410 Email re Morocco and Spanish ferry to Morocco sightings |
V, Vol 2, Page 410 |
apenso5_vol_2_p410 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 2, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
02)....(PDF Page 126)....Page 410?"Email re Morocco and Spanish
ferry to Morocco sightings"
Apensos V, Vol 2, Page 410
Page 410 (Page 1 of 1)
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 23rd May 2007 09.48
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Case Ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Sightings
Attachments : Untitled.PDF
In addition to the earlier transmitted sightings in Morocco, we
have the attached two reports of a sighting on a Ferry from
Spain to Morocco. (One is anonymous CrimeStoppers, so they may
be the same source). can we ask for Spanish enquiries with the
caller in Malaga and at the Ferry Company and port at Tafifa and
can we ask the Moroccans to complete an enquiry at their end.
Can we clarify which way the Ferry travelled, the two reports
differ ? As always, can any CCTV be preserved pending further
Dc John Hughes |
412 Incident report re sighting on ferry from Tangier to Tarefa
(English) |
V, Vol 2, Page 412 |
apenso5_vol_2_p412 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 2, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
02)....(PDF Page 127)....Page 412?"Incident report re sighting
on ferry from Tangier to Tafifa (English)"
Apensos V, Vol 2, Page 412
Page 412 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2 Scanned and Emailed to Portugal
Email sent to Interpol
Incident Message M544 Security Level : 4
Date : 19th May 2007 Time : 1227 Priority : M
Class : Code : MADE Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to
include possible sightings
From : N563
Surname : CARD(?) (Note : entry very smudged)
Forename(s) : Les
Sex : Male
Telephone Number(s) : Home : 00349523xxxxx
Address : Home : xx, Axx Lx Exxxxx Baxxx Fxxx, Torremolinos,
Malaga, Spain
Information :
Les would like to report a possible sighting of madeleine on 7th
May 2007, at approx 1500hrs, he was on a Ferry from Tangier,
Morocco, to Tafifa, Spain. He saw a young girl very similar in a
Dark Blue Saloon, No VRM. He thinks if you check this out and
you should be able to obtain the number. The vehicle was from
Portugal and had their VRM plate on. Boat Company was FRS and is
the only one that does that service to Spain.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving Title/Rank/ID Number
Forename(s) : LINDA Surname : SCOTT
Registrar/Indexer : 8797 22/5/07 |
413 Email from DC Hughes re Spain to Morocco CCTV sighting
(English) |
V, Vol 2, Page 413 |
apenso5_vol_2_p413 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 2, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 02)....(PDF Page 128)....Page 413?"Email from DC Hughes re
Spain to Morocco CCTV sighting (English)"
(Note : This is an exact copy of the Email as quoted on Page
Apensos V, Vol 2, Page 413
Page 413 (Page 1 of 1)
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 23rd May 2007 09.48
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Case Ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Sightings
Attachments : Untitled.PDF
In addition to the earlier transmitted sightings in Morocco, we
have the attached two reports of a sighting on a Ferry from
Spain to Morocco. (One is anonymous CrimeStoppers, so they may
be the same source). can we ask for Spanish enquiries with the
caller in Malaga and at the Ferry Company and port at Tafifa and
can we ask the Moroccans to complete an enquiry at their end.
Can we clarify which way the Ferry travelled, the two reports
differ ? As always, can any CCTV be preserved pending further
Dc John Hughes |
- Letter re sighting in Tangier |
12 Apensos Vol XII Page 2616 |
apenso5_vol_12_p2616 |
Policia Judiciaria
National Interpol Cabinet
IP Lisbon
Subject: Madeleine McCann
Information was received from Gibraltar police (criminal
investigation department) according to which a local male
individual communicated to them that when on holiday in
Tangiers, Morocco, he saw a girl who looked like Madeleine
This person stated that on 8th or 9th August 2007 at about 17.00
when he was in the old part of Medina, near to the Continental
Hotel that he saw a man carrying a girl who looked like
Madeleine to the door. He tried to look at the girl's eyes but
didn't manage. The girl seemed unhappy, ill-tempered and did not
He described the man as being about 1.75 ? 1.80 cm in height,
corpulent, aged 38 ? 45 with short fair hair, European type fair
skin but he did not appear to be a tourist.
This individual spoke English and tried to buy shoes for the
girl who corresponded to Madeleine's description. He says he
does not remember the name of the shop which was in one of the
labyrinths in Medina.
If you require more information do not hesitate to contact us.
IP Gibraltar
26-09-2007 |