1010 to 1011 Statement re sighting in Medina Market, Algadir,
Morocco |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1010 and 1011
apenso5_vol_5_p1010 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1011 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 82-83)....Pages 1010 to 1011-"Statement
re sighting in Medina Market, Agadir, Morocco"
Page 1010 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 3
Officer's Report
To : SIO
Incident :_OP Task
From : DC1429 DALBY
Subject : A1308
Date : 1st June 2007
Telephone call to Kamran ASIF : Tel : 079128xxxxx
Reports that on the 18th of May 2007 he was in AGADIR, Morocco,
at the Medina Market.
He was shopping with his cousins when he and his cousin, Aahkat
ALI, went to have a drink in a cafe.
He was at the cafe, with no obstruction to his view and became
aware of a blonde child walking with a male of Asian appearance.
The child was approximately 10 - 12 feet away from him and
continued to walk past the witness until they went out of sight
as the result of the busy nature of the market.
He states that it was very good visibility as it was
approximately 2.00 p.m. in the afternoon and was
45 degrees.
He saw the child face-on as they walked towards him before
walking off to the side, the male was walking at the righthand
side of the girl.
He described the girl as looking unhappy and that the male held
the child in a firm grip by the hand.
He saw the couple for about 10-15 seconds.
He described the girl as having bright blonde hair and described
it as when the sun shines on a child's hair, with length down to
her shoulders, perhaps a little longer.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 1st June 2007, which refers to a
sighting in 'Agadir, Morocco'. This entry has overwritten part
of this report)
Page 1011 (Page 2 of 2)
Report continues thus :
Leicestershire Constabulary
The male was in his mid 30's and of medium build.
When he saw the child he believed that he recognized the girl
but could not recall where he knew her face from.
It was while they were on the bus back to their apartment that
he remembered where he had seen the face before and that it was
Madeleine McCann.
FAX sent to West Yorkshire Police requesting witness statement
as soon as possible.
Dc1429 Steve Dalby |
Service information re sighting in southern Morocco
Fax |
05 05 Apensos V
Vol V Page 1054 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1054 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1055 |
Date 2007/05/25
Service Information
To: CIC, Ana Paula Rito
From: Inspector dos Santos
Subject: Information
I inform you that today this police station was contacted by
number 0033******* by a male individual who said his name was
Barthorotto, speaking from Toulouse, who said that he had seen
Madeleine Beth in this city last Saturday being transported on
her way to Ville Tantan (in the south of Morocco).
For additional information he can be contacted on the number
1066 to 1067 Email re sighting in Morocco |
05-05-Apensos V, Vol 5, Page 1066-1067
apenso5_vol_5_p1066 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1067 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 120-121)....Pages 1066 to 1067-"Email re
sighting in Morocco"
Page 1066 (Page 1 of 2)
Op Task
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 20th June 2007 17.54
Subject : Priority 1 - Morocco sighting.
The SIO is ringing re this to try to get something resolved on
this. We believe enqs from Portugal to Morocco are quicker that
we get results on from Morocco.
Dc John Hughes
From :
Sent : 20th June 2007 16.53
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
Please find below a reported sighting in Morocco.
Emma Harber,
Consular Assistance Group,
* G/58 Old Admiralty Building, London, SW1A 2AP
______________Original Message_____________
From : Lee Theisinger
Sent : Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 4.44 p.m.
To : Emma Harber
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
Just had this come in :
______________Original Message___________
From : Mark Pettigrew Paris Consular - UBS
Sent : 20th June 2007 16.41
To : Glyn Cartmell * RABAT -UBS
Cc : Gail Sidnell ; Jeffrey Thomas * Paris Consular - UBS ; Lee
Theisinger ; Sharon Boyle
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
We received an E-mail on our Consular E-mail regarding Madeleine
The sender, Gabrielle Texier, claims friends of hers know where
Madeleine is.
Page 1067 (Page 2 of 2)
Mark called her. She did not sound incoherent, but was upset.
When she answered, the first thing she said was that our
response had been very quick, as she had only just received an
E-mail from Morocco confirming that her friends knew where
Madeleine was. Mark asked her which friends and why she was in
Morocco. She explained she works for an American Fruit-Juice
Company and spends several months a year there.
She claims her friends saw Madeleine on the 19th of May, with a
man who was holding her hand very tightly. Mark asked if they
had been in contact with the Police or the British Embassy
there. She said she had tried to send an E-mail to the McCann's,
but to no avail. Her friends had then lost trace of Madeleine,
but apparently have located her in a mansion in the Massira
area. They called her late last night to inform her of this.
Mark asked who her friends are exactly. She said they work in an
Estate Agents in the Menara area of Marrakesh (00212620xxxxx but
did not seem to be working). Mark asked if she could forward the
E-mail. She was having some problems with her computer therefore
Mark offered to call her back.
Ten minutes later, he called her back. Mrs Texier gave us
another contact number : Aziz : 00212624xxxxx. She said Aziz had
been watching the house for the last few days and is convinced
he has seen Madeleine there, but is scared to go to the POlice
as the Director of the Estate Agency (who lives in Casablanca)
had already tried to alert the Authorities, in vain. He is
expecting a call from the Embassy.
Danielle DUCOS |
1860 to 1861
Statement re sighting in Morocco (Spanish) |
05 08 Apensos V
Vol VIII Pages 1860 to 1861 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1860 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1861 |
(From Spanish)
From the Ministry of the Interior
Informative Note
Subject: Information given by Isabel Gonzalez about a girl she
saw in Zaio and who could be Madeleine McCann, who recently
disappeared from the Algarve (Portugal).
The undersigned inspector who is writing to the PJ belongs to
the Interior Ministry of Melilla.
That he has received the notes attached, signed by the Service
Coordinator last night, where reference is made to the witness
account made by Isabel Gonzalez, who states that yesterday at
about 12.30 in the main square of Zaio, Morocco, she saw a girl
who appeared to be Madeleine, the small girl who disappeared on
3rd May from the Algarve.
The undersigned officer has been in contact by phone with Mrs
Gonzalez, who, with total sureness has reaffirmed her first
statements, broadening the information relating to the
circumstances of the encounter, the physical characteristics of
the girl as well as those of the woman who accompanied her, as
- The encounter with the small girl took place in the main
square of Zaio, at the precise moment when she was travelling
slowly in the vehicle driven by her husband, when she saw a
woman crossing at a distance of three or four metres, the woman
was middle aged, dark skinned, wearing a chitaba and headscarf
and was leading a young girl by the hand, which drew her
attention due to the contrast with the woman, given that the
little girl had very white legs, white skin, was slim and with
an unmistakably European appearance, which led her to look more
carefully and also observe that she had very blond long hair,
tied back in a pony tail, covered by a beige coloured cloth.
- At a given moment the girl lifted her head and she could see
her face clearly and to her surprise she thought she recognised
her as the English girl ? Madeleine ? whose disappearance in
Portugal had been announced and whose image had been spread by
the media.
- The physical description of the girl, according to information
from the witness, is the following: Aged about 5 years, between
100 and 110 cm tall, very slim, very white skin, blond hair with
a pony tail at the back, wearing a green dress that came to her
knees, a beige headscarf and wearing sandals.
The witness alerted her husband to what she had seen and made
him park the car and they returned to the square to confirm her
suspicions but upon doing this, neither the woman nor the girl
were there.
The husband of Isabel Gonzalez with whom the undersigned
inspector has spoken, ratifies the version given by his wife,
with the only safeguard that he did not see the childs face,
but that he has no doubt that judging from her external
appearance she was of European origin and for that reason stood
out from the other inhabitants of the area.
Melilla 16th June 2007
Signed. |
1857 to 1858 - Email re
Interpol RABAT |
08 05
Apensos V, Vol VIII Pages 1857 to 1858 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1857 |
apenso5_vol_8_p1858 |
Ana Filipa
Conduto Luz
Sent: 19 June
2007, 16.50
To: Maria
Teresa Almeida
10682/35/FRG McCann
From Interpol
Info Lisbon
Very Urgent
1806/07 – IP Rabat New Subject
In relation
to the report on the subject and continuation of the previous
correspondence concerning it, about the disappearance of
Madeleine McCann, we enclose information from our services in
Melilla which informs that the child has been seen in the
Moroccan location of the main square in Zaio.
Report of
sighting here: |
- Correspondence from IP Rabat |
12 Apensos Vol XII Page 2615
apenso5_vol_12_p2615 |
Policia Judiciaria
National Interpol Cabinet
Subject: Madeleine McCann
Following our message dated 12-09-2007 about a possible location
in Morocco, we are sending a second response received from IP
Rabat which has just replied to IP London.
For your information.
IP London
Interpol London
We would like to inform you that checks were made that enabled
us to establish that the address 19, Rue des Boulangers, does
not exist in the city of Fez. However, we are doing more checks
and will let you know if we have any positive results.
With compliments
IP Rabat |
2898 to 2900
- Police statement
re sighting in Fez, Morocco |
Apensos V, Volume XIII Pages 2898 to 2899 |
With thanks to Ines |
apenso5_vol_13_p2898 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2899 |
Portimao DIC
Sent: 1st
October 2007
To: Portimao
Subject: Poss
sighting of Madeleine McCann
For your
information and action.
This copy of
incident CC-01102007-0282 was produced by Jo Newham at 1312 on
Warning! This
incident may have been updated on CC3 since this copy was
details: Cambridgeshire force area.
Natasha Mann
Contact with
complainant permitted: Yes.
additional info: Witness
Caller has
been staying in Fez for one year (Morocco) and last week she saw
a beggar woman with 2 children – one looked like her child (very
dark and already haggard) and the other child – dressed like a
boy with short hair and short was fine featured and very blonde
and not haggard and caller thinks this could be Madeleine. She
saw her about 22.00 and there were street lights and she did not
speak to the woman and there is no CCTV and was a few yards away
from her but no contact. The road where they were is Mohammed
the Fifth near Hassan the Second, near the post office. |
2881 to 2882 - Email
re sighting in Morocco |
13 Apensos V, Volume XIII Pages 2881 to 2882
apenso5_vol_13_p2881 |
apenso5_vol_13_p2882 |
Date: 28th
September 2007
To: ncb
London, ncb Lisbon Portugal, ncb Rabat Morocco
C.C General
From: O.C.N.
Interpol Spain
To: Interpol
Rabat, Interpol Lisbon, Interpol London
IP Lisbon:
Disappearance of Madeleine Beth McCann
We inform you
that Malaga police received a phone call at about 17.00 hours on
26-09-07 from mobile nº **** from a Moroccan woman who had
recently been on holiday in Morocco and who observed the minor
Madeleine missing from Portugal and who wanted to provide more
contact was taken up with the informant, who said that she had
been on holiday in her country until 25-09-07 and that on the
21st at about 16.00 hours, when she was passing through Fnidk in
Morocco (close to the border with Melilla) she observed a woman
aged about 50 with a scarf on her head, who was leading a girl
by the hand, who was wearing an orange shirt, had long blond
hair and she noticed that she had the mark in the eye known to
be that of the missing Madeleine.. She appeared to have a dummy
hanging from her neck, a custom that is not practised in
Morocco, recognising her without any doubt. She approached these
persons, seeing the girl from a very close distance and when she
got near to the woman the latter got into a Mercedes taxi and
left the scene.
According to
the informant, she also tried to get into the taxi, given that
in Morocco this kind of taxi tends to transport several people
at the same time. The woman with the girl told the taxi driver
to leave the scene, not allowing the witness into the vehicle
and that she only managed to get the taxi driver’s card.
That given
the certainty that she had that the girl was the missing child
she later phoned the taxi driver, who said that he had left both
passengers in Housima, a village in the Rif close to Nador, in
The taxi
driver was apparently called S. Mohammed with mobile number
This woman
says she will collaborate in all that is necessary.
All of this
was communicated to Interpol Rabat with the aim of carrying out
all the necessary inquiries to locate the child and they will
inform us of their result, as well as Interpol Lisbon, Interpol
London and Interpol General Secretariat.
We thank you
in advance for your collaboration.
Regards. |
- Email re possible location of Madeleine in Marrakesh outskirts |
05 12 Apensos
V, Vol 12, Page 2592 |
apenso5_vol_12_p2592 |
able of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 12, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 12)....(PDF Page 50 )....Page 2592?"Email re
report re possible location of Madeleine,...ie...in outskirts of
Marrakech, Morocco"
Page 2592 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 1
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
To : "Task Portugal" ( Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 5th August 2007 10:31
Subject : FW : Information ref Madeleine location info re
Madeleine priority 1
From : Young Tracey (Tracey.Young@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 4th August 2007 17:28
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Informarion ref Madeleine
I have today taken a call from a Robin Pye, from Wxxxxx Cxxxxxx,
Oxxxxx Rxxx, Horton-cum-Stadley(sic), ...(Note : May mean
Horton-cum-Studley), Oxford.
Mr Pye stated that, through the Headington Moroccan Community,
he had been informed that Madeleine was being held in the
outskirts of Marrakech.
Mr Pye also stated that he had been led to believe that the
Foreign Office were aware of this information but that they were
doing nothing about it because the Moroccan Special Services
were involved in the kidnap and that the Moroccan Royal Family
are involved as well.
He kept going off on different tangents but stated that it was
proof that the information was true and accurate.
He stated that he was a Retired General in the Army and that
information had also been obtained by GCHQ, Cheltenham.
Our Ref for the call is URN1150 04/08.07.
Many thanks
Tracey Young C9086
05/08/2007 |