re Ukrainian couple ruled out |
5 - 5 APENSOS V, Volume V Pages 1123 to 1125 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1123 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1124 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1125 |
Service Information
Date 2007/05/25
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector F. Antonio
Subject: Communication of facts about the Disappearance of
Madeleine McCann
We inform you that today this police station received a phone
call followed by the sending of this handwritten document by fax
at about 11.15 by a person who identified herself
- Same situation
- Two different number plates
- One (JG) already discounted => NEG
- The other (CG) Toyota Maize => NEG
28th May
Typed text continues:
as MK with residence at Rua R. A. D, Leca do Balio.
At this address at about 13.00 KZ, a Ukrainian citizen with
temporary residence permit no. +++, mobile n+++ the wife of the
aforementioned accompanied by her baby son DK was contacted by
myself and my colleague Milton Trigo. She identified her husband
as being the owner of vehicle with NIF no. 234700025, her
husband, together with a colleague from work, on Monday
21-05-2007 at about 15.00 left for the Ukraine for some time,
also taking with them her daughter aged 4, IK, who like her son
was born in Portugal where they have lived for the past 6 years.
Her husband and daughter are staying at the following address
*******, Ukriane, telephone number *****.
Personal identification documents for the husband and daughter
wee not presented as they had them with them but other proof of
their names was presented. Recent photos were shown, of April
this year and from before with their daughter in Leca where they
live. Physical similarities were noted with the missing girl
Madeleine McCann, although (the Ukrainian girl) was bigger and
with a rounder face.
Having previously spoken to the neighbours it was established
that the girl had left with the father and a colleague on Monday
for the Ukraine. It was observed that having taking this girl on
such a long journey was justified that she did not stay with the
small boy (which would have been) a burden for the mother.
The description of the facts denounced was explained in this
way. There was no doubt that the girl was the daughter of both,
known by the neighbours and having lived at the address for a
long time.
By the woman's admission, without mentioning the case of
Madeleine McCann further, as she was now being heard by the
police and regarding any doubts concerning the motive, she says
that she had already observed - as had her husband - that her
daughter could be confused with Madeleine because of the
physical similarities and age.
For your information.
The Inspector
Following page has car registration details 1125 |
- Service information re sighting in Lagos |
Apensos V, Vol 5 Page 1134 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1134 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-05-22
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Jose Mesquita
Subject: Information
about missing girl
I inform you that today at about 12.30 Sra Maria da Conceicao da
Silva Dias, resident in Lagos, mobile no.***** appeared at this
police station, informing us that on the day 03-05-2007, at
about 18.30 or 19.30 she saw a girl with Madeleine's
characteristics pass - carried by an individual, height about
1.70m, with brown hair, she could see that the individual had
quite physically well developed arms - near to R.Vasco da Gama,
This situation aroused the curiosity of the witness, by the fact
that the child appeared very reluctant to be carried by the
individual and that he was carrying the girl with her face
But she says that the girl had golden brown hair, coinciding
with the photos of Madeleine that had been distributed.
The motive for this information and the fact that the times
provided for the disappearance do not appear to coincide with
the sighting by the witness.
I bring this to your knowledge.
Signed. |
- Service information re sighting in Faro |
Apensos V, Vol 5 Page 1158 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1158 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-05-23
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Valadas
Subject: Disappearance
of Madeleine McCann
I inform you that Sr Jose Guerreiro Rosa came to this police
station to inform us that yesterday at about 18.00, in Rua
Infante Dom Henrique in Faro, he saw a girl similar to Madeleine
McCann in a window of a hotel whose name he does not know, but
he does know that it was next to a chemists in that street.
But this witness informs that immediately afterwards he saw an
adult man take hold of the girl and pull her away from the
Inspector Valadas |
Service information
re sighting in Maputo, Mocambique |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol VI Page 1285 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1285 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-05-26
To: The Coordinator of the Criminl Investigation
From: Inspector Fernandes
Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today at about 13.30 a telephone call was
received from Maputo – Mozambique from a male individual who
expressed himself in English, who said that he had seen the girl
missing from Portugal today, in the company of a Caucasian
individual, who was tall and had some upper teeth missing. The
girl was accompanied by a black woman and two children of the
same origin. But he said that the girl spoke English and that
the group was travelling in a Suzuki Vitara with number plate
That is all I have to inform you.
Inspector Fernandes |
- service information re sighting in London |
Apensos V, Vol VII Page 1470 |
apenso5_vol_7_p1470 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-07-20
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Nuno Nunes
Subject: Disappearance
of Madeleine McCann
I bring to your knowledge that on this date, at about 19.00,
this police station received a phone call from Diane Clark, from
England, to inform us:
- That she is certain that she saw Madeleine McCann, on the days
between 31st May and 14th July of this year, in London.
- The girl was at the address Green Lanes Parade, Harringale
(sic), London N4.
- That she made a statement to Leicester Police.
- That she does not have any other elements to add.
I bring this to your knowledge.
Inspector Nuno Nunes |
- Service information re
sighting in Torremelinos
- Service information re
sighting in Hotel Cervantes,
Torremelinos |
Apensos V, Vol VII Page 1598 |
apenso5_vol_7_p1598 |
apenso5_vol_7_p1677 |
(Repeated on page 1677)
Date: 2007-06-02
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation, Dr
From: Chief Inspector
Tavares de Almeida
Subject: Information
Benny Marshall, mobile
English citizen, born in
Scotland is on holiday in
Torremolinos until 06 June
2007, he is staying at the
Cervantes Hotel.
The citizen informed us that
he noticed that a couple was
staying at the hotel who had
a girl with them who was
similar in appearance to
The girl always seemed
willing but when the
informant asked her to show
him her eyes she replied “I
can’t allow that”.
Given this situation, on one
of the days the couple was
in the bar the informant
took the liberty of taking
the glasses they had been
drinking from.
Signed |
Service information
re sighting on Calle
Alexander Sacher |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol VIII Page 1723 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1723 |
Date 2007-01-30 (Corrected by hand to 08 Jun)
Service Information
To: The Coordinator
From: Inspector Jorge Vaz
Subject: Communication regarding Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today a phone call was received by this police
station made by a male individual speaking Spanish, who
identified himself as Rodrigo.
His call informed us that in Calle Alexandre Sacker, at a few
metres distance from a police post, he saw an individual aged
over 45, between 1.80 and 1.90 in height, fair skinned and
blond, who today at about 19.00, was accompanied by a girl who
was in every way identical to the photo. The girl was held
firmly by the hand and was tearful.
He gave his Spanish mobile as contact number ****.
That is all I have to inform you.
Inspector Vaz |
also Service
re sighting in Toulouse e Bourdeaux |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol VIII Page 1725 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1725 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-06-09
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Carla Grancho
Subject: Information about the location of the whereabouts of
Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today, at about 22.20 when I was on duty at
the police station, I received a phone call from Nş*****, having
spoken with an individual who spoke French and who identified
himself as Mr Beautayen (the name is possibly not correct)
insisting that he had seen the girl Madeleine McCann and that
she was as a farm situated in Bonne Santé, in the south west of
France, between Toulouse and Bordeaux.
He added that the girl was with other children of both sexes,
aged between 4 and six years old. He also added that he has
knowledge that the individuals who are holding the girl are
preparing to take her to South America or Venezuela.
The individual also insisted in sending the exact location of
the farm tomorrow to the police station, by fax to the numbers
he was provided with.
Given the nature of the information, this was immediately passed
orally to Portimao DIC colleagues.
Inspector Grancho |
Service information
re sighting in Argentina |
Translation by Ines |
05-09 Apensos V, Vol IX Page
1948 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1948 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-06-19
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Jorge Vaz
Subject: Information About
Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today a
telephone call was received
from an individual who did
not identify himself and
whose number was impossible
to trace.
The individual in question
claims to have seen a girl
identical to Madeleine
McCann whom he took photos
of. He says that this took
place in Argentina. However,
she was photographed from a
He says that he has the
negative and can provide it
if requested.
The photo can be seen by
accessing an email address
created by him (roloescot@yahoo.com.ar)
which can be accessed using
the password “654321”. We
consulted two messages sent
to Scotland Yard in the
outbox and checked the
enclosed image.
Any contact can be made via
the email account.
That is all I have to
Inspector Vaz |
PJ Service information
re sighting in Edmonton,
Canada |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IX Page 1949 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1949 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-06-19
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Pedro Nunes
Subject: Possible Information about Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today at about 01.00 a telephone call was
received from Canada in
which Lucinda Ponte
communicates information
related to the whereabouts
of Madeleine McCann.
According to Lucinda Pontes, who speaks in Portuguese, about an
hour earlier in Edmonton in
Canada, in the “Seven foods”
supermarket, she saw a girl
with several similarities to
Madeleine McCann.
A few moments later, she saw this girl enter a Chrysler with
number plate DPA-799 which
was driven by an individual
of Indian appearance.
Lucinda Ponte provided her contact details for any further
Inspector Nunes |
PJ Service information
re sighting in Singapore |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IX Page 1969 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1969 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-06-21
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Nuno Nunes
Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today at about 18.00 we received a phone call
from a female individual who did not want to identify herself,
who said she was Brazilian and calling from Singapore.
She said that yesterday, a Caucasian couple lunched in the Janki
Sushi restaurant in Singapore and that at 13.10 they paid with
Visa card n**** the sum of 42.71 dollars.
This couple was accompanied by a girl aged four with short hair
and wearing a hat who in all appearance was similar to Madeleine
She does not know where the couple or the girl were heading.
I bring this to your attention.
Inspector Nunes |
2757 to 2758
- Service information re
sighting in Castelo Branco |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol XIII Pages
2757 - 2758 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2757 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2758 |
Date: 2007-08-21
Service Information
To: The Police Station
From: Inspector Patricia
Subject: Information about
the Disappearance of
Madeleine McCann
I bring to your knowledge
that today, at about 20.00
this police station was
contacted by Antonio Jose
Ferreira Ramos, by phone
number *****, owner of the
'Auto Ramos' Office in
Castelo Branco, who informed
us that this afternoon, he
was contacted in his office
by a couple who were
accompanied by a female
child whom he suspects was
Madeleine McCann.
That the couple in question
were transported in a light
vehicle, make Nissan, model
Almera, grey metallic
colour, he does not remember
the number plate, the couple
asked him to check the car's
oil level.
The couple spoke to the girl
in Portuguese and he had the
impression that they also
did so in English.
He never heard the girl
reply to them.
The girl was quite similar
to Madeleine, about 80 cm in
height, with blond hair
which was slightly longer
than the hair shown in the
photos distributed of
He did not manage to see the
girl's eyes.
With regard to the adults,
he describes them as both
being aged about 50 and that
the female was brown skinned
and the man was wearing
He does not know their
identity but thinks the
female's surname was Gomes
and that she is a primary
school teacher, but does not
know where she works.
He knows the female by
He thinks that both
individuals live in a
village located at 20 km
from Castelo Branco, a
village called Malpica do
He cannot add any more
His telephone number is
This information is provided
for superior consideration.
That is all I have to bring
to your knowledge.
Signed. |
2767 to 2768
- Service information re
sighting in caf - in
Albufeira |
Apensos V, Vol XIII Pages
2767-2868 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2767 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2768 |
Date: 2007-08-25
Service information
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Jorge Vaz
I inform you that on this
date a phone call was
received from Albufeira GNR,
made by officer Braganca,
who said that an individual
named Valdemar Antonio
Mendes, resident in Armacao
de Pera and contactable on
******* claims to have seen
today at about 20.00 in Cafe
Pinheiro in Albufeira, a
white bearded individual
pulling a young girl by her
hair, whom he identified as
being Madeleine McCann and
forcing her to enter the
cafe to drink a glass of
water, afterwards returning
to the car in which there
was a woman with two small
He identified the car as
being white, saloon type and
with Spanish number plate
6368 FSX.
This individual described
the man as having white hair
and beard, aged about 60.
Soldier Martinho went to the
site and the owners
remembered the man and the
girl but could not identify
her as being Madeleine
McCann and did not see the
events described by the
According to what we were
informed the witness
appeared to be under the
effect of alcoholic drinks.
That is all I have to inform
you. |
- Service information re
sighting in Spain |
Apensos V, Vol XIII Page
2794 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2794 |
Date: 2007-09-15
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Albergaria
Subject: Information
relating to Madeleine McCann
I bring to your knowledge
that today at about 17.40
this police station was
contacted by Agent Eusebio
from Valongo PSP saying
there was an individual at
the station who said he had
information relating to
Madeleine McCann's
Therefore, accompanied by
Inspector Guimaraes, I went
to the site and found out
the following:
The individual in question
was called Manuel Henrique
da Silva Moreira de Sousa,
from Campo, Valongo and is a
construction worker. At the
moment and since June 2007
he works in Spain, in
Corella and can be contacted
on ******.
He said that on the past
05-09-2007 when passing
along the street he saw, by
means of the access door to
a house ('chalet' type?) a
girl who was sitting on the
entrance steps and who
appeared to him to have a
cord attached around her
middle, the other end of the
cord being loose.
It seemed to him that this
girl resembled Madeleine in
all aspects, he knows the
latter's features well from
photographs circulated in
the press and television.
He does not know the name of
the street where the house
was situated, just
remembering that it was no.
He adds that 15 minutes
later, he passed in front of
the house again, although
this time he did not see the
girl, just hearing voices
Following page 2795 is
missing from the DVD. |
- Service Information cover
2802 to 2803
- Service information re
sighting in Workington,
Northern England |
Apensos V, Vol XIII Pages
2801-2803 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2801 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2802 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2803 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-09-06
Service Information
To: Chief Inspector Tavares
de Almeida
From: Inspector Costa
Subject: Information about
supposed sighting of
Madeleine Beth McCann
I attach Service Information
referring to the supposed
whereabouts of Madeleine
Beth McCann for your
Pages 2802-2803
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-09-06
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Costa
Subject: Information about
supposed sighting of
Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today at
about 13.15 I received a
phone call from Mr Nicholas
McEwen (resident in
Workington, tel no. *****)
informing me about a
supposed sighting of
Madeleine McCann. As the
undersigned officer does not
speak fluent English, the
collaboration of Carla
Romana Esteves, a translator
was requested in order to
register the call made in
The witness stated that he
thinks he saw Madeleine
McCann today at about 10.30,
walking down Newlands Green
street in Workington, in the
north of England. Mr McEwen
was walking up the same
street when he passed the
girl on the opposite
pavement at a distance of 5
metres. The girl was
accompanied by an individual
known to the witness as Dane
Bragt, who was "leading" the
girl down the street. The
girl appeared to be wearing
make-up and was wearing a
shirt and blue trousers. Her
hair was arranged in two
bunches. The witness heard
the girl complaining, in
English, to the individual
named Dane Bragt.
The witness describes the
individual as being about
1.7m in height, aged about
30, slim build, with a short
beard and short brown hair.
The individual lives about 2
km from the site in the
Westfield Drive area, the
witness does not know the
exact address. However, the
witness knows that the
individual often frequents
the house of Joanne O'Neill,
situated at No.** Newlands
Gardens, Workington. He says
that Joanne O'Neill has
lived there for almost 10
years and has a daughter
with medium length hair (to
her shoulders) dark brown in
colour, therefore the
witness is certain that the
girl he saw is not Joanne
O'Neill's daughter.
When questioned about the
reasons he thinks the girl
was Madeleine McCann, the
witness says it is because
the girl was really similar
to Madeleine McCann and
because she was in the
company of this individual
who had nothing to do with
Joanne O'Neill's daughter as
well as the fact that he has
not seen Mrs O'Neill's
daughter for some time.
Inspector Costa and Carla
Esteves |
2 to 10
- Service information re: Blue Renault seen at
petrol kiosk with pics 2007.05.04 |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol I Pages 2 to 10 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-05-05
Service Information
To: Dr G. Amaral
From: Inspector Silva
Subject: Gathering of
Following a communication made to this police force saying that
yesterday (04 May 2007), in the morning, a dark blue Renault
vehicle, with number plate AQ-23-81 entered the Repsol service
station, situated in Vale Pariaso - Albufeira where petrol was
tanked by a Caucasian individual of medium height, aged
apparently between 50-60.
This individual was closely accompanied by a small female child,
white skinned, blond, apparently aged 3 or 4.
After having tanked petrol this individual entered the shop
where he paid for the petrol, left, heading towards his vehicle.
The girl always followed him closely but the adult did not seem
to attach much importance to her, which seemed strange to the
service station employees.
The vehicle left the premises and headed in the direction of the
Albufeira roundabout.
One of the employees communicated this situation to the PJ as
she had heard about the disappearance on the news.
Upon going to the Repsol service station mentioned above, it was
possible to obtain a CD ROM containing recordings of the images
described above, which were immediately subjected to
Equally various searches were made, with the aim of
clarification and identification of the individuals, the
following being established:
The vehicle was a Renault, model 9, dark blue, with four doors,
with the number plate AQ-23-81.
The vehicle is not subject to a request for apprehension. It
does not have valid insurance. The last obligatory inspection
carried out on the vehicle was 17th August 2006 in Guia -
The vehicle is registered in the name of J*** R**** Q***,
resident in Almada.
It was found out that this individual has already died. There
are no registers of telephones installed in his home. The PJ
could not find out anything about his name, nor about any
relatives. He was never involved in any investigation, neither
was his vehicle. Upon checking Schengen, Persons Wanted and
prisoners records, nothing was found.
After editing and printing the images from the Repsol station CD
ROM and examining them, it was seen that the girl shown presents
differences in relation to the missing girl, which led us to
conclude that it is not the same person. The main difference
lies in the fact that the child had long hair, decidedly longer
than the missing girl's and that there would not have been the
opportunity for her hair to have grown to such a length given
that the rate of growth is estimated at 1cm/month (proven data).
We attach the outputs of the searches carried out, as well as
various photographs.
Signed. |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p2 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p3 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p4a |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p4 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p5 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p6 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p7 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p8 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p9 /
Analysis of CCTV images from Restaurant Eurest on
A22 for 3, 4, 5th of May 2007 |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol I Page 18 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p18 |
Policia Judiciaria
Report on
Visualisation and Analysis of Audiovisual Material
On this date I state for the process files that
video images were visualised and analysed from
security cameras at the Eurest Restaurant at the
Olhao Cepsa Service Station on the A22 motorway
(direction Lagos - V.R.ST Antonio) these were stored
as electronic files on 4 CDs referring to the days
03,04 and 05 May 2007.
From the visualisation and analysis carried out on
the video images, nothing of interest to the
investigation was found.
Portimao, 06 May 2007
Inspector Paiva |
Analysis of CCTV images from CESPA Service Station
3, 4, 5th of May 2007 |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol I Page 19 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p19 |
Policia Judiciaria
Report on
Visualisation and Analysis of Audiovisual Material
On this date I state for the process files that
video images were visualised and analysed from
security cameras at the Olhao Cepsa Service Station
on the A22 motorway (direction Lagos - V.R.ST
Antonio) these were stored as electronic files on 2
CDs referring to the days 03, 04 and 05 May 2007.
From the visualisation and analysis carried out on
the video images, nothing of interest to the
investigation was found.
Portimao, 06 May 2007
Inspector Paiva |
- Analysis of CCTV images from Two Spanish Petrol
Stations 2007.07.17 |
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol I Page 278 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p278 |
Policia Judiciaria
Report on
Visualisation and Analysis of Audiovisual Material
On this date I state for the process files that
images were visualised and analysed from the
security cameras of the Renfe service station, in
Sahagun and the Leon Service station, both in Spain,
stored in electronic files on 2 CDs, referring to
the 17th July 2007 according to the letter from the
Spanish authorities which is attached.
Nothing of interest to the investigation was found
upon visualising and analysing the video images.
Portimao, 13th August 2007
Inspector Paiva |
- Message from the Spanish Ministry of the Interior |
Outros Apensos VII, Vol I Page 279 |
o_apenso_8_Vol_1_p279 |
(Translated from Spanish)
Madrid 9th August 2007
Postal Message
To: Interpol Lisbon
From: OCN-Interpol Spain
Your reference: Disappearance of Madeleine Beth
We inform you that a person who was travelling in
our country by train from Leon who thinks he saw the
girl in the company of a tall, blond and very lively
girl who told him she was Brazilian. The girl was
carrying a dog and both got off in Sahagun de Campos
and walked towards the Puerta de Sahagun hotel where
the receptionists told us that they did not see the
missing girl.
We enclose on CD the recordings from the security
cameras of the Renfe station in Sahagun and from the
Leon station in case any information can be obtained
for the investigation.
OCN Interpol Chief |
541 Letter re analysis of
photographic images taken by
the Foster family
in PDL
542 Incident history record |
08-03-Outros Apensos
8 VOl 03
Page 541 542 |
03_volume_III_o_apenso_VIII_Page_541 |
03_volume_III_o_apenso_VIII_Page_542 |
Report on Visualisation and
Analysis of Photographs
On this date, I can inform that photographs from a CD provided
by Leicestershire police were visualised and analysed, these
referred to photographs taken by the F***** family during their
holidays at the OC between the 28th April and 5th May 2007.
Upon analysing these photos, the result was that there was at
least one photograph where some of the elements making up the
group of friends of the McCann couple were visualised, nothing
relevant being found for the investigation.
Portimao, 23rd May 2007.
Ricardo Paiva
Page 542
Incident History Records
8th May 2007
Email received from Leicestershire police
Would you kindly permit an officer to visit Mrs
F*****?. She has recently been on holiday to the MW
complex and is in possession of video footage taken
by her husband. It is understood that the footage is
currently contained on their home computer. The
allocated officer will need to review the footage
and all footage of the complex should be downloaded
onto a suitable storage disc. Mr F**** has indicated
that it probably only consists of a thirty second
pan of the playground area/pool area/Tapas bar. Mr
and Mrs F are not technically competent to download
the data. Please statement accordingly re exhibit
I have spoken to Mr F this morning and he has been
advised that local officers will make contact with
his wife.
If possible please send a copy to me for initial
viewing in the Incident Room |