900-Email re
sighting in Delhi, India |
Thanks to Skeptical |
V, Vol 5, Page 900 |
apenso5_vol_5_p900 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 3)....Page 900-"Email re sighting in
Delhi, India"
Page 900 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 17th May 2007 11.55
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Kidnapped Girl
From : Lars Siefert (
Date : 17th May 2007 11.36
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Kidnapped Girl
Dear Sir,
Please forward to the relevant Law Enforcement Police sources :
I am a Danish UN Security Officer living and working in Delhi,
India. Yesyerday I spoke to a Danish couple on vacation in
India. They explained to me, that they had seen a couple of
Indian (dark skinned/coloured) people walking holding hands with
a little girl 3 - 4 years old. The girl was looking
The observation was made in : MG Street in the middle of
BANGALORE City in India yesterday (15th May 2007) around 12.00
noon by Mr Lars Kristensen (Danish MOB Phone : +45508xxxxx). Mr
Kristensen will fly home to Denmark fron Delhi on Friday.
Forwarded for your information.
Best regards,
901 Email re sighting in Florida |
V, Vol 5, Page 901 |
apenso5_vol_5_p901 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 3)....Page 901-"Email re sighting in
Page 901 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 4th September 2007 12.17
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Untitled.pdf
From : Hughes John (DC) (
Date : 4th September 2007 12.08
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Untitled.pdf
Please review this possible sighting in FLORIDA in May. |
902 to 904 Request for CCTV re Florida sighting |
V, Vol 5, Pages 902-904 |
apenso5_vol_5_p902 |
apenso5_vol_5_p903 |
apenso5_vol_5_p904 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Pages 5-7)....Pages 902 to 904-"Request for CCTV re
Florida sighting"
Page 902 (Page 1 of 3)
Allocate Action :
Action No. : A2989 Priority : L
Text :
Ascertain whether CCTV is available from Typhoon Lagoon,
Disneyland, FLORIDA, approx 1650hrs on 15th May 2007.
A possible sighting of Madeleine was reported by MAXWELL N1422
Allocated To : Hughes DC443
Originating Document No. : A1611
Previous Results :
Partially resulted on 13th August 2007
1st August 1015hrs 1756 MARSHALL
Please re-allocate to DC Hughes as it is out of Country.
Receivers Instructions :
P/Result, re-allocate to DC HUGHES for Enquiries.
CL 9513 9th August 2007
Partially Resulted on 31st August 2007
29th August 2007 1230 DC 1756 MARSHALL
This is a out of Country enquiry. Could it be passed to DC
Receivers Instructions :
Part result action
For re-allocation
DS 4031 ELLIOTT 29th August 2007
Page 903 (Page 2 of 3)
Statement number : S411
Surname : MAXWELL
Forename(s) : Mary
Age : 73 Date of Birth : 9th May 1934
Address : xx, LExxxxx ROxx, Brighton-Le-Sands, Liverpool,
Merseyside, Lxx xxY
Occupation : Retired Law Lecturer
Telephone No. : -
Statement Date : 15th June 2007
My name is Mrs Mary Maxwell. I reside at this address shown
overleaf. On Tuesday 15th May 2007, at approximately 4.50 p.m.,
I was on holiday in AMERICA. I was in the area of KISSIMEE. I
was actually at "TYPHOON LAGOON" within the WALT DISNEY COMPLEX.
This is a water park. I was there with my family. I was reading
a book and I looked up. I then saw a young girl. I would
estimate her age between 4 and 5 years of age. I would say she
bore a strong resemblance to the little girl MADELEINE McCANN.
This is the little girl who's face I have seen on many occasions
on the television and in newspapers as well as the internet. The
little girl I saw appeared perplexed. Though she was not crying.
She had "mousey" BROWN coloured hair and it was in a PIG TAIL. I
am well aware of the distinguished mark in the eyes of
MADELEINE. However I could not get a.....
Page 904 (Page 3 of 3)
......closer look at this little girl's eyes. I cannot remember
what she was wearing. She was however with a female. The female
is described as follows : - WHITE, 5'7" tall wearing a beige
coloured T-shirt. She also had a pair of beige coloured cropped
jeans. She had shoulder length hair. I describe as ASH BLONDE in
colour. Her hair was in a "BOB" STYLE. The two of them walked
away from me. As they did the little girl constantly looked back
at me. They walked towards the direction of the exit of the
park. I then lost sight of them. I am well aware that these
parks have CCTV and take fingerprints of people as they enter.
The two of them at this time were walking past an area of
TOILETS AND CHANGING ROOMS. That is the only way I can describe
where I was sitting. The female with the little girl was aged
about 37 years old. I would describe her face as OVAL with a
PALID complexion. She appeared to pull on the child's arm as the
child looked back at me. I cannot remember anything else that
might be of assistance at this stage.
(signed) M MAXWELL Signature witnessed by : -- |
905 to 906 Further details re Florida sighting |
V, Vol 5, Pages 905 and 906 |
apenso5_vol_5_p905 |
apenso5_vol_5_p906 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Pages 8-9)....Page 905 to 906-"Further details re
Florida sighting"
Page 905 (Page 1 of 2)
Allocate Action
Action No. : A2989
Reporting Officer(s) :
(Show rank, name and number)
Date returned : 4th September 2007 Time : 12MD
Page 906 (Pgae 2 of 2)
Allocate Action
Action No. : A2989 (Cont)
Result of Action ( Please write clearly) :
Possible sighting FLORIDA in May. E-mailed to Portugal for
renew(?) and actions as needed. |
907 to 908
- Service
information re sighting in Aljubarrota |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol V Pages 907-8 |
apenso5_vol_5_p907 |
apenso5_vol_5_p908 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-05-16
To: The Post Commander
From: Chief Inspector Diamantino Carvalho
Subject: Communication from Alcobaca GNR
I inform you that today, at about 00.05 Soldier Cebolo from the
Alcobaca GNR telephoned us.
The officer in question told me that at about 23.00, António
José Sousa Vicente, whom he believes to be a quarry worker,
resident of Santo Amaro in Alcobaca appeared at the station
saying that at bout 22.00/22.30 whilst passing through the
centre of Aljubarrota he saw a girl in a car who appeared to him
to be the girl who disappeared in the Algarve. The girl was
accompanied by a dark skinned (Indian type?) man, with little
hair and of medium build.
The officer told me that the witness told him that he approached
the girl, who had short blond hair and asked her name to which
she responded “Maddie”....When asked if the witness spoke to her
in English, the officer did not know what to reply, merely
stating that the witness appeared to him to have had “a glass
too many”.
The officer stated that the car in question was a Peugeot 505
Break, grey, number plate 33-92-CC. According to the police,
this vehicle was registered in the name of Elsa Maria Duarte
Pinto, a resident of Alcobaca.
Police officers went to the residence, where nobody appeared.
However, the officer informed me that together with the local
PSP they had managed to establish that both the vehicle and the
person are known in the area.
That is all I have to inform you.
Station Chief |
913 Confidential document with address in Cadiz |
V, Vol 5, Page 913 |
apenso5_vol_5_p913 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 12)....Page 913- "Confidential document with
address in Cadiz"
Page 913 (Page 1 of 1)
Club Da Costa is 206km from CADIZ and the post code is 29649
Mujas Costa.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Forename(s) : MIM
Title/Rank/ID Number : 7278
Surname : MOY |
917 SOCA international enquiry form re sightings in Spain |
V, Vol 5, Page 917 |
apenso5_vol_5_p917 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 13)....Page 917- "SOCA international
enquiry form re sightings in Spain"
Page 917 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
1/6/7 Spanish sightings
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
Following the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal,
there have been multiple possible sightings reported in Spain.
We request in all cases that any possible witnesses be traced,
local enquiries be made to trace any further witnesses, and any
CCTV be preserved. Any hotels should be checked for identity of
guests. Vehicle owners should be seen and checked.
We request that the relevant local Spanish Authority look into
each of the following reports :
M1085 : Possible sighting in Salou, 14th or 15th May.
A925 : Possible sighting in hotel in Salou, 8th May.
D475 : Possible sighting in Valencia, 9th May.
D633 : Possible sighting in Vera, 10th May. Vehicle abandoned
D474 : Possible sighting Riviera Del Sol, 5th May.
D490 : Possible sighting Guardamar del Seura, 6th May.
D505 : Possible sighting Marbella, 10th May.
A789 : Possible sighting in Spanish vehicle, Pampaneira,
(vehicle owner enquiry).
A758 : Possible sighting in Spanish vehicle, Huelva, 17th May,
(vehicle owner enquiry).
All documents listed are attached for individual dissemination.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
918 Email re Spanish sightings |
V, Vol 5, Page 918 |
apenso5_vol_5_p918 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 14)....Page 918- "Email re Spanish
Page 918 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 1st June 2007 18.52
To :
Subject : Case Ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Multiple
Sightings, Spain.
Attachments : Leics enquiry form Spanish sightings.doc :
M1085.pdf : D474.pdf : D464.pdf : D633.pdf : D475.pdf : A925.pdf
: D490.pdf : D505.pdf : A789.pdf : A758.pdf
I've spoken to Jane Whiting today about the fact that we have
several Spanish sightings to look at, and they are all included
on this one form. All of the documents that support these
sightings are here as individual attachments.
Dc. John Hughes |
924 Email In Italian re sighting in Malaga |
V, Vol 5, Page 924 |
apenso5_vol_5_p924 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 20)....Page
924- "Email In Italian re sighting
in Malaga"
Page 924 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 23rd May 2007 14.06
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Madeleine - Atten.
Oligario Da Sousa
Attachment : Malaga.jpg
From : 'Chi l'ha visto ? ' - Rai Tre
Date : 23rd May 2007 12.50
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : Madeleine. - Attn.
Oligario Da Sousa
We have received the following
sighting from an Italian man that
saw a blond little girl in MALAGA on
May 15th.
Kind regards.
for the "Chi l'ha visto ?" - HaiTre
Editorial Staff
From : Ferrara Giuseppe
To : 8262@xxx.it
Sent : Monday, 21st May, 2007 4.13
Subject : Madeleine
: Here, is a 26 line e-mail, In the
Italian Language, indicating a
sighting in Malaga)
935 to 937 Statement re sighting in Gibraltar |
V, Vol 5, Pages 935-937 |
apenso5_vol_5_p935 |
apenso5_vol_5_p936 |
apenso5_vol_5_p937 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Pages 20-31)....Pages 935 to 937- "Email In Italian
re sighting in Gibraltar"
Page 935 (Page 1 of 3)
Priority 2
5x5x5 Information Intelligence Report Form A Doc 15.
Organisation and Staff : Surrey PC3430 Fabry : Cobham NSO :
Date/Time : 1515hrs 22nd May 2007
Source / Intelligence : PC3430 Fabry : Cobham NSO : Report URN
Report :
Operation Name/Number : Intelligence relating Madeleine McCann
Text :
* Intelligence Relating To Madeleine McCann
* Information received from Mr and Mrs Daniel Kisloff of xx,
ALxxxx ROxx, (Note : Remainder of address illegible), Tel :
* A...(Note : Age illegible), year old girl was seen at Marks &
Spencer, Main Street, Gibraltar at around 10.30 - 11.30 hours on
15th May 2007 by the couple while they were on holiday on a QM2
* She was being pushed in a store trolley by women who seemed in
a hurry
* The girl was heard to say, "You're not my Mummy".
* The woman replied, "Of course I am".
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 22nd May 2007, which refers to a
sighting in Gibraltar"
Page 936 (Page 2 of 3)
5x5x5 Continuation Form B
Text Continued :
* The little girl described as White Girl, 4 or 5 years old.
* No other descriptions.
* The lady is described as a White Lady, frumpy, dark medium
length hair.
* No other descriptions.
* (Note : First word Illegible)....remembers that there is CCTV
in the store.
Page 937 (Page 3 of 3)
Risk Assessment Form C
(Note :
This Form has no entries on it). |
943 Statement re sighting in Malta |
05-05 Apensos
V, Vol 5, Page 943 |
apenso5_vol_5_p943 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Page
36)....Page 943- "Statement re
sighting in Malta"
Page 943 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2 Number : S338
(Note : This report has a
handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 22nd June
2007, indicating a reference re
'Department of Mary O'Rourke', and
referring to a sighting in MALTA.
Unfortunately, this entry has been
inserted diagonally across the
mid-section of the Page, and thus
obscures the centre parts of the
On Saturday
daughter , who was attending
18th May I took a trip to the
on route number 47. Around 4 p.m.
I had
the bus stop outside the Raddison
to be a local, with a young
Madaline(sic) McCANN. Initially I
pay too
I couldn't help but notice that the
I got on and noticed that the woman
got on with the little girl. The
McCANN story on my mind I
girl. The little girl had shoulder
sunhat, she had 3/4 length trousers
and a
The woman with the child was
She had short black straight hair
I believe this woman was a local,
through MALTA I never heard either
child was English speaking or not.
and seemed to stare out of the
got off the bus in an area I believe
report the incident at the time
because I
MALTA, but in light of recent news
reports I feel
it is more than a coincidence.
948 Statement re sighting in Fuerengola |
V, Vol 5, Page 948 |
apenso5_vol_5_p948 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 40)....Page 948- "Statement re sighting in
Page 948 (Page 1 of 1)
(Note :
This report has a handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 30th May 2007, indicating a reference
re 'From : Marion WOODCOCK', and referring to a sighting in FUERENGOLA. Unfortunately, this entry has been inserted
diagonally across the mid-section of the Page, and thus obscures
the centre parts of the statement)
Incident Message : M1428 : Security Level : 4
Date : 30th May 2007
Type : Phone In
Surname : ......................
Forename(s) : .......................
Sex : Female
Telephone number(s) :........................
Address : HOME : 3................................
Lancashire, BLx xxL
On 16th May 2007 between 7 p.m. and
Costa FUERENGOLA. When I saw a
driven onto th eforecourt by a
a little girl in the rear offside she
but none of the windows were open
As we walked around the back of the
off and then the child put her head
Person receiving'/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number:
Forename(s) : Elaine
Surname : HOPKINS |
949 Statement re sighting in Bengalbon, Spain |
V, Vol 5, Page 949 |
apenso5_vol_5_p949 |
of Contents :
APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 41)....Page 949- "Statement re sighting in
Bengalbon, Spain"
Page 949 (Page 1 of 1)
Incident Message
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
4th July 2007, and indicates ' Information from Francis
Kensholme", 16th May 2007, and which overwrites the upper
portion of this report)
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : --
Address : HOME : x, PLaaa xx xx FLxxxx, BENGALBON, Rincon De La
Victoria, Spain.
Information :
Just to let you know we saw a little girl this morning who
looked very much like Madeleine. Her behaviour when she got on a
bus was a bit unusual in that she was unsure of herself, either
like she is not used to catching a bus or with the man she was
with. I was sat on the bus and they got on a couple of stops
later in Rincon de la Victoria, outside Supersolve Supermarket
at about 12.15 today. They got off in Anoreta Golf. She was
wearing a red dress and a sunhat. Carrying a balloon. I tried to
look at her eye but couldn't see. She didn't seem nervous, just
nervous of being on the bus. Facial features very similar to
what I have seen online. Man was clean, tidy, short hair,
darkish. Where they got off was a golf complex. Not a large
English community there.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : Michelle
Surname : EVANS |
953 Email re sighting in Funchal, Madeira |
V, Vol 5, Page 953 |
apenso5_vol_5_p953 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 42)....Page 953- "Email re sighting in
Funchal, Madeira"
Page 953 (Page 1 of 1)
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 23rd May 2007 08.19
Subject : FW : I think I saw Madeleine in Madeira priority 2
________________Original Message__________
From : internet@met.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 22nd May 2007 23.10
To : anapaulamoite@xxxxxxxxxx.com
Cc : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : I think I saw Madeleine in Madeira
Thank you for your E-mail but this case is being dealt with by
the Portuguese Police and Leicestershire Constabulary, not the
Metropolitan Police. Your message has been forwarded.
Email Office
New Scotland Yard
____________________Original Message_______________
From anapaulamoite@xxxxxxxxxx.com
Sent : 22nd May 2007 23.06
To : DCC10 Mailbox - Internet Mailbox
Subject : I think I saw Madeleine in Madeira
I live in MADEIRA. Yesterday I watched a strange commotion in a
street in FUNDOA that left me aghast, and although I'm not sure,
because it was all in a matter of seconds, I feel it is my duty
to report this, as a citizen.
Last May 16th, at 6.20 p.m., I was passing by Sitio da Fundoa,
Monte, Funchal, Madeira, (to be more precise, near a bakery that
is being built in Rua Da Fundoa), when I saw a black vehicle,
station, reverse very quickly. In the backseat, there was a
blond little girl, with two ponytails, with a seatbelt, that was
about Madeleine's age and size. She was wearing something
inflatable, red or orange, that looked like a life-vest.
The car was being driven by a caucasian male, with sunglasses
(with small round lenses), short, blondish hair, with a typical
British phisionomy. There was a "click" in my head when,
continuing my way to Funchal, I found PSP Officers (that seemed
to be taking care of a crash between two cars). That was when I
put the pieces together and associated the fact that the man was
reversing very quickly so as not to cross himself with the
Police ! Then I was restless and I decided to inform you of
whaat I saw, because I wonder, was it Madeleine the little girl
I saw ? I have to say that on the 17th May I sent this message,
but in Portuguese to the Police in Algarve by the email
23/05/2007 |
963 to 964 Statement re sighting in Horta, Faial and Malaga |
V, Vol 5, Page 964 |
apenso5_vol_5_p963 |
apenso5_vol_5_p964 |
apenso5_vol_5_p964a |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 48-49)....Pages 963 to 964-"Statement re
sighting in Horta, Faial and Malaga"
(Note :
Page 963, is in the Portuguese Language, and refers to a
sighting of Madeleine at Cidade da Horta, Faial, Acores
(Azores). Page 964 is an English Language report and is a
further reference to the sighting in Bengalbon, Spain)
Page 964 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2 : Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal : Enq sent to
Allocate Action
Action No. : A453
Incident Message : M234 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary
Date 16th May 2007 : Time : 1430 : Priority : M
Type : Phone In : Code : SUSP : Description : Suspicious
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : DALEY
Forename(s) : Rick
Sex : Male
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, which refers to a sighting of Madeleine in Bengalbon,
Spain, and which has overwritten some of the upper portion of
the report)
Information :
Radio DJ from REM, FM Marbella has rung in on behalf of a lady
who has stated that she has just seen Madeleine in BENGALBON
which is Island East of Malaga. He says she is panic stricken
and would somebody ring her. Her name is Francis KENSHOLME, Home
No. : 00349529xxxxx. Mobile, which she is on now 00346899xxxxx.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number:
Forename(s) : Lou
Surname : COTTEE |
966 Statement re
sighting in
Switzerland) |
V, Vol 5, Page 966 |
apenso5_vol_5_p966 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 51)..Page 966-"Statement re sighting
Allaman, Switzerland)
Page 966 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2 : 16th May 2007
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1397 Priority : L
Text :
Conduct Interpol enquiries re a possible sighting of NI in Co-Op
Store, The Littoral Centre, Allaman, 1 Route Delagare, 1165
Allocated To : HUGHES DC443 : Originating Document No. : R21
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal.
Interpol enq sent.
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 16th May 2007) |
968 Statement re sighting in Switzerland store |
V, Vol 5, Page 968 |
apenso5_vol_5_p968 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 52)....Page 968-"Statement re sighting in
Switzerland store"
Page 968 (Page 1 of 1)
Leicestershire Constabulary
From : DC1703 Jim McGarvey, Dept. M.C.U
To : Receiver Op Task
Date : 17th May 2007
Ref : Poss' sighting
Subject : Reported sighting Wednesday 16th May 2007.
Spoke to a male providing details of Colin Watkins, 077101xxxxx,
who is a retired porperty developer and was calling from
Switzerland (on business). He is returning to the UK this
evening and can be contacted after 6.00 p.m. His home address is
GOxxxx HOxxx, Barker Gate, Nottingham, NGx xxU.
Watkins states that he was in company with his colleague John
Bishop (ex Army Intell' Officer) yesterday. At this time they
were in the Co-Op Store, address of store is The Littoral
Centre, Allaman, 1 Route Delagare, 1165 Allaman, Switzerland.
In the store (hypermarket), they saw a child sitting at a table
in the restaurant which he believed to be Madeleine. He said
they walked round the food counter to get a closer look and saw
the child, who was approximately 4 years old, was being held
closely by a female who was of different colouring(skin),
possible Portuguese with short dark hair and was aged 32-34 and
wearing dark glasses.
Upon closer inspection, Watkins believed the child's mouth was
different to that of the pictures of Madeleine. However, Watkins
has seen further photo's today and believes they are a better
representation of the child he saw at the location.
I did not speak to his colleague John Bishop but he is also
available. Watkins became very rushed at the end of the call and
sounded as if he was having a disagreement with a foreign
sounding female in the background. I attempted to ask for more
detail concerning time of day etc, but Watkins stated that he
reall had to go but would be available when back in the UK.
He believes the store may operate a CCTV System and he offered
that his colleague could attend and seize the footage. I advised
that we would perform this task if the need arose.
Report submitted for your attention and information.
DC1703 Jim McGarvey. |
970 Email from DC Hughes |
05-05 Apensos
V, Vol 5, Page 970 |
apenso5_vol_5_p970 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 54)....Page 970-"Email from DC Hughes"
Page 970 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 5th June 2007 16.49
To :
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Swiss sighting
Attachments : Leics enquiry form A1379.doc
Could we ask the Swiss to look into this please.
Dc John Hughes |
976 Email re sighting in Mexico City |
V, Vol 5, Page 976 |
apenso5_vol_5_p976 |
apenso5_vol_5_p977 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 58)....Page 976-"Email re sighting in
Mexico City"
Page 976 (Page 1 of 1)
From :
Sent : 16th May 2007 17.27
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann - child of similar description
seen in Mexico
We've received this e-mail from our post in Mexico City
regarding Madeleine McCann.
We get the occasional e-mail like this (two today) where th
eperson who has called does not speak English so is unable to
call the International Telephone Number.
In such cases would it be acceptable to forward these e-mails to
this address or would you rather we relayed them down the
telephone on the dedicated numbers ? We would, of course, never
give this e-mail address to a member of the public.
Many thanks for your help
__________________Original Message____________
From : Anna Ridge
Sent : Wednesday, May 16th, 2007 3.44 p.m.
To : Emma Harber
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann - child of similar description
seen in Mexico
Hi Emma
Can you pass this onto the Police please.
_______________Original Message_____________
From : Nicola Mockridge * Mexico City - UBS
Sent : 16th May 2007 16.10
To : Anna Ridge
Cc : Dawn Farr * Mexico City - UBS
Subject : Madeleine McCann - child of similar description seen
in Mexico
We spoke. A Mexican member of the public, Ms Lourdes Uriarte
(tel +5355575xxxxx) contacted the Embassy today, claiming she
had seen a little girl matching Madeleine's description in
Mexico City last week. She saw three adults, all with dark hair
and skin, together with a young blond haired little girl of pale
complexion. The adults were speaking Portuguese, but the little
girl didn't say a word. They were on Calle PEsora, near the
Basilica de Guadalupe ( a popular place of pilgrimage in
Mexico). The adults appeared to be................
(Note : Here, the
statement ends abruptly, The following page, Page 977 is a
completely blank page) |
979 Statement re sighting in Costa Blanca, Spain |
05-05 Apensos
V, Vol 5, Page 979 |
apenso5_vol_5_p979 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings
and Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Page 61)....Page 979-
"Statement re sighting in Costa Blanca, Spain"
Page 979 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 1 : Urgent : Spain
Scan to Portugal
Incident Message : M366 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 17th May 2007 : Time : 1613 : Priority : H
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to
include possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : GRANT
Forename(s) : Michelle
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 4 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 17th May 2007, and which
refers to a sighting in COSTA BLANCA, Spain. This entry
has however overwritten most of the report)
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : Linda
Surname : SCOTT
981 FAX re E-mail from SOCA re SHRIMPTON" |
V, Vol 5, Page 981 |
apenso5_vol_5_p981 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 62)....Page 981- "FAX re E-mail from SOCA
Page 981 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 6
Title : E-mail from SOCA re Shrimpton
Summary :
Information received from Michael Shrimpton re...(word
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal.
Instructions :
Register/ (word illegible)
Scan to Portugal
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 21st May 2007, and which refers to 2 ships,
Panic II and Stentor) |
982 Email |
V, Vol 5, Page 982 |
apenso5_vol_5_p982 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 63)....Page
982- " E-mail"
Page 982 (Page 1 of 1)
Jones Sue (4093)
From :
To : sue.jones@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Op Task
Importance : High
Attachments : Doc1.doc
STOP - Please reply to :
To : Sue Jones
Your ref :
Our ref : 4H2395710/07
Concerning Madeleine McCann
Hi Sue
As per phone call, here is a
transcript, (attached Doc1.doc), of
what Michael Shrimpton spoke to me
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
984 to 985 Statement re information of boat headed for Holland
V, Vol 5, Page 984 and 985 |
apenso5_vol_5_p984 |
apenso5_vol_5_p985 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 64-65)....Pages 984 to 985- "Statement
re information of boat headed for Holland"
Page 984 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 1
Task Portugal
From :
To : task.portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 31st May 2007 16.16
Subject : Madeleine McCann abduction - Intel Report
Hello Incident Room,
Can you please log this and check if you have an record of it
Jose DeFreitas DS Task.Portugal
From : Bass Sam T - SCD10
Sent : 31st May 2007 15.45
To : DeFreitas Jose M - SCD7
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann abduction - Intel Report
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 31st May 2007, and which refers to
Michael Shrimpon, Holland, a ship called 'Panic 2'. This entry
seems to have overwritten part of this report)
Report then continues thus :
Hello MIB,
As discussed please find below information that has been
received in the Cmsr's Office in relation to the abduction of
Madeleine McCann in Portugal.
Call from : Mr Melle BAKKER, Embassy of the Netherlands, 38 Hyde
Park Gate, SW7 5DP
Tel : 020759xxxxx
He states that a member of staff at their offices in Holland has
received a call from Mr Michael SHRIMPTON, Tel : 012963xxxxx,
who had information that Madeleine had been taken out of
Portugal on two ships registered in Holland. One of the ships
was called PANIC 2. Mr Shrimpton is apparently a Barrister based
in the UK.
Page 985 (Page 2 of 2)
Mr Bakker had no idea why the call had been made to the Offices
in Holland or if/why Mr Shrimpton hadn't contacted the Police.
This information has not been entered on CrimInt at this time.
Would you please contact the informant Mr Bakker to advise how
this has been dealt with please.
Many thanks,
Adrian Hanstock - Detective Superintendent - Staff Officer to
Deputy Commissioner
Address : Rm 838, New Scotland Yard, Broadway, London, SW1H 0BG |
987 Email re ships entering Gibraltar |
V, Vol 5, Page 987 |
apenso5_vol_5_p987 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 67)....Page 987- "Email re ships
entering Gibraltar"
Page 987 (Page 1 of 1)
Newton Martin
From : Special Branch (
Sent : 18th May 2007 12.03
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : Operation Task
________________Original Message________________
From : Special Branch
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Sent : Thursday, May 17th, 2007 4.41 p.m.
Subject : Operation Task
Good afternoon Martin,
The Royal Gibraltar Police have conducted enquiries in relation
to three vessels that Mr Shrimpton claimed that Maddie may be
on. I understand that you may have records of these. They are
(1) Panic 2 or Panic Too, (2) Stentor, and (3) Naomi. There is
no trace that of any of these vessels having recently arrived in
Gibraltar, but in the meantime we have flagged them i the event
that they do.
Good luck with your enquiries.
Best regards,
Richard Ullger
Special Branch
Royal Gibraltar Police
New Mole House Police Station
Rosia Road
Gibraltar |
988 Statement re sighting in Vallodolid |
V, Vol 5, Page 988 |
apenso5_vol_5_p988 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 68)....Page 988- "Statement re sighting
in Vallodolid"
Page 988 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 20th August 2007 10.17
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Information re : Madeleine McCann
From : Ingi Piggott (
Date : 17th August 2007 21.23
Cc : Julie Black
Subject : CrimeStoppers Information re : Madeleine McCann
The following information has been submitted from the
CrimeStoppers Bureau as requested by Leicestershire Police. If
you have any queries regarding this information, please contact
: 01883 731300.
Caller stated that :
A little girl resembling Madeleine MCCANN was sighted 3 months
ago at Plaza Arrinconaca, VALLADOLID, Spain.
The girl was with a Cuban man described to be tall, shaved head,
40 years of age, and a Cuban female described as 50 years of
age, large build, shoulder length curly dark hair, with a bad
The little girl appeared very pale and of ill health, the caller
noticed this and asked the man and woman if they had taken the
little girl to hospital because she did not look very well, the
woman replied, "No", and pulled the girl closer to her, the
little girl closed her girls(sic) (?eyes) at that point, the
caller then asked the girl's name, and no one replied to her.
The caller reported the sighting of the little girl believed to
be MCCANN together with the description and behaviour of th eman
and woman to the local Police in Spain but they were not
interested, according to the caller.
The caller's name is Rosamaria Alvarez MEDINA (female) and can
be contacted on Tel
: Spain 9833xxxxx.
Caller could not add anything further.
Ingi Piggott
On behalf of CrimeStoppers |
990 Email from DC Hughes |
V, Vol 5, Page 990 |
apenso5_vol_5_p990 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 69)....Page 990- "Email from DC Hughes"
Page 990 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 20th July 2007 17.44
Attach : BC4american20.7.doc ; Leics enquiry form American
sightings 20.7.7.doc
Subject : Poss American sightings-priority3
Interpol enqs sent re these 3 possible sightings.
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 20th July 2007 17.42
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-American
Can we ask for these 3 possible sightings to be looked into.
Dc John Hughes |
992 Statement re sighting in Spain, California, and Waterbury,
Connecticut |
V, Vol 5, Page 992 |
apenso5_vol_5_p992 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Page
70)....Page 992- "Statement re
sighting in Spain, California, and
Waterbury, Connecticut"
Page 992 (Page 1 of 1)
Leicestershire Constabulary
From : Dc443 J.N.Hughes
Major Crime Unit
Ref : Operation Task
Date : 20th July 2007
To : Interpol London
Subject : American enquiries
The 3 reports we ask for assistance
from the American Authorities are as
follows :
Ref A2813
A report has been received to the UK
Call Centre from a male called
Chemtob ORLAND, of East 54th Street,
New York 10022, Tel : 9178535xxxxx.
He states that on 17th May 2007, he
heard a child crying for her mother
on a terrace in Spain. A male with
broken English told her to come back
inside. There are no further details
from the caller.
It is requested that ORLAND be seen
and further information obtained.
Ref A2734
A report has been received from
Chris and Patricia LEO, of Sierra
Madre, California, Tel : 62635xxxxx.
They state that about 10.30 a.m. on
Saturday June 30th, they visited a
McDonald's in Monrovia, Los Angeles
County. There they saw a man with a
child they believe to be Madeleine
McCann. The caller's were sitting
outside the restaurant as they had
their dog with them and the child
and the man with her were th eonly
other 2 people outside. The man is
described as fat, about 5'9" tall,
dark haired and in his 40's. He had
a dark saloon car. They felt the man
did not seem 'right' with the child
and when they saw a picture of the
missing girl later they are sure it
was her.
We request that contact be made with
the caller's to identify exactly
which McDonald's was involved and
that enquiries be made regarding
CCTV and any other possible
enquiries to trace or eliminate this
Ref A1754
A report has been received from a
Malisa HAY, only address details are
Connecticut, with a phone number of
: 00186049xxxxx.
She reports that on 7th June 2007
she was at an Ice Cream Parlour
called Dippy's on Lakewood Road,
WATERBURY, Connecticut when she saw
a child looking like Madeleine
McCann. The child looked tired and
dirty and was being carried by a
dark skinned male. When he left the
store he took the child to a white
van which was parked out of sight of
the shop.The only description of the
van is that it was white and had
only 2 seats in the front.
We request local checks for any CCTV
that may still exist and any other
local enquiries possible to trace
this male and child.
Dc John Hughes
996 to 997 Statement re sighting in Benidorm |
V, Vol 5, Pages 996 and 997 |
apenso5_vol_5_p996 |
apenso5_vol_5_p997 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Pages
74-75)....Pages 996 to 997-
"Statement re sighting in Benidorm"
Page 996 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 2 : Scanned and E-mailed to
Portugal : Enq sent to Interpol
Incident Message : M584 : Security
Level : 4
Assessor/receiver's Summary :
Date : 20th May 2007 : Time : 0920 :
Priority : M
Type : Phone In
Code : SUSP : Description :
Suspicious Incidents
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : JENKINS
Forename(s) : Gillian
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : HOME :
Address : xx, COxxxxxxx GAxxxxx,
South Shields, United Kingdom, NExx
Information :
Just returned from BENIDORM, staying
in the apartment, Avea De Nicaragua,
post code 03502, Room No. 2108.
Opposite was a villa with the blinds
shut all the time we were on
holiday, for the last 3 days before
we left to come home there was a
white van reg, xxxxx xx, which
appeared to be at this villa, on the
side of the van was the words
Commercial Marakesh(sic). On the
18th may at 12.45 a.m. I went onto
our balcony to fetch somjething in
and saw 2 men going into the villa,
they were carrying a child the same
build and height as Madeleine but
had dark coloured hair. The villa
was number 4.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 7 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, which refers to Gillian
Jenkins, Benidorm and the van
registration. This entry may have
overwritten part of this report)
Page 997 (Page 2 of 2)
Note : This page has only an
unfilled "Form Format" on it.
998 Email re Benidrom sighting |
V, Vol 5, Page 998 |
apenso5_vol_5_p998 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 76)....Page 998-"Email re Benidorm
Page 998 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 23rd May 2007 10.10
To : 'london.soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Sighting
Attachments : Untitled.pdf
Can we ask for enquiries with the oqner of these apartments in
Benidorm. Who was occupant at the time, ID docs produced etc.
Also any info on the vehicle number. Any local CCTV to be
preserved please. |
1003 Statement re sighting in Burger King in Munich |
V, Vol 5, Page 1003 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1003 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 77)....Page 1003- "Statement re sighting
in Burger King in Munich"
Page 1003 (Page 1 of 1)
Incident Message : M623 : Security Level : 4
(Note : Here is a handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 20th May 2007, which refers to a
statement made by Alison McLEAN regarding a sighting at Munich
Airport. This entry has overwritten the upper part of this
Information :
I went to Munich on an overnight stay yesterday. There was a
girl who looked like her in the play-area in Burgher King.
Perhaps check CCTV. Terminal 1 / Terminal 2 at Munich Airport -
play-area. man had black curly hair and the woman had blondish
hair. Probably early 40's. Little girl was speaking English.
They were speaking another language, maybe Swedish. The CCTV
could be checked. I took Maddy Posters with me. There was no
publicity over there about it. I actually saw them on Saturday
18th about 2.45 p.m. I think they went up to car-park. Check
CCTV there as well ?
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : Michelle
Surname : EVANS
Other References : Officer in Charge. |
1004 Email re action re sighting at Munich airport |
V, Vol 5, Page 1004 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1004 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 78)....Page 1004- "Email re action re
sighting at Munich Airport"
Page 1004 (Page 1 of 1)
Op Task
From : "Hughes John (DC" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 14th June 2007 13.33
Subject : M623 result re poss sighting
623 was in relation to a possible sighting at Munich Airport,
Interpol enqs completed, there is no CCTV, Action filed at this
DC John Hughes |
1008 to 1009 Statement re sighting in Gozo, Malta |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1008 and 1009 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1008 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1009 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Pages
80-81)....Pages 1008 to
1009-"Statement re sighting in Gozo,
Page 1008 (Page 1 of 2)
5x5x5 Information Intelligence
Report Form A
Organisation and Officer :
Staffordshire Police : Thomas
Date/Time of Report : 22nd June 2007
Intelligence Source : 060-FF :
Report U.R.N.
Report :
Caller happy to provide details :
Mrs Rosemary HAMBLETON, xx, BAxxxxx
PAxx ROxx, Newcastle-Under-Lyme,
Tel No. : 017826xxxxx
Caller states she was in GOZO
(Island off Malta) between 18th
-21st May 2007. Whilst at a beach at
XLENDI they saw a blonde girl who
resembled Madeleine McCann.
The girl was playing in the sea with
a female who was described as having
dark skin, slim build, long straight
black hair, aged late 20's.
Page 1009 (Page 2 of 2)
5x5x5 Continuation Form B
Report :
The little girl was heard speaking
English. They were then met by an
Arabic looking male (described as
looking like Dodi Al Fayed) and left
the area.
The caller was concerned and
attempted to discreetly take a
photograph which they have on
Caller concerned following news
reports with the link to Malta.
No further information.
1010 to 1011 Statement re sighting in Medina Market, Algadir,
Morocco |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1010 and 1011 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1010 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1011 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 82-83)....Pages 1010 to 1011-"Statement
re sighting in Medina Market, Agadir, Morocco"
Page 1010 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 3
Officer's Report
To : SIO
Incident :_OP Task
From : DC1429 DALBY
Subject : A1308
Date : 1st June 2007
Telephone call to Kamran ASIF : Tel : 079128xxxxx
Reports that on the 18th of May 2007 he was in AGADIR, Morocco,
at the Medina Market.
He was shopping with his cousins when he and his cousin, Aahkat
ALI, went to have a drink in a cafe.
He was at the cafe, with no obstruction to his view and became
aware of a blonde child walking with a male of Asian appearance.
The child was approximately 10 - 12 feet away from him and
continued to walk past the witness until they went out of sight
as the result of the busy nature of the market.
He states that it was very good visibility as it was
approximately 2.00 p.m. in the afternoon and was
45 degrees.
He saw the child face-on as they walked towards him before
walking off to the side, the male was walking at the righthand
side of the girl.
He described the girl as looking unhappy and that the male held
the child in a firm grip by the hand.
He saw the couple for about 10-15 seconds.
He described the girl as having bright blonde hair and described
it as when the sun shines on a child's hair, with length down to
her shoulders, perhaps a little longer.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 1st June 2007, which refers to a
sighting in 'Agadir, Morocco'. This entry has overwritten part
of this report)
Page 1011 (Page 2 of 2)
Report continues thus :
Leicestershire Constabulary
The male was in his mid 30's and of medium build.
When he saw the child he believed that he recognized the girl
but could not recall where he knew her face from.
It was while they were on the bus back to their apartment that
he remembered where he had seen the face before and that it was
Madeleine McCann.
FAX sent to West Yorkshire Police requesting witness statement
as soon as possible.
Dc1429 Steve Dalby |
1015 to 1016 Statement re sighting in Huddersfield |
05-05 Apensos
V, Vol 5, Pages 1015 and 1016 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1015 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1016 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 85-86)....Pages 1015 to 1016-"Statement
re sighting in Huddersfield, England"
Page 1015 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 2 : Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal.
Incident Message : M386 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 10th May 2007, and which has
overwritten part of this report)
Report continues thus :
.......and the little girl between them, they got out of a car,
blue VW reg : xxxx xxx. Car park halt(sic) (?had) a dozen in it
called the Aspley in HUDDERSFIELD. There private car park right
against the canal. They were acting a bit suspicious and when I
looked at the girl and saw how old she was she looked older than
4 years old but when I was at my friends the other night, on the
front of the Huddersfield Examiner there was a lady and she
resembled one of the people who was with the little girl. This
lady had something to do with this guy in Portugal the first one
they interviewed. So this made me suspicious.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : Sharon
Surname : SORBY
Page 1016 (Page 2 of 2)
Registrar/Indexer : (signed) (but illegible) |
1017 to 1018 Statement re sighting in Spain |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1017 and 1018 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1017 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1018 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 87-88)....Pages 1017 to 1018-"Statement
re sighting in Spain"
Page 1017 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 2 : Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal : Enq sent to
Incident Message : M457 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 18th May 2007 : Time : 1329 : Priority : M
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 14 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 18th May 2007, which refers to a
statement by a 'Jean Scarborough' of a sighting in Spain. This
entry has obscured almost all of this report)
Page continues thus :
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number:
Forename(s) : Stephen
Surname : MATTHEWS
Page 1018 (Page 2 of 2)
(Note :
Nothing on this page apart from an unfilled 'Form' format' |
1019 Email re Spanish sightings |
V, Vol 5, Page 1019 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1009 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 89)....Page 1019-"Email re Spanish
Page 1019 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 23rd May 2007 10.42
To :
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Sighting
Can we ask the Spanish Police to look into this information and
these hire vehicles. ID produced for them at the hire company
and the apartments is requested to be retained.
Dc John Hughes |
1020 to 1021 Statement re sighting in Spain |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1020 and 1021 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1020 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1021 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 90-91)....Pages 1020 to 1021-"Statement
re sighting in Spain"
Page 1020 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 2 : Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal : Enq sent to
Incident Message : M458 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 18th May 2007 : Time : 1336 : Priority : M
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings.
Message From/To : FROM
Forename(s) : Jean
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 003496646xxxxx : MOBILE :
Address : HOME : xxx, AVxxxxx De ULxxxxx, La Caletta Javier,
Information :
I have just rung about a possible sighting of Madeleine at a
villa on the beach, what I did not say was that later that night
we went down twice to have a look at the villa, we saw the girl
with the tall man and a blonde haired woman and another couple
and possibly 2 other children, when the man saw us he took the
girl's hand and took her into the villa quickly.
This mornong at 0830 local time they were at the villa and at
1230 they had gone. I have taken the following VRM's down of the
vehicles that were at the villa. 1st car belonged to the tall
man, is a beige Citroen Picasson, VRM **xxxxxxx** from Solmar
Car Hire, the 2nd car is a black Mercedes hatchback 150 type ,
VRM **xxxxxxx** on hire from International Gold Rental Company.
The villa in question is xx, AVxxxxx, the same road that I live
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : Stephen
Surname : MATTHEWS
Page 1021 (Page 2 of 2)
(Note :
Nothing on this Page apart from an unfilled 'Form' format) |
1022 Email from DC Hughes re Spanish sightings (duplicate) |
V, Vol 5, Page 1022 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1022 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 92)....Page
1022-"Email from DC Hughes re
Spanish sightings (duplicate)"
Page 1022 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 23rd May 2007 10.42
To :
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07
Operation Task-Sighting
Attachments : Untitled.PDF
Can we ask the Spanish Police to
look into this information and these
hire vehicles. ID produced for them
at the hire company and the
apartments is requested to be
Dc John Hughes
1023 Email re Dutch vehicle enquiry |
V, Vol 5, Page 1023 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1023 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 93)....Page 1023- "Email re Dutch vehicle
Page 1023 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 16th August 2007 10.13
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Dutch
From : Hughes John (DC) (
Date : 16th August 2007 10.16
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Cc : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Dutch enquiry.
Can we ask the Dutch Authorities to complete this vehicle
enquiry please.
Dc John Hughes |
1024 SOCA International enquiry form re Lidisfarne, Holy Island,
England |
V, Vol 5, Page 1024 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1024 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 94)....Page 1024- "SOCA International
enquiry form re Lidisfarne, Holy Island, England"
Page 1024 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 -
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Holland
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
We have received an anonymous letter to the Incident Room
reporting a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann on 18th May at
LINDISFARN, Holy Island, England.
There was an adult couple with a child looking like Madeleine
and a slightly older female child.
They were all in a small red car, with Dutch registration number
'xx xx xx'.
We request that the vehicle owner be traced and spoken with to
identify the child involved.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1028 to 1029 Email re sighting in Udine, Italy |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1028 and 1029 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1028 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1029 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 99-100)....Pages 1028 to 1029- "Email re
sighting in Udine, Italy"
Page 1028 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 2
Op Task
From : "Hughes John (DC) (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 18th June 2007 10.47
Attach : F-MI-123-U-B-2-2-2007-2532_31.doc
Subject : Interpol result re D683-priority 5-sighting Italy.
Report back from the Italian Police re the possible sighting in
It is inconclusive.
Dc John Hughes
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 15th June 2007 14.52
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : A1164-OP TASK
STOP - Please reply to : london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
To : Operation Task
(Note : Here is a handwritten entry of 12 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, which refers to a reported sighting in
Udine, Italy. This entry has obscured the remainder of this
Page 1029 (Page 2 of 2)
E-mail : (
(Please use in your reply) |
1032 to 1033 Statement re sighting in Edinburgh |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1032 and 1033 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1032 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1033 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Pages
101-102)....Pages 1032 to
1033-"Statement re sighting in
Edinburgh, Scotland"
Page 1032 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Allocate Action
Action No. : A339 (Cont)
Originating Document :
Incident Message : M637 : Security
Level : 4
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 8 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 19th May 2007,
referencing Page 1031, (which is a
"Missing or Misplaced" page of the
File), and also referring to a
reported sighting in Edinburgh,
Scotland). This entry has obscured
part of this report)
Report continues thus :
2216 7393 - BC23 Call from Colin
BROWN from Lothian and Borders
Police in Scotland on Tel Number
0131 3113131 - passing on
information from Central Scotland
Police - There was a possible
sighting of a girl matching
Madeleine's description at 1956hrs
tonight at the FORTH ROAD BRIDGE in
Eninburgh heading northwards into
Fife. A pale blue Citroen C2 or C3,
VRM 'xxxxxx (H) indicating this was
a Hungarian vehicle so no trace on
PNV. There was a male driver and
female passenger and they could see
something in the rear behind the
driver's seat but the Toll-Bridge
Camera's could not make out what it
Vehicle was last seen at the Rosyth
turn-off. (Caller believes the
original request may have been
phoned in by Central Scotland to
request that camera's were checked
at the Forth Road Bridge).
***Another phone number for caller
is : 0131 440 6884***
Page 1033 (Page 2 of 2)
Action No. : A339 (Cont)
Receivers Instructions :
Action as above :
Establish with Colin Brown - Lothian
and Borders Police 0131 3113131 who
is the original source of the
Via Interpol I/D RO of vehicle- Blue
Citroen Reg 'xxxxxx'
Circulate observations message to
trace/obtain details of occupants of
above vehicle, and I/D that was in
rear of vehicle at 1956hrs 190507
Secure CCTV recording of vehicle at
Forth Road Bridge 1956hrs 190507
Person receiving/sending :
Title/Rank/ID Number : 7393
Forename(s) : A
Surname : JACKSON
1040 to 1041 Letter from Central Scotland Police re sighting |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1040 and 1041 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1040 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1041 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 103-104)....Pages 1040 to 1041- "Letter
from Central Scotland Police re sighting"
Page 1040 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 4
Central Scotland Police
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 19th May 2007, which has a reference
to Page 1039, (which is a "Missing or Misplaced" page in the
File), and also refers to 'Edinburgh' and a car registration
Then there is a further handwritten entry, in English, which
states :
To : DC Andy Gierc 1578, Operation Task.
Subject : Storm Card
Page 1041 (Page 2 of 2
21-May-2007 15.09 From FCCC To 01162312190 P.02
Requested by : DC48505
Incident Report / CS-20070519-0380
Police Information / Madeleine McCann Section : CSP
Address Information : Out of Force Area
Complainant Details :
Surname/First Name : Beattie Christa, 017366xxxxx.
Address : KIxxxxxxx MUxxxxxx ROxx, Perth
Comments :
Reported to CSP a(sic) only number in phone book.
Caller was on route north from Edinburgh and overtaken by plae
blue Citroen C3 with foreign registration.
Caller noted young female in back fitting description of the
Madeleine missing from Algarve. Female driver with dark hair and
male passenger.
Car was driving quickly and caught her attention so caller
followed to obtain registration.
VRN is described as being prefixed with an 'H' with symbols
above followed by 'xxx : xxx'.
Caller unsure what symbol separated letters and numbers.
Car proceeded to Forth Road Bridge Toll-Booth at approximately
20.00-20.05 and thereafter turned off at the Rosyth turn-off.
Relevant information passed to Fife Police who confirmed Ferry
left at 17.00, car details taken.
Lothian & Borders informed of vehicle details at Toll-Booth and
approximate time.
Transfer to FCCC from Terminal SERVICE17 - 21.41 19/05/2007
Incident Transfer NOT accepted - Returned to owner SERVICE17 -
21.46 19/05/2007
Leicestershire Police contacted and call Faxed through to
Control Room 01162482427 - 22.13 19/05/2007.
FCCC Inspector made aware. 22.18 19/05/2007
DC Andy Gierc of Leicestershire Police, Operation Task, has
called to ask that if the details of this call be Faxed to him.
He can be contacted on 01162312190. 15.00 21/05/2007
DC Andy Gierc 1578 re-contacted to confirm he was who he said he
was. 15.03 21/05/2007
Control Room Inspector 190 informed of this call also and happy
for details to be passed via Fax. 15.04 21/05/2007. |
1043 Email |
V, Vol 5, Page 1043 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1043 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 105)....Page 1043- "Email"
Page 1043 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Burrows Caroline" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 21st July 2007 17.05
Attach : D2346.pdf
Subject : D2346.pdf
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, but
very faintly reproduced and thus illegible) |
1044 Statement re sighting in Switzerland |
V, Vol 5, Page 1044 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1044 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 106)....Page 1044- "Statement re sighting
in Switzerland"
Page 1044 (Page 1 of 1)
Leicestershire Constabulary
Force Headquarters
St. Johns
LE19 2BX
xx Hxx xx
CH-5420 Ehrendingen
Ehrendingen, 18th June 2007
Dear Sirs,
Concerns missing MADELEINE MCCANN, aged 4.
Early June, I have submitted a statement to Zurich State Police
and asked to have the information processed or handed in to the
Police concerned with the investigation of Madeleine's search.
I have seen a suspicious couple whom was accompanied by a little
girl of the exact looks as Madeleine's.
On 19th May 2007 at 3.30 p.m., on an extremely busy day, a man
came to buy a couple of vegetarian sandwiches as well as 3 small
merangues, on display on large plates behind the counter
windows. He paid with a CHF 50.00 bill, he had no change to pay
for CHF 12.60 and he was taking a very long time to find the
right money.
In the McCann website, I have learned that a description is
available of a man about the same age and height and European
looking, as I had seen that day at my work place, a renowned
I am becoming very frustrated (and anxious for Madeleine's
safety) as I assume that Zurich Police have done nothing about
my information, e.g., they have not called on me to give more
details of the sighting. It appears that everyone is certain
that Madeleine and her abductors are still in Portugal. I assume
that for this reason, Zurich Police are not taking any actions.
However, one of the officers on duty voiced the opinion that
Madeleine may have been dead for quite some time, as the
abductors may have panicked due to pressure from the vast and
continuous media coverage.
Thus, I allow myself to send the following information directly
to you. Hopefully, the descriptions may be of some help to find
Description Male :
Approx. 1.80m tall and towards 40 in age. Skinny, English
looking with intense sun tan. Shoulder length blonde hair with
many grey streaks through it, around the head the hair appeared
rather thinnish - not a "mane", or else no hair wash for several
days ! An oval shaped face, wrinkles around his eyes and also a
furrowed forehead. Long and pointed, narrow nose, close-set blue
eyes. The man spoke pure English language without traces of
significant dialect : not Scottish nor Cockney, nor European
What did catch my eyes were the many rings this person was
wearing, on thumb of right hand, almost on all fingers of both
hands. One ring may have been of the semi-precious stone Lapis
Lazuli (blue) and various other black and dark colours. The
rings were all silver, with ornamental decorations, Indian or
African style. On the right wrist he was wearing an approx. 4cm
broad brown leather band as well as other bracelets. A coral or
other material necklace. Light coloured slacks and sneakers or
sandals plus a patterned shirt. His face, arms and hands were
very brown, hands calloused like a gardener's horseman's or
perhaps surfer's, his hands and under his nails were rather
unclean, (the latter caused me to think that it was more likely
they were delivering the child to somebody rather that they were
Description Female :
Approx. 1.70 - 1.75m tall, 30-35 yrs, slim build, could be
English, fair skin, not as sun tanned as male, blue eyes, dark
straight hair shoulder length, dark sunglasses on top of head,
large beads-bracelet and necklace blue with floral or othe
design (Mediterranian or Asian style). Black sleeveless plain
dress. Had a dark pram, it's cover folded down, two large black
travel or sport's bags in it.
(Note :
Here, the letter/statement ends rather abruptly. The following
page, Page 1045, is a "Missing or Misplaced" page. It is
probable that the letter/statement continued on that "Missing or
Misplaced" page.) |
1046 to 1053 Information re sighting in Caravan Park, Monkton,
Ramsgate |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1046-1053 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1046 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1047 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1048 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1049 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1050 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1051 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1052 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1053 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 107-114)....Pages 1046 to 1053-
"Information re sighting in Caravan Park, MONKTON, Nr Ramsgate,
Page 1046 (Page 1 of 8 )
Leicestershire Constabulary
To : Kent Police Control Room
From : DC4198 J D HICKS, Major Crime Unit, Specialist Crime
Investigation Dept. Operation Task.
Date : 25th May 2007
Ref : 21st May 2007
Message :
This is a high priority action in relation to the abduction of
Madeleine McCann in Portugal and we request it is completed as
soon as possible.
Leics Police request that an Officer visit a Jane ALMOND at, xx,
TRxxx COxxx, Newcastle Hill, RAMSGATE, Tel Number 018435xxxxx
and obtain a statement regarding the Information given below.
weekend of 19th May 2007 - 20th May 2007 and has given some
information regarding a possible sighting of the missing child.
Here, is a handwritten entry of 8 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 25th May 2007, which refers to a report about a
possible sighting in Ramsgate. There is a further date reference
of 3rd July 2007. This entry may have overwritten part of this
Page 1047 (Page 2 of 8 )
This sighting was on Saturday 19th May 2007.
Could the statement be FAXED to : 01162312190 or 01162312191.
Could statement originals be sent to :
Operation Task,
New Parks Police Station,
St Oswalds Road,
Leicester, LE3 6RJ :
: With the Officer requesting the enquiry marked clearly
I attach an Enquiry Officer's Checklist for your information.
Thank you,
Jane Hicks.
Page 1048 (Page 3 of 8 )
(Note : Similar to the information as on Page 1046, but is a
shortened reproduction)
Leicestershire Constabulary
To : Kent Police Control Room
From : DC4198 J D HICKS, Major Crime Unit, Specialist Crime
Investigation Dept. Operation Task.
Date : 25th May 2007
Ref : 21st May 2007
Message :
This is a high priority action in relation to the abduction of
Madeleine McCann in Portugal and we request it is completed as
soon as possible.
Leics Police request that an Officer visit a Jane ALMOND at, xx,
TRxxx COxxx, Newcastle Hill, RAMSGATE, Tel Number 018435xxxxx
and obtain a statement regarding the Information given below.
Page 1049 (Page 4 of 8 )
(Note : This page includes a handwritten copy of the information
as per Page 1046, but is a second request, dated 4th June 2007,
and thus a slightly longer, and slightly different version)
Leicestershire Constabulary
To : Kent Police Control Room
From : DC702 E. ALLDAY, Major Crime Unit, Specialist Crime
Investigation Dept. Operation Task.
Date : 4th June 2007
Message :
This is a high priority action in relation to the abduction of
Madeleine McCann.
Could an Officer please visit a Jane ALMOND at, xx, TRxxx COxxx,
Newcastle Hill, RAMSGATE, Tel Number 018435xxxxx and obtain a
weekend of 19th May 2007 - 20th May 2007 and has given some
information regarding a possible sighting.
This is the second request for this action. The original request
was sent on the 25th May 2007, at 1828hrs, however a statement
could not be obtained at the time.
Please FAX the statement to the Incident Room, and put the
original in the post.
Please contact myself if you require further information.
(signed) DC702 E. Allday
Page 1050 (Page 5 of 8 )
(Note : This page contains virtually the same contents as per
Page 1049)
Message :
This is a high priority action in relation to the abduction of
Madeleine McCann.
Could an Officer please visit a Jane ALMOND at, xx, TRxxx COxxx,
Newcastle Hill, RAMSGATE, Tel Number 018435xxxxx and obtain a
weekend of 19th May 2007 - 20th May 2007 and has given some
information regarding a possible sighting.
This is the second request for this action. The original request
was sent on the 25th May 2007, at 1828hrs, however a statement
could not be obtained at the time.
Please FAX the statement to the Incident Room, and put the
original in the post.
Please contact myself if you require further information.
(signed) DC702 E. Allday
Page 1051 (Page 6 of 8 )
(Note :
This Page contains a Booking Form and details for the "Saunders
Park Homes Ltd", only)
Saunders Park Homes Ltd
The Foxhunter Park.
Monkton, Nr Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 4JG
Date : 26th May 2007
Mrs x Xxxxxx
xx, Xxxxxx Xxxxx,
Market Harborough
Booking Ref : 0/OR0xx-xxxxxx
Statement of Account
Dear Mrs J Rxxxxx,
Thank you for booking your holiday. Please accept this letter as
our confirmation.
Accommodation OR0xx : Standard
Arrive on : Friday 18th May 2007
Depart : Monday 21st May 2007
Booking : 3 days (18/05/07-21/05/07) @
Balance owing : Due by 20/04/07
(Note : Remainder of page only refers to accommodation details
Page 1052 (Page 7 of 8 )
Incident Report / KP-20070521 / Kent-2007-0257656
Information / Madeleine McCann
Address Information :
Foxhunter Residential Caravan
Foxhunter Residential Caravan Park, Monkton, Ramsgate.
Complainant Details :
Surname/First Name : ALMOND Jane, 018435xxxxx.
Address : xx, Txxxx Cxxxx, Newcastle Hill, Ramsgate : Witness.
Comments :
Inft states that she was at Caravan Park at weekend and thought
she saw a girl who looked like missing Maddy.
Inft has seen a picture again just now and states that the child
she saw was the spitting image.
Inft stated that she spoke to the child who did not speak. Then
a lady came in and took her away.
This was in the Little Arcade part of the park.
Page 1053 (Page 8 of 8 )
Lady described as approximately 55, quite big woman, size 14/16,
Blond curlyish hair, glasses, quite posh sounding woman, did not
sound English.
Child wearing little denim cut-downs with little blue top.
This was on Saturday.
For OP TASK : Leicestershire Police. 21st May 2007 11.55. |
Service information re sighting in southern Morocco
Fax |
05 05 Apensos V
Vol V Page 1054 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1054 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1055 |
Date 2007/05/25
Service Information
To: CIC, Ana Paula Rito
From: Inspector dos Santos
Subject: Information
I inform you that today this police station was contacted by
number 0033******* by a male individual who said his name was
Barthorotto, speaking from Toulouse, who said that he had seen
Madeleine Beth in this city last Saturday being transported on
her way to Ville Tantan (in the south of Morocco).
For additional information he can be contacted on the number
1056 Email re sighting at Zurich train station |
V, Vol 5, Page 1056 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1056 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 117)....Page 1056-"Email re sighting at
Zurich train station"
Page 1056 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC) (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 19th July 2007 15.51
Subject : A2808-for-review.
Can the Incident Room look at this please. This is a possible
sighting at ZURICH train station on 19th May 2007. The contact
didn't write for a month, having apparently had Zurich Police
and UK CrimeStoppers not want to take her information.
She reports a sighting, but stated the child had striking blue
eyes rather than green, and states that her friend did not
believe it to be Madeleine McCann, either on looks or due to her
being too young.
In view of this, no Interpol Enquiry has been sent unless the
Incident Room wish further action to be taken.
DC John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry, in English, which says, "Original Action
2808. Needs to be viewed")
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
19th July 2007, which refers to a report about a possible
sighting in Zurich, 19th May 2007 |
1062 SOCA International enquiry form re sightings in Italy |
V, Vol 5, Page 1062 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1062 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 118)....Page 1062-"SOCA International
enquiry form re sightings in Italy"
Page 1062 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Italy
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
We have 3 possible sightings of Madeleine McCann in Italy.
1. A sighting at 16.00hrs Wednesday 30th May 2007, at the train
station, FLORENCE. The child was a white female, with blond
hair, and was with a woman described as a gypsy of non-European
appearance. They were begging.
2. A sighting at 11.30hrs Thursday 31st May 2007, in the harbour
area at GENOA. The caller has supplied an Italian phone number
and is happy to talk to the Police.
3. A sighting at 18.30hrs Saturday 19th May 2007, in San Giacomo
Square, UDINE. The girl was seen with a traveller playing music.
The caller has left an Italian phone number and is happy to talk
We request that local enquiries be completed to try to clarify
these reports. Where local phone numbers have been given we
request that the callers be spoken with to ascertain any further
Any CCTV at those locations should be preserved.
The 3 CrimeStoppers reports relating to the 3 sightings are
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1066 to 1067 Email re sighting in Morocco |
V, Vol 5, Page 1066-1067
Massira |
apenso5_vol_5_p1066 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1067 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 120-121)....Pages 1066 to 1067-"Email re
sighting in Morocco"
Page 1066 (Page 1 of 2)
Op Task
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 20th June 2007 17.54
Subject : Priority 1 - Morocco sighting.
The SIO is ringing re this to try to get something resolved on
this. We believe enqs from Portugal to Morocco are quicker that
we get results on from Morocco.
Dc John Hughes
From :
Sent : 20th June 2007 16.53
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
Please find below a reported sighting in Morocco.
Emma Harber,
Consular Assistance Group,
* G/58 Old Admiralty Building, London, SW1A 2AP
______________Original Message_____________
From : Lee Theisinger
Sent : Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 4.44 p.m.
To : Emma Harber
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
Just had this come in :
______________Original Message___________
From : Mark Pettigrew Paris Consular - UBS
Sent : 20th June 2007 16.41
To : Glyn Cartmell * RABAT -UBS
Cc : Gail Sidnell ; Jeffrey Thomas * Paris Consular - UBS ; Lee
Theisinger ; Sharon Boyle
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
We received an E-mail on our Consular E-mail regarding Madeleine
The sender, Gabrielle Texier, claims friends of hers know where
Madeleine is.
Page 1067 (Page 2 of 2)
Mark called her. She did not sound incoherent, but was upset.
When she answered, the first thing she said was that our
response had been very quick, as she had only just received an
E-mail from Morocco confirming that her friends knew where
Madeleine was. Mark asked her which friends and why she was in
Morocco. She explained she works for an American Fruit-Juice
Company and spends several months a year there.
She claims her friends saw Madeleine on the 19th of May, with a
man who was holding her hand very tightly. Mark asked if they
had been in contact with the Police or the British Embassy
there. She said she had tried to send an E-mail to the McCann's,
but to no avail. Her friends had then lost trace of Madeleine,
but apparently have located her in a mansion in the Massira
area. They called her late last night to inform her of this.
Mark asked who her friends are exactly. She said they work in an
Estate Agents in the Menara area of Marrakesh (00212620xxxxx but
did not seem to be working). Mark asked if she could forward the
E-mail. She was having some problems with her computer therefore
Mark offered to call her back.
Ten minutes later, he called her back. Mrs Texier gave us
another contact number : Aziz : 00212624xxxxx. She said Aziz had
been watching the house for the last few days and is convinced
he has seen Madeleine there, but is scared to go to the POlice
as the Director of the Estate Agency (who lives in Casablanca)
had already tried to alert the Authorities, in vain. He is
expecting a call from the Embassy.
Danielle DUCOS |
1068 Email re sighting in Jackson Airport, Atlanta, USA |
V, Vol 5, Page 1068 |
Service information PJ
re sighting in Luxembourg |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol V Page 1069 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1069 |
To: The
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Inspector Elias Pires
Madeleine McCann
I inform you
that today, at about 13.00, this police station received a phone
call from a Portuguese immigrant in Luxembourg, called Fátima,
contact number ****, who told us of the following:
- she was in
a supermarket in Merfch when she saw a couple, aged about 30,
with a girl who appeared to her to be Madeleine McCann.
- the man,
upon noticing that the girl was being looked at, picked her up
and left the supermarket followed by the woman, who even left
her purchases behind (hand-written note explaining that the
purchases were clothes for the girl).
- they got
into a red car, with a Dutch number plate and left. The witness
did not manage to see the number of the licence plate.
- She
informed the local police of these facts and they went after the
vehicle the couple was travelling in.
That is all I
have to inform you.
Pires |
information PJ
re sighting in Sotogrande,
Malaga |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol V Page 1070 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1070 |
To: The
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Inspector Carlos Lucas
Telephone Communication
I inform you
that today, at about 14.30, a phone call was received by this
police station, from a British individual, who said he was on
holiday in the South of Spain and that he saw Madeleine McCann
in Sotogrande, about 100 km from Malaga.
individual gave his name as Roland and left the mobile number
*** for any future contact.
That is all I
have to inform you.
Lucas |
Interpol Statement re sighting
in Udine, Italy |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol V Page 1071 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1071 |
Policia Judiciária
National Interpol Cabinet
Very Urgent
IP London Info: IP Lisbon
Subject: Madeleine Beth McCann, Born 12-05-2003. Missing since
03-05-2007. Yellow Alert F-131-05-2007.
With regard to the third report (Udine, Italy), Mr Adriano
Ceccherini, an Italian citizen resident in London, registered
under the Registry of Italian Residents Abroad, was located and
heard by the Udine police.
According to Ceccherini’s statements, he saw the girl during the
afternoon of 19-05-2007 in the San Giacomo Piazza in Udine. The
girl was very similar in appearance to Madeleine McCann, she was
aged about 4-5 years, with light brown, almost blond hair, fair
skin. She was with a man aged about 40, strong build, about
1.65m in height, with dark hair and a dark moustache, probably
of gypsy origin, who played the accordion. The man and the girl
approached Ceccherini, who was sitting in a bar with other
people, the man continued to play the accordion and pushed the
girl with his knee, urging her to ask for money. Ceccherini gave
her two euros, which the girl accepted reluctantly as if she had
never done this before.
Please inform us if you have received the results regarding other
the other reports.
With compliments.
IP Rome
15-06-2007 |
Interpol Statement re sighting
in Ventimiglia |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol V Page 1072 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1072 |
Policia Judiciária
National Interpol Cabinet
Very Urgent
IP France Info: IP Lisbon – IP London
Subject: Madeleine Beth McCann, Born 12-05-2003. Missing since
03-05-2007. Yellow Alert F-131-05-2007.
We inform you that on 14th June 2007 at about 15.40 an anonymous
call was made to the emergency phone line of the Ventimiglia
Carabinieri relating to the disappearance of the girl in
This person reports having seen in Ventimiglia – Roverino area
(close to the motor way) a girl with blond hair similar to the
girl who disappeared in Portugal.
It could be that the girl mentioned by the anonymous woman is in
fact Madeleine McCann.
According to the anonymous caller, the girl was in a grey Ford car,
with number plate 76AKK06, together with two dark skinned
persons, probably of gypsy origin.
The searches carried out by our police services with the aim of
locating and identifying the driver and the passengers of the
vehicle have had negative results.
According to information from the border police, the Ford vehicle
with number plate 76AKK06 is registered in the name of Antonio
Vita, resident of Nice.
Therefore, it is requested that Antonio de Vita be located and
asked who was in possession of the vehicle in question on 14th
June 2007 at about 15.40 in Ventimiglia and that all information
gathered be provided.
The investigations to identify the person who made the anonymous
call are still being undertaken.
Thanks for your cooperation.
IP Rome
18-06-2007 |
1073 to 1074 Email re sighting in Costa del Sol |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1073-1074 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1073 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1074 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 128-129)....Pages 1073 to 1074-"Email re
sighting in Costa del Sol"
Page 1073 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 3
Hardy Sophie
From : Derbyshire, Andrew 2292 (
Sent : 7th June 2007 18.41
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Cc : Peasgood, Mark 1230
Subject : Information re Madeleine McCann (Restricted -
We had a MOP, (Note : "member of the public"), attend at the
enquiry desk at the BRANDSHOLME POLICE STATION (Log 475 07/06/07
Details as follows :
Mr Stephen CONLON, born 16th October 1950, address : xxx,
SOxxxxxxxxx Lxxx, Hull, East Yorkshire, HUx xxR, Telephone
014827xxxxx (mobile : 078773xxxxx).
Mr Conlon has been on holiday at BELLA MADINA (sorry about
spelling(sic) ) on the COSTA DEL SOL. He has seen a male and
female pushing a pram along the promenade. This was on Sunday
20th May 2007 at approximately 1030hrs in the morning. In the
pram was a young girl that he thought he recognised as
Madeleine. He states that he is 95% certain that this was
Madeleine. The girl was wrapped up in a blanket, which he
thought was unusual as it was a very warm day. The girl seemed
to have been crying and her eyes were screwed up, so he could
not see the distinctive eye pattern she has. The pram and the
toys on it seemed very new, the pram was a 4-wheeled, fold-up
buggy type. He cannot recall the colour of the pram. He had the
girl in view for the 1st time for only a few seconds when he
recognised her. He walked back up the promenade for
apporximately 3/4 mile behind the couple, went past them, turned
around and waited for the couple to walk up to him. he estimates
that he viewed the couple and the girl for 15 to 20 seconds the
2nd time.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, which refers to a reported sighting in
Bella Madina, Costa Del Sol. This entry may have overwritten
part of this report)
Page 1074 (Page 2 of 2)
Thank you for your co-operation.
Humberside Police. |
1079 Email re sighting in Home Depot, Upland, California |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1079 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1079 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 131)....Page 1079-"Email re sighting in
Home Depot, Upland, California"
Page 1079 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 22nd May 2007 16.09
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Madeleine sighting ?
From :
Date : 22nd May 2007 1.25
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Madeleine sighting ?
Dear Senor Rua de la Cruz,
Last Sunday, May 20th, there was a little girl being carried by
a man in the hardware store, Home Depot, here in UPLAND,
California. The little girl had the eyes of Madeleine with the
same shape and with the same eyelashes. Her hair is a sandy
blonde, with white skin, age is about 3 or 4 years old. I did
not see the spot in the eye, nor was I looking for it. The man
who was carrying her is short, perhaps about 5'8" tall.
I can not live with my conscience and not say something about
seeing this little girl.
The store will have video cameras. When I came home and saw the
pictures of Madeleine, she looks so much like her.
Thank you for your time,
Kathy Stonebreaker. |
1080 Statement re sighting in/near Nice, France |
V, Vol 5, Page 1080 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1080 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 132)....Page 1080-"Statement re sighting
in/near Nice, France"
Page 1080 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal : Enq sent to Interpol.
Allocate Action
Action No. : A573 (Cont)
Originating Document :
Incident Message : M585 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 20th May 2007 : Time : 1004 : Priority : M
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : GODEC
Forename(s) : Muriel
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 336157xxxxx
Address : HOME : xx, ALxxxx ANxxxx, Mathiew Sauffet, France,
Post Code : 13xxx
Information :
I am at the following resort in France where there has been a
German couple with two children, one of whom fits the
description of Madeleine. The girl was crying all the time and
did not seem happy. They left the resort today, 20th May 2007,
after being there the last 4 days. The resort is PIERRE VA
stoppinf in room R20004 at the premises and I have found out
through the register that the premmises that the male was a Mr
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number:
Forename(s) : Donny
Surname : SUBAN |
1083 to 1084 Statement re sighting in Morocco |
05-05 Apensos
V, Vol 5, Pages 1083 and 1084
Marrakech |
apenso5_vol_5_p1083 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1084 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 135-136)....Pages 1083 to
1084-"Statement re sighting in Morocco"
Page 1083 (Page 1 of 2)
Leicestershire Constabulary
Officer's Report
To : DSU Prior
Incident : Op Task
Dept : MCU
Date : 22nd May 2007
A 395 is a HP action to TSF Jonathan SWAIN the GMTV reporter
regarding a suspicious vehicle...(illegible)...sighted
whilst...(illegible)...in Marrakesh covering the service station
sighting of Madeleine McCann.
Swain is currently remaining in Portugal covering this story and
not due to return to the UK until late on Friday 25th May. Today
I have spoken to him on his mobile phone on 099915xxxxx. He
states that around 3pm on Sunday 20th May 2007 he and a GMTV
Cameraman were making enquiries at the service station in
Marrakesh concerning the possible sighting of Madeleine.
He saw a white Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle pull onto the
forecourt. He would say the vehicle was a newer model with
Gibraltar number plates on. He does not have the details on the
number plates. He states the vehicle had prominent visible
suspension which was yellow in colour and yellow stickers on
both driver's and passenger doors along with the Toyota Logo. He
states that the vehicle looked a sporty off-road type vehicle.
He says thatdisplayed in both rear passenger-seat windows were
what he described as the first issued posters of Madeleine which
contained a full framed photo of Madeleine and the UK
CrimeStoppers phone number written in yellow text. He described
a dark brown or black cloth or blanket which was fastened by
elastic around the rear of the vehicle on the inside. As if it
were a curtain erected to prevent someone looking into the rear
of the vehicle.
He says that he approached the vehicle as he thought they may be
connected to the enquiry. He spoke to the driver who he states
was a British white male aged in his 40's, he was wearing a
yellow Ralf Laurens T-shirt, light beige shorts and smart brown
leather shoes with no socks. He was clean shaven and was wearing
a small square brown rimmed Calvin Klein glasses and had thin
grey hair. He described a front-seat passenger as of similar age
wearing darl clothing and spoke very quietly.
Page 1084 (Page 2 of 2)
Leicestershire Constabulary
He states that whilst he spoke to the driver through the open
front window, a further male appeared from the rear of the
vehicle. He would describe this male as Moroccan in appearance.
He was about 5'8" tall wearing a white open neck shirt and dark
long trousers. He described him as a 'Danny DiVito" look-a-like.
He states that the men seemed to be aware of the possible
sighting of Madeleine at that service station and asked him how
reliable the information was. He says that he had a long
conversation with the men during which the driver told him that
he was an ex-TA, (Note : Territorial Army),Officer and that they
were all on a training exercise with the Moroccan Army. He
states that during this conversation he became aware that these
men were very familiar with Morocco and spoke about them going
high into the Atlas Mountains today (22/05/07) inviting him to
join them. He states that they had a lot of Moroccan Maps in the
front of the vehicle.
He also states that the Moroccan male told him that he had
previously visited Praia da Luz and was familiar with that area.
He says that he was uncomfortable about their general demeanour
and suspicious of them. During the conversation one of them said
that the child was probably in a foreign country by now and that
would be easier for those responsible, stating that there were
plenty of places to hide in the mountains. He arranged to swap
phone numbers but they took his and left prior to giving their
Unless there are developments Swain returns to the UK on Friday.
A request has been sent to the Metropolitan Police for an
Officer to visit and obtain a statement upon his return.
I submit this report for your information and attention.
(signed) Dc4183 Stephanie Walkinshaw. |
1086 Email re Oslo sightings |
V, Vol 5, Page 1086 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1086 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 139)....Page
1086-"Email from Oslo re sightings
in Malta"
Page 1086 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC) (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 28th June 2007 15.51
Subject : Malta sightings.
Another two Malta sightings, no
actions taken here.
Dc John Hughes
From :
Sent : 28th June 2007 13.08
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
STOP - Please reply to :
To : Operation Task
Your ref : -
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Please note the attached message
from Oslo with 2 new sightings in
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
: Here, is a handwritten entry of 10
lines, in the Portuguese Language,
dated 2nd July 2007, headed with
'Policia Inglese - Interpol Oslo',
which refers to 2 reported sightings
in Malta. This entry may have
overwritten part of this report)
1087 to 1090 Emails re sightings in Malta |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1087-1090 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1087 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1088 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1089 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1090 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 140-143)....Pages 1087 to 1090-"Emails
re sightings in Malta"
Page 1087 (Page 1 of 4)
___________Original Message____________
From :
Sent : 28th June 2007 12.47
; ncb.london@ncis.co.uk
Subject : MADELEINE MCCANN - CID/1090/G/071P/MAL/5/233/IN/07
Oslo 1412 280607 1140Z
Interpol Floriana
Copy to : IP Lisbon, IP London, IPSG
Our ref : 1942/07/IP/MS
Your ref : CID/1090/G/071P/MAL/5/233/IN/07
With reference to previous correspondence, please be informed
that we have received two new tip-offs regarding MADELEINE
MCCANN, possibly sighted on Malta.
Tip-off 1 :
Received from Gro DOELVIK , d.o.b. 22nd February 1960, Askveien
xx, xxxx Droebak, Norway. She was vacationing on Malta with her
daughter, Lxxx Exxxxxxxx Doelvik, d.o.b. 23rd December 1985,
Sogstijordet x x, xxxx Droebak, Norway, in the period 17th-21st
May 2007. They were staying at the SAS Radisson Bay Point, St
Julien's Bay.
When they had breakfast at the hotel on 21st May 2007 at approx
0930hrs, they became aware of a man who was having breakfast
with a girl who strongly resembled the missing British girl. The
man was helping the girl with her food, and nothing seemed out
of the ordinary. The girl appeared sleepy. The mother and
daughter were too far away to hear what language they were
Description of the man : approx 185cm tall, 35-40 years old,
athletic, light complexion, possibly Arabic/European origin,
black hair (approx 5-10cm long), possibly brown eyes. He was
wearing a short-sleeved shirt.
Description of the girl : approx 4 years old, long blond hair.
She was wearing a cap backwards.
Tip-off 2 :
Received from Kari Wiik Groenli, d.o.b. 13th May 1953,
Underhaugvegan xx, xxxx Boe i Telemark, Norway. She was.......
Page 1088 (Page 2 of 4)
...... vacationing on Malta in the period of 17th - 23rd June
2007. While at the Airport outside Valetta, returning to Norway
on 23rd June 2007, she became aware of some fellow travellers.
At the time she was at Gate 14, and her plane was scheduled to
depart at 2150hrs.
She noticed two little girls who sat together. They spoke
English. Both of them were approx 4 years old. One of the girls
strongly resembled the missing British girl. The two girls were
in the company of another girl, approx 9 years old. Two men, who
were approx 50 years old, were looking after the three girls.
After a while, a woman and a security guard appeared. The
children, the men and the woman were escorted out through a
door. Kari Wiik Groenli got the impression that they were going
to Moscow.
Description of the girl who resembled Madeleine : approx 4 years
old, medium-length blond hair. She was wearing a T-shirt and she
spoke English.
Description of girl No. 2 : approx 4 years old, long dark curly
hair. She was wearing a skirt and a T-shirt, and she spoke
Description of girl No. 3 : approx 9 years old, medium-length
medium-curly hair that had been put up. She was wearing a skirt
and a T-shirt.
Description of the two men : approx 50 years old,
central-Europeans, plump, dark hair. They were wearing long
trousers and T-shirts.
Description of the woman : 40-50 years old, central-European,
plump. She was wearing a skirt.
The information was received by Police Chief Inspector Bjoemar
Lia, NCB Oslo, phone number : +47232xxxxx.
We hope this information will be useful for your investigation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further
Best regards
Interpol Oslo
Page 1089 (Page 3 of 4)
(Note : Here, is a handwritten
entry of 12 lines, in the Portuguese Language, which refers to 2
reported sightings in Malta. The remainder of the page is
blackened out)
Page 1090 (Page 4 of 4)
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 18th June 2007 18.23
Attach : Leics enquiry form A1198 A1775.doc
Subject : Priority 2 - Further Malta poss sightings.
We have asked the Maltese to look into these in addition to the
others they initiated.
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 18th June 2007 18.15
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref : 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Malta sightings
Here are two additional sighting reports in addition to what
Malta are already looking at in(sic) they can also be
Dc John Hughes |
1091 SOCA International enquiry form re sightings in Malta |
V, Vol 5, Page 1091 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1091 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1091a |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 144)....Page 1091-"SOCA International
enquiry form re sightings in Malta"
Page 1091 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
A1198 A1775
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Malta
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
1. Margaret Aquilana ST JOHN, of xxxxxxxxxx, Triq Ta Masaria,
Melliega, Malta, has left a message for this Incidence Room. She
reports she was on a bus at MSIDA, Malta on 21st May 2007 where
she saw a black woman get off the bus carrying a sleeping child
she believes is Madeleine McCann.
2. A British holidaymaker on his return home has reported a
possible sighting at Palm Court Hotel, QAWRA, Malta. This was of
a girl similar to Madeleine with a white female, 35-40 years,
collar length dark brown hair with auburn highlights, wearing a
blue T-shirt. The woman and child were having breakfast in the
restaurant on the morning of Tuesday 29th May.
1. Can Margaret Aquilana ST JOHN be sen and interviewed in
relation to her sighting.
2. Can the hotel and restaurant be checked for CCTV or staff
that may have witnessed these people.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1092 to 1093 Statement re sighting in Northwick PK Hospital,
Harrow |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1092 and 1093 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1092 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1093 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 146-147)....Pages 1092 to
1093-"Statement re sighting in Northwick PK Hospital, Harrow"
(Note : The
heading in the relevant TOC Listing is incorrect. The sighting
was at 'Ruislip Lido', Reservoir Road, Ruislip, Nr Harrow. The
Informant works
at Northwick PK Hospital, Harrow")
Page 1092 (Page 1 of 2)
Date received : 21st May 2007
Title : E-mail re sighting Ruislip Lido, Ruislip, Reservoir Road
- (illegible)
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal
Summary :
Witness as above saw & heard 'Madeleine' being told to remember
her name is "Jamie".
(Note : Here is a handwritten entry of 4 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 21st May 2007, headed with 'Policia
Inglese', and which refers to 'Madeleine/Jamie'. This entry may
have overwritten part of this report)
Page 1093 (Page 2 of 2)
Newton Martin |
1095 Statement re eliminated suspect, Spain |
V, Vol 5, Page 1095 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1095 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Page 148
)....Page 1095-"Statement re
eliminated suspect, Spain"
Page 1095 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal.
Enqs to Interpol.
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1052 : Priority : M
Text :
Identify driver of a van, xxxxxxx,
(similar to Transit) seen driving
from Marina Lo Pagan, towards St
Pedro, county of Mercia(sic),
Southern Spain at 1545hrs, 21st May
Patrick SOLOMONS, N918, said a girl
who looked like Madeleine was in the
vehicle with a young white man, with
dark hair.
Allocated to : Hughes DC443
Originating Document No. : M1285
Linked Actions : A1057
Result of Action :
Enqs conducted by Spanish Police.
Vehicle traced, owned by Spanish
National, Bxxxx Gxxxx.
His daughter looks very like N1,
(Note : 'like Madeleine'), and has
been seen, interviewed and
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 7 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 6th June 2007,
headed with 'Espanha', and which
refers to the suspect vehicle and it
and it's owner's elimination from
any suspicion)
1097 Email re Murcia, Spain sightings |
V, Vol 5, Page 1097 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1097 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 150 )....Page 1097-"Email re Murcia,
Spain sightings"
Page 1097 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 31st May 2007 12.40
Attach : A1052.pdf
Subject : A1052 Priority 2-poss sighting Murcia, Spain.
This cross refers to M458 and M457 which are already subject of
an Interpol request, these sightings seem to be very close
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 4 lines, in the Portuguese Language, and
which refers to 2 reported sightings in Spain, 21st May 2007,
and 31st May 2007. This entry does not appear to have
overwritten any of this report) |
1098 Email re request for help from Spanish police re sightings |
05-05 Apensos
V, Vol 5, Page 1098 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1098 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 151 )....Page 1098-"Email re request for
help from Spanish police re sightings"
Page 1098 (Page 1 of 1)
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 31st May 2007 12.34
To :
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 - Action NR : A1052
Attachments : Leics enquiry form A1052.doc ; M1285.pdf
Can we ask the Spanish to look at this. It needs to cross refer
to the request we sent on 23rd May 2007 at 10:42hrs as it seems
to be very close to this location and therefore increases our
interest in this one.
Dc John Hughes. |
1099 to 1105 SOCA International enquiry form re sightings in
Murcia, Spain |
05-05 - Apensos
V, Vol 5, Pages 1099-1105 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1099 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1100 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1101 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1102 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1103 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1104 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1105 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 152-156 )....Pages 1099 to 1105-"SOCA
International enquiry form re sightings in Murcia, Spain"
(Note : Pages 1103 and
1105 appear to be "Missing or Misplaced" pages)
Page 1099 (Page 1 of 5 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
White van, registration xxxx xxx, seen in MURCIA, Spain on 21st
May 2007 with a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann in the
The vehicle be traced and driver spoken with regarding the young
girl seen in his vehicle.
Original source document.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
Page 1100 (Page 2 of 5 )
Priority 2
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal
Enqs to Interpol
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1052 : Priority : M
Text :
Identify driver of a van, xxxxxxx, (similar to Transit) seen
driving from Marina Lo Pagan, towards St Pedro, county of
Mercia(sic), Southern Spain at 1545hrs, 21st May 2007.
Patrick SOLOMONS, N918, said a girl who looked like Madeleine
was in the vehicle with a young white man, with dark hair.
Allocated To : Hughes DC443
Originating Document No. : M1285
Linked Actions : A1057
Page 1101 (Page 3 of 5 )
(Note : Here, is an
unfilled "Allocate Action" form, with Action No. ref of A1052.
Page 1102 (Page 4 of 5 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1052 (Cont)
Originating Document No. : -
Incident Message : M1285 : Security Level : (illegible)
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 29th May 2007 : Time : 0840 : Priority : M
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCann to include
possible sightings
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Surname : SOLOMONS
Forename(s) : Patrick
Sex : Male
Telephone Number(s) : Mobile : 079600xxxxx
Address : HOME : (illegible apart from ) ...Hemel Hempstead,
Hertfordshire HPx xxD
Information :
At 1545hrs on Monday 21st May 2007, I was with my wife walking
towards St Pedro, (county of Murcia in Southern Spain) when I
saw a white van (coming from the Marina - Lo Pagan). Similar to
a transit van...(next 5 words illegible).
There was a young man, white, dark hair, driving - in the front
next to him was a little girl about 4 years old, with blonde
hair, she was...(word illegible)..in the front, very tired
(Note : The remainder of
the statement is very faint and quite illegible)
Page 1103 (Page 5 of 5 )
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 3 lines, (at the bottom
of the page), in the Portuguese Language, dated 27th May 2007,
headed with 'Policia Inglese'. The page is blackened out
Page 1104
(Note : This page appears
to be a "Missing or Misplaced" page)
Page 1105
(Note : This page appears
to be a "Missing or Misplaced" page) |
1106 Email re sighting in Toulouse, France |
V, Vol 5, Page 1106 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1106 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 157 )....Page 1106-"Email re sighting in
Toulouse, France"
Page 1106 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 13th August 2007 17.46
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Information Re : Madeleine McCann
From : Sheila Mallett (
Date : 13th August 2007 17.25
To : Dic.Portimao
Cc : Julie Black
Subject : CrimeStoppers Information Re : Madeleine McCann
The following Information has been submitted from the
CrimeStoppers Bureau as requested by Leicestershire Police.
If you have any queries regarding this Information, please
contact 01883731300
Kidnapping - Praia da Luz
Caller states that :
The caller has waived their right to anonymity, is willing to
speak with Police and give their details as Mr Craig BRODIE, Tel
: 00336230xxxxx.
On 21st May, the caller was driving towards Toulouse, France on
D632 and passed through the village of FONSORBES at 19.45hrs. A
blue/green Renault Clio overtook the caller, travelled in front
of him and took a side road into the village.
The vehicle was driven by a female. There were no other
passengers apart from a child, who stood up on the back seat.
The child closely resembled Madeleine and had hair of the same
style and colour. The child had an A3 size of drawing paper,
which the child held up at the car window so that the caller
could see, but the paper appeared blank. The caller remembers
that the child was completely expressionless and blank,
displaying no emotion whatsoever.
There is a fairly large contingent of Portuguese in Fonsorbes
but there are no posters concerning the abduction of Madeleine.
There is a bar in Fonsorbes named L'Adelino, where many of the
Portuguese gather.
Caller added nothing further. |
1107 to 1108 Statement of sighting in suburbs of Rome, Italy |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1107 and 1108 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1107 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1108 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 158-159 )....Pages 1107 to
1108-"Statement of sighting in suburbs of Rome, Italy"
Page 1107 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 5
ROME, 5th June 2007
Very Urgent
IP Lisbon
Info IP London
Our Ref : MI-123-U-B-2-2-2007-2287 /TA
Your Ref : PROC. 1807/07 MIN - Insp. Teresa Almeida
Officer case : Alfredo Tropeano
Subject : MCCANN Madeleine Beth, disappeared on 3rd May 2007 in
Please be informed that on 30th May 2007 we were informed that a
named BILARDO Pierina, born on 27th March 1952, resident in Rome
- Spinaceto Via Nicola Stame, xxx, reported to the Police
Station of Spinaceto (surburbs of Rome) to have seen, on 21st
May 2007 at 19:50hrs in a bus which crosses the Spinaceto area,
a child resembling McCANN Madeleine who was together with two
women, probably Romanian Nationals.
In the area, where has been seen the child resembling McCANN
Madeleine there are many gypsies fields.
The Police of Rome has been charged to make the appropriate
investigation/searches in order to trace and identify the child
resembling McCann Madeleine and the two Romanian woman
You will be informed as soon as we will get the results of the
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 5th June 2007, which refers to a
reported sighting in Italy. This entry has obscured a very small
part of this report. Please see following page)
Page 1108 (Page 2 of 2)
(Note : This page carries the same report as the previous page,
but without the handwritten entry in the Portuguese Language,
and therefore no obscuring of the report is present)
ROME, 5th June 2007
Very Urgent
IP Lisbon
Info IP London
Our Ref : MI-123-U-B-2-2-2007-2287 /TA
Your Ref : PROC. 1807/07 MIN - Insp. Teresa Almeida
Officer case : Alfredo Tropeano
Subject : MCCANN Madeleine Beth, disappeared on 3rd May 2007 in
Please be informed that on 30th May 2007 we were informed that a
named BILARDO Pierina, born on 27th March 1952, resident in Rome
- Spinaceto Via Nicola Stame, xxx, reported to the Police
Station of Spinaceto (surburbs of Rome) to have seen, on 21st
May 2007 at 19:50hrs in a bus which crosses the Spinaceto area,
a child resembling McCANN Madeleine who was together with two
women, probably Romanian Nationals.
In the area, where has been seen the child resembling McCANN
Madeleine there are many gypsies fields.
The Police of Rome has been charged to make the appropriate
investigation/searches in order to trace and identify the child
resembling McCann Madeleine and the two Romanian woman
You will be informed as soon as we will get the results of the
conducted investigations.
Best regards
Interpol Rome |
PJ Interpol Statement re sighting
in Spinaceta, Italy |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol V Page 1110 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1110 |
Policia Judiciária
National Interpol Cabinet
Very Urgent
IP Lisbon
Information for IP London
Subject: Madeleine Beth McCann, Missing Since 03-05-2007 in
We inform you that on 30th May 2007 we were told that Pierina
Bilardo, resident of Rome, reported to the Spinaceto police
(outskirts of Rome) that on 21st May 2007 at 19.50 she saw a
girl similar to Madeleine McCann in a car in Spinaceto,
accompanied by two women, probably Romanian citizens.
The area where the girl was seen has many gypsy camp sites.
Rome police are undertaking investigations to try to locate and
identify the girl who looked like Madeleine McCann and the two
Romanian women.
I will inform you when we receive the result of these
With compliments,
IP Rome
05-06-2007 |
1115 to 1118 Email re sighting in hotel in Mountauban, France |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1115-1118 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1115 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1116 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1117 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1118 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 165-168 )....Pages 1115 to 1118-"Email
re sighting in hotel in Mountauban, France"
Page 1115 (Page 1 of 4 )
From :
To :
Date : 7th June 2007 14.42
Subject : P13000018661900001 missing girl
From : SIRENE Denmark
To : SIRENE Portugal
Our ref : QJ 4091-07
Your ref : P13000018661900001
Missing girl Madeleine McCann, born 12th May 2003.
Ref is made to our message sent on 7th June 2007 at 13.50
Address to Jan and Jannie DUE is :
C/Granada xx, URB
Torremar 29xxx
Benalmadena Pueblo
Malaga, Spain
Phone : 0034-9524xxxxx
Best regards
SIRENE Denmark
___________________Original Message___________
From : Boel, Susanne Jermiin (SJB001)
Sent : 7th June 2007 13.50
Subject : QJ 4091-07 - URGENT
Priority : High
From : SIRENE Denmark
To : SIRENE Portugal
Page 1116 (Page 2 of 4 )
Our ref : QJ 4091-07
Your ref : P13000018661900001
Subject : The missing girl, Madeleine McCann, born 12th May
We have received information from a Danish National about an
observation made by his relatives, which could be connected to
the kidnapping of Madeleine McCann.
The relatives, Jan and Jannie DUE, Danish Nationals who are
residing in Spain, went to France for a holiday and stayed at
the hotel : IBIS ACCOR Hotels, Ibis Maonauban, Avenue de
Monclaar-les Chaumes - 82000 Montauban, France. Phone No. :
33(0)5632xxxxx - FAX 33(0)5632xxxxx, from 21st May to 22nd May.
When they arrived to the hotel , they went to the pool area and
their attention was soon drawn to the only other people at the
pool : a couple with a girl.
The couple was common looking but the girl caught their
Description :
About 4 years of age, normal build (looked like Madeleine), the
hair was darker than on the pictures of Madeleine, English
speaking. The hair looked strange for a 4 year old girl as it
was blow-dried in an adult hairstyle with incurving long hair.
The couple is described as follows :
The man :
In his late 30's or early 40's, English speaking, 178-180cm
tall, normal build, short dark and wavy hair, very discreet in
his behaviour.
The woman :
Same age as the man, English speaking, mousy short hair,
slightly plump build (she looked like Ulrike Meinhof).
The woman seemed to be on guard and was on the watch all the
The girl had no contact with the woman, when, for instance, she
got out from the pool. She had only contact with the man and it
seemed that she was interested in having contact with him. The
girl did not look afraid, nervous or uneasy.
At some point, Jannie DUE mentioned the name of Madeleine and
then the man immediately took the girl's hand and went to the
opposite side of the pool area, where there were no people.
After the experience at the pool, the Danish couple went to
their hotel room but they decided not to report it until they
returned to their home in Spain, as they do not speak French
very well. Once they returned to Spain, they contacted their
relative in Denmark, who is a Police Officer, and he then
contacted us today.
We hope that the above information is of any use.
We have tried to get the contact details of Jan and Jannie DUE.
We expect to receive it later today and will then send it to
Page 1117 (Page 3 of 4 )
Kind regards,
SIRENE Denmark
Page 1118 (Page 4 of 4 )
1118 to 1120 Letter sent to Kate and Gerry re psychic vision of
Cok Vanderlee, Netherlands |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1118-1120 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1118 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1119 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1120 |
Pages 168-171
)....Pages 1118 to 1120-"Letter sent to Kate and Gerry re
psychic vision of Cok Vanderlee, Netherlands"
Page 1118 (Page 1 of 3 )
(Note :
This page contains only a sketch of a man's face and shoulders,
drawn by Cok Vanderlee, and signed 'Cok Vanderlee' and dated 6th
June 2007, as an accompaniment to the letter sent to Gerald and
Kate McCann/Portuguese Police)
Page 1119 (Page 2 of 3 )
(Note :
This is a handwritten letter by Cok Vanderlee, and some parts of
it have been difficult to decipher)
Dear Kate, Gerry and the Portuguese Police,
My name is Cok Vanderlee. I live in Haarlem, The Netherlands.
Beside my work as an Antiques Dealer, I am what people call a
About 4 weeks ago my eldest brother, Louis, called me and asked
me if I heard about the Kidnapping of Madeleine. He spoke
to...(name illegible)..who is a friend of...(name
illegible)..and Arnond (friends of Kate and Gerry, Heemstede,
The Netherlands). (Name illegible)...came to my shop in Haarlem
and asked me to help in the situation. I...(?told)...her to do
my best and the past 3 weeks I gave her several pieces of
information including my first drawing which Arnond would send
to you. The face of the man I have it in my head fro 4 weeks now
but could not draw it perfectly until 1 and a half weeks ago.
They saw the drawing and got a little scared and sceptical
because it could be a relative/aquaintance of you. I understand
that...(name illegible)..and Arnond don't want to get in the
position negatively. Yesterday I get the face in my head very
clearly and put him on paper again with more details and without
the hair. I did it without the example of my last drawing. When
I compare it I see the same person as I drew last week so I feel
very strong about the identity of the Kidnapper and the drawing
! Together with this second drawing I send you a list with a
compilation of the information I get from the Angels above.
If you have questions, or want to talk, call me anytime. I hope
and pray it will help to find Madeleine as soon as possible.
With much love and many prayers,
Cok Vanderlee
Duvenvoordestraat xx - xx
xxxx AB
The Netherlands
Tel : 0031(0)6220xxxxx - 0031(0)6105xxxxx
Page 1120 (Page 3 of 3 )
(Note :
This is a further handwritten statement by Cok Vanderlee, and
some parts of it have been difficult to decipher)
- The man, about 38 years old is known in the environment.
- Has big fear in his eyes because is scared to get caught.
- He took Madeleine in a blanket away from the apartment.
- Has 2 Nationalities, could also be a part English.
- He has problems in his lower stumic(sic) (?stomach?), where he
uses medicines for.
- He got very scared because of the fast and big
media...(?alert?).... .
- He has driven a car in Portugal what looks like a 4x4 Toyota
Land Cruiser.
- He had just made new friends last year in the environment.
- I had a dream that he was helped by a small woman with a
"French haircut", slightly brown/red who I saw in that dream on
a Garden party which is held last half to 1 year. She has a
problem/ scars on her right arm. A good friend of mine had the
same dream a week later and did not know that I was
concentrating on the case !!
- I see a room with a metal bed and boy toys, such as cars, not
for girls.
- The room, with the old metal bed is also been seen by my
friend, David, in his dream.
- I see a house, (English), where a man works outside (the
cleaning or painting the window). He has the same posture as the
man on the drawing.
- The room, with the bed is like a 'souterrain', a cellar like
room, boarded to the east-side part of a garden.
7th June 2007 Don 14.04 FAX 023 5316542 |
1122 Statement re sighting in Paris Beauvais airport |
V, Vol 5, Page 1122 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1122 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 05)....(PDF Page 172 )....Page
1122-"Statement re sighting in
Paris, Beauvais Airport"
Page 1122 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 17th July 2007 10.22
Subject : Result A2798-for review.
A2798 asks for an Interpol request
re a poss sighting at Paris Beauvais
Airport on 21st May 2007. The child
was in a pushchair. In view of the
age of the report and the small size
of the child, no Interpol request
has been asked. Please advise if any
further action required.
Dc John Hughes
: An English handwritten entry is
also included, stating, "Action
needs...(word illegible).
: Here, is a handwritten entry of 4
lines, in the Portuguese Language,
dated 17th July 2007, and which
refers to 'A2798', and a reported
sighting in Paris, 21st May 2007)
1145 to 1149 Email re negative result of German sighting |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1145-1149 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1145 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1145a |
apenso5_vol_5_p1146 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1147 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1148 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1149 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 05)....(PDF Pages 197-200 )....Pages 1145 to 1149-"Email
re negative result of German sighting"
Page 1145 (Page 1 of 4 )
Priority 5
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 6th June 2007 10.10
Attach : A1398.pdf
Subject : A1398 Priority 5 - negative result re sighting.
This is the negative result re a sighting in Germany on 22nd May
2007, girl traced and eliminated. The request was sent to you as
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
6th June 2007, and which refers to a negative result re a
reported sighting in Germany on 22nd May 2007)
Page 1146 (Page 2 of 4 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1398 : Priority : L
Text :
Arrange Interpol enquiries re possible sighting of Madeleine on
the A7 Motorway in Germany.
Allocate to DC443 HUGHES
Originating Document No. : M774
Originating Details : DC443 HUGHES
Result of Action (Please write clearly) :
Enquiries completed via Interpol.
Vehicle traced, the keeper was a German National Exxxxx Oxxxx,
travelling with friends including a Latvian national, Axxxx
Jxxxxxxxx, who confirms the girl seen was his daughter Dxxxxxx
Jxxxxxxxx, born 29th July 2003.
The girl has been seen and Passports and ID Documents checked.
All in order, no further actions required.
Result scanned and E-mailed to Portugal.
Page 1147
Note : This page appears
to be a "Missing
Page 1148 (Page 3 of 4 )
Priority 3
Scan to Portugal
R/A Interpol enqs.
Incident Message : M1151 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date 26th May 2007 : Time : 1226 : Priority : H
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Title/Rank/ID Number : Mr
Surname : RITCHIE
Forename(s) : Thomas
Sex : Male
Telephone Number(s) : -
Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 8 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
26th May 2007, which refers to a report of a sighting on 22nd
May 2007. This entry has overwritten almost all of the above
Page 1149 (Page 4 of 4 )
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : Colin
Surname : DERRETT
Action No(s). : A1555 |
1150 SOCA International enquiry form re Egyptian sightings |
V, Vol 5, Page 1150 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1150 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 05)....(PDF Page 201 )....Page 1150-"SOCA International
enquiry form re Egyptian sightings"
Page 1150 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
M1151 / M13444
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Egypt
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
In relation to the missing child Madeleine McCann, there have
been 2 reported possible sightings from EGYPT.
1. About 15:00hrs on 23rd May 2007, a boat called 'Galaxy Sharm'
was seen nesr to Sharm el Sheikh. There were 3 men on board, one
of them was holding a child that looked like Madeleine. He took
the child below deck.
2. About 20:15hrs on 22nd May 2007, a young girl was seen
sitting on the steps of the shopping mall which is part of the
Four Seasons Hotel, Moorad Street, Cairo. She ran into a
restaurant and joined a man and woman there.
It is requested that local Authorities make enquiries in an
effort to trace any witnesses to these incidents, and to
preserve any CCTV footage that may be of use. Can the boat owner
be seen in relation to the sighting on that vessel.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1152 Email re Greek/Cypriot cooperation re sightings |
V, Vol 5, Page 1152 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1152 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 05)....(PDF Page 202 )....Page
1152-"Email re Greek/Cypriot
cooperation re sightings"
Page 1152 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 18th July 2007 17.40
Attach : Leics enquiry form
Subject : Poss sighting
Cyprus-priority 2.
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 18th July 2007 17.36
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07
Operation Task-Cyprus enquiries.
Can we ask the Greek/Cypriot
Authorities to follow this possible
sighting up please.
Dc John Hughes
: Here, is a handwritten entry of 6
lines, in the Portuguese Language,
and dated 18th July 2007, which
refers to a reported sighting on a
SEADOO sports boat, named 'Bad Man',
at a watersports area in Cyprus, on
22nd June 2007)
1153 SOCA International enquiry form re sighting in Cyprus |
V, Vol 5, Page 1153 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1153 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 05)....(PDF Page 203 )....Page 1153-"SOCA International
enquiry form re sighting in Cyprus"
Page 1153 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Cyprus
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
A British holidaymaker was on holiday recently in the resort of
Ayla Napa, CYPRUS. They report that about 2.30pm. on 22nd June
2007, they were at th ebeach of the resort Limanaki near to the
watersports jetty. They saw a black 4-seater SEADOO sports boat
come ashore there. It was named 'BAD MAN', written across the
back of the boat. On the boat were a Mediterranean appearance
man and woman in their 30's. The man had black hair tied back in
a ponytail and the woman was pregnant. They had a girl with them
that looked like Madeleine McCann.
We request local enquiries to trace the coat and identify the
child seen.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1155 to 1156 Statement re sighting at German service station |
V, Vol 5, Pages 1155 and 1156 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1155 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1156 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 05)....(PDF Pages 205-206)....Pages 1155 to 1156-
"Statement re sighting at German service station"
Page 1155 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal
Sent to Interpol
Incident Message : M774 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date 22nd May 2007 : Time : 1349 : Priority : L
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Surname : PUCI
Forename(s) : Andrew
Sex : Male
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 078668xxxxx
Address : HOME : xx, Sxxxxx Cxxxx, Northway, Tewkesbury,
Gloucestershire, England, GLxx xxA
Information :
I'm a professional driver. I'm in GERMANY at the moment
travelling on the A7. About 12pm UK time, 1pm German time I
think I saw Madeleine at a service station. This is the first
service station on the A7 about 15 kilometers south of Hamburg,
about J37 southbound. The girl was about 5 years old wearing a
cream cotton skirt, cream or light blue T-shirt and cream and
blue patterned tights. She was holding a woolley knitted rag
doll. Her hair was blonde and in a ponytail. She was with 2 men.
One mid-50's, one late-40's. They were in a Citreonmini-bus
which was done out like a camper van inside, I could see cooking
facilities and beds. It had tinted windows. It was burgundy in
colour with a German registration of 'xxxxxxx'. I thought it
strange because one of the men was holding a handful of toilet
tickets, which suggested to me that they had been travelling for
some time. You have to purchase a toilet ticket to use the
toilet at a service station and they had lots of them.
Page 1156 (Page 2 of 2 )
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : Jane
Surname : PARKER
Registrar/Indexer : (name
2215 |
1157 Email from DC Hughes re German sighting |
V, Vol 5, Page 1157 |
apenso5_vol_5_p1157 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 5,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 05)....(PDF Page 207 )....Page
1157- "Email from DC Hughes re
German sighting"
Page 1157 (Page 1 of 1 )
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 22nd May 2007 18.05
To :
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07
Attachments : M774.pdf
Can we ask the German Police to look
into this vehicle and see if there
is any imagery to secure in relation
to this sighting.
Dc John Hughes