- Service information re
sighting in Montpellier,
France |
Translation by Ines |
Apenso V, Vol XIV Page 2 |
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Date: 2008-02-26
Service Information
To: The Superior Coordinator
of the Criminal
Investigation, Paulo Rebelo
From: Inspector Ricardo
Subject: Expedient for
inclusion in the Process
Within the scope of the
investigation mentioned
above, into the
disappearance of the girl
Madeleine McCann, the
British police authorities
recently sent this Police
force the expedient which is
joined in annex, containing
information about a presumed
sighting in Montpellier,
I bring this to your
Inspector Paiva |
- Email from Stu Prior re
Montpellier sighting
- French map with sighting
- de Gederlander article
- Portuguese translation of
page 4 |
Apenso V, Vol XIV Page
3 to 6 |
From: Prior Stuart
Sent: 20 February 2008,
To: Ricardo Paiva
Subject: FW Montpellier
Annex: web page doc
As discussed
Stu Prior
Original message
From : Waddington Robert
Sent: 20 February 2008,
Subject: Restricted:
Montpellier sighting
As discussed
<web page.doc>
Page 4
(In English)
Madeleine Sighting in France
(Shows map)
With thanks to Claudia (in
Girl from Nijmegen sees
Maddy in Montpellier
Melissa Fiering is sure she
saw the missing British girl
Madeleine McCann last
Friday. This took place in a
roadside restaurant in the
French city Montpellier. She
called the police. When they
arrived, the girl and the
man she was with were gone.
For a long time there it was
quiet in the media about the
missing British girl
Madeleine McCann. But
student Melissa Fiering from
Nijmegen did see her last
Friday in a restaurant in
She looked a bit skinny,
especially around the jaws
and her hair was shorter.
Melissa is sure that the
girl was the now four year
old girl Madeleine McCann.
“She had the same
deformation in her eye”,
according to Melissa. “I
followed everything about
the case on TV. I knew
Madeleine had a “cat eye”.”
That is a deformation where
the pupil runs into the
iris. Because of this it
looks like Madeleine has an
oval pupil, just like a cat.
Melissa was in France
because she had made a trip
to Barcelona for her studies
(tourism). She was a
roadside restaurant (sic)
L’Arche listening to music
on her mobile phone.
A small child started
dancing to the music. Cute,
Melissa thought, but her
friend said “where do I know
this girl from?” Together
they walked up to the girl.
“That’s Madeleine” said a
startled Melissa. In order
to be sure she called out
her name, Maddy. The girl
looked up, surprised.
There was a man sitting next
to her, about 1.80m tall
with black hair, a black
leather jacket and an
unshaven face. He too heard
Madeleine’s name and jumped
up. He put the girl’s coat
on, put on her cap en (sic)
walked right out of the
restaurant” said Melissa.
She tried to take a picture
of the girl, but she was too
late. She called the French
police immediately. It took
her half an hour to speak to
someone. “I kept waiting. It
cost me a hefty phone bill,
but if they find her because
of this, it is certainly
worth it for me”. I feel so
bad about what happened to
The police took Melissa to
the police station to view
the CCTV images. “You can
see Madeleine in full view.
I am standing behind her.
You can see me holding my
hand in front of my mouth,
in shock”.
It was very difficult for
her to view those images. “I
went into shock and I had to
cry too. It won’t let me go.
I wish I would have stopped
that man”.
04 Shows map and English
Page 05 Ordinal article from
De Gelderlander:
Page 06 - Portuguese
translation of page 4
Page 07 Portuguese
translation of Dutch article
re café
sighting |
- Fax cover page
request for inquiries to the
French authorities
20 Feb 2008
- Confirmation of fax |
Apensos V, Vol XIV Page 8 to
09 |
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Policia Judiciaria
Date: 20 Feb 2008
Very Urgent
To: National Interpol
From: Superior Coordinator
of the Criminal
Investigation, Paulo Rebelo
Subject: Disappearance of
Madeleine McCann – request
for inquiries to the French
Within the scope of the
investigation mentioned
above into the disappearance
of the girl Madeleine
McCann, this police force
received information about a
recent presumed sighting of
the child accompanied by a
male individual in
Montpellier, France,
specifically in a restaurant
called “L’Arche”. The
situation was reported to
the local police by the
Dutch citizen, Melissa
Fiering. The police took
account of the occurrence
and went to the restaurant
where they proceeded to
collect security camera
Within this context the
collaboration of the
National Interpol Cabinet is
requested for the urgent
gathering of information
pertinent to this subject
from the Montpellier French
police authorities as well
as requesting a copy of the
security camera images and
that the necessary inquiries
are made in order to locate
and identify the individual
in question.
I attach copies of
information received by this
police force about the
With best compliments,
The Superior Coordinator of
the Criminal Investigation
Paulo Rebelo |
- Fax cover page
request for inquiries to the
French authorities
27 Feb 2008
- Confirmation of fax |
Apenso V, Vol XIV Page 10 to
11 |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_10 |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_11 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 27 Feb 2008
To: Interpol National
From: Superior Coordinator
of the Criminal
Investigation, Paulo Rebelo
Subject: Disappearance of
Madeleine McCann – request
for inquiries to the French
authorities – INSISTENCE
Following Fax nº 00140 of
20-02-2008 to which no reply
has been received, once
again a request is made with
maximum urgency to the
Montpellier French police
authorities for the
collection of all
information considered
pertinent regarding the
information that arrived at
this police force about a
presume sighting of the girl
Madeleine McCann accompanied
by a male individual in
Montpellier, France,
specifically in “L’Arche”
restaurant. The situation
was reported to the police
by the Dutch citizen Melissa
Fiering, the police took
account of the occurrence
and went to the restaurant
where security camera images
were collected.
We still request copies of
the security camera images
collected and if the
necessary inquiries to
locate the individual in
question were made.
With best compliments
The Superior Coordinator of
the Criminal Investigation
Paulo Rebelo |
- PJ correspondence
27-02-2008, 21st February we
forwarded your request to
our French counterparts |
Apensos V, Vol XIV Page 12 |
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International Cooperation
National Interpol Cabinet
Date: 27 February 2008
To: The Superior Coordinator
of the Criminal
Subject: Madeleine Beth
In response to your fax nº
154, dated 27-02-2008, we
inform you that on the 21st
February we forwarded your
request to our French
counterparts, not having
obtained any response from
as yet.
Today we insisted again for
a response, which we will
send to you once it is
With best compliments
Ana Mafalda Duarte |
2967 to 2968
or 25 to 26- Service
information re suspicious
sighting in Praia da Luz
2969 to 2970 or 27 to
28 Email re sighting in
Praia da Luz [English] |
14 apensos V Vol XIV 2967-2970. |
Date: 2008-05-02
To: The Head of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Joao Carlos
Subject: Supposed sighting
According to the results of the previous information, received
by email we can infer that this was a third party intervention,
in other words, the person who reported the sighting was not the
person who saw it. Patricia Grainger alleged that her friend
Rosemary Walley who lives in Portugal, concretely in Praia da
Luz at about 8 -10 minutes from the apartment Madeleine
disappeared from. According to Grainger, her friend Walley, on
the night of the disappearance or on the following morning, she
does not make this clear, when she was in her garden, supposedly
facing the room, she saw a man wearing a sports jacket carrying
a rucksack/bag. He was accompanied by a Portuguese woman (it is
not clear how she deduced the nationality). The couple got into
a mini van and left the scene.
The information is laconical, imprecise and quite vague, there
is no reference to the British child or to any other child. Once
we got hold of Rosemary Walley's telephone number and when we
spoke to her and told her the reason for our phone call she was
speechless. She said that she did not know anything about the
disappearance nor about the sighting, saying that the
information provided by her friend was fictitious or a
misunderstanding. She added that she had told her friend that on
the night of the disappearance she saw a man and a woman, the
former was carrying a golf bag on his shoulder and that she said
this bag, in jocular terms and out of pure derision be linked to
the missing girl. That it was a joke made in bad taste as she
did not see anything that could conclude or infer this sense, it
was a normal couple, nothing more.
With no more to report
Inspector Joao Carlos
Pages 2969 - 2970 are in English:
Fax from Inspector Paiva
To: Joao Silva Pereira
Date 2nd May 2008
Importance: High.
From: DIC Portimao
To: Inspector Paiva
Date: 2nd May 2008
Importance: High
From DC John Hughes
To: DIC Portimao
Date: 2nd May 2008
CC. Graham Michael
Importance : High
A new possible sighting on the night of 3rd May 2007. Please
advise if further enquiries needed here.
DC John Hughes
From: Southan, Daniel
Sent: 2nd May 2008
To: Task
Subject: Madeleine McCann
We have received information from Patricia Grainger regarding a
possible sighting of Madeleine on the night she disappeared.
Grainger states she has a friend who lives in Portugal named
Rosemary Walley. Walley lives about 8 - 10 minutes walk from the
apartments Madeleine disappeared from.
Walley told Grainger that on the night in question she was
sitting in her garden in the early hours of the morning
(Grainger can be no more specific about the time), when she saw
a male in a sport coat and flannels carrying a bundle, he was
with a Portuguese female. Grainger can offer no further
description as she did not witness these events.
The male and female got into a people carrier and drove away.
Grainger was told this information some time ago but Walley did
not wish to report this to the police either here or in
Portugal. Grainger states that her conscience got the better of
her and she decided to call the police herself and give this
information. It is recorded as West Mercia incident log 208 - s
- 010508. Both Walley and Grainger are elderly aged in their
Grainger lives at **** Worcs.
Walley has two addresses, her address in England is *** Worcs.
Her address in Portugal is:
Casa Clung, Caixa 401z, Praia da Luz
Walley is currently at her address in Portugal and is unaware
that Grainger has called in with this information. Grainger
thinks Walley will fall out with her if or when the police make
contact with her over this.
Grainger is more than willing to speak with you if you wish to
contact her.
Dan Southan |
2971- 2992
or 29 to 50 Report and emails re
Roman tunnels in Praia da
Luz- |
5 - 14 APENSOS V, Volume XIV Pages 29 to 50 (pdf) or 2971
TO 2992 |
Date: 2008/05/06
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation, Paolo Rebelo
From: Ricardo Paiva
Subject: Roman Tunnels in Praia da Luz, for annexing to the case
Within the scope of the investigation of the disappearance of
Madeleine McCann, the British police recently sent this police
force the emails that are annexed, containing information about
the possible existence of ancient underground tunnels of Roman
origin in Praia da Luz, which presumably cross the entire
village and which could be the subject of investigation by this
police force.
Within this context and the aim of checking the accuracy of
these emails on this date Engineer Martins from the Department
of Urbanism and Infrastructure from the Lagos Municipal Chamber
was contacted, he immediately supplied us with a CD with the
cartography of the sewerage network of Praia da Luz at
underground level, which shows that there are only tunnels for
rainwater evacuation. These maps were printed and are annexed to
this service report.
For your information
Inspector Ricardo Paiva
Note: maps of sewerage system in Praia da Luz not
shown. |
81 - Statement re sighting
in Newmarket |
Apensos V, Vol XIV Page 81 |
Thanks to Ines |
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Policia Judiciaria
National Interpol Cabinet
IP Lisbon – IP London
Information for Interpol Disclosure
Subject: Madeleine McCann born on 12th May 2003,
abducted from Praia da Luz, Portugal.
We are sending you information that we received from
Detective Alvaro Almeida of the York Police Homicide
On 31st January 2008 a woman living in Newmarket
informed this police force that she had seen a girl
who corresponded to the description of Madeleine
McCann about six months ago in a shopping centre in
Newmarket. The woman in question is aged 83 and her
husband (deceased) was a former member of the
Cheshire police force.
On 28th February 2008 a police officer went to her
home and obtained a statement from May Pegg. We
attach a copy of the statement. According to her
statement she saw the girl in July or August of
2007. Mrs Pegg says that her daughter had dissuaded
her from declaring the sighting because she thought
the missing girl must be in Europe.
The police officer made efforts to obtain security
camera footage from the shopping centre and
surrounding areas where the sighting took place.
Unfortunately there was no security camera coverage
for the areas in question in the shopping centre.
The investigators consider that no more measures can
be taken under these circumstances. No other reports
of sightings have been made in the Newmarket area or
in the area corresponding to this police force. This
message is just sent for information.
With compliments.
IP Otava
25-4-2008 |
83 84
- PJ
correspondence re German document
contains a message from Susana Weiss |
Apensos V Vol XIV Page 83 to 84 |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3026-83 |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3027-84 |
Policia Judiciaria
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
The attached information was translation and seen to be a very
concise and brief text. It contains a message from
Susana Weiss, saying that she presented information
about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann on
18-12-2007 which was delivered to this Police force
on 31-12-2007 and saying that she has not received a
reply to date. She mentions that she is going to
travel to various countries during the coming month
and as she will be absent from home, any contact to
be established with her should take place before the
end of this month.
Portimao, 28th May 2008
Inspector Joao Carlos
German text: page 83 |
90 or Processo 3033 Email/dissemination
report re suggestion of Belgian paedophile ring
2008.04.28 |
05 14 Apensos 05 Vol XIV Page 90
also Processo 3033 |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3033-90 |
Information Report
Date 04-03-2008
Information Markers
Sexual Offences,
suggests that a
paedophile ring in
Belgium made an
order for a young
girl 3 days before
Madeleine McCann was
taken. Somebody
connected to this
group saw Maddie
took a photograph of
her and sent it to
The purchaser agreed
that the girl was
suitable and Maddie
was taken. |
93 Fax
& Processo 3036 |
05 14 Apensos 05 Vol XIV Page 93
also Processo 12 Page 3036 |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3036-93 |
To Interpol
From Paolo Rebelo
In reply to your fax
dated 23-05-2008
relating to the
request for
information from the
Belgian authorities,
with regard to the
message received by
this police force
information that
place the hypothesis
of the disappearance
of Madeleine as
being the
involvement of a
paedophile ring from
Belgium apart from
the fax received
after the GNI
request, we do not
have any other
information about
this subject.
With compliments
Paolo Rebelo
100 to 101 - Letter re
sighting in Belgrade |
Apensos V, Vol XIV Pages pdf 100 to101 (3040-3041) |
Thanks to Ines |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3040-100 |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3041-101 |
Policia Judiciaria
National Interpol Cabinet
Very Urgent
Interpol Belgrade
Information to IP Lisbon
Subject: Madeleine McCann, born 12th May 2003,
Yellow Notice F – 131/05-2007 – Disappearance
Occurred on 03-05-2007 at 22.40 from the Ocean Club
apartments, Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal.
The attached fax was received from Stockholm and
reports a sighting that occurred today in Belgrade,
reported by Alexander Landefeldt to his girlfriend
in Sweden. The information was reported as follows:
Telephone call from Sara Vadelind who was contacted
by her boyfriend Alexander Landefeldt, an airline
pilot. A sighting was reported in Sarajebsk Street,
Central Belgrade today at 12.15 local time.
“Madeleine” was with a man who appeared to be of
North African/Arabic/ Balkan appearance who was
taking large strides. According to Alexander
“Madeleine” was being pushed and followed
reluctantly, not appearing to be happy. Alexander is
sure that it was Madeleine.
Alexander Landefeldt can be contacted on ****** and
Sara on ****.
Alexander spoke today with an officer from the
British police and is on his way to the airport to
return to Slovenia. His telephone will be
disconnected from 20.00 today until 12.00 tomorrow.
Afterwards he will be at his home in Sweden from
Thursday evening.
am at your disposal for further clarifications.
With compliments.
IP London
02-06-2008 |
102 - Letter re sighting in
Sao Paulo |
Apensos V, Vol XIV Page 102 |
Thanks to Ines |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3042-102 |
Policia Judiciaria
National Interpol Cabinet
Interpol London Brasilia Lisbon Information for IP
IP Lisbon: Your ref 1806/07 MIN
IP London: Your ref: 411 – 2395710-07
Yellow Notice: F-131/5-2007
Subject: Information about Madeleine McCann –
Possible sighting in Sao Paulo airport (Brazil)
On 19-5-2008 man called Hansen telephoned the Larvik
police in Norway saying that he had information
about the Madeleine McCann case.
He said that in 2007 during his holidays during the
weeks 25, 26 and 27 (June/July) he was in Brazil
where he has been various times, he is not sure of
the date but it was probably the weekend of the 27
in Sao Paulo airport. He was staying close by and
had gone to do some shopping at the airport.
He knows the airport well and close to Terminal 1 he
saw a girl dressed in pink. She appeared tired, she
was holding hands with a man of South American
appearance, but light skinned. A woman was with them
but he cannot describe her.
The girl looked like Madeleine McCann and was of the
same age, but he did not know what to do. Later he
saw the photo fits of the Madeleine case and thought
that the man who was holding the girl by the hand
resembled the photo fit.
On the Thursday or Friday of last week, Mr Hansen
read in the Norwegian newspaper “Dagbladet” that
Madeleine McCann had probably been seen in Sao Paulo
airport. He thought this was quite a coincidence and
wanted to communicate his information to the police.
Do not hesitate to contact us if necessary.
With compliments.
IP Oslo
23-5-2008 |
103 to 106 or 3043 to 3046 Cover letter
yellow alert Interpol |
14 Apensos V Vol XIV Pages 3043 to 3046 |
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TO: Interpol Lisbon
Subject: Madeleine McCann - Yellow Alert F-131/5-2007
We are sending an attached message that was posted on the public
Interpol site on 23rd May 2008.
We ask you to take the necessary measures and let us know the
results of your investigations in the light of this message.
If necessary do not hesitate to contact Operation Centre 1 24/7.
With compliments
From S********. Sent on Friday 23rd May 2008.
For INFO, Subject Madeleine McCann
I attached the photo of a small and abandoned chapel of a former
convent in the Portel/Alentejo (Portugal) to the East of Lisbon.
It is on top of a hill, in a remote and isolated place. I think
this could be the place where Madeleine McCann is buried and I
will explain why.
The period 21st May 2007 and 10 June 2007 should be of interest
to the investigation. Let us suppose that the McCanns were
involved in the accidental death of their daughter and that they
hid her body temporarily while they were looking for a permanent
burial place. This would coincide with DNA evidence that
indicates that Madeleine's body was transported in the Renault
As the McCanns are Catholics, I suppose they would have tried to
find a religious place. At this time they were not yet suspects
and did not have to be so careful when they were searching for
this site.
So, we have two people in a foreign country looking for a place
to bury their daughter. Not just an appropriate place, but also
some place where nobody would look.
The obvious thing to begin this process would be to look at a
map of Portugal. I looked at copies of all the maps printed in
the UK and it is therefore highly probable that I have the same
map that the McCanns were using when they were in Portugal. Many
of these maps have small dark symbols that signify religious
buildings. There are none in the south of Portugal but there are
various in the North of the country. I think that the McCanns
looked at these symbols.
Unfortunately, these symbols do not refer to details about the
religious buildings. In order to establish that it would perhaps
be necessary to resort to Internet. It would be very difficult
for the McCanns to do this in Portugal using a rented computer
and with the police and media surrounding them. That is the
reason why I think the events between 21st May and 10 June are
very important.
21/22 May
Gerry McCann is in the UK. Could it be that Gerry McCann took
advantage of this opportunity, in the privacy of his home, to
search for appropriate places for the burial? I think this is
very probable given the attitudes of the McCanns after Gerry's
return to Portugal.
23 May (one day after Gerry's return to Portugal)
Gerry and Kate McCann travel to Fatima passing many areas of
Portugal on their way. I think that this trip was made so that
the McCanns could see for themselves the areas where some of the
religious buildings were found. Now the Alentejo/Portel chapel
is situated on a hill top, I don't know whether they managed to
see it during this trip to Fatima, but they could have seen the
area upon their return.
The location being decided, the McCanns spent the following days
planning how to transport Madeleine for burial in the Alentejo.
28 May
The McCanns rented the Renault Scenic even though they knew they
were going to Rome on the following day and would not use it.
They rented the Renault BEFORE leaving for Rome deliberately so
that someone could use it to transport Madeleine's body while
they were away. Why did they hire it precisely at this time?
Upon going to Rome the McCanns took the media of the whole world
with them, leaving the way free for someone to take Madeleine to
29/30 May
The McCanns are in Rome with the Pope. What better place to be
while their daughter was buried?. While not being able to offer
a dignified funeral for Madeleine, the best thing to do would be
to obtain a blessing from the Pope himself. I believe firmly
that Madeleine McCann was buried whilst the McCanns were in
3 June
I think it is said that the Renault had clocked up excessive
mileage. Alentejo/Portel is situated 160 km from Praia da Luz
which could explain this.
10 June
Gerry and Kate McCann leave Praia da Luz at the end of the
afternoon to go to Lisbon by car in order to catch a flight to
Morocco. For what reason did the McCanns travel by car to Lisbon
to catch the flight to Morocco when they could have flown from
Faro? Did they take advantage of this opportunity to visit
Madeleine's burial site? It is located at only 20 minutes by car
from Lisbon.
I went through this with detail. The Alentejo/Portel chapel is
not a place represented by one of the dark symbols but is very
close to one of them.
I checked all the chapels, churches and religious buildings in
the north of Portugal and the chapel I refer to is the most
obvious. There is no other unused religious building that could
be more suitable for the McCanns. If I were the McCanns, I would
have chosen the Portel chapel in Alentejo. It is a suitably
agreeable and remote place in order to facilitate the burial of
a body without being seen by anyone. It is perfect.
Don't just take my word. Have a look around and see if you can
find a better place.
Given that Maddie is probably buried inside a bag (as is
suggested by the laboratory examinations carried out on the car)
she could possibly be found with the use of a metal detector.
I hope that you communicate this message to the appropriate
persons. I sent elements about this building to the PJ in
Portimao but maybe the Lisbon officers are better placed to
proceed with these investigations. |
- Statement re sighting
in Salvador, Brazil |
Apensos V Vol XIV Page 107 |
Thanks to Ines |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3047-107 |
Policia Judiciaria
National Interpol Cabinet
Interpol Brasilia Information for IP Lisbon and
Lisbon : 1386/08 P 1806/07
London: 411-2395710-07
Subject: Possible sighting of Madeleine McCann in
Salvador/Brazil – Yellow alert F-131/5-2007
are attaching a message sent by someone to the
Interpol public site on 22nd May 2008.
This person claims to have seen a girl who was very
similar to the British girl who disappeared,
Madeleine McCann – Yellow Notice F131/5-2007.
ask you to take the necessary measures and
communicate the results of the investigations
carried out following this message to IP Lyon.
know that in Brazil there has been attention by the
press regarding possible sightings of Madeleine
McCann and this could have led to an increase in
communications of sightings (see for example the
attached Associated Press article).
However, we request that you keep us informed about
your investigations and do not hesitate the 24/7
Operations Central if necessary.
With compliments,
22-5-2008 |
112 - Fax |
Apensos V, Volume XIV Page 112 |
Thanks to Ines |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3052-112 |
Policia Judiciaria
12 June 2008
To: International Cooperation Department
National Interpol Cabinet
From: PJ Portimao DIC, Inspector Joao Carlos
Date: 12-06-2008
Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
On 3rd May 2007, in Praia da Luz, Lagos a British
girl Madeleine McCann disappeared from the apartment
where she was on holiday with her parents, her
whereabouts are still unknown.
Following this disappearance information telling of
supposed sightings have arrived from all over the
world, which until now, have not led to her
With reference to your message IP Lisbon 1386-P
1806/07 mentioning a supposed sighting of the girl
in Central Belgrade, Sarajebska Street on 02-06-2008
at 12.15 local time, we request the pertinent
inquiries be made by the local authorities, in order
to check the existence of security cameras and to
find out whether there are any other positive
sightings that confirm the presence of the missing
With compliments
The Superior Coordinator of the Criminal
Paulo Rebelo |
114 - Information re
sighting in Belgrade, Serbia |
Apensos V, Volume XIV Page 114 |
Thanks to Ines |
14_volume_XIV_apenso_V_3054-114 |
Policia Judiciaria
With regard to subject mentioned on page 2 we made
telephone contact with the witness Alexander
Landefeldt, who alleges to have seen the missing
British girl Madeleine McCann on the 2nd of this
month in Belgrade, Serbia.
The witness, after being contacted and giving a
brief explanation of these facts, says that in fact
he cannot be sure that it was the British girl. The
girl in question had physical similarities but he
can not in any be sure that it was Madeleine McCann.
But he says that he is unaware if there re other
witnesses to the sighting or any system of images
recording adding that he only linked the girl to
Madeleine McCann because he felt there was some
Portimao, 12th June 2008
Inspector Joao Carlos |