- Email with pdf attachment
- Picture |
Thanks to
Skeptical |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2108 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2108 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2109 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF
Page 6 )....Page 2108?"Email from Caroline Burrows with
Page 2708 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 5
Task Portugal
From : "Burrows Caroline" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 24th July 2007 16:54
Attach : D2703.
Subject : D2703.
25/07/2007 |
Email re Malta sighting |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2110 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2110 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 8 )....Page 2110?"Email re
previously reported Malta sighting"
(Note : This report is
associated to a previous report regarding this reported
sighting. The relevant
reference is on Pages 1236-1237 which are posted
Page 2110 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 5
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 10th July 2007 08:41
To : Task Portugal
Subject : Info re Maltese sighting-Priority 5.
Attachments : Daughter of Kramersmeier.jpg
This relates to D1974. For info of Incident Room/Malta. No
further action being taken at this end.
Dc John Hughes
__________Original Message___________
From : Newton Martin on Behalf of Task
Sent : 9th July 2007 16:08
To : Hughes John (DC)
Subject : FW : 4H-2395710-07 Madeleine McCann - non-urgent.
__________Original Message________
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 3rd July 2007 09:16
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 Madeleine McCann - non-urgent.
STOP - Please reply to : london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
To : Operation Task
Your ref :
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Please note the attached message from Wiesbaden with attached
picture. This refers to previous from Germany concerning a
visitor to Malta who thought that his daughter may appear
similar to Madeleine.
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
Tel : 020 7238 8115
e-mail : london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
(Please use in your reply) |
2113 to 2115
- Emails re sighting in Riga
Old Town, Finland |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2113-2115 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2113 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2114 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2115 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 9-11 )....Pages...2113 to
2115?"Emails re sighting in Riga Old Town, Latvia. (3rd July
Page 2113 (Page 1 of 3 )
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 4 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
5th July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting on 3rd July
2007, by a Mr Juha Launokorpi, in the old town of Riga, Latvia.
There is also a Page number reference to Page 2112, which is a
"Missing or Misplaced page within the Files)
(Here, there are 5 lines
of a typewritten entry which is indipherable due to the
faintness of it's print)
__________Original Message_________
From : Brigada Central.Gni
Date : 4th July 2007 10:21
To : Maria Teresa Nunes Almeida
Subject : FW : 4H/2395710/07 : URGENT - Riga/picture - possible
Importance : High
From : GNI Geral (
Date : 4th July 2007 9:57
To : Nea.Dcci ; Brigada Central.Gni
Subject : FW : 4H/2395710/07 : URGENT - Riga/picture - possible
Importance : High
From : (set.dti) ncb Lisbon PORTUGAL on Behalf of ncb Lisbon
Date : 4th July 2007 9:52
To : GNI Geral
FW : 4H/2395710/07 : URGENT - Riga/picture - possible new of
Importance : High
Page 2114 (Page 2 of 3 )
From : ncb London UNITED KINGDOM
Date : 4th July 2007 9:50
To : ncb Lisbon PORTUGAL
Subject : 4H/2395710/07 : URGENT - Riga/picture - possible new
Importance : High
Your reference : Proc. 1806/07-MIN
Our Reference : 4H/2395710/07
Dear Colleagues,
Please see the following information regarding a possible
sighting in Riga Old
Town on 3rd July 2007.
For your urgent attention.
Serious and Organised Crime Agency (UK)
________Original Message________
From : London
Sent : 3rd July 2007 21:02
To : 4H
Subject : 4H/2395710/07 FW : Riga/picture
___________Original Message__________
From : Lahtela Ari (
Sent : 3rd July 2007 17:31
To : London
Subject : Riga/picture
<<Lapsi.jpg>> Your Reference : 4H2395710.07
Hello from Tallinn,
Mr Juha Launokorpi (mobile : +358 400 7xxxxx, phone : +358 2
4xxxxx, e-mail : ingo@xxxxxxxxxx.com)
saw this group today 3rd July 2007 at midday in old town Riga.
Mr Launokorpi said that woman kept all the time little girl's
hand in her hand, which was not needed in the area because cars
are not allowed there. Probably the girl was speaking English.
Mr Launokorpi brought this picture to the Embassy of Finland
this afternoon because he estimated that the girl in Riga was
very much like the girl which was kidnapped in Portugal this
year. I read the e-mail just a few minutes ago.
Mr Launokorpi is in Riga until tomorrow, 9am and will fly to
Finland tomorrow.
Best regards,
Ari Lahtela
Page 2115 (Page 3 of 3 )
lahetystoneuvos, Baltian Maiden Poliisiyhdysmies,
Counsellor, Liaison Officer to Baltic States
Kohtu 4
Tel : + 372 6103 221
04/07/2007 |
Email re sighting at Tapei
airport |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2120 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2120 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 16 )....Page 2120?"Email re
sighting at Taipai Airport, China, (Poss 2nd/3rd July 2007)"
Page 2120 (Page 1 of 1 )
Task Portugal
From : "Force Control" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 3rd July 2007 00:43
Subject : FW : SMS From 668182xxxxx to 447624818901 (ID :
Laurance O'Shea (Ozzy)
CO 8240
E Shift
Tel : 0116 2861733
E-mail : Laurance O'shea@Leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
__________Original Message__________
From : 668182xxxxx (
Sent : 3rd July 2007 00:38
To : force.control@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : SMS From 668182xxxxx to 447624818901 (ID : 1650626)
Can u tell me if madeleine is tall 4 her age. Can't find any
Saw child tapai airport with 2 guys. +668182xxxxx
(Note : Here, is a handwritten
entry of 4 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 3rd July
2007, which refers to the receipt of an SMS message regarding a
reported sighting at Taipai Airport, China)
03/07/2007 |
Email from Stu Prior re
Italian sighting |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2132 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2132 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 28 )....Page 2132?"Email, and
handwritten (Portuguese) note, re reported sighting at Cocoa
Beach, Calico, near Lake Como, Lombardy, Italy"
Page 2132a (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
(Note : A handwritten
entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese Language, has been inserted
diagonially across this Page. This has obscured part of this
report. The entry, dated 3rd August 2007, refers to a
communication from SOCA relating to a reported sighting at Cocoa
Beach, Calico, ((near Lake Como, Lombardy, Italy. There is also
a numbered Page reference to Page 2131, the contents of which is
a copy of the Portuguese Language entry referred to here))
The e-mail report, (that which can be ascertained), reads as
thus :
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes Jo......................
To : "Task Portu..........................
Sent : 1st August 2....................
Attach : Leics enqui....................
Subject : Possible sig.................
For info re Interpol enq.................
Dc John............................................
From Hughes John (D......................
Sent : 1st August 2007 1..............
To :
Subject : Case ref 4H23....................
Can we ask the Italian A......................
please. |
Email from Stu Prior re
Italian sighting |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2132a |
apenso5_vol_10_p21324 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 30 )....Page 2132b?"Full text
copy of Email re reported sighting at Cocoa Beach, Calico, near
Lake Como, Lombardy, Italy"
Page 2132a (Page 1 of 1 )
(Note : This Page is a
copy of Page 2132a, but without the obscuring Portuguese
Language entry thereon. This report contains the complete text
of the E-mail from DC John Hughes)
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 1st August 2007 12:30
Attach : Leics enquiry form A2794.doc
Subject : Poss sighting Italy-priority 2.
For info re Interpol enquiry sent.
Dc John Hughes.
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 1st August 2007 12:27
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Italian enquiry.
Can we ask the Italian Authorities look at this possible
sighting please.
Dc John Hughes
01/08/2007 |
SOCA enquiry form re
sighting in Lake Como |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2133 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2133 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 31 )....Page 2133?SOCA enquiry
form re reported sighting at Cocoa Beach, Calico, near Lake
Como, Lombardy, Italy, 4th July 2007"
Page 2133 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Italy
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
A British holidaymaker returning to the UK reported that at
15:00hrs, 4th July 2007, he saw a girl looking like Madeleine
McCann at the Cocoa Beach Bar, Colico, Lake Como. The girl was
speaking English and was with an adult female speaking Italian
and another female child speaking Italian, The two children were
dressed in the same clothing. The woman was looking at the
caller when she heard him speaking English and she then left
with the two children. She was looking back at the caller as she
left and she walked from the covered terrace outside the Bar,
turned right and walked towards a road which has two apartment
blocks on it.
We request whatever local enquiries are possible to trace and
identify the child.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
Footnote for document page
2733 |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2137 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2137 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
10)....(PDF Page 32 ).... Page 2137?"Footnote for SOCA Document
on Page 2133"
Page 2137 (Page 1 of 1)
Intelligence : 4 - Cannot be judged
Handling : 1 - May be disseminated to other law enforcement and
prosecuting agencies, including
law enforcement agencies
within the EEA and EU compatible ( no special conditons ) |
2138 to 2140
Email re sighting in US with
picture |
05 10 Apensos
10, Pages 2138-2140 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2138 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2139 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2140 |
Table of Contents :
APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed
and Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 34-36 ).....Pages
2138-2140?"Email re reported sighting in USA with picture, 5th
July 2007"
Page 2138 (Page 1 of 3 )
5 July
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 14th August 2007 14:37
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
: FW : : Emailing : IMG_1544 (2)
<<IMG_1544 (2).JPG
_____________Original Message____________
From : Davinia.Darch@met.police.uk
Date : 14th August 2007 13:29
To : Dic.Portimao
Cc : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
: Emailing : IMG_1544 (2)
Dear All
Please see attached
Davinia Darch
UK Police
National Missing Persons
Bureau (PNMPB)
Room 209
New Scotland Yard
10 Broadway
e-mail : nationalmissingpersons@met.pnn.police.uk
___________Original Message________
From : Glenda Hall (
Sent : 26th July 2007 20:15
To : Darch Davinia - SCD26
Cc : pnmpb enquiries - SCD26
: Emailing : IMG_1544 (2)
Davinia - In this PICTURE you can see the child's hair.
Mrs Hall
________Original Message_______
From : Glenda Hall (
Sent : 26th July 2007 20:14
To : pnmpb enquiries - SCD26
I WAS RECENTLY IN THE USA : On the 5th of July and I thought I
saw Madeleine mc(sic) with 2 grown ups - I managed to get a
picture of them (adults) and then thought I was imagining it -
However, I am home now in SA and it is still worrying me, what
if it was her ? !. I emailed Interpol last night 22nd July and
have had no response to my email - Please can you tell me what
you require - my cell no. in South Africa is 07820xxxxx - I
tried to email Interpol again tonight and my emails would not go
through to them (the matching codes.....
Page 2139 (Page 2 of 3 )
........that they ask you to add to the email would not go
through - I find this odd as well.)
Please can this remain confidential as I would never like to see
people wrongly accused.
Mrs H (South Africa)
Page 2140 (Page 3 of 3 )
(Note :
Here, is a very poor quality reproduction, in monochrome, of a
photograph of a group of people who seem to be seated in some
form of vehicle, poss a bus or a train carriage) |
2144 to 2145
Email re sighting in the Netherlands |
05 10 Apensos
10, Pages 2144 and 2145 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2144 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2145 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 10, Supposed
and Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 40-41 )....Pages
2144-2145?"Email re reported sighting in Beverwijk, The
Netherlands, 5th July 2007"
Page 2144 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 10th July 2007 13:45
: Poss
Netherlands-priority 2
As received from the Netherlands. Please advise if the Incident
Room wish us to request further work re this.
Dc John Hughes
From : Jane.Whiting@ncis.co.uk
Sent : 9th July 2007 09:22
To : Jane.Whiting@ncis.co.uk
: RE : 4H2395710-07
(Note :
Here , is a handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 10th July 2007, which refers to a reported
sighting in Beverwijk, The Netherlands, on the 5th July 2007 at
The report then continues thus :
Please see the attached message from The Hague to Lisbon.
I despair, I really do, at the quality of some of these
Please advise if you want me to follow this up.
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations.
Tel : 020 7238 8115
Page 2145 (Page 2 of 2 )
Fax : 020 7238 8112
E-mail : london@SOCA.x.gsi.gov.uk
__________Original Message___________
From : Brender A Brandis, A.E.R. (Edu) (
Sent : 6th July 2007 14:29
To : ncb.lisbon@pt.igcs.int
Cc : ncb.london@ncis.co.uk
: 4H-2395710-07
Filenr. KLR-U-2007022145 TZWE EB
Very Urgent
: Missing Madeleine Beth McCann dob 12-05-2003.
Ref . previous correspondence. lately your r/m nr 2470/07 -
P.2416/07 EXT (HAIA)
earlier today.
Please be informed that your r/m has been forwarded to the
National Police.
Please be informed with the following information which we
received from a private individual.
Yesterday, 5th July 2007, in Beverwijk, about 11.00 hours, a man
get off the bus in company with a child who was crying.
Description of this man :
50,60 years old.
Grey hair.
Slim built.
Average length.
According to the private individual, the girl looks like the
missing girl, which the private individual checked on the
They spoke English with each other.
11/07/2007 |
2147 to 2161
- Email re sighting in Rome |
Apensos V,
10, Pages 2147-2161 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2147 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2148 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2149 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2150 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2151 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2152 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2153 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2154 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2155 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2156 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2157 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2158 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2159 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2160 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2161 |
Table of Contents :
APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed
and Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 44-58 )....Pages
2147-2161?"Email re reported sighting on a bus between Salerno
and Cava de' Tirreni, Italy, 19th July 2007"
Page 2147 (Page 1 of 15 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 24th July 2007 11:15
Attach : E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_10.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_11.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_12.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_13.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_14.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_15.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_16.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_17.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_18.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_19.BMP ; E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_2.doc
; E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_3.3gp ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_4.BMP ; E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_5.BMP
; E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_6.BMP ;
E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_7.BMP ; E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_8.BMP
; E-MI-123-I-SB-2007-78912_9.BMP ;
This is self explanatory from Interpol. Rome are very keen that
the family are shown these to put them in or out as they are
doing further work in the area. They have already been sent to
Interpol Lisbon so the Incident Room may already have them. Can
a decision be made out there as to what action will be taken and
replied back to us as we are likely to get further chasers from
Dc John Hughes.
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
(Note : Here, is a handwritten
entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 24th July
2007, which refers to a reported sighting on the 19th July 2007
on a bus between Salerno and Cava de' Tirreni, Italy. This entry
has obscured part of this report)
The report then continues thus :
.....anxious that these images be shown to
the parents
asap. I note they've also been sent to Lisbon but maybe they can
also be put through your end. The images have a good likeness
despite the poor imagery.
Can you let me know what happens with these as Rome are
expecting an update from me as they are making further enquiries
in the area.
Page 2148 (Page 2 of 15 )
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
Tel : 020 7238 8115
Fax : 020 7238 8112
e-mail : london@SOCA.x.gsi.gov.uk
PH TRANSLATION (Note this refers to "Philippa Hammond", SOCA
OUR REF : MI-123-U-B-2-2-2007-2897
RE : Operation TASK - missing Madeleine Beth McCann, dob
12/05/03, pob Leicester (UK), British National missing since
03/05/07 in Praia da Luz (Portugal).
Further to previous correspondence, please be advised that our
Police in Nocera have received a report that the said minor had
been seen on 19th July 2007, on a bus travelling between Salerno
and Cava de' Tirreni (Italy).
According to this report the minor was seen on a bus with 3
individuals aged around 35, of British Nationality, (2 male and
1 female).
The individual who saw the child took a number of photos of her
and took video images of her with their mobile phone. They also
noted that her right eye had an unusual pupil, like that of the
missing minor.
Please find attached the photographs and images captured (we
apologise for the quality of the material). We would ask you to
advise us as a matter of urgency whether the girl shown in the
attached images could be the missing minor.
We would add that Police have opened urgent Investigations in
the area near the sighting. The results of these will be sent to
you as soon as possible.
Page 2149 (Page 3 of 15 )
Thank you.
For Police and Judicial use only.
Philippa Hammond
International (Intervention)
Ext. 8193
E-mail : hammondp@soca.x.gsa.gov.uk
________Original Message________
From : London
Sent : 22nd July 2007 16:46
To : INT, Trans
The last file is the text.
___________Original Message__________
From : ncb.rome@it.igcs.int
Sent : 22nd July 2007 12:48
To : ncb.london@ncis.co.uk
; ncb.lisbon@pt.igcs.int
(Note : Here, is some text in the
?Italian Language?, which appears to refer to security issues
etc relating to e-mails. This does not, however, appear to
contain the expected original Italian Language Report text
related to ""SOCA's Philippa Hammond's" translation, quoted
earlier on Page 2148 of this report)
Pages 2150-2161
(Note : These pages contain all of
the numerous images, 30 in number, (including a collage of 7
reproduced images of Maddie on 1 Frame), mentioned in the
"Attached" list of the original e-mail indicated on Page 2147 of
this report. As already indicated within the report, all the
images are of very poor quality, and in monochrome)
24/07/2007 |
Email from Stu Prior re Malta sightings |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2165 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2165 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 59 )....Page 2165?"Email from
DC John Hughes re reported sighting on Isle of Gozo, Malta,
(E-mail dated 21st July 2007)"
Page 2165 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 21st July 2007 14:10
Attach : Untitled.PDF
Subject : Possible sighting Malta-priority 2
For info of the Incident Room as they are dealing direct with
Malta sightings. NFA at this end.
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 2 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
21st July 2007,
which refers to a reported sighting on the Isle of Gozo, Malta.
Actual date of reported sighting has not been indicated)
21/07/2007 |
Incident report re sighting in Malta |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2166 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2166 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
10)....(PDF Pages 60 )....Page 2166?"Incident report re sighting
on Isle of Gozo, Malta, (Reported on 12th July 2007, but date of
actual sighting only stated as being "last week"
Page 2166 (Page 1 of 1 )
Incident Report.
Type : Full Incident
Date/Time : 13th July 2007 : 08:14
Rec By : TPHONE : Serial : 737 : Ident : BC12 - 8183 1905 12th
July 2007
Phone : 079568xxxxx : Not a TK
Origin : Mr Roger PICKETT, Sxxxxx Exx, x, Mxxxx Cxxxx, South
Aveley, Essex, RMxx xxP.
Text : Reporting was staying in Malta last week. Visited Island
of Gozo. As driving out of town on his left a little blonde girl
dressed in a summer dress crossing over the road. Being shown
across by a Maltese lady.....Caller thought it very unusual.
Small child approx 4yrs, straight blonde hair in bob just above
Caller said unusual to see blonde child in the area let alone
with a Maltese female.
He has called CrimeStoppers but they did not take any of his
personal details.
Occ Time : 1905 : Date : 12th July 2007 : Ras : OFA : Sect : OFA
1908 8183 - BC22 - Incident confirmed.
1910 8183 - BC22 - Incident linked to : 209 26th June 2007
Incident Result : OOM : Message Only - Not Incident Related.
QNR : Qualifier Not Required.
1910 8183 - BC22 - Incident Closed. |
2174 to 2175
Email and event chronology report |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2174 and 2175 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2174 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2175 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 63-64 )....Pages 2174 to
2175?"Email and event Chronology Report re reported sighting in
Koroni, Messenia, Greece, on the 7th & 8th July 2007"
Page 2174 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 9th July 2007 08:54
Attach : P3351910_evchron.rtf
Subject : FW : Event Chronology Report for Event P3351910// poss
sighting in Greece 7th July
2007 priority 2
From : McSpirit, Mary 11731 (
Sent : 8th July 2007 17:52
To : Task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Event Chronology Report for Event P3351910// poss
sighting in Greece 7th July 2007
Page 2175 (Page 2 of 2 )
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
10th July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting by a Mrs
Linda Melville-Smith, (014835xxxxx), in Koroni, Messenia,
Greece, on the 7th & 8th July 2007. There is also a reference to
the name "ELLIE". This entry has been inserted diagonally across
the central portion of this report, and has obscured a large
part of it)
The Report then continues thus :
Event Chronology for Event : P3351910 : Disclosed be : 11731 on
8th July 2007 at 05:51 pm.
Date : 8th July 2007.
1750 : Event Created : Operation Task,
Address = xxx, Mxxxx Sxxx, Guildford, Surrey, GUx xxE
Call Source : Phone
Tel No. : 014835xxxxx
dbserve11731 Eve(nt?)................................?pleted at
8th July 2007 17:50
cadchc11731 Even(t?)................................SIGHTED
Name of the
THE FAM(ILY?)...............................................AND
17:50 cadchc11731 EVENT CO(M?)............................
17:50 cadchc11731 EVENT
CO(M?)............................(I?)NTO THE TASK FORCE
DEALING W(ITH?).................................................
17:50 cadchc11731 EVENT COM................................ |
Email re sighting in Spain |
05 10
Apensos V, Vol 10, Page 2176 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2176 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 65 )....Page 2176?"Email re
reported sighting at "Alcer Seera"(sic) Resort, Spain, 1st July
Page 2176 (Page 1 of 1 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 4th September 2007 17:28
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Poss sighting Spain, 1st July 2007, for info
From : Hughes John DC (
Sent : 4th September 2007 15:30
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Poss sighting Spain, 1st July 2007, for info only.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary
04/09/2007 |
2177 to 2179
Police report re Spain sighting |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2177 to 2179 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2177 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2178 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2179 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
10)....(PDF Pages 66-68 )....Pages 2177-2179?"Police report re
reported sighting at "Alcer Seera"(sic) Resort, Spain, 1st July
Page 2177 (Page 1 of 3 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A2893 Priority : M
Text :
Arrange Interpol enquiries re possible sighting N1,
N1 = Madeleine),
1st July 2007 near the precinct Alcer Seera(sic) Resort, Spain,
in company tall dark haired female.
Allocated To : HUGHES DC 443
Originating Document No. : M2039
Linked Actions : A2888
Result of Action (Please write clearly) :
Caller did not see any eye defect in this child and caller's
sister did not think she looked like N1.
No Interpol enquiry sent.
E-mail to Portugal for Information.
Page 2178 (Page 2 of 3)
Allocate Action
Action No. : A2893 (Cont)
Reporting Officer(s) :
(Show Rank, Name and Number)
: Name almost illegible, Number looks like 443, which is DC
Hughes' Number, but the Name written is certainly not Hughes)
Date Returned : 4th July 2007 : Time : 3.30 pm
Page 2179 (Page 3 of 3 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A2893 (Cont)
Incident Message : M2039 : Security Level : 4
Assesor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 8th July 2007 : Time : 1029 : Priority : MEDIUM
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Forename(s) : -
Sex : Female
Tel Number(s) : 02392 5xxxxx
Address : HOME : xxxxxxxx, xx Pxxx Gxxxxxx, Gosport, Hampshire,
Post Code : -
Information :
Rec By : TPHONE Serial : 374 Ident : BC05 - 8591 1029 8th July
Phone : 02392 5xxxxx Not a County Exchange
Location : ALCER SEERA(sic) Resort, Spain/ OFA : Out of Force
Origin : Mrs Washington, H/A : xx Pxxx Gxxxxxx, Gosport, Hamps
Text :
Thinks she saw Maddy on 1st July in Town Square, near The
Precinct which runs to beach/marina with posh boats. Very tall
female with long dark hair, late 30's/early 40's, with little
Holding hands very tightly. Female had an air of uptightness.
Girl looked so sad.
Didn't get to see iris.
Inc type : ADMIN Grade : 4 Occ Time : 1029 Date : 8th July 2007
Ras : OFA Sect : OFA
Result : OOM : QGI
Rec By : TPHONE Serial : 374 Ident : BC05 - 8591 1029 8th July
2007 |
2183 to 2185
Emails re sighting in Spain |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2183-2185 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2183 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2184 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2185 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 69- 71 )....Pages 2183 to
2185?"Emails re reported sighting in the Gardenia Park Hotel,
Torre Blanco, Spain, (8th July 2007)"
Page 2183 (Page 1 of 3 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 11th July 2007 08:42
Subject : Poss sighting in Spain-priority 2
This has already been sent from Interpol Stockholm to Lisbon. We
have taken no action at this end. Please advise if anything is
required from us.
Dc John Hughes
________Original Message__________
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 11th July 2007 08.27
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : EXP 10682/35/BGM/54327//MADELEINE
STOP - Please reply to : london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Classification : Restricted
(Note : Here, is a handwritten
entry of 5 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 11th July
2007, which refers to a reported sighting in the Gardenia Park
Hotel, Torre Blanco, Spain, on the 8th July 2007. This entry may
have obscured part of this report)
Page 2184 (Page 2 of 3 )
_______Original Message________
Sent : 10th July 2007 22:41
Subject : EXP 10682/35/BGM/54327//MADELEINE
STOCKHOLM No. 003226 10/07/07 21:40 gmt
OUR REF : IP-2007-008801
YOUR REF : EXP 10682/35/BGM/54327//MADELEINE
SUBJECT : Missing person, McCann, Madeleine Beth, dob
Dear Colleagues !
Please be advised that a private Swedish citizen Eva RISLUND,
born 1949, called the local Interpol Office in Stockholm and
said that she thinks she had seen the abducted child Madeleine
twice during her visit to Spain last weekend.
Her story is as follows.
She visited a Hotel called Gardenia Park in Torre Blanco. On the
8th July 2007, at 08:00 am, she noticed a couple with two small
children. She did not think that the children looked like they
were sisters. One of them looked like her hair was cut with a
very crude scissors and she wore sunglasses inside the Hotel.
The other one, that she thinks could be Madeleine, had blond
hair down to her shoulders, she was very pale. Rislund did not
hear them speak. The man in the party was the person she noticed
first, he did not look like a very nice person, he was heavily
built and taller than 175 cms long, he had short hair and was
tanned. She is positive that she should be able to recognise him
if she saw a photo of him.
She states that she has been working with children all her life,
so that is why she noticed them so much.
After that, her son and she were travelling in a rented car
between Torrmolinos and Malaga on the A7 at about 9:00 pm. It
was a traffic jam and she was looking out of the car window.
Then a car passed them with the abovementioned persons in it. It
was a Volvo S40, a few years old, dark blue, with a I/p
"xx----xx". She does not remember the 4 figures in between but
as she recalls it was No. 1 and No. 7 on the I/p. After she came
home from Spain she has been looking at Internet and she is now
even more convinced that she could have seen the missing child.
Page 2185 (Page 3 of 3 )
.....telephone number is +46 (0) 19-2x xx xx and mobile phone
+46 (0) 76-81xxxxx.
Her address is xxxxxxxx, Sxxxxxxxxx xxx, S-71xxx, Vintrosa,
Thank you for your co-operation.
Best regards,
Interpol Stockholm
11/07/2007 |
Email re sighting in Jerusalem |
05 10 Apensos V, Vol 10, Page 2187 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2187 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10,
Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 72
)....Page 2187?"Email re reported sighting in Jerusalem, 8th
July 2007"
Page 2187 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 3
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 28th August 2007 16:57
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : 5x5x5 (RESTRICTED) poss sighting Jerusalem
priority 3
From : Newton Martin (Martin.Newton@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk )
On Behalf of Task
Date : 28th August 2007 11:37
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : 5x5x5 (RESTRICTED) poss sighting Jerusalem
priority 3
From : Sarah Hayden-Case (Sarah.Hayden-Case@essex.pnn.police.uk )
Sent : 24th August 2007 14:47
To :
Subject : 5x5x5 (RESTRICTED)
Classification : RESTRICTED
Good Afternoon,
Please see below Intelligence Report for your information.
Kind regards,
(Note : here is a handwritten entry
of 7 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 28th August 2007,
which refers to a reported sighting in Jerusalem, on the 8th
July 2007. This entry has been inserted diagonally and has
obscured the following part of the report on this page)
The report then continues thus (in Form format) :
Entry Reference : CID61-DDkobt....................
Division Name : Western..................................
Officer Reporting : Pc 70785 ST....................., 2007 19:40
Source or intelligence Source
28-08-2007 |
- Report re sighting in Jerusalem |
05 10 Apensos V, Vol 10, Page 2188 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2188 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 73 )....Page 2188?"Report re
reported sighting in Jerusalem, 8th July 2007"
Page 2188 (Page 1 of 1 )
Number :
Source Evaluation : E-Untested
Categories : None of the above
Subject Type : Person
Subject of Information Report : Possible sighting of Madeleine
Flagged :
NIM Level : 3-National / International Intel
Code Name :
Division(s) Coiped to : Headquarters
PNC ID Person
Make Model Colour Index No. ANPR export
Chrysler UNKNOWN Green xxxxxxx No
Information Items
Heading Code : 1 - May be disseminated to other Law Intelligence
Enforcement & Prosecuting Agencies, inc those within the EEA and
Evaluation : 4 - Not judged
Informant reported that whilst she was on holiday in Jerusalem
on the 8th July 2007, she saw 3 males with a young girl. She
believed the young girl to look like Madeleine MCCANN.
The informant suspects the males to be of "Sephardic" Jewish
ethnic appearance and were initially speaking Hebrew with one
another. They were wearing camel coloured trousers and light
coloured jackets with no headwear. They then picked up the young
girl, cuddled her and said to her in English, "OH, I'VE MISSED
YOU". They took a photograph of them all together and then left
in a green saloon CRYSLER(sic) index xx-xxx-xx.
Informant had been continually watching the news and was well
aware of MCCANN's disappearance. Informant has seen numerous
pictures of MCCANN and states that the girl looked just like
her. She was white, had shoulder length dark blonde/light brown
hair with a fringe. Informant could not get close enough to see
the girl's eye colour. The girl was wearing a mid-length blue
top, possible silk with a knee-length short skirt.
Public Interest Immunity should be Sought : Yes
Value of Intelligence : Prevention/Detection of Crime & Disorder
Assessment of Risks : The risks associated with the use and/or
potential disclosure of this Intelligence are : No Known Risks.
Source Document Exists ? : No
Risk Assessment Form C Completed : No
Linked Nominals
Nominal ref Full Name reason
28/08/2007 |
2195 to 2199
Email re sighting in Israel
and Essex Police Incident Report re that reported sighting,
(Jerusalem), 8th July 2007) |
05 10 Apensos V, Vol 10, Pages 2195-2198 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2195 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2196 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2197 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2198 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2199 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 79-82 )....Pages 2195 to
2199?"Email re reported sighting in Israel and Essex Police
Incident Report re that reported sighting, (Jerusalem), 8th July
Page 2195 (Page 1 of 5 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 21st July 2007 10:37
Attach : mail072190359.txt
Subject : FW : (From STORM) (RESTRICTED) poss sighting Israel
priority 3
_________Original Message________
From : Jackie Azzopardi-Johnson (
Sent : 21st July 2007 09:06
To :
Subject : (From STORM) (RESTRICTED)
Classification : RESTRICTED
Possible sighting of Maddy.....see attached incident.
Jackie Azzopardi-Johnson
Comms Supervisor 6230
Force Information Room
Page 2196 (Page 2 of 5 )
Essex Police
21st July 2007 09:03
Requested by : 6230
Incident Report / EP-20070721-0460 / Essex-2007-0309075
21st July 2007 08:17 (INFO) INFORMATION
Neighbourhood : -w111
Priority : -(5) 5 Scheduled
Origin : -Tel
Ward : -w111A (572161,207361
Call Taker No. : -71533 Scenario : -Default
Creator : WkstnFIR41
--------Incident Location-------
HQ, Essex Police Area, Proximity (X) Valid Location
-------Informant Details--------
Surname/First Name : - Jolles MEARIAL, 012794xxxxx, 012798xxxxx
--------------Date/Time Info--------
Initial Input : 21/07/2007 08:17
Page 2197 (Page 3 of 5 )
---------Incident Log--------------
Inft states she was in Israel on holiday. She has just returned.
On the 8th July she believes she saw Madaline MCAIN.
She states that she didn't see her eye because they were about
20 yards away but everything about her matched the description.
Inft states that she was identical to the picture but she cannot
confirm the eye.
Inft states that the child was with 3 Israelian males aged late
30's-40's. There were all darker skined with a Meditterranean
look about them. Inft states that she knows the difference
between Arabic and Hebrew language and they were definately
talking Hebrew.
One of the males picked the child up and said "Oh Ive missed
you". They then stood her down and they took a picture of her.
The viewpoint where they were was the Montifiora Windmill
overlookin the old city in West Jerusalem.
Inft could not recall any CCTV. However she said that it's
likely they will have some. The viewpoint where they were had a
Security Wall close by, they were also close ot a Church and the
view where they were overlooked a big......
Page 2198 (Page 4 of 5 )
.....valley whereby concerts are played. She also states that
they were approx 200 yards from the King David Hotel which has
top Security because of its location so close to the landmarks.
After the males took a picture of the child they picked her up
and carried her into their car, she seemed happy and had a new
top on.
The Veh was a large sage/metallic green Criser with a number
plate of "xxxxxxx". She states that the males obviously had
money. There car was shiny and they were dressed casual yet
still quite smart. Inft followed the males and the child back to
the car but kept at the distance she was at. The Veh drove down
out of a cul-de-sac and then onto the main road.
Inft did not see the males or child again.
Inft has taken so long to report because she rang her own
children while she was away who said that she was just being
silly and that they had been questioning suspects. Then when she
arrived home she saw that they had been released and thought
that it's worth reporting.....
(Note, the
Incident Report appears to end here somewhat abruptly)
Page 2199 (Page 5 of 5 )
(Note :
This page appears to be a "Missing or Misplaced" page within the
Files) |
Letter re sighting in Milanese pizzeria |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2201 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2201 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
10)....(PDF Page 84 )....Page 2201?"Faxed Letter re reported
sighting in Millenezza Pizzeria, Centro City, Johannesburg,
South Africa, 8th July 2007"
Page 2201 (Page 1 of 1 )
9-8-07 : 14:02 : P.J. Sec : Faro 1213538126
25-Jan-2006 ??? 23:26 (Fax No. ) : 0114333729
(Note : This
reference is as printed, but was presented upside down on the
CEB Frost
PO Box xxxxx
cell 08251xxxxx
The Ambassodor(sic) of Portugal
Fax 01234x-xxxx
Dear Sir,
The following report is of my non investigated witness as
detailed in the report.
The Investigation of Madeleine McAnn(sic) in Praia da luz as in
the British press.
On Sunday 8-7-07 at Millenezza Pizzeria at the building complex
that was named Centro City, I was sitting and reading a news
paper. I observed a 4 year of age girl wearing a blue brimmed
hat, she had obviously blond hair, shoulder length. she alighted
off the escalator on the first floor ahead of a dark skinned
couple both of whom were of medium height and slender to medium
build for their respective gender. The woman was carrying a dark
skinned child.
The male had short hair, the female possibly had hair to the
lower neck and was wearing a cloth on the head (not obvious
Muslim fashion). Her dress was to ankle length, the dress and
head cloth were of a colour that I recall was of a mottled
green. The male's shirt appeared similar in colour. His trousers
may have been beige to olive in colour.
The 4 year girl was obviously white in colour, wearing long
slaks. I could not see other adults near this child. I did not
consider making any report at that time. My opinion was that
reports from unidentified persons were possible made to distract
the Police.
On Sunday 14-7-07 I communicated the report so far to an
associate working in Centro....Note : Centro City). The
associate replied that the man who owned the shop next door to
the Pizzeria was a Morrocan. The Morrocan had a Mulatto girl
friend who had a very white female child with blond hair and of
4yrs of age. He then described the build of the mother of the
white child, the description is such that the dark skinned woman
alighting off the escalator behind the child was definitely not
the Moroccan shop owner's girl friend. The dak skinned couple
could have been Asian or similar dark skinned nationality.
I do realise that at the time of abduction that Madeleine
McAnn(sic) had a red shade to her hair.
I have made this report on the cognizance that she was reported
seen in Malta. If this was genuine reports, the abductors must
have sea vessels or access to aircraft travel & possibly
document forging ability.
EB Frost
From : PostNetSoudale Fax No. : 0114333729 24th July 2007 10:17
(Note :
Footnote reproduced upside down) |
Email re sighting in Renault Kangoo in Portugal |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2255 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2255 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 138 )....Page 2255?"Email from
Caroline Burrows re reported sighting in a Renault Kangoo,
furnished with a Portuguese Number Plate in ? Portugal ?"
(Please see note included below)
Page 2255 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 1
Task Portugal
From : "Burrows Caroline" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 20th July 2007 16:47
Attach : D2132.pdf
Subject : D2132.pdf
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
20th July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting, on the 9th
?July? 2007, in a Reault Kangoo furnished with a Portuguese
number plate 'VDZ xxxx'.)
(Note : I cannot decipher from this text re where exactly the
reported sighting actually took place. I have also put a query
re the written date of Incident as this reference indicates it
was on the 9th July 2007, whilst the following Sussex Police
Report, (on Page 2256), re the same Incident, indicates it was
on the 9th June 2007)
21/07/2007 |
Sussex Police Information report re Renault Kangoo
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2256 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2256 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
10)....(PDF Page 139 )....Page 2256?"Sussex Police Information
report re reported sighting in a Renault Kangoo"
Page 2256 (Page 1 of 1 )
07 / W3 / 130201
Sussex Police
Information Report
Information :
Time and date of Incident 1000 : 9th June 2007
Circumstances :
3 year old seen in blacked out Blue Renault 'Kagro'(sic),
Portuguese Index Plate 'VDZ xx xx'. The rear of the Vehicle was
'stuffed' with 'things'.
Vehicle was driven by white male 6' tall, dark hair, and wore
chains around his belt.
Not for C.I.S.
Disseminate to : Leicester Police (Madeleine McAnn(sic) Incident
Room) via FDB, Sussex House.
Authorised by : EL. |
SOC enquiry form re sighting in Perigueux, France |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2267 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2267 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 142 )....Page 2267?"SOCA
enquiry form re reported sighting in Perigueux, France".
(Note : Date of reported sighting
not indicated in this Report)
Page 2267 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : France
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
A report has been received of a child looking like Madeleine
McCann, who is regularly seen with a family on a car park in
Perigueux, France.
They use a camper van with the registration 'xxxxxxx'.
The caller, Mrs Patricia STEVENSON, has provided a French phone
number of 003378378xxxxx.
The full report is attached.
We request the French Authorities make contact with the caller
with a view to tracing this Vehicle and occupants and verifying
the identity of the child.
CrimeStoppers Log is attached.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
2268 to 2269
Emails re French sighting |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2268 and 2269 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2268 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2269 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 143-144 )....Pages 2268 to
2269?"Emails re reported sighting in Perigueux, France"
Page 2268 (Page 1 of 2 )
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 11th July 2007 15:35
To :
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-French enquiry.
Attachments : Leics enquiry form A2792.doc ;
CBL678022007-Leicestershire-OP TASK-Madeleine McCann.rtf
Can we ask the French Authorities to look into this possible
sighting and Information please.
Dc John Hughes
Page 2269 (Page 2 of 2 )
Priority 2
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 11th July 2007 15:37
To : Task Portugal
Subject : French sighting, priority 2
Attachments : Leics enquiry form A2792.doc ;
CBL678022007-Leicestershire-OP TASK-Madeleine McCann.rtf
For info re poss sighting in France. Interpol request done.
Dc John Hughes
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 11th July 2007 15:35
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-French enquiry.
Can we ask the French Authorities to look into this possible
sighting and Information please.
Dc John Hughes
11/07/2007 |
Officers report re sighting in Cornwall |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2273 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2273 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 145 )....Page
2273?"Officer?s report re reported sighting in Cornwall,
England, (? on 10th July 2007)"
Page 2273 (Page 1 of 1 )
Officer's Report
Number : R5J
TO : M.I.R Ref : OP TASK
From : DC 1578 GIERC
TEL/EXT : xxxx
Subject : Sgt 5938 Jane BIGNELL
Date : 11th July 2007
About 16:40hrs on 10th July 2007 I received a telephone call
from Sgt Jane BIGNELL, Liskeard PS, Devon and Cornwall
Police (tel : 08452 777 444, D/L : 01579 325 457, Fax :
01579 325 433).
Sgt BIGNELL was responding to a possible sighting of
Madeleine in Cornwall and was asking for guidance in respect
of CCTV.
I have today Faxed to her the OP TASK CCTV Guidance Sheet.
Respectfully submitted for your attention / consideration.
(Note : Here,
is a single line entry, in the Portuguese Language, which
refers to a reported sighting in Cornwall) |
Email re French national - sighting of Madeleine |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2289 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2289 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 159 )....Page 2289?"Email re
French National's reported sighting of Madeleine"
Page 2289 (Page 1 of 1 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 4th Septembert 2007 11:54
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Untitled.PDF
From : Hughes John (DC) (
Sent : 4th Septembert 2007 11:21
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Untitled.PDF
Please review to see if a visit is required to this French
National regarding their possible sightings.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary.
04/09/2007 |
2290 to 2297
Police report re French national - s sighting |
05 10 Apensos V, Vol 10, Pages 2290-2297 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2290 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2291 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2292 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2293 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2294 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2295 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2296 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2297 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 160-167 )....Pages 2290 to
2297 re reported sighting in Paris, France, (8th July 2007)
Page 2290 (Page 1 of 8 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A3082 (cont)
Reporting Officer(s)
Show Rank, Name and Number
DC443 Hughes
Date Returned : 30th August 2007 Time : 2.30pm
(Note : The remainder of this Form
Format Report, on this Page, is unfilled)
Page 2291 (Page 2 of 8 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A3082 Priority : L
Text :
Arrange via Interpol to obtain statement from Isabelle
CONTINI-TA N3556, xx, Rxx Rxxxxxxxx, Paris. 75004
Home : (33) 01427xxxxx
Work : (33) 01493xxxxx
Mobile : 06378xxxxx
Allocated To : HUGHES DC443
Associated Document No. : A2797
Result of Action (Please write clearly) :
As policy, Portugal to review for Actions as necessary.
This Action E-mailed into D2318
Page 2292 (Page 3 of 8 )
Newton Martin
From : Isabelle CONTINI-TA (
Sent : 11th July 2007 17:54
To : 'Newton Martin'
Subject : RE :
Thanks for your answer.
Isabelle Cintini-Ta
xx, Rxx Rxxxxxxxx 75004
Tel Home (33) 01 42 7x xx xx
Tel Job (33) 01 49 3x xx xx (9H30 tomorrow MORNING to 18H00
Evening), after call me at home.
Tel mobile 06 37 8x xx xx
This evening I have a concert.
Best regards,
Madame Contini-Ta Isabelle
From : Newton Martin (
Sent : 11th July 2007 13:58
To :
Subject : -
Dear Isabelle,
Thank you for your email regarding your sighting of possibly
Madeleine McCann.
Please can you let me know your full name and home address so
that I can instruct a local Police Officer to visit and obtain a
statement from you.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Det Con 550 Martin Newton
Operation Task
Leicestershire Police
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Police.
Page 2293 (Page 4 of 8 )
(Note : Nothing on this Page
apart from a reference to e-mail security and the date)
Page 2294 (Page 5 of 8 )
(Note : This Page contains a
virtual copy of the E-mail from Martin Newton to Madame
Contini-Ta on Page 2292)
Newton Martin
From : Newton Martin
Sent : 11th July 2007 13:58
To :
Dear Isabelle,
Thank you for your email regarding your sighting of possibly
Madeleine McCann.
Please can you let me know your full name and home address so
that I can instruct a local Police Officer to visit and obtain a
statement from you.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Det Con 550 Martin Newton
Operation Task
Leicestershire Police
Page 2295 (Page 6 of 8 )
Alta Vista - Babel Fish
Translation - Translated Text
had been attracted by the bag Harrods, then the fact
that the small one did not speak French and that the
man called it Mad. You will find the mail below (1)
that I sent
14H45 today Sunday 8th July
there was a French couple (30-35 years) with a small girl
resembling Maddie (but the hair cut to the square
and of russet-red colour a little fair dark) ; the Mister
appellait small "the Mad", it was in poussette, a bag
from Harrods (average black glazed paper size,
Harrods written in silver plated grey) there was hung.
The small girl rose and did not speak to them in
French ; it had the size of small a 3 year old girl. The
couple was equipped with clothing of black colour. The
woman had the long hair undulated a little, enough
ends. Both were of rather mean stoutness, average
size even if they did not rise. Both had the dark hair
(chatains dark, almost black). They played with the
small girl "Mad" with a carry-key along a cord like one
now makes (light blue), and with the keys there was a
key door square it seems to me inside with a red
drawing. This day, in Paris, Line 11, direction Town
Hall of the Lilacs. I looked at the small girl well before
leaving, it had large green eyes like Maddie. I returned at
home and I looked at the photographs of Maddie and
I thus decided to send this information. I am
descended to the Rambuteau subway. I travelled by
the subway in Belleville direction Town Hall of the
Lilacs, the couple was already in the subway when I
am assembled to Belleville. In fact the subway eteait
direction chatelet (Town Hall of the Li;acs it is in the
other direction). Today, in a female magazine I see a
photograph a little different of Maddie, which
resembles 98% with the small girl that I saw Sunday.
The man said to small "you want to play with the key
of mom"...One never knows ; perhaps that by
visualizing the videos subway.....I return this mail
because I did not have an answer to say to me if that
had been taken into account. Cordially, Courage.
Mrs Contini-Your
Search the web with this text
(Note : Here, is what appears to be a
screenshot of part of an e-mail. It appears to be part of the
above correspondence)
Text is shown as :
Translate again
"It is a new mail (3)
I send 3 mails in french to inform you that i
have seen in Paris a man and a woman, 30
years with a little girl, she looks like Maddie".
(French to English) - (Translate)
Add Babel Fish Translation to your site.
Page 2296 (Page 7 of 8 )
(Note : There is nothing on
this Page apart from some advertising information about Babel
Fish and Alta Visa and the date)
Page 2297 (Page 8 of 8 )
(Note : Here, is a further
Translated (by Babel Fish) correspondence from Madame Contini-Ta. It is similar, but slightly different in parts, from
the previous Translated correspondence on Page 2295 of this
Alta Vista - Babel Fish Translation - Translated Text
In English :
It is has new mail (3) I send 3 mails in French to
inform you that I cuts seen in Paris has man and has
woman, 30 years with has little girl, she looks like
Maddie : Sunday, 8th July, Paris, 14H45-15H00 : a
couple whose man is french addresses to a small
girl by calling it "Mad" ; a small girl resembling Maddie
and which does not speak French ; she is in
poussette canes where a bag from Harrods is hung,
a woman who does not speak but which shakes a
large bunch of keys at the end of a light blue flat cord.
The couple has 30-35 years ; both have the very dark
hair, the woman has the long hair almost black and
corrugated. The man addresses himself to "Mad"
while saying to him "you want to play with the keys of
mom ?", it is that the only thing that I hear resemble
rather a "that" on behalf of the small girl. It is when it
calls it Mad which I think of following Maddie, then
the bag from Harrods. Poussette is turned towards
the couple, I cannot see the small one. Then to have
of it the c?ur Net before going down to my station I
will see the head of the small girl, his size. What
strikes to me are the eyes, the same glance as
Maddie. The hair is shorter and of fair the more
russet-red than on the video diffused on Internet. I
look at the photographs and I send continuation of
the mails. I do not telephone because I fear not to be
able to explain me in English, not to render
comprehensible me. This morning I look at an article
in "Current Woman" and the photograph is so close to
the small girl whom I saw in the subway. And the
scene is so credible, that I reconsider there
more I think that perhaps it is an index to be checked.
I thus hope that my mails aurao T read and/or will be
read very quickly. I join the elements to you which I
sent yesterday : Mail 2 Line 11, in the subway in Paris,
14H45 ; they moved towards Chatelet. I am
assembled to the subway Belleville this couple was
already in the subway. I am descended to the
subway Rambuteau they were still in the subway,
then there remains only the station Town Hall or
chatelet. I have continuation sent a mail to give the
maxium of precision because they were with a
small girl resembling Maddie much, that the man,
French called Mad. The woman did not speak. I
looked at the small one well before leaving because I......
(Note : Here, the
correspondence ends abruptly. The immediately following two
pages in the Files, (Page 2298 and 2299), are "Missing or
Misplaced" pages)
11/07/2007 |
Email re sighting in France |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2300 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2300 |
able of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 168 )....Page 2300?"Email re
reported sighting in Perigueux, France"
Page 2300 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 11th July 2007 15:37
Attach : Leics enquiry form A2792.doc ;
CBL678022007-Leicestershire-OP TASK-Madeleine McCann.rtf
Subject : French sighting, priority 2
For info re poss sighting in France. Interpol request done.
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a brief
handwritten entry in English)
"D746 = already submitted".
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 11th July 2007 15:35
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-French enquiry.
Can we ask the French Authorities to look into this possible
sighting and information please.
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a brief
handwritten entry of 2 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
11th July 2007)
"Policia Inglesa" :
with another single word written underneath, but which is one
that I cannot decipher.
12/07/2007 |
SOCA enquiry form re sighting in Perigueux, France |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2303 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2303 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 169 )....Page 2303?"SOCA
enquiry form re reported sighting in Perigueux, France"
(Note : Date of reported
sighting not indicated in this Report)
(Note : This report is a
copy of the previous SOCA enquiry request on Page 2267)
Page 2303 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : France
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
A report has been received of a child looking like Madeleine
McCann, who is regularly seen with a family on a car park in
Perigueux, France.
They use a camper van with the registration 'xxxxxxx'.
The caller, Mrs Patricia STEVENSON, has provided a French phone
number of 003378378xxxxx.
The full report is attached.
We request the French Authorities make contact with the caller
with a view to tracing this Vehicle and occupants and verifying
the identity of the child.
CrimeStoppers Log is attached.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
Email re sighting in Johannesburg, SA |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2305 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2305 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 170 )....Page 2305?"Email re
reported sighting in Johannesburg, South Africa,
(Approx during 2nd week of July 2007)"
Page 2305 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 1st August 2007 Time : ?
Attach : Leics enquiry.......?
Subject : Poss sighting.........(? South Africa)
For info re Interpol request..........?
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 1st August 2007 Time : ?
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07......?.......South Africa
Can we ask the So...(?uth African Authorities to look?)...at
this report please.
Hughes John (DC)
Note : Here, is handwritten entry
of 5 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 3rd August 2007,
which refers to a reported sighting by a Gloria Smith from
Alberton, Johannesburg, South Africa. There is also a numbered
page reference to Page 2304, which is a "Missing or Misplaced"
page within the Files. This entry has been inserted diagonally
across the central portion of the page, thereby obscuring part
of the report) |
SOCA enquiry form re sighting in Johannesburg |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2306 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2306 |
able of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 171 )....Page 2306?"SOCA
enquiry form re reported sighting in Johannesburg, South Africa,
(Approx during 2nd week of July 2007)"
Page 2306 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : South Africa
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
A caller has made contact with our Call Centre. She gave the
name of Gloria Smith, from Alberton, Johannesburg, South Africa.
She reported a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann
approximately 3 weeks ago in a local Shoppimg Centre. The child
was in company with two men and a woman. The caller gave a phone
number of 011 86xxxxx. These are as many details as we have.
We request the local Authorities make contact with this woman
and conduct whatever enquiries are possible to trace and
identity the child.
CrimeStoppers Log is attached.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
Email re South African sighting |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2307 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2307 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 172 )....Page 2307?"Email re
reported sighting in Johannesburg, South Africa, (Approx during
2nd week of July 2007)"
Page 2307 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 1st August 2007 11:24
Attach : Leics enquiry form A2958.doc
Subject : Poss sighting South Africa-priority 3
For info re Interpol request sent.
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 1st August 2007 11:22
To : 'london.soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-South Africa
Can we ask the South African Authorities to look at this report
Dc John Hughes
01/08/2007 |
Copy of page 2306 |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2308 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2308 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 173 )....Page 2308?"SOCA re
reported sighting in Johannesburg, South Africa, (Approx
during 2nd week of July 2007)"
(Note : This SOCA
enquiry is a copy of the previous report indicated here on
Page 2306)
Page 2308 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION
NR : A2958
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : South Africa
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
A caller has made contact with our Call Centre. She gave the
name of Gloria Smith, from Alberton, Johannesburg, South
Africa. She reported a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann
approximately 3 weeks ago in a local Shoppimg Centre. The
child was in company with two men and a woman. The caller
gave a phone number of 011 86xxxxx. These are as many
details as we have.
We request the local Authorities make contact with this
woman and conduct whatever enquiries are possible to trace
and identity the child.
CrimeStoppers Log is attached.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
2310 to 2311
Police report re sighting in Tenerife, Spain |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2310 and 2311 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2310 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2311 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 174-175 )....Pages 2310 to
2311?"Police report re reported sighting in Nador, Morocco,
near the Moroccan/ Spanish Border, (10th July 2007)"
Page 2310 (Page 1 of 2 )
"Note : Here,
is a handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 11th July 2007, which refers to a reported
sighting, on the 10th July 2007, by a Samantha Peart, in
Nador, Morocco, near the Moroccan/ Spanish Border. There is
also a numbered page reference to Page 2309, which is a
"Missing or Misplaced" page within the Files. This entry has
been inserted diagonally across the central portion of the
Page and thus has obscured part of this report)
The report continues thus :
Incident Messgae : M2035 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary : Priority : Low
Date 11th July 2007
Beth McCANN to include possible sightin(?gs)
Message From/To :...................
Surname :...................................
Forename(s) :.............................
Telephone Number :....................
Address : HOME :.........................(?C)ASTLE EDEN,
County Durham
Post Code :....................................
Rec By : TPH(?ONE).....................1649 11/07/07
Phone : 0142...................................CHANGE
Location : OP...................................
Origin : SAM(??ANTHA??).................The Village, Castle
Eden, Co Durham Wit(?ness)
Text :
a property hunt in
Yes(?terday).....................................(?Nea)r the
Spanish border on the
she saw a blond child of
that this caught her
basic Muslim town and all
Page 2311 (Page 2 of 2 )
Locals were very dark skinned. She only saw the little girl
from the back and she appeared to be about the same size as
caller's daughter who is nearly 4yrs. The girl was white and
was wearing a short skirt. She was walking behind a woman
who was wearing Muslim dress. Caller states that the town
was on the Moroccan/Spanish Border. The time was between
1600 & 1700 Spanish time and 1400 & 1500 Moroccan time.
Caller is OK to be contacted if further info is needed.
Incident linked to : 209 26/06/07
Incident Result PQA : Concern for person's safety
ODI : BRN Alarm Inc Duplicate Incident
QNR : Qualifer not required
Incident closed
Receiver's Instructions :
Reg and type :
Raise action (M) : TI/TST PEART : re possible sighting in
Spain on Border with Morocco.
Raise action (M) : Arrange Interpol enquiries re above
sighting (per Google Nador is in Morocco)
12th July 2007 DS 1377 WATTS
Person receiving/sending : Receiving
Title/Rank/Number : 8067
Forename(s) : -
Surname : ORME |
2312 to 2214
Email re Tenerife sighting |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2313-2314 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2312 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2313 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2314 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF
Pages 176-177 )....Pages 2313 to 2314?"Email re reported
sighting in La Caleta,Tenerife, Spain, (4th July 2007)"
Page 2313 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 19th July 2007 16:27
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann poss sighting in Tenerife
priority 2
From : O'Brien John (8447)
Sent : 19th July 2007 10:12
To : Task
Subject : Madeleine McCann
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
19th July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting, by a Mr
Kenneth Hudson of Loughborough, on the 4th July 2007 in La
Caleta, Tenerife, Spain. This entry has obscured part of this
The report then continues thus :
Tel : 015092xxxxx (home) : 015092xxxxx (work)
He says he was on holiday in Tenerife.
On 4th July he was sitting outside a restaurant with his wife at
a place called : La Caleta.
They saw three couples leave a house, number 7, across the road.
Each of the couples had a child with them. The last couple had a
small girl with them.
The girl was crying and Mr Hudson clearly heard her say, "No".
Page 2314 (Page 2 of 2 )
The three couples went towards a boat moored nearby. The girl
was still crying and the man picked her up and carried her off
up the road.
Mr Hudson thought this was strange and decided to follow the man
to see where he went. However, on walking up the road himself
the man and the child were nowhere to be seen and he could no
longer hear the girl crying. He rejoined his wife and saw that
the other two couples and the woman of the third couple were
waiting by the boat but making no move to get on the boat. That
was the last he saw of any of them.
Mr Hudson went on to say that the little girl he saw was about
four years old and had the same hair as Madeleine, but he did
not get a clear look at her face as the man was carrying her and
her face was hidden by his shoulder.
J O'Brien LSTO 8447
20/07/2007 |
2318 Service information
regarding anonymous tip in
Morocco |
With thanks
to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol X Page 2318 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2324 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-07-16
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Moisés Martins
Subject: Whereabouts of Madeleine McCann
I inform you that on this date at about 09.35 a telephone call from
France was received by this police station, made by a person who
wished to remain anonymous, only identifying himself as Mark and
who spoke in French, saying that the missing girl Madeleine
McCann could be found at the following address: 19, Rue du
Boulanger, in Fez, Morocco.
He said that the girl’s parents could express their thanks for this
information by giving their thanks to “Our Lady of Fátima”.
That is all I have to inform you.
Inspector Martins |
2322 to 2325
Email re follow up on Spain sighting |
V, Vol 10, Pages 2322-2325 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2322 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2323 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2324 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2325 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages 183-186 )....Pages 2322 to
2325?"Email re follow up re reported sighting in Torrevieja,
Spain, (12th July 2007)"
Page 2322 (Page 1 of 4 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 29th August 2007 16:59
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
__________Original Message________
From : Newton Martin (
On Behalf of Task
Sent : 29th August 2007 14:57
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
__________Original Message________
From : pnmpb.enquiries@met.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 29th August 2007 13:34
To : Dic.Portimao
Cc : task@;eicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Madeleine McCann
Dear All
Please see below
___________Original Message_________
From : Susan Haynes (
Sent : 29th August 2007 13:02
To : pnmpb enquiries - SCD26
Subject : Madeleine McCann
I reported a sighting of Madeleine McCann to Torrevieja, Spain,
Civil Police on 12th July and have just heard from Alicante
Police that
Torrevieja Police lost my statement so nothing has been done.
I had supplied them with a full car registration number and
Weeks ago I phoned CrimeStoppers, who took no details, and sent
all my info
to the Madeleine Official Website. I wrote to the Chief
Constable of
Leicestershire and to the Prime Minister.
I e-mailed the British Consul in Alicante this week and he told
me to ring
CrimeStoppers and e-mail the Madeleine Website !!! I am tearing
my hair.
Doesn't anybody care ? The only reply I have received is an
acknowledgement of the letter to Gordon Brown.
PLEASE would you kick somebody into following up this sighting
very very
thoroughly - and if the child they see isn't the absolute image
Madeleine, they are not being shown the child I saw.
My contact in Alicante is a Senor Scarlos (it sounds like) on
0034 9651xxxxx who
is at Unidad Organica Policia Judicial, Alicante, email address
Page 2323 (Page 2 of 4 )
......and he speaks quite good English. He is the Officer who
told me that
Torrevieja Police had lost my statement of 12th July.
Thank you.
My e-mail address is : ojandzoe@xxxxxxx.co.uk
I am Susan Haynes and I live in Torrevieja, Spain, at Cxxxx Lx
Lxxx, xx, Sxxxx Gxxx Fxxx x, Planta 1, Apartment xx......
On Thursday morning, 12th July 2007 at 11am, I attended the
jobcentre in
Torrevieja (which is called SERVEF and is at number 6 Calle
tel 0034 9667xxxxx). I took a ticket from the queueing machine
and waited. I sat at first on a bench but moved to a chair with
better view of the electronic display of queue numbers and
clerks' tables for each number to attend.
At about 11.30am a blonde haired woman of age about 30 years sat
to me for about 20 minutes with a child who looked exactly like
The child was about 4 years old and wore a white cloche hat and
and white sundress. Her eyes were dark. I looked for the mark on
right iris that Madeleine has, but these eyes were dark brown.
(It is
possible to fit contact lenses to children and consider the
stakes involved in
child trafficking).
The child had shoulder length, light brown-blonde hair and
features exactly as those in media pictures of Madeleine. No
socks. White
The blonde woman with her had hair in a pony tail. The hair
dyed and had some dark streaks showing but not, I think,
downlights, rather
just bad dyeing or regrowth of dark roots etc. She wore a dark
blouse with white spots and short sleeves. The legs of her blue
jeans were folded over once to achieve mid calf length. White
sandals. White socks.
The woman had obviously arrived before me for her ticket number
lower than mine and she was eventually seen by the male clerk at
table 3 at noon exactly.
Her queue ticket number was A084. I hope their computer system
references ticket numbers
to records because the clerk was entering data as they spoke and
the Police could therefore
find her name and address on the SERVEF computer. (I used to be
an auditor and I am
evidence focused).
While she was waiting, the blonde woman and Madeleine went
outside to a
car containing a young woman with a very small baby, and spoke.
they came back inside, the woman and M-(sic) sat on a bench.
that she might eventually leave in that car, I went outside and
memorised the car number etc.
Spanish plates, new car, grey colour, registration : 'xxxx xxx'.
(The woman and M did eventually leave in that car. I think the
woman with the small baby drove)
The blonde woman and M clearly liked each other and conversed in
Spanish. I have heard on a TV relocation show that young
Page 2324 (Page 3 of 4 )
..........children immersed in the Spanish Language can be
fluent in 2 weeks -
Madeleine has been missing for 9 weeks, I think.
At the end of the blonde woman's interview at table 3, Madeleine
and a
little Spanish boy she had met (as strangers, it looked like)
played with while waiting, were called over to a female clerk at
7 and given a sweet each.
After the blonde woman and M left, I thought the blonde female
clerk at
table 4 remarked that the little girl looked like Madeleine. She
went outside and made a call on her mobile. However, when I was
eventually seen at her table (number A095 my ticket) and asked
"Didn't that little girl look like Madeleine, the English girl
lost in
Portugal ?", she said she hadn't noticed.
Torrevieja is a very Spanish town. NOT an English enclave, and
people speak English there. I went home and wrote in English
what I
had seen. I then wrote a short digest of that account in
Spanish. I
got my Spanish O Level 43 years ago and don't get to use it much
as I
am not yet working, but I manage if people speak slowly.
I took the English and Spanish accounts plus a newspaper article
picture of Madeleine (sorry, Daily Express) round to the Guardia
Civil Station
which is 2 minutes walk from my apartment. They were
received and carried off and I was asked to wait. Four hours
they said i could go as they had my name and address.
At 9pm that night 3 Officers called for me and took me back to
Station to see their "chief". He was in plain clothes. They went
through the Spanish digest with me in detail. The chief was
the longer English account and it was unmarked and I think they
not translated it (yet). One of the Officers acted as
interpreter quite
One new fact emerged. They asked had the blonde woman used any
language but Spanish and I remembered then for the first time
that she
had said, "Neit", twice - "No", in Russian. This seemed of
significance to
the Police Officers. I was with them for about 20 minutes.
Susan Haynes July 2007
Page 2325 (Page 4 of 4 )
(Note : This Page only
contains a reference re general e-mail security and the
following entry)
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary. |
2326 to 2328
Email re
Torrevieja, Spain sighting |
05 10 Apensos V, Vol 10, Pages 2326-2328 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2326 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2327 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2328 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Pages187-189 )....Pages 2326 to
2328?"Further Email re Susan Haynes' reported sighting in
Torrevieja, Spain, 12th July 2007)"
Page 2326 (Page 1 of 3 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 19th July 2007 14:54
Subject : FW : New sighting of Madeleine McCann in Torrevieja
poss sighting Spain priority 2
_________Original Message________
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language,
dated 19th July 2007, which refers to the reported sighting by
Susan Haynes, in Torrevieja, Spain, on the 12th July 2007. This
entry has obscured part of this report)
The report then continues thus :
I have been trying to e-mail you for days and kept missing that
"e-mail us" on your home page. I saw all the phone numbers and
you had no e-mail address. A few days ago I even mailed your
of support e-mail address but got no response from you. I could
not find
an e-mail address on the Leicestershire Police Website and
e-mailed them
at info@ and admin@ hoping it would get through - again no
I saw Madeleine in Torrevieja last week, and went to the Police
with all
details but since then - nothing. I am haunted by her face - so
it was her - and I don't know that the Police followed up
properly - I
also need to know that the coordinator of the search was advised
of this
sighting because of patterns emerging etc.
My e-mail address is :
I am Susan Haynes and I live in Torrevieja, Spain, at Cxxxx Lx
Lxxx, xx, Sxxxx Gxxx Fxxx x, Planta 1, Apartment xx. I check my
e-mails every morning at an internet shop.
On Thursday morning, 12th July 2007 at 11am, I attended the
jobcentre in....
Page 2327 (Page 2 of 3 )
(Note :
From here onwards the sighting report continues as per that
communicated by Susan Haynes within the previous report, Pages
2322-2325, apart from a short additional paragraph at the end)
The report continues thus :
......Torrevieja (which is called SERVEF and is at number 6
Calle Galeon,
tel 0034 9667xxxxx). I took a ticket from the queueing machine
and waited. I sat at first on a bench but moved to a chair with
better view of the electronic display of queue numbers and
clerks' tables for each number to attend.
At about 11.30am a blonde haired woman of age about 30 years sat
to me for about 20 minutes with a child who looked exactly like
The child was about 4 years old and wore a white cloche hat and
and white sundress. Her eyes were dark. I looked for the mark on
right iris that Madeleine has, but these eyes were dark brown.
(It is
possible to fit contact lenses to children and consider the
stakes involved in
child trafficking).
The child had shoulder length, light brown-blonde hair and
features exactly as those in media pictures of Madeleine. No
socks. White
The blonde woman with her had hair in a pony tail. The hair
dyed and had some dark streaks showing but not, I think,
downlights, rather
just bad dyeing or regrowth of dark roots etc. She wore a dark
blouse with white spots and short sleeves. The legs of her blue
jeans were folded over once to achieve mid calf length. White
sandals. White socks.
The woman had obviously arrived before me for her ticket number
lower than mine and she was eventually seen by the male clerk at
table 3 at
noon exactly. Her queue ticket number was A084. I hope their
computer system
references ticket numbers to records because the clerk was
entering data as they
spoke and the Police could therefore find her name and address
on the SERVEF
computer. (I used to be an auditor and I am evidence focused).
While she was waiting, the blonde woman and Madeleine went
outside to a
car containing a young woman with a very small baby, and spoke.
they came back inside, the woman and M-(sic) sat on a bench.
that she might eventually leave in that car, I went outside and
memorised the car number etc.
Spanish plates, new car, grey colour, registration : 'xxxx xxx'.
(The woman
and M did eventually leave in that car. I think the other
woman with the small baby drove)
The blonde woman and M clearly liked each other and conversed in
Spanish. I have heard on a TV relocation show that young English
immersed in the Spanish Language can be fluent in 2 weeks -
has been missing for 9 weeks, I think.
At the end of the blonde woman's interview at table 3, Madeleine
and a
little Spanish boy she had met (as strangers, it looked like)
played with while waiting, were called over to a female clerk at
7 and given a sweet each.
Page 2328 (Page 3 of 3 )
After the blonde woman and M left, I thought the blonde female
clerk at
table 4 remarked that the little girl looked like Madeleine. She
went outside and made a call on her mobile. However, when I was
eventually seen at her table (number A095 my ticket) and asked
"Didn't that little girl look like Madeleine, the English girl
lost in
Portugal ?", she said she hadn't noticed.
Torrevieja is a very Spanish town. NOT an English enclave, and
people speak English there. I went home and wrote in English
what I
had seen. I then wrote a short digest of that account in
Spanish. I
got my Spanish O Level 43 years ago and don't get to use it much
as I
am not yet working, but I manage if people speak slowly.
I took the English and Spanish accounts plus a newspaper article
picture of Madeleine (sorry, Daily Express) round to the Guardia
Civil Station
which is 2 minutes walk from my apartment. They were
received and carried off and I was asked to wait. Four hours
they said i could go as they had my name and address.
At 9pm that night 3 Officers called for me and took me back to
Station to see their "chief". He was in plain clothes. They went
through the Spanish digest with me in detail. The chief was
the longer English account and it was unmarked and I think they
not translated it (yet). One of the Officers acted as
interpreter quite
One new fact emerged. They asked had the blonde woman used any
language but Spanish and I remembered then for the first time
that she
had said, "Neit", twice - "No", in Russian. This seemed of
significance to
the Police Officers. I was with them for about 20 minutes.
The child I saw was Madeleine or her double. The Guardia seemed
motivated but I need to know that no stone was unturned. I have
little granddaughters in the UK. I need to know that this was
PLEASE look into this.
Susan Haynes.
20/07/2007 |
(PDF Pages 191-195)
handwritten letter, in
English, by Mrs Combes
regarding a reported
sighting in Seville. |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2329-2333 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2329 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2330 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2331 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2332 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2333 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
10)....(PDF Pages 191-195 )....Pages 2329-2333?"Handwritten
letter, in English, by Mrs Margaret McCombes regarding a
reported sighting in Seville, Spain, (13th July 2007)"
Page 2329 (Page 1 of 5 )
13th July
Mrs Margaret McCombes
xx, Sx, Lxxxxx Cxxxx, Gx Lxxxxxx, Milton Keynes,
MExx xxA.
Criminal Police Statement
Dear Mr Reis,
My name is Mrs Margaret McCombes.
I visited Seville, Spain, last Tuesday, 10th of July 2007 for 4
days. On my departure day, 13th July 2007, I visited Seville
Cathedral before going home. It was 10.25 am approx, Seville
time, when I saw 4 adults, 2 men 2 women, 3 children.
The younger couple of the adults moved away with baby in
pushchair when they saw us near to them. The ages were approx
early 30's. Baby about 8 months. The other 2 adults were about
mid to late 30's. 1 boy about 7 and a half + years. 1 girl about
4 years.
The girl had no top on her body. She only wore little blue
shorts, also pink beach shoes. Anyway the woman with the girl
and boy went to the shop and bought a T -shirt and trousers for
the girl. The T-shirt was white, the trousers were royal blue
with white hoops. They also bought her some white sandals. She,
(the woman), put the new clothes on the girl. The wee boy was
fully clothed with a Cacay (sic) T-shirt and trews were lighter
Cacay 3quarter length. The man, woman, boy and girl were all
standing together. I had drawn my husband's attention just
beforehand and said, "That looks like little Madeline McCann".
But my husband thought at first a slight bit like he. he said,
"There is something not right about her eyes". Anyway my husband
had to go to the Bank at the opposite side of the street. I
still stood on the side where the couple were with the children.
They were just ahead of me. I carried on behind them. I could
see the other couple away down the far end of the road, looking
up at my direction.
Then the woman and the wee girl stopped together with the man
and the boy. The woman had the girl by the hand most of the
time. They let me walk by them and I did so. And I then
: Two illegible
words here).
The man and the woman were both.......
Page 2330 (Page 2 of 5 )
.........looking at me. So I stopped in my tracks. I could see
the man getting a bit worried. He then crossed over to the Bank.
I think he went into the Bank, but I don't know if the boy did
or not. I just couldn't see him anywhere then. The woman kept
facing towards the Bank. I was looking at her and the wee girl.
I thought, "What can I do to get the wee girl's attention ?". I
couldn't shout "Madeleine", I might have put her in a situation.
I know the wee girl has twin siblings, Shaun and Amalee (sic) as
I've saw it often enough on TV. So I decided to call my husband
who was still at the cash machine. I shouted his name. As it's
'John', sounds like Shaun, maybe the wee girl will respond to
me. So I gave a loud shout "JOHN". "JOHN" again I called, and
the wee girl looked at me, screwing her wee face up. I could see
her wee button nose. I thought, "My God, this is Madeleine
McCann". The wee girl dropped herself to the ground and sulked
after that. I kept looking. By this time my husband called me so
just before I crossed I saw the woman go down whispering to the
wee girl. Then I looked at the woman and she looked at me with
her dark glasses on. She sat down in the same position of the
child. Her husband, I asumed, came back across. But I never saw
the boy again. I joined my husband. We both into the Bank and
spoke to a lady about our money. She said it cancelled and we
would have to go to another Bank. I said "Where did they go to
that couple ?". We hurried along the road and saw all the
couples together again and the wee.....
Page 2331 (Page 3 of 5 )
.........boy was there too. They were all standing and we caught
up with them once again. The younger couple went to the opposite
side of the road again. I thought, "This is strange". I plucked
up the courage and said to my husband to ask these people where
the nearest cash machine was. My husband asked them and as one
went to say, "We don't know", they both replied, in broken
English, "We don't come from here". My husband couldn't get a
good look at the wee girl as the woman put her hand round the
girl's back and the wee girl held her head to the ground with
her fingers in her mouth. So I then said to my husband, "Let's
ask someone else". The young boy looked very sad and also the
wee girl. There was the maternal instinct from neither of them.
I'm positive this was Madeleine McCann 75%. We then asked
someone else for the Bank and they directed us. We were then
being watched by the other couple. So we just walked away out of
their view. As we were leaving the other Bank we looked up and
they were all standing across the road and when they saw us they
all proceeded up a side street. We pretended not to see them.
Then we looked back and the man was looking back at us, and
that's the last I saw of them. There were no Police around. No
one. We decided when we get home we would contact Leicester
Police which I think would be slow prossess(sic).
This is why I've contacted you. Please find Madeleine, as I'm
sure you will.
Yours Sincerely
Margaret McCombe
Page 2332 (Page 4 of 5 )
Description of EVERYONE.
(GIRL) : Aged 4 yrs.
The wee girl had fair to blond hair, cut up to below her ears
(with fringe). Looked definitely like Madeleine McCann. White
T-shirt, royal blue 3quarter length trews with white hoops,
white sandals. The girl never spoke. She looked unhappy, no zest
in her. Age 4 yrs approx. Looked British. Nice sun tan.
(BOY) : Approx 7 and a half + trs.
Very slim, brown hair. No. 2 crew-cut style, shaved. CACAY
T-shirt. 3quarter length CACAY (lighter in colour)
trewsers(sic). Boy looked sad. Just staring like. Dark to light
(WOMAN) : Approx mid to late 30's.
Short black hair. Pale complexion, white T-shirt, navy skirt.
Can't remember if it had pattern. Approx mid to late 30's. 5' 3"
- 5' 4" height. Cloth size UK (16).
(MAN) : Approx mid-to-late 30's.
BLACK HAIR. DARK SKIN. I think Calcay light/or lighter T-shirt,
3quarter length to long trousers.
Wore gold rim glasses, type of Gotee look.
Height about 5' 8" to 5' 10".
Very slim
Continue --------
Page 2333 (Page 5 of 5 )
Baby approx 8 months +.
In Buggy.
MAN : Age about early 30's.
Rust orange T-shirt
Calcay/ Brown 3quarter length shorts
Wore Calcay hat, Height approx 5' 10"
Slim built.
WOMAN : Age about 28-30's.
Light brown frizzy perm hair Longish
Slim built. Brown T-shirt.
Height approx 5' 7" - 5' 9". |
(PDF Pages 196-197),
handwritten letter in
English, by Mr Combes also
referring to a reported
sighting in Seville |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2334 and 2335 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2334 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2335 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
10)....(PDF Pages 196-197 )....Pages 2334-2335? "Handwritten
letter, in English, by Mr John McCombes regarding a reported
sighting in Seville, Spain, (13th July 2007)
Page 2334 (Page 1 of 2 )
Mr John McCombes
xx, Sx, Lxxxxx Cxxxx, Gx Lxxxxxx, Milton Keynes,
MExx xxA,
UK, England.
Mr Reis
Criminal Police
Dear Sir,
My name is John McCombes.
On Tuesday 10th of July, my wife and I went to Seville for a
short break. On Friday the 13th of July my wife and I went to
the centre of Seville to see the Cathedral and the Plaza De
Toros, as we were going home later that night. We got to the
centre by the Hotel bus which dropped us off at Puerta De Jerez
at approx 10.30am local time. We started to walk towards the
Cathedral and I needed to go to a Bank to get some money. My
wife said to me, "John, don't look too quick but look to your
right at the shops over there". I saw a group of people, 3
adults and 3 children outside. One of the women went into the
shop doorway and was met by a man who gave her a white T-shirt
to put on a little girl, as she did not have a top on and
onlyhad light blue shorts on. This little girl was about 4 years
old with fair to blonde hair. My wife asked me if I think she
looked like wee Madeleine. I said, "I'm not too sure. There was
something about her cheeks and her eyes that wasn't right". At
first I was trying to get a better look without looking too..?..(Note
: reads like "ouevs??"... whatever it is
possibly meant to
indicate "obvious" or "nosey")....to
the people in the group that I was looking. My wife said, "You
go to the Bank over there and I'll be here". I tried to take
money out of a cash machine on the Avenida De La Constitucion
across from the Cathedral and it did notgive any money out, only
a receipt which said 'Operacion Cancelada'. That was at 10.32am.
I rejoined my wife and told her. She said, "We will go down
here", as this group of people went down along the Avenida De La
Constitucion towards the bottom end of the Cathedral. My wife
was saying to me she was quite sure it was Madeleine and was
hoping to get a better look if possible. As I was walking down I
was looking to see where the people were. Then my wife shouted,
"JOHN, JOHN", and I looked at her. She said, "It's down there".
I said, "MARGARET", quite loud and shouted, "Where abouts ?". My
wife called me over and then asked me to ask the people for
directions for the Bank. So I crossed over to them. There was
only adults / man / woman and 2 kids, a boy aged about 7 to 8
years old. The.......
Page 2335 (Page 2 of 2 )
......other was the little girl aged about 4 years old. I saw
that she had trousers on which I did not see on her earlier and
new white shoes. The trousers were blue and white hoops
in...?...(Note : I'm unclear re what this word is, reads like
"Desien"). I ask if they could tell me where the nearest Bank to
get money from was. I also said, "Banko", so they could
understand me. They said to me, in broken English, "Oh, sorry.
We don't come from here. The woman said, "We come from
Portu...", and then stopped halfway through a sentence. I think
she was about to say "Portugal". The little girl kept her head
down and to her right-side so I could not get a good look at
her. And she put her finger in her mouth. She didn't say
anything at all. The boy had dark brown hair and was also quiet
and did not look happy, or any kind of expression, and just
stood with his hands straight down by his side. The man was
about mid to late 30's, about 5' 8" tall, slim face, with brown
hair. He had a light beard outlining his jaw and chin, and a
moustache which came down and joined the beard. He also wore
metal rimmed glasses. The woman was about 5' 4" tall, dark hair,
with a pale complexion. She was also in her mid to late 30's and
had dark sunglasses on which were quite big and covered part of
her face. The little girl's hair was about shoulder length, just
slightly over her ears and was that kind of length all the way
round, and there was like a gap where her fringe was. I said,
"Thanks anyway", and they smiled and walked away. I stopped a
young woman and asked her so I did not look as I just ask them.
We got a Bank which was on the corner of Jimios Castille, just
across from the Cathedral. As my wife and I walked from the Bank
we saw the group of people looking over from a street at the
side of the Cathedral. When we looked at them, they walked away.
There was no Police about to tell and we agreed to report this
as soon as we got home to the UK. The name of the street at the
side of the Cathedral is Alemanes, which leads on to the Argote
De Lolina, Don Remondo and the Plaza Virgen De Los Reyes at the
back of the Cathedral. I hope this helps you to find Madeleine,
as I know you will be doing your utmost to do so. As you have
been doing up to date.
Yours Sincerely,
(signed) : John McCombes |
Email re sighting in Macau |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2342 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2342 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 203 )....Page 2342?"Email re
reported sighting in Taipa Airport, Macau"
Page 2342 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 13th July 2007 14:56
Attach : Leics enquiry form A2769.doc
Subject : Thailand enquiries-priority 3
For info re INterpol request for poss sighting in Macau.
Dc John Hughes
From : John Hughes (DC)
Sent : 13th July 2007 14:54
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Thailand
This enquiry is both in Thailand and Macau, which I believe is
now Chinese. Can we direct to the best Authority to assist
please. Is there a SLO somewhere there ?
Dc John Hughes
13/07/2007 |
2343 SOCA enquiry form re sighting in Macau airport |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2343 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2343 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 204 )....Page 2343?"SOCA
enquiry form re reported sighting in Taipa Airport, Macau"
Page 2343 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
A2769 (Please quote on reply)
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Thailand/Macau
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
A call has been received to CrimeStoppers UK from a Mrs Karen
Hill in Thailand, home number : '0066291xxxxx', mobile :
#00668162xxxxx. The report is very vague, but she states she may
have seen Madeleine McCann at Taipa Airport (Macau).
We request contact is made with the caller in Thailand and that
relevant enquiries are completed in Macau.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
2344 to 2347
Email re sighting in Greece |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Pages 2344-2347 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2344 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2345 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2346 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2347 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF
Pages 205-208 )....Pages 2344-2347?"Email re reported sighting
in Rhodes, Greece, (Sometime during the week commencing 2nd July
Page 2344 (Page 1 of 4 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Mailoperator" (
To : "Task" (
; "Task.Portugal" (
Sent : 13th July 2007 15:38
Attach : ATT72036.txt
Subject : FW : madeleine.
Seems - this user was having a problem sending direct to you ? I
could see no errors this end and asked them to forward on.
Louise Byers,
Help Desk Analyst
(Note : Here is a handwritten entry
of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 13th July 2007,
which refers to a reported sighting, by a Gill Peters, in
Rhodes, Greece. The actual date of the sighting reported is not
The report then continues thus :
_________Original Message__________
From : Martyn Peters (
To : www.mailoperator@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Sent : Friday, 13th July, 2007 3:18 PM
Subject : Fw : madeleine.
Page 2345 (Page 2 of 4 )
_________Original Message__________
From : Martyn Peters (
To : www.mailoperator@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Sent : Friday, 13th July, 2007 3:12 PM
Subject : Fw : madeleine.
_________Original Message__________
From : Martyn Peters (
To : www.mailoperator@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Sent : Friday, 13th July, 2007 2:59 PM
Subject : Fw : madeleine.
_________Original Message__________
From : Martyn Peters (
To : www.mailoperator@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Sent : Friday, 13th July, 2007 2:58 PM
Subject : Fw : madeleine.
_________Original Message__________
From : Martyn Peters (
To : leics police (
Sent : Friday, 13th July, 2007 1:21 PM
Subject : Fw : madeleine.
Page 2346 (Page 3 of 4 )
_________Original Message__________
From : Martyn Peters (
To : mail@bringmadeleinehome.com
Sent : Thursday, 12th July, 2007 3:40 PM
Subject : madeleine.
I am not sure if this will be of interest to you.
Myself and my mother returned yesterday from our holiday in
Rhodes, Greece.
Whilst we were there we ate in the same Taverna every evening
and last week,
noted a table of four adults and one child. Three of the adults
appeared to be English, and one was dark skinned and looked as
if he may have been Greek. The child was a young girl who
resembled Madeleine very much. She seemed very unhappy and
hardly uttered a word and did not smile at all for the whole
time they were in the Taverna. The adults virtually ignored her,
even when she was trying to get attention from the younger woman
of the group. She stayed near their table for most of the time.
On the one occasion that she walked past our table, I tried to
get her to talk to me so that she would come closer and I could
get a look at her eyes but she did not utter a word and only
looked at me directly when she was some distance away. She came
and stood directly behind my mother at one point, but again did
not speak. I could not at any point get a photograph without
being seen doing so by the people at the table.
By this point several other people had taken a very strong
interest in her and this was very noticeable. The adults began
to look very uncomfortable and left soon after.
The girl had noticed me watching her and as they were leaving
she glanced back at me several times.
Because I could not be 100% sure without seeing her eyes, and
because I had not obtained a photo, we decided it would be best
to see if they returned to the Taverna, and if so I would try
again. The older two adults returned on several occasions but
not the two younger ones and the girl.
Page 2344 (Page 4 of 4 )
One man was approx 60 years old, approx 5' 8/9", slim build,
very thin legs, a grey curley mullet type hairstyle, shoulder
length and a heavily wrinkled face. He had a Cockney accent and
was a heavy smoker. He seemed to have noticed my interest in the
girl and approached me on the 3rd occasion that I saw him to
find out where I was staying or if I lived on the Island. At
this stage I found out that he and his wife are regular visitors
to Rhodes and are having a Villa built there.
His wife was approx 60 years old, medium build with a slight
tan, approx 5' 5" with short grey straight hair, cut to shoulder
length with a brushed-back style. I did not speak to her.
The younger woman was approx 30 to 35 yrs old, heavy build,
approx 5' 5/6", shoulder length dark brown hair brushed back,
with a prominent nose profile. She also was a heavy smoker.
The 2nd man was of Mediterranean looks. I mainly saw him from
behind only but may have been mid forties in age with short cut
dark hair (I think grey at the temples) and was approx 5' 10"
On leaving the restaurant on the first occasion, they got into a
white car which the younger man drove. It was not a hire car, so
they may live on the Island.
On occasions after that, the older couple left in a silver, poss
Nissan car which again was not a hire car.
The older couple seemed to be regulars at the Taverna and are
known to the owners.
If this is of any interest to you, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Tel : 016842xxxxx
Mobile : 079055xxxxx
Gill Peters
13/07/2007 |
Email re sightings in Buenos Aires |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2348 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2348 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 212 )....Page 2348?"Email re
sightings in Buenos Aires, Argentina, (No date reference re
reported sightings indicated in this Report"
Page 2348 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 16th July 2007 15:39
Subject : A2557-for info.(D1975)
This action relates to two possible sightings in Buenos Aries,
and they are brief and a long time ago. No Interpol enq has been
Please advise if any further action is needed. There are phone
numbers if a Spanish speaker there wishes to speak directly to
the callers.
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 4 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
16th July 2007, which refers to 2 reported sightings in Buenos
Aires. No date reference re reported sightings indicated)
18/07/2007 |
Emails re sighting in
Holland Emails re reported sighting in Den Haag, The Hague, The
Netherlands, by a Femmigie van Den
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2349 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2349 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 213 )....Page 2349—"Emails re
reported sighting in Den Haag, The Hague, The Netherlands, by a
Femmigie van Den Bosch, (16th June 2007)"
Page 2349 (Page 1 of 1 )
From : Hughes John (DC) (
On Behalf of Task (
Sent : 24th September 2007 12:32
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : maybe it helps to find Madeleine
A report of a possible sighting in Holland on(sic) June.
Dc John Hughes
________Original Message________
From : Cameron MacRae (
Sent : 23rd September 2007 12:48
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : maybe it helps to find Madeleine
Thank you for your support to the Find Madeleine Appeal.
Cameron MacRae
Infohost Ltd
Let's Find Madeleine McCann !
Bring Madeleine Home !
_______Original Message________
From : viool@xxxxx.nl
Sent : 23rd Spetember 2007 10:23
To : store@bringmadeleinehome.com
Subject : maybe it helps to find Madeleine
Name : h.f.van den Bosch
Email Address : viool@xxxxx.nl
Message :
Here a message from the Netherlands. I do not know if the
parents know, that I thought that I saw Madeleine in Den Haag on
16th June 2007. I gave all the details to the Police in Den Haag
and I have sent an email to Opsporing Verzocht. I want to be
sure that her parents know, that I saw here there and maybe
there is something in my details, who can help to find
with love,
Femmigie van Den Bosch. |
Email re reported
sighting in Holland by a Linda Baines |
05 10 Apensos
V, Vol 10, Page 2350 |
apenso5_vol_10_p2350 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 10, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 10)....(PDF Page 214 )....Page 2350—"Email re
reported sighting in Holland by a Linda Baines,
(Actual date of the reported
sighting is not indicated within this Report"
Page 2350 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 16th July 2007 16:53
Attach : Leics enquiry form A2879.doc ; OIS1435.16.7.6.pdf
Subject : Duthch sighting-priority 2
For info re poss sighting in Holland.
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 16th July 2007 16:49
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Dutch enquries.
Importance : High
Can we ask the Dutch Authorities to look into this sighting as a
matter of urgency please.
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the Portuguese Language, which
refers to a reported sighting by a Linda Baines, resident in
The Portuguese handwritten text consists of :
Data : 16/07/07
Testemunha : Linda Baines
Local : Roterdão, Holanda
Morada : Schiedamseweg, 'xxxx', Roterdão
Telefone : 004920726xxxxx
Which reads, in English, (my "translation", and subject to
correction of course) as :
Date : 16th July 2007
Witness : Linda Baines
Location : Rotterdam, Holland
Residence : Schiedamseweg, 'xxxx', Rotterdam
Telephone : 004920726xxxxx
18/07/2007 |